3D Fillets (almost) Everything you need to know | Autodesk Inventor

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hello and welcome to another invented tips and tricks video today we're making it up as we go along again white that's what I do best it's all about Phil it's this one I'm gonna show you everything well as much as you need as much as I know about Phil its we're gonna we're gonna look at Phil its in-depth as much as you need to know Phil its you might be thinking to yourself I know what a Phil it is well you might be thinking hey I've always wondered what a Phil it is you knows which side of the spectrum you're on there I don't know but we're gonna cover them in depth now if you don't know what a Phil it is a Phil it is this button here now you can have a Phil it either in a part file or in an assembly it can be an assembly feature or it can be put inside a part file will not go into that but either way does the same thing a Phil it is taking a sharp edge so something like this you know got a metal bracket here and it's got some serious sharp edges going on here some sharpies which which could slice your fingers if this was to be manufactured with an absolutely razor-sharp edge there and you pick that up that could slice your finger instead we've got some self that has some health and safety issues going on there so a Phyllis is you click fill it and then you click an edge and it puts a little round on the edge like that it puts a little radius on the edge and you click OK and it does you fill it you might have done that already you need one eye I can do Phil it's I'm the boy yeah no problem well there is a bit there is more to it than that listen there's a lot more you can do with Philips which you might have just never figured out cuz you know if you don't use the dialog box and you just use this of absolute nonsense which floats around the screen here you might have never realized that there's a massive dialog box appear with a load of buttons what do all these buttons do that's what I'm gonna show you why do all these buttons do Reece so forgetting this absolute bollocks nonsense remover that out the way we're gonna look at what the dialog box can do for us so there are a number of different philip types though it can use and there's a number of different options selection modes as and tikki boxes that we can play with so where to start first right well I guess we'll start in the here what can we do in this area here well when you launch the Filip command you're presented with a little bit in the middle here which says zero selected in the radius and you might be thinking well alright well I'll just click it I just click an edge and it just does it well like I said there's a bit more you can do here if you wanted to you can build up multiple Phillips so for example I can click this edge here and that's going to put a two millimeter fill it all the way around this edge if I wanted to change that I can obviously select this little dialog box bit here and I can put in a new radius value alternatively if you want to you can grab the orange arrow and then you can just drag that and move it and it will change the size of the fill it dynamically just by dragging the arrow if you're working on a you know a bit of a small model then you know just the nature of the the grid system that you the cursor works on it you might find that it just drags it too big from the slightest movement of the mouse but never mind now you can you can't click and drag that if you want to or you can just manually manipulate the fill it radius in this dialog box and that's now confirmed that we've got 12 edges selected I think twelve edges but I just click one well that's because inventor has optimized this edge for single selection so you've clicked the edge and it's essentially looped the edges because they're all joined together with tangent arcs and lines and curves and stuff it's all one continuous edge in toll there are twelve edges I'm not gonna count them trust me there's twelve of them I did say you can optimize this for multiple edges and multiple selection sets so if you want to do that what you can then do is say click to add and then it'll go okay start clicking more stuff and you know okay fair enough well I can then click this edge here and it's going to say well you've now picked up three edges and you can have them on a different radius if you want to so in this one Philip command it's gonna fill it all these edges by two mil and then this bottom edge here by three mil then you can say well actually add this side to it as well six set at three milk mean you can have as many as you want and click the art click the I'll click the ad and you can create as many Philips as you want in one command click OK fill it 6 that we've got down here is now combining all of those Philips into one feature why would you want to do that well if you know straight from the off that you're going to fill it these edges you can combine them all into one feature which makes managing them a little bit easy you don't want to fill it's scattered all around or all the way through your browser so it just makes managing a little bit more easy hmm I guess that is really the only benefit to it there are downsides to doing that either way it's up to you you do it the way you want to do it there's no real right or wrong way to do it I guess just touching on something else as well whilst we're on the topic it is best practice to if you can place Philips on your model is late on in the models design as possible why because when you create a fill it what you're essentially doing is you're removing edges so I've created a fill it here and I've removed a solid edge okay if we just move cylon there was a right angle here it's now gone and it's replaced with an arc type smooth to fill it so if I'd done that very early on and then say for example I wanted to create the sketch to place these holes I don't have a solid right angled edge line to reference the position of that hole from it's now been removed by the fill it so because that was done earlier on in the design that hole can be placed properly according to the true model edge and the fill it is placed later in the models design without a problem without affecting the placement of this hole so it is just best practice to try and put the fill it's on as late as you can okay I'm gonna delete this fill it and then let's look at some other things that we can do so that's the different selections that we've got now you've got this up button here you see this one here have you ever seen that before have you ever wondered what that is have you ever clicked it and you've gone what the hell does this mean what's the tangent what's a G to fill it have you ever wanted that work today's your lucky day second I tell you exactly what it is education right well we go and we're going down here right a lot of this this is so juicy right so I'm gonna start the Philip command again and I'm gonna place a Philip on this edge here and then I'm gonna look side-on right there we go so this fill it by default when you spin your place a fill it every fill it that you place unless you you know unless you change it it's going to be what's known as a tangent fill it for just hover the cursor over it tangent fill it the G to fill it applies a very very minor aesthetic change to the contour of the fill it the tangent fill it if you think of the blend of the fill it here as it comes away from the final edge here on the solid model it's coming out at a perfect tangent right if you think about a tangent tangent is a circle yeah it's a perfect circle so you could stencil a circle onto this onto this model and that would follow the exact shape of a circle dependent it would be a two mil radius circle so that's what a tangent is if he changes to a G to fill it it changes very slowly actually that's quite that's quite a dramatic on this one but this is no longer a circle no the the fill it is actually exiting these edge in like a splined fashion it's all coming out in a very smooth fashion then it blends off and then sort of joins into the next edge it's it's known as a G to fill it but if you if you go from tangent to G to you can actually see the difference it is quite dramatic when you look site on but if you zoomed out you can't really tell in terms of manufacturing do you need to do this no of course you don't if you do metal brackets and you just want to get rid of an edge you don't need this this is mainly for people that work in product design you know plastic parts consumer products when those guys need some more aesthetically pleasing designs then they would be interested in the likes of the G to fill its but us working with metal and being a big frames and fabrications and stuff he couldn't give a monkey's but it's good to know what it is that's what it does tangent and G to like I said when you zoom out you kind of tell any different doesn't have any really different you zoom out if you were to just open this model and someone else has done that you wouldn't be like ah Eastern a g2 filler there the for Daphne would know because you don't know it's not any different all right let's go back to this one here right jump back into the filler commands that's the that's the middle selection options discussed what else we got on the right hand side selection modes have you ever played with these have you probably not but you might you don't I don't know I'm just guessing I don't know who you are yeah right the comment down tell me who you are I'm waffling now let's back on point by default the selection mode for placing a fill it is edge now you might be thinking or what's the difference between edge loop and feature it the difference between these three is what your cursor selects and how it changed the edges when you pick an edge so for example if I was to pick this edge here it picks up the entire loop around this bracket and the reason it does that is because there's no sort of harsh breaks there's no right angles there's no disjointedness in the edges it's one continuous loop however let's just cancel listen come back in to fill it and then selected back edge here notice how it doesn't notice how it only selects the top so you know goes upwards and it bends around and it comes back down but it's not continuing down here and that's because we've got a right angled break in the edge mmm yeah so that's what edge does same with if we were to pick this edge here it'll only select like one continuous line where that line ends it won't carry on the selection if you change this to loop however right as cancel out and come back in select loop that was to select this back face now look what it's starting to do it's starting to detect loops and it will create a fill it based on the looped edge that you've selected or continue on that edge loop it around until it finishes and it comes back on a flag back on itself if you know what you can also do is well if you're struggling a pickup by the edge so I want to pick up the edges on this face here but it's not doing it just hover your cursor over the edge until you get the select other prompt if it doesn't pop up just like select other and then you can define loop 1 or loop - there we are there's the loop that I was trying to pick up and then we can do you know that but we do before we can change the the radius and there's that one continuous edge loop fileted and notice how it's also gone around this feature here because it's picked up the entire edge loop so that's loop selection whereas we got feature write feature we'll look at what your cursor is hovering over and it will detect the 3d feature below your cursor extrusions revolve sweeps lofts you know any 3d feature that you've placed and it will try to put a fill it edge on all 3d edges associated with the feature that your mouse is hovering over so for example oh you can tell instantly when your mock when your mouse and over it's now picking up rather than edges it's now picking up feature so this thing here I'm assuming I didn't do this design but I'm assuming it's this sweet yet it's that sweet there so well now let us place a fillit on all the edges as best as it can to do with that that sweet feature it hasn't done these outer edges I'm assuming there's a reason for that book free click OK it's no place to fill it where it thinks is appropriate for that 3d feature and that looks pretty good I'm happy with that and that's what the feature selection method will do for you down below we've got these two here all fill its and all rounds now this this is what I used to do in vendor training course at least have a giggle but this one cuz it's how you fill it in a finish how does you know how did anyone in or desk expect anybody to try and get the head around that I want to place a fill it on all fill its makes no sense whatsoever what it should say and what it should be reworded to is all concave and all convex edges when you select all fill it's this is all concave edges when you select all rounds this is all can sedges so internal and external edges if you nota me if you were to select both of these two key boxes it literally will place a fill it on every single edge in your model so there is no edge in this model now which hasn't got a fill it about to be applied to it other than the ones that have already had a fill it placed on them you do have to be a little bit careful with this one because because it will put a fill it on the likes of you know screw holes bolt holes anything that you've done tapped holes you obviously wouldn't place a fill it on these edges here so you're you're a little bit stumped for I said you have to be a bit careful with it but that's what that one does just for clarity oh yeah you also have to be careful because then may it may not be able to put a fill it on every single edge you know if you you're applying a single thickness to every single fill it edge to every single edge there might be some other just contour on but if it can't it gives you the warning you know just go ahead and do the ones that it can't do okay what else we got here well that's that's the most that's these or basic selection methods for fill it pick a normal edges defining how your selecting what you're selecting and then doing solve a big sweep did you know did you know that you've got different completely different philip types here on the left hand side we're using edge philip mode did you know there is a face for it and a full round filling did you know you can do variable fill its and modify set box well if you didn't boy oh boy you're in the right video cuz we're going to look at that right now variable fill it's what they want granola is a variable fill it well a variable fill it is you picking an edge right and changing the radius of the fill it as it sweeps along the edge Norb snooze well yeah kind of but you know you never know when this might come in handy a variable radius fill it is it's fairly easy to do actually will all you do right you start your philip command you click variable and then you pick an edge that you want to create the variable fill it on it gives you a start and an end point right that that's pretty self-explanatory right in it kind of gives you a bit of decent feedback as well you see this orange edge here that start start is in blue and then that's highlighted there in orange when you click end that's the end point there and what it's saying here is at the start the fill it's gonna be one mil at the end the fill it's gonna be one mil so there's actually nothing variable about this at the moment however what it then needs you to do is pick additional points along the edge of the Philips so as you move your mouse along the edge right let's just zoom around so we can see this a bit clearer right that's the edge there so we can say right I want to change the radius when the fill it it's at this point this point and then this point here right so that's point one is this one here point two is that one there and then point three is that one there so point one if you need to be really specific about this you've got the position value here in the position value is a decimal format so the start is zero the end is one quarter of a way along the edge is going to be 0.25 right halfway along is going to be 0.5 three quarters of the way along will be 0.75 right you know what I mean then go point six you can point eight and you'll know I'm sure you can figure out where abouts that'll be then what you can do is start changing the size of the fill it at those exact points so we can say you're right at the end of the Philip I wanted to finish a two mil right and you can see from the preview it's gonna be one mill 1 mill 1 mill 1 mill and then it is a sharp jump of the two mill well we can start changing that we're gonna say right also start a two mill yeah point one go to 1.5 mill point two one mill point three one point five Mulligan and you can see what it's doing it's changing the fill it radius as it goes along to one point five one one point five two and you can you can make a mess around that tr2 content entirely up to you how you play with this and then one click OK and there's your variable radius Philip world's your oyster with that going with it do what you want with it it'll do it's harder it'll try its hardest to to respect the blends that you do it'll try and you know do the forms and the calculations to make sure the philic connection work if it can't you'll get a familiar error message not safe try again do something different and that's a variable radius for it hey it's nothing yet alright what's a setback hey what's a setback right a setback is when you have a Filat which blends from multiple edges into a single point so if I was to say I want to create a fill it here yeah in here right this the old intersection here is the setback so what we can do is we can select the setbacks tab click this intersection and inventor will control how the filip blends between those three points so at the moment let's just zoom so we're looking ahead on there you go right so at the moment it's setting back the blend two mil on each edge now for most people that is absolutely fine right if you don't even give a you don't have to do anything at all you don't even have to click the setback option but if you are into the world of consumer products and you needed to be you know perfectly aesthetically pleasing and you need to think about injection molding and all that sort of stuff well you can start thinking about changing the set back numbers so edge one is this one here as edge - no that one's edge - where's that one why's that you are not highlighting okay really right edge three edge one edge to right you can sort it goes that way but doesn't go that way pretty north as well decide so edge - what we can do is you can say if you wanted to I can change that a four mil maybe not maybe that doesn't like it three mil no it still doesn't like that one to melt all right so okay so it doesn't like anything more than two mil that's not going to work fine whatever we could probably lower it yeah we can treat and see what it's doing I'm working on a very small model here so the numbers are a bit limited but there you go if that looks absolutely hideous but I'm sure you get the point all right so that's what the set box Duke what else can we do though what else can we do well that's the majority of the commands up here we've got two more options to look at we've got a faceful it and we've got a full round fill it a face fill it as probably best if I move across to a different model for this one a face fill it is a different and an alternative method for placing a fill it it's for occasions when you don't have an actual edge to place a fill it on now this model here has been designed intentionally to highlight and demonstrate the capabilities of a face for it so if you look at this one yet if we were to try and place an edge fill it around the bottom of this model right it's not going to work because the edge lifts just there you can't place a fillip all the way around there I'll end up going up and above and I'll just look messy and we've also got a complete break here in the in the sidewall it can't put a filler there there's no material that blended to so this is what the edge this is what the face fill it is all about and what we do is we go in at the filler command we select face fill it and then you pick two faced sets now by default it will optimize for single selection so you pick one face and essentially it's gonna chain the faces around that shaft you pick your second face set and it's going to blend a fill it how it sees appropriate between those two face sets ignoring any breakages in the surface any breakages in the sidewall and he lifts any gaps it's gonna ignore those it just blends a fill it all the way around them it's almost very almost like a welt not quite you can change the radius if you want but if you're happy enough with the result you can click OK what it will also let you do the face fill it if you want to is you can select face fill it you can pick two objects which are completely separate from each other so you can pick this face here and this face here and it will blend material between the two of them how it sees fit there you go and that's face fins the final type of Phillip is something which I bet I will bet my bollocks to a barn dance that you will just wished you'd seen this soon you'd have probably come across a scenario where you thought you know I really could have used that it's four times when you need to create a round between myself right up rather than as talking about I'll show you it this edge here I want to create a perfect fill it coming up here like that yeah I want a full round fill it and I wanted to go all the way up this strengthening beam here how would you do that normally well quite difficult actually very difficult you maybe have to create to fill its and get the the sizes you know bang on so the meet up in the middle it would be a bit messy to do it properly you would go into the full round fill it option you pick one side set again it's optimized for single selection so it don't have to pick multiple faces we just pick this side you pick one face on the center and that will chain all these edges even though it doesn't show you in the preview and then you pick your second side face and it will create that full round fill it between all three sets of faces okay that's it I think that's probably all you really need to know fulfill its yeah I think I've no idea again how long this videos gone on for far too long again yeah that's it hopefully you found that useful guys I don't think I can really go any further on that if you did find that useful please press like comment on the video down below please subscribe if you haven't already it's the best indication I have other than the kind words from the guys that have been watching the videos that people are interested in they want to see more so yeah thanks very much guys and next time cheer about
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 20,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, tips, training, guide, 3D, modelling, part, assembly, best practice, Solidworks, AutoCAD, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, Fillet, Chamfer, Round, Radius, Rad, Variable, Set backs, face fillet, full round fillet, edge
Id: zmxf5Zqhbxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2015
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