3G MIG Open Root

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how's it going beautiful well to family once again right here your instructor with senator Rodriguez from South Coast welding Academy Houston Texas all right come check this out with me so for today's video we're gonna do 3G make root at different temperatures all right stay tuned all right ladies gentlemen come check this out with me first thing first before we do our 3G make route make sure that we prep our plates okay make sure that we clean the back the front and the bevel make sure it's nice and clean all right also what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a a 5/32 gap all right and a small little landing all right just enough to take away that sharp edge okay so don't go off on it don't be doing any 1/8 or the big ol major landing all right just a little tiny bit all right check this out so we have our bevel okay we're gonna do our make route we're gonna go downhill okay whenever we go downhill okay I want you to do C's okay they're gonna look like this little C's all right side to side so whenever you start doing our route I want you to pause two seconds pause two seconds alright two seconds on each wall but they're fast two seconds alright so you're gonna do your little C's one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two and so on alright you're gonna notice that when you start going about 3/4 of the way all right your puddle is gonna want to beat you gravity wants to pull it down real real quick okay so move with it move fast all right don't let that puddle beat you okay also I want you to I want you to stay so you have your putter right here I want you to stay on the very edge your wires should be on the very edge of your puddle if you shoot your wire way behind what's gonna happen all that metal is gonna build up towards you instead of outwards okay make sure that you have your wire right on the edge if you have it too far though too far out what's gonna happen your wire is gonna miss that puddle and you're gonna get whiskers they call them whiskers so be careful with that make sure your about maybe a 16 a 16s inside that puddle all right ladies and gentlemen we're about to start a root downhill remember you want to go side to side but they're gonna be tiny little seeds okay also pause on each wall pause about two seconds to fast seconds okay small little seeds all right here we go [Applause] [Music] all right this is up make sure that player is not beating you right side to side 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 all right quick seconds right on each wall little C's make sure you stay around the pole right [Music] it's not alright come check this out so we did our route downhill on this route right here we ran it at 17 that was our temperature okay our wires speed as a 180 it's at 180 so I want to show you later on what a routes gonna look like if you go to hot we're gonna compare them okay this food right here was that seventeen wire speeds at 180 okay now after this one we're gonna do one with the lower temperature we're gonna do it at 16 same wire speed though okay we wanted to see how much penetration we're gonna get okay alright now come check this out with me so here on this make route our temperature was at 18 the wire speed was at 200 now if you come see this right here look at our route a route became so so flat and thin okay so so what happens here when your route is too hot you're gonna see your puddle dripping really really fast it's so so loose okay so he's gonna cause you to move faster and you're not gonna get you know penetration so be very careful when you run hot okay also on this one right here we ran our temperature at 17 our wire speed was at 180 and our route route actually popped out about a sixteenth out okay this is what you wanted see so I really highly recommend you oughta do yours at seventeen plus or minus play with your temperature go up or go down okay but started at seventeen wire speed 180 plus or minus also play with it go up or go down play with it okay so this is pretty good right here I really like this one now this one right here the last one we did our temperature was at sixteen our wire speed was at 160 so we went way low on this one right here and look what happened our route penetrated pretty good but their social problem okay you got to be careful because when your temperature is too low what can happen is that you're not going to be able to fuse your walls properly okay and on a bent s and you know that that's going to break so it's not good so be very careful play with your temperatures play with your wires speed see you which one you like best I highly recommend you to start working with this one temperature 17 plus or minus wire speed 180 give it a shot see what happens okay alright ladies and gentlemen so there we have it we did three G make route at different temperatures okay there you have it sixteen seventeen eighteen on temperatures different wire speeds I remember play with it okay see what happens okay hopefully this video was very helpful for you alright nothing is perfect over here give it give it your best we'll see what happens right like comment subscribe stay tuned for my next video south coast welding Academy
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 121,490
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Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, weld.com welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Id: -mGEscIrMQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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