Travel Map Animation in DaVinci Resolve! - Fusion Beginner Tutorial

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in this video we're making a custom travel map animation all in Vinci resolve if you need to go anywhere here's a great way to show people where you're going let's go get it here we are in D Vinci resolve I'm in the fusion page here and I'm just going to go up to workspace and turn off show page navigation just so we have a little bit of room and we're going to start with a good old background the background node I'm going to take this background node and drag this in here take the output and plug that into media out that's going to give us a black screen on the right I'll just click this button up here to give us just a single viewer let's make this a little bigger and for our background let's make this kind of the ocean color so let's just pick kind of a bluish go with something like that depending on the type of map you're making you might want that or not and we're just going to let this be our background and let's rename this ocean coloror BG and now we actually need the map you can do this a bunch of different ways you can take a still from Google Map maps you can use a handrawn map or whatever it doesn't matter I'm just going to use a large PNG map and I'll just drag this in and hit one on the keyboard to show what this is this is just a map of North America on transparent here so that we can put this over whatever background color we want and this is a 3840 by 3840 just PNG let's rename this I'll hit F2 and say mapor Mii for media in let's take the output of this map and drag it over our ocean color background like this and now we have the map overlaid over the ocean depending on how far you're going what you're showing that kind of thing o that kind of Rhymes how far you going and what you're showing you're going to want to make the map bigger or smaller and so let's hit shift spacebar and type XF for transform you can also just grab this transform icon right here and drag this in but we're going to take this transform and that's what we're going to use to kind of move this map around and I think I'll just take the size down for now and let's just say that we're going to drive across the United States right all the way from Good Old Oregon all the way over to Florida Oregon where sane people live like me and the guys that are on my team Dan and Sam and Florida where insane people live like Andy who does our customer service let's also maybe change the color of this map there's a bunch of different ways to do that what I'm going to do is just use a color corrector so we can take this fifth icon over this color corrector and drag this in between our map and our transform generally you want to color correct something before you transform it before you do a bunch of stuff to it uh you want to color correct kind of the most raw version of the image that you can so before you scale it and mask it and all that stuff so let's do this color corrector one thing I'm going to make sure to do is here under options make sure to check privide post multiply that's going to make sure that any color correction that we do doesn't affect the entire image but just where the image is opaque so if I didn't have this on and I did something like push the lift up see how it's brightening everything in the the whole world if I go to options here and I click privide post multiply boom it's only going to adjust where this image actually is which you think would be just what it would do automatically but it don't anyway I'm going to take this and adjust the Hue I'm going to push the Hue around and make this more of kind of a green I like this green that's nice maybe adjust the gamma and push that down a little bit just get a little bit more contrast with the ocean here something like that maybe I'll make the ocean a little bit brighter just take this ocean color and bring that up there we go somewhere along those lines maybe this is a little bit saturated I'll take the saturation down a touch yeah keep it tasteful you know what I'm saying yes and of course you could replace these colors or do whatever you want or change it in the original art whatever you want to do but now we have this kind of prepped now we want to visualize the journey from one side of the nation to the other and essentially what we're going to do is we're going to draw a line but I'm going to do this a really special way even though we're looking at this in a 1920 x 1080 comp because our background is 1920 x 1080 I'm actually going to do a lot of this animation here just at the same resolution as our original map the reason for that is because then we can pan this around and we can kind of adjust it all together as one group later because the locations on the map are going to stick to the map they're not going to be separate and so there's no real reason to keep them separate so what we can do is I'll just hit two on the keyboard to bring up the map here uh we can just bring it up after the color corrector too it doesn't matter as long as it's the same resolution this is before we transformed it or um matted it on a 1080 comp or anything like that and this is the canvas that we're going to use to draw our travel line what I'll do is let's go ahead and just make a background and we're going to make this background the same resolution as this map 3840 X 3840 let's take this background go over here to image and under here let's uncheck Auto resolution and then we'll say 3840 by 38 40 that's going to make a black Square background and let's not make this black let's make it red or yellow or something let's do yellow I like yellow there we go so we'll make this yellow and this is going to be the color of our lines and our dots and anything that we show our journey with okay and so we'll just rename this background we'll just call this journey color and let's say underscore BG just so we remember what kind of node this is so we're going to take all of this and we're going to merge it over our color corrected map and so let's just go ahead and grab a merge here let's run this color corrector into the background of the merge and the yellow background node into the foreground of the merge let's take the output of this merge and put that into transform and everything should be pretty much the same other than we're just looking at yellow here let's view this merge here on our second viewer here I'm just hitting two on the keyboard and let's go ahead and draw a mask so I'll just take a polygon mask here drag this up near the color BG and connect it to the mask input that's going to make it disappear because it's only going to draw that color where the mask is and we don't have a mask so it's not going to draw on at all so let's zoom in here and let's start here Oregon is and I'm just going to put a dot and then let's just kind of make up a journey here let's just kind of do something like this and we'll go over to Florida I don't know if this is the road you would actually take it probably isn't it's probably more boring than this but let's say that's how we drove from beginning to end like that to make this into a line we can take this polygon mask and by the way I haven't filled this at all I haven't went around and filled it like that because that will fill it in I've just left this as an open-ended line but I can go over here to where it says border width and I can push up the Border width and look at that now we have a line that's drawn across the country and what's cool is I can take this length slider and I can move this back and forth and it draws our little journey you see where we're going with this do you see where we're going it just it just writes itself yes that's a laugh that's something to write back to Mom about we'll keep it just like this for now let's have a nice start point and an end point let's let's make a couple dots we can actually do this just by stacking the same mask let's just go ahead and grab an elips and just run this right into our polygon mask and that's going to fill in a circle here and let's just put this here at the beginning and we'll make this a little bit smaller like that and then I'll just copy and paste this crl c contrl v that's going to make another ellipse and we'll move this over here to the end okay so now we have our journey from beginning to end and we can animate it using this length slider like that oh so good now let's say that we're going to animate this over 5 seconds and so let's go ahead and take this length slider all the way down and hit hit a key frame here I'm also going to actually right click here for shape animation and remove polygon one polyline that's just going to make this so that it's not an animated shape it's not going to affect what we're doing but it will help Fusion play back a little better and I'm going to go almost to the end let's have this end at like 100 frames and I'll push the length out like that so now we have this animated over time to draw this line from one side to the other perfect so now that we have that remember this is in the big 4K Square comp right so let's go down here to Media out and I'll hit two on the keyboard now we can see the entire Journey here because we're zoomed out but with this transform we can use this almost like a 2d camera right so if I reset size and Center I can move this around and kind of pan this I could even you know maybe fudge this a little bit and say 1.5 and I can move this around and we can follow this journey from one side to the other and so let's start here and I'm just going to animate the center of our transform and what this is really doing is this is we're looking through a window and then we're moving the map kind of under the window but it looks like we're traveling along kind of with a camera so as we go let's go all the way to frame 100 and we'll adjust our Center to kind of follow this along right so now as we go we're kind of panning with this and then at various points we might want to kind of move this around and adjust it and it's going to automatically do that for us so yeah that looks pretty good and we're kind of following that animation and if this is all you want this is just this is great there's nothing wrong with this it's like oh man we went all the way from Oregon all the way through the country down towards Florida perfect we're done you know so you could stop the video here if that's all you want but if you want to make this like you want to you like but if you want to make this next level let's get a little bitler in a movie that we released the other day about a couple of guys uh that shot their wiener dog into space and then traveled across the country to uh retrieve him after re-entry I'm sorry and you're welcome watch the video here if you want to see that anyway in this in this movie uh they're going on a little road trip together in their 68 Ford Ranchero so stupid and so what we want to do is take this little car icon and have that drive along the way so we're going to do this actually in a really similar way to how we set up our line let's just grab our rancho. PNG and take the output and merge that over our merge two and then hit two on the keyboard and now again we're back on the big map right so we're not pan and scanning it or anything like that this is just the big map like the master animation right and we're going to animate this going across this map the reason we're doing it this way and we're not animating this later you know on this view is because it's just going to be harder to animate we're going to have to animate this along this line that's growing and also deal with the movement of the camera and we just don't need to do that there's no point in that so we're just going to animate this going across the country make a transform here and we'll scale this down with the transform and make this about the right size and it doesn't have to be to scale I mean if but wor you couldn't even see the car that's just that's just visual science right there science you say but we can have this car drive across the country and kind of leave this line as a trail and there are probably some kind of fancy tricks to uh find out where the end of this line is but honestly it's probably more work than just animating it ourselves real quick and so we're just going to animate it ourselves real quick here I'm gonna turn off this media in real quick just so that we can see stuff under it and we're going to start at the dot and I'm going to animate this Center and remember I just have my transform to selected here and I'm just going to go through each frame until we have a turning point here and I'm just going to drag this down and put this right there and then we're going to go through until the next Turning Point back up one and just just make sure we're at the right place here by the way I'm just hitting the left and right bracket on the keyboard to advance or go back a frame you can also do that with the left and right Keys sometimes depending on if you have something selected or not but the brackets always work so let's put this here there we go and so because of this it's really important that you get your route just right before you animate this but I only have to key frame it right here at the corners because it's going to animate perfectly in a linear way along this line okay perfect there we go so now if I go through this at any point Point wherever that line is this little Center should be right at the end of the line and that looks like it's working great and then let's turn on our media in and that's going to make our car be right there and it's going to look like the car is kind of writing this line onto the map which is the effect we're looking for that's cool you can also rotate it and everything if you want to I think it works fine to just kind of use this as an icon but you can totally rotate it if you want to that would just take a little bit more key framing but same idea and now we have our car let's add some buddies all right we got to have buddies on a road trip let's get a little bit organized here call this carore Mii this is going to be car XF and this is all running through that transform we'll just call this a camera XF kind of give ourselves some room here and what's really cool is if we're running things through a transform like this we can sort of use this to group things and parent things together so here's how this works this car is at full resolution and let's say I want to add somebody's face kind of coming out of the window like somebody hanging out the window we can merge something with this car and then take that merged image and apply this transform to it later that's the cool thing about nodes is you can kind of hook a bunch of stuff up together and whatever you made will kind of flow down the flow of nodes those will all be transformed together so this will make more sense here in a second let's just grab a picture of Sam and I'll hit two on the keyboard to bring him up and we're just going to cut out his face I'm just going to select this node and go to our polygon and apply that there and go over to the inspector and turn off the polygon so I can see what the heck I'm doing and then let's just draw a little outline around him like this you could also use magic mask and cut it out if you have the paid version of resolve but for those in the cheap seats let's just take two seconds and cut this out there we go let's turn on our polygon again and that's going to isolate his head perfect right now notice that I did that with with the media in with the actual image up here in the viewer if you're viewing some other size image or you know you're viewing something that's transformed or something your mask is going to be off so you always want to view whatever you're masking itself on the viewer while you're masking it okay so now this is kind of like its own isolated little file right and we can take this and let's just merge this over our car just take the output like this just like that and now if I hit two on the keyboard we have his face on top of the car right which is sort of what we want let's make another transform here and we can change the size and move this around like that and he'll be like this now this is getting cut off as we view the car but it's not going to be a problem later watch this if we view our car transform it's not getting cut off but what's neat is that this moves along with the car so it's kind of like parented to it and that transform is getting applied to the car as well as the isolated face and so you can kind of build groups of things like this and then run them through that animation which is really really convenient if you want to change something later so let's call this Sam face Mi I and let's do the similar thing with my face okay we're just going to bring this up again grab a polygon connect this let's turn off the polygon and the inspector and we'll just do a little bit of cutting stuff out here okay turn that on we have the isolated head yay now we can do the same thing let's merge this over to we'll take this over that last input like this we'll take another transform I'll just copy and paste this transform on let's see where we're at it's going to put it in the exact same place which I don't quite want so I'll move this over like that maybe make it a little smaller maybe turn it a little bit there's our friends yay they're popping out of the car let's go ahead and take a look at our media out just going to select that and hit two on the keyboard and now look at our buddies we're driving around we're driving across the country here we go oh it's so stupid I love it though love it so much all right so this totally works I mean this is super fun one thing we might do is right here on our last key frame let's go ahead and ease that so it comes to a stop a little bit faster you don't want to ease all of these key frames or else you're going to have to go back and do a bunch of stuff you could do that but it's going to be really hard to match up the animation this way so we're probably just going to keep it kind of normal linear except for the last part let's go to spline and let's Select Car XF displacement so right here get rid of this second to last key frame right here this last key frame I'll hit F on the keyboard to flatten it out and I think that's probably just going to work out fine Boop yeah so now it comes to a stop a little more gradually I can hold down alt and grab this handle and move it over a little bit here in the spline panel yeah that's nice we'll also do this for the beginning F on the keyboard hold down alt drag this out and that's probably going to work fine if you ease this too much the yellow line will get in front of him and so we just want to ease it a little bit just so we can fudge this a little bit and have it be nice there we go so now we're on a road trip baby so much fun let's do one more little thing here uh since we're on a road trip and it's fun let's kind of like Bobble our heads back and forth okay this is kind of little bit of secondary animation here and we can do this in these transforms here so let's take this first transform and let's just view our merge 5 here for this face let's have it Bobble back and forth but we want it to Bobble from like the neck right we don't want it to just be the middle of the face or maybe we do but either way we need to adjust this pivot here in the inspector under Center there is a pivot and if you move this off you'll see it moves this little green X around this is where things are going to rotate from this is like the axis and so you can move this around and if you already have it transformed it's going to kind of like move it weird and so you'll kind of have to just offset it and move it back to where you want but that's okay but now if we rotate this if I take this angle see it rotates from his neck like this and we're going to start like this we're going to start to the side and then I'll hit the key frame Diamond there and and then over here 24 frames or so let's have it go towards the other side so now it starts this way and then it goes the other way just like that and we could animate this back and forth a bunch if we want to but we can take a little shortcut here if we go into our spline panel and go to our angle by the way on this spline panel I have a little option under these three dots to show only selected tool I really like that because then you don't have this whole list of things here you just say show selected tool and you can click on whatever ever node you want to adjust let's take both of these key frames I'll hit F on the keyboard to flatten out those tangents and now it will move from one side to the other we can select both of these with a box and then right click and there is an option called set loop and if we go to set loop and say pingpong what this is going to do is go in between these two key frames over and over again which is going to give us this nice little Rota thing this little head Bob we don't have to do it ourselves it just perfectly ping pongs between those two things isn't that great so much fun he's so happy let's do this for me as well same idea let's take this pivot and move that down and then take that Center offset like this and we're going to adjust the angle we'll make the angle this way a little bit and then 24 frames is we'll move it back select these hit F on the keyboard right click set loop ping pong see after our key frames it makes these little dots that that's because it's imaginary right now we have this nice little animation back and forth and they're so happy they're so happy to be on a road trip together those buddies all right let's see what this looks like hit two on the keyboard for our media out here we go they're so happy there's our there's our animation guys so exciting so yeah super fun project to do infusion if you're new here and you don't know who I am my name is Casey and I teach Fusion so anybody who's into D Vin resolve you're looking you're looking to uh get kind of fancy with your videos well this is a great place for you and if you're brand new to fusion and you're like gosh that's a lot of nodes and I don't I don't even know what to do well check out the nine nodes Workshop up there where we explore the essential nine nodes that you need to make almost anything in Fusion a lot of which we use today goes over the basic minimal things that you need to be able to make cool stuff in Fusion without having to learn 5 million nodes and be overloaded you know what I'm saying so yeah that's a workshop you can get that right here for free it's my gift to you there's also this video here that's just just perfect if you want to learn more Fusion stuff hey thanks for going on this journey with me it's a map Journey it's a journey map it's a it's travel travel Journey a lot
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 17,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic design, casey faris, how to, free video editor, tutorial, davinci resolve 18, resolve for beginners, davinci tutorials, editing, fusion, casey faris fusion tutorial, fusion tutorial for beginners, Travel Map Animation in DaVinci Resolve! - Fusion Beginner Tutorial, animation, map, travel
Id: p5pU_v9kf2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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