3D Parallax Photo Slideshow - After Effects Tutorial

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[Music] hello and welcome everybody this is Roland Hartman from gravity motion comm additives tutorial time again in this tutorial I will show you how to create a really nice photo slideshow with a 3d parallax effect I recently uploaded a new After Effects template and then I got a lot of requests how to create this effect and this is exactly what I want to show you today so let's take a look at what we are going to create today you see that the main effect of this tutorial of this slideshow is that we get the impression that we are moving in a 3d environment but actually these are all only flat images flat photos so we will create a 3d setup or you can travel through with our camera to get this nice parallax effect then I will show you a few tips and tricks how you can improve this look and I will also show you how you can transition from one scene to the next with this nice camera tilting effect I don't know how much time we will have left then but I want to show you how to create the title insert and maybe I will also show you how to create these little details here that just increase the feeling of depth a little bit okay so you see we have a lot to cover so let's get started with the tutorial and let's jump right back into After Effects before we get started with the tutorial please let me mention that you can of course also get this template or this slideshow as a template on my website which is www.hyken.com and of course also this Romantics parallax slideshow you see that we have two different versions included here a long version and a short version and as you will see during this tutorial it really is a time-consuming process to create such a slideshow so you can save a lot of time by investing too the $8 and getting this template and we would also of course support me which I would really appreciate okay let's get started with the tutorial and in after-effects first of all we need to create a new composition make sure that you use the HDTV 1080p reset the framerate is not an important but make sure to use this resolution because otherwise all the values that I will later tell you later on during this tutorial will not match let's rename this composition and I will call it main composition for now the duration is 20 seconds for the tutorial it's not an important because I only want to show you one transition between two scenes if you want to create a whole slide shoot and of course you should make this way longer so let's create this composition and let's create a new composition by pressing ctrl + + and this time want to change the resolution to something like 2080 x 1320 and this will be our footage composition and we need a little bit more ruled here so I made it a little bit bigger and I will call it footage 1 and situation is also 20 seconds now the next step is to enter a photo to our footage compositions we'll make sure it's open in the timeline then double click in your project window and import one of your photos in my case I will use a stock photo I will share the link in the video description you can download this for free on the internet so let's take this photo and drag it into our footage 1 composition and let's make sure that it is scaled properly so press S on the keyboard and scale it down the exact value here is 38% and what I'm going to do now is I want to pre compose my footage composition so let's select this footage conversation and let's drag it on this composition icon here and let the mouse button go this is how you can pre compose compositions and inside this footage two compositions that just created first of all let's rename this because there is a little bit confusing otherwise so this is my footage pre comp 0 1 inside this footage pre-comp I will now create a 3d setup that we will need to create our 3d parallax effect so the first step to do this is to turn our footage into a 3d layer and you can do this by activating this little 3d icon here if you do not see this and just click this which is here or press f4 on your keyboard to change the layout so make the layer 3d and now we want to apply a mask to this layer to apply a mask we simply select our ellipse tool I assume in here a little bit and I make sure that my cursor is in the middle of my screen approximately so line it up like that then I click and drag and I hold down control to create a nice mask and now try to create a mask like if you will apply a vignette to this I can give you the really precise numbers later on but for now let's just create something like that and it is OK now let's select our layer and let's reveal the mask properties by pressing mm I want to change this mask from add to subtract and I want to give the feather of 60 pixels okay what we want to do now we want to select this layer and create 7 duplicates so select the layer press ctrl + T on your keyboard until we have a total of 8 layers in our composition now what we want to do we want to see like the bottom layer here press M on the keyboard to reveal the mask and delete the mask from this layer because we do not want to have a mask on our bottom layer make sure that the masks are still available on the other layers now I want to distribute this layer in 3d space so let's select all the layers and hit P to reveal the position properties for our top layer here we will add a value of minus 3000 and I will change this camera view for analysis that you see what I'm doing here so I change it to a custom view and I will zoom out a little bit here you don't have to do this this is only that you can see what I am doing like so now let's select the second layer and let's type in - mm at the C value here mm the third one gets a value of minus 1200 then we enter minus 600 for the next one then minus 100 the next one gets a value of 300 on C so plus 300 this time then we have 600 and the last one gets a value of 800 now you see what I did I just distributed these layers in 3d space and you see that the distance between them gets narrower the further back our layers are so let's change back to our active camera and what I want to do now is I want to change the resolution of this pre composition so let's come to my composition settings here and let's change the composition width to 1920 x 1080 so standard HDTV resolution and click OK good now we have to add the camera here go to layer and select new camera in the camera settings make sure it is a one-note camera and make sure that it is set to 15 millimeter preset and click OK now if you take a look what we have here you see we have this kind of a tunnel effect and if I choose my camera tool my dotting tool you see I can travel through this now but of course it is not lined up correctly but this is approximately how we will create our 3d parallax effect so the first thing that I want to do is I want to specify the distance that my camera will travel within one scene so let's select the camera let's press P on our keyboard to reveal the position and already played around with these values quite a bit so I will just type in a value of minus 4600 now as my starting point and I will set a keyframe right here in the beginnings web frame number zero now let's move to six seconds with our cursor and let's set the C value of minus 3,500 so this will be our end point of the animation so you see we are traveling through our layers here and now of course we have to change the sizes and we also have to change the settings of our masks to create a really nice parallel effect first of all what I want to do is I want to easy ease these keyframes on my camera so select these keyframes and press f9 on your keyboard now what I want to do is I want to move out to the first keyframe here to position to frame number 0 and I want to select my top layer here for this number one top layer and now I want to edit the scale so let's press s for scale and let's scale this up and I actually already played around quite a bit with these scale values so I'll just type the name now so let's just set this to one hundred and ninety two percent and believe me that it lasted really a long time to figure these values out so you normally you just play around and eyeball it you know and just try to get a nice setup and you try to line it up and you also try to create a nice parallax effect and you have to ya balance these values a little bit but for now I can just type in the values that I already figure out so the second layer gets a scale value of 325 percent then our third layer get scale value of 422 percent the next layer gets a scale value of 494 percent the next layer gets a scale value of five hundred and sixty-one percent think that this is now yep it's the right one the next layer gets a scale value of six hundred and fifteen percent and the last order next one gets 6054 and the last layer or background layer gets a scale value six hundred eighty percent okay so you see that if we take a look at this now we have a few small problems here it looks like they are not really aligning nicely and and the face of this poor guy here is is somewhat distorted or or cut off but now we have to change the masks and you actually you will never get this to to be perfect you always get these little distortions and little little overlaps and on the side of your your footage but we will add a few effects that will make it a little more subtle so let's take a look quickly here I will change back to my custom view again and then you will see what I created here just as you know what we are doing what we're trying to do here we actually created this kind of setup and this is exactly what we want so this is basically the setup to create a nice parallax effect let's go back to our active camera now what I want to do is I want to change the lineup of our masks a little bit so therefore we select our first layer here we press M to reveal the mask and then we click on this shape here and this will bring up these properties here and now I can type in exact sizes for these masks when I created this light what I did here are just double click on this layer or on the masks and then I came in here and then I started you know to to like scale it and try to line everything up and yeah figure out what's the best size for this mask to create a nice parallax effect and this is how I worked my way through it actually I did this knob and framed hero I did it inside my animation about yeah middle of it then I just was playing around with these settings until I found a solution but I do not want to waste so much time so we'll just use the values that I figured out during producing this template or this slideshow so let's click shape on our top footage layer and let's type in the following values the first value here the last value is 145 then the top value is 127 the right value is 1936 it's good for my number practicing in English numbers 1133 is what value and now let's click OK now let's select the next one let's press M on the keyboard again let's click on shape and let's type in the following values 203 then I click the tab to jump to the next one 162 1876 and 1067 and I bet that now you regret that you started this tutorial but believe me we'll be finished with it's very very boring part soon after the setup is done then we will play around with a few effects and make this really look cool so the next layer will get the values of 281 209 1799 and 1111 then the next layer mask will get values off let's see do they get lost okay 339 243 1741 1077 okay now next one and reveal the mask click on shape and type in the following values 393 275 1678 and 1045 okay so three more to go two more giggle so let's click em and on shape and then type in 480 no 400 sorry 458 314 1622 1006 okay and the last one after values of 500 340 1580 and 980 okay so that's it now we set up the mask values and if you want to know where I get this numbers from here I have a little note no oops no after effect is gone hoping didn't crash no okay yeah I prepared you won't believe it I'm prepared for this tutorial okay so let's close all these down and now if you'd like all of these you see we cannot see the masks now it doesn't really matter I will just change the view again to my custom view and let's take a look what we have here and you see that basically what is happening here is that the mask expansion is is getting smaller the masks are getting smaller the further back on the layers they are so yeah this is basically this is basically what's happening here okay now we have our basic setup so if we change back to our active camera now now we can travel through our image and you see that of course we get some distortion as I said you cannot avoid this this is happening with this technique you know but doesn't really matter because we will apply the effect that will make this not that noticeable the first effect I want to apply is I want to apply a little bit of a blur to the layers that are close to the camera so the closer they are to the camera the more blur they will get so we start with this layer here top layer and we will add a fast blur for now you can also take a box blur or something but I will take the faster because it will render faster and for the sake of this tutorial this is OK and I want to blur this out let's see you and even though the values now but I think that 10 is probably quite good maybe let's set it to 12 that we have it a little bit more room now let's copy this blur and paste it to all of our layers but not to the last one here the bottom just control V and now let's go through it and let's set this to maybe 10 the next one to 8 this one to 6 this one to let's say 5 this one to three and this one maybe two one so now we get a nice blur effect the top layers or the layers close to the camera of more blurry blurry and then the other ones are not that blurry and yeah this also helps to hide these these artifacts that we get while traveling through our image ok so far so good now it is time to take our composition here and move to the main composition so what I want to do now is I want to move to the main composition and I take my footage one pre-comp and drag it into my main composition and what I want to do now is I want to come into this composition to pre-comp and copy my camera so ctrl C and it will paste it ctrl V into my main composition and you see now nothing is happening it is something happening but this is coming from this camera here so if i if i deactivate the animation here go back to the main and you will see that nothing is happening but when i now turn this layer into a 3d layer and activate the collapse transformation here this little icon here then you see we can use the animation of this camera to travel through the layers inside this composition so collapse transformation works like you're more or less like tell After Effects that these are a bunch of 3d layers and it should treat them like a bunch of 3d layers yet so now we have our nice camera animation and slide our main composition what I want to do now is I want to pre compose this because actually I want to create two scenes so let's create two scenes so I select these layers here press shift ctrl + C on my keyboard to create a pre comp and now I call this scene one okay now let's work on scene one a little bit and make this a little bit more interesting so let's come in here first of all what I want to do is I want to add another effect here therefore I will add a new adjustment layer and I will drag the adjustment layer on top of our pre comp and then I will add an effect that is called let me see lens CC lens here this sort TV lens and with this effect edit now it looks a little bit weird but will improve this immediately first of all we have to increase the size and you can increase the size to 500 and now what we can do is we can enhance the 3d effect a little bit using this CC lens so what I want to do in the beginning here I want to set a keyframe for the size with a value of 500 and in the end of our animation which is six seconds long I want to change this value so let's see how much we can do here do not want to overdo it because it gets quite distorted but let's see a little bit of an effect we want to have and the more you put in or the less you put in here so they lower you set this value the more extreme this will be but maybe let's for now go with 200 now let's press you to reveal the frames and let's easy if these keyframes and let's create a quick round preview just change the resolution to half to create a softer run preview now you will see what this will do and this will enhance the effect that we are really swimming and traveling into this image here nearly looks like we are we are traveling through these people here so let's play this again now you see that our effect is working quite well and I want to enhance this even more so I will add a little bit of movement to my camera so select our camera press R on the keyboard to reveal the rotation and orientation properties hold down alt on your keyboard and click the stopwatch at orientation here and now we will add a little expression you probably notice already the wiggle expression to type in wiggle parenthesis now we choose a value of 0.5 and it's important that you really Platte Point and not a semicolon then the semicolon or calm or whatever is called kamar think not sure and now you type in a value of 3 so this means that now the camera is wiggling the orientation in all three directions for three degrees each two seconds and you see that this will add a lot to our effect because now our camera is really yet traveling through this and has some perspective changes and this will add to the feeling of this parallax effect quite a bit okay so this is it for the basic parallax setup what I want to show you now is how you can create a nice transition between scenes to create a transition we have to add a little camera animation in the end let's say that right in the end our camera will tilt up so I will select the camera press R to reveal the rotation and I will set a keyframe and I want to be precise here so let's move our cursor at five five seconds and twelve frames by the way if you do not see it like this you can always come here click or hold down control and click this value you can choose or switch between timecode and frames so let's let's set it to this time called here and let's make sure that your time indicator is on five seconds and twelve frames and now let's set a keyframe for the X rotation of our camera now let's move forward twelve frames so exactly two or thirteen frames exactly six seconds and let's take a look how far we can go here we want to tilt the camera up and we will do something like probably 20 I think the 29 let's try 25 maybe it will work with 25 and now let's select the keyframes and easy stem if you want to improve or enhance the quality of your animations then I recommend that you do not only use easy ease but that you come in here to the graph editor and start really playing with your curves but this is not part of the tutorial now yeah maybe another time now let's duplicate this scene and we want to duplicate it inside our project and so let's select this scene here scene 1 and press ctrl + D to create duplicate now we enter this scene by double clicking and I want to create a duplicate of my pre comp as well so let's choose the pre camp here that control D to create duplicate and now let's replace this one here inside scene number two we create or we select our pre camp then drag the new one down hold down alt and release the mouse and now I replace the old composition with the new one now let's enter the new pre-cum double-clicking on it and I also want to create another footage of course so let's create a duplicate of our footage composition inside the project window game select this composition control D select all these layers here all the footage layers drag this down hold down alt and replace them what we can do now is we can import a new image so double click and for now I will take maybe let's see like L let's take this image here it's quite nice import this one and let's open up our footage to placeholder let's drag this image in here and pop here delete the other one scale it up a bit that's a little bit too small actually like so one more okay and now if we go to scene two you see that we have and you see with the new footage and also with a nice parallax effect now what I want to do is I want to create a nice transition in between these two scenes inside my main composition first of all what I want to do is I know that my animation is exactly 6 seconds long so I can just cut my scene 1 here just drag it in and hold down shift and snap it now I take scene number 2 place it on top of my scene number 1 and position it right at 5 frames and 12 seconds because this was where we started the transition so take this here hold down shift and snap it in place and you see what is happening now this is of course no transition as we would like it to be so what we have to do here is we have to animate the camera in our scene too as well so let's enter this composition with double-clicking let's select the camera and press u and our keyboard to reveal the keyframes what I want to do here is on frame number 12 type in 12 year I know that I want to have an expectation of 0 and frame number 0 I want to have exactly the same amount of rotation like I have in scene number 1 in the end and this are 25 degrees but actually I do not want to have it exactly the same that's a mistake I want to edit the other way around so I have to enter -25° here and now let's take a look at this of course it will not look perfect now because we have no real transition here but if we lower the opacity here let's take a look you see that at least the camera movement it is nearly the same so it really looks like the camera is tilting the same way in both compositions and this is exactly what I want to achieve what I want to do now is I will create a quick transition mat here or yeah transition that can call it to create a nice condition in between these two compositions so let's create a new composition let's make sure that it is HDTV preset and let's call this translation met inside this transition that we will create a quick transition setup if we take a look at the preview video again let's see you will see that I created transitions using watercolor watercolor effect it looks like watercolor transition and I actually used pre-rendered watercolor elements to achieve this look we will not do this for now because there's a little bit too much for this tutorial which is already quite long we will create a little bit more of a simple but similar transition so let's take a look what we can do here first of all let's create a new solid and let's make sure that it is 100% white okay now what I want to add here is I want to add a linear wipe at the linear wipe effect and now let's create a quick animation and I want this to have an angle of 0 degrees and I want is to start at 100% so I create a keyframe at frame 0 with a value I have 100% and now I will move forward for 12 frames so 12 frames and then I set this to 0 and now I have this really really really basic animation this is of course not good so you have to improve this so that these keyframes but it is not good also we need to work on this a little bit more to make it a little bit more interesting at least what I can add here now is I can add turbulence turbulence this place in effect so let's add this and let's increase the amount quite a bit something like this maybe let's see this looks not too bad you see that this move nearly looks like a paint transition now like or nearly like a little bit of a liquid or yeah so this is a good starting point and now we will add another effect and this is called grusome edges so let's add the rough edges effect to this what I try to do now is I try to simulate kind of yeah this paint transition but without using pre-rendered stuff here so just let's make it with these effects and I will increase the border value here quite a bit I also want to scale it down a bit and I want to sharpen the edges a bit and the problem that I have here is that now I have these edges here and I definitely do not want these edges what I can do here is I can just scale up this whole layer until these edges are gone like so now you see that I asked this transition and actually it's not too bad what I want to do I want to decrease the size of the turbulence displace a bit something like that yep decrease this size here bit maybe something like that I think that for now this will do so let's come to our main composition again and let's drag in our transition that on top of our scene - let's line these two up here and let's set our scene number two I press f4 again to switch the layout here to attract mat of luma matte and I see what this will do so you see that now it might flee gets revealed and it definitely helps to sell this transition okay so far so good so let's take a look at what this capsule fireable create a quick run for you here so let's set this to like so and create a quick run preview how the resolution should do just to see what we have so far we are traveling through our footage then we have a nice transition and yeah this is how you can create a parallax effect so if you want to learn a little bit more how you can enhance this then stick with me what I want to do now is I want to add a little bit of a light leg here to add a light leg I will enter my scene number one and now you can download a few assets that I provide on my website and these assets are actually two files I will show you what you can download the download link is in the video description you can download one lightly pre-rendered light league video and you can download a watercolor element that we will use to create the title so download this asset if you want and then you can select them and just import them into our project and another hint that I have for all you guys out there organize your files you know this looks like a horrible mess so I definitely want to organize this a little bit better therefore I would create a folder for the assets for example and then drag in all the assets that I have got here like legs and I don't know why but it just did not import my watercolor footage I want to import this as well and drag it into the edges then let's create another folder for pre comps or comps and let's drag in everything that we do not need anymore like this like d2 and like transition Matt and this looks way better so I always organize organize my files especially if I am creating template now let's continue with our project so let's select the light league layer here or video and drag it into our scene number one and I drag it on top of my adjustment layer here and let's make it 3d a 3d layer let's position it let's see how we can position it maybe something like I hold down shift to increase these steps a bit to maybe something like that I will position it at around minus 3000 and now we will move my cursor to the beginning here and scale this up so scale it up to that it covers the whole screen here like so this looks quite good let's see we'll be a squad here now yeah travelling pretty close to this but it's okay and now I have to change this blend mode here from normal to screen let's see how it looks like doesn't look too bad it's a bit too strong probably for this shot so let's decrease the opacity to something like 60 or whatever looks quite good now we add a little bit of life to this shot here and a little bit of depth as well if you want to have more like leaks then you can of course visit my website I hope that it's not annoying that I always refer to my website but you know I share my knowledge for free so I have to live somehow so yeah if you want to have light leaks I of course have a nice light leaks pact and you see the delight leaked that I provided with this tutorial is only HD resolution like 1280 x 720 if you need really good ones then you can get this pack here that you have 15 or actually 20 files in 4k resolution and yeah check out this pack if you need some light leaks to improve your slideshows or your video edits okay back to the tutorial so now we have light League and now we can add our title to create our title we will create a new composition and call it title or title long and inside this title now we'll create a new text layer and it will type in title one very creative today and I will just align this in the middle here of my comp and what I want to do now I want to create a little backdrop here with my watercolor element that is also included in the download so let's get this in and you see this is just a small animation of water color stain here animating armed so first of all what we want to do that this doesn't appear after three seconds we want to apply a time remapping effect to right-click on the layer and choose time time remapping enable time remapping and then just drag it out to the end and then it should stay on this is quite good now we can apply a fill effect to this layer here so let slip life fill effect and give it a nice color maybe something like no something like that quite good now I will duplicate this or first of all scale it up a bit because it's a little bit too small like so and I just disable this constraint proportions and make it a little bit narrow like this and duplicate it and now let's scale this and make this a little bit different like so rotated a bit to create a bit of variation here and change the color to maybe something like a nice this tone here looks quite good and we can change this to overlay so the colors mix nicely and maybe also just decreased opacity here a bit just decrease the opacity here bit something like this to create a nice backdrop here like so looks quite good or when let's see what can we take here no soft light yeah soft light looks quite good as well let's take soft light and like this a bit more okay now let's create a quick animation here you see that these watercolor stains are animating on and actually they are animating on quite slow this merely lasts 2 seconds so this is definitely too slow so let's select these layers press you on the keyboard and let's use our time remapping to speed this up so I want this to to animate on within you have one second so drag these keyframes in here to make this a little bit faster like so that looks nice and now I will apply a simple text preset text animation preset to my titles so let's come into my effects and presets panel here let's enter the animation presets presets and text presets and in this case I want to use one of the blurs and it's called evaporate so let's select the text layer and let's add the evaporate preset and you see what this does is it evaporate the text but if we press you now and select these keyframes and come to animation keyframe assistant and time reverse keyframe then we have this nice build of animation going on actually it's a little bit too too slow too so let's bring this in here a bit like so now you see this is building up and this is coming in quite nicely so we created a really really quick but nice title animation now let's go to scene number 1 and let's add our title in here and drag it beneath our or lightly here make it 3d this layer and now we have to position it so let's see the position here let's see maybe I position it at about how far we traveling here like this ok so about - mm maybe scale it a bit and position it a little bit better something like that now I rotate it a bit to add a bit more depth here like so and actually a thing that it is a little bit no actually it's quite nice already like it okay so the tutorial is already 45 minutes long i will probably edited a little bit it will be a little bit shorter but it is already quite long so i will stop right here and i will show you what we have so far I hope that you can move on from this this is only the basic technique you know you can improve this land and create really really something cool by the way if you want to create other directions of transitions you have of course just to change the rotation of the camera so if you want to create a transition from right to left then you just animate the cameras Y rotation instead of the X rotation and so on okay in the end of the tutorial I want to invite you to visit my website again WWWE calm down all my After Effects templates and you also can find a bunch of free tutorials so let's take a look here you can also find all these tutorials on my youtube channel online mayo channel whatever you prefer also tutorials are free to watch I hope that you can learn something here and of course I would also be very thankful if you take a look at my products at my After Effects templates my stop-motion products I also have a few free texture packs here maybe you find something useful that can help you with your next project and save you a bunch of time so thank you very much for watching I hope you had a little fun and I really hope to see you soon good bye you [Music] you
Channel: graphicINmotion
Views: 427,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, template, motion design, motion graphics, videohive, graphicinmotion, animation, after effects project, after effects template, project file, free after effects project, free after effects template, parallax, photo slideshow, 3d photo, 3d parallax, parallax effect tutorial, photo parallax effect, 3d photo effect, after effects tutorial, tutorial, 3d layers, 3d photo transition, transition, wedding album tutorial, wedding album
Id: 3clhbstj9ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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