4 HORRIFYING True Paranormal Stories | Scary Encounters and Experiences With The Paranormal

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this story is a bit long instead of a singular story from this one person they described all the other experiences that they've had leading up to their most recent experience which gives us a timeline and a lot more background information I'll start off with the first paranormal experience I've ever had I don't remember this but my mom told me about it when I was in my late teens my mother and I were staying at my aunts house during the summer and I was around one-year-old my mother and I were in the guest bedroom and she was trying to sleep but I was wide awake early in the morning and decided to hop out of bed and play with some toys she was woken by the sound of a toy electric piano I was playing on the floor near her bedside she was very tired and asked me to stop making so much noise I continued playing and she eventually snatched the keyboard from me to remove the batteries so that she could give me the keyboard back and I could very quietly keep myself entertained she then realized that the toy already didn't have any batteries in it and she became a little freaked out when she tried to play the piano it wouldn't work no matter what she did she then handed me the piano and I began to play it being raised Catholic and being seriously freaked the hell out she screamed grabbed me and the toy and ran into my aunts living room waking everyone up with her scream they all rushed into the living room and asked my mom what was wrong she then explained to them that the powerless toy shouldn't work but when I play with it it works perfectly my aunt tested the theory by trying to play the piano nothing she then handed me the piano and I started to play it everyone in the room was apparently extremely freaked out my uncle then grabbed the toy took it into the street and smashed the [ __ ] out of it with a hammer and well that was the end of that one skipping ahead to the year I was in fourth grade we moved from Kentucky to a nice small town in southwestern Illinois this is a town near where I was originally born and close to where the toy piano story took place we moved to a much older house than the previous one we lived in after being there for a few months I decided to meet our neighbors the young girl that lived next door explained to me that every person that's lived in the house she lived in has either committed suicide or been murdered as a young impressionable kid I was definitely scared later that same day my stepfather asked me to please get his tools from the basement so he could do some house projects now the basement as much as I remember consisted of a small room with a washer and dryer in it a small room beside it with a bed and TV in it used as a guest room and in the corner of the guest room was a small boarded up small closet / room some of the board's were falling off the doorway into the completely pitch black corner room I got the worst feeling being around that in closing and sometimes when I went downstairs the tools would rattle and wiggle on the wall and I could see somewhat of a black mist coming out of that small rooms doorway I refused to go downstairs after the whole tool rattling thing a few months later I stayed up a bit late playing video games I had a weird dream about my parents fighting in my mom getting hit by a car I woke up right when the car hit my mom in my dream I woke up but not in a panic state which usually happens when you have a nightmare for some crazy reason my head turned itself to the left to face the hallway in my parents bedrooms doorway a golden man who seemed to be from the early pioneer time slowly began to walk past my bedroom doorway I stared at him eyes wide thinking to myself you should be freaked the [ __ ] out right now why aren't you scared for some reason I felt such at peace while staring at this man walking past my room was he an angel or just some kind of protective spirit I don't know he locked eyes with me and stopped right in the middle of my doorway gave me a quick smile and waved his hand with two fingers facing the ceiling kind of like a cowboy he then turned and walked past my door until he was gone I don't know what freaked me out more the fact that I saw a ghost or the fact that I wasn't scared of him when I saw him about six years later we moved to an old farmhouse back in Kentucky right by my new high school the house was even older than the one in Illinois and had a creep factor to it that was tenfold of my old house there was a big creek behind the backyard and next door was a very nice old man named Frank a few months living in the house I would start noticing what felt like breathing on my neck at night and very faint whispers being said in my ear I would wake up and it would completely stop sometimes I would even hear footsteps going up and down the steps to the upstairs bedroom in the attic one day I ran into Frank and asked him about my house my mother pretended to not believe me whenever stuff like this happened because it freaked her out so much Frank told me that the last couple that lived there noticed weird stuff going on in one night they just all of the sudden moved out leaving a lot of their stuff behind as if they got the [ __ ] scared out of them and ran for their lives he also informed me that he's found tons of old native-american arrowheads and medicine tools in the creek behind my house he's found a lot of this stuff over the years and believes that this land used to be the home of local Native Americans a very long time ago nothing different ever happened in that house until the day we were moving my mom asked me to take some boxes out to the car while she packed her small things in the bathroom up as I was bringing a big heavy box out the front door I noticed what I can only describe as a black cloud with eyes in it floating around the corner of the house as soon as I noticed it and it noticed me it flew very quickly around the corner and out of view I dropped the box and ran around the corner while yelling for my mom the cloud was gone and my mom ran outside I told her what had happened and she once again told me that she didn't believe me and I should quit trying to get attention I was starting to get a bit fed up with the fact that she wouldn't believe me she's supposed to protect me but how can she protect me from something she refused to even look for now let's move ahead to about two weeks later and this is where and when [ __ ] starts to get crazy we moved to a house about fifteen minutes away into a newer house in a rough neighborhood I lived in a circle of houses on a dead-end street about two weeks after settling into the new place I invited a friend over to stay the night and play some halo three with me on my xbox 360 when he got here he told me he got creeped out by the place even though it was a brand new house about three hours after we started playing some games online we heard what sounded like plastic skidding across the tile floor no one was home but us so maybe it's a mouse or something we looked back at the TV and continued playing about five minutes later we heard the noise again and we both snapped our heads towards the direction of the sound as soon as we moved our heads into that direction our vacuum cleaner started rolling by itself towards us down the hallway my heart sank and we both probably [ __ ] ourselves while we stared in complete terror we heard what sounded like a female laughing playfully I ran upstairs thinking my mom was home and playing some sort of sick prank I got to the top of the stairs and ran to her bedroom and flung it open as hard as I could to yell at her but no one was there I know I'm not crazy we both heard and saw what happened about a month later I met the boy who lived two houses down his name was clay and his friend who lived a street over was named Luis these two guys quickly became my best friends and still are to this day I told clay what happened and he decided we should call whatever entity was in my house mrs. giggles since she seemed to enjoy laughing so much he was sort of freaked out when I told him I thought that my house was haunted he began to inform me that the house between our houses was where they originally wanted to move but the night that they came to check out the house they pulled into the driveway before the realtor did and decided to get out and look around the garage door was opened about a foot and a half off the ground when they got out of the car they could see dark bluish feet run from one side of the garage to the other so they instead insisted on moving next door instead of the crazy blue feet house this scared the [ __ ] out of me what if the whole [ __ ] circle of houses is haunted what if this used to be a yard or something over the next few months creepy [ __ ] would happen almost every night I slept in one of the two bedrooms on the top floor and almost every night I would hear running from my sister's room across the hall to my room I would constantly wake up to what sounds like very heavy and aggressive breathing on my neck and ear but when I would turn to go look at it it would stop one night all of my friends were away at another friend's house for a gaming session and I was stuck at home my mom was going out with some friends and she said she'd be back in a few hours and I could rent a movie on the TV if I wanted since I'd be home alone for a while hours passed and the Sun went down I was sitting on the couch in my small living room by the stairs that went to the top floor around 11 p.m. I started getting chills and the room began to freeze and we all know what that means I called my mom and asked when she'd be home and told her how freaked out I was getting she told me I was being paranoid and that everything was okay but she still wouldn't be home for a while another hour passed and I started hearing what sounds like running upstairs then laughing overlapped the footsteps I officially started freaking out I tried calling my mom and my friends but my phone had no service I started having a panic attack and curled into a fetal position on my couch the Laughing grew louder and louder and all the decorations on the wall began violently slamming against the wall swinging back and forth over and over again I put my hands up to my ears and shut my eyes to try and calm down and reject whatever was going on the plates in the kitchen next to me started falling and breaking on the floor the couch started to shake oh god am I going to die I thought I jumped up and ran towards the kitchen to run out my back door but as soon as I got to the small circular mirror on the living room wall everything stopped and I glanced into the mirror and saw who had been putting me through this hell and giving me a heart attack it was a small bluish purple and gray girl with hair that was dark and wet and resembled oil water dripping off her rotted flesh she shot me a big nasty smile and start - giggle by this point I've pissed all over myself and I'm frozen in fear the blue girl mrs. giggles then lets out this horrid scream everything in the house hits the walls at the exact same time making one big loud booming thud I then passed out and my mom woke me up when she got home yelling at me for making such a mess I tried explaining to her what happened but she wouldn't have it she told me she was so tired of these ghost stories and that I needed to grow up I honestly didn't care I was getting yelled at I was just so glad that she was home a few weeks later she decided that we were going to move the next town over since she got in a big fight with our landlord over some stupid stuff I honestly can say that that was the scariest night of my life after moving my mom came up to me and apologized for never believing me about the freaky [ __ ] that was going on I got surprised and asked her what happened she told me that when she was getting the last box in our living room she heard footsteps running upstairs while she was bending down to grab this stuff when she looked up there was a blue girl standing by the kitchen just staring at her my mom ran out of the house and sped faraway from there only two minor things ever happened after that the house we moved into next I saw blue feet that faded into nothing above mid-calf of the leg they were walking in my kitchen I knew it was her trying to get me to react emotionally I swallowed my fear and stood there with a smile and then the feet vanished a few weeks after my wives grandfather passed away she told me that she saw a shadow figure in our bedroom but when I went to investigate I saw nothing I decided trying to stay as positive as possible keeps these things away it's been about six years since my last experience and I'm trying my best to keep that number growing so let this be somewhat of a lesson if you're a parent and your child ever gets freaked out and tells you about some [ __ ] like this please for the love of God give them the benefit of the doubt and if anything like this ever happens to you stand your ground these things feed off of emotion this happened when I was 14 three years prior we moved into a four year old house and a relatively secure estate it didn't take long for us to notice that we weren't the only residents at first it was small things like doors and windows opening by themselves weird knocking sounds etc then it started getting worse the hurricane lamp in my room burst into flames No the candle had been snuffed it wasn't even glowing we had a weird incident where my mom and I heard the dial tone of a cell phone when neither of us had placed a call which was shortly followed by ghost rain and bizarre dripping in the ceiling I'd also felt some 11th presence seen shadow people and I'd even been touched by whatever it was but none of that comes close to what I'm about to share one night it was about 10 o'clock I got into bed after reading my Bible and I was just dozing off when a strange thought penetrated my mind you're not going to sleep tonight the words echoed in my head and I couldn't explain why I'd had that thought I brushed it off as me being paranoid or something rolled onto my side and turned off the light it was then that fear gripped my body as another thought no not even a thought another voice popped into my head look at me it hissed my heart skipped a beat in my breath caught because I knew for a fact that that had not been one of my own thoughts and I had this strange urge to turn to look in the corner on the opposite side of my room there in the corner above my door crouched upside down on the ceiling was a dark shadowy humanoid figure I bolted upright and reached for my lamp switch naturally when light flooded the room it was gone I glanced around my room my heart thundering in my chest I eventually dismissed it as having been a product of my imagination I laid back down and turned off the light that was when the flashes started I got a flash of my own fearful still form lying in bed the angle of which could only be observed from that corner and I knew something was watching me my heart felt like it was going to explode as I whispered the Lord's Prayer I was so scared I could feel this thing's hatred towards me I could physically feel how much it wanted to do me harm I blinked rapidly and tried to get my breathing under control but another flash vision came to me and I was observing myself from directly behind me I nearly screamed when something brushed against my shoulder I whispered the Lord's Prayer again but the thing only came back I heard a loud click like my closet door being unlocked and I was observing myself from the foot of my bed ice cold fingers gripped my ankle and pulled me down I felt tears stinging my eyes and all I could think was that I was going to die I flailed for the light switch and I was relieved when my fingers touched it I flicked the light on and the malevolent presence seemed to fade a bit I eventually worked up the courage to get out of my bed and to get my dad and tell him what happened it was 2:00 a.m. when all of this happened my father was a skeptic and he usually had a logical explanation for everything but when I told him about the events that transpired in my bedroom just moments before he believed me he came into my room in prayed I'm sure he felt it too I eventually went to sleep and when I woke up I had nasty bruises on my ankle to say I was terrified would be an understatement needless to say after a few years in that house my father is no longer a skeptic seeing as we've had countless more scenarios involving some other entity he himself claims to have had physical encounters with a spirit my mother also says so none of us scare easily but each of us can give you a truly terrifying account of something that's happened in that damn house anyways thank you for listening to my story I've had it rattling around in my head for a while now I know it sounds crazy I thought so too at the time but I guarantee that it is 100% true my name is cat and this happened to me when I was 17 in 2007 first I'd like to say that this will sound entirely like poorly worded fiction so skeptics feel free to pick it apart and if you have an explanation for something I'd love to hear it okay so here's some boring groundwork it'll be important soon my grandparents home was small it had a front door that they never used and they favored the door in the garage the door from the garage consisted of an oak door with windows which opened inward and to get to the aforementioned at door you had to go up four concrete steps and open a glass door which opened outward they didn't have a dining room but instead a round kitchen table near the door to the garage my grandfather always sat in his lazy boy chair with his legs propped up the chair faced the television perfectly but the volume had to be incredibly high due to his difficulty hearing he was dedicated to always washing wrestling in hockey I mean all of hockey following his passing my grandmother had decided to move in with my aunt in Florida my mother my sister and myself moved into the house for up key benda free rent my grandmother had placed what was essentially a shire to my grandfather with many pictures and his urn in the living room it creeped everyone out a little but we never moved it you know out of respect after a few weeks of being in the house things got really weird I basically lived on my laptop which I would often use in the middle of the night I was incredibly quiet as to not wake the others all of a sudden my grandpa's chair started rocking I hopped up freaked the hell out then simultaneously the footrest on the chair popped out whilst the TV turned on with a higher volume than any of us had ever said it and it turned to a hockey game none of us would have watched that Channel I was spooked too high hell but I decided that it was late and I'd figure out the things that caused it when I woke up even if it was a ghost it was clearly my grandpa and he wouldn't hurt anything when I woke up I told my mother and my sister we all agreed that it had to be something rational first we looked at the mechanics of the chair nothing was out of place nothing was loose even when we tried to recreate it huh weird next we decided to check the remote as it was a universal remote and maybe someone else was on the same frequency and TV the neighborhood was a close-knit neighborhood so we had no problems checking around no one had the same TV as us and didn't have any brand similar to our remote okay really freaking weird we decided that if it was grandpa he was kind of just hanging out the chair and TV thing became normal for us part of the quirk of the house until one day it got intense I was sitting at the kitchen table late at night reading text books I had maybe four books out and one that I was reading these are heavy books I might add suddenly a huge gust of wind came in with such force that it pushed the wooden doors wide open while leaving the glass door closed the wind blew all of my books across the room and sent the hanging lamp into a violently flailing thing it blew my hair back but nothing came close to my direction It was as if the wind straight up avoided me it was a calm night still air we'd locked both the garage exterior doors then the wooden one and also locked and wedged the door so a gust of wind couldn't be the cause after that the chair and TV thing calmed down the chair would only rock slightly and the volume didn't blast when the TV came on eventually we couldn't handle the thought of grandpa hanging around while there was basically a shrine to him we put his urn in the closet with a photo of him in one of his favorite shirts we left one photo in the living room and respectfully stored the other photos the TV stopped turning on the chair stopped rocking and the wind thing only occurred that one time it just stopped about a week later I fell asleep in his chair I half --lo cup and felt a warm hand like feeling stroking my cheek and hair like my grandfather did when I night terrors as a child after that there was nothing nothing at all all right so I don't personally believe in ghosts fully and I look for any probable reason for the occurrence I was born a skeptic of everything I got it from my father I tried very hard to rationalize the events and found no reasonable explanation for it even thinking about it years later some might say it was my grandfather's ghost or spirit while others would just call it [ __ ] and that's okay I'm on the middle defence myself but it's hard to ignore your own in the flesh experience all I do really know is that those events in that house were some of the weirdest most mind-bending and terrifying experiences I've ever encountered my name is Daniel I'm 22 years old from South Wales UK this all happened four years ago when I was 18 my family and I just moved into a new house overlooking our town on the edge of the mountain I was moving all my stuff into my room when my cat ran in for some attention I was too busy to care so I kind of just tossed him out into the corner of the hallway and when he landed he literally lost his [ __ ] he started hissing like crazy thrashing at thin air and finally sprinted away with all this hair puffed up at the time I thought nothing of it for the next three months things were fine at Christmas my whole family went to my grandparents for a week leaving me alone and that's when [ __ ] really got weird I started feeling like I was constantly being watched no matter where I was in the house one day I had a girl over and we were watching TV when I noticed that the Christmas tinsel my parents had hung over the photo frames were starting to bend upwards on their own like someone was pulling it once again I thought nothing of it maybe my mind was playing tricks on me until about five minutes later when the TV just turned off still in denial I think nothing of it again but then no [ __ ] something poked me in the back of the head hard and I almost jumped through the [ __ ] ceiling later that night the girl I had over left and a soon as I stepped back into my house that feeling hit me again the feeling that I was being watched the feeling of dread and darkness I tried to ignore it and went to my room to play some ps3 it worked in for a few hours I was actually okay I finally went to bed at about 1:30 a.m. and I was laying in pitch-black darkness when I hear scratching at my door this isn't unusual as I have three cats so I went to the door and all three of my cats are just sitting there this was weird as [ __ ] because to be honest they never really came near me as they preferred my sisters so I let them all in and they all pounced on my bed as I try to doze off again but I keep noticing that they are all constantly watching something in my room all three cats looked in the same direction then they'd all looked the other way as if they were looking at something that uneasy feeling comes back again and I just lay there slowly getting more and more worried remembering what had happened hours earlier I then hear my gaming chair start to spin really slowly which makes every single hair on my body stand up and for about three minutes I just lay there hoping this is all just some sort of fucked-up dream and then it stops silence all my cats seem to relax and lie down next to me I finally lay on my side and start to drift off but then the most horrifying moment of my life occurred I'm getting goosebumps just remembering it something whispered my name in my [ __ ] ear Dan it paralyzed me I was frozen with fear and I went cold about 20 minutes later I finally plucked up the courage to sprint to my light and turn it on I spent the night sitting in my bed pretty much crying until the Sun came up which is when I finally got some sleep I woke up at about midday and went for a bath still [ __ ] my pants about what had happened the night before I was relaxing in the bath when that [ __ ] feeling came back like there were eyes on my back so I turned to look at the door and there was a head like somebody was leaning from the side of the door and looking in on me this time I screamed then whatever this thing was walked into the bathroom it's hard to explain what it looked like it's kind of like when you have it on locked a character in a game and they're just shaded out that's what I saw a full human body that was gray and partially transparent anyway at this point I would have drowned myself if it meant not looking at it it just looked at me not moving for about a minute when I had this stupid idea to try and talk to it I remembered back to a horror movie I watched where a character said something along the lines of if you ask a ghost to leave you alone it will so I somehow muffled out the words I'm sorry but you're really scaring me can you please just leave me alone its head cocked to the side like you do when you're thinking about something and then it just disappeared I got out of the bath and spent the next few days at a friend's house until my family got back I told my family what had happened but they did nothing but mock me for being a [ __ ] and imagining things I got so much ridicule for my stories that I actually started to believe that I had dreamt it all anyways fast forward months later we moved out and we get a call from the landlord of the old house and guess what she asks my mother she basically asked if we moved out because of the poltergeist but anyway I'm just glad to get my story out there hey everyone hope you enjoyed the video I just wanted to take a quick moment to talk about the validity of paranormal stories obviously when it comes to paranormal stuff you can't really prove it entirely I'm very particular and putting true in the title of my videos because I want it to mean something and I want you guys to trust me I personally hate when other narrators put true or real in a blatantly fake stories video it's almost insulting to the viewers in my opinion so when I put true in the title of paranormal videos what I mean is that they weren't written for the purpose of fiction and that they are sticking to the fact that something happened that's how they experience the situation and an actual event occurred feel free to try and debunk them they'll probably appreciate it I know it isn't really necessary to tell you guys all of this but I just want to be as clear as possible I know you guys really like paranormal videos but I'm just going to be honest there's no 100% way to know that they're true that being said that doesn't mean they aren't true I'm sure a lot of you have experienced similar things that are talked about in this video so that's pretty much all I have to say about that in other news if you guys want to vote for what kind of video you want next please make sure you're following me on Twitter I did a poll recently to see what kind of video you guys all wanted and paranormal one which is why I did this video I also do some crazy stuff on snapchat sometimes it's usually just fun and meaningless shenanigans so if you're interested in that make sure you have me on there that's about it once again hope you enjoyed the video stay safe and have an awesome day
Channel: Corpse Husband
Views: 1,337,620
Rating: 4.9035606 out of 5
Keywords: paranormal, ghosts, corpse husband, true scary stories, real stories, scary stories, paranormal activity, paranormal witness, caught on tape, paranormal experience, demon, ghost stories, scary demons, horrifying scary stories, horrifying experiences, ouija board, paranormal videos, ghost caught on tape, ghost real
Id: 6Xmz0AuIDQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2016
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