3D Face Scan Using a Simple Camera - Photogrammetry Tutorial

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[Music] hi and welcome back to the Swedish maker today we're gonna do something really cool we're gonna make a 3d face scan or a head scan with a simple camera so I have this old Canon es 500 D simple DSLR and I'm gonna use that to take all the images and we need to take about at least 150 good images I guess so let's get started my wife helped me up with this one taking 200 photos by just walking around snapping photos from different angles this is the hard part getting photos that are sharp and without shadows we also took some extra photos of the sensitive parts around the ears the neck and on top of the head and once you have all the photos it's time to head back to the computer so we start off by opening photoscan Pro so start by going the workflow and add photos once imported we have this chunk of photos and we're just gonna go over to the workflow again and we're gonna hit align photos so here we can go all the way up to the highest that's gonna take way too much time so I'm gonna go with high still gonna take a lot of time and I won't do any settings in the Advanced section so just hit OK and you let's wait it out [Music] so now that the scan is done its you can see the face here and all of these points are all of these points are are small snapshots and inside here you can see the face and you can turn off the camera with this icon here you can sue min and you can see all the individual points here so we need to remove all the points that are not in the head or surrounding the head and looks like my beard has grown as well you need to cut off some of that and you do this by choosing this freeform selection tool and you can just draw a rough shape around this the body in the head like this and you use this crop tool here and you remove all the other points around the object they want to circle around and remove all those points that were been behind it so we do like this no we draw a circle around this and instead of the crop tool we use this really raised tool now consumed in and we can remove as many of these surrounding points as possible I think that looks good enough so now I'm gonna continue with the next step in the workflow which is build dense cloud and I'm not gonna go with the ultra-high here I mean you can definitely go with a high quality option and in the depth filtering I'm gonna go aggressive okay and once again we have to wait for this to work through it okay so now that the dense cloud build is done it's time to go to the workflow once again and the next part is we're gonna build a mesh but before we do that we can click here at the dense cloud and we can actually see the the dense cloud image that was created and we can see some of the things I missed to delete and I can do the same thing again like mark mark it and delete it now it's time to go through the workflow and click build mesh surface type I'm gonna choose arbitrary the dense cloud and the face count I've set to medium so once the build mesh is done we have our final image now you actually have a 3d model and from from just taking a lot of photos you have this amazing 3d model of your face and you can use it to 3d print it which I'm gonna do in the next video I'm gonna use it to 3d print my head in real size the last thing we need to do before we can use this is to go to our 3d model over here so we go to 3d model export model you name it anything we save it and in this box we can actually export the texture if you want I don't need it now so I'm not gonna do that but you just hit okay and it's gonna save in the next video I'll show you how to use mesh mixer to create the STL file we're gonna use for print see you in the next one I hope you liked it please subscribe if you haven't box now it's time to go through the workflow and click build mesh and the it all crushed bloody crashed [Music]
Channel: The Swedish Maker
Views: 56,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Swedish Maker, 3D-Scan, 3D-Scanning, 3D-printing, TheSwedishMaker, Howto, Tutorial, Video, 3D Face Scan Using Camera, 3d scan using photos, 3d scan with camera, tutorial, 3d scanner, 3d scanning, 3d scan, 3d, 3d face scan using camera, 3d camera tracker, 3d printing, scan, camera, 3d modeling (film job), 3d computer graphics, free 3d scanning software tutorial, 3d animation, 3d portrait tutorial, 3d selfie, photogrammetry, scan a person
Id: A9UO49WUjig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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