3 Scary True Subway Stories

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number three my dad has been an MTA transit subway station manager for 35 years with this job there has to be a manager on duty at all times so he's practically done every single possible shift throughout his career that means he's done his fair share of night shifts most trains were completely empty throughout the night he said it was the only nice part about doing the night shift he has a series of funny and weird night shift stories to tell but there's one downright horrifying one my dad had just boarded the train to move to his office at another station he was alone when he got on which was at about 3:00 in the morning at the next station someone boarded my dad describes him as a white tall and skinny man wearing a heavy jacket and beanie he shot my dad a quick glance before sitting in the farthest corner away from him my dad said that he felt uncomfortable as the guy kept looking up at him every so often when my dad stopped came he got off as well as the other men he walked to his office door unlocked it and looked behind him the man in the jacket was pacing around only about 50 feet away my dad stepped into his office shut the door locked it and sat at his desk five minutes later someone started to try and turn the doorknob after the person on the other side of the door realized it was locked they started to knock softly my dad called out who is it and they responded I want to talk he told whoever it was to go away he says he knew trouble when he saw it he had a good feeling it was the guy from the train as this station at a time like this was apparently always completely empty my dad told the guy to go away he continued to knock for a good 5 minutes my dad finally pulled up the security camera screens and brought up the camera pointed to his office door sure enough that was the guy from the train wearing the jacket and beanie coincidentally as soon as my dad brought up the camera the man walked away so my dad did whatever his work consisted of for about half an hour in that office before leaving to catch the next train he checked the camera to make sure that the weird guy wasn't out there he locked up and walked down the stairs to the train platform where he got on the train right away looking out the window he saw the guy from before walking down the stairs to the platform and then stepping on the train into the same car as my dad he sat down on the opposite side a few seats to the right my dad tried to look away and pretend not to notice him but he knew the guy was staring at him he at one point gave in and stared back giving a slight nod and smile and some sort of truce attempts before looking away again the man stared at my dad the whole ride to the next station but my dad never looked back at him once after the first time now you may be asking why didn't he try to forcibly get the guy to back off well despite my dad's intimidating size he's always been a complete teddy bear no bark and no bite plus he says he feared that that guy was armed and that one small motion could lead to death when the train stopped at the station my dad practically ran all the way back up to the streets constantly glancing over his shoulder and yes the man from the train was following him my dad had to find the first public building still open to try and escape he found a Wendy's that was open and stepped inside he sat and watched as the guy following him walked up to the window stopped and stared my dad down through the glass for about 10 seconds before turning around and walking across the street and then down the sidewalks my dad said he ate waited a little longer then left the Wendy's to get to his third and final station for the night the scariest part when my dad was in his third office as he was checking the security cameras out of the paranoia of the situation he caught the guy from the train pacing around the outside only about thirty feet from his office he then stopped looked up at the camera and according to my dad literally froze and stared for no less than a minute when he finally lowered his head he walked away out of the station to never be seen by my dad again my dad doesn't know if he was followed after leaving the Wendy's but that would only make sense the guy was clearly disturbed possibly homeless and/or dangerous and who knows what he actually wanted with my dad number two me and my three friends were in New York around Christmas time we didn't finally decide to leave until about maybe 2:00 in the morning we got on the first train that we could catch and as expected it was empty we were pretty sobered up by then then there was a sudden commotion in the next car over we had peeped through the glass in between the cars and there were two hooded men or maybe teenagers standing obnoxiously close to a woman sitting in one of the seats who was screaming for help I suggested that we go over and kick their asses but as me and a buddy got a closer look we saw they were armed with handguns I pushed all my friends to get to the next car over away from the armed men I took a look back and saw one of the men pointing at us before starting to follow we ran through at least three different cars with the men following us before the train finally stopped at the next station we all booked it through the old stations the nearest place we could hide I got separated from my friends so I went to hide behind a garbage can I could hear my chasers shoes hitting the tiled floors so I knew I had no time to find a better hiding spot I peeked through the opening at the top of the bin I could get a better look at them now one was black the other was Indian and they were both really young looking I was sure they were only trying to rob us until I heard one of them say if you find them kill them I hope you understand why I almost gave away my position in reaction to hearing this with the guest and almost pulling the garbage bin down with me as I returned to cover it I consider it a miracle neither of them caught me they left the area I took notice that they didn't have their guns drawn at that moment I ran in the opposite direction of the two and quickly caught my friends who are waving me over from behind a large pole I took cover with them behind another pole not far from that one and we waited for as long as we thought necessary the big shock to the story though was when we caught glimpse of the woman from the train who we thought was being threatened by the two men walking over in the direction of the men and then calling something along the lines of where are they don't tell me you didn't get them the two men reappeared from beyond a corner walking over to the woman the rest of what they said was too low to pick up on they walked back down the stairs to the platforms and as we could guess waited for another train to run their trap again at the very least we called the police and reported what was going on but I have no idea if they were ever caught number one my name is Danny I'm 22 years old and this was the most horrifying experience of my life I live and work in New York City but I don't have a car so my main mode of transportation is the subway it was a Saturday night I was on my way home from a party in the middle of the night I did this about every other weekend so I was completely fine with taking the subway alone at night walking down the steps entering the underground without a soul in sight it was always a bit chilling this specific station was very tightly spaced as I was walking I could almost feel as if I were being watched or followed along with the occasional echoing bang type sound emitting from an unknown location I was early for the trains so I sat on a bench and waited this is something straight out of a horror movie I heard this exact phrase over here buddy there was somebody standing on the tracks inside the tunnel poking his head out and looking at me it was a filthy looking man I'd say in his early 40s he gave me a smile a horrible yellow smile with at least three teeth missing and I could tell that even from where I was sitting I did the best I could to pay no attention to him but he wouldn't go away there was laughing coming from inside the tunnel and then another disgusting looking man stuck his face out as well this man gave me a nasty smile as well before telling me to come hang out with them in the tunnel the way they stared at me though their eyes wouldn't even move it's as if their sight was locked onto me I resumed doing the best I could to ignore them and just wait for the train I noticed in my peripheral vision that one of the men moved away into the tunnel returning moments later with another face I had to look again there was a third face but this one was hunched over and lifeless it looked like one of the men were holding the guy's face up the sound of the train approaching felt like a thousand pounds off my shoulders I got up ready to board the train but when I got closer to the edge of the platform I nearly threw up at the sight the two men were going back into the tunnel at the second man in the back was holding something in his hand ahead just ahead like a decapitated head they disappeared from sight onto the side of the tunnel as the train stopped I got into the first car planning on warning the conductor but no later than after we left the station I didn't want to be there a second longer as the Train began to move I saw legs moving down the stairs to the platform but that was it I didn't get to see who it was but what I did get to see as the Train moved into the tunnels I caught a glimpse of a group of men hunched up against the railing inches away from the train window and they were all looking right at me I knocked on the conductor's door like a madman screaming it was an emergency he opened up and I explained what I just saw he radioed to somebody in charge of the station as well as another higher up of the company who I'm sure took care of it or contacted the proper authorities or security whatever it seemed to take ages for my stop to come but when it did I practically had to hop in my walk from relief I have since been to one party at the same friend's house but I skipped that station I decided it was worth it to take the extra long walk to the next station I don't know if weird [ __ ] happens often in the subway at night and my experience prior to this incident it never did but after this experience I think I should say you should be extremely cautious when in an isolated place like a subway station late at night
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 4,208,810
Rating: 4.9202123 out of 5
Keywords: true stories, true scary stories, scary stories, story, scary story, true story, subway stories, true subway stories, scary subway stories, true scary subway stories, scary subway, haunted subway, creepiest subway
Id: aj7c5z4VzL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2015
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