Dr Eric Walsh Faith is the Victory

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if you have your Bible turn with me in your Bible to the book of Mark we'll get right into this thing mark chapter 9 starting at verse 14 I switched on your pastor he did ask me for the information I sent the tool but I'm preaching something different a Mark chapter 9 starting at verse 14 mark 9 starting at verse 14 and you can put the slide back up those right and I'll read in your hearing the first few verses and when he came to his disciples he saw a great multitude about them and the scribes questioning with them and straightway all the people when they beheld him were greatly amazed and running to him they saluted him and he asked the scribes what question ye with them and one of the multitude answered and said master I brought unto you my son who has a dumb spirit and wheresoever he taketh him he tare with him any phone with and nash's with his teeth and Pines away and I spoke to your disciples that they should cast him out but they could not our message this Sabbath is entitled faith is the victory let us pray father God we thank you for this opportunity Lord to dive into your word as father God that you make me just a nail upon the wall a rusty sorry nail Lord but upon that nail lord I ask that you hang a portrait of Jesus Christ let Eric Walsh not be seen or heard today instead father God let us hear a word from the throne room of grace as our prayer in Jesus is precious and holy name Amen Jesus and three of the disciples had just come down from the Mount of Transfiguration on the Mount of Transfiguration as Jesus is there he's visited by Elijah and Moses he takes only three disciples with him Peter James and John and he leaves nine disciples behind him and and this creates a bit of a rift or a split as you read the New Testament and the Gospels you understand that each disciple had a plan to be the vice president in the New Kingdom when it was set up so when Jesus takes three of them to the mountaintop and this experience happens the nine that I left behind when you read the desire of Ages are very upset that they have been left behind and that three were taken up a division arises in them and of course on the Mount of Transfiguration Jesus is visited by Elijah and Moses it makes sense there are only three people recorded in the Old Testament who to have been able to go to heaven without before Jesus actually came to earth and that's Enoch Elijah and Moses so when they see Jesus on earth are dealing with ministry dealing with twelve knuckleheaded disciples I would imagine that Elijah and Moses signed up quickly to the Father and listen we will go to earth and encourage the son because if Jesus had a failed what would have happened to Elijah and Moses his position in heaven never really think about the fact that they could have had their heaven pass revoked so they had a lot so they came to see Jesus and when they get to earth and they see him the scripture tells us that that Peter of course speaks a lot in the whole transaction as he always does but but when he gets that when he gets with them the light of heaven is even coming off of Christ they have an amazing mountaintop experience and as they come down the mountain and Jesus goes back to find the other nine disciples our story begins and and when we look at our story we look at what happens one of the things that you recognize is that when Jesus gets down to the bottom of the mountain that he finds the nine disciples being questioned Jesus jumps into their defense why are you questioning them when the crowd that has gathered waiting for Jesus who have been watching the spectacle of the miracle that never happened for this little boy they come running to Jesus they're amazed and they salute him and and Jesus jumps in to defend his disciples now you gotta get this you got to see this in your as this is happening a man holding a little boy walks into the middle of the crowd near Jesus you got to see this all of a sudden what probably happens is the crowd opens up and there's a space maid in the middle and inside of this circle that the crowd has become is Jesus a man a father and a little boy this is uncommon most time men didn't travel with children alone the mothers never mentioned in the story and the father brings his son out into the middle of the circle and the father says I have brought unto you my son who has a dumb spirit now see some of us think dumb learning American a connotation of the word dumb the word dumb doesn't mean stupid we call it a on people call it the way he's so dumb that's not really what it means the real word of the denotative meaning of the word dumb is the word it means your inability to communicate he has a spirit where he can't really communicate in fact the father goes on and says the spirit takes him and it tears him he foams at the mouth he begins its described epileptic seizures he foams at the mouth and he gnashes with his teeth and he turns away he says and I came all the way from home with my son alone I came here and I got here I didn't find you Jesus I found the nine that you left behind and when I asked them to save my son they couldn't do it let me tell you something folks expect that since you have spent time with Jesus that you can do something for them people on your job know that you go to church they think that when you pray something supposed to happen they think that you ought to speak different than the other folk at work they think you ought to watch differential you ought not know every episode of scandal like the back of your hand I'm sorry I'm sorry Church he has a dumb spirit the father says and where it takes him this spirit has been trying to destroy my my son and and and there's a lot going on but but the nine were so jealous they were so envious they were so upset that they didn't get to go up in the mountain that I want you to get this their Envy destroyed their spiritual ability to work a miracle I want you to get something Satan works by dividing churches you see if he can get the church set up so the folk are working against one another one Island against another Island the Trinity don't like the ADI or a Yankee and all of a sudden you get division and the devil is the master of divide and conquer so if your church gets to a place where everyone's pointing and everyone else and we're putting people down and an envy and division happens why is this group looked after better than this group or the young get more than the older vice versa Satan steps in and the spiritual power that the church was supposed to have is put to sleep so that when full come in your church you don't know why they don't stay but they came here with their child who had a dumb spirit and and and when they came here the division stole spiritual power be careful be very careful I remember being at Oakland it was an amazing class that EE Cleveland taught dynamics of Christian living or such a good class that even after you took the class one quarter you'd come back and sit in the class the next quarter cuz Cleveland was preaching every class it was amazing and he would tell this story and I had Pastor David PA whose good friend of both of us of ours and many of you know pastor PA and and I've had even passes on the west coast who were in Tennessee at the time tell a story of this church in Nashville that Cleveland says they got a call at Oakwood that they needed to go and deal with this church because the church had become so possessed by the devil Adventist Church knotty Cleveland I mean he took his preachers license he'd exaggerated a little bit but this is what he Cleveland says that one day left Huntsville and drove to Nashville and they walked into the church it was ice cold and the pews were floating in the air he says that when they began to get the church members and some of them were possessed and they began to deal with them and cast the demons out of church members they would talk to the demons and they said how is it that you demons were able to take over an Adventist Church that doesn't happen demon says because they were fighting amongst themselves division in the church will leave your church powerless the nine disciples may not have realized that being left in the valley without Jesus they were going to be given an opportunity to liberate this child from this demon without Jesus nearby they were supposed to have a mountaintop experience in the valley but they were so worried about who got to go up the mountain that they never got to go up in the spirit verse 19 he answers him and said o faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him unto me Jesus calls his disciples faithless he calls the crowd faithless he says this is a generation of the faithless he says how long will I be dealing with you people and you don't get it bring the boy to me the Bible says and they brought him unto Him and when he saw him when the boy saw sees Jesus straightway the spirit tear him and the boys being brought to Jesus the devil acts up do you know that's what the devil still does as you bring folk to Jesus the devil tries to act up in their lives and he fell on the ground and he wallowed foaming he starts having another one of these fits and he asked his father how long is it ago since this came unto Him and the father says since he was a word we now know in medicine that what determines the personality the development and character of your child begins very early in fact it begins in the womb we now have a concept called epigenetics and what we understand is that when you are under pressure you as an individual it literally can change the way your genes are expressed if a pregnant woman is under great stress one of the things that happens is that actually she releases more what we call cortisol releasing hormone and it affects the child in the uterus and the child will literally begin to produce more adipocyte cells meaning fat cells so the child and they think about the stress of growing up in a place like America especially being poor and minority that child is going to grow up and literally have more fat cells that can store more fat and then be released into an obesogenic Society and they wonder why Americans have such a problem with weight it starts early we know that the first few years of life is when a child's brain is most most pliable most most malleable most most formable and so we know that what the child is exposed to the American Academy of Pediatrics has actually said a child should not ever look at a television for the first two years and some other professional groups have said for the first three or four years of life because they now think that we have misdiagnosed a whole epidemic do you know there was a time when everybody got their tonsils taken out you remember that you went to the doctor and you had some sold in town to your kid they would take out your tonsils just like that and the kids didn't mind remember why the kids didn't mind because you're gonna get ice cream all day every day why are you recovered kids like take them we now know from scientific evidence and looking at the epidemiology that this was a miss diagnosed epidemic no one like 99 percent of those kids did not need their tonsils taken out in fact we may have harm the children by taking their tonsils out and so today it's very difficult to get your tonsils and adenoids taken out you have to be sick awhile before they'll do it or watch this we think now that the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may be a similar misdiagnosis there are many in the medical community and public health who are beginning to think that in fact what really may be happening is that we are conditioning children to not pay attention by sitting them in front of televisions so early in life and on TV the screen changes every 10 seconds every five-second camera angles change the colors light up then you take this child after five years at home watching TV and you sit them in kindergarten in front of a teacher the teacher don't light up the teacher don't sing songs the teacher don't have dragons coming out the ceiling the teacher just standing there and they said well he's got high feet the kids got a disease no he doesn't you trained him let's not be able to sit still never mind look what you fed him sugar no complex carbohydrates no plant-based diet this Adventist health message that we have is a superior message now let me let me disclose something before I say anything else my parents are both Jamaican I was the first one born in America so I got to say that my brother was the captain of the West Indian cricket team Courtney Walsh so I can I can say what I'm about to say yes he clap now watch this I have learned that Jamaicans are the most conservative Adventist we stick to it hymns what dress you go to Charles just in Trenchtown preaching you go to church in Jamaica they take serious until you go to lunch then all of a sudden boy goat escovitch fish curry chicken jerk chicken let me warn you that all of the messages are important and even this as we come to the end of time we have to think about it one of the things that's happened to children is they've been fed more sweets I have a girl at my church was addicted to snicker bars challenge yourself we're training children a Bible says it happens since they're just children so watch this one of other things that's interesting in the story is that it's a father to children with involved caring fathers have better educational outcomes a number of studies suggest that fathers who are involved nurturing and playful with their infants have children with higher IQs as well as better linguistic and cognitive capacities the father is important in fact one of the best and greatest lies ever told in America by many feminists back in the 60s and 70s was your that child does not need a father the studies are overwhelming in fact women hate me when I say this but the data baled is out it would be better that children are raised with a responsible single father than with a single mother in terms of outcomes I don't like it but that's what the data suggests fathers are critical and I say that because not enough men step up and our fathers and this man in this story the story happens because he's a father that loves his child and takes him to Jesus well what else about a children the average American adolescent will view nearly 14,000 sexual references every single year and movies have an 87 percent likelihood of presenting sexual material children are being exposed to stuff that you don't even understand this is data from our own health department in Pasadena and we showed that 25 percent of kids in the fifth grade have already tasted alcohol one on every four kids in our school district in Pasadena has already tried alcohol and they get them Atkin saneras and they get them at at weddings and again them at other places this is a terrible truth that if you're exposed to alcohol while the brain is still developing the human brain does not finish developing until about 25 years of age so exposing it to these chemicals actually can thwart the development of the brain never mind if they get me hands not on Niccolo but unlike white rum right there's a far more potent version of alcohol and I wish I didn't have to talk about alcohol and Adventist churches but I found that more and more of our people are smoking marijuana ours are drinking alcohol then we would really want to believe we've justified it I've got a nurse at Loma Linda tell me she was a wine on ass or alcohol wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereof is not wise well we look at some other stuff in our school district and one of the things we look at not just alcohol as you can see by the 11th grade about 61% of our kids are drinking alcohol but but 39% are smoking marijuana now one of the worst thing a member of a child that the father said this came to him one of the worst things that can happen is that you start smoking marijuana before the age of 18 again I wish I didn't have to talk about marijuana and I finished churches but a lot of our young people and you learn even some of our older people who tried marijuana use marijuana occasionally Colorado has legalized even recreational use of marijuana the state of California my state has legalized it as medical marijuana and it is rampant now everybody has it if you go to the doctor in California say every fifth Friday of the month a fifth Friday which don't exist most the time every fifth Friday of the month my left toe hurts that you go to one of those doctors that prescribe marijuana you know what marijuana will cure that it's rampant now the marijuana of today is is is literally nine times more potent than the marijuana that Bob Marley or Bob Dylan was smoked you get that the marijuana today is 50 to 70 percent more cancer-causing agents than tobacco it causes something we call amotivational syndrome and we now know chemically why marijuana reduces the production of dopamine in the brain I might have to switch this out you know let me use a hand sorry about evidence is and and them sort of marijuana today is dangerous potent and it was a study recently done that showed if you begin to smoke marijuana before the age of eighteen you significantly increase the risk of a psychotic illness as an adult like schizophrenia in fact when you look at the streets of America and you begin to watch the number of people pushing carts around and and and living homeless on the streets of America one of the major reasons they are is the use of early life marijuana the scripture says the father said Jesus asked him when did this come to him the father said of a child spiritualism since a child all of the popular shows show all of the spiritualism everything from going all the way back to Disney's Fantasia or bewitched to Dora the Explorer and The Princess and the Frog you watch this stuff and what you're really by repetition giving a child is a belief in the sin and in the magical now now you know my grandmother tells me stories about having to deal with OVA lady in Jamaica and house my grandmother would tell stories about how when she would be there she was an Adventist when a few Adventists at the time in her neighborhood and and they would come the obeah women would come against there and they would have sessions at night and try and put spells and hexes on our family and my mother would bail us out and one night they said it when they were doing this my grandma had seven children she had all seven of them praying and naked here horses begin to run around the house but there were no horses outside some of y'all smiling and she's and my grandmother said after a while the horses would begin to run above the house and my mother in my aunt Doreen would tell her that he prayed all night the next day my grandmother was putting clothes on the line and one of the obeah ladies came to her and said mrs. I wit kind of magic you work in and watch this my grandmother just said I trust in Jesus all of the magic in the spiritualism here's the problem kids think there's more power in Harry Potter than in Jesus Christ so these shows of selling in the millions the authors are giving these stories supernaturally the characters just appear in their dreams both the author of Harry Potter and Twilight you've got to study this stuff why because these things come upon them when they're children Satan wants to destroy our children and of course it goes into the hip-hop world here's Jay Z and this is the book of magic as he's filming if you go on youtube and watch the filming of the 99 problems video he and a Rick Rubin who started Def Jam's in the bottom left-hand corner picture the working Kabbalah which is Jewish mysticism and when I was in Israel I was able to go to Haifa and actually go into one of these Kabbalistic synagogues and it is OB a Jew in a Jewish format this is why I Madonna and all these Hollywood people promote it now and and this book of magic is what they focus on as jay-z is going into the studio why because when they make much of the secular music that people listen to today most of it a spell is placed on the music and of course it shows because they begin to wear satanic symbolism the pentagram the head of Baphomet and all the other symbols of Rihanna and Kanye West they don't just sell Baphomet clothes at Macy's so I got to make you this kind of clothes this is the stuff that they're trying to expose our children to Kanye West in 2010 in his unbeaten wards he's and he has on a Baphomet t-shirt Kanye West says I sold my soul to the devil that's a crappy deal at least it came with a few toys like a Happy Meal and of course he began to see him get darker and darker now as he says he is Jesus and you can look at these pictures of this last album and you can see all of the terrible symbolism on the left he is being crowned with a crown of crowns and he's holding the world in his hand as if he is Jesus but watch this as you as they're putting it down the two angels eyes are blocked out why because those aren't angels they're demons crowning him and when you look on the right you see him with an upside-down cross and the red hand of Satan to the right to them to the right of him so he's to the left hand of Satan with three demonic women and I'm not trying to scare I'm trying to tell you what we are watching what we're listening to it matters even if cartoons are children watch this is yugioh with the hexagram in the center of the star characters forehead whose name is Alastair like Aleister Crowley who instituted all of the satanic imagery and and and practices that are so common in the world today the scripture says of a child in fact Ellen White says it like this modern spiritualism resting upon the same foundation is but a revival in a new form of the witchcraft and demon worship that God condemned and prohibited of old it is foretold in the scriptures which declare that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils in fact Paul says study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth starting to show yourself approved to God everything you do your studying but you ought to study folk so that God has approved then he says in verse 16 align all most that is aligned for the modern hip-hop it says but shun profane and vain babblings nice to listen to a lot of hip-hop there is no music form in modern times that is more profane and vain I got this I got that I got this this my bitly this my Mabon this mine my vain and profane the Bible says don't listen to that kind of stuff for they will increase unto what more ungodliness in fact the work that we have for our children as this work right here the need of character character building is the most important work ever entrusted to human beings and never before was its diligent study so important as now never was any previous generation called to meet issue so momentous never before were young men and young women confronted by perils so great as confront today character-building spirit of Prophet says this is from the book education is the most important thing why because what is the only thing you get to take to heaven your character the father responds in mark 922 and oftentimes it has cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him then he says to Jesus the father going back to the story but if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us the father if Jesus now I went to Palmetto high school in Miami and and I had a really good English teacher there and she taught us that if is the largest biggest one of the most important words in the English language if but it's only two letters because with if everything is possible and what if nothing is possible so he is Jesus if you can do anything the Father had enough faith to leave his house and bring his son but when he got there he still doubted Jesus but Jesus is great with language and jesus said unto him if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes Iza says who you issen jesus says the if isn't on me the it's on you if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes and i love this line straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears lord I believe help thou mine unbelief and I watch this because this text should liberate somebody today you see what we think sometimes is that when we have doubt that what we have to we we take our doubt and we go away from God so we start to doubt we start to wonder if this is truth if the whole Adventist doctrines are truth if if there's even a God if it doesn't my life matter and doubt builds up you start you fall into sin over and over again and the devil so I should whisper in your ear all kinds of stuff and you doubt and so what happens is you get this doubt and doubt to the Christian is a a malignant cancer it begins to grow and and and and then you're more doubt feeds and if you hang with folk who doubt they feed it and and the doubt grows but watch this you have permission in this story to take your doubt and carry it to Jesus you have permission to take the doubt and carry it to Jesus he says lord I believe help thou mine unbelief I've got some faith Lord but it's not as strong as it ought to be the scripture says we're each given a measure of faith but you got to work the faith to grow two things you've got to step out and trust God sometimes you should keep a prayer journal so when you get a victory you can go back and look and say look how God did this and then you can see that there's proof yes God is working in my life and many of us if you just look back on your life like David before he went to Goliath David said I know I can kill this giant because I was watching my father's sheep and I killed the bear when he came and I killed a lion when he came remember you're lions and you're bears to grow your faith in fact keep them where you can read about him otherwise says it like this she says it is faith that connects us with heaven and brings us strength for coping with the powers of darkness in Christ God has provided means for subduing every sinful trait and resisting every temptation however strong but many feel that they lack faith and therefore they remain away from Christ let these souls in their helpless unworthiness cast themselves upon the mercy of their compassionate Savior she goes on and say look not to self but to Christ he who healed the sick and cast out demons when he walked among men is the same mighty Redeemer today faith comes by the word of God then grasp his promise him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out cast yourself at his feet with the cry lord I believe help thou mine unbelief watch this line she says you can never perish while you do this never that ought to liberate you that you understand that as long as you're taking your doubt to God the grace of God will make up the difference you see too many of us have been taught to fight the fight of works and not fight the fight of faith so what you do is you say man I'm s I'm slippin on this point and I'm still in the club and I still look at this stuff I shouldn't look at I'm still smoking this stuff or drinkin and you start focusing on you and as long as I focus on me nothing's gonna change Paul said I fought the good fight of faith and the good fight of faith says I don't focus on me I focus on Jesus and what I need victory over sin I don't focus on how bad a sinner I am I focus on how good a Savior he is that liberates you okay how mixed up in sin how messed up in the world you are take it to Christ she says nothing is apparently more helpless yet really more invincible than the soul that feels its nothingness and relies wholly on God i'ma read that again nothing is apparently more helpless yet really more invincible than the soul that feels it's nothingness and relies wholly on God did you get that it is our very weaknesses that God uses to make us invincible because it's our weaknesses we were having a Bible study last night my brother and I we're somebody's house laughter I was trying to make this point to him last night it is in through our weaknesses that we recognize our constant need for Christ so it's in our weaknesses that were made strong as long as we take it to him let's finish up the story the Bible says let's click it up there's not working is on the battery mother died on this thing we go to mark 9:25 while he switch the slide the Bible says when Jesus saw that the people came running together he rebuked the foul spirit saying unto Him you dumb and deaf spirit I charge thee come out of him and enter no more into him notice that when Jesus deals with the demon he deals with it completely next slide and the spirit cried and rent him sore and came out of him and watched this he was as one dead the little boy was on the ground like he was dead it go back one slide there you and so much that many said he is dead now when you have an interaction with Christ the old people in your life the people who you used to run with will say man I do to do that we used to know is gone you're so different you talk different you walk different you think different you you act different so different in fact that the people you used to Club within and run with it and and hang with when they see you now they say where is the old you when you have an when you have an experience with Jesus Christ the old man is dead I'm a new creation I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus Bible says in verse 27 but Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose next slide and when he has come into the house his disciples asked him privately why could not we cast him out and he said unto them this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting you see what Jesus was trying to hint to them is if they had a simply been praying and fasting while he was up in the mountain with the other three they would have had just as incredible and experience as the three that went up he wasn't playing favorites by taking the three necessarily he was simply splitting them up so that everybody could have an amazing experience I want to challenge you when you're going through stuff praying fast praying fast it will move mountains if you praying fast the story is told of a young man who was playing poker as we wrap up and one of the western states a true story and as they were there playing poker they got into an argument the young man had had a few drinks and he reached down into his bag and he pulled out a gun he pointed across the table at the guy he thought was cheating and he pulled the trigger and shot him and killed him right on the spot the police came and arrested this young man and took him away he went before the first judge and he's put in jail awaiting trial and and while this is all going on his family's trying to work to see how they can help him finally he gets before the judge he has the trial he's convicted of murder in the first-degree premeditated murder and he is sentenced to death in the electric chair while the years are going on his family begins to recite write a petition asking the governor for a stay of execution that maybe they won't put him to death they'd let him live out the rest of his life in prison so everybody in the house and his family house signs the petition and everybody on that street knows the kid so the next house over they sign it and in the next house and the next house until the whole street signed it then the next street and the town in the next town until the whole county is signed it then the next County until finally one day as the governor's in his office baskets and baskets of petitions begin to come before the governor now the governor of the state was a Christian and when he saw the mercy of the people of a statement the year that had gone by since the trial the governor decided he was going to write out a full pardon for the young man so the governor sits down and he writes out a full pardon for this young man he puts it in an envelope slips it in his pocket and before he walks out of his office in the governor's mansion he slips on a preachers robe he said what a better way to give this guy the news that he's going to going to be set free and dressed like a preacher the governor gets into the limousine he's driven to the State Penitentiary he meets the warden at the front door of the penitentiary the warden brings him up to death rope shows him which cell it is and sends the governor down by himself dressed up like a preacher when the governor walks into this young man's cell the young man jumps up and says get out the governor says hold on young man I've got news I've got good news the young man says you're the fourth creature I've seen this week get out the Covenant says you don't understand I've got news I've got good news young man says I was raised a Christian and and look at where it's landed me get out the governor and his mercy tries one last time he says listen young man listen I've got good news the young man says if you don't get out I'm going to call the warden and the guards and I'm going to have you put out the governor slips the letter back deep down into his pocket and walks back where he meets the warden and he's escorted back to his limousine and he's whisked off back to the governor's mansion the warden has a smile from ear to ear as he runs up the stairs to death row and he runs into this young man's cell and when he gets into the young man's cell he says he sits down on the cot and he says how did your visit with the governor go the young man says you mean to tell me that that guy dressed up like a preacher was the governor and the warden said mm-hmm not only was he dressed up like a preacher and not only was it the governor but he had written out a full Arden for you the young man says quick give me pen give me paper and he begins to write dear governor I'm so sorry I did not know it was you the letter is mailed and reaches the governor's office a couple days later and when the governor gets this letter he opens it and begins to reading and with tears streaming down his face he turns over the paper and writes on the back no longer interested in this case the day comes for this young man to be put to death and they bring him in front of the electric chair and as the media is all there and those old cameras and microphones are in his face the young the officer says to him do you have any last words before you die young man looks into the cameras of the newspapers and the microphones and a young man clears his throat and straightens up his back and he says he yes tell the young men of America that I'm not dying because I'm a murderer tell the young men of America that I don't die today because of what I've done wrong he says tell the young men of America that I died today because I refused to accept the pardon let me tell you something church if we land in hell's fire in that lake of fire it won't be because of what we did wrong I mean it will but it won't because at the end of the day our petitions have reached to the great governor of the universe and and and and he wrote out a full pardon knock with pen and paper but with the blood that drips from Calvary's tree and he didn't slip all the governor's a preachers robe he put on flesh and was born in a manger and watch this it doesn't matter how far from him you've gone up how deep in sin you've Chardon what matters is will you accept the free party in Jesus Christ because the devil is the warden and he's happy for you to refuse it his every head is bowed and every eyes closed maybe there's someone here who wants to give their life to Jesus Christ today you want to accept that full pardon you want the victory of faith you want the miracle of this demoniac boy who is delivered you need something in your life I have a cordless microphone if you want to raise your hand I will come and get you if you want to give your life to Jesus today in the balcony in the foyer I see a hand right here I'm coming to get you brother praise the Lord every head is bowing every eyes closed there's somebody else you want to give your life to him somebody else you want to give your life to Jesus today if it is another young person you want to give your life to him slip out of your seat and come down in front of raise your hand I'll come and get you anybody else come on down if you're in the balcony still come out of the balcony and come downstairs he's calling you right now slip out and come Oh pants me not old gentle say our mothers die warning do not Bathsheba there anybody else raise your hand I'll come and get you Oh welcome you want to give your life to him today others now our core is morally do now pass me by let me as I throw number audiosurf see find a sweet really kneeling there in deep country ssin hell am i on believe I'm crying shame hey yo bless you change vo here my humbo cry there's now our Kohli - nah - pass me back before we close this appeal I do want to give one general appeal but those of us who have been in this way and been through our ups and downs if you want to just today rededicate your life to Christ I just want you to stand right where you are you're just saying Lord don't pass me by well as your senior pastor to close this session out with prayer father our hearts rejoice today because of the pardon we have because of Jesus thankful Lord for paying the price for our sins on Calvary's tree for shedding your blood and making it way for us to eat from the tree of life and to walk on streets of gold thank you Jesus providing pardon for us today so as we stand Lord and rededication we ask you Heavenly Father to work a change in our lives a change in our hearts O God a change in our attitudes that rightly reflect the glory and kingdom of God and for the D these Lord your young people that have made it decision today to give their hearts to your God we ask that you will seal this decision in the courts above and write their names in the Lamb's Book of Life for we ask it in the powerful name of Jesus let all who believe by faith say together amen and men
Channel: Lighthouse SDA Church
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2013
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