[ 2 HOUR ] Glitch in Matrix and Alien Stories Compilation

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what is your personal encounter with the paranormal ghosts aliens sleep paralysis glitch in the matrix etc i don't believe in ghosts or paranormal connections and [ __ ] but this one really baffles me to this day happened a couple of years back and i still can't forget it warning story is kind of a downer also sorry that it's long but this is about as condensed as i could get it most of my friends have had trouble with substance abuse throughout their lives just the crowd i hung around with i guess around the time of this story one of my closest friends was clean off h for the longest they had ever been a couple of months but still fantastic progress for him and things were looking good we were hanging out one day and he gave me some great news since middle school he and his mom had been fighting for a medical malpractice lawsuit that happened to him when he was younger and they won he got something like dollar sign 10-15k out of the deal so most of what we talked about that day was just how he was going to buy his mom something nice and how he was going to use that money to finally go to college i honestly hadn't seen him that happy in years and it was great a day or two later i was sleeping like normal when all of a sudden i woke up at around one o'clock in the morning i felt great in fact i felt absolutely euphoric i felt like i was laying in the sun on the most beautiful summer's day in a puddle of a thousand puppies and that was just the first second the next second was that x 1000 and the next second that x 1 000 as well within moments however i went from this is pretty nice to oh [ __ ] something is seriously wrong before blacking out all of a sudden i was walking down the stairs to my friend's basement it was absolutely destroyed with [ __ ] thrown everywhere and empty bottles and syringes laying around he was sitting there waiting for me on the couch with tears in his eyes he just kept repeating that he was sorry and that he didn't want to hurt anyone he said the money didn't last him long and he's back to being his broke ass self that he was sorry for bringing backslash me there and that he just needed to say goodbye to someone before finally saying goodbye to me and everything fading out in another wave of euphoria me being logical to a fault and pretty straightforward i woke up the next morning thinking damn what a weird dream but not much else of it wrote it down in a dream journal i was doing at the time and completely forgot about it ended up going to work and class like normal then a couple hours later my friend's mom called she called me to break the news that my friend had passed away that night overdose it wasn't until a couple of months later when another friend of mine also exodus was trying to console me by telling me how he went out with no pain and how it was probably the best way to go when things started to get really weird he started to explain to me what an overdose actually feels like the overwhelming euphoria and how it's impossible to explain to someone who's never experienced it before i.e me it was then that what he was describing started to sound really familiar and i went to my phone opened my dream journal and started reading the entry from a couple months back to him out loud he pretty much said yeah exactly that where'd you get that story and told him the whole thing both of us were at a loss four words and i still am as i said i don't believe in this stuff and if someone told me this story i would say they were highest foo but it's a memory that i will never forget my mum's experience with what she thinks was a ghost she went outside around 10 p.m for a cigarette years ago and saw a very elderly woman walking up our neighbor's back stairs to their veranda mum said she wanted to ask if she was all right it was very rare for our neighbors to have visitors that late they were also elderly b but mum said she completely lost her voice and felt stunned hawk she couldn't look away he ended up getting out a hello and the woman just i appeared e next morning mum made a joke to our neighbors asking why she wasn't invited over for their night cap with their visitor and they very casually replied oh oh you've now seen our ghost too they were excited over it and not at all scared airy neighbor says an elderly lady follows elwynn his wife everywhere and they feel pure comfort around her but their own children and grandchildren are frightened by the lady on the stairs when they stay not me but my dad he grew up in a small village in greece one day on his walk home it was storming quite heavily he was standing under a tree in an attempt to wait it out as he's waiting he's approached by a slow old woman who he'd never seen before she had an umbrella in one hand and a walking stick in the other she asks him what are you doing apostrophe he says i'm waiting out the storm so i can go home i don't want to catch a cold apostrophe she tells him you have a long life ahead of you i would risk catching a cold if i were you apostrophe and with that she starts to slowly walk down the street and out of sight my dad waits for a few more minutes and takes her advice he starts walking home a few more minutes pass and he hears an explosion he turns around and sees the tree he was waiting under was hit by lighting and blew up frightened he runs to his home hoping to bump into the old woman to thank her but he never saw her again after that encounter he's convinced she was a paranormal being since he never caught up to her that night even though she was so slow he had never seen her in the village before or after that moment and no one knew who he was referring to when asking around for her edit changed mortified to frightened also thank you everyone for the replies and awards i won't be able to reply to all of them but i'm reading as many as i can my grandpa had a similar experience he enlisted in wwii at the very end of the war when he was 17 and during his training he was at a firing range he was standing off to the side waiting for his turn or maybe he was finishing up not important a lieutenant he never saw before came up to him and told him very sternly you're not supposed to stand there move a little flummoxed he moved to a different area in just a minute or two after he did a bullet ricocheted right where he would have been standing he never saw that lieutenant again he figured he may have been saved by a legitimate guardian angel just recently about two weeks ago i was on my way to home depot when i arrived at this stoplight after sitting there about 15 or so seconds the light turns green as soon as it did i felt like i couldn't move at all i don't know how to explain it but it felt like if something was telling me to not go just yet after about a second or two this redford explorer barrels through the intersection running the red at what must have been about 50 miles per hour idk how much exactly but it went ridiculously fast after the car sped through the intersection i could move again i don't know what that something was but had it not been for that i would have probably not been able to tell you all this little story edit holy [ __ ] i did not expect to get this many up votes thank you all for applying and blowing this up growing up my sister and i were good friends with our neighbor matt who had a dog molly molly ran away one day so the three of us set out into the nature preserve behind our houses to look for her matt's brother chris set out separately in the preserve is an old dam slash mill from the 1700s that is rumored to be haunted when we got to the mill we saw chris and the dog on the other side of the river maybe 30 yards away matt i got her in bringing her home chris yelled but something didn't feel right and the three of us gave each other that look we headed home knowing chris would be a bit behind us since head have to go a mile or two out of his way to cross the bridge when we got home there was matt's mom and the dog she was under the porch the whole time she said a little while later chris showed up having never even gone into that part of the woods i think i lived in a haunted dorm room my rumored and i kind of assumed the previous tenants were joking when they said they summoned a ghost but it felt like bizarre unexplainable nonsense was constantly happening in that room about once a week we would both wake up from a dead sleep at the same time usually 306 a.m and both our phones would be glowing or the radio and the tv would turn on simultaneously one night we were laying in bed and everything on top of my room its wardrobe fell to the floor our toilet water turned red one day and stayed black for like two months then went back to normal it was never clogged and kept working just fine i t just looked really off-putting and we were showering he shower curtain would get yanked open their spring break was one of maybe 12 people staying on campus i woke up one night to loud snoring coming from my roommates empty bed i i laid as still as i could for what felt like forever until it finally grew quieter and quieter terrified of what would happen or what i would see if i rolled over it was constant and always felt creepy and slightly malicious like the ghost was just ducking with us one afternoon though that changed i'm not a napper like at all but that day i just really needed a nap i curled up under a blanket at the foot of my bed facing the door at some point i very gruggly woke up and could tell someone was in the room watching me i was scared at first but when i opened my eyes i saw the vague outline of my grandpa standing in the doorway it was like a wave of relief i felt so safe and comforted by his presence that semester was really really challenging for me but it felt like he was checking in to make sure i knew i would be okay i've never shared that with anyone because i just knew it was him there wasn't like cool concrete proof or anything but all the weird [ __ ] from our other ghosty friend stopped after that we lived in the same house with my grandparents i was almost three years old when i walked into the kitchen where grandma and my parents were just talking and i said did you see grandpa he has just flew away a few minutes later the phone rings and you can guess the rest i don't really remember ofc but grandma says that in the time she thinks about that it's a relief because it reminds her that there is something on the other side i'm not into spiritualism or anything but i'm glad if it helps her and i think the story is kinda creepy first and foremost i'm a skeptic so i'm not going to over dramatize this so apologies if it isn't that entertaining but i like to share it my great grandmother always said throughout her life that if there was something after death she would give a sign she died alone in a nursing home and after a very long day we all returned to her family home with her husband my great-grandfather we stayed with him that night so that he wasn't alone long story short we all went to bed around midnight not long after that the phone starts ringing there's no one on the other end this happens a few times in the uk you can dial 1471 to trace the call the call was untraceable this happened a few times before it ended this as a skeptic was the first time it considered something to be unexplainable it brought great comfort to my family so paranormal or not we like to think that it was my great grandmother saying this is the only sign i could send and i'm okay before my grandpa passed away he had always been telling us how after he had died he would appear to us in his white clothes and watch over us he passed away from cancer when i was eight the years passed and i was a very unhappy kid undiagnosed autism sexual assault victim so at age 14 i tried to hang myself it failed thank god as i was drifting away my grandpa's image appeared to me and told me this wasn't my time to go yet and begged me to wake up i did wake lying on my bedroom floor and i ran downstairs to my mum crying telling her what i had done she went upstairs shortly after to clean up the ropes and told me much later that it looked as if they had been cut clean with a knife after that traumatic event i began seeing things puffs of mist outside in front of my bedroom window when i was 16 was the first time i actually did see that it was my grandpa just floating in front of my window i tried to talk to him a few times i asked him why he couldn't come inside he responded that he couldn't because my mum had asked him not to we spoke about a few things on occasion when he mentioned the day where i tried to take my own life he told me he tried to save me by cutting the rope and then went to check on me a few times one time my younger brother apparently saw him slip into my bedroom and got scared after which my mother apparently went upstairs asked my grandpa that if he was there to please not come in anymore as he was scaring her son i decided to tell my mum about all this and took her out for dinner told her everything she was shocked and amazed and confirmed that she did tell her father to not come inside and that was why he stayed outside i'm just glad she believed me i have since had more traumatic experiences with the paranormal and have shut myself off to their influences but i still remember the events with my grandpa vividly i pissed off a ghost at my old job short version was told the carousel was haunted and didn't believe them one night the maintenance door was open after i emptied the ride of guests and my second insisted they hadn't opened it close to it loaded guests and it was open again it has a turn latch that you put a padlock on so it could only be opened intentionally i went inside the center of the carousel mostly just the breaker and all the mechanical parts in there and switched on the light to check for a maintenance guy that hadn't talked to me empty in a little spooked so i say loudly i'm not dealing with this [ __ ] tonight we got one hour left so get your act together in my mom voice do safety checks start the ride phone rings and when i answer there's no one in the other end a few minutes later it happens again after i hang up i call bass to tell them something's wrong with the phone supervisor calls back says sometimes the phone rings randomly don't worry about it i recant the tail to a coworker and she looks at me funny did you turn the lights off before the music no i need the lights to get to the switcho well make sure you never do and if the phone rings after that don't answer just leave i figure it's some kind of electrical short that causes it and go home in the following days i keep thjnk jng i see it move out of the corner of my eye or hear it running after i've closed for the night but shake it off as i was working 15 hour days the next time i open the carousel we took turns i go to take a potty break and i come back to the security guard standing next to my ride i saw him while you were gone just be careful he says to me what are you talking about the right op the one that tries to grab operators i try to think which of my coworkers is that rude he then goes on to explain that one of the three park ghosts is attached to the carousel and has the only mean one he tries to grab operators and causes bad luck and right malfunctions apparently i made him mad by yelling at him and he decided to haunt df out of me edited for brevity one night i was going to sleep and all the sudden i start sweating profusely i try to get up and turn on the ack and i could not move from my bed i was confused and a bit scared i tried to shout to my sister in the next room over i couldn't talk either at this point is when i saw a dark figure in the corner watching me it felt like years until the silence broke it muttered in a distorted voice you are not safe at this point i could hear my heart pounding like it was in my ear next thing i knew the figure moved across the room and to the foot of my bed it stared into my soul and then i could move i was soaked in sweat and that night i did not sleep to this day i have never had sleep paralysis after that and i still wonder am i really safe i grew up with a strange mom we don't really talk anymore she was a paranormal investigator when i was growing up there are loads of stories there when i was about three there is video footage of me coming downstairs as angry as could be not temper tantrum angry bust in the video i keep yelling at my mom that they won't let me play with my toys she tried to ask me who i just kept angrily telling her that they wouldn't let me play with my toys we didn't get a cat until i was four but before that there was some kind of cat creature in the house i had seen it in my mother's closet once another time i remember being woken in the middle of the night but a catch yelling in my playroom the next room over i could see a shadow under the door before i opened it and heard a hiss upon opening the door there was nothing there as i got older things got stranger after my mother got back from the catfish plantation strange things started happening we could hear someone running up and down the stairs at night shoes would be thrown down the stairs my most vivid memory of this time was me sitting on my mom's bed we had no pets at the time and it was just me and her her bathroom was attached to their bedroom she was the kind of woman that had 20 almost empty bottles on the side of the tub while watching barney one day it sounded as if someone had stuck their arm out and just swiped all the bottles into the tub at once my mother came around the corner yelling jeremy exclamation mark turned out jeremy was the name of a young man who was a slave at the plantation she had visited he had fallen off the back of a hay wagon and died after that day she got back in her car and drove back to the plantation and all of the strange happenings stopped also now she believes she's an alien so that's a whole other story lol i posted this a while back but here's my encounter happened when i was in my mid late teens it was a friday evening maybe about 6 p.m i was walking my dog through the woods i was wearing headphones i used to walk her all the time on this route so no reason to be afraid it was very rare to see anyone else walking at this time of day on a friday actually why i had chosen to walk her then and in coming down through this field slash valley when all of a sudden i start to feel on edge the feeling just kept getting worse so i turned off my ipod and took my headphones out i was half jogging by the time i got to the bottom of this field my dog had taken off way ahead of me at this point i squeezed through a hole in the fence and onto the dirt path surrounded by trees hooked the usual right and he kept checking behind me lines there's the horrifying part i keep turning around to check if anyone's behind me and i see a someone or some shadow-like figure which is more what this looked like flick from behind one tree to behind another bigger oak tree i think i audibly yelped at this point but i kept power walking away i was still fairly close to whoever slash whatever this was a nd tiny teenage me knew that i was unlikely to be able to outrun this thing kept walking a few more paces before turning around again this goddamn thing is now standing right in the center of the path f further back near that tree it has its arms straight down but out from its sides its hands were fists a and it was stood with this wide leg stance i say thing because it looked like the shadow of man it looked like it had a cloak and a white ice brimmed hat b but the whole figure was completely opaque it just looked angry and it's staring right down the path of me needless to say i sprinted home from there and practically had a panic attack when i made it back no idea what it was but i know what i saw this was in the uk and urban legend about that wood and that crossroads area in particular is that they used to hang people back on that oak tree way back when whatever the hell it was it's not something i'll ever forget my wife of 22 years died earlier this year she was every bit the happy home occur every day after i went to work and she would make our bed like a soldier in basic training it had to be just perfect including the massive pile of throw pillows we had to unload every night and stack on a small couch in our room during the last few months when she became bed bound i of course had to take over all the cleaning duties which did not include a daily making of the bed so the pillows remained stacked on the couch for months without moving the night she died i was awoken by the sound of a fan in our room being knocked over i turned on the light and the pile of throw pillows which had not moved in months fell into the floor and knocked over the fan that was about two feet away from the couch i piled them up back on the couch and got back into bed i checked the time to see how long i had been asleep it was 2 12 in the morning my wife says february 12th one day i was alone in the backyard at my boyfriend's house swinging on the porch swing when i saw his black lab slowly walking towards me eventually she made her way to me and sat down right in front of my legs so i stopped swinging she looked me in the eyes and all of a sudden i got this overwhelming feeling that she was going to die she seemed sad a little scared and confused i got the feeling that she needed comfort and reassurance so i sat there with her and stroked her ears and fur telling her how good she was and that everything would be okay telling her that she was loved and to not be afraid after a few minutes she seemed to feel better and began to wander off again i told my boyfriend that he needed to pet his girl and give her kisses and he did i didn't fill him in on my experience with her just moments before the next day he called me crying his mother had accidentally ran over his dog when she was backing out of the garage and unfortunately she was so injured that they decided to put her down this isn't the first time this kind of thing happened to me and it has happened to me with people too i don't know why i can sense others death and don't really know what to do with this kind of info his dog's death struck a chord with me though because she was young and healthy and she sensed her death coming too most animals and people are surprised by their endings that i have witnessed anyway my old apartment building i would always see a cat kind of skinny black cat i have a cat but the cat i was seeing was not mine i know it wasn't a real cat because it was in my apartment and i hadn't actually seen it just glimpses of it well one night my actual cat was already on my bed well i felt another cat jump on the bed my cat frizzed up and started hissing she hardly hisses at anything i definitely wasn't dreaming edit my girlfriend and i would both see it and it would be randomly at all times of the day my sister lived in the same building as us for a while i had never told her about it thinking i was going crazy one day my sister and i were out and she told me she kept seeing what she thought was a black cat in her apartment sent chills up my spine but i tried not to make a conversation about it my parents house has a ghost when my sister 42 was about five she started talking about the green lady of course us older three sisters made fun of her a lot she continued for several years talking about the green lady then one day when i 48 was in middle school i went upstairs and heard a swooshing sound i turned to see what it was there was a lady with a long green dress like from the 1800s and dark hair tied up really pretty then just like that she was gone i never saw her again but my mom took in a little boy for a while for a family that needed us when i was in high school and he always talked to a lady upstairs when he was alone he was only three when he stayed with us also lots of weird things happened in my parents house cupboards would open and shut on their own and the water faucets would turn on by themselves i don't know the history before our house was built but it would have been newly claimed land in the early 1800s we rented a large house each evening my wife would take our daughter upstairs for a bath and put her to bed i stayed downstairs spending a couple of hours on my laptop before going upstairs myself for three years nothing unusual happen then one november evening when my wife and daughter had retired upstairs and i was on the laptop the room went i see cold and i started shivering i had a sensation that someone was standing right behind me staring straight at the back of my head for several minutes i struggled to turn and look behind me but i was paralyzed it remained like this for a few minutes and then the temperature suddenly returned to normal and i could move there was nothing behind me i didn't mention anything to my wife about my experience the same events then occurred for the next three evenings still i said nothing on the fourth evening after my wife had gone upstairs instead of opening up my laptop i sat on the sofa watching tv and from this position i could view the entire living room after a few moments i became aware that there was the translucent figure of a young girl aged around six to seven years old with long blonde hair and dressed in night clothes at first i thought it was my daughter that she has dark brown hair the figure stood looking into the room for several minutes then turned walked down the hallway and disappeared into the kitchen the atmosphere was one of calm i got up and followed her into the kitchen but she had gone i decided to go to bed and still did not say anything to my wife for fear of upsetting her the next evening i was on the sofa and once again the little girl appeared and stood silently just looking into the room and once again she turned walked down the hall and disappeared when i woke up the next morning i decided i had to tell my wife i began by saying that there was something i need to talk to he about without any further prompting she said to me was it about the little girl had she seen her two yes often i told her she could stay as long as she didn't cause a nuisance i said that i thought her appearances were going to increase for some reason my wife who is quite religious said she would say some prayers and tell the little girl it would be okay for her to leave us after this we never saw the little girl again there is a strange ending to this story however about six months later my work contract finished and we had to move away from this house i called the landlord and he came over as we were leaving to settle up the papa work and so on during our conversations with the landlord he mentioned that we were his longest renters and most people left usually after a few months i joke that it might be because the house was haunted and related our story to him the landlord then told us that he had originally designed and built this house for his young family but when their youngest daughter was six years old she had woken up one night and climbed over the upstairs railings and fell to her death onto the stone floor below the family was so distraught and so they moved out and rented their home rather than selling it the landlord said his wife had not set foot inside the house for the next 15 years right up until his wife's death the previous november i reminded my wife that it was in november when we first began to see the little girl and we now believe she had come in search of her mother we felt that after saying prayers we help them to meet up and pass over together to the other side dad was out with his gf about two hours away from home and i had the house to myself i was showering about four to seven hours before i expected them to return and i heard our garage door open it had a very distinctive sound due to the way it echoed through the kitchen and across the open plan tiled house immediately heard the clicking of his gfs boots and knew it was her from how short she was compared to the rest of the family she walked like she had to prove something to make up for her height she was definitely saying something to my dad too as she entered and i could hear him say something back since it was so early for them to be home i had a feeling something was off i was already basically done with my shower so i hopped out and threw on a towel opening the door and looking down the hall and across the house for them i absolutely pulled the horror movie rookie move of investigating in a towel walked the length of the house saw the gate outside was still closed opened the door to the garage and saw it empty and even did an extra loop to rule out me missing something i was 100 home alone still this wasn't the first time it heard something home alone it was just the most distinct my whole family has heard the slider doors open when i went car shopping with my dad my sister heard the garage door and the door into the house from the garage open no one came home then either my dad has seen people on the property at 3am but they're gone without a trace and too fast for a real criminal to be snooping the house just makes noises that imitate us and aspects of the home the walls don't bleed though so we still live there i have a few as my late mother firmly believed my childhood house was haunted apparently before i was born and my parents bought the house there was a fire in the attic that caused a teen boy to die from smoke inhalation in his sleep this was why my parents got the house at a good price growing up my mom claimed to be sensitive and though i dismissed her a lot there's a still a few things even i can't explain one my mom had a small knick-knack table in the living room once rounding a corner she lightly touched a snow globe on the table absent mindedly and the snow globe exploded not broke not fell not cracked exploded there were tiny shards of glass all over the carpet i saw the whole thing happen as i was sitting in the room and my mom and i instantly locked eyes to remote thief while some of these incidents are probably just human error one time sticks out we were sitting on the couch watching tv we were flicking between two channels to avoid commercials suddenly the remote is gone we tore the house apart for almost two hours and found it in the back of the bottom cupboard behind the garbage can one we rarely use we always joked we had a pole two geist hiding the tv remote on us three we had lots of cats growing up one time there were no indoor cats and i was sleeping i distinctly felt cat paws climbing up my legs and settling down i was half asleep and didn't even think about not having a cat at the time only in the morning did i realize because it felt as real as any earthly sensation 4. light bulb shattering flickering slash popping when my mother was near probably a coincidence most of the time but it got the point where my dad kept backups in plenty and it was somehow always her that it happened around this also became a family joke to the point where my mom would wiggle her fingers at us and swear she was a witch 5. attic noises there was the usual moans and groans a house makes but the sound of feet climbing a metal ladder is a very specific sound that would happen on the odd occasion at 3am my dad would be on night shift and my mom slept on the main floor so in my tiny bungalow it was pretty obvious who was where the door to my room was under the ladder to the attic and i used to jump the three steps in a hurry because i always got the creepiest feelings under that ladder some nights i slept with my mom until i was like 17 if i heard the noise six my mom claimed she saw things but i never did so i can't confirm there she has since passed and promised me she would always hold me so far no sign of her so i'm a little disappointed still waiting for you to hide the remote on me mom edit bc tenses this is more glitch in the matrix maybe years ago i went to a friend's halloween party and right after walking in the door i saw this guy across the room immediately recognized him and thought omg i haven't seen you in years waved in excitement and he did too with the same fervor after i made my way across the room and we began talking i slowly realized that i wasn't sure i knew him as we tried both tried to figure out where we had met each other we realized we had never met and didn't have any friends in common he was at the party somewhat randomly through an acquaintance i thought it was just me with this feeling but he swore he knew me too after chatting for a bit that feeling faded and i had no feeling of familiarity anymore even typing this story out doesn't do the feeling justice it was so strong like revisiting a place you've spent a lot of time but haven't seen in a long time anyways we figured out we didn't know each other had never met and were both somehow mistaken i figure we must have been best friends or lovers in another life i'm not really sure i really believe in past lives but it was such a strong feeling that i've never felt with anyone else and that i'll ever feel again and cannot explain it all anyone else have this happen this has happened to me too when i was at college i saw this guy in the cafeteria and just got this overwhelming hey i know you feeling he seemed to be looking at me the same way so we started talking trying to figure it out we both recognized each other and couldn't believe we were meeting there turns out our paths had never crossed before we spent the whole academic year trying to figure it out he lived close to the college and i started bumping into him everywhere in the town after that it was almost like the universe was like you two be friends but we had some uh incompatible views never did see him again after college ended i hope he's doing well i have so many stories about this my whole town is haunted so haunted that town hall hired an investigation crew to come live here and then dedicated an entire section in a library to the town's paranormal activity my favorite and most terrifying story is about the fog monsters we get this silent hillesque fog every now and then and according to local legend the silhouettes of figures can be seen when peering into the fog most people recount seeing the soul how eats of children and young adults believed to be settlers from the 1700s there are these two figures in particular though that earned their own stories one of them is a quadrupedal hound they are massive easily six feet tall standing on all fours the other seems to be a little girl but what's notable about her is that only her dress really seems visible like you can make out her chey pan outline just fine but looking directly at her limbs or face seemingly makes them disappear while the floating dress stays although these figures seem dangerous there hasn't been any reports of them actually hurting people in my experience they actually led me home when i was lost one day i wasn't near them but there's like a wave of fear that comes over you when you see them that just screams go the other way while i was lost the seam to group up and completely block off the roads standing still just staring at me i got home by just going down whichever roads they weren't on so in a sense they seem pretty benevolent but they might just have a strong sense of community as i do live where they did back to the two special figures though there's a legend of the girl visiting you in your dreams mostly appearing in the dreams of children she beckons you into the woods to play with her when you wake up you get a strong urge to go back to the place she takes you in your dream but apparently nobody who returned to the woods while awake has returned a lot of people who dreamed of her reported that they've seen her commune with animals and has sometimes been seen with the quadruped that leads me to believe that the quadruped is actually this latest pet maybe not but it's in my head canon for these guys but these aren't what all the stories here are about as an example we have trails out in our words for wheeling and dirt bikes sometimes while walking down one the path straightens where it shouldn't and eventually leads to an opening in the woods in the opening is a small cabin a garden and a sort of berry farm like the kind that's in a dugout pit and gets filled with water for an easy harvest legend says that a witch lives in the cabin but the places are difficult to find as i child i tried mapping out all of the woods here to find it but have only ever been there twice and both times were by accident anyway this is from the town of chester new hampshire i can't say for certain that you'll encounter anything if you come here but almost all of the residents have check out the library sometime if you're in the neighborhood edit fixed a few spelling mistakes i do not believe in ghosts spirits etc but i have experienced two completely unexplainable phenomena in my life the first occurred in college i was in a girl's dorm room she was sitting at her desk talking to me when a marker that had been sitting on her room at desk a minute before flew across the room and hit her in the head there was no one in the room other than the two of us and neither of us could have thrown it i exclaimed some variant of what the [ __ ] and she calmly responded oh that's my ghost he shows up sometimes especially when i'm alone with some guy that's all she would say on the subject the second was when i was driving alone late at night i worked at a computer repair shop and figured out i could get so much more work done and close out a lot of high value tickets if i stayed after closing and worked without customer interference i lived about 20 miles away in lombok california which is close to vandenberg air force base they do a lot of launches out of there but what i saw that night was no gotham launch i was on an isolated area of highway 1 driving home at 2 am when i saw a streak of light it crossed from my left to my right in less than one tenth of a second slower than lighting but just at the edge of the point where i detected definite motion it was bright electric blue a perfectly straight line there is no after image it was just gone i still can't explain it it was definitely in the distance i don't know if it was some sort of high energy weapon test or something else but i was wide awake despite the hour thanks mount stew code red and i cannot provide any natural explanation for what i saw that night i slept at my grandparents pretty frequently growing up i hated it i remember there was an animal skin on the wall my grandparents used for decoration guess it was a thing and these little people looking back i think i would classify them as fairy-like would zoom from the skin to my covers and laugh slash jump all the time they would play around on my covers and then sort of hang off the skin when they jumped back to it scaling their little terrain even as a kid i remember i would frequently check that skin during the day for bump slash abnormalities that would lead me to believe i saw something moving on it when i didn't and of course there was nothing and now i chalk it up to a high imagination period weather northeast thing i do not attribute to my imagination as when i went to stay at my grandparents when i was somewhere between 11 to 13 stayed in the same room the skin had been tossed or moved by this time and went to lay down for bed one night i'm a very light sleeper andy my grandpa always watched tv downstairs for most of the night while my grandma would come up and sleep around 10 p.m and their room was down the hall and to the right of mine anyway as i laid down around 9pm 2100 i kept hearing footsteps on my ceiling the footsteps had a rhythm to them and you could hear the weight of each step and they would walk perpendicularly across the room above my bed left to right and sometimes walk back right to left the way they came or sometimes the footsteps would reset on the left side and walk across again i initially thought oh they have a pull-down attic but there isn't any room for walking and my grandparents wouldn't be up there maybe a squirrel to double check my hypothesis i went and checked on my grandparents grandpa watching tv downstairs with grandma wit the pull down attic was also above the stairs and sealed shut so i go back to lay down and the walking continues for like 20 minutes and grandma comes up and walks to bed finally i get up and tell my grandma about the strange noise and ask for a fan to drown out the noise i set the fan up lay down and try to get some rest oh boy the footsteps intensify now and the pacing seems to pick up to go over the fan on one particular pass the footsteps stop midway on the ceiling directly over my bed and plain as day something with a deep voice whispers into my left ear so you know i'm here i don't think i could get out of a bed so quick again slept in my sister's room on the floor after that my grandmother passed away when i was 14 shortly after i was home alone walking through the family room my grandmother always wore a specific perfume and i've always been super sensitive to smell so when i caught a whiff of it as i was walking i immediately associated it with her i think she was checking in on me i was the only one in the house besides my dog but he wasn't the type to get into things and we didn't have anything that smelled like that in our home also i had a coworker pass away a couple years ago the coworker was a part of a family who worked at the restaurant together a few times in the months after her passing one of the friar baskets would just drop randomly without anyone even being near it my manager and i figured that it was my coworker letting us know she was still around i have one weirdly similar to your first one while my grandma was in hospice care i gave her my graduation tassel because she couldn't attend my high school graduation she had it for about 10 months before she died and it was returned to me i was moving stuff around my room about four months after she passed and as i was holding the tassel i could very strongly smell her perfume for about four to five seconds i had moved the tassel around before but i had never smelled anything on it before or since so i have no explanation the house i grew up in had a friendly spirit it was a woman in a white gown sounds scary but when you saw it it would make you feel at ease i believe both my parents my nana and i all saw it at different times another time my family was touring a fort on the coast of ireland i looked over to a big dark opening in the brick wall and watched a figure walk into the darkness this was a section of the fort that was off limits not a minute later our tour guide tells us a story of a man that was killed in an explosion in that area i believe it was where they stored the gunpowder and that he has been seen on several occasions walking through the courtyard of course having not spoke up right away no one ducking believed me but i will take this to tinge ducking grave ain't nobody can tell me ghosts are unreal back in 2001 i left for college in my family moved into a house on a lake my younger siblings were kids at the time and claimed they would see handprints appear along the walls in the downstairs hallway so they generally avoided hanging out there since i never really lived in this house after college i completely forgot about it fast forward to this past november covered 19 is raging so i flew back home to be with my parents since the b level house allows me to quarantine for two weeks downstairs during my isolation i started feeling a really deep gratitude that we had this house right now that allowed me to be with my family safely i would periodically walk up and down that hallway placing my hand along the walls and saying a little prayer of thanks it was maybe the third or fourth time i did this when i suddenly remembered the story of the handprints from years ago pretty interstellar if you ask me im just gonna have all the moments my entire family had at our old house some background is that there was this river behind a house that was more of an irrigation canal than a river but they had to block it off on both sides with a fence cause many many people died in that river which might explain everything that happened also i was around like four to six when we lived in this house one our cat was meowing at the door and my father opened it up to find a completely crushed dead snake near our cat like it was kit by a tire and pancaked so when he came back with a bag to pick it up the snake sat up and hissed at him two the tv would turn on a bunch three our bathroom door could be blocked if someone opened a drawer but the drawer would open up even though no one was in the bathroom able to even open it the door opened inwards four my elder sister like eight to twelve years old had many freakouts cause she kept seeing a woman in a red dress watching her five my older brother six to 10 swears he would see an old man in a suit six mymar and par would hear me and my younger brother talking to someone in our room over the baby monitor and they didn't care at first cause they thought it was my older brother just saying hello to his toddler babies until one night my dad finally got pissed and their door was right across from us so in one quick motion he got out of bed and swung open our door to yell at our brother for not letting us sleep and when he opened the door my younger brother and i were the only ones in the room staring into our closet and talking to it seven final one when i was downstairs watching tv my baby bro was taking a nap and i looked at the stairs and there he was staring at me so i thought it'll be a good brother and get him back to bed but as i went up to him he ran up the stairs and i chased after he ran into our room and shut the door and just when i was about to open it two doors down my baby bro comes out of the bathroom wearing completely different pajamas my friend and i were driving through michigan after meeting a breeder for a dog it was a long dark highway and as i was driving a bright green light passed through the sky it started and streaked through the sky i kept driving and about five minutes later i said did you see that light my friend just looked at me and said you saw it too we both thought we were crazy it was stationary for about five seconds the move super quick at a 30 to 45 degree angle i couldn't explain it away we were pretty quiet the rest of the way back to our hotel i totally believe there is life off earth but never thought i would see something like that totally weird to this day have no idea what it was i had two uncles who weren't related to each other they'd each married one of my dad's sisters they were good friends though because their wives were close so they would take joint vacations and co-host parties and things one of them died and his widow bought him a plot in a certain cemetery two years later the other one died and his widow ended up buying a plot in the same cemetery figuring she could bury her husband next to her brother-in-law that way they wouldn't be alone so i'm at funeral hash too standing in a cemetery on a snowy day about to bury my second uncle in as many years suddenly i hear a sizzle i blink and instead of a cemetery i'm staring at the backyard of uncle hashtwo's beach house uncle hash one is at the barbecue grill he turns to me and says do you want any lamb as uncle hash 2 walks up with paper plates ready to serve blink i'm back in the cemetery i don't think ghosts roam the earth but i'm pretty sure i had a vision of where both my late uncles were together on vacation waiting for more family to arrive i got anniversary pictures done with my husband and our photographer asked about a memorial tattoo i have on my shoulder it's for my childhood best friend that was killed in a car accident the photographer suddenly starts asking questions about the accident that i haven't even talked to my husband about the guy not being charged etc and then knew about details of our friendship that again i didn't even tell my husband about i felt guilty about us growing apart photographer says my friend is there and i look beautiful and that i shouldn't feel guilty that we grew apart because we were still best friends well i have a few stories and i believe that until you experience something paranormal you'll never truly believe it's possible so i completely understand if no one buys what i'm about to say a family member of mine passed away seven years ago a few months after he passed away i had a dream where he visited my house he was walking around throwing water everywhere i fully believe he was visiting me after that weird little things started happening around the house hearing things that could easily be passed off as a house making regular house sounds and then some unexplainable things happened i should mention it was completely in his personality to mess with all of us when he was alive in 2019 my best friend and i were hanging out in my room watching movies talking whatever i have a connected bathroom and the door to this bathroom wasn't fully shut it was open about an inch as we're talking she notices the door looks more closed and she points it out well that's weird none of us had gone to use the bathroom this door doesn't close by itself i've lived in this house since i was a kid and the door always has to be forced closed i explained that to her and we stay watching the door that door slammed closed while we were looking at it and we scream our heads off and run out of the room goosebumps everywhere i knew immediately it had to be my cousin he had to be messing with us it's absolutely something he'd do my best friend is terrified of using that bathroom now there's more stuff but then this comment will get too long and i'm already annoyed by how long it already is my grandfather passed away three days before my fourth birthday i was always close with him and i actually slept in the bed with my grandparents as a young child it's funny because i don't have many early memories but this one is as clear as if it happened last night the night after my grandfather died i was in bed with my grandmother as usual i remember looking up because there was a light shining on us and my grandfather was standing at the end of the bed just the way he always did before getting in my grandmother also saw him standing there but she heard him tell her that she was going to be all right this is always something that has been shared in my family as proof of an afterlife i don't believe that it was a dream and even if it were it would be almost impossible for my grandmother and i to have had the same dream at the same time i feel like it was my grandfather coming one last time to let my grandmother know that he was okay and that she would also be okay and i was lucky enough to be a part of it being in bed with her i'm 34 and it's been 30 years since this happened and i can still remember it like it was yesterday i lived in a house that was built in 1827 the owners my friends told me about ghosts in the place i'm not a ghost believer so i never gave it much thought one night i woke up at about 2 a.m to pee i looked down the staircase to the front door and a woman was standing there looking out the window i was surprised to see her there because it was just me and my roommate living there i said hello and she just kinda missed it away she had thick black hair and was wearing a patchwork dress that reached the floor the house was the original farmhouse along the ohio river from way back when so i went to the bathroom and got back in bed i wasn't scared at all which is weird because i always assumed that if i saw a ghost i would run away and never come back when i was much younger we moved to a unit in an apartment complex which my dad had bought nothing much but it was a cold apartment we lived in south india at the time and well we wrote it off as the balcony facing south in the corner unit acting as a draft for the northward monsoon winds but we couldn't write everything off i t was crazy had a series of sleep paralysis episodes why brother had severe asthma why parents were always fighting with both of them being violent and we had my own slash uncle visit more than once to peacekeep always saw a thin shadow guy out of the corner of my vision and my parents lost all of their money and we were nearly homeless the craziest thing that made me doubt anything was not natural was once we had this made lady who came to clean that house that kept insisting to my mom that something wasn't proper at this house homer thing was amiss tc he said she was a seer or a medium of some sort and that she'd do a small prayer his involves lighting a camphor on top of a lemon and basically holding it and drawing three circles around us when she said her prayers she did it for each of the family members without incident i was the last to go she lit the camphor and placed it on the lemon and starts when she started her second circle the camphor rolled off the lemon no big deal she'll get it back on except when she went to pick it up the camphor which was still burning rolled away from her so she went to pick it up once it completely stopped rolling and it was still she held the lemon on one side and her hand around the camphor to scoop it onto the lemon but it rolled away dodging her hand in a zigzag pattern by now all of us were freaked another two-thirds more time she was finally able to scoop it up she continued her prayer and before completing her third circle she fainted and the camphor stops burning i caught her and we got her water and some soda we gave her a glass of coffee too once she was up she refused to look me in the eye and refused to return to the house we ran into significant financial and health troubles after this we couldn't get another buyer and also came to know that the guy who sold it to us attempted suicide soon after moving out due to financial trouble he recovered we moved away from the unit to another unit in the same apartment after a year or so and despite selling it at a loss we couldn't recover financially and even health-wise for over five years afterwards i met her on the street when i was an adult she approached me and told me she was glad i was okay she seemed genuinely surprised to see me and looked me in the eye so all's well i guess i believe i was visited by an angel some years ago i was out with my college class collecting water samples in the local river for viewing within two minutes of getting in the water i fell and got soaked in temps of 25 degrees the river was slightly icy i brushed it off then i fell again and again and then a third time i gave up walking back to the group to mix some chemicals or whatever after an hour the teacher noticed how soaked i was and offered to let me leave early with another group back to campus zero 25 miles away via car so i could get in a warm shower i refused and a few minutes later i was asked to refill a pitcher in the river the bank was muddy and i fell in getting even more soaked and now i had mud all over me because i took my waders off i walked back at once threw my hands in the air and got in the car i heard sirens in the shower when i got back i was told that someone was hit on the road we were working by later i learned a groupmate of mine was hit and killed by a car i don't blame the guy he was on the way to the hospital for his wife who had cancer and was just driving a tiny bit fast the person who was it but was walking slightly ahead of the group if the others had been walking at his pace everyone and the teacher would have been hit if i had been walking with the group i would have likely been walking beside bird and i walk at the same pace w e were next to each other on the way to the river and we would have likely talked together on the way back truly believe that someone pee there auntied me to live am normally clumsy s i'd not like this kept tripping over literal air and he went underwater when i shouldn't have i'm good at keeping my head up when i fall just question why me ndy bird couldn't have been saved as well tons but smarter people than me are convincing me that [ __ ] is probably all in my head but i still think cats see dead people i would love to hear anything you have to say i love all things mysterious or spooky so i'm all ears or really eyes since i'm reading lol but yeah please share since you asked nicely posted this to glitch in the matrix seven years ago have a three-year-old daughter now about three and a half years ago when my wife was pregnant with her got a phone call from an unknown number hen i picked up it was a little girl who called me daddy i told her sorry but you have the wrong number and she answered no you're my daddy i proceeded to tell her no i don't have a daughter and the little girl said in one of the creepiest little kid voices i can remember oh yes you do daddy and then i was so freaked out and strung out on caffeine that i just hung up my wife asked me what had happened and i joked that our daughter had called me from the future sure enough a few months later we did have a little girl and i was a daddy fast forward to yesterday i was taking care of her and moving some boxes and i heard her on the phone with grandma at first i thought nothing of it then i realized she must have used the autodial herself and i was impressed then i realized i needed to ask some questions and put the phone out of reach to prevent unwanted nine one one calls in the lick e when they were done talking i asked her who else she called and she said just grandma and you you i'm 100 sure she didn't phone me yesterday even though she maintains it and says we talked d i checked the call log and it has dozens of numbers auto dial and not that she tried and our home number is in them so while i'm sure it's just coincidence it's a glitchy one of that last winter i was on a rural road in pennsylvania at night there was a curve in the road with a short maybe three foot tall retaining wall made of cobblestone beyond that an old little cemetery as i went through the curve i saw a woman standing in front of the stone wall right next to the road she was wearing a white knee-length dress of some sort maybe a night gun or something and she was barefoot she she was translucent as a child 11 to 12 years old 2004 or so i lived in a plus year old house where a rocking chair as well as the basement stairs could be heard creaking fairly often later i found out that the grandparents of a friend from school used to live there and her grandfather always sat in his rocking chair in the living room where the creaking was loudest we affectionately referred to him by name from then on george and he always stopped making noise when we asked here have been other experiences but these are the most straightforward and easy to describe i have something similar to george my great-grandfather built the house my family is currently living in when we first moved in 20-plus years ago now great-grandpa had been dead for almost a decade we heard footsteps all the time pacing along the hallway to the back door when we knew no one was in that part of the house one day my mother was home alone and heard the footsteps from the living room she walked into the kitchen and the footsteps stopped but she still felt watched grandpa she said you don't have to worry we'll take good care of the house for you apostrophe after that the footsteps stopped but great grandpa still checks in on us occasionally when i was around 10 years old i woke up to what i thought was my mom calling my name i remember wincing my eyes when i sat up in bed like someone had just turned on the lights i opened my eyes and there was an angel at the foot of my bed it was so bright i couldn't look at it for long periods of time it looked exactly like how angels are depicted in art and religious text i remember it had its arms out with its head tilted a little down and to the side it had hair to its shoulders it had neither feminine or male features like it could have been either or from its appearance its eyes were closed and it didn't have a halo or anything just an extremely bright light and aura around it and behind it it was massive and seemed like it was coming from another dimension or open portal because it would not have fit in the space in front of my bed normally i would have freaked out and screamed for my mom or enter their room but it brought this calming warmth safe energy that filled the room i've never felt anything like it before but if i had to compare it to something i would say how a baby feels inside their mother's womb so i'm trying to look at this angel and it starts speaking to me but it's in my head i remember the vibrations were so loud when it spoke that i said ouch and kind of put my hands on my head in response to the intensity it lowered the vibrations and asked me is this better i responded yes its mouth never moved it was a conversation telepathically i remember asking simple 10 year old questions like are you a boy or a girl it responded with i'm neither male or female things like that when it gave me answers it was like an instant answer and knowing inside of me i can't explain it after asking it a couple simple questions and it's answering them it told me something i can't remember for the life of me what it was but i remember shaking my head yes that i understood i remember feeling really sad when it left like i wanted to go with it i laid back down and went to sleep woke up and ran to my mom and told her all about it the next morning to this day i take the time to go over that night and remember what it looked like so i don't ever forget it also i have tried to remember what it told me but i can't maybe i'm not supposed to remember or i will when the time is right i've never had sleep paralysis and it was not a dream omg i've had a similar experience no talking i was at least 18 possibly 19 over 20 i've had sleep paralysis before but it was usually like falling asleep on the couch by the hot stove in my mind combining what's happening on the tv with what my family was doing or saying in a weird dream less of a hallucination and more of a foggy interpretation for me i had just had a dream and i was in the space between being fully asleep and waking up but my mind was completely clear and aware when usually it's not i had my eyes closed it felt like someone was in my room and that it was filled with morning sunlight i have a basement room the closest sun flight i get is a beam or two in the afternoon occasionally at first it seemed like a ball of light then it felt more like what you said not feminine or masculine just a figure i reached towards full consciousness and wakefulness as well as towards it mentally the feeling of rising out of sleep it suddenly realized i was awake and knew it was there and frowned in disapproval then it went back to being a ball of light and moving towards a doorway it took all the feeling of hope and morning light with it when i woke up my awareness of my room said it was empty and that it had left out around the window like that's where the portal doorway had been it was weird waking up to total darkness too because even if it wasn't sunlight it felt like when you fall asleep with the lights on there should have at least been a light on felt like i witnessed something i shouldn't have when i was 18 i was scrolling through tumblr on my phone at 2am giggling to myself since i shared a room with my brother then i hear a male voice down the aisle it sounded like it was going towards the kitchen i sounded like grumbling like an angry kind of grumble so i instantly assume it's my grouch of a dad i felt a strange pressure on my chest then the sounds get louder and louder then suddenly the door to my parents's bedroom opens and since it's an old door that's pretty much falling apart it makes a popping sound when it opens the sounds stop and then i hear my dad go who's there apostrophe he opened my door and i pretended to be asleep so he doesn't give me [ __ ] for being awake so late he closed the door and went back to sleep next morning my mom asked me to put away the cereal if i got hungry and ate at night when i asked why me she told me that my dad was angry because he found cereal on the floor and what looked like crushed cereal like someone stepped on it and just walked away i got chills down my spine and told her what i heard at night she then called a priest and sprinkled holy water everywhere before lighting up a few candles around the house backstory i've always seen rainbows in times when i was questioning life i believe it's god's way of reminding me everything is okay my parents died a month apart in 2018 i executed their estate including the sale of land that had been in my family for three generations i knew selling it was the right thing but it was very hard to do i was sobbing as i drove away from the title office i turned down the road toward home and there is a rainbow it is a beautiful summer day not a cloud in the sky and no rain in the area i had a similar experience when my grandpa who raised me died in our house i watched him take his last breath and out of instinct ran immediately up to the top floor and out on the balcony it was a rainy and cloudy day but the second i reached the balcony about 10 seconds after my grandpa died the sun forced itself through the clouds and clearly shone directly on me this was 16 years ago but up to this day i'm convinced that my grandpa is in the sky slash heaven and watching over me i'm not usually religious or spiritual but nobody can change my mind about this one i've mentioned this on reddit before but i used to live in an enormous prominent mansion with a reputation for being haunted it was open to the public for tours and events weddings etc but it was also a private home and the only people who lived there were the owner and myself the day i moved and i saw a man walk down one of galleries and turn through the last doorway on the right when i went to go see where he had went i realized that the doors open inward and i would have seen them open but also that they were bolted shut and had two chairs in front of them i also had money from the main register with me in my office on the third floor because the till was getting full and i needed to make a deposit at the bank i brought it up with me while i worked on some files but got a call from the front desk that they needed some of it back i had it rolled up with an elastic standing on top of an upright piano to my side but when i looked over it was gone there was no one else around the office was in my private apartment and no one could sneak in to prank me without being seen when i went down to tell the owner i had lost a bunch of money she said no you didn't it's right where you left it go look i went back upstairs unlocked my apartment and the money was exactly where it should have been on the piano just to the side of my desk i ran downstairs so fast i was out of breath and just held the money up and the owner laughed and said it looks like you've just seen a ghost i had a pair of copper cufflinks the owner gave me which had belonged to her late husband every day i took them off and placed them side by side on my desk one day one just vanished a couple of months later i was cleaning my apartment before going to see my family for a week for christmas i cleared most of the furniture out of my bedroom to vacuum the antique carpet that covered the entire room it was pretty big and while i was in the middle of the room vacuuming i had a plunk and felt something tap again the back of my heel it was the cufflink which had dropped out of nowhere there was nothing near me it could have been on top off and fallen off of slightly shaken i picked it up and put it beside its mate it was shiny as if new whereas the other one was brown with age i went to get a drink came back up and the other one was gone a few weeks later it turned up on a windowsill nearly 200 away on the other end of the third floor it wasn't polished like the other one though that window sill is apparently where a lot of missing small items would turn up there are many other stories i could go on about but i'm starting to feel like i'm rambling haha i don't even know if this is paranormal or not i haven't told this to many people in my life either the only ones who know are select closed people but it's a vivid memory so here it goes i f was around four or so and my dad was putting me to sleep as usually he was the one to do that he was laying on my bed telling me bedtime story and i start to feel something on the left side of my bed my side i turn in time to see large black hands come over the side of my bed and something tall and black leaps quickly from under my bed it seemed to look directly at me and it screamed at me not like words but just all i remember is screaming and my mom running into my room and whatever it was was just gone i begged my parents to tell me what i saw for years they claimed they didn't see anything and they don't remember anything other than me screaming i know i saw what i saw and i felt that paralyzing fear i also know i was 100 wide awake still i hadn't even laid down yet i was sitting on my bed i asked if maybe i did fall asleep they said i was still awake i asked if i hallucinated my dad who is a doctor said no i didn't i still have no answers 20 years later and it still ducks with me to this day i can't can't sleep on the left side of the bed i have to sleep facing away from that side and i can't sleep in silence or complete dark i sleep with my tv on every single night sometimes i jump awake just because my cat likes to play at night in my room and it scares me i wish i knew what that was although it's left me with an interest of the paranormal if anything to try to figure it out maybe someone here can help me at the time this event took place my son was about four and one half we moved to a new place that has a downstairs family room with a fireplace in it my then husband did not sleep in a bed with me but on the family room couch another story altogether and our son like to bring his sleeping bag down there and sleep on the floor by his dad one night the ex decides he's going to make a fire so he gets some wood from outside puts it in the fireplace and tries to light it despite many attempts the wood will not light it's still too green not to be thwarted he goes out to the garage and returns with a coffee can filled with kerosene and dumps half of it on the wood he hits it with his cigarette lighter up it goes and he puts a coffee can on a shelf by the fireplace i noticed that my son was watching intently as he did this so i comment quietly to the ex that he is being observed and will need to put the kerosene back in the garage so that the boy won't try to get into it the ex did not like anyone to tell him what to do and retorts in a snotty tone that he will get to it when he is finished i don't want to start a fight so i go to bed to read for a while soon i fall asleep with the light still on about an hour later i'm being shaken awake by someone grabbing my arm i'm really deeply asleep and try to turn over to get away from the shaking then i'm grabbed again by the forearm and pulled hard out of bed just before i hit the floor i look at my forearm see a man's hand on it look further and see the man's arm and that is all there was just a disembodied arm then i hear a voice say you need to check on david now i'm starting to freak out with the way i've just been awakened adrenaline kicks in and i run down to the family room my son is sitting up on the shelf by the fireplace mantle has taken the lid off the coffee can and dump kerosene all down the front of his pajamas in his hand is my exs cigarette lighter and he is doing his best to light it the fumes are enough to make him go up in flames i can smell them from the doorway i don't think my feet even touch the floor in getting to him as i knew that even a spark could set him off the exes fast a ducking sleep on the couch blissfully unaware of the fact that our son is about to become a human torch his cigarettes are on the floor next to the couch and i knew the cigarette lighter had been right on top of them an irresistible temptation for our son after i got david cleaned up and put to bed i went over to my ex and slammed both fists down on his chest as hard as i could he wakes up sputtering and starts to protest whereupon i tell him to shut the duck up told him what just happened anne that i would be filing for divorce as soon as possible because clearly his ego was way bigger than his desire to keep our son safe and he couldn't be trusted around him the narrowly avoided tragedy with my son greatly overshadowed how i was informed of it and i only thought of the disembodied arm later that long night as i was taking a hot bath in the vain hope of relaxing enough to get to sleep there were five very clear bruises on my forearm in the configuration of a right hand oh yes i filed for divorce the following week i've had heaps but my nine over 11 experience was probably the freakiest in australia and i was at a karaoke bar late at night with my co-workers someone mentioned that a plane had crashed into a building in new york but everyone in the bar assumed it was a small plane or weren't that concerned because they were drunk and having fun but i saw it in my mind like i was experiencing the perspective of being a passenger on a large plane heading right towards a huge building i felt the deliberate nature of the event i lost my [ __ ] i said to one co-worker thousands of people are dead this was deliberate and it will change the world forever i then passed out and she took me back to her place we were really drunk so both of us went right to sleep in the morning my co-worker came into the room i was sleeping in and she looked like she had seen a ghost you were right thousands of people are dead and it was a terrorist attack how did you know and that was the end of the friendship that had been building between us i freaked her out too much not only that in the months leading up to 9 over 11 i had heaps of dreams about planes exploding in a bright blue sky those dreams stopped after nine over eleven i've had quite a few dreams that predicted the future or gave me information about something happening in the recent past or present before others knew i don't believe in god but it's really hard for me to deny the supernatural i suppose it is like other things we don't really understand one day science might be able to confirm and explain this sort of thing in preschool i would always hang out with a girl named alex she was my best friend at the time and i would always go home and tell my mom what alex and i did that day but my mom got worried because i told her that alex would always wear the same clothes to school every day at a parent teacher conference my mom brought in clothes for alex but my teacher said that they didn't have an alex in the class but they had noticed that i was always talking to someone who wasn't there one of the other teachers told us about how there was an alex in the class last year but she had died of if i remember correctly a brain-related disease possibly cancer she brought out a picture of alex and i confirmed that was my friend that i had been talking to we got paranormal experts involved and everything they suggested that i told alex that i couldn't play with her anymore to prevent her from getting too attached to me so i did and i didn't see alex again after that most of what i know of the story is what my parents told me but i vividly remember alex it's nothing that scares me it's really pretty cool that i was the one that she decided to hang out with at her old preschool this is probably getting lost in the comments but i've never shared this story before and have never made sense of it when i was probably about nine years old i was up late one night at my desk drawing it was probably about 1am on a weekend anyways both my parents dealt with insomnia and would often be up all hours of the night around the house on this particular night at some point i began to hear heavy footsteps going up and down the staircase outside my bedroom door it barely even registered for me if it wasn't my parents it was probably my night owl little sister however i turned to the sound of my dork knob and my father pokes his head in with a concerning scowl on his face he asks me if i've been walking up and down the stairs without a pause i replied i thought it was you and my heart promptly dropped he said your sister is asleep and so is mom at in the room both my parents were trained in firearm safety heil my mom stayed in the master bedroom with us kids and the door locked why father went downstairs with his gun and began safe protocol for house intruders heil he was giving warnings and and advising the intruder to leave e all heard things knocking around here and there the police were called and surrounded the house my father came in later and informed us that they found no one in the house even though the couch was pulled out from its position and my father saw someone duck behind it kind of a short part two to this story but and relative to this incident we ended up moving out about six months later around the exact same time of year the same exact incident happened again at a new house i have had a few but the most bizarre one for me happened when i was a kid probably around 11 years old maybe a little older i had just moved into the room upstairs where my older sister used to live i always read donald duck on the bed before going to sleep one night i was reading and i really had to go pee i left the dd magazine on my bed open with the pages down as to know where i was hadn't heard of a thing named bookmarks back then anyway i went downstairs to do my business when i came back up the magazine was gone nowhere to be seen i checked under the bed in my nightstand nothing it was pretty late and everyone else was asleep as i was quite the night owl already back then i said duck it and just went to bed the next morning when i went to the bathroom the magazine was laying on a chest of drawers next to the toilet open with the pages down the thing is my sister experienced lots of weird stuff in that room the volume on her sound system turning up and down the sound system suddenly turning on on the highest volume cds falling out of the shelves and she never got a good night's sleep in that room neither did i really which is probably why i became a night owl now that i think about it i also had just gotten a guitar for christmas when i moved into that room could not play it well yet my parents were divorced and one weekend i was at my mother's house didn't bring my guitar as i didn't want to ruin it in any way that weekend my dad and my stepmom were laying in bed their bedroom was next to mine when they heard guitar playing coming from my room like good guitar playing they listened to it for a while until it stopped never happened again no one else was in the house at that time either as my younger sister and i always spent the weekends at each parent together and she was like eight and my brother had moved out by then i have plenty more to tell but this is getting quite long when i was in college in the late 1990s my mom had been dating a man for several years he was killed in a freak accident on his way to see her late at night his car hit a patch of ice but he survived the accident and stepped on a live wire he had knocked down hidden by some snow my mom was returning home from the funeral home one evening and my brother and i were waiting for her at home we saw her car pulling up outside from the window into our driveway it was dusk and we could see a male figure in the front seat with dark hair we said to each other that my uncle must have come home with her for support as he had also been at the funeral home that night neither of us though anything of it and we went into the kitchen except when she came into the house she was alone still not thinking of anything i said hey where's uncle so and so she said who i said yes he was in the car with you she said there was no one in the car with you and my brother and i both looked at each other and said oh there was definitely someone in the car with you and we told her what happened he was clearly stuck a few other weird things happened like the side of the bed where he slept would go down as if someone was sitting on it but no one was eventually though it stopped on the flip side my dad died after a long battle with cancer we had an agreement that if he could come back he would to date the only odd thing that has happened is that in the months immediately after he died i could not sleep so i would leave the tv on at night i would wake up every single morning with cmt on my dad had played in a country music band so maybe it did not matter what channel i put on i always awoke with that one on i hope i'm not too late to the party cause i have a story that still freaks me tf out when i was in high school my parents decided to relocate our family to a big house in what felt like the middle of nowhere and i swear to you that it was haunted it's up on a hill isolated with no neighbors around for a mile just going up our driveway was pretty long the previous owner had inherited the place from his parents who had died but he lost the house after struggling with his drug addiction the property was foreclosed and there was all kinds of weird [ __ ] drawn on the walls when we moved in so we gutted and renovated the entire home from what i've learned watching supernatural renovation is apparently a surefire way to wake up any angry spirits well i was already a pretty paranoid kid but this new house creeped me out to know and it had large windows in every room that pointed to the groves we didn't have blind slash cover slash drapes so i always felt like i was being watched i'd be home alone on multiple occasions and hear a cupboard door slam shut very loudly or hear pounding footsteps going up and down the stairs i would literally lock myself in the bathroom the only room in the entire house without a window until a family member came home when this happened just weird noises and always feeling like him being watched the worst experience was when i went to attend a halloween dance my junior year i dropped off my siblings at the dance to realize i had left an important part of my costume behind i drove back home to retrieve the item and the moment i opened the door to my house something just felt wrong i was home alone the house was dark my body entered fight or flight mode for no apparent reason and i felt totally freaked out i ran inside grabbed what i needed and ran back to my car with record speed as i raced down the driveway shaking and crying my nerves say complete mess i looked behind me and saw that a dark figure was standing in the window of our house watching me now i don't know how i knew that figure was there but my body sensed it before i actually saw him in the window i'm just glad i got out in time and i sure as hell didn't sleep well that night i still get freaked out thinking about it i'm glad i don't live there anymore because it just had a negative energy about it while i was in high school my family moved into what i believed to be a haunted house i always felt watched heard lots of weird slash loud noises and one time my body started freaking out uncontrollably and when i drove away i saw a dark figure in the window that was watching me from the house i was home alone when this happened added to add something completely different but also relatable to the subject one of my classmates was obsessed with michael jackson and one day in class he kept telling everyone that michael jackson was gonna die tomorrow sure enough the next day the news announced that michael jackson had died the cafe slash general store i used to work at had a poltergeist we all loved him except for the owner she hated him he would always open doors as she was reaching for the handles she only started liking him after he got a karen band the camera clearly showed the bottles falling on their own but karen was being extremely rude to all of us and she was alone in the aisle or so we thought later when we reviewed the footage for satisfaction we realized that it wasn't her who knocked them off the shelf it was him my nephew was playing football with his friends when he simply just fell to the floor and died aged 11. after his autopsy we could go and see him in his coffin i was just sitting there staring at him in disbelief and i felt so helpless and sad i just wanted him to know that i love him so i gave him my watch that night me and my partner are in bed and we hear a ticking clock we have no ticking clocks in the house it goes on for about a week the last day it happens we both hear it in our bedroom i say i'm glad you like the watch bailey and with that the ticking got quieter until it was silent again i broke down in tears i knew it was him and he came to say thanks and goodbye i'm fairly certain that i was abducted by aliens for about five hours when i was about six from a mob neighborhood in new jersey i have very distinct memories of the aliens they call the greys and some missing time nothing weird happened they like human children also i saw the ghosts of dogs at night until i was about eight other than having really strong intuitions and precognitive dreams too many to count and most are quite mundane i have no strictly paranormal or alien experiences as an adult and i'm a little older maybe i was just an imaginative child december of 2018 i was alone at home as my ex was out of town in a work trip one night i woke up to the sound of rumbling and keys opening the door i get up and run towards the hallway that overlooks the stairs and front door when i see the handrail i immediately notice the handrail of the stairs is decorated with lights and a poinsettia reef spiraling down the the rail i was incredibly confused as i had never decorated it then a second later a man walks into the door i still remember his face so well he was tall maybe six feet military haircut i think it's worth noting that we lived in a military base basically every who who lived in housing was active military he was light-skinned he looked mixed thin but in shape he looked like a runner well im watching this man walk into my house take his jacket off and put it on the side on top of this small bench all of this is happening so fast but it felt so ducking eternal as i'm watching him do this i say out loud what the duck question mark and he looks up to where i'm standing and he is just as surprised as i am and he goes oh [ __ ] exclamation mark then i run back to my room and hop back in bed it's only then that i wake up again i immediately run towards the hall but this time there is not poinsettia reefs and lights on the handrail and there is no man coming in the door it's as if i had crossed to an alternative reality for a minute perhaps in a parallel reality that man lived in that house and i somehow glitched in the matrix and crossed to his universe and saw him lol he probably still talks about that to his buddies like i talked to mine about it haha it was ducking bizarre i've got sort of an ongoing situation if you wanna call it that been this way for nearly four to five years i used to work late at night and be driving home when nearly no one was even awake in my town you could drive for 10 minutes or more and not see another car or person but for whatever reason driving home at night you'd always see this guy wearing a hoodie on the side of the road as i drove home he wouldn't be moving just standing still as i drove past i tended to see him in the same places so i figured he had a schedule similar to mine i never saw his face but it really was none of my business anyway so i paid it no mind that was until a day in early january around four years ago i was coming home extra late from work after having spent a while after my shift talking to work friends i got home parked and walked towards my front door as i was unlocking the door i felt this compulsion to turn around that feeling you get when something is watching you i turned after unlocking the door to see the guy standing on the opposite side of the street from my house watching me same hoodie he always wore hands in his hoodie pockets like he always stood and just staring at me this was the first time i ever got a look at his face and despite the barely existing light put out by my home lights and street lights i could see him clear as if it were midday he looked like me but not quite i've always been on the heavier side but this guy looked like he had been starved for weeks just skin and bone almost i stared back at him for 10 seconds or so then turned and stepped into my house when i walked inside however the temperature in my house felt like i was inside an oven or something it was hot as [ __ ] inside the house to the point i almost had trouble breathing from the heat i looked at the thermometer but it read 71 degrees i thought that was odd so i looked at my phone again and to my shock it read 1 30 a.m i had checked my phone as i walked up the three stairs onto my porch and it had only been 12 40 or so despite only feeling like i had stared back at the guy across the street for only a few seconds nearly 45 minutes or more had passed sure enough the house wasn't hot inside my skin was ice cold from standing in 10 degree weather for nearly an hour and that was the day i first met my doppelganger proper i don't really remember how many times i had seen him before then standing on the side of the road as i passed by but that was the first time we really got a chance to see each other a lot has happened between the two of us since then but that was the first story i have to tell about him a quick note for the first bit my mom worked day shift at a hospital for a while and would leave before 7am so my sister and i would take turns lying with the dog when she'd leave because he couldn't be shut in her room alone anyway mom and i would often feel a small animal specifically a cat walk on the mattress near our legs and curl up next to us we didn't have cats at that point nothing was never on the bed when we check one day my sister and i talking with mom in her room when she started banging on the side of her recliner where she was sitting and yelling at the dog to go away he crawled out from under the other side of her bed when she went to extend the leg rest of the recliner a shadow darted out from underneath and zipped across the room we all saw it we think it was one of our late cats who died around halloween 2005 because he was very close to her before my younger sister and i were born almost every night or rather almost every day due to consistently waking up at around 11 o'clock a m comma i will have sleep paralysis now before i go any further into this i must state that i live completely alone save for two cats and i usually sleep with my door closed and locked normally when this happens i will hear heavy footsteps outside of my room that would start and stop at random intervals but a couple weeks ago as you have already guessed they stopped at my door and didn't start up again it took what felt like an entire day to snap out of it and when i did the door was wide open my door locks from the inside and the dork knob isn't the kind that a cat could open by jumping on the handle there were no signs of a break-in nor was there any way somebody could have even wanted to anyway as i like to keep to myself i searched my entire house for any unwanted guests and found none save a few spiders in the closet i have no idea how that could have happened because sleepwalking and sleep paralysis are polar opposites and i don't think that i can open a door while sleepwalking let alone unlocking a door if anyone has any ideas as to how this may have happened please leave some ideas as to how in the replies okay well my personal favorite is the entity that i refer to as weed ghost apostrophe background my facility is fairly new but has plenty of quirks 95 of the paranormal or creepy things are just normal parts of the building's function the other five percent though have no explanation that i've been able to find in my four years of employment and no one in maintenance or exhibits can give a good answer for either and they've tried it was built in a formally economically depressed part of the city before the area was gentrified and some of that shows through in the weirdest ways so occasionally we get this weird cloud of odor that just pops up sticks around for a bit and then leaves it could be anywhere in the building at any time and last for any length of time and it smells like weed smoke strong weed i thought someone dumped their stash next to an intake vent at first but the first time i knew something was up i was working second shift with the coworker at about 10 30 at night he's on a catwalk about 80 feet above ground and reports a smell like someone smoking had just walked past him we followed the smell for about two hours before it disappeared what we determined was this a sphere of odour about two five three feet in diameter hovering about five feet in the air was moving back and forth across the catwalk at a leisurely walking pace not like air currents it was like a dude was pacing casually on a smoke break for two hours we just chalked it up to a ghost after it left and went about our night 14 months later i was working alone in our command center at about 4 a.m dead of the night it was raining outside and there had been no one around the building since midnight in the span of about six or seven seconds the air went from normal office smells to hot boxing with a hippie for three days smells it was so strong that it made me cough and i was legit worried about catching a contact high off of it after two minutes of me checking cameras and videos around any and all intake vents it just disappears not like the air ducts were clearing out or like a filter started working again just like it showed up three or four seconds between me noticing it was letting up and it being totally gone like it never had been there it's happened a few times since then but those were the most memorable events in late so this will probably get buried but i still can't explain what happened to this day in my mid-teens a friend and i went over to explore my neighbor's property partially woods partially filled the property had been a farm i think back in the 1800s anyway we went over and my dog followed us the whole trip was kind of eerie and the dog had disappeared but we didn't think much of it we finally decided to leave and as him calling my dog i see him standing across the field just staring at me him calling him but he won't budge which is odd for him i start to walk towards him and he runs off in the other direction i'm tired and i know he knows his way home so i start back i turn around to see if he's coming and has back just standing and staring again call him nothing try to go to him he runs off again i get fed up after about three times of this and go home without looking back for him knowing he'll eventually come home i get back and has laying on the porch which is odd because it's not possible neither one of us had seen him get ahead of us as the way back is nothing but open field and we took the shortest route i asked my mom and she says the dog has been back for two hours at least it was only about 45 minutes since we left things also will disappear and reappear in that area it's almost like the landscape changes i'd honestly think i was hallucinating if other people hadn't witnessed this stuff with me i'm a skeptic through and through but i'm fully convinced something is wrong with that price of land tldr i saw my dog but it wasn't my dog and whatever it was kept trying to lead me back into the woods and strange things happen every time i've been there this happened on the 20th or 21st of december last year 2020 my grandmother has been on her deathbed for weeks and refused to talk to anyone on the last day my uncle had put a baby monitor in the room with her to keep tabs on her and he heard her laughing and carrying on as if she was talking to someone at a party or get together there was no one in the room and she passed shortly after my mother swears it was her sisters who had been dead for a decade or so come back to walk her beyond i wouldn't doubt it she was a saint i can only hope when it's my time to go that i'd get a reunion like that okay so i'm gonna add my own story now though this is almost a dead post lol i mention in some of my replies about the haunted mattress i had and my only ufo sighting so scroll to find those but i'm gonna add a story here about my first ghost sighting i was very young probably only four at the time my family was visiting relatives in a house they were staying temporarily my mother tells me the whole thing seemed very off from the get-go the house was pretty old though i'm not sure how old and my grandparents must have been sensing something there from the start based on their reactions but i'll get to that in a moment anyway my brothers and i were playing in the living room of the home and apparently both my brother and i each separately went to my mother and asked her about the man by the window i vaguely remember seeing the outline of a man's shadow against the window but i don't remember any details i wish my memory was better but hey i was forgive me a break my brother was asking why aren't we talking to him to give a bit of context here our family is massive we have a ton of extended family cousins aunts uncles etc so it was not uncommon for us kids to meet complete strangers at family gatherings which is why my brothers and i were not terrified of the strange man my mother looked in the living room and saw no one in there and asked my brother where the man was over there against the wall by the window he replied and pointed to the area where the man was at this point my mother was confused and my grandmother overheard the conversation and came over to us what is it she asked and my mother explained what we were saying about the man she immediately got a bottle of anointing oil and went through the entire house praying and putting oil above every doorway my grandfather was previously a pastor of methodist church so it was a reflex reaction that anything even remotely like a ghost or demon had to go i should mention here that supposedly backslash and i say this because i don't know if i believe it or not the bottle of oil my grandmother has is special because get this it's empty yes she keeps a small empty glass bottle in her purse and apparently whenever she needs to anoint something slash someone there will be oil in it i don't know if i believe this or not but i digress after the house was prayed over by them i believe we had a group prayer and that was it we didn't see the man anymore i honestly wish my memory from the time was better so i could describe him to you all however since it was not a traumatic experience or even something my mind could comprehend at the time i don't remember much at all most of the details are from what my mother told me years later so a while back my aunt's best friend had died a few years later i had woken up at around midnight to see a figure standing in my doorway it didn't look like my aunt or dad and the door had been previously closed the figure dimly glowed and looked like my aunt's friend i could barely move so i tried as hard as i could to spit out the word hello no response i then asked it what it was doing here still no response i ducked down and tried to hide behind the siding of my bed i have a loft bed i was shaking as i've had things try and rag me down and other similar things i soon fell back asleep and nobody believed me when i told them also another story it was late at night and i had my legs hanging from my bed and then i felt something grab my leg and start tugging i fought back and once i got back fully on my bed i curled up as close to the wall as i could and once again i've had a loft bed for multiple years and my room isn't was really messy so if i were to have fallen i would have most likely been injured i was at an airport once i used to travel for work to visit the headquarters of the company i worked for at the time i used to be a creative person and now i work for a corporate giant and it seems like a soulless job so there i was at the airport all depressed i mean i didn't and still don't want to spend my entire life working in a boring job and also extremely difficult so i asked the universe god to give me a sign that i was where i was supposed to be that this was okay for me to go through because this was the plan i asked for a specific sign to show me a lot of roses but then i thought roses were too obvious and they would be everywhere then i asked okay pianist pianiss armor so i kept going back and forth and i was like whatever who cares and went to the bookstore to get a book because my flight was long i chose a book by margaret atwood alias grace i bought it and found a seat because i was still waiting for the flight first chapter first page out of the gravel there are been is growing i will never question whether the universe or god is listening to me this was a very crazy proof i cried at the airport to be able to have such a powerful sign given to me a couple of weeks ago i had a weird experience of that sort i bought myself my first car recently and am fairly new to driving but i needed one to get to and from my new place of work i usually work in the afternoon and this one day i took a little nap right before i had to leave for work i was half asleep when suddenly a weird voice told me don't take the highway today it was so clear and loud it startled me and i woke up i got ready for work and got in the car despite having this weird feeling i took the highway while driving onto the highway i was almost hit by a truck that didn't let me though my car made this scary loud beeping noise i've never heard before and then suddenly the accelerator stopped working i had to stop on the side of the highway it was so scary and i remembered the voice immediately cursing myself that i didn't listen to it i honestly believe whatever tried to warn me also saved me because this cold turned out a lot worse i'm a nanny and was doing some late night babysitting for the family i work for all of the kids were in bed and asleep upstairs i double checked before turning on the tv so i settled in for the last couple of hours before the parents were scheduled to be home well the youngest child who was around three or four years old at the time runs out of his room at full speed with his pokede blanket in tow across the landing and into the toy room i of course call up to them and instruct the little punk to get back to bed silence i call out to them again nothing i finally get up and go upstairs into the toy room where i find the light on but no child more annoyed than anything and thinking the kid somehow snuck back to their room without me seeing them i march across the landing to their room not only are they completely asleep but they are still tucked in how i left them snug as a bug in a rug with their pokeder blanket draped over them okay that's weird i thought to myself i assumed my mind was playing tricks on me and went back downstairs to finish out the night parents get home and the mom and i are casually chatting about the kids and out of nowhere she asks have you seen the kid with the polka dot blanket run across the landing yet apostrophe that's when we decided to start swapping all of the weird encounters we had been having and i have to say a shared mutual story send shivers down my spine the one that actually scared me the most was when we discovered that the kids had complained to both of us about a heavy voice telling them to wake up at night i don't talk about it because i continually get weird messages from people or people don't believe me but in dreams i can sometimes see things before they happen people just look at me blankly and ask if it's deja vu but it's not i've always been able to remember my dreams and i will clearly see something happen and be able to pinpoint where it happens and what happens and then it'll happen months later it's so ducking weird and it creeps me out especially since i don't believe in the paranormal or psychics and i'm an atheist i've asked doctors why this happens and they get confused and ask again if it's deja vu i've been to sleep clinics as well for unrelated issues and they noted my sleep pattern was highly irregular but wouldn't explain why just kept saying it didn't make sense as a note i'm still a minor but next year when i turn 18 hopefully i'll be allowed to review the report as my parents have kept it from me besides that i've had loads of weird experiences i can't explain things moving on their own door slamming suddenly [ __ ] breaking randomly my family has always had weird occurrences in every house we've lived in b but it's still creepy a note if anyone does have an explanation for the dream thing please tell me they tried looking into it but got no explanation that didn't have something paranormal or religious to blame as a kid at school i had the key of my locker on a thread around my neck the simplest construction the key has a hole and the thread goes throughout get once both completely closed circles i hope i described that in an understandable way so the key is still in the lock while it also hangs from my neck on that thread as somebody pushed me to the side i look back at the lock and the key is still in there but not connected to the thread around my neck anymore there was no danger of me being strangled or something it was no hard push just someone not paying much attention and both the key and the thread were undamaged nothing big but i can't explain it when i was still 14 years old i decided to sleep at the sister of my grandmother's house with my cousin they were living in a house where my grandfather exactly died due to a heart attack maybe i was really creeped out whenever i thought about it especially that there were pictures hanging on the wall usually pictures of my relatives who already passed away i suddenly woke up at 4am because i needed to pee my grandmother tried to convince me that i should be in the arena also known as a chamber pot but in the philippines we call it irenella it is used whenever you would like to take a pee or a dump if you guys don't have any bathroom or you're just too lazy to go out in that case i refused because i didn't want to pee there so i had to go outside before i could get to the bathroom there was a mini hallway and at the right side there was a door that would lead me outside when i knew that it was open i was okay with it until i saw a woman wearing a white dress floating beside a tree in front of me i had to look at it closely as i blinked a few times making sure if i was actually seeing it she also had really long hair and i couldn't even see her face i got really scared because it's like she was walking or should i say floating towards me i got inside the bathroom quickly and did my thing i didn't close the bathroom doorfully since i planned to run as fast as i can afterwards i even managed to flush the toilet even if i was really petrified by what i saw after turning the lights off i ran through the hallway and i never looked back after that encounter i couldn't sleep it was creepy as well since there were numerous statues of saints hanging out on the top of their drawer i felt like they were watching me closely and it really didn't help me sleep i didn't sleep at the house again in college i rented a house with my newlywed wife we lived a few lots down from a church that was next to a wind is on the other side i get home from a double shift and walk over to the windows to grab some dinner on my way back i notice a large group of people at the church's back door and as i get to the edge of their parking lot by the sidewalk i see an older woman standing there kinda looking cold and upset there's also a bus stop on that corner and i just figured she missed her bus so i asked her if i could help her i figured it'd let her know the next bus would be along soon maybe give her fare or something turns out the church was doing a thing for the hungry and gave away bags of groceries except they underestimated the need and she got left with nothing since i lived right there i invited her into my house heated up some soup for her gave her some bread and milk and we chatted for a half hour or so i don't remember almost anything about the conversation honestly towards the end i got nervous because my now ex-wife was a jealous miserable person and i just didn't want the fight about why some stranger was in our house i explained this situation asked the lady if she had a way home she said she always walked asked her if she had a home she said she did and packed up a grocery bag full of groceries for her canned goods a loaf of bread peanut butter probably some pasta and sauce nothing special she thanked me gave me a hug took her groceries and left out of my back door now there was a big clearing and i could see quite a ways in all directions out of my back door a few seconds after she walked out i glanced out of the window and didn't see her there's no way i called mister the field behind us was flat i could see the whole thing and it was well lit she wasn't there and i opened the back door to glance around to confirm she wasn't there but no big deal i figured she went around to the front to the sidewalk and was headed home that way no more than 10 seconds had passed before i was on the front porch to say goodbye and just see her off she never appeared i cannot stress to you how impossible this is either she goes down my little walkway and past my front door and in 10 to 15 seconds she'd make it no further than my front yardish soft in some direction in the backfield and i see her there's no third way comma got curious i went over to the church the next day and asked about her i mentioned the commotion i saw at their back door their food drive thing nd asked about the lady they had to turn away i even described her they all looked at me like i had three heads there was no food drive or any event of any sort the previous night the people at the church had no idea what i was talking about still think of her sometimes i can see her face wrinkles hold a length hair with a good bit of gray he was a little shorter than me blue eyes he had a nice smile i still wonder who she really was man i always see these posts too late about 10 years ago i saw a ufo i just got done mowing my lawn and was smoking a cigarette on the porch i was just kind looking around taking it all in all just relaxing i looked up at our maple trees for whatever reason the sun was being blocked out by the leaves i noticed right around the sun were these three objects reflecting light like an airplane as soon as i noticed this one of the objects passed slowly and steadily directly over my head the other objects were near points in the sky but this one was extremely low it was simply a featureless metallic gray slash silver ball low enough to see any detail but there were no features at all nothing it was just a metal ball it passed over my head in a completely straight line and i watched it until it passed over the trees and i couldn't see it anymore the object did not display any characteristics that would make me think it was something ordinary it was like a metal ping-pong ball it didn't bob around and all go up or down it just went in a completely straight line the next day i went out behind my house at the same time hoping that something would happen again something did at the same time of the day 4 15 p m comma i saw the lowest flying blackhawk helicopter i've ever seen it flew right over my head in the same direction as the ufo i could have hit this helicopter with a baseball if this was a coincidence then it was pretty damn spooky even though the object absolutely amazed me i legitimately thought i was having a break from reality for a while until i decided to report this ufo sighting to mufon and new fork i then discovered that two other people had reported basically the same exact sightings of multiple metallic spheres that day and their locations and time of sighting all lined up one was about and before and south of me and the other was about an hour after and north of me i have never seen anything of this nature since other than posting on the internet i have only told one actual person about this sighting i do have a few strange things i experienced but this one is something my dad told me he went to visit his uncle and aunt in his home country they have four sons one of their sons who just got released from prison after a 12-year sentence was living with them because he had no place to stay at my dad went there by himself so they had enough space for everyone my dad was sleeping in their living room while his uncle aunt and cousin had their own space my dad says that while he was sleeping some voice told him to wake the duck up immediately he woke up to someone standing by the door and you guessed it it was his cousin my dad says he did not hear anyone walk up to the living room it was only that voice that told him to wake up my dad told me he thinks that his cousin was trying to steal his money since my dad wasn't really trying to hide his wallet he had actually just put on his suitcase because he wasn't expecting anyone to steal his personal belongings when my dad asked his cousin what he was doing his cousin said that he needed money personally i think he was really just trying to take some money out of my dad's wallet needless to say it was still a really strange experience for my dad i probably have the most boring sleep paralysis story i was napping on the sofa and i was on my side i woke up and couldn't move no matter how hard i tried and i felt pressure on me like someone was sat on my chest i shut my eyes because i was so scared of seeing something i didn't want to see and after a couple of seconds i could move and get up but i was so freaked out and shaken up for ages i feel awful for people who get that regularly it's terrifying not me but my brother he was sick with a stomach bug and sleep on the couch to keep from getting me sick i shared a room with him he woke up at around 2am in the living room everyone else was asleep he rolled over to see a woman about six feet tall wearing a long grayish white dress with long black hair covering her facial features she stood there not moving just staring at him watching him sleep he lays there terrified for what felt like ours he then gathers up the courage to get up and turn on the light which was at the beginning of the hallway and he would have to walk to the left of the woman to get to the switch he gets up praying he doesn't die the woman turns her head to follow him as he moves he flips the switch and the woman disappears instantly normally i would think he's just trying to scare me but the fear in his eyes when he told me is something i can't forget i work at the winchester mystery house and one late afternoon i was up on the third floor cleaning some windows it was about 4 45 to 5 o'clock and by this time the last two have had already passed through my area so i was alone completely alone in the chilling silence of the most haunted floor of the house nothing happened at this time but i was feeling uncomfortable to say the least i had only been working there for a few months so this was the most time i'd spend up there alone and after this experience i vowed to never go up there by myself again here's the rest of the story i was finishing up the last few window in the room i was in because i looked down at my watch and it was approaching my clock out time now as i mentioned no one was up there and if someone was steve been lying to me for over two years about this day i start to head out of the room where i was cleaning i look around to check just in case someone was waiting to jump out and scare me but there was no one there i began to head down the hallway taking a looking in the room we call the south turret which is cap i then get a chill that rolls down my spine in the feeling that i wasn't alone someone was watching me from the shadows that started to dance in the dimly lit hallway i stopped then turn around just to check and of course nothing was there i brush it off as just nerves since i was alone out there for the first time as i take my first step i hear it a small whisper coming from the end of the hall the area i had just came from i stopped dead in my tracks and hold my breath to hear then i heard it again someone or something was calling my name from what i believe was the south turret witch's cap i sometimes still hear it in the back of my mind it terrified me and i ran out almost trampling a cow walker coming up the stairs in the process since that day whenever him up something happens to me whether it's a small tug of my hair or a pull of my skirt or simply just a feeling whatever is up on the third floor is very interested in me i've been there for over two years and i've never heard that voice again but he'll never forget that moment of pure and utter fear there has been reports of a woman wearing a black gown pacing the in the hallway or twirling around in the witch's cap i've never seen her but i'm dead set that she was calling out to me sorry if there's any errors i'm kinda drunk there was a time when my mother was calling my name when i had headphones on while i was laying on the couch the couch's backside was facing towards the kitchen so if you're laying down no one can see you from the kitchen anyways after my mom had called me i got up from the couch because i finally heard her voice through my headphones and approached her and she just freaked out apparently i answered her with blank emotion and ran up the stairs but i didn't do that i was laying down the couch the whole time did my mom see a demon or what i get sleep paralysis a few times a year although once got it every day for a month and went cuckoo a few weeks ago i was having a lovely dream until suddenly a horrific shadow woman jumped on top of me and pinned down my arms and screamed in my face this was probably the worst case i've ever had when i finally shook her off i woke up hyperventilating and sweating had to keep the light on for a couple days after that one the first i remember i was a kid at my parents house maybe 10 or so i was in the backyard with my headphones in listening to music most likely on my cd player but could have been my talk girl it was night pretty dark no street lights in our neighborhood but the backyard landscape lighting was on i looked up and down the yard by the front fence i was towards the back along the side of the house was a woman in white walking towards me she had that classic white ghost appearance and a flowing but fitted dress i noped back into the house as fast as i could never saw her before never saw her again or anything over there years later my parents remodeled and half of that section of the yard was taken up by the third bait of the garage the house was built in 38 feet the neighborhood from the late 20s to the late 30s maybe early 40s it used to be fruit orchards no mysterious or creepy history we have a lot of local historians in the area the closest thing we have a ghost story is a teen being killed in a farm equipment accident in a back shed at his parents house a couple blocks away back in 1929 no idea what i saw or why other than i assume a figment of my overactive imagination another time was a senior in college and in the photo dark room working on a project late at night i was the only one there i probably had headphones in i usually do i was walking towards the exit to check a finished print in the light and i looked up from my print and saw a civil war era looking soldier i want to say union uniform looking straight back at me i gasped jumped back and after i blinked he was gone no one else came into the lab that night while i was there the art building where the photo lab was in the basement was built on the old gardener's shed grounds it was a residence in grounds before it became a college i again assume it was my overactive imagination but why it was that i have no idea i'm not a big history buff the prince i was working on were landscapes and it was oregon not what i'd think of as a hot spot for civil war battles i've had several what i think were sleep paralysis episodes before usually i just will myself back to sleep eventually it's always someone or something standing in the corner of the room in the shadows or outside the sliding glass doors so i can see a silhouette through the closed curtains opaque but not light blocking one time i did manage to break it or get out of it and subtly reached for my giant mag light i keep by the bed flung up and lit up the corner and room with it nothing there of course then there were those fever hallucinations those were freaky home from college for spring break ended up sick and miserable the whole week with a nasty cold and accompanying fever one night there was a lady in white standing at the foot of my bed totally different than the childhood one and my bedroom is on the complete opposite side of the house as that side yard she was in i remember sitting up and saying mom thinking my mom had come in to check on me realized it was not mom and panicked but she vanished the next night i saw my dad's severed head on the bed next to me peaceful expression no blood just laying there as i woke up it gradually faded into just the folds of the comforter headed to ab the totally cool one i forgot about my mom and i took a trip to new orleans had a blast we were staying at the leopard villain hotel which has a ton of ghosts and ghost stories and is just a really cool old hotel our last night there we go to bed turn off the light between the beds it's dark a couple minutes later the light flicks on i wonder half asleep why mom turned on the light i didn't hear her get up or move so she's not going to the bathroom or checking something a minute later it's still on i roll over and start to ask why she turned the light on at the same time she rolls over and asks me why i turned the light on we looked at each other then burst out laughing we didn't see or hear any of the other ghosts there but we did get our experience in before we left way back in 1982 my mother and i moved into a two-bedroom duplex i was 15 years old and really into the band the doors i had read the book no one here gets out alive i carried that book around everywhere i went like a bible we had be in the duplex for about a week when one night i was listening to the album the soft parade on my record player i would listen to a few lines from a song then write them down i did this with all the songs to every door album i had a few notebooks filled with lyrics of the doors songs all written in black ink i didn't own and pencils on this given night i kept smelling men's cologne it was almost as if it was being waved in front of my nose to the point where i looked in my closet and under my bed had her i could not find the source after a few minutes of scratching my head and wondering wtf question mark question mark question mark i went into the kitchen to get a soda refill and when i came back to my room and picked up my notebook and written in a young child's writing in pencil at the top of the page it said why are you here wtf i went to my mum's room and showed it to her she said it must have been there when you started writing i said mom i don't own any pencils and i would have noticed it when i started writing that place had [ __ ] going on the whole time i'll live there i wasn't scared but my friends would freak out thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 83,746
Rating: 4.7769732 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in the matrix stories, glitch in the matrix, glitch in the matrix reddit, reddit glitch in the matrix, glitch in matric stories, glitch in matrix reddit, glitch in matrix reddit stories, glitch in matrix askreddit, glitch in the matrix reddit stories, glitch in the matrix stories 2020, creepy glitch in the matrix, glitch in matrix, reddit alien, reddit Aliens, Reddit Aliens Stories, Reddit Alien Stories, Reddit Aliens Story, Reddit Alien Story, glitch stories
Id: 16GvywLkCmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 9sec (7929 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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