Modeling sofa in 3ds Max. How to make it?

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[Music] uh so my hello everybody welcome to our new open webinar my name is mike and you may already know me from our youtube channel but today i'm going to show you how to create this beautiful sofa by bo concept so this is our goal this is what we're going to be creating this is the model that we previously uh um advertised on so we're going to um we're hoping that online we're going to do exactly the same model we actually have it right here so you can see what we're going to go for it's a fairly easy model that we're going to play around with and i'm going to show you how exactly it was made so each step each part is going to be explained to you so you too will be able to create this model at home uh so guys welcome it's uh great to see you guys especially that we also have a few are of our former students in the chat so a big shout out to you guys also i can see that there are uh current uh students hello everybody great to see you so uh guys today we're going to model this sofa and all the resources if you uh need them you can find them on both concept website you can just go there and download the same photos that we're going to use our as our reference so uh i've took the liberty to download them a little bit earlier on uh because as always we don't want to waste your time and we want to keep this as entertaining as possible so we're going to create all of those details in just under an hour so before we get into it as always i'm going to guide you through the process what we're going to do so the first thing we're going to um the first thing that we're going to do is pretty much start with just images um they're going to be used as our reference images that we're going to try to reproduce and well as you know this academy is an online school we've created this very elaborate course that's going to allow you to become a professional in just under seven weeks but don't take my word for it we have our students in the chat so you can ask them if you're interested in getting a little bit more information but i would like to give you a few hints that if you're going to join our course definitely try to be fast because we're running out of seats uh so only seven seats are available right now and we're expecting them to run out pretty quickly uh so today we're going to model the sofa and that's why i also want to show you that our current group is doing amazing jobs so this is one of our students uh work this is something that was created in an ongoing group we still haven't finished so you can see for yourself that we have a really spectacular effect also what i need to tell you guys is that all of the images around here are not cherry picked we try to go um one by one from the list uh just to post everybody and not to leave anybody out so uh that pretty much means that each of our students is capable of creating beautiful beautiful renders so without any further ado let's get started so as i said our goal is to finish our sofa as fast as possible but really you also need to be able to follow it sofas are very tricky and details like this can be also quite challenging so that's why i'm going to pretty much uh show you a one trick a pony that's just going to work for most of the sofas ever obviously you will probably have to reiterate and redo some parts for your own design but okay let's get started so the first thing first i also took a little bit of the time to measure or pretty much get all the information um available on on the internet about this sofa so before you start modeling that's always good to just go to the manufacturer's website and see what resources they can offer to you in this case only the photos were available and a few measurements so i know that the width of this sofa is supposed to be approximately 2 meters and 30 centimeters so you probably already know how to add images to planar objects but if you still don't know all you need to do is just drag and drop one of the images to onto your plane and that or any other object and that's going to do the trick so we don't have to do it do that right now because we already have those in our viewport so let's just make sure that this box is going to be 203 centimeters wide so just like that and to not waste any time we're going to quickly scale it down you can see that right now it's getting a little bit hard to see uh all the details so press alt and x to make this object uh transparent and we're going to keep on scaling until we reach the point i think we uh scaled it enough so we can stop there and if we look at all of the details what we can see is that we're going to need to make all of those squares on top and we also need to do some sewing around those elements so that's going to be quite important to do so we're going to start with a simple box uh usually we don't have the luxury to reuse some 3d models that we already have because well a lot of you are not going to create webinars at this point but we're going to just use the measurements that i have over the internet so i know that this box is supposed to be 100 approximately 130 centimeters 125 centimeters tall we also know that we're going to create all of those squares at the same time so this is going to have a significant role in this model i sent you my work on email tell me what is your assessment oh word i'm not going to be able to access any emails at this moment but i promise that right after the webinar i'm going to be able to give you the response um happy to see you again hey i know that's great to see you as well glad to have you in our chat uh there's a lot of you guys that i really really enjoy seeing so thank you for joining in can we please get to the the link to manufacturer's side it's beau concept uh so it's the sofa's name is actually um wait a second um okay it's osaka i just had to make sure because i'm not into japanese too much so i didn't know if what really that was so guys uh because we need to add all of the details that i mentioned we're going to start with a regular box and to make this a little bit easier to manipulate in the viewport i'm going to rotate all of this by 90 degrees so we're not going to use this model for now so we can either hide it or just move it away to the side so now with just our front view we're going to start modeling we need to make sure that all of the details that we want to create are going to be taken care of so we're going to rescale this object remember that first we convert this to editable poly and we want to divide it exactly into four connections so sections so what we need to do is just do a connection uh before you do the connect remember to select all the edges around the loop so we're going to select one and we're going to ring it again we're going to click connect and for this specific object we are going to add six segments so this is going to be uh sorry five segments to create a six sections uh we're going to reuse this model and we're going to use it many many times so first thing first i'm going to show you a quick trick how to uh select edges on your object in a second after i do one extra detail on it so we're going to use chamfer because we want this model uh to have nice and round edges and we don't want them to run away too much so something approximately two two and a half centimeter is going to be just right remember that you never need to be overly precise with your models because everything in real life is just imperfect you can see that here we've got quite a wobbly element so uh you don't have to make all of your models perfectly straight and yeah it's actually very good to see our students work on instagram what i mean by that is that it's good to see the fruits of your work when we select all the polygons like this you can quickly go to vertex selection select all the vertices as we have right now right click and we're going to convert this to face again without clicking anything we're going to click right click to convert this to edge this way we're actually going to select all the edges also those inside so we're going to quickly deselect the middle and now we have this whole loop selected it wouldn't be possible just by double clicking because the loop is not consistent on quads it's not going to work either so uh in this case we are just going to work with that we're going to reuse the same value uh in here so we're just going to add another um segment when we will be chamfering this part and before we move on uh we can now just make some quick assumptions so first of all we're going to reuse this element around around here here here here here and here so what i really mean is that this one object is going to be enough to really create all of those elements but we're going to add a few details to them so let's just quickly copy this object pretty much the same thing uh now we can work with this for a few seconds more select by element and we're going to scale this up from our editable poly just a few just a few percent so it's not going to be too large but we need to have some difference between those we can also stretch it later but i think it's going to be better to do it this way at this point in time okay so we also need this to be nice and round so let's just go ahead and select those two edges and we're going to add two uh edges at this uh front remember that we actually selected this whole ring so this loop goes all all the way around so now if we again scale this up just a little bit we're going to get this nice round shape we don't want to go too far because then it's going to get a little bit of dent and so let's just keep it this way okay and this shape is going to be used and reused many many times so let's get started and first thing first which detail would you add as a first element in my case it's going to be the seams because it is going to allow us to really move on to more detailed elements remember that first you need to go for the larger parts of your model figure them out before you move on to some other elements okay so now i'm going to select those two edges around here why because if we look at our model you can see that we have those seams and they do look fantastic so we're going to do just that another trick that i'm going to show you is how to do those themes and how to make them look good first of all we're going to go for 3 planner chamfering and we're going to reduce the amount to something reasonable as something around two to a two and a half millimeter is going to be just enough um guys by the way um i've seen that we've got some people from iraq germany and also iran sorry sorry not iran but ireland i misspoke so guys where are you from um do you have any experience with 3s max um obviously i know that we're going to host veterans and we're going to host absolute beginners so both of you are welcome in this academy uh so tell tell us a little bit about yourself um don't worry about it so you find this very hard with this academy it is going to be way way easier now when we selected those two loops and added this chamfer i can move on to my next step this is going to be adding extrudes where you need to keep in mind that we don't want those extrudes to be too dynamic too big we just need very subtle values first of all you need to make sure that the the bottom value the width is going to be super small uh something around one millimeter is just going to be enough and the depth of this uh inset is going to be very important that you don't go any further than half a centimeter uh 3.8 is going to be quite okay but honestly i'm just trying to uh use the sliders i'm not going for any specific measurements so let's test it out because right now we've created something and nobody knows why if we now turbos move this object you can pretty much see that it creates this beautiful seam are all around our sofa so it is going to allow us to get this beautiful detail just for free with two easy clicks okay um mexico serbia that's amazing uh one month of experience that's amazing canada okay i wasn't aware that we are so international i mean okay we are all around the globe that's amazing uh that really really really is encouraging uh so guys then our next step is to play around with the detail on top to do that i'm going to detach our top part so first thing first i'm going to select this edge just in the middle so make sure to select this edge that we simply made sure that it's inside of our model why are we doing this exactly this is going to allow us to get a lot more detail into the object without really having an overly dense mesh we only need the detail on the top after all so let's just go for it and we're going to split this as we go so this way if i now select element i'm able to select this part individually okay so we're going to detach this uh let's take a look at our model what exactly are we going for we're trying to create those nice pillow looking elements but we try to make it as fast and easy as possible because there's a lot of tutorials online that you may actually find and they're going to be just ridiculously packed with really wrong techniques so what we're going to do now is just simply select those three edges the first thing we do is create shape from selection make sure that it's going to be linear but before we actually do i think we have to move one step back so i'm going to delete this part around here and we're going to make sure that our mesh is dense enough because we're going to add a few elements to it so we're going to select this whole ring as we go uh connect and with a little bit of help of pinching we're going to make sure that those two are going to be a little bit uh further apart don't worry that this element is a little bit jagged uh we're not going to be really concerned about that because we're going to be able to straighten it in a second so just repeat this process for all of those elements as i did right now and we're going to straighten this out with two slices of our scaling do the same for the parallel side site sorry perpendicular so we're going to just go for connect let's click on it okay do the same with scaling just once this time and we have all the details now we're going to go back to the selection thanks to the fact that we deselected this sorry detached this element earlier we can now quickly select those edges just the three of them first let's create the shape from selection as we go linear because now it's actually good and by default that you're not going to get the same effect as i did because i previously practiced so some of the settings are already in so let's just uh show you how it is going to look like when you start from the very beginning so first thing first where we select our newly created spline we make sure to enable it in the render enable that in viewport make the thickness something around the thickness of the previous seam so in this case it's going to be three millimeters something like that i think i actually want this to be visible so let's go for four the sides that doesn't really matter just keep this number low don't go anywhere above 12 and in this case um what is important is to get rid of the cap if we don't it is going to create this weird looking and um and we don't really want to have any weird elements in our in our um object so with still our previous edge selected so that's that's the edge around here we can now go for chamfer again but this time we're going to go for a quad chamfer to make sure that nothing is going to move out of this place we could also split at this moment but i think chamfer is going to be good enough so thanks to using this bottom part as a reference i know that i need to select those lines that go from left to right and we have actually selected all of them so we repeat the process create shape from selection linear and now we're not going to go back to redo all the settings let's just chamfer this okay and apply so with all of that those elements and now done we can continue by reattaching all of those parts so as you can see if we re-add our turbos move this already looks quite good but it's not yet nice and fluffy so that's where the extra connections come in we need to select all of the edges that we want to work on to really be able to show you how this model can be nice and fluffy so let's continue adding all of those elements to our selections uh unfortunately this uh this um this part cannot be out automated we just need to um simply try to drag and drop and manually select all of those elements uh this is going to be enough to really add this uh nice bumpy looking elements so let's just make this let's just display this as edges and as you can see we actually created this pillow in a second so again we let's now copy those two objects to create this second part of our model so um as i mentioned earlier it is going to be somewhat of a cheat sheet to really um use the model that i created previously so all i'm going to really do is just show you that we're going to now uh scale this down a little bit using 2x2 modifier so what i want to do is just add 2x2 modifiers modifier to both of those parts in this way i'm going to scale this down by simply going this way i stood it into your architecture only have experience on sketchup picons planner photoshop and autocad only that's a lot so having any experience with 3d software is going to be welcomed but to start our course you don't have you really don't have to have any experience at all by copying this object and since those two were really just a scaled parts we're going to make sure that both of them are going to be positioned correctly so move them a little bit closer it doesn't matter if they intersect because we're going to do just that with the bottom part because without it it's going to look weird so we don't want any gaps in this model so we're going to make sure to add this here and also we need to make this a little bit narrower to to make sure that our sides are also going to work for some reason i lost all of the elements that where we are supposed to reuse so i'm just going to copy this object and we're going to move on from there so i think it's time to show you what our next step is we're going to try to create this nicely looking element on the side so it is curved so it's a tricky part because we can actually see this curve only from the front and it's really easy to miss this part but the curve also ends in more rectangular way on the bottom so that's a tricky part we're going to create this in a second but first let's try to look at the image that we have under at our disposal to really asset the size of this part since we're working with a little bit different uh perspective it is expected and normal that some parts appear to be a little bit smaller but still to combat that i'm going to move all of my elements a little bit higher so they're going to look like they're actually belong there okay so this is our shorter part and we're going to make sure that it's going to work and since we're trying to create this according to this image we're also going to use 2x2 modifier to scale this down a little bit remember it's all about this perspective so if we would actually trace this line it would go somewhere around here so we don't need to do a lot but we still need to take that into consideration so um as i said we're going to be reusing this part a lot so we're going to create another copy for later on because that's going to be our back um in a few minutes so let's just hide the selection and we're going to now use this part to create this element in the middle so let's just get on with it and let's rotate it okay as we go remember that we don't want this to be that thick so we're going to select the polygons by entering by pressing one you can select the vertices and we're going to push those elements closer to one another uh just make sure that they are almost touching or even make them touch but we're still going to delete the middle part so select the middle part by double clicking and select it ctrl backspace to select to delete all of the elements if you just use backspace you're going to have some leftover vertexes and that's pretty much going to ruin your model uh okay we need this to be a bit thicker so let's just uh add this thickness now we've got really nice part around here and as i said we're going to reuse this a lot so let's just scale this down a notch so again we need to select the middle part just scale it down move it a little bit to the bottom and we're going to select the top do exactly the same thing okay this doesn't seem to be curved and what can we do about this well obviously we can use the modifier that was designed exactly for that we also need to take in consideration that we're going to add some kind of backrest for our sofa so we need to make sure that we now reuse one of the parts this is also going to be our pillow so we are recycling all the time so let's just add this object so we're going to have a bit better reference since we already have the height of this part we're going to just move this all the way around here and remember guys that during our training we're going to jump into all the specific details all of our videos and webinars are going to go in depth about all of these those techniques that we show you and the back is just a regular box and then and we're not going to really uh focus on adding any details to it so let's just go back to our 3ds max and just backup 3ds max guys you need to know that 3ds max is a wonderful software and during our course we try to use it with corona renderer and chrono render currently is the number two a worldwide worldwide used render engine and that's pretty amazing because the only reason why it's number two currently it's because uh v-ray was a little bit uh earlier to the party so they took quite big share of the market and to be honest that's uh really they deserved it but in the end v-ray is well a little bit harder to control than corona at least for a lot of people that i know so in this case we try to use a corona only during our course because it's easy to use it's fast to learn and it allows you to really use your time to be creative instead of being an engineer of 3d rendering and that's going to be that was actually a selling point for me i uh it i spent years uh trying to master v-ray and each month something new came up that really confused you uh even more and with uh with corona there's no such thing uh they do develop this software don't get me wrong they do change stuff but it's never as dramatic as it was previously with other software it the transition is always very seamless and they actually help you learn along the way but uh really to be master of 3ds max it is best to actually seek advice of somebody who's already experienced so press one to select a vertexes yes that's exactly it uh please give me a bit more time to explain selection and how did you select the top sofa and not the both so in this case those elements are not yet attached previously i also detached this part by using a split so this allowed me to get all the details split can be found under sub object level 2 that's edge and it's right here in edit edges so if you select an edge and click on split what it's going to do it's just going to unweld those vertexes and in the end you're going to have two separate elements that you can select you use v-ray in sketchup so you do understand v-ray for 3ds max and another thing that's even better about both of those softwares is that v-ray noticed that corona is doing so good so they decided to join forces with them okay on this object that we just created we're going to add bend modifier to really add this uh a little curve but at this point we need to make sure that we are going to go the right way as you can see it went the opposite way as i expected it to go so uh in this case let's just go for angle of 40 um 40 degrees and as you can see it's still not working how can we change that you could reset x form and realign the pivot of the object but to be honest we only need to use the gizmo for your bend so let's just move that by selecting gizmo we're going to move it forward until we reach this point around here now i think we're going to actually increase the angle to something around 50 because it's going to look a little bit better so the second thing is that the object is over scaled how do we combat that still by having our gizmo selected we're going to move it away from the object so this way the object that we currently have selected as our bend object is going to be scaled you can see that this whole gizmo and the center are using to are moving together and we actually created this beautiful curve around our sofa so let's convert this to editable poly now i think we can uh i also uh watch corona rendering tutorials that's a good thing to do and what you're going to really really enjoy is that transitioning from 3ds max to your to let's say corona it's very very easy because corona allows you and basically corona was designed as a software to as a direct competitor for uh for v-ray so in this case they made sure that it's easy to use and it's better than a v-ray all in all v-ray noticed that they're doing fantastic job the end they joined forces so both corona renderer and v-ray come from the same house chaos group but they're totally independent software maybe in the future they're going to create one a unified rendering engine but to be honest i don't think it's going to happen anywhere soon so it uh it's best to really uh jump into corona train because it's so fast and easy to learn so we did the same technique as we did before so by double clicking on this edge i've selected this whole loop that we created and then i clicked on create shape from selection this is going to allow me to reattach this part as part of our scene and you can see that now we've created this extra element around here pretty nice and easy but as i said we do have this tricky part that i previously missed and i must be honest during our during the creation of the previous render you can see that this is absent there is actually shadow forming there so we're going to do the same uh strict element and we're going to fill this gap in you can see this nice curvature around here so let's get let's get on to it so how do we do that first we need to isolate this on this object so let's just do it by clicking isolate selection alt q as a shortcut and we're going to select all the uh polygons around here make sure to select them somewhere around the middle of your object because uh we're not wasting time we're making sure that all of those parts are going to be perfect so to make sure that our object is nice and straight i'm going to drag this away a little bit and scale it down so this way by scaling it down i'm actually making this same element that we're suppose we were supposed to create at the very beginning so now if we re-add our turbosmooth you can see that this curvature actually applies around here just to make this a little bit softer a trend transition a little bit softer i'm going to add a few more edges and scale them as well so this is going to surely allow us to get this nice effect around here actually let's just select those two vertexes as well because they create a dent so now the transition is way way softer so let's delete it and let's exit our isolations isolated selection and we're going to go ahead and copy this part to the other um to the other end we don't need to create a mirror of it unless we want to it's the same part it's symmetrical so we can just move it around here and just position it remember that we do not need to use any a measurement at this point because we know that we're trying to follow this image we're trying to make sure that we reproduce this sofa as best as we can it is still going to be somewhat hard to guess all the measurements but as i said we're doing pretty decent job and by decent i mean it's going to look almost exactly as the original so the fun part begins begins with our pillow because uh i'm pretty sure that you will like to add a few extra elements few details to the most important elements of your design so again i'm going to show you a neat trick how to control objects like that so let's just move to left view so press l to get there and we're going to position this object somewhere around here so this is the last leftover that we have and now we want this to pretty much resemble this pillow we could use the other uh part to really just move it but i think it's going to be better if we do it this way so first of all we position this in the correct manner so let's just do that okay and by again copying this but this time but as instance we're going to allow ourselves to work with this model in a very very uh convenient way for us because those two objects are now instances so whatever change i applied to this object is going to be applied to this object as well so i can now move all the vertices and i can position them correctly by if i would try to do the same thing with an object that's at the angle i would probably break my a nice flow of edges it is going to just be a gimmick it's going to be a trick that you can pull off for your remodeling it's going to sped up the process of it obviously but it is not going to be the biggest game changer ever it is still going to be hugely useful when you will be modeling your own stuff so in this case this this pillow is going to be quite wide so we no longer need this instance we can delete this because we no longer need it unless we want to add some extra details using a 4x4 or 3x3 modifier in this case i think i'm going to make sure that my pillow is nice and dense in edges so let's just select those two elements loop them and connect them okay i think it's working so the right bumpy mattress is pushing the right one is there a way to make objects push into another in a way that it transforms the object being pushed uh to be honest sophie it's uh very tricky to do such thing it is possible but that's going to be pretty much simulation on uh and we're going to go in the particles field and that's not going to be uh the best idea to do such thing uh where can we download the images you know what uh you can download them from a bow concept the or a manufacturer's site so i'm going to google that for you in a second so you can actually see it as well so let's just go to the other screen let's just go for the okay and we've got this um this website so if you want you can just go to uh this site go to bow concept uh select sofas and the uh this the sofa that we're working on is uh it's actually a chas long so um okay uh chess long sofa let's open it and you can go a little bit lower to get this uh exact image so if you're going to open it remember to set the colors that are going to be easy to work with um fortunately this manufacturer allowed um well made a few tricks on their website and you can actually choose what kind of fabric you want to work with and what kind of finishes you want to add to your legs or whatever so we can test out what you're probably going to order from them but it's not about ordering it's about modeling so right now you can just save the image as and you can get the same resources i have to make sure that your model is going to look as good or even better than mine so let's continue modeling our sofa so right now we are selecting all of those edges to make sure that we're going to be able to do a little bit of trickery in a second so let's scale this down to make sure that it's going to be nice and flat i'm actually going to go for two um edges around here so let's make sure that those are going to be nice and flat so this is nice and dense shift j to get rid of those brackets sometimes they're going to be confusing so right now we're going to add in uh this detail that i was talking about so first thing first we're going to go for a little bit of bumps so let's go for 4x4 modifier and we're going to simply select the middle parts and we're going to just stretch it out to add a little bit of this extra feel to it also we can make sure to move those parts a bit more by the way sophie if you want to make sure that your elements are going to be nice and they're going to be pushing one another in a very believable way you can always use soft selection and by using soft selection you can move parts of your object and and it is going to allow you to get the nice results that uh you were probably going for so this is going to mimic um the and the push and the pressure of both objects to one on one another so uh in this case i'm going to add two by two modifier to just simply move this part a little bit to the right and let's make sure that we're going to move this again so we're going to fill in all of those elements okay so now the tricky part uh why we added why we added so many polygons to this object i'm going to show you basically we did the same trick on the last webinar but this time i'm going to repeat it and repeat it to show you this a little bit better we're going to also need a line around here so ring this connect and obviously we're going to scaled it up a little bit so it's going to be nice and fluffy so let's just move this uh some of those vertexes up so they're going to be nicely smoothed out when we start using turbo's move on it again we need to chamfer those elements because first first of all we're going to chamfer them later because we need to add the detail i mentioned right now so before we actually do that we're going to add one turbo smooth iteration so that's going to give us a really really dense mesh on this object we're going to go for a little bit of cutting so this is not going to be mandatory and honestly this is just something that i wanted to give you as a bonus guys so you can also revisit our sofa uh sorry bedroom modeling webinar when uh where i actually talked about this technique a little bit more in depth but in this case where i'm just going to go through the basics so by creating those cuts you're going to have this cut selection by default they're already going to be selected so we're going to make sure that we deselect some parts that are going to be in our way so just randomly detach or just make sure that some parts are not selected avoid creating edges mid way because you don't want those edges to create any extra triangles that you don't need we already have those uh in here but later it is going to be somewhat helpful by moving this up and down just like so you're going to get a really really spectacular effect so let's just scale this down to make sure that they're nice and straight and now it doesn't look good it looks weird but if we add turbo's move to it you can see that now we've got a little bit of this pressure on it we have a little bit of dense and a little bit of imperfections you can add such imperfections at pretty much any part of your model the denser your mesh is the more elements you're going to use the better it's going to look like and this is the reason why we didn't uh add the chamfer earlier on because if we now do it we're going to actually allow ourselves to get this nice effect just for free so again let's do this chamfer extrude as always don't make the values too big if you would if you do make them too big it is really going to look weird so let's just make those really really thin and adapt like uh okay this works and again let's go back to turbo's move and you can see that now we've got beautiful scenes and look at this detail looks amazing and it is going to be your party trick to add to some of uh some of those uh some of those nice details to your uh 3d models we're obviously going to copy this object but not at the instance but as a copy you could add a few changes to it if you wish but what i'm going to do is just use symmetry on it on the y-axis or z-axis actually and we're going to move it inwards so i can either make sure that it's going to be the same model or i can just flip it and it's going to be and it's going to have two of those seams obviously you want to change them if you don't want your model to be identical so it's all up to you you can play around with it later but since this is a live webinar we're not going to go there so let's delete those excess edges and as you can see our sofa is pretty much done and now all that is left to do is the legs of our object so let's reattach all of those parts together so attach attach and attach so we're also i think we're also going to talk a little bit about uh 3d rendering for this sofa so let's just look at this beauty now so this is quite dense and it took us a bit more time look we now have those beautiful details all around this sofa and they do look fantastic we have nicely positioned pillows we've got pretty much everything in here but we still are missing the legs so let's just go ahead and create those um usually legs in such sofas are not going to be positioned in a 45 degrees angle they are going to use either 50 or 40. that's because this adds a little bit of dramatism to your sofas and well um as much as i would like to agree i just ignore that most of the time but because it's a detail that nobody's going to notice so by going with this very simple shape as we did right now we're going to be able to just create the same type of lag as we have in our object make sure that the thickness at the starting point is going to be a little bit bigger convert to editable poly and we can now scale this part to make it nice and thick and do the same around here just make sure that you don't overdo it and we need a little bit of angle so it's going to be looking great when we're done as always make sure that the bottom cap is not there because in europe nobody is going to look into it and it's the first time we actually need to protect our borders so we're going to add a few chamfers around here that don't go too far because then it's going to just look weird and we can now start adding those legs to our object obviously as i said we're going to go for a 40 degrees angle so for some of you this is going to be 50 and for others it is going to be 40. so in this case let's reselect this object and actually make sure that we create a copy using mirror so let's go for it um guys how do you like the sofa modeling so far because we're getting close to finishing it and it took us less than an hour uh so uh let's just get into it and continue adding all of those parts i actually over uh okay overreached uh let's uh keep adding the legs okay and i think we're done so one leg is missing so i'm just going to copy this one and make sure that the angles are correct and yeah this is okay this one has to go and this one is not going to be needed as well or is it i'm not sure we cannot see it so let's delete it uh to be safe so our sofa is done it took us as i said just few minutes to complete and now with knowing the technique of using this one box to recycle for almost any of your model you can achieve almost any sofa okay the legs are missing so let's reattach them so let's make sure to select them but there are still two major steps that we need to take because there are two schools about it and i'm always a fan of easy solutions so we're going to use the easiest solution possible uh you just missed the tutorial no you didn't it's going to be reuploaded to our youtube once we check all of those elements out also there are two elements that i wanted to show you guys now as a bonus so what we can do is select all of those parts that are the most important for our objects so pretty much half of our sofa so let's just select this make sure that we deselect what's not needed we also need to select all of those stripes in inside and we're going to just add noise modifier to it by going for very small values something around three millimeters four millimeters um even one centimeters at time you're going to be able to add a little bit of jagginess a little bit of wobbliness to your objects just like that you can see that now they're being a little bit different and this is going to give your models a little bit of this more natural look it is also going to um look fantastic in your render because right now it is a subtle difference it is but you can see that now we have some of those imperfections showing just as we had this at the back of our object on the photos we're actually simulating the same thing so this is going to be the best trick to add in this noise modifier on top of your object as so it is going to allow you to get more naturally looking elements let's delete the turbosmooth again collapse this to editable poly and re-add the turbo smooth because now it's the time for it so the only element that's now missing is the materials and mapping so what we can do about this is again very simple since 3ds max is very easy to comprehend we're going to first of all select the legs of our object set id to 2 and ctrl i to select everything else and now we're going to set the id to 1 because boxes start with a 6 of those ids and as you can see we now have pretty amazing objects so with that being done we can move on to let's say our pre-created scene where i'm going to show you how we can actually render this out so let's delete this older sofa and we're going to paste in this new one so uh in a place of it so we're going to move this up just a little bit uh how uh to convert jagged line into straight line if you have a jagged line and you want to convert this to straight uh it depends on what you really did so if it's just going to be like that there's really no way to uh to transition it you can try to select this option here and really try to scale them down when this option is selected so they're going to get a bit closer but it's not going to allow you to do a lot also if you just have a curved line and it's actually a bezier or a smooth line you can select the vertexes and go for a corner this is going to be one of those elements that are going to be easy and convenient for you how can you select points of cushion without uh selecting the points on everything you're going and that usually selects everything without selecting the box uh so uh we're what i'm doing actually is just jumping from one type of selection to another this was explained at the very beginning so if you right click you can go to convert to edge or convert to vertex and it allows you to really quickly and efficiently select objects so this is another thing that i wanted to share with you guys today because as always i want this to be somewhat helpful okay so what else do we have um guys by the way um do we have any more experienced users of uh the 3ds max and well similar software when dealing with renders for everyone dealing with pack shots you don't want to create over um elaborate um scenarios you just want to go just imagine that you are a photographer uh usually studios that create shots for sofas are really small or even if they're big they're not going to have two large lamps but we have this advantage and we can use this so in this case i created those two huge huge light points that are not really that strong those are just set to intensity 50 that's the default value the second one is a little bit weaker so that's 20 and we're using this just as we go because it's easier for me to control the scene where the lights are a little bit further away because not only they are going to cover a little bit more space but also it's easier to zoom in without the lights being in my view so i've created this camera just a regular uh camera from your perspective shot but make sure that when you create your cameras for pack shots you need to make sure that the focal is going to be quite narrow because this is going to give you this type of product shot you can actually see that thanks to the fact that we don't have any dynamic angles in here we're getting a quite nice quite nice read of the model itself so now it's the part when we're going to go for the model for the um for the materials so obviously for the legs we're just going to use a regular material for a metal so as you can see the diffuse is set to almost zero so it's pretty much going to be a regular metal material it doesn't really state if we want to use aluminium or anything else your values can differ and we've got our letter so this is actually part of corona render materials that we use but during our course we're going to show you how to master those how to use them how to uh really create your scene and how to use not only materials that are pre-made but we're also going to teach you how to create those the sofa material was already covered in the previous bedroom video so i'm not going to go into this because it's going to if you want you can just revisit and pretty much uh just go for the same settings there as there so we don't need to copy them twice so let's now add this material the multi-sub object material to our sofa and we can start rendering so in this case it actually took us a few more minutes that i've anticipated and now we can see what changes we need to make so first of all i'm going to select this part move it a little bit lower so it's going to intersect with the bottom part and we need to make those two parts meet a little bit better so we're going to also push this left and right so they're going to look even better thanks to the fact that we added this extra wobbliness you can see that they look more natural we still don't have any kind of mapping so i'm just going to go for regular uvw mappings set to box and real world scale because as i said we're working with basic materials coming from corona renderer and this is it this is pretty much how you can create such a sofa in under an hour so before we go we can also answer some of your questions guys so i'm going to stay with you for uh extra a few minutes so if you want to ask any questions about our course about the sofa modeling or you just want to say hello let's just go for it so guys um first of all i'm going to now talk a little bit about our course meanwhile when you are preparing your questions obviously uh so um visit academy is an online school we already had more than one thousand students we're reaching two thousands uh two thousand and by the end of the year so we already had a lot of our students in what that means is that we are experienced and you can read about us for um as teachers for a while uh on our website so this is me i'm mike you can visit my portfolio and see exactly what i do i'm the main teacher for the viz academy but uh together with me there's a tony there's uh wojtek annette and mary we're yet to add mary to the website uh but obviously the more of our tutors are going to come uh right now uh if you want to join this academy all you have to do is click on enroll and go for this very short journey so you slide a little bit down you type in your name okay and obviously your email so let's just type in okay so that's our email and let's uh continue so uh the first question you're going to be asked is to select the date of the uh and the group that you are applying for currently we only have the october group open so if you want to join in do it fast because as i said we're ending our recreation quite shortly because we have only seven seat seats left and only 13 days uh to the end so choose a type of training so currently we only offer seven weeks of interiors plus exteriors it's going to be a comprehensive offer that's going to allow you to become a professional in seven weeks as long as you're going to be able to really spend a little bit of time on your tasks just a heads up our course is highly paced and you will need uh two up to three hours per day uh for the whole duration of our course to actually get really really amazing results uh most of our students even if they spend a bit less time they still manage to get really good results but really to create more than just two images uh for the interiors some of our students actually managed to create seven or eight interior shots uh not counting the close-ups so that's amazing and also pretty similar numbers of exteriors you can see their work on our instagram and that's the one thing that's really going to speak for itself all the renders that we post on our instagram are going to be work done by our students sometimes we do post work done by our tutors so you can see our one of our two doors it's anne and those are amazing animations you can learn how to do the same with us so obviously um the base render the base setup for it is going to be explained to you during our course uh this is the result of um hard work by fabiana ernesto uh she was able to create this during our course and as you can see this is just amazing i mean professional work on high level that's ready to deliver to your clients we also have this beautiful render by ephraim two versions day and night so all of that is going to be uh well it's just uh at your reach so now what is your knowledge of curious max obviously this is not a tricky question uh we just want to know who are we starting with and if you are already experienced and you want to join our course please send us your portfolio so we're going to look into it and we're i'm going to give you a few tips on what to improve maybe or if actually the course is going to be a good for you because obviously we're trying to make sure that both professionals and beginners are going to be able to fully use our course so it doesn't matter if you know 3ds max or not make sure to add your add your name so here we pick our telephone number so it's always going to be up to you to type it in and right now you pick your city your country you answer another question it's very simple your age and then you submit later on you will be sent a form to fully sign up to our course because it's going to require a few extra uh logins um for uh to actually join our course okay guys so this is it um from the stuff that i wanted to tell you and let's now get into a few questions i did the course uh okay thank you attila that's it nice to see you great webinar looking forward to the beginning of the course at the end of the october james welcome that's amazing thank you for joining in and thanks for the webinar it's great to learn i want to know more noise modifier noise modifier is actually super easy to use and it's a very underappreciated tool that a lot of people tend to ignore so would would a student learn how to make cinematic uh graphic flight rules we do not have animation per se in our course but you can always ask the question to our tutors what i forgot to tell you guys is that during the whole period of our course you have access to our online support in our working hours so that's from 9 00 p.m to 10 p.m uh pretty much every day of the week but that's not really the point you can ask as many questions as you need if you found anything uh along the way to be challenging or one of the tasks that we assigned to you the individually assigned task is going to be somewhat problematic you can always account that we are going to help you and guide you through it it's not only going to be chat but also we're going to visit your computer by a special remote control software that's going to allow us to show you step-by-step solutions and obviously we're going to have a lot of fun doing that um so guys um don't see a lot of questions how do you solve black edges when using displacement map with quran render alex that's a great question so it's a little bit out of the scope of modeling but why not talk about it so uh when dealing with displacement modifier uh or the displacement in your material when dealing with corona sometimes not always you're going to see that some materials are going to have this well bad looking element so let's just get into it and let's add some kind of corona bitmap just to add it as our displacement map so i'm going to go for generic bitmap that's going to be our displacement and let's add in some of the the mac something to the max level so now when we render this object it is going to have this displacement from the picture so um i just hope that it's not going to have any problems so first of all why we don't have any black edges in here first of all it's because the mesh is consistent but if we split it and end or detach one of the parts so let's unweld it the same way as we did with the previous element so let's select it jump to edge and now we're going to split those edges you can see that by splitting those edges i've got the exact black element that you usually will have so let's just make sure to make this a little bit smaller so just with two centimeters so first of all the most basic solution for it is to make sure that you're using the same mesh you need to make sure that it's all connected but if it is connected but and you're still getting the same problem it is possible that your smoothing groups are a little bit uh off so what you can try and first of all by clearing those moving groups you're going to see what difference your model is going to have first of all it is possible that your model is simply damaged at some point parts i think um with chronos 6 is actually a little bit harder to get this problem so the easiest solution is to make sure that all the walls that you have on your object are going to have a consistent smoothing groups to make sure that your object is not going to go away anywhere but this type of solution is going to be problematic because as you can see we had this very very bad looking gradient so the next step how to solve it is to add just a little bit of chamfer so chamfer it doesn't really have to have any depth it doesn't have to be rounded so it can be really just that and make sure to smooth not the entire object but the chamfers only so that's going to be another solution to this problem and it's going to solve all of those weird looking elements so this is going to be something that's uh definitely going to help please test it out and tell me if it worked um okay guys uh so uh from all the topics that i wanted to uh talk about uh we went through all of them next week this tuesday uh we're going to create another webinar where i'm going to this uh to tell you what kind of computer how to build it and exactly what kind of parts you should be looking for when buying a new laptop or just just a desktop so looking forward to seeing you this tuesday so uh be on the lookout for our next webinar thank you very much for your attention and see you next week when we will be talking about your computers so thank you again and to all the guys that joined in from the previous groups thank you very much that's really great and for the ongoing group see you tomorrow bye you
Channel: VizAcademy UK
Views: 26,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sofa, modeling, 3ds Max, 3d max, 3d, vizacademy, course, furniture, architect, design, archviz, modelling
Id: wfT4rfYSkYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 5sec (4385 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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