3D TERRAIN Map Route Animation in Adobe After Effects🌎GEOlayers 3

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so over the past few months i've been creating some map animations for a youtube travel vlogger named ava zubek and more recently we've been creating these 3d terrain style maps so on today's episode of monday maps i want to break down kind of step by step what goes into making one of these terrain maps today's video is brought to you by skillshare so if you're subscribed to my youtube channel clearly you're a fan of map making and adobe after effects well skillshare is an online learning community that has content focusing on both of these areas jake bartlett is the king of after effects one of my personal favorites is his course called animating with ease he really does a deep dive on how to use the graph editor how to properly perform overshoots how to work with motion pass how to loop animations and when it comes to map making there's a really cool course that i'm taking right now called fantasy maps the art of exploring imaginary worlds this is a course from ira marx he shows you how to create landscapes he talks about symbology iconography typography skillshare is ad-free so you can stay focused on the content and they're always adding new premium content to the site and the first 1 000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get a one month free trial of skillshare so you can start exploring your creativity today so last month ava put out a video called running 115 miles alone in the accursed mountains and she essentially did this crazy run um called the peaks of the balkans and it goes through like three or four countries i think three countries she had a garmin watch on where she recorded her track and so that's where i started with the animation so she sent me this gpx file so that was my first step i have after effects open here and i have geo layers 3 open and right down here before i even create a map comp you can just click on add features to browser i'm going to go to import file and then right here i have this gpx file that she sent me now when i open this up i see a bunch of waypoints as well as this track here and you can see it kind of gives me a preview up on the map here so if i double click it it's going to take me right here shows me her route and now i'm going to go ahead and create a map comp and i'm going to call it peaks whoops peaks of the falcons and i have it set to 4k that's perfectly fine but i'm going to set that to a duration of 15 seconds and for the imagery i'm just going to pick being aerial for some reason it's not loading here the preview so i'll just choose that being aerial satellite and that's going to set up my map comp here and right away i just want to turn off i'm going to click on the settings i'm going to turn off the labels i don't want those and i'm going to hold ctrl just so i can quickly finalize um one frame so you can see what we're looking at here okay so this is just top down looking straight down at this particular area um where she ran so one of the first things i want to do is i want to set up the 3d landscape so this requires one of three plugins that you can use so well first let me just show you how to do it right here it says create 3d landscape so if i click on this so you can see it's one of three plugins here you can use metal freeform pro a plexus 3 or trap code mirror 3 i have metal freeform pro i'm just going to set my duration to 15 seconds and we'll set this frame rate to 24. i'll click on metal freeform pro now this sets up basically a 3d landscape project now if you're familiar with geo layers you know how to navigate around geo layers this is kind of a completely different workflow so it's going to set up your master 3d landscape comp and sets up a controller comp as well as a texture map comp so if you look here if i click on texture freeform pro and i go to effect controls this is where the metal freeform pro extension is being applied and that's essentially like a like a height map or a displacement map that is is um affecting that so if i open up the texture comp um i could see just the texture here i'm gonna go ahead and finalize this and for some reason when you set up this 3d comp it takes you to a specific area on the map every time so i actually have to navigate back because this is not what i want here but you can see this is the texture map so now anytime i draw shape elements or features and i want them to be i want them to apply to that texture i want them to move with the mountains i need to apply those or draw those inside of this texture map column so you'll see now if i want to navigate around this particular comp there's three different settings here i have camera pitch camera bearing camera elevation and it's telling me which parameter i need to adjust here so rotation x so if i just hit r for rotate rotation you can see that it's set to 42 right now and that's the pitch so i can change it let's set that to like 50 and you're going to see that's going to pitch that so if i move this around now it's not looking great right now but that's because it defaults set up to quarter resolution so here it is at full resolution now we can see we've got a very nice looking map but i'll set that back down to quarter resolution just so i can you know play around with it and it'll be smooth so i can change the bearing with the z rotation here so if you go down you can see i can spin it around and then i can change the elevation as well so what i want to do now well first i want to navigate back to where this route location is so i'm just going to double click on this and that'll use my controller comp and drag it right back there and i'm going to zoom it out just by one little click here and now i'm going to control finalize to finalize the texture and the height map here and now we'll see how this looks okay very cool it's looking pretty good all right now i actually want to animate ava's path here so what i'm going to do is i need to select like a layer style for this let's so i don't want to use any of these layer styles i'm going to create a new layer style i'll call this path and i'm going to set the color to some kind of red i know the code here and i'll go ahead and duplicate this one and then i'll create a stroke one as well so we have the stroke and the fill and i'm going to set the stroke to let's do like seven pixel width okay so now with the path layer style here i'm gonna select the route and then i'm gonna go click the draw feature so i'm gonna go ahead and animate this feature path and it's it's asking me how long should the animation take 12 seconds is good because it's a 15 second comp so i'm going to create the animation and now if you look here in my 3d landscape comp nothing happened well that's because it drew it in my texture comp and if you click here there's a little heart that says draw on preferred map comp and if i go here to my map comps and i unlock them it's going to show you this little heart here that says prefer for drawing features so that's how this was set up so when i draw features it's going to draw them directly in this this texture map comp so now if i go into the texture map comp you can see here that this path is drawn here if i hit the u key now you can see that there's a bunch of keyframes and that is this route now animating on but what's interesting about this is it's using the actual uh routes you know i think she did this was it over the course of five days so she has the different time slots here but i want this to animate on in one nice fluid movement so for that i'm just going to go in here and i'm going to delete all the keyframes except for the beginning and end there might be a way to draw the feature like that but i do not know probably so i'll just delete all these and i've just got these two keyframes i'll grab these and i'll add a little bit of an ease curve to it and now now we can see this is kind of smoothly drawing on i have my preview settings set to skip some keyframes so it played back quickly okay so now i've got this and if you go back to the 3d landscape you can see now i've got the this um path and it's following the texture which is very cool once again quarter resolution don't worry it's going to look better than that so i'm going to go ahead and add like a glow to this and i'll turn the glow way down okay so now we got this glow that's looking pretty cool all right now i want to have i want to change the bearing i want to have like a bearing animation i want it to rotate as as this animates on so i'm going to go grab rotation z and i'll add a keyframe here and let's say i want that that's this is the position i wanted to end at and i want it to begin somewhere over here let's see how this looks i add some used to this okay there we go that's looking pretty cool one other really really cool thing that you can do here is i can pull i can create a little elevation diagram so with this route selected if you go down here it says draw property charts once again i'm not sure if this is available in the standard version of geo layers 3 or if you need the map tyler account to um have access to this you know one way you can find out and check is if you look in the product description on any scripts.com you'll be able to see at the bot i think it's at the bottom of the page in the map tyler section it tells you so if i click on this it brings up it basically creates a new diagram here and it draws the shape layers here the chart and the borders here and i can go in and specify um what i want to show here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go down to the data here and for y-axis i'm just going to switch that to elevation and now watch what happens here you can see we get some elevation information i'll go ahead and change this to the color of the path as well and i can tweak it more i can give it a buffer offset a little bit but i'm going to leave it as is there so now let's draw on here i can go in and now i can resize this bring it down down down make it real small and the only problem is is it's not um well first of all it doesn't really look like it's matching that color very well also it let's say i wanted to animate on so for this i basically just need to tie in if you look over here in the effect controls you can see fill progress y fill progress x if you go over here for fill progress x you can see that that kind of goes you know like wipes it on so and that goes from zero to 100 so i can just tie that to the animation of my route so to do that i'm going to grab this comp since they're in two separate comps i need to put them side by side here so i can kind of pick whip it so here's the route animations going from 0 to 100 and down here i have this chart so i'm going to go and open up this fill progress x percentile and i'm going to grab the pick whip attach that to there and now i should have a pretty snazzy little animation right here so let's take a look all right now you can see on the bottom corner oh one thing i forgot to do is uh change the size of the borders here and i think the reason that that might all be parented together okay yeah that was my problem so let me see here i need to grab this one instead and scale this one down there we go uh yeah this one's parented to that one and now one other thing i did is i had a little jogger in here so i have this extension called wander it's really an awesome awesome extension from mount mograph from the creators of motion and i have this little um animation here i'm going to double click this and add it here so now i've got this little jogger gif and this just is going to loop here you can see here that it creates this it has two keyframes and that is time remapped to just loop so let's bring this down here put it next to my diagram and i'm going to change that blue color so for the blue color i'll just add a change to color effect and i'll grab the color of the shirt there and i'll change it to my my red and i need to make sure it's hue lightness and saturation there we go okay so now i've got this little looping jogger here i've got my elevation diagram i've got my path but the map is still looking a little flat and it is still at quarter resolution so let's let's bump up that resolution real quick and you'll see that it's still looking a little it's just looking like it needs a little bit more so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add lights to it to give the mountains more shadows so because the the plug-in metal freeform pro works with lights quite nicely so i'm going to go to new light and i'm going to add an ambient and i'm going to set the intensity of the ambient to something like let's set it to like 50 and now you can see it's being affected by the light i might need to bump that up and now i'm going to add a new light and now we'll add a spotlight and i'm going to set that intensity to 100. now you can see that it's looking a lot more dynamic right now but i'm just going to go ahead and grab this spotlight and move it off to the side so i have like some some like fall off this way let's see here something like this just make it a little more dramatic that might be a little too dramatic now you can see how much that you know brings out the details here i might just want to bring the intensity of that spot all down it's just looking a little maybe too much and i'm gonna grab these two things and maybe move them up here they're not popping very well and there you have it i have a pretty sweet little map here [Music] okay so there you have it i hope you enjoyed the tutorial if you did be sure to hit that thumbs up button that really helps out my channel if you want to see more cool content like this be sure to subscribe hit that notification bell so you are made aware anytime i upload new content and stick around because i think i'm going to be posting some blender content soon putting these animations together have kind of inspired me to take a look at some 3d programs because i'm getting into this arena of um stuff that seems it's like it's going to be much easier to put together inside of a 3d program like blender or maybe even unreal engine so stick around for that you might see some tutorials coming up focusing on that kind of content all right i'll see in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Boone Loves Video
Views: 33,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boone loves video, geolayers 3 after effects, adobe after effects tutorial 2021, geolayers tutorial, animate gpx, import gpx after effects, animate map in adobe after effects, how to animate gpx files in adobe after effects, 3d terrain map in adobe after effects, 3d landscape adobe after effects, ae 3d landscape, eva zu beck map, peaks of the balkans, peaks of the balkans map, mettle freeform pro, mettle freeform pro map, best after effects plugin, animate map route ae
Id: s-bmbI-P-5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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