Learn FIVE Different Double Lifts!

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yo what's up guys so in this video I'm going to show you five different ways you can do a double lift now I know what you're thinking why do I need five different double lifts well the truth is you probably don't but it's always a fun idea to learn new things and you know you never know some of these techniques might come in handy for a particular effect you might be doing this video needs no more introduction you know what a double lift is so let's get right into it [Music] thank you okay so this is the sliding double it's Loosely based on the cliff ring double in which you get a break under the top two cards and then you seemingly push that top chord forward with your finger but in actuality you use your thumb tip to push it but this finger simulates the the push like that but this sliding double uses no break it's a it's a brickless no get ready double lift so here's how you do it what you do is you take your index finger and you push over you push forward the top part like this but in the action of doing that you also use the pad of your uh close to the crease right there you know the pad right there to push over the second card as well so as you do that you just push down you apply a little bit more pressure and push up that second card as well so you see there I have two cards that are slid up but that'll be hidden in the action of slightly tilting and up like this all right so you do that move as you tilt up and you come up and then what you do here is as you tilt up this hand sort of Shades it as it comes over and it just squares it like this as it turns over all right so it looks like you're doing this but really you're doing that uh that double like that so it's a really nice sort of free handling like I said a break list no get ready double lift once again this is the action I'll show it to you once more all right so you push over that top card a little bit you push forward it a little bit not all the way because then you it would be impossible to get the second card up all right so you do it a little bit you know very gently all right with a soft touch all right so then as soon as you do that maybe about the the width of the white border at the bottom there's how much you want to push it forward all right so as you do that you just apply a little bit more pressure like this so you can see that second card now being up jog you can see that happening right there all right so once you have that done you just come over you tilt up as that's being pushed all right so once again you're here push that up like this and then you come over and they can't see that as two cards because you're this uh the edge of the card here is for uh pointing towards their eyeballs all right so as you come up just come over and square it like this just tap it and square it as you turn it over all right so that is the sliding double there's a lot of applications for this and you can even use it as a card control like this all right so uh you can dribble the deck and have them say stop any timer all right so once they do you just do the sliding double to show them the card they stop on it right so I do a sliding double as you place that on and take that double out and then show it as a double put it back in and then it's back on top [Music] thank you alright so the center Double by Larry Jennings uh here's the action so it simulates obviously taking a car from the middle of the deck like this but in actuality you're going to do a double lift already so the mechanics of this is like this are sort of like you're going to do riffle for us in a riffling the side of the deck like this and then a good touch is some people sort of bend their knuckle under the deck like this I think that sort of looks uh amateur-ish I think a better touch and a more elegant approach is to just hold the deck like this in a loose dueling grip you know your finger your next finger coming up over the front like this alright so next all your your four fingers are at the side like this and you're Loosely available in the deck like this right you're not gripping it very tightly all right so it's a Loosely beveled deck like this thus making the riffle a lot easier all right so to make the riffle happen instead of doing this you just sort of uh push up with the middle knuckle of your index finger I think it's a more elegant handling it's up to you it doesn't really matter just a little touch now for the double lift itself what you're going to do is as you riffle down the deck you just stop somewhere and then what you're going to do is come over with this hand from above and sort of Pinch at the upper packet like this all right so get a close-up view of this sort of pinch the other pack all right your thumb goes through in the middle right around where this triangle is right here right so about the middle of the deck on the side here and then what you do is you sort of uh sort of pinch it like I said it right so this index finger goes on the about the corner of the deck as this thumb goes on top about the middle like this all right so you come over sort of pinch it like this now as you do that your thumb is going to riffle off two cards like this it's very simple to do all right so with that downward pressure it's easy to just pop off two cards like this all right so it's one two and they just hit your index finger like this or I said once they do that your middle finger of this hand is going to come over and contact the corner of the card once it does you can sort of relax your hand and upon relaxing is sort of just automatically revolves out all right so it's going to revolve around your ring finger alright so keep revolving that card until it's about right here now what you want to do is catch it right there so you want to catch the other corner on your index finger like this as you revolve it to fade this up to show the card and that's the center Double I'll show you to you one more time so once again we are here we're riffled on the side of the pack we come over in that pin script sort of situation like this where full of two cars boom boom they hit the the tip of the index finger like that now as soon as you make contact with that corner corner of the double card with your middle finger just relax your hands relax both hands like this and that'll just you just revolve it out like this and then you sort of catch it on your index finger here as it revolves face up if you don't like the sort of that revolving action you can do a variation by Dan and Dave which looks like this all right so it's pretty much the same thing it's just a slight different uh handling all right so you do this do the center Double like normal and you only revolve around 90 degrees this time all right so once you do that you just turn everything face up as you use your ring finger now to just push it out the side of the deck like this and then you just push it out snap it out and that's your double alright so it's a very nice clean handling of getting a card apparently the deck but in actuality it's a double lift every time this technique will take some practice I mean I've been doing this for years and uh it's just one of those things that you just sit down and practice all day and you'll eventually get really good at it all right so don't give up on it because there's a lot of uses for attendance one of my favorite doubles to do thank you all right so with this is the floating double and what it looks like is you just it's a very elegant sort of soft touch of a double card it's almost one-handed all right so what you need to do is get a pinky break below the top two cars you can do that any way you want to all right I see a lot of people complaining about the the thumb riffle but it's like it's a good method I use it quite often actually all right so don't let the haters uh you know Steer you away from a good Method All right so that's always a good one you know because nobody's going to be looking at the deck anyway as you're talking to them so you can get away with murder I mean if you can do a pass when they're not looking I mean it might look at a tiny little finger break under the top two cards with your thumb it doesn't matter alright so I've always had that pet peeve anyway uh moving on with the double lift all right so what you're going to do is get a break under the top two cards with your pinky like this and what you want to do is use your fingers these three fingers to sort of squeeze squeeze in all right so they squeeze towards your thumb like this add your thumb presses it down and what this is going to do is sort of look uh gets the air out of the the cards all right so any area that's trapped in between this double card you know in between is going to get let out by The Squeeze all right so once you do that you just extend these fingers and uh once they do that it just slides off in a perfect alignment every time all right so it's just one of those things that works science I don't know all right so once again you're here and you have that break it's also a good idea to sort of uh just relax and let it sort of elevate you know a little bit you know so the widen the break all right so once you do that let the air out by squeezing like this thumb goes down these fingers press in and just extend those fingers and that'll just slide out like it like it just floats out every time has a double lift and uh you can get perfect alignment every time by the squeezing uh technique all right so that's uh the floating double [Music] all right so the spread doubles so technically all this is is the Larry Reverse by again Larry Jennings also normally the reverse would look like this all right so you normally have a face up card in the middle of the deck and in the action of turning the space up card over you've actually switched it for a different face up card already so all you're doing is that for a double lift all right so this is the technique so begin spreading cards like this and it's sort of like an up and down motion like this all right so you spread through just say stop any time as I do with this and notice how when I take the first group of cards I come back up as I push another and I come back up push another that's important for that upward motion that's about to happen all right so it's sort of like conditioning them uh with that movement all right so say stopping in time once they do what you're going to do is whatever card your thumb is on all right so you want to come over with this spread here and just come over and butt it up against that thumb so you're slightly aligning those two cards are right so you can see that happening my thumb was on this card in this spray conditioner right so I just come over and just butt this card the bottom card of this spread against that thumb they don't have to be perfectly aligned all right so you just do that as you come up alright so as you you do that alignment move as you come up and all you're going to do is turn this wrist Palm down and you grasp this double on this lower packet like this with your thumb all right so even though they're slightly you know unaligned it's not going to matter because everything is in motion they're not going to see that uh discrepancy there all right so to turn it over you can just as you turn it over you can put these cards on the table and with this to turn it back over you're in perfect position to do that floating double like I just talked about so do that squeeze move as that's turned over place that on the bottom packet do your magical gesture like this and the card is back on top I'll go through that one more time so you can get the fine details alright so you're spreading through up and down up and down up and down they say stop and then as you come up do the alignment move all right this is exp this is exposed to you that'd be kind of bad if you did that so as you come up that lemon move uh is hidden you know larger action covers a smaller action as you come up to the alignment move as they align pin that double face down as you keep a break below it put these on the table like this or you can just keep them in your hand it doesn't matter all right just do that floating double squeeze move as you turn that down and put it in there somewhere like this if you want to and there's a lot of things you can do with that spread double obviously all right so a lot of fun uh to do and I hope you like it thank you [Music] all right so last but not least we have the drawback double lift by Paul Curry alright so what needs to happen is this you get a pinky break under the top two cards whichever way you want to uh pinky pinky count or just doing it from the back otherwise good or you can do the Rubber Band Method just push over two cars push him right back get a break it doesn't matter all right so the get ready for a double lift really doesn't matter at all alright so in case you have a break under the top of cards with your pinky now what you're going to do is you're gonna you're gonna simulate pulling the card back like this or drawing the card back like this hence the name the drawback all right so it looks like you just take your fingers like this and turn the top card over which the reason for this is Paul Correa says is uh this is a sort of a normal way lane would handle cards if you ask him to turn the top card over right so that's normally what they would do all right so he wanted to mimic that and the technique is this so you have your break and what you're going to do is you're coming you're going to come over and with these it's the it's with the webbing the web of your index finger and your middle finger all right so what you want to do is contact the corner of the card against that webbing all right so just like let's just jam it in there all right so you come over Jam the corner and the webbing of your hand and what you're going to do is you're going to apply a pressure downward on the corner of the card up here by your thumb all right so by applying pressure down with your middle finger and the corner caught in the web what you're going to do is uh just slightly move up your hands so the card is being sort of bent you can see that being bent like this so when you slide back the card stays aligned all right so so by bending upwards uh with your hand like this and just maintain pressure downward with your middle finger and you can move back that card just stays aligned as a double it's pretty neat as like a like it's like an illusion all right so you're like this and the car just stays aligned every time it's kind of it's very satisfying all right so you do that just pull it right back and then just grab it and turn it face up just like a lemon water right so turn it back down and that's the drawback W it will take a lot of practice all right so it feels kind of awkward at first but once you get the hang of where the corner goes in the web of your fingers and where that pressure goes or how much pressure with your the middle finger just experiment with it and you'll you'll eventually get it all right so um the thing I will say is just don't give up all right so the more you do it don't worry if I'm around with it uh the easier it'll become and that is the drawback double lift by Paul Curry all right guys so as always thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to watch this video it means the world to me so if you got a value out of it if you learn something new do me a huge favor and hit that like buttons of the channel until next time happy practicing I love you guys
Channel: Sean Devine
Views: 26,437
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Id: y_sEOpb_jcY
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Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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