4. Christ in the Crisis - Choosing Eternity - Dr. Eric Walsh

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[Music] good evening and thank you for joining us for our final night of this series entitled christ in the crisis i'm adriana lewis and with me is the speaker director for it is written canada pastor mike lemon the last three nights we have heard messages from pastor mark finley sikko daco and dr david shin each message is available for you to watch again and again tonight our final speaker is dr eric walsh dr wallace was born in hartford connecticut he is a graduate of the university of miami school of medicine and loma linda university school of public health where he received his master's and doctorate in public health his most important educational experience was his time at oakwood university he has served two united states presidents george w bush and barack obama as an advisor on hiv aids dr walsh has served at several churches as an associate pastor and he is now a practicing physician and health care administrator he travels the globe speaking on many subjects his wife jacqueline is his partner in ministry and his best friend tonight's message is entitled choosing eternity may the lord bless you as you continue to ponder the words of our theme song it is well performed by christian paul hey [Music] me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening church uh glad to be with you tonight um we are going to jump right into our message starting in matthew 27 is our scripture reading for tonight verses 15 through 17 matthew 27 15-17 now the feast the governor was want to release to the people a prisoner whom they would they had then a notable prisoner called barabbas therefore when they were gathered together pilate said unto them whom will ye that i release unto you barabbas or jesus which is called christ barabbas or jesus which is called christ a message this evening is entitled choosing eternity choosing eternity let us pray father god we thank you for this opportunity to study your word lord as we delve into a very sensitive and challenging issue i pray that you make me just a nail upon the wall a rusty sorry nail lord but upon that nail lord i ask that you hang a portrait of jesus christ let eric walsh not be seen or heard father instead let us hear a word from the throne room of grace this is our prayer in jesus's precious and holy name amen we start in the book of matthew chapter 27 matthew chapter 27 and starting at verse 11. matthew 27 starting at verse 11. jesus stood before the governor and the governor asked him saying are you the king of the jews and jesus said unto him thou sayest and when he was accused of the chief priests and elders he answered nothing we jump into our story tonight with christ standing next to pilate somewhere in the room are his accusers the chief priests and the elders the leaders of israel as they accuse him in front of pilate trying to convince pilate that this man is a threat to the roman authority in judea that this man is a revolutionist that this man is a a a problem uh creating man that he ought to be removed by punishment of death they'd already done a kangaroo court with him through the sanhedrin one of his own had already betrayed him with a kiss spent the night without food or sleep brutalized and now he stands in front of the representative of the mightiest empire the world had ever known at that point pilate's wife had already given him a dream had given had been given a dream and she told her husband pilate not to mess with christ so he asks this question are you the king of the jews jesus simpler response is you say it in verse 13 pilate then ups the ante and says here is thou not how many things they witness against thee and he answered him to never a word in so much that the governor marveled greatly here pilate who was used to dealing with those who started insurrection and criminals he was used to dealing with those who were in legal trouble and as pilate is there speaking with christ pilate says to him don't you hear all that is being said about you do you not hear the allegations that are being laid against you bible says in verse 14 that jesus answered him to never a word jesus had no intention of answering him and it was such a deafening silence in the mind of pilate that the bible says pilate marveled greatly all the other criminals he had ever met given an opportunity to state their innocence rambled on ad nauseam and how they'd been framed every other criminal that pilate had met was were verbose in their ability to make a a defense of themselves but this man said nothing verse 15 of matthew 27 not the feast the governor was want to release unto the people a prisoner whom they would they had then a notable prisoner called barabbas therefore when they were gathered together pilate said unto them who will he that i release unto you barabbas or jesus which is called christ who shall i release unto you pilate's primary job was to keep the peace between the jews and the roman authority he answered back to caesar in rome and his job was to keep the peace one of the ways he did this was annually at around the time of the passover he would release a prisoner in order to satisfy uh the jewish people to keep them at bay understanding that there was always a risk that if he let someone go who truly was involved with crime or insurrection it might cause problems but but pilate was a diplomat and he was trying to get uh the people um the jewish people into a place where they were at peace and at ease pilate realized that he had an opportunity and there was a prisoner whose name was barabbas you have to believe that pilate thought for sure when compared to the meek and lowly loving comforting nature of christ that the ruffian barabbas would have easily been the one that they would have sent back pilot asked the question let me submit to you that the roman empire was a tough place to live if you were an occupied people roman oppression led to heavy taxation was a brutal um system of slavery rampant religious intolerance you had to live the way the romans lived you were you were you were uh romanized as it were into their culture they had a criminal justice system that was not fair the persians some say invented crucifixion but the romans perfected it the romans crushed the world in fact in daniel chapter 2 the roman empire is the part of the statue with legs of iron legs are your biggest your legs have your biggest strongest muscles and and and iron is one of the strongest if not the strongest metal speaking to the fact that rome would one day crush and destroy the roman empire extended all the way to the british isles the coasts of northern africa far east uh into europe and and asia minor powerful dreaded were the roman uh emp was the roman empire and people cow towed to her in fact the jews tried to fight before jesus they were the maccabees who fought hard to set themselves free and there were multiple many insurrections that would rise up from time to time but i want to submit to you that one of the things that's very interesting about the roman empire and how the whole thing comes together is that the disciples themselves were a part of those who wanted to be liberated from the roman em roman powers so much so that in the story or in the in the new testament where in the gospels where uh the five thousand are fed after the five thousand are fed and people are healed and jesus has spoken not just the people but the disciples were looking for a way to take him by force and crown him king when when uh the sanhedrin finally catches up with uh jesus and and and they're ready to destroy him judas betrays him with a kiss peter is so ready for liberation uh and for and for justice and equality that he draws his sword and peter cuts off the ear of the high priest servant malcus and jesus of course reattaches it miraculously just a week before this now jesus is is beaten and weakened and and looks uh terrible but just a week before this they cried hosanna hosanna in the highest as he walked in as he came into the city of jerusalem branches were thrown down before him and he was accepted as if he were king because they wanted to shake off the roman power but let me submit to you as terrible as the roman empire was as dark as it was we've seen that even in these days people groups are still oppressed injustice still happens in fact here in the united states and in north america we have had a history of challenges and difficulties along the lines of race back in the 60s there were marches and protests and sit-ins to change laws forbade african americans and other people of col of color from sitting in diners or riding on the front of a bus if you've ever read the book the color of law you'll find that in fact the laws of the united states were used to redline african-american communities devalue properties and and and not give um mortgages and other a means to secure a home and ultimately to develop wealth for their families like ancient rome america has had her sins north america has had her sins and today we still deal with police brutality inequalities in wealth and income that look like poverty still evidences of overt racism i want to submit to you that just as jesus was under the yoke of great oppression as he grew up in nazareth which was one of the poor towns a ghetto town as it were so that one of the disciples said can any good thing come from nazareth so today have many been raised under great oppression but there are even deeper iniquities we often talk about inequities we talk about um racism as a very visible thing but i would argue with you that poor quality schools in certain neighborhoods and the weaponizing of nutrition that is created in many poor black and brown neighborhoods all across north america and definitely across the united states where we have food swamps and food deserts the exposure to environmental toxins like the lead in the water in flint michigan and even the pollution of having uh freeways and highways cut through poor neighborhoods in this country and the pollutants cause disease and problems to those who now live in these thorough near these thoroughfares of course the prison industrial complex has disproportionately and unfairly locked away many african americans and latinos like ancient rome america has her sins she has she has slipped into darkness in many ways in our history despite uh what i believe are god-given uh uh principles that the country was established upon yet and still america has had her challenges and if you read revelation chapter 13 where it speaks of a beast that had two horns like a lamb and spake like a dragon the dichotomy of that beast in the way it speaks in its writings initially and the way it would carry them out speak to who the united states has been and i want to submit to you that one of the things that happens when oppression is rampant and when people feel as if they have been victimized by injustice that oppression often breeds revolution and hence today just as in the time of jesus there are those who are wanting to overthrow the powers that be in jesus day one of the people that represent that was a man named barabbas jewish rebellion ideology probably really surfaced around the time of the birth of christ according to josephus of course it waxed and wayne as you think of the maccabees barabbas's name bar abuse means son of the father some ancient texts say his first name was yahshua which is the same name for jesus joshua in the hebrew barabbas was working on something in fact when you look at john 18 40 says that barabbas was a robber matthew 27 16 where we are says and they had a notable prisoner called barabbas luke 23 and verse 19 says who for a certain sedition made in the city and for murder was cast into prison it tells you that barabbas made sedition he he was seeking a revolution he had committed murder and was cast into prison mark 15 and verse 7 and there was one named barabbas which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him who had committed murder in the insurrection barabbas stepped onto the scene and barabbas was a true revolutionary it's very different than jesus as there were no miraculous stories of healings attached to barabbas as pilate stood between the two men there was a stark difference in the peaceful calm nature of christ and the very visage of one like barabbas and pilate when he had called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people said unto them you have brought this man unto me as one that perverted the people and behold i having examined him before you have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him pilate says listen i'm looking at who's here and when i talk to the two of them i i don't see a reason that jesus uh should really be in the trouble that he's in verse 15 no nor not yet herod for i sent you you to him and lo nothing worthy of death is done unto him father says listen there's a way out here i'll chastise in verse 16 and i'll release him verse 17 for of a necessity he must release one of them at the fee so he's looking at barabbas and jesus and pilate looks at the threat that is barabbas he thinks looks at the character of a barabbas and he looks at the meek and humble uh personage in christ jesus he said listen i'll chastise him i'll punish him i'll try to keep him quiet for you but then i'm going to release him because somebody's got to be released verse 18 says they cried out all at once saying away with this man and release unto us barabbas who for certain sedition made in the city and for murder was cast into prison verse 20 pilate therefore willing to release jesus speak again to them the second time but they cried saying crucify him crucify him and he said unto them the third time why what evil has he done i have found no cause of death in him i will therefore chastise him and let him go and it's interesting because of the the passover lamb had to be inspected it had to be pure it had to be without any blemish or any mark or any spot it's as if pilate in his in his inspection of christ it would have been easier for him not to push against them but to simply say that something was wrong with jesus but pilate literally is the one who declares christ's purity verse 23 and they were instant with loud voices requiring that he might be crucified the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required i want to submit to you and one of the things that happens here is we are told in the spirit of prophecy that the voices of the demons began to ring out satan himself was there in human flesh and i can imagine here where it says in verse 23 and they were instant with loud voices that the demonic wave of the cro in the presence of demons and the crowd began to raise the shout higher and even through a supernatural way the people would have become frenzied in their desire to christ crucified pilate seeing the pushback finally pilate gives in gave sentence that it be as they required verse 25 and he released unto them him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison whom they had desired but he delivered jesus to their will he released barabbas they chose barabbas and the bible says something profound in verse 25 it says whom they had desired barabbas but he delivered jesus to their will church there's always something wrong when jesus is delivered to our will rather than our will being delivered to jesus you see in his current condition christ did not seem as one that should be followed he was beaten stripped of clothing his disciples had fled from him weak probably even emaciated just a week earlier they cried hosanna hosanna now here was the great healer and teacher the miracle worker beaten and and held captive by the roman powers everybody wanted to see defeated and instead they chose the revolutionary barabbas instead they chose the one who had been imprisoned for murder and sedition instead they chose the one who would establish for them a kingdom on earth rather than waiting for the kingdom of god that jesus was lining up for them and i want to submit to you at this point in the sermon that i was barabbas i want to submit to you that the background i gave you on racism in the united states is something that i've experienced when i went to high school in florida leaving the state of connecticut to start high school in florida it was a very traumatic experience the school i attended was about 40 jewish and very few african americans in the school they were bust in we were bused in from another neighborhood and what happened is of course there were some in the school who had neo-nazi sentiment were quite racist i say this in my sermons all the time the first day i went to the bathroom in my new high school there was a picture of an ape drawn on the wall with a noose around its neck and underneath the words are written n-words go back to africa i joke all the time that if i had five dollars for every time i was calling n-word in high school i could have paid for my college experience at oakwood university cash teachers would join in in some of the racist sentiment in some of my classes i remember before the super bowl when doug williams uh was the first black quarterback in the super bowl i remember a conversation in one of our classes where students were saying that african americans weren't smart enough to play uh the position of quarterback they built a synagogue across the street and they put swastikas all over the synagogue it was a traumatic experience and i want to submit to you that one of the things that happens when you experience this kind of trauma is that you begin to see the world differently and your christianity is affected don't don't miss this church you start to wonder how a just god could allow injustice you begin to look at the world in only the two colors of black and white you begin to reduce everything to racial struggles all of a sudden nothing else really matters it's just whether or not someone is racist or not or how racist society in the world around you is when you experience these things firsthand you see the world differently with your friends who've been killed by the police like i have it changes the way you experience the world i was barabbas i started studying the rastafarians i studied with the nation of islam even read some of the studies of the 5 nation of islam which taught that the black man is god and the white man is the devil rastafarianism taught that a a dead ethiopian emperor haley selassie was jesus come back to earth i studied even communism at times and i looked for all african people revolutionary party meetings when i'd go to cities like atlanta i i got into into a world where what i wanted was revolution i became barabbas and i even spoke against the church of the living god for not being and doing more to stop racial injustice uh in this country and in the world i became barabbas angry frustrated even racist but god delivered me i tell the story all the time of how he delivered me i went to hear a famous black american speaker louis farrakhan speak and i and he told a story about a black man was the original man something i'd heard in all of these studies and i was raised adventist remember one day at venice college i was now in medical school i knew the three angels messages the 2300 day prophecy revelation and daniel and here i am sitting being taught by an incredible orator in louis farrakhan he says the black man is the original man and i slide up on my seat to take a listen he says the black man is the original man and i can prove it people begin to clap i was in medical school so i started listening keenly he says the black man is the original man he says i can prove it he said 66 trillion years ago what trillion with a t he said 66 trillion years ago the black man blew the moon off of the earth with dynamite i said what the chinese invented dynamite a few thousand years ago about this he said and i can prove it he said when the astronauts went to the moon they could still smell the dynamite 8 000 people in the miami arena stood up and applauded when he said that church i shrunk down in my seat it'd only take a fifth grade education to understand that the only thing the astronauts could smell on the moon is what they brought with them from earth i realized in that moment that my uh veracity around race and racism had left me vulnerable to the wiles of the enemy here now i sat on a sabbath afternoon instead of being at a y i sat listening to demonic doctrine and i repented and all of a sudden god began to teach me so much more about how he sees race and color all of a sudden god began to clarify in my mind many of my questions as i went back and really began to study one of the verses of scripture that god gave me was ephesians 6 verses 10 through 12. he says finally my brother and paul is speaking to the church in ephesus finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that she may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil he then says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places what god had to teach me was the white man is not your enemy oh somebody's not hearing me today the black man is not your enemy satan wants us to look at each other as our enemies because then we miss our true enemy the real reason for the suffering and injustice in the world he says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but there are spiritual powers that are wicked that are working what is happening in the world and yes many will be puppets that may not look like you but remember they are not the source of what is happening satan is there were four lingering questions four lingering questions that i was always given i'm trying to get through these quickly the first one was that they always said to me when i was in this world christianity is a white man's religion the second thing they said is jesus was black and so the church is all messed up if it shows jesus as anything but black the third one was the church does not do enough for social justice issues the church is is is is is is meager in its response if there's a response at all the fourth one was the one that actually was the one that affected me the most when i wrestled with race and race relations as i was growing up and that one was how could god allow suffering like slavery jim crow in the united states so i'm gonna go through these real quickly number one is christianity a white man's religion if it is there are those who say listen as a black person i'm not gonna follow it because it is the religion of my oppressors the bible teaches something very different the spirit of prophecy says in in the book the great controversy it lands beyond the jurisdiction of rome there existed for many centuries bodies of christians who remained almost wholly free from papal corruption they were surrounded by heathenism and in the lapse of the ages were affected by its errors but they continue to regard the bible as the only rule of faith and adhere to many of its truths look at this these christians believed in the perpetuity of the law of god and observed the sabbath of the fourth commandment churches that held to this faith and practice existed in central africa and among the armenians of asia what the sabbath was being kept christianity was in a purer form in africa than in europe absolutely the bible gives us two stories one of them is the story of solomon and the queen of sheba the other philip in the ethiopian eunuch that tells you that the jews had people i had interaction with africa that that the truth had gone to africa all the way back in the time of solomon but even the ethiopian eunuch who meets philip is already reading the book of isaiah and christianity goes into africa where in a sense it is protected and ironically the only part of africa that is never colonized is the part that remained christian ethiopia most specifically but these are the oldest churches in the uh in some of the oldest churches in the world in lalabella ethiopia hewn from one piece of rock christianity a white man's religion no christianity was a global religion by the time the apostles were finished the gospel had been preached not only all over europe all over asia and all the way down into africa old churches like the egyptian coptic church and the uh and the ethiopian orthodox church tells us that christianity has existed there a long time so no i'm not leaving christianity because it's a white man's religion christianity is humanity's religion god says in john 3 and verse 16 jesus john says of of jesus for for god uh so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life verse 17 says for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved it's a it's a global religion the second one they would always tell me that jesus was black and if you paint a picture of jesus other than black it's blasphemy and and if he's white i'm not following him they talk about the old ship jesus they say was the first slave ship and and all of the reasons why color the color of jesus is so important god showed me verses for this as well in isaiah 53 and verse 2 it says for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of dry out of a dry ground he has no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him the bible seems to hint and it's not saying that jesus was unattractive you know that's how it sounds it says that the pull the draw to christ was not in his physical stature it was not in his look it was people didn't get drawn to jesus because he looked a certain way they were drawn to him because of his character and what he was saying the liberty that he offered the world the reality is jesus couldn't have been white or black he was middle eastern but that's not what's important because the other verse on here first samuel 16 7 from man looketh on the outward appearance but the lord looketh on the heart if when you study the bible which does not give a color for jesus uh the people say well he had the bronze ankles and and bronze feet in in in the book of revelation it's not given a color for jesus what the bible seems to tell you is that what matters is not his color it's his character in fact even as we struggle with race interesting the new york times put out an article back in august of this year sorry august of 2000 10 years after the human genome project had been completed and it showed that in fact human beings are over 99.5 percent the same genetically the regardless of what we look like and that mo any bit of differences are more environmental the truth of the matter is we are all the same there's only one family on earth and it's a human family and i know we want to hate other folks sometimes we get mad at them but you've got to understand that the differences between us are literally millimeters thick in terms of the color of our skin what color was jesus i'll tell you the color of jesus that mattered was the red blood that he shed it's unfortunate if you focus it on any other color because no other color can save you except the crimson blood of christ jesus the next one was of course the church is not doing enough the church is not doing enough and i god showed me when i i remember working even as a kid with crusades and going and we and spreading the gospel going door-to-door in some of the poorest neighborhoods in hartford connecticut and later in miami florida i remember how many people left alcohol and cigarettes how many broken homes were brought together the gospel was preached how the weaponizing of nutrition and the forms of of of of of of of food swamps and food deserts was reversed as the health message was taught how the importance of education was was given how to church not in any very visible or sensationalized way but in a day-to-day grinding way as we reach the communities we serve especially those of us in poor inner city neighborhoods as we reach to those communities and win folk to christ how we reverse the yoke of bondage just as christ did not by overthrowing any power but by liberating the individual to be able to live for god and live a better life and shake off many of the shackles society has placed upon them historically the adventist church has done a lot around race uh um uh and i'll show some of those texts from from ellen white here in a second but the last one i want to give is this one how could god allow suffering like slavery and racism how could he allow the damage that those things have caused matthew chapter 27 gives the answer as we were reading we'll get back to that in a second but christ suffered more than any other is what god showed me the great controversy page 47 said the savior to his disciples for seeing the doubts that would press upon their souls in days of trials and darkness remember the word that i said unto you the servant is not greater than his lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you john 15 20. alan white says jesus suffered for us more than any of his followers can be made to suffer through the cruelty of wicked men so i began to study the life of christ read the gospels and books like the desire of ages as i began to really look at the historicity of christ and and how he lived i began to realize that jesus suffered under that roman oppression he saw brutality in those roman soldiers he experienced and watched his countrymen experience terrible things he understood the power of the roman yoke and how it was destructive in the land he knew what it was like to be raised in ghetto conditions jesus knew what it was like to be forsaken to have a criminal justice system falsely accuse you and sentence you to death to be brutalized by legal powers jesus understood what many of us can't fully understand in fact we will never suffer like he suffered so he understands the suffering that is going on but christ has allowed the world's sin problem to manifest itself the whole universe will see that in fact when man when man has uh when man has not followed god properly these are the consequences of sin we see all around us spirit of prophecy the southern work one of my favorite books on the subject of raisin if they believe on him as cleansing blood is applied to them the black man's name is written in the book of life besides the white man's all are one in christ birth station nationality or color cannot elevate or degrade men the character makes the man otherwise says walls of separation have been built up between the blacks and whites these walls of prejudice will tumble down of themselves as did the walls of jericho when christians obey the word of god which enjoins on them supreme love for to their maker and impartial love to their neighbors another quote from the book the southern work she says the day is coming when the kings and the lordly men of earth would be glad to exchange places with the humblest african who has laid hold on the hope of the gospel we have a choice to make much of what we're going through god would love to use to develop our characters to allow us to be a light in this dark world even and especially on the issue of race but we've got to choose which kingdom we're trying to build would we be like the jews in the days of christ who want to reestablish the throne of david and conquer the romans and become the greatest power in the world today are we looking to establish a kingdom on earth are we looking to perfect this world a world that the scripture has told us is coming to an end or like christ are we looking to build a kingdom that will never come to an end that's where the prophecy says this about the choice the scene of the judgment hall in jerusalem is a symbol of what will take place the closing scenes of this earth's history the world will accept christ the truth or they will accept satan the first great rebel a robber apostate and murderer they will either reject the message of mercy in regard to the commandments of god and the faith of jesus or they will accept the truth as it is in jesus if they accept satan and his falsehoods they identify themselves with the chief of all liars and with all who are disloyal while they turn from no less a personage than the son of the infinite god the review in herald january 30 1900. when the world is at last brought up for trial before the great white throne to account for its rejection of jesus christ god's own messenger to our world what a solemn scene it will be what a reckoning will have to be made for the nailing to the cross one who came to our world as a living epistle of the law god will ask each one the question what have you done with my only begotten son who did you choose are we choosing barabbas today tied up in nationalism and um and being patriots are we are we choosing barabbas by by choosing the ideologies of men to try and salvage and fix broken nations in a broken world are we choosing barabbas or are we choosing christ instead understanding that all of the many things that we're dealing with many of them are literally the deceptions of the enemy distractions to point us away from the living jesus christ otherwise says what will those answer who have refused to accept the truth they will be obliged to say we hated jesus and cast him out we cried crucify him crucify him we chose barabbas in his stead if those to whom the light of heaven is presented rejected they reject christ the choice church is simple as difficult as it is and we do not have to stop fighting for the cause of right and good and justice in this world whether it's around class poverty or race but we must be always careful and we are choosing eternity over the temporary that we are choosing christ over barabbas that we are choosing liberty in our god rather than revolution in our own flesh church is imperative that each one of us chooses eternity father god we thank you for this opportunity to study your word and we thank you for all the strength and help you give us lord in a world fractured by ethnicity by race lord as you predicted in matthew 24 7 nation shall rise against nation ethnos against ethnos ethnicity against ethnicity lord today that is happening we ought not be surprised by it but we need to focus on the fact that when matthew 24 9 comes around whole world turns against those who are followers of you give us the strength father to stand to choose jesus to choose eternity come what may this is our prayer in jesus precious and holy name amen friends before we let you go we would like to offer to pray for you personally if you would like to send us your personal prayer requests please leave them in the comment section below or send us an email and tell us where you're from and we will pray for you personally and for the people of specific town or city where you live and once you have left your request we want to encourage you to keep growing spiritually keep your spiritual connection alive and well by taking everything to god in prayer and finally we would also like to offer you a book written by pastor mark finley entitled hope for troubled times in his book which is free to you right now pastor mark finley shows that although you live in a synthetic world where you may be afraid for your health your finances your family and your future you have one who is larger than your fears bigger than your worries and greater than your anxieties in his book pastor mark finley shows you practical down-to-earth real solutions to your problems and how you can not only survive but thrive in this shattered world so get out a pen and paper or take a screenshot with your phone of the information that you will need to receive this special free offer hope for troubled times [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada
Views: 1,785
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SDA, SDA Sermon, Christ in the Crisis, Christ in the Crsis, SDACC, Eric Walsh, Dr. Eric Walsh
Id: p07wtA1Q7L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 35sec (3155 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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