3AC Dr. Eric Walsh - The Shaking

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greetings once again uh we are gonna get into our our our talk for tonight uh tonight we gather on election night and um here in the states and it is interesting because we've had warnings that there might be civil disobedience and even looting tonight i'm hoping that that is not true um that doesn't happen but um that is a word so we are praying for the country that there would be either a peaceful transition or peaceful remaining but um we are we understand that the emotions in the country are very high so by the time this is up and being heard um probably we'll know who won but know that at the end of the day god is in control we're gonna go to the book of jeremiah chapter 12 starting at verse 5. jeremiah chapter 12 starting at verse 5 says if thou hast run with the footmen and they have waried thee then how can thou contend with horses and if in the land of peace wherein thou trustedst they worried thee then how wilt thou do in the swelling of jordan a message is entitled the shaking staying anchored the shaking staying angered let us pray father god we thank you for this opportunity to study your word once again lord i ask that you make me just a nail upon the wall a rusty sorry nail lord but upon that nail lord i ask that you hang a portrait of jesus christ let eric walsh not be seen or heard instead father let us see our word from the throne room of grace does our prayer in jesus name amen all right we go to the book of jeremiah the 12th chapter we'll deal with the first two verses and we'll kind of hit a few high points in this in this chapter as we deal with tonight's subject revelation sorry jeremiah 12 and verse 1 says righteous art thou o lord when i plead with thee yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously thou has planted them yea they have taken root they grow yea they bring forth fruit thou art near in their mouth and far from their reigns jeremiah as we've discussed in previous talks is a prophet in a most difficult time he is at the knife edge of prophecy when it comes to babylon's conquering of judah jeremiah is trying to warn the nation that allegiances and alliances with egypt and other nations is going to do them no good that in fact they need to just kind of submit pay the tribute and allow babylon to be babylon false prophets rise up and even other priests as jeremiah's from the house of the priests um one of the priestly towns they rise up against him jeremiah has people from every side attacking him jeremiah chapter 1 god when he calls him says listen before i knew you in your mother's womb you were called in your mother's room he says and he says that when you stand in the face of the folk that would go against you he says do not be uh afraid of their faces so jeremiah is called not only to preach not only is he given a purpose but jeremiah is called to do so in a time of great challenge and difficulty and i have to say that like some of us being pushed back against as you try and help others and preach the gospel can become very um very discouraging jeremiah's discouraged in in in chapter 12 and verse one he's tired of seeing the wicked doing so well he's looking around judah and jerusalem and he knows what god is saying is about to come yet the people most responsible for what is going to come seem to be doing the best he can't stand as he looks around as they they go to their events and their parties and they they dress in their fine clothes and ride the nicest chariots he can't stand as he looks around and their their fields are prospering and and they're they're doing all sorts of wickedness even with the plenty that they have jeremiah finally says listen god i've had enough in jeremiah 12 and verse 1 he says righteous art thou o lord when i plead with thee when i talk to you lord you're righteous he says but but i've got to talk with you of your judgments it seems as if your judgments are off how is it he says that the way of the wicked prospers i don't get it lord you're telling me that judah is going to be wiped out because of wickedness yet it seems as if the way of the wicked prosper he says wherefore are they happy that deal very treacherously jeremiah says doesn't make sense lord the very people who are bringing condemnation and rebuke upon the land they're happy he says you've planted them you've they've taken root they've grown they've even bring brought forth fruit he says you are near in their mouth they speak of you as if they know you but you're far from their reigns in other words they speak as if they know you but but when it comes to self-control or obedience they're so far away from you lord paul says in second timothy chapter three he describes as having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof the first question we're going to answer tonight we start talking about the con the the subject of the shaking one of the things that is probably most responsible for people being shaken out of the church is they ask a tough question why do the wicked prosper there are many answers to this i'm sure i'm only going to give you two and this is a really like a side note to the message tonight but i think it's worthwhile for some this is a reason they cannot remain christian they cannot understand why god will allow them to suffer in fact uh as we're going to talk about in a second they believe that if i am a christian prosperity should be my lot so why do the wicked prosper well reason number one of the two that i'll give tonight and again there are others number one is god is not refining them the wicked prosper because they are not being passed through the fire of trials in order to come out pure gold in character here's how ellen white says it testimonies for the church volume 7 page 214 loy says the fact that we are called upon to endure trial proves that the lord jesus sees in us something very precious which he desires to develop if he saw in us nothing whereby he might glorify his name he would not spend time in refining us did you get that church could it be that some of the problems you have some of the challenges you're facing could it be that this is literally god doing surgery on you but the scalpel of trial is there in order to remove the malignancy of pride or of or or of doubt or of arrogance so the wicked uh one of the reasons the wicked seem to do better than us is because they are not being refined and as long as they're in satan's camp he'll leave them alone number one they're not being refined number two is to display god's justice and mercy to display god's justice and mercy the best way to do this one is just read it great controversy page 48 says god permits the wicked to prosper and to reveal their enmity against him that when they shall have filled up the measure of their iniquity all may see his justice and mercy in their utter destruction the day of his vengeance hastens when all who have transgressed his law and oppressed his people will meet the just recompense of their deeds when every act of cruelty or injustice towards god's faithful ones will be punished as though done to christ himself god is go allows and let me tell you something when you look at even jeremiah's day in in judah and jerusalem they lived like uh that the botras life they they even gave their children to um to to to one of the gods where he where the children were were killed um in sacrifice to this god they worshiped baal they did all of these different things and you if you were if you were an innocent bystander in the universe just watching what happened when their destruction came you'd almost have to say well they they asked god to remove his protection from them by rejecting god so so the wicked prosper i believe one because god's not refining them so it doesn't look like it and some of us let me just be honest if we got everything we asked for we wouldn't want we would we would run from god but the wicked also are allowed to have what they have so that when the day of judgment and retribution comes they will be without an excuse so what has happened in america is that the devil has flipped this upside down instead of teaching that in fact all who will live godly in christ jesus will suffer persecution what they preach what they wouldn't preach from pulpits in america is all who call on the name of jesus should have whatever they want there is a prosperity gospel and i am shocked that the prosperity gospel is even inside the adventist church preached from adventist pulpits in fact here's the origin um this is um from um vox magazine or vox um the the this is from their website they said the prosperity gospel explained why joel osteen believes that prayer can make you rich and i'm not i'm not trying to pick on joel osteen um but he has some very motivational sermons on if you're going on your way to work you're listening i listen to his satellite really give you motivation to go to work and really do a good job at work but this is a different thing look at the subtitle here the long strange history of a quintessentially american theology what is that theology the prosperity gospel has its roots in an american occult tradition called new thought what the prosperity gospel comes from an occult teaching huh here's what they say in the article it's roots though i'm talking of the prosperity gospel don't just lie in christian tradition in fact it's possible to trace the origins of the american prosperity gospel to the to the tradition of new thought a 19th century spiritual movement popular with decidedly unorthodox thinkers like ralph waldo emerson and william james practitioners of new thought not all of whom identified as christian generally held the divinity of the individual human being and the priority of mind over matter in other words if you could correctly channel your mental energy you could harness its material results new thought also known as the mind cure took many forms from interest in the occult to splinter christian denominations like christian science to the development of the talk and cure at the root of psychotherapy you mean the prosperity gospel comes from this new thought theology that was actually an occult teaching that basically says that there is divinity in each one of us so basically if we speak something it should come into existence i heard an adventist pastor and a very very large adventist event uh probably several thousand people in attendance preached that if you want a mercedes-benz you ought to go down to the mercedes-benz dealership look at the mercedes you want and speak to it and tell the mercedes it was going to be yours and that you were going to take it home he then went on and said that you could go in front of the house drive around in a neighborhood and see when you find a house you like stop your car and speak to the house that is either early on said schizophrenia or idolatry yet this was i heard this preaching an adventist from an adventist uh preacher and a pulpit that we should speak to inanimate objects because we want them if you really want something i'd say argue you'd be better off praying to god and speaking to something that has no power to give itself to you but this is the prosperity gospel that has slipped into our churches and makes the poor feel guilty that they don't have what others have this is the prosperity gospel that would make it seem as if the best christians in the world then are in america because america is the wealthiest country and it's full of christians and most of many of the christians are very wealthy this would mean that the christians in jamaica and haiti and parts of eastern europe and africa and asia um struggling being persecuted that these people have no value spiritually when in fact the opposite is true jesus says he's looking for those who are poor in this world but rich in faith i did a presentation recently for voice of the martyrs what a powerful organization and i tell you it was it was it was for um a group in australia and it was very early in the morning three o'clock in the morning here in in in in the eastern time zone of the states and when they began to talk about what people sacrifice one young lady who came out of islam and um took her two children 12 and six years old and fled to a pastor's house but when she got there she was deathly and over the next few weeks she basically um uh died she went into a coma and died and tried to take her to the hospital in eastern africa and took her to the hospital and she died and the doctors discovered that she had been poisoned before she left her family a pastor in another part of the world that had been um beaten and and and imprisoned for preaching the gospel and you're telling me that these people who risk their lives are lesser christians because they have empty banks they don't even have bank accounts let me tell you something many are going to be shaken out of the church because they think that if you are a christian life should be an easy path but all who will live godly in christ jesus will suffer persecution jeremiah 12 and verse 3 jeremiah goes on he says but thou o lord knowest me thou has seen me and tried mine heart toward thee pull them out like sheep for the slaughter and prepare them for the day of slaughter jeremiah said listen rather than destroy all of us or maybe he's not saying rather but why don't you take the wicked who are causing the problems lord and why don't you pull them out like sheep for the slaughter and prepare them for the day of slaughter why lord do you allow the wicked to prosper all around us when they're gonna be the cause of our destruction pull them out and destroy them alawite says it like this she says the mysterious providence which permits the righteous to suffer persecution at the hand of the wicked has been a cause of great perplexity to many who are weak in faith some are even ready to cast away their confidence in god because he suffers the basest of men to prosper while the best and purest are afflicted and tormented by their cruel power how it is asked can one who is just and merciful and who is also infinite in power tolerate such injustice and oppression this is a question with which we have nothing to do god has given us sufficient evidence of his love and we are not to doubt his goodness because we cannot understand the workings of his providence in other words you do not need to worry about how good the the wicked are doing because god has given you enough evidence in your life that he loves you if you ever doubt that god loves you there's one christian song song um about a mess up the lyrics but there's one christian song where it says anything basically i'll paraphrase it that any time you focus on what's wrong in your life you question if god loves you but anytime you switch and focus on the cross you know he's never stopped loving you and he never will the problem for some of us is we're not spending enough time contemplating christ on the cross the sacrifice he made at calvary that is sufficient evidence of god's love for us great controversy page 47 says said the savior to his disciples foreseeing the doubts that would press upon their souls in days of trial and darkness remember the word that i said unto you the servant is not greater than his lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you john 15 20 jesus suffered for us more than any of his followers can be made to suffer through the cruelty of wicked men did you get that those who are called to endure torture and martyrdom are but following the steps of god's dear son when you think you've got it so bad the spirit of prophecy reminds us that none of us as his followers can suffer as much as he did because you did not leave a throne in glory you never had ten thousand upon ten thousand angels crying holy holy worthy worthy you now you don't know what it's like to stretch out the celestial uh skies and and lying planets and moons up you don't know what it's like to come to earth and speak life into existence light into existence to form man from the dust of the ground and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life only to come back to redeem that lost man and have him persecute and crucify you let me tell you something that's why it is a privilege to suffer with christ it's a privilege when we are attacked because we are christians jeremiah 12 and verse 4 his final appeal to god here is how long shall the land mourn and the herbs of every field wither for the wickedness of them that dwell therein the beasts are consumed and the birds because they said he shall not see our last and jeremiah says listen because of these wicked people they've destroyed judah and jerusalem he says this is a mess because of these guys everything is falling apart and he says it's because they have said he shall not see our last and lord they're basically taunting you that these that they're they're never theirs lifestyle the way they live is never going to come to an end how long are you going to allow this lord jeremiah asks but then god replies and his reply is one of the most um sobering words in the scripture where god speaks through a prophet to us in jeremiah chapter 12 and verse 5. our scripture reading for this message is given jeremiah 12 and verse 5 says if thou has run with the footmen and they have wearied thee then how can thou contend with horses and if in the land of peace wherein thou trust as they weared thee then how wilt thou do in the swelling of jordan god says jeremiah if you're dealing with what you're dealing with now and you're worn out to the point where you're you're lamenting and carrying on like this wandering of questioning my judgment and and and wondering if i know what i'm doing he says if you are running with footmen now and they have worry worried you how are you gonna keep up with the horses jeremiah things are not going to get better they're going to get worse and if you're worn out now how are you going to keep up when the real time of trouble comes if in a land of peace like you're experiencing right now jeremiah where you can preach the gospel you trust in this land if it's warying you how are you going to do in the swelling of the jordan how will you survive not uh natural catastrophe let me just make this plain for everybody now if you're complaining about life right now when we our churches can still or they can't open because of coronavirus but we can still meet as christians if you're complaining about life right now when nobody is kicking down your door looking to see what you're teaching your children how are you going to do it when a time of trouble comes and these things are made illegal when when the first amendment becomes obsolete here in america the first amendment of the constitution would guarantees not only our right to assemble but our right to um to religious belief and freedom if now you can't stand it if now it's too much if now you're overwhelmed at presidential elections how are you going to make it when the time of trouble comes you see you can trust in this land of peace now and it's wearing you out i've seen some people get so emotional about this election i've had people on both sides call me that they are calling out on the name of god and they're praying that god will have their candidate win and i say so the problem is who is god going to listen to because both sides seem like they got people praying so emotionally connected to this stuff if you are this attached to to to what it prophetically is just a blip on the radar how are you going to stand when the real difficult times come let me make it even more plain listen if you if you are having trouble keeping the sabbath now if you're having trouble now being um faithful to your spouse or or pure in your vows until you're married if if now you're having trouble putting down a liquor bottle if now you're having trouble being obedient to the will and laws of god if now you're cheating on your lord how are you gonna stand for him when your life could be taken for it if now you're still picking up stockings after sunset and your ox is always falling into the ditch every friday night and you're in a grocery store if now you can't do what god has asked you to do you really think you're gonna do what god asked you to do when they put a gun to your head when they threaten your livelihood if you can't keep up with the footman how are you going to run with the horses ellen white says it like this she says manuscript 4 she says the time of trouble is before us and if there is lack of courage and ambition now how will they pass the fearful scenes of that trying hour she says the time of trouble is before us if you don't have courage today if you don't have ambition to be a christian now do you think all of a sudden you're gonna gain you're gonna gain bravery when the stakes are higher do you think you're gonna all of a sudden have ambition to study the word and to be a christian then well the shaking is already upon us and i mean in a very general sense this is a pew research study says the united states decline of christianity continues at rapid pace this this the uh in the graph here the the red part should be sitting on top so the x-axis is shown here that would be on top of it i'll be quick with this it shows you that those who call themselves christian are declining in america and those that call themselves the nuns no nes have no religion they are increasing in america especially among younger generations here's the challenge for the church then when you go to preach now you in america you're going to be going to speak to people who don't believe in the bible who don't believe in god who who are evolutionists um who don't think god matters or is relevant how are we going to reach those people it's going to be challenging and it's going to be difficult ellen white says it like this early writings page 270 she says i asked the meaning of the shaking shaking i had seen and was shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the council of the true witness to the laodiceans this will have its effect upon the heart of the receiver and will lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth the straight truth some will not bear this straight testimony they will rise up against it and this and this is what will cause a shaking among god's people in other words spirit of prophecy says there's gonna be a time when the straight truth of to the laodicea is gonna be preached which says yeah you say you have a whole lot but you really don't have anything you need to buy of me gold tried in the fire you need to buy me white raiment uh i salve that you may see it's gonna go through and call out laodicea and and expose that in fact laodicea has much but is not filled with god's spirit not not living the way god would have her to live and when this straight testimony is preached a whole lot of folk are going to get up and walk out you know why that is because right now in a lot of places what is actually being preached is fluff preaching smooth things comfortable things when we decide to begin to preach as jeremiah did a straight testimony folk are going to get up and walk out of the church ly says that like this prosperity multiplies a mass of professors adversity purges them out of the church testimony for the church volume 4 page 89. she says science so called in religion will be placed in opposition to each other because finite men do not comprehend the power and greatness of god these words of holy writ were presented to me of your own selves shall mentorize speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them this will surely be seen among the people of god evangelism 593 you're gonna have people in the church rising up talking about the emerging church and um and meditation and and and christian yoga and and different different things just like in jeremiah's day the pagan heath and secular things are going to begin to slip into the church and it will be literally brought in by those in the church who should be defending her against of these false doctrines and teachings as trial thickens around us as trials thicken around us both separation and unity will be seen in our ranks some who are now ready to take up weapons of warfare will in times of real peril make it manifest that they have not built upon the solid rock they will yield to temptation those who have had great light and precious privileges but have not improved them will under one pretext or another go out from us during this time of trouble some folk will draw closer some folk will walk away some who are now ready to fight and defend the truth like peter when he cut off malcus the high priest servant's ear ready to fight for jesus and then just a little later a little girl causes him to deny that he ever even knew jesus some of us are ready to fight now but will not be willing to stand later i don't know why it gives you the reason those who have had great light and precious privileges but have not improved them will under one pretext or another go out from us are you improving on the precious light and privilege privileges that you've been given to know these end time present truths so real quick we'll go through a few three few ways for you to stay anchored how do you stay anchored number one you don't want to be shaken out don't look to people there's need now that our people be educated to put their trust in god alone they must learn that their trust is not to be placed in any human voice or arm of flesh if you want to stand you cannot look to people let me tell you something there are there have been some horrible stories going around about um preachers falling in the church over certain key issues and and having committed some terrible things and there are people who are saying they're leaving the church especially in black adventists i'm saying they're leaving the church because of what some folk have done let me tell you something if if a ma if someone else's failure can cause you to walk away from the church it means you are never rooted and grounded in the church in the first place if someone else's failure can shake your faith that much your faith was never stable to begin with because you would know that you can't trust the arm of flesh you can't just do what you do because someone else does or doesn't do something you have to be built on a thus saith the lord and on your relationship with jesus christ because you're going to see great men fall jeremiah 12 10 11 says it like this jeremiah says many pastors have destroyed my vineyard they have trodden my portion underfoot they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness they have made it desolate and being desolate it mourneth unto me the whole land is made desolate because no man layeth it to heart ellen white says in prophets and kings page 188 many a star that we have admired for its brilliance will then go out in darkness i heard of one adventist preacher who i actually really liked knew began to study some of the things against ellen white that were brought up by desmond ford many seasons ago many years ago and this person has walked away and left the church he and his wife many a star that we have admired for its brilliance will then go out in darkness i remember in california there was a pastor of one of the churches in l.a i think in the hollywood area said that he was going to try out being an atheist for a year i mean think about everything how does a pastor try out being an atheist for a year like being an atheist is is like a is a diet or something and sure enough at the end of the year the pastor left the church but these things have prophesied will not the enemy rise up people to lead in the church so that when they fall they draw people away you cannot trust people here's what ellen white said in manuscripts um releases 13 she says men whom he has greatly honored will in the closing scenes of earth's history pattern after ancient israel a departure from the great principles christ has laid down in his teachings a working out of human projects using the scriptures to justify a wrong course of action under the perverse workings of lucifer will confirm men in misunderstanding and the truth that they need to keep them from wrong practices will leak out of the soul like water from a leaky vessel if you are going to stay rooted and grounded in god's remnant church you will not have the luxury of seeing all those who might be uh admired stay firm so you can't put your trust in the arm of flesh number two how do you stay anchored study for yourself eloy says here in signs of the times october 7 1897 she says every individual must seek by earnest prayer to know the word of god for himself and then do it and by daily putting his trust in god and not in the arm of flesh will any soul obtain the experience essential to answer the prayer of christ and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true god and jesus christ thou has sent you've got to study for yourself you've got to know why you believe you know a lot of kids go to college and i saw this when i went to university of alabama huntsville to take a comparative biology class while i was at oakwood i went into that class and i saw a class full of bible-belt young people from all over alabama all most of them all raised in the church and when that professor began to teach evolution and ask hard questions as to why they believed the way they did and they could not answer it by the end of the semester many of them had given up their faith you've got to study to for yourself you got to know what you believe second timothy uh this second timothy 2 and verse 15 says study to show yourself approved unto god a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't study so that you'd get good grades and get make the dean's list and pass the bar or the medical medical examinations that you'll have to take you study first and foremost to show yourself approved unto god number three how to stay anchored guard the avenues of your soul adventist homepage 403 who can know in a moment of temptation the terrible consequences which will result from one wrong hasty step our only safety is to be shielded by the grace of god every moment and not put our own spiritual eyesight so that we will call evil good and good evil without hesitation or argument we must close and guard the avenues of the soul against evil to guard well the avenues of your soul second timothy 2 16 says but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness and i have a lot of talks about this if you're listening to secular music that is telling you to do things contrary to god if you're listening if you're watching movies that are promoting a lifestyle that goes against god or alcohol even cigarettes the studies show young people who watch movies where sexual content is high um smoking alcohol is high it's more likely that those young people will um try those things that's why there's been a big push you can look it up to remove cigarette smoking from movies the tobacco industry used to send millions of dollars to hollywood so that the stars would be smoking their cigarettes in order to sell the cigarettes there's an influence that it has you must guard well the avenues of the soul you cannot go out playing with with spiritualism and playing with um astrology and playing with um um uh palm reading and all you gotta guard yourself against this stuff if you don't guard well the avenues of your soul you allow the enemy in and you will be shaken out number four watch out for influencers how to stay anchored the curse of god rests upon many of the ill-timed inappropriate connections that are formed in this age of the world if the bible left these questions in a vague uncertain light then the course that many youth of today are pursuing in their attachments for one another would be more excusable one of the things that happens is if you allow yourself to be exposed to other people they have an influence on you and the psychologists have been talking about this a long time so you've got to be careful because if you allow yourself in jamaica they say if you lay with dog your eyes would flee first corinthians 15 33 and the king james version says this be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners the amplified says it like this do not be deceived bad company corrupts good morals and so this is not just your friends this is not just who you acquaint with and if you're hanging out with people who don't believe and you start making small compromises and begin to act the way they act and so forth it can mess with you you've got to be careful who has an influence on you and nowhere is that more important than in the realm in the realm of family and in the realm of romance jeremiah 12 6 for even thy brethren in the house of thy father even they have dealt treacherously with thee yea they have called a multitude after thee believe them not though they speak fair words unto thee be careful even the folk in your family who who don't necessarily agree with you you got to be careful what influence you allow people i want people young people parents tell them uh you know you're not smart enough to go off to school and do this or that but the most damaging way that they do this is to actually say to them you should not try to be a better christian you you'll never reach the goal you you you're setting out for uh god understands you you don't have to try to be perfect let me tell you something do not let anyone influence you that you cannot grow closer to christ do not let anyone influence you that your past will always haunt you don't let them influence you that you will not you cannot be washed in the blood of the lamb and that god will not only forgive your sin you'll forget them but in the realm of romance second corinthians 6 14 says this be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath christ with belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel wherefore come out from among them and be separate said the lord and touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you when you think you're in love with someone the reasoning parts of the brain are turned off and so that's why they say love is blind you will literally run into a mess thinking you're in love you remember how many times in my life have i heard someone say i don't know what i saw in that person but because the reasoning centers of the brain were turned off they weren't making right judgments now watch this if you begin to be intimate with the person sexually intimate with the person it even further causes a fuzziness so now not only is it the romantic piece but the physical reward you're getting in intimacy will cause you to be even more blind and i tell you this is why so many marriages wind up unhappy because people start out like this they don't go into the marriage with their eyes wide open and then they get into it and it's a mess and they often are bringing in a situation where they are unequally yoked can two walk together lest they agree i know many who have been shaken out of the church because of who they married be careful who you let influence you number five how to stay anchored pray as if your life depended on it prayer is the opening of the heart to god as to a friend the eye of faith will discern god very near and the supplement may obtain precious evidence of the divine love and care for him gospel work workers 34 and 35 uh i tell you the enemy has his people praying against the church i learned this when i was traveling in in europe how did they how the the witches in one town pray all night to try and destroy the churches yet some of us don't pray for two minutes a day if you're going to stay anchored you got to pray paul says in first corinthians 5 and verse 17 pray without ceasing number six if you're going to stay anchored you've got to learn how to praise god in the storm the reason a lot of people are shaking out is when hard times come when you're talking about in the beginning of the message when hard times come they don't know what to do and because they don't know that in the storm you can actually praise god you can give the shout of victory before the battle is over you don't have to wait to shout because god is going to win in the end murmur not repine knot covet not quarrel not our instructor continued when you are afflicted look to the great physician you have need to rejoice and to humble yourselves before the lord by indulging a selfish spirit men become narrow and short-sighted and then they fail to read from cause to affect the word of the lord is to be your guide in all things the lord is in his holy temple but all the earth keeps silence before him can you praise god in your storms job 13 says it like this though he slay me yet will i trust him but i will maintain my own ways before him let me tell you something if you want to be able to stay in the church you've got to when the darkest hour of your life comes you need to be able to praise the name of god you've got to be able to praise him in the storms or she won't survive the storms and i've been through some storms in my life and i can tell you when you start praising god in the storm there's a peace that comes over you god draws near you in fact uh the psalmist david says that god inhabits the praises of his people when you praise god in the storm god shows up in the storm with you and like jesus on the boat when the disciples thought it was going to sink he was sleeping because jesus knew if he's in the boat the boat can't sink invite him into the boat of your life praise him in the storm last one how to stay anchored share the gospel lift up jesus lift him up the man of calvary with the voice of song and prayer seek earnestly to spread the gospel tell the precious story of god's love for man in this work you will find a satisfaction that will last through the eternal ages christ has given us this work as our special charge and he is the source of our of our wisdom and and efficiency review and hero july 11 1999 i want you to get this this in this work you will find a satisfaction that will last you through the eternal agents the satisfaction that you get from sharing the gospel will anchor you and you will be so anchored that even 70 millennia from now you'll still be glad you shared the gospel of jesus christ first corinthians 9 16 paul says for though i preach the gospel i have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me yea woe is unto me if i preach not the gospel i know white to close says it like this the work with which the work which the church has failed to do in a time of peace and prosperity she'll have to do in a terrible crisis under most discouraging forbidding circumstances the warnings that worldly conformity has silenced or withheld must be given under the fiercest opposition from enemies of the faith and at that time the superficial conservative class whose influence was steadily whose influence has steadily the progress and of the work will renounce the faith and take their stand with its avowed enemies toward whom their sympathies have long been tending these apostates will then manifest the most bitter enmity doing all in their power to oppress and malign their former brethren and to excite indignation against them this day is just before us the members of the church will individually be tested and proved they will be placed in circumstances where they will be forced to bear witness for the truth many will be called to speak before councils and in courts of of justice perhaps separately and alone the experience which would have helped them in this emergency they have neglected to obtain their souls are burdened with remorse for wasted opportunities and neglected privileges testimonies for the church volume 5 page 463 and on the previous paragraph that doesn't mean conservative like we think of conservative today um uh it's it was a different meaning then but the point of the text here is what we didn't do when we had a chance we're gonna regret one day and the more difficult circumstances we're gonna have to preach the gospel and finish the work we will each be tested and proved will your anchor hold in the storms of life to him says i'm wondering if you are ready for what is about to come upon the earth if you can't keep up with the footman how are you going to run with the horses let me tell you something take your calling and election shore if you're not preparing for the difficult times ahead now if you're not being faithful to god in small things now you won't be faithful to him in big things later don't be shaken out drop your anchor drop it on the rock which is christ jesus so that you cannot be moved father god we thank you for this opportunity to study your word lord the shaken has already begun inside the adventist church we've seen so many who have been shaken out i've seen so many who just walked away former pastors former theology students former ministry leaders just walk away lord no longer believe father god you also say that there will be others that come from outside of the ranks that would take their place help us father to be the kind of christians that those on the outside looking for the light of truth we'd be able to find it among our ranks lord we know that we're going to go through times of trouble and difficulty help us lord to grow in character to be more like jesus every step of the way so that we are anchored in the church anchored in the truth anchored in the love of christ so the lord we will follow you whether so ever you lead us this is our prayer in jesus precious and holy name amen hi my name is daryl i hope you enjoy the program today we'd like to offer you a free gift it's a book called path to peace do you have stress in your life do you have guilt in your life do you know someone that does well then why not order this free book path to peace and enjoy it i'm sure you'll be blessed by it thank you
Channel: Three Angels SDA Church
Views: 5,203
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Id: yX-QJoAZL_s
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Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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