Her NDE Baffled the Cops & Confused the Doctors (Near-Death Experience)

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I was held a gunpoint inside of my home and they abducted me I was handcuffed to her bed and wearing a mask so I saw no light for 14 days I was tortured I was beaten I was Ted it was horrific I was literally awaiting my dad right I really had no option but to place the future of my kids in God's hands and say okay I know you love them more than I do just please take care of them and I I just kind of gave up I remember drifting off into a sleep literally in the blink of an eye I was above myself so confused okay how can I be here and how cond that me so I went down to take a closer look when I saw that it was me I saw the mask the handcuffs the room that I was held in but the odd thing was there was absolutely no pain in fact I felt better than I had ever felt in my entire life I saw light I was free from the side of my eye I saw a light a white light started to grow larger and larger and as as it grew larger out of that light stepped Jesus I was so humbled and Overjoyed at the same time I assumed he was wearing white but there was so much white light emanating from him you couldn't really discern if it was a robe or uh if there was a hood or anything like that but his head was exposed his hair his face was exposed and there was just white light I remember looking at his toes and thinking oh he's wearing a sandle and then I looked a little closer and then I realized wait a minute that's not a sandle that's just light he was bare feet he picked me up and cradled me just like you would an infant it's not logical that an adult would F into another adult's arms like an infant but I did and I snuggled on him and he he touched my hair and he said it's okay it's okay now you'll be okay no more pain no more suffering you can rest explain what a comfort that was to me next L uh when I awaken we were walking on the beaches a PN I just mared at everything just like a little baby word and I remember looking up over his shoulder and I noticed that where he walked there were no fo why is that immediately he said because you're not supposed to go back when it dawned on me oh I'm not going to see my babies again there was no sorrow it was like an acceptance of a fact and this is what he one of the things he said to me it's an impossibility to feel sorrow or fear or shame or guilt or any negative emotion in that realm and he put me on the S and just like a little baby for the first time on the beach know wiggling my toes in digging my feet in when I stoop down you know I held the grains at the S they were they were Crystal they were actual crystals but they didn't hurt my feet it was very very soft and he helded my hand and we walked along the beach and I observed the water but oddly enough as he sted the movement of the water would stop and it was strange because how could they not be at least a little Ripple in the water so I'm questioning you know logically in my head and responding to me and he says that's because everything was stand still in my presence and when we passed by then there would be a little Ripple after it it was just so awesome Indescribable the green and the trees now by was like nothing never see the sky well there was no Sky just light everywhere no blue no clouds so in my mind I'm asking so where is the light coming from because there was no sun and his response was the light you see is the light of God oh but I didn't fully understand until I looked at a rock nearby The Rock itself was completely surrounded with light there was no Shadow I looked at the leaves on the tree there was no shadow of any Lea and it was then I observed the light of God is just everywhere all at once when we got to the end of the beach there was an even more brilliant white light and out of that white light was a voice voice of God he said so Daddy you do want to go back for your kids and I almost felt embarrassed but I could not you know there was this inability to be embarrassed because I know there would be no judgment I said yes I Really they need me I need to go back if I can and then he said okay you can go back to your children but this is what you must continue to do for me on earth when you showed me what the book would look like bare feet I saw the cover design and believe me I've had many suggestion oh let's change this to the ACT and I said nope NOP Noe if it means the book sells less this is what God wants this is what I want to do that light disappeared and I knew I just knew okay everything was going to be okay I turned around and Jesus was all BR smile grinning almost you know he was so happy and he looked at me and he said uh everything will be okay now you'll see he placed his hand on my head and there was this war that permeated every Str Str of hair down to the SS of my feet and at that point I it occurred to me he's removing every illness from me then we walked back around the beach and when we were almost at the beginning of the beach he hugged me one more time and then he disappeared so I took two steps forward and there on my left side and my right side were uh Saints they were all wear white roles but their heads were covered I'm not sure if they were I was not permitted to see what their faces looked like but their heads were all bowled with the with the the hood over my left shoulder was Archangel Michael whom I grew up not knowing anything about and on my right shoulder was was Archangel Gabriel the Angels white light with the wings people have this opinion that uh White and sloy and order for lack of a better face they are bad in excess of 9 ft tall AR K Michel with his sword they are like soldiers they are not very feathery they are there on business mother Mary however was wearing a light brown tunic her hair was covered but you could see her face the Saints bow their heads pray for me and mother Mary the only one that turned lifted her face and looked at me and she smiled a mother smile and she said to me God always answers the prayer of a mother suddenly began to goow very tired and I lay down on the sand in a feto position you know C up feto position and I remember my journey back to my body I was lying through space and time ring light I was really like a Dan I knew that I could go back to my past I wanted to I could visit other planets um man I was just that was unreamed and awesome and there there was um unfortunately annoying that I had to go back to my body and I remember that gas suddenly this body felt so much worse when you've experienced that freedom that life what's really real and then you come back to this it can be so stressing I Still I Long for home this is not home people this is a camping trip compared to what awaits us when I returned to my body I was calm because I knew it would be okay there was no more air I spent 12 days waiting to die not knowing in what Manner I would be killed and of course Imagining the worst possible waste but there I was after this experience absolutely um and smiling I had no clue how it was going to happen when it was going to happen but I knew it would be okay two nights later they accepted the proposal to to try one more drop of of the ROM money and that was successful and I res all God's message to the world was I see all I hear all I know all that happens in the darkness and the light and I Sav he saved me for impossible situation the police couldn't understand why the kidnapper would give me back my own phone so I can call my husband that has never been done nobody understands why the keeper was a beast towards me and then the very next day he became my protector and swore to me that he was my friend and they would anybody coming to hurting me would have to kill him first that was deing Intervention when I put everything in God's hands that's what happened because he admitted to me I'm a stone cool killer I've killed many people I've butchered many people in my life and he cried and you apologize apologize that was not my doing that's God's doing when I went to the doctor to the hospital after I was released the doctors told me point to burn Debby most likely you would have contracted HIV around one of his he told me there was a 98% chance that I have HIV I was not worried cuz I knew that when Jesus did this all of when the test the final test came back they were all negative the doctor was bad he was confused no no so take comfort please take comfort that is not to be fair we don't die we leave our we leave our Meats behind and we continue to live so that is not something to be p in fact I look forward to it when my time is come oh my gosh I will be thrilled call home and going home that's the excitement the book that I wrote B feet tells a lot about that experience in great detail I will put the link to my Instagram and Facebook and website and so on I I do a lot of counseling as well trauma counseling PTSD uh sexual assault that kind of thing usually it's no charge [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shaman Oaks
Views: 379,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: near-death experience, nde, near death experience, afterlife, death and dying, spiritual awakening, life after death, afterlife evidence, nde stories, afterlife communication, nde research, beyond death, afterlife proof, near death experiences, near death, near death experience heaven, nde experience, near death experiences stories, my near death experience story time, near death experience story, god, nde 2024, Christian NDE, nde jesus, mother mary, true crime
Id: CCneLJxpcpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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