4-16-21 pm The Cross - Davy Shelton

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[Music] i've not always been faithful but he has i've not always been merciful but he i've not has been true but he's always come through he has yes he i has him i'm not strong he says i am i say i can't go on he [Music] well i'm says the better one i'm not always overcome but he has yes he has [Applause] [Music] and he has [Music] all alone he has given me a melody oh [Music] he has yes he has [Music] i can't conquer death but he has [Music] [Music] oh [Music] know [Music] [Applause] paid the debt on calgary all along [Music] [Music] yes [Music] and he had pay the debt on calvary all along [Music] oh [Music] yes he has [Music] friday [Music] don't you think about these words as a child of god tonight [Music] listen to the words of this verse i've not always been faithful but he has i've not always been merciful but he has i've not always been true but he's always come through he has yes and he has been the greatest friend that i have ever [Music] changed [Music] given me a melody [Music] hey man just remain standing thank you brother james brother eric i want you and your family to come and get ready to sing tonight and uh brother eric i would like that second song that mikey sung this morning yeah uh yeah i like it and that was the name of it it matters to the master that's what i want can we do that uh just for your seated i met brother eric several years ago he's playing piano for the wizards and i love brother jeff miss susan brother aaron i love them they're special people and brother eric was praying for them and he told me that he was going to take his family on the road and they're going to be singing and of course now they're doing some mission work too and different things and we just developed a just a friendship that has lasted a long time and this morning in that service they know how to mind god you know a lot of people sing today they don't have a clue when god shows up like what the world would do now sometimes the best thing to do is get out of the way you know but you don't have to worry about this with this family and uh and then if you just need some look at it you can always look at peyton's faces he makes white singing and uh like that one and uh but anyway i love this family i get to spend time with them i go up and camp right there they have a place for my camper when i go ride my mountain bikes up in the mountains and they cook something for me the best things in morning breakfast is within big old cat head biscuits all that stuff she puts in them jars now there ain't no ain't no tennessee jars i'm talking about but a few times we might have needed that too but not now but uh anyway my buddy here behind me uh i can't say enough about how much i love him he's my buddy you say preacher we were talking about this a while back say preacher what mike he's been through in his situation how do you feel about him being up in front of folks you know and his family you know what i love i love the fact that god can take the weaker things and god can use those to be a blessing amen i ju i feel the holy ghost i'll be honest with you i just lord my crank been turned all day brother james i rushed my life away this week just get back to hear your choir but this family are more than just people who sing but they're friends you don't have a whole lot of them in life not real ones but they're real friends and i appreciate them and i want mikey to sing this song for me because if it matters to the master that's all if it matters to me it matters to the master and that's really all that matters that'd be good to have you up here singing i love you thank god for you mr wayne enough to on front row you just bring a little special light that is platform thank god for you i know you're like my girl you know that amen you go ahead and be seated i love you buddy [Music] when life gets you down and you feel more broken than whole [Music] when the wounds go deeper than words and you can't tell a soul i may not know what you're going through i may not can make that high mountain move but one thing i found i really want you to know if it matters to you it matters to the master he wants to share the burdens [Music] if it's your greatest [Music] an answer if it matters to you it matters to the master [Music] do you think [Music] he sees to the this [Music] and he hears our tears [Music] he wants to share [Music] it matters to you doesn't only matter to you [Music] if it matters to you it matters to a master [Music] gotta do one more most everywhere we go everybody says are you gonna let mikey sing i suggest we will they say are you gonna let laura yeah yeah peyton don't nobody ever asked me to do nothing and it happened here so peyton here's [Music] i used [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come come on it's suppertime [Music] um [Music] some of the fondest memories of my childhood when paul would come to the back strips of the old home place and he'd say come on in peyton it's suppertime i'd love to hear that once more but you know for me time is woven the realization of a truth that's even more thrilling and that's when the lord comes from the poorest of glory and says to come on in for his suppertime it will be gathered around the table with the lord himself at the greatest suppertime of them all [Music] and his familiar voice [Music] is [Music] fast [Music] come home [Music] that [Music] [Music] sorrows [Music] god who came [Music] in my place [Music] want to is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] he is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] amen i remember i was down preaching at brother mark farce's church and she got to singing that one night and you folks understand old time religion understand this and somebody said what is old-time religion this is what i call old-time religious that's what it is amen and i'm rejoicing in it but uh it kind of got out the banks that night i remember miss laura i was going to preach i think i had her singing about five times she didn't got a horse she couldn't wear single more and buddy it just got you know for you from up north it got on remember clark but uh you're a redneck now though you've got f-150 with loud pipes you're redneck now but uh it just got on it was i love that so i need to brag on jesus i'll be honest with you i don't care if anybody leaves this meeting and says well i do care but leaves this meeting says what a great choir what a great singer what a great preacher i'm glad we've had all that but if people leave this meeting and say what a savior don't you think that matters the most that's really all matter i'll be honest that's what really matters to me i mean i'm way beyond personalities and all that stuff amen i believe we get to heaven the lion forms be some folks in front of that line brother david might have not been known down here amen brother davey well it's an honor tonight once again i have a pastor of the gateway baptist church in bowling springs south carolina i don't i don't have any reservations at all about calling him my friend he is that he's one of my favorite people and a great preacher and brother davey i want you to come you close out the meeting tonight as you see fit i can think of anybody else i'd rather finish up tonight you pray for us a lot of these men this year we've got things going on brother danny dixon here from knoxville tennessee we start a meeting up there on monday you pray god will send revival up there he's got a great church in knoxville brother dan is a great preacher and it's an honor to be there then brother david will be up uh brother david this is may right we'll be up in may up in the shenandoah valley and we're going to be up there looking forward to a good revival meeting brother davis church right now how many did you tell me the other week y'all had joined that one sunday 50 folk join the church in the month of february one of the only fundamental bible preaching churches in the area and boy god is blessing that up in the shenandoah valley and uh and then of course uh brother david we've got youth camp coming again this year a new facility we're going to be in and so one exciting year i love pastor listen don't you say nothing around me bad about pastor david shelton amen because for a minute to i might forget i'm saved amen preacher i love you now you just you kind of take off slowly you know what you've had that go tedious who else have one preaching who else is up your head brother mark but my honest mind don't look good on me yours don't look good on you either how long is my wife like cuz i'm happy amen look in your bibles a book of first corinthians tonight first corinthians chapter one and it is a joy to be here amen i appreciate all the singing and how it's exalted the name of christ and boy he is worthy of our praise and i like what the preacher said it if matter if you remember my name or not i'm telling you it's so good to know who jesus is amen and i thank him and i praise him for it tonight first corinthians chapter 1 if you're willing able stand tonight and we're going to read just verse number 18 and then we'll pray and try to preach as the lord directs our heart and just try to lift up the name of christ tonight first corinthians chapter 1 verse number 18. the bible said for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of god i will read that again he said for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us i'm glad i'm numbered in that crowd but unto us which are saying that it is the power of god let's pray together father i thank you lord tonight for your mercy and for your grace lord i'm so glad that i can call upon your name knowing that you hear and answer my prayer lord i thank you for how you've touched my heart help me in these days lord and word the undeserving but lord thank you for all your goodness to me lord help us now i need your touch open the hearts of the listener say that's lost in this place tonight help your people lord my heart desire is to glorify your precious name tonight and everything that you do we're careful to give you the glory for it's in jesus name we pray amen and it amen you can be seated i'm going to read it one more time he said for uh the preaching of the cross is to them that perish those that are lost those who are doomed for eternal punishment he said it's foolishness that word foolishness means that to them it's silly it's absurd they don't understand the message of the cross but unto us that are saved i can't talk about a whole lot of stuff i'm not educated enough when it comes to sports and and automobiles and other things but i do know what it is to be saved by the grace of god i was there 41 years ago when the good holy ghost of heaven i came by my way and convicted me i drove me to bloody country and i got born again washed in the blood of christ i know something about being saved oh yes he said but unto us what you're saying it is the power of god how to preach tonight god helping me i just admitted on this subject of the cross the cross now i realized the son they say that's a simple message but may i say this it is the greatest message that a preacher ever gets to preach hey i i'm glad i can preach a bible that's true cover to cover but the greatest message that i have to preach is the cross of this very night aren't you glad for the cross amen hey this cross that paul is talking about i changed everything how for everybody hey i'm glad for the cross that we sung tonight at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light and the burden of my soul have rolled away i'm glad i've been the bloody calvary i'm glad that i know something about the cross i began thinking today afresh can i say first of all i will look at the person of the cross this ain't a fancy thing but i would say the person this cross is different from anybody else that's died on the cross hey there been people be crucified before calvary's day amen but they're not the person that i'm preaching about tonight this person is the very son of god you see the sovereign declared this is my beloved son and whom i am well pleased hey friend i'm telling he was the son of god he wasn't the son of a roman soldier he wasn't the son of joseph he was the son of the living god i'm glad i know who jesus is he's the son of god hey the demons even said what we have to do thou jesus thou said of the most high god they recognize who he was this person of the cross and it does matter i'm not preaching on the wood i'm not preaching on the design i'm preaching about the person of the cross hey that person's so important had he not went to the cross you and i couldn't be saved you and i would not be here on a friday night but thank god this person the lord jesus christ and the son of the living god he took our place amen hey not only he the son of god he's the sinless one he knew no sin amen oh there's some people they want to argue could jesus sinner can't you're you're being foolish because he didn't why debate amen i'm telling you he was the sinless son of god hey those are the thieves they died but their death didn't help them amen you see that's dying because of what they had done there's guilty above their head said thief insurrection here they they were guilty the man in the middle the son of the living god it said this is jesus of nazareth the king of the jews he is the sinless son of god hey he that knew no sin became sin for us hey i'm glad the sinless one took the place of the sinner and the just one took the place of the unjust and the holy one took the place of the unholy i'm glad he was sinless amen boy sin is an awful thing and it was my sin and your sin that nailed jesus to the cross man he had never done anything wrong hey fellas he never had a wrong thought he never assessed his parents he'd never done anything you you can you grab that never ever did he do anything wrong when he has revived he reviled not hey i'm gonna tell you something hey some things make me upset gets me beside myself sometime but he was not that way he was so holy and so sinless amen hey i'm telling you the person of the cross he's the sinless son of god he is also the savior without jesus there is no salvation you hear this man of god tonight you're not going by buddha he will not go by mohammed you will not go by the baptist you won't go by the church of god you won't be going by the catholics there ain't but one way and jesus said i am the way the truth and the life no man come the father but by me he's it he's the savior oh willingly man anybody went to cross they didn't want to go you realize that don't you being nailed to the cross but he willingly they know one of them soldiers are so impacted they've never seen nobody lay down how do you know he laid down he said i lay my life down i can take him he lay down amen hey i'm glad for the savior tonight oh may we tonight in our hearts be stirred and be free fresh however the fact that christ my friend i went to the cross have the sinless son of god the savior of the world i want to tell you something he tasted death for all men he didn't leave anybody out amen oh preacher you must be a whosoever willer i am if it just been for a few i surely would have been left out but he made sure that i was included hallelujah tuesday he made sure oh bless his name he made sure yours included he didn't ask nobody's permission he didn't ask for a vote but he said for the world that's everybody in it and nobody left that i'ma die for the world amen oh friend what a savior man i ah they got to sing in all them some my hearts are cutting cartwheels cause i knew what god had put on me tonight boy what a blessing to know the savior loves you whoa with an everlasting love boy i love i miss you i love john 3 16 for god so left the world that he gave his only begotten son who said believe it should not perish but have everlasting i'm glad for it i'll preach that verse every way you can preach it phrase but phrase verse the verse is a whole subject how word by word many years ago studying to preach it now again i was looking at every word i got intrigued with so so he didn't just love me retreat so loved me i i tell you i looked the word up i just wasn't quite satisfied with the definition i found and i pulled my commentary i'll be green out on john went to chapter 3 and verse 16. here's what the old man of god said that word so means this there's not enough words in any language describe the love of god he so he so loved you before you ever draw breath how before you ever know anything about him he so loved you he included you i'm telling you hallelujah for the savior tonight had included all men oh he didn't leave nobody out the person of the cross he's the synagogue the sinless one the savior of the world then i'll look secondly for a minute at the purpose of the cross see there's a purpose i want to say this it was not an afterthought now don't get mad at me but i've heard them songs that when all else failed jesus went to the cross it wasn't plan b it wasn't plan c from the mud seals of this whole world i don't make your calvness that makes you a bible believer from the mud shields of this world jesus was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world why preacher there's a payment for sin that had to be made adam and eve plunged us all into us born a center you didn't have no choice we're descendants of adam by the way that don't matter it don't matter what color educational lack thereof riches from poor's jobs turkey hey i all men born sinners in this world there had to be a payment i'll think about it from the garden blood has been shed amen the lord himself killed that first sacrifice and said i'm going to cover you up amen just put it off that's right there had to be a payment a blood payment amen now i'm gonna say this it takes a lot of blood through the old testament man gallons millions and billions of gallons of blood of lambs and turtle doves have been sacrificed for the payment of sin but they couldn't do it away with sin right amen there had to be a payment the bible still declares in romans 3 23 for all is sin and come short of the glory of god the bible still says in romans 6 and verse 23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord there must be a payment for sin has a purpose there had to be a payment i'm not checking up on payments neither amen amen he didn't make an installment and doing so much monthly amen paid it in full years ago i got myself in a bad habit of getting when i get blessed i i'd sometimes say well if i've got a shout on the credit i'll shout anyhow till one day the holy ghost corrected me and said how can you shout on credit ms k when it's paid in paul amen i mean paid it all and all to him oh it was the payment of sin that's why christ went to the cross there's the pardon of the sinner amen by the way you notice i did not say paroled you get paroled you're still guilty there's still a record of your guilt you've got to report to a parole officer and if you don't like something you're done he can put you back in jail he puts you back in the penitentiary but if you get pardoned you are being forgiven you create god in heaven you have been released your record is done away with it can't come back up amen you've been pardoned i set free by the grace of god hallelujah to his name amen it's good to be free amen hey i'll shout with you when you testify my sins are in the depths of the sea i know what you mean but that's old testament oh my sins are behind its back how shall we i know what you're trying to say but that's old testament brother kevin i like new testament terminology well john's are baptizing in the jordan looks up on the bay there's one walking like nobody else another one doing what nobody else could do and he said behold am in the mountains that means lookie-lookie yeah man behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sin of the world there's no residue there's no record it's gone forgiven hallelujah i'm glad i have to be pardoned by the blood of christ oh yes i'll say bless his name all the payment for sin the pardon of the sinner the pleasing of the sovereign all the old testament covered it up put it off by yondrick calvary at 12 noon been on the cross a while he's been a pleading on our behalf and at noon god shut the sun down cut the lights out somebody said preacher have you researched it to make sure there was an eclipse that day no eclipse nine it can't be at passover you gotta understand that amen no eclipse but the ones that let there be in the sun began to shine said quit shut it off it's going to be dark by the way when it's dark in jerusalem it's dark around the world you get reading all four gospels and you'll find that's right the lights went out everywhere why there's a transaction taking place too holy for human eyes even in the old testament that that high priest could only go in one time a year now they talk about that's hearing them bells ring they want no bells ringing in the holy holies he had to lay aside the garment of glory had to put off the garment of beauty and put on a linen garment no bales no rope no nothing i going out that blood presented then he'd come out take that linen garment off to never pick it up put the garments of glory and the garments of beauty back home and the bells went to ringing yeah man oh yes you seek jesus said how do we die one time hebrews 9 tells us by his own blood he entered in once he ain't never going to do it again oh yes and it please the sovereign now you can you can argue if you want to don't mess with me when that blood was presented but i will say this it was three in the afternoon time for the evening sacrifice he cried father into thy hands i commit my spirit yielded up the god ain't nobody ever planned no death like that are you hearing me but he wait he grabbed a hold of death we run from death he grabbed a hole that wrote it into paradise three in the afternoon the veil gets rent from the top to the bottom before the that earthly lamb's blood ever got in there yeah man oh yeah there's a transaction and the father was satisfied amen no more blood he said i'll take that blood i accept that blood amen it's insufficient more than sufficient to save everybody the purpose of the cross the person then number three the power of the cross and that's what you're saying it is the power of god there's power the power it's transforming power it can transform a religious man it did paul said i'm a hebrew of the hebrews touching the law of pharisee you couldn't lay your finger on nothing in paul's he was living by the letter of the law but one day with letters in his hand to lock up christians riding down the road to damascus hope paul had a sunstroke an s-o-n stroke amen the lord jesus met him and he fell to them and said lord but he said lord amen what you want me to do that's right oh we find it it transformed they've seen him down yonder and he that once persecuted is now preaching that jesus that he used to hate you think about that i mean friend they were scared of him amen the power of that cross it transformed oh brother paul's life i'll say this it can transform the ruined sin ruins amen oh you see it transformed by the way the world don't really like us they really don't they can't explain us with a.a they can't explain well they just started doing better we done tried all that we tried to do better and we've done worse amen we tried all the step programs and that didn't work but getting under the bloody drippings of calvary yeah man getting under that rich royal blood oh it it it transformed our life it took a beer bottle out of the hand and put a bible in there took away dependence on drugs and friend but let you know christ he should do us for it it changed your life it's the power amen of god at the cross oh yeah oh it transforms i've not been the same you got to know this i was 10 years old when god saved me but i was going the same hell that everybody else was going to amen and it transformed my life as much as it did at oped that's right i didn't hey listen i've been raised in a fundamental baptist church my whole life i didn't even know there was anything else i didn't hear a lot of preaching a lot of things i just knew boy they believed that jesus died bed rose again i i i know who he was but didn't know him i didn't hate church but i didn't love it it's just what my family did and i wasn't crazy i never told mama i wasn't going she's a little old short woman but she mean she's strong too brother eric we back in the 70s we had one of them ford pintos we bought that thing four months before 2020 have their story if they get hit in the rear end there's something in there would puncture the gas tank and it would blow up yeah well right after that story we're at the red light on a sunday leaving my grandmother's going on and a van lost its brakes went around a bunch car hit another come right into us before these safety gas tanks all that gas come out of that tank on top of that from that end of that forward pencil and that front end was bent under so that little old woman she didn't reach back here and get that little switch and raise that she ripped that seed off and folded out the door and grant me my throat like cordwood i'm te you don't mess with her so i never told her i wasn't going to church amen below that night that tuesday night that i got saved man though i never thought about church in my life boy i went to bed with a piece of god in my heart i woke up the next morning i knew it was wednesday i knew prayer meeting was going on there's now something inside of me of pulling me toward the church and boy they'd sing and i got to singing with them and they called for testimony and i wanted to tell it i've not even been in a new convert class and i'm not against that but the converter had moved in amen it transformed my preacher how do you know it's still transforming my life you said how do you know you repented i'm still repenting how do you know you believe i'm still believing [Music] amen oh yeah the transforming power of the cro it can change your life oh yes hey i don't know who's satan who's lost that ain't even my business my business is to deliver the mail give the word it's the holy ghost business to deal your heart amen i i don't got a lot of scary stories when i preach i just get done and open the altar you want to come come on you don't that's your business but i will say this you're missing out there's nothing like being saved by the grace of god i'm glad that i'm born again i'm not mad and i'm certainly not sad down inside of me in the darkest day the good holy ghost said it's going to be all right amen oh the cross the person of the cross the purpose of the cross and the power of the cross i'm glad to tell you he took your place he'll save you now here's how i am some people have been accused of being a calvinist some accused me being a free will baptist i've been accused about everything that you can be accused of probably but i will say this i believe whosoever will i believe wheresoever because i got saved at the house but i don't believe whensoever amen you don't even want to get saved until the holy ghost draws you i never knew i was lost though i'd been around this all my life i i've looked everybody they need to get saved that's the truth but i'm going to tell you that night i was the center i was on going to hell and he said if you just come to me i'll save you i don't have to ask nobody's permission i've done it because i want to save you come to me oh and i did and he did i'm accused of being ignorant and unlearned i have but i'll tell you something i was smart enough to call on the lord that night i didn't know a whole lot of theology on that day i didn't even know really what happened to me that night but i knew enough to get saved and i've been finding out ever since what happened and it's getting better i'm more excited now than i was that tuesday night because all i knew that night i wasn't going to hell no more but since then i found out what he done for me and it's getting better because i'm telling i'm looking forward we're going to step off on the shores of god's sweet deliverance very soon and i'm going because i've been saved that's why i'm going not at works but by his blood i'm going to heaven father take the message use it for your honor and for your glory thank you for the attention of your people draw sinners and lord help you remind folk where you found us and what you've done for us in jesus name amen thank god for the cross at the cross at the cross i first saw the light the burden of my heart rolled away if you anything at all today you've been to calvary amen thank you preacher i preached the time ago a long time ago i'll never get over the heel amen thank god for that let's stand together tonight in this auditorium every head about every eye closed just a moment it's just everything about every eye closed just a moment how many of you is a testimony to god's wonderful grace and mercy slip your hand up not say preacher no been born again no i've been saved or been to calvary to slip your hand up is a testimony to the grace of god thank you so much and put your hand down i never take for granted was there anybody in here tonight say preacher i don't know for sure tonight if i died i'd go to heaven but i sure appreciate if you pray for me i could use those prayers i don't know for sure would you pray for me anybody like that tonight just slip your hand up anybody like that tonight pray for me preachers don't know for sure if i died i'd go to heaven [Music] you can look up this way look like for the most part about everybody and i asked where you saved raise your hand i think about everybody listen if you've been to calvary you ain't never got over it you never will matter of fact the preacher's preaching i believe it just keeps working on you all through your life i do thank god for that i wonder how many of us are thankful when we weren't looking for god he came looking for us i didn't go running to him he came to me amen i wonder tonight you know we we we talk about thanking god for supplying this need thanking god for doing this for us and i think that's all right we ought to do that but i wonder if we ever just come every now and then and say lord oh thank you for calvary i want to thank you for my salvation thank you that i'm saved brother james is going to sing our invitation it doesn't matter to me whether it's a doll to what you see whether it's hugging somebody stand beside of you don't matter to me but i wonder how many of us are glad that calvary changed our life that jesus saved us and changed their life while brother james is singing if you want to come pray i hear the savior say thy strength is small what a message child of weakness watch and pray find in me [Music] all to [Music] lord now indeed i find thy power and [Music] the heart of stone [Music] oh [Music] he washed it white as slow [Music] i was telling the church the other day when i went to visit my mom on mother's day a few years ago i went to the church he's a member of that i got satan in and after service was over i got to see my mom i walked to the middle aisle i stood in the spot in that where god had saved me 30 some years ago changed my life i've just never got over that amen never got over that thank you thank you for your faithfulness as we preacher thank you for preaching on the cross amen well it has been a tremendous week and i've got help every night every preacher has preached it's been a blessing been helped every song sung brother and his family have some cds and tapes different things banging back that god can shirt back there a lot of our members i don't remember how many how many we ended up getting them things brother eric it was a bunch wasn't it but uh our theme even through 2020 has been god can and god just kind of birthed that uh during the pandemic when i was preaching online one day we got to thinking about god can brother kevin i heard him amen back there and uh brother kevin uh spent um i'm trying to think how many days i think i heard him didn't it there he is brother kevin you spent how many days in the hospital how me on a ventilator oh 50 some at least was that right miss becky at least that family called in looking in the window said he wasn't going to live through the night we just kind of developed a little thing god can he's working back at work back in church has already sung in church got a great tenor voice didn't know what that tube would have done to his throat and i'll tell you something else bro davey i believe the devil's going to hate the day that he put you through all that stuff when you went through all that i love to hear you preach before that but this is something that god did in you when you went through that time and uh devil's gonna hate the day you can wish he'd left you alone amen boy what encouragement to god's children amen i want to give you this as we're leaving tonight's been on my heart a lot lately and i i think i'm down the road enough as a preacher that i can say this night but i'll say this for dismissing prayer enjoy the journey enjoy being a christian live a happy life and just enjoy your life it's too short not to enjoy just enjoy the journey it's the greatest life you could ever live i wish people to understand this is the best down here anyway just enjoy your life don't be mean don't be somebody always critical of everybody just enjoy your life try to be happy [Music] you
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 139
Rating: 0 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Id: mdzj79jGuZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 31sec (3751 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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