How To Speed Up Your Slow Computer! ~ Fix A Slow Pc With Free Tools | Ask Your Computer Guy

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so in today's video i'm going to be working on this little hp slimline desktop and the client says it's running very slow with about six w's she says other screens will pop up a lot it sits and thinks and won't open programs often let's get to work what i want to do is check device manager and see what kind of hardware i'm dealing with so i have a dual core processor 2.6 gigahertz with 4 gigs of ram it does have a 64-bit operating system so that'll make it a little faster but not a lot first thing i want to do is i want to look at the startup items and i can go under task manager to do that and just see what is loading when the machine starts up and i generally try to disable everything so i'm going to go here under settings and go under apps client usually has a pretty good idea when the problem started so i like to look at the apps by install date that kind of points me in the right direction sometimes if i go in there and 10 days ago there's a new program that i'm not familiar with and the client says yeah it's been going on for about a week or 10 days that usually is a good clue so looking here through the installations i don't see anything that is malicious microsoft edge google chrome microsoft office i don't really see anything as far as programs other than webroot which i know that's not the problem but i'm going to remove it anyway because i'm going to replace it with the avast and of course webroot wants to be difficult but that's how it's designed so a bug can't easily go in and remove it or disable it we're gonna go ahead and do that the other thing that i'm going to do because she specifically mentioned the computer was slow is i want to run a defragmentation through this program called defraggler again free program you can get it from piriform's website piriform is the company that makes ccleaner which is another program i'm going to install on here as well you're always going to want to try to clean all the crap off the computer which is where the ccleaner comes from you're going to want to run a malware scan you're going to want to have a current antivirus program in this case avast you know there's just a handful of other things now if it comes to actual virus removal there's other programs that i use our kill right here specifically it is a program that kills any active processes which i like that's usually a good indicator that you've got a bug is when r kill can clear a whole bunch of stuff off of there so i run that i've got another couple programs that i use called road killer hitman pro and depending on the level of infection it can just get worse from there um so as you can see i've got the malwarebytes installed i've got it updated i'm going to go ahead and start the scan i've got the defraggler installed here and what this does is it basically checks the system to see how fragmented the hard drive is and that will a lot of times give you a clue as to where the problem is if it's a highly fragmented drive and the client complains that when they click on stuff it seems like it takes forever that's a lot of times where the problem is so it's usually i'm attacking it on multiple fronts first of all if it's a bug malwarebytes i'm scanning for that if it's a fragment of drive i'm scanning for that and then while that's going on i'm going to also open the ccleaner that i downloaded the ccleaner is scanning the defraggler is finished and it shows 15 fragmentation which is not ridiculously high but pretty high i mean that's i usually try to keep my fragmentation less than you know five ten percent fifteen percent is on a fast machine is probably no big deal on an older machine it's a big deal so i'm just going to kick off the defragmentation by clicking on the defrag button now that's being turned loose now i can go back and check on the malwarebytes still showing clean no infections so far so now the next thing up is the ccleaner and the results of the scan okay so the ccleaners analysis is complete about 1.8 gigs worth of crap to remove including temporary files and all of those other things and these are all things that just clutter up the computer doesn't delete anything doesn't change your history or bookmarks or favorites or anything like that it's completely harmless to the user so once the analysis is completed run the cleaner and just say go ahead and yes delete i've run that program a thousand times and told it to delete every time and it is never once screwed up a computer so always tell it to go ahead and delete and then just let the system do its work this window back here it's the defraggler it's literally running in the background i won't have to look at it again until it is completely done and considering it's 15 fragmented it's probably going to take a while so i'm just going to kind of ignore that one my focus right now is on malwarebytes checking for bugs and the ccleaner cleaning the junk if you recall i have removed startup items from the taskbar basically turned off everything running at startup so all that other stuff the citrix and all that other stuff that all that crap it doesn't need to load every time the computer starts and i tell people all the time unless you are going to use the program every single time you sit down don't run it at startup because all it does is it slows your computer down and if you want to click on citrix then open citrix if you want to click on open office or microsoft office or chrome or whatever do it when you need to don't just have it run in the automatically at startup because it's just going to slow your computer down i disable pretty much anything that isn't connected to windows hardware so if it's a sound driver i want that to run at startup so i leave that enabled but skype no need for it and windows security which thankfully they were smart enough to turn off windows defender uh or maybe webroot did that i'm not sure anything that is a program like ccleaner citrix office onedrive skype anything that's a program i turn it off i don't want it running because when i turn that computer back on i want that thing to load as fast as possible well good news here uh malwarebytes found no bugs so i'm happy about that so i'm going to close that the avast is still installing in the background the defrag is still running oh now it's at 17 so it is actually found more fragmentation as it goes so i'm just going to literally leave that running as long as it takes and i'll just move this into a position here where i can see the defrag window behind it where it says 17 so i don't even have to touch anything so i can just look at it and see okay now it's 12 now it's nine percent now six percent and then it'll say defragmentation finished then i know i can close that window also now i'm gonna check for browser extensions because that's also a source of pop-ups sometimes browsers can have extensions loading where people say well you know i'm getting pop-ups or my computer's slow what they really mean is when i go to my xyz website it's slow so i'm going to check the web browser so i'm opening chrome here um all the standard extensions docsheet slides which are all part of the google integration here and google docs don't see anything as far as extensions go uh that are causing a problem but it looks good there i'm gonna check the edge browser just second so anyway so the ccleaner is finished i'm gonna go over here to the registry and have it scan for registry issues those are the two things i always do the custom clean which cleans all the plaque and the registry which basically gets rid of all the registry uh unnecessary junk you know that could be stuff that was installed 10 years ago and there's registry items in there that are pointing to programs that don't even exist anymore so this registry is every you know how windows runs everything is run off the road it's an instruction manual for windows everything you do is controlled by a setting inside the registry what you want is your registry to run as clean as possible now here it's run it's found 209 excessive registry entries so i'm just going to review the issues say yes to save i always do this part just save a backup copy of the registry and then go ahead and tell it to fix all the issues doesn't hurt anything it just deletes stuff that is no longer needed and then i close the ccleaner so what i want to do is i want to go ahead and open the antivirus i always do a two-pronged approach i do the malwarebytes free and avast free the last thing i'm going to do here i've got everything else done ccleaners done the avast and malwarebytes is installed the defraggler is defraggling and i've already checked google chrome for bad extensions now the last thing i want to do is verify microsoft edge to see if there are any browser extensions that are loading now in this case no extensions installed looks to be good no pop-ups so we're going to call that fixed only other thing that i like to do you know and i'm going to wait until the defragmentation is done but i always want to restart the computer and just to kind of see based on how it was running before if it's running any better the defragmentation will make a big difference for sure one last thing that i do on machines now and a buddy of mine nico over at uh nico knows tech told me about this and um i absolutely i'm in love with it um it's a program called tron and it is fantastic this program that i found tron it literally just goes and digs and digs and digs and find stuff that just your normal repair tools won't i absolutely love it it's a fantastic program and i highly recommend it and i'll put a link or you can go download it in the description for you but what i do is i run once i'm confident that i've gotten the you know everything cleaned up i'll run the tron script this particular situation there wasn't bugs malware viruses anything like that pretty clean system just a little older if it had bugs on it i would have run r kill to stop active processes i would have run malwarebytes i would have run an avast boot scan then i would have run a program called roguekiller hitman pro tdss rootkit scanner i mean there's a bunch of different programs that i would run if i had found evidence of malware or virus infection i hadn't find any of that i just basically found a system that's a little older with a bunch of plaque on it and i'm just giving it the full once over the defragmentation is really probably the biggest killer it's nearly 20 so nearly one out of every five files is scattered or in a place where it doesn't need to be so that's probably the majority of the issue not necessary on this one this one is actually more just about how to take a slower computer and speed it up removing starting startup items defragmenting cleaning up all the plaques removing unnecessary programs all things like that now you could add memory for sure it's only got four gigabytes of memory you could add more memory that would speed it up defrag is completed and i've restarted the computer and the last thing i want to do is run this tron script it's amazing it finds all kinds of stuff it runs its own defrag it runs malware cleaner virus scan it does everything it's kind of like the most multi-purpose tool um you can find it checks your your hard disks to make sure that there's no issues there um it's just a great program so i'm gonna start running that and turn it loose anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours it will be done okay so it is probably been about 12 hours and the tron script is finished is literally run through every imaginable test including disk checks virus scans defragment it has literally gone and cleaned every possible inch of this machine and so now we have got a good solid fast working machine once again we've cleaned up all the add-ons the extensions the plug-ins everything is running absolutely as fast as humanly possible and we're going to call this machine clean and ready to deliver to the client
Channel: Ask Your Computer Guy
Views: 38,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Speed Up Your Slow Computer, Ask Your Computer Guy, Fix A Slow Pc With Free Tools, Speed Up Your Slow Computer, Fix A Slow Pc, windows 10, slow computer, how to speed up windows 10, speed up your slow computer, how to speed up computer windows 10, how to speed up your slow computer, windows 10 settings, how to speed up windows 10 laptop, how to speed up windows 10 pc, how to speed up windows 10 computer, slow, Fix your Slow Computer, computer, fix your slow computer
Id: CvKgdiGlriY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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