3AC Dr. Eric Walsh - Don't cry for Jesus

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our scripture reading for tonight is taken from Galatians chapter 3 starting at verse 13 the Bible says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree [Music] it was pieces in his feed for mice why should he he suffered sore my salvation - why should he why should he love me so why should my say [Music] nice [Music] my son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right it's good to be here once again we are back at the three angels seventh-day Adventist Church in Newington Connecticut once again filming in an empty church as the corona virus pandemic continues to roll on and we are under stay at home orders and social distancing at this time we are seeing the curve flattened in most parts of the country and even in other parts of the world and so you know we are at the point where we're hoping to begin to see things be opened back up again but for now the churches are still closed and so we have a message tonight that will incorporate some things about coronavirus again as we've been doing in this series but also some prophetic elements that we'll revisit as well as add some new things to it our message this week is entitled don't cry for Jesus don't cry for Jesus a warning to the last generation let us pray father God we thank you Lord for this opportunity to study a word I just asked now Lord that you make me a nail upon the wall a rusty sorry nail Lord but upon that nail lord I ask that you hang a portrait of Jesus Christ let Eric Walsh not be seen or her instead father let us say a word from the throne room of grace as our prayer in Jesus's name Amen so we're gonna go to the Book of Luke the 23rd chapter Luke chapter 23 we jump in at the story of the crucifixion some call it The Passion of the Christ and there are some interesting little tidbits that we'll go through here and make some of them relevant to current events as well Luke 23 and verse 13 says and Pilate when it call together the chief priests and the rulers and the people said unto them you have brought this man unto me as one that perverts the people and behold I have examined him before you haven't found no fault in this man touching those things whereof you accuse him no nor yet Herod for I sent you to him and lo nothing worthy of death is done unto Him Pilate is making his case to the Jewish leadership that Jesus does not deserve to die in fact he three times makes this case that Jesus is innocent and I think you have to realize that one of the reasons this is so important is because the entire universe is watching demons even are in the audience as this is happening and yet a pagan King says this man isn't guilty of anything in fact when he sends him to Herod is supposed to be a representative of the more Jewish side of the society he finds nothing wrong with him and this combined analysis of Christ and this verdict of his innocence is what allows him to be viewed by the entire universe it's as if the two of them stamp or confirm the stamp that Christ was the perfect lamb which is necessary to be sacrificed at the Passover so literally as they're going into the pass of a week there's an inspection that happens and out of it Pilate says this man is without fault he is perfect Luke chapter 23 and verse 16 it says I will therefore chastise him and release him for of necessity he must release one to them at the feast and so in order to placate their leadership Pilate says listen what we'll do is we'll just punish him a little bit let me beat him up well humble him well send him back out maybe he'll shut up all of his preaching and and all of his healing and you guys won't have to worry about this guy so much anymore and and remember that pilots job is primary function was to keep the peace the Jewish people were quite rebellious and so it was his job to keep the rebellions at bay and so what he did was he he would offer over a prisoner as kind of a token to the Jews to say listen let's not have a revolution here's someone who you know came against Rome and we're gonna send him back and and and and you guys can have him back just just don't do any revolutions this is one reason why Jesus says the stuff you're accusing him of you're accusing him of trying to say he's God or that he's higher than Caesar Pilate says I don't see any of that in this guy but when he says listen I'll beat him up I'll chastise him i'll i'll abuse him and release him verse 18 of luke 23 says and the jews they cried out all at once saying away with this man and release unto us Barabbas Barabbas is named by a moose means the son of the Father his first name many scholars believe was Joshua our Yahshua he literally had the same name for same name as Jesus and his last name was son of the father so he was a type he was a substitute in a sense of someone who the Jews could look up to as a messiah but he did not have the pure character that Christ had fact the first 19 Luke describes him further he says who for a certain sedition made in the city and for murder was cast into prison this man was a rebel rouser he was a murderer elsewhere we are told that he was a thief he was a true common criminal I want you to get this in fact what they put in front of Pilate in Barabbas what Pilate put in front of Jews and Barabbas and Christ was literally the polar opposites here and unspotted unblemished lamb in character being and spirit in Jesus Christ is compared to one who has been completely tarnished 1 Jesus is trying to build a kingdom for all eternity and and ruin the kingdom of sin and and eternal a universal revolution while Bharathi is trying to save Israel now and simply overthrow the Romans and he will do it by any means necessary Christ would not win his case by any means necessary he took on the flesh of a child he he was mocked and abused he could have called ten thousand angels yet he would not use any approach to win instead Jesus suffered rather than strike back day adversity and all cry out give us Barabbas verse 20 Pilate therefore willing to release Jesus speak again to them but they cried saying crucify him crucify him and in verse 22 of Luke 23 and he said unto them the third time Why What evil have he done I have found no cause of death in him I will therefore chastise him and let him go now what I want you to get is that Pilate is pleading and agonizing with them leave Jesus alone and don't worry I'll punish him I'll beat him up and then we're gonna let him go he doesn't deserve to die Pilate did not want to do this because his wife troubled in a dream had come to ga2 Pilate and told him not to do anything ill to Jesus but where's 23 says the cries to crucify him rise only higher and they were instant with loud voices requiring that the that he might be crucified and the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed I want you to get that one of the things that spirit of prophecy tells us the book the desire of Ages is that when the crowd is there trying to get Jesus to be crucified it isn't just the voices of men or of the Sanhedrin or of the Pharisees or of a mob it is the voices of demons Satan himself is in the crowd in a human flesh walking among them and the demons in human flesh and that's why I believe it says in verse 23 and they were instant with loud voices now it became a supernatural cry that Pilate could not control and they began to cry crucify him just the weekend before they were crying a Hosanna Hosanna in the highest now they cry crucify him verse 24 and Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required it should be as they required verse 25 and he released unto them him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison whom they had desired but he delivered Jesus to their will Pilate releases Barabbas and I want you to get that the sinner is released so that the innocent can be taken in many ways you and I are Barabbas we are the ones who have created a rebellion against God we have we've committed great sin and we are worthy not only of prison but because the wages of sin is death we are worthy of death as well but Christ is our substitute he is taken when we should have been taken the Bible says something profound in the end of verse 25 it says but he delivered Jesus to their will something will always go wrong in your life when Christ is delivered to your will rather than your will being delivered to Christ when your will is not put into submission to Jesus instead you try and make your Jesus submit to what you want to do that's how sometimes the church gets full of people who are living any way they want but claim to love Jesus he has been submitted to their will verse 6 of Luke 22 verse 26 of Luke 23 says and as they laid him away they lay hold upon one Simon a syringe coming out of the country and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus so Simon of Cyrene of northern Africa what is modern day Libya he they're an African is there and probably an African Jew relocated under the Greeks to that area comes along and and what the spirit of prophecy tells us is that Simon just shows a bit of concern he just shows the slightest bit of of worry for Jesus and and when he does that the Romans grab him now the Bible says he's compelled to take the cross because I don't believe I don't believe the twos two things are juxtaposed I don't think it's either/or I think it's both and I think Simon was sorrow and in horror looked at the condition of Christ but I at the same time I'm not sure he wanted to pick up a bloody cross from a man who was about to be crucified and so they compelled him but he was chosen because when they looked on the face of Simon they can see the Simon was concerned for Jesus my alma mater Oakland University we have this statue here of Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus up and helping with the cross and we as students and alumni of that school we take it upon ourselves to believe that it is our job it is our role to assist in the work of Christ and to lift up the cross by any means necessary Luke 23 and verse 27 says and then followed him a great company of people and of women which also be wailed and lamented him now we get to the part of the story we're gonna kind of really expand upon the Bible says that there was a company of people but then it really points out that there were women who followed and the women were crying and they were worried about what was happening to Jesus in verse 28 it says with Jesus turning unto them said daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children Jesus says don't cry for me that's not a certain title of this sermon is don't cry for Jesus Jesus says listen don't cry for me there's some other reasons you ought to be crying but I'm not one of them Jesus turns to them he says daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me we are told I was seeing us Razi these women who are concerned with Jesus they weren't crying for him as one sent by God they were crying because I just thought of what was being done to him was so terrible he may have even healed some of their children he they may have even seen him work some of his miracles except a weep for yourselves and for your children as this coronavirus pandemic has continued to explode and and and we are you know seeing all of the deaths and all of the panic and fear I want to submit to you I don't believe that this thing is a punishment I've said this in a series I mean I think it's a warning I think the Spirit of God has been withdrawn from the earth and so more and more of these things are going to happen because the Lucifer Satan himself will have more power to do these things I want you to get I want you to understand that as these things begin to happen Jesus is turning to you he's turning to me and he's saying listen don't weep for me weep for yourselves and for your children because Jesus pivots here and he begins to be move them back to some of the things he said in Matthew 24 but let's look at what the book the desire of Ages says about this he she Ellen White says and desire of Ages page 742 she says not a few women are in the crowd that followed the uncondensed upon Jesus some of them have seen him before some have carried to him they're sick and suffering ones some have themselves been healed the stories of the scenes that have taken place is related they wonder at the hatred of the crowd toward him for whom their own hearts are melting and ready to break and with notwithstanding the action of the maddened throng and the angry words of the priests and rulers these women give expression to their sympathy as Jesus falls fainting beneath the cross they break forth into mourning mournful wailing as they see him they begin to cry as the scripture says this was the only thing that attracted Christ's attention in all of the suffering Jesus is going to remember by now he's been beaten he's bleeding this they stay he's wearing a crown of thorns he's he's been punished he's he's weakened he's been humiliated and yet in all of that when he hears the women crying he stops I want you to get this he's not concerned for his own condition he's concerned for their tears although full of suffering while bearing the sins of the world he was not indifferent to the expression of grief he looked upon these women with tender compassion they were not believers in him he knew that they were not lamenting him as one sent from God but were moved by feelings of human pity he did not despise their sympathy but it awakened in his heart a deeper sympathy for them descriptive spirit of prophecy tells us he was not indifferent to their expressions of grief somebody right now is suffering this coronavirus has created a ripple effect so that now people are losing their jobs people don't know how to go pay the rent they don't not even buy food this thing has gone on so long that it has erased all of the gains of employment the United States has seen since the housing crisis of 2007-2008 we announced at 10 percent unemployment unheard of in the United States there's a panic beginning to brew because we don't know where and how we're going to get help the government is setting our checks but at twelve-hundred on the check is only gonna buy food for a few weeks at you know I can live on it long term and there's no definitive plan in place as to how we get out of this and somebody's at home tonight because besides the coronavirus you know people are still losing their children to murder and suicide marriages are still falling apart there are some alone tonight grieving not because they've done anything wrong but because the of them of what is going on inside the corona virus pandemic and outside of it has there been grief I want you to know that if Jesus stopped as he was carrying the cross bloodied and beaten hungry has he had not eaten since the Last Supper as he was emaciated and weakened if he had the time then to stop and see the pain and the grief of these women I want to tell you tonight he'll stop tonight to pay attention to your grief he will pay attention to your tears tonight you are not alone of Jesus and at his lowest point when he was suffering the most had time to stop to pay attention to the tears of these women I want to challenge you tonight he will stop what he's doing to pay attention to your situation in fact the spirit of prophecy says that he didn't despise their sympathy but it awakened in his heart a deeper sympathy for them and then he gives the warning daughters of Jerusalem he said weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children from the scene before him Christ looked forward to the time of Jerusalem's destruction and that terrible scene many of those who were now weeping for him were to perish with their children as Jesus is there that his prophetic abilities kick in and he looks at these women and he can see that as terrible as his situation is they are going to suffer something terrible in 40 years geillis would eventually the Roman general would eventually surround the city he would pull back Titus would be sent and he would pull back and if you didn't understand the warnings that Christ gave in Matthew 24 as the Christians did you wouldn't know when it was time to run out of the city and you would stay but what happened was some of these women who are weeping who despite all Christ had done for them and healing them and Helix some of their children and the miracles they saw if in in all of that and seeing a suffering if they weren't convert to follow him as Christ the Messiah he knew that the suffering they were going to have was going to be terrible so Christ had sympathy for them more than they could have sympathy for him Luke 23 and verse 29 he expounds Jesus says for behold the days are coming into which they shall say blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bare and the paps which never gave suck he said listen it's gonna be so bad when the Romans destroyed his City Jesus says the women are the people who had no children to be tortured and kissed slaughtered in the city are gonna be the ones who are happiest because they will be able to die without seeing the pain of watching their children die but in Jesus there's something else in Luke 23 and verse 30 he switches from the scenes of the destruction of Jerusalem to the scenes of the destruction that will come at the end of the world and he says here in verse 30 then shall they begin to say to the mountains fall on us and to the hills cover us he gives the warning at the time is coming when people are not gonna be able to stand let me show you we've been talking about Matthew 24 let's jump back there for a second it says here and woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days and pray that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day in Matthew 24 just like in Luke 23 he begins to prophesy between the end of Jerusalem toggling back and forth to the end of the world because the the destruction of Jerusalem stands as a type for what would happen at the end of the world the Christians would be able to get away out of Jerusalem just as the believer will escape the final destruction of this world and when legions finally approached in this in 70 AD 40 years after this time when Jesus is talking to these women it would be a massacre they would get inside the city's triple walls and this slide you can see what it looks like this is one artist's rendition of the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem you can see as they as they Romans walk off with a prized possessions is murder and slaughter everywhere the Romans were so upset they came back with with vengeance because the Jews kept having a revolution after revolution they chose revolution when they chose chosen Barabbas and revolution is all they got and they won many a battles thinking that God was on their side but all it really did was infuriate the Roman powers and remember Rome in the Book of Daniel ISM is represented a Daniel chapter 2 as the legs of iron legs are your strongest muscles iron the strongest metal Rome would crush and they did they came back and crushed Jerusalem until this day no room temple has ever been rebuilt Matthew 24 and verse 21 also pivots to the end of the world for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened Jesus is warning us in the last generation he's warning us that a Great Tribulation is about to come upon the earth and if you're not prepared for what's about to come on the earth you're going to be in trouble that's what Christ is telling us he says and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elects sake those days should be shortened the time will be shortened in order for the elect to not suffer through the end times the question then is are such times coming we've been going over this as this pandemic is ruled on one of the things that has been very evident is that by having everybody stay home and not going out they have watched as pollution goes out I saw once that one armed article where in India for the first time in like three decades they can see the Himalayan mountains because the air pollution has gone down because of everybody staying at home the earth some say is healing itself with this virus and allowing us to have to hide so that the earth can heal and so there's a crime the challenge of Pope Francis a Sabbath for the earth and or and we should stop what we're doing once a week on Sundays and allow the earth to heal every week that we should take this and perpetually do it a new Sabbath this other article says celebration of Sunday Eucharist is a sign of the new and everlasting covenant for Christians and again may make the case you got to go down to read some of these articles the case that in fact we need a rest on Sunday it is an imperative and because of the ecumenical movement the Lutheran's and the Calvinists and everyone has folded back up under the are under Rome even when you look at some of the leadership in Islam and and Buddha Buddhism all of a sudden now you're looking as as everyone is beginning to gel with Rome the barriers are being broken down the Vatican has announced that in fact the Protestant Reformation is over because they've grasped back hands with the Lutheran's just as it's predicted in the great controversy so what's happening they will begin now to make an argument that neither the the people on the left of the political spectrum nor the right will be able to counter because there are two arguments one on the left to save the environment one on the right to save the family and to honor and and return God to society and when you look at it both sides will agree that Sunday sacredness is a good idea and in a new Boston Post you could look this up this is an article that um that was recently published and it says at least one societal change resulting from the quarantine could do wonders to reinvigorate our national sense of family faith and community let's give serious thought to reinstating and the some of the time-honored Sunday closure laws sort of a one day per week modified stay at home request such action would rededicate our society to a regular day of rest family meals civic associations and religious observance this is from Boston Massachusetts about two hours from where I live and they are putting out articles now saying a it's time this shows us it's time and just as Jesus says in Matthew 24 and in Luke 20 three the time is going to come a great time of trouble this is the warning to us at the end of the world that a great time of trouble is coming will you be able to stand you know Christ in such a way that when this trouble comes you're not weeping for Christ like the women did you're believing in Christ Christ and that was not asking for sympathy as he went to the cross he was asking for faith because he told them he had to walk this road he told him he'd have to go down this path he told them that he'd be killed at the hands of the Jews and the Romans but he also told them that on the third day he rise again revelation 6:14 says it like this and I haven't departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and Island were moved out of their places and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains just like Luke 23 says here it is in revelation 6 and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb he when Jesus turned into women and he said listen one day you're gonna cry out to the rocks to fall on us he was us he was the rent lamb that was being slaughtered but when he went it went but when the prophecy is fulfilled in the future when people are running to the rocks and crying fall on us he won't be the Lamb that he's being slaughtered he will be the lamb and that is that is now King and Conqueror and it will be his wrath that they're running from we're seventeen says for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand we say something you're not standing with Jesus now you won't be able to stand against him when he comes again the time to stand with Jesus is now Luke 23 and verse 31 one of most interesting passages and this story of the women who are crying is found in Luke 23 and verse 31 it says for if they do these things in a green tree what shall be done in the dry Jesus says to the women listen if they'll do this stuff and agreed you what will they do in the dry in other words if this is how the perfect Lamb of God the Son of the Living God if this is how he is treated publicly humiliated and all of these things happen in a kangaroo court what will happen to those who when repentance forgiveness grace and mercy was offered to them they rejected it if they did this to the innocent what will happen to the guilty otherwise says it like this desire of Ages page 743 from the fall of Jerusalem the thoughts of Jesus passed to a wider judgment and the destruction of the in penitent City he saw a symbol of the final destruction to come upon the world he said then shall they begin to say to the mountains fall on us and to the hills cover us for if they do these things in a green tree what shall be done in the dry by the green tree Jesus represented himself the innocent Redeemer God suffered his wrath against transgression to fall on his beloved son Jesus was to be crucified for the sins of men what suffering then were the sinner bare who continued to sin all the impatient and unbelieving would know a sorrow and misery that language would fail to express of the multitude that followed the same Inn at Calvary many had attended him with joyful hosannas and the waving of palm branches as he rode triumphantly into Jerusalem but not a few who had then shouted his praise because it was popular to do so now swell the cry of crucify him crucify him for many of us the circles we live in right now it is popular to say you're a Christian and Adventist to say you believe in the Bible the day will come when these things will no longer be popular to stand for what you believe in especially in the seventh-day Sabbath will not be popular and I'm telling you that one day this will happen and and and the various people that some of us have gone to church with with all our lives we thought were true blue they will turn on us just as these people turned on Christ so Jesus says a man's enemies will be they of his own household none of white says when Christ rode into Jerusalem the hopes of his disciples had been raised to the highest pitch the impressed close about their master feeling that it was a high honor to be connected with him now in his humiliation they followed him at a distance they were filled with grief and bowed down with disappointed hopes how were the words of Jesus verified all ye shall be offended because of me this night all right it is written I will smite the Shepherd and the Sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad like Texas found in Matthew 26 and verse 31 let me tell you something church in many ways what happened to the disciples that night will happen to the church a ten times the Shepherd of today the Word of God will be attacked as it already has been attacked if you go to a American College or a college in Europe South Africa Australia much of the world and you say you believe in God you believe that he created the world professors and students will ridicule you we live in a time where if you believe in the Word of God and you believe what God says about morality and moral issues you'll be ridiculed you say you believe in the stories of Scripture and you understand them to be history you'll be ridiculed and as this ridicule raises and raises many will begin to give up their beliefs in the Bible as a thus saith the Lord there will no longer believe in Sola scriptura they will say we must add in science into the Bible so that we can find a way for evolution to fit into the ages of the Word of God and people will begin to deconstruct God's Word to begin to beat at the word to beat at what is to be our Shepherd I'm moral compass in the Word of God that is going to begin to happen church when that happens there are many people who we go to church with now and I hope it's not you but uh many in our fold are gonna pack up the knee there's going to be a great shaking but the spirit of prophecy says has already begun and many who we believe are true blue are going to be shaken out this last warning that Jesus gave to these women before his crucifixion is a warning to us today that in fact if they would do this in a green tree what do they do in the dry if they were if they're willing now to begin to come against the things of God as God's Spirit is removed from the earth how will they then come against the Christian and if you are not ready for what is coming this pandemic hasn't taught you that you need to be ready for what is coming upon the world I don't know what God needs to do to make you see he's right about his word if there were gonna be seven last plagues that means there has to be some plagues before we are watching one of the early ones look how quickly with all of its technology man was baffled we don't even have enough masks and gowns we can't get enough tests all the technology to go to the moon and people are wearing nurses are wearing garbage bags to try and protect themselves from this virus man has been humbled our society is fragile it's fractured you now see all that man has built can be brought down in a second will you still put your trust in man I challenge you tonight put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ make him your own as he goes to the cross you go to the cross with him and leave your your problems leave your past leave your shame leave your guilt leave your sin at the foot of the cross and you walk with Jesus after that Jesus says it like this deny yourself take up your cross and follow me charts of you if you're only having a superficial relationship with Jesus now the church is more of a social outing if you go into church so that you can hear the music bump and you can feel have a feel good and socialize with your friends let me tell you there is a time coming when it's not gonna be enough that you are weeping for Jesus you are going to need to be walking with Jesus you're gonna be happy to not be the women on the side feeling bad for Jesus you're gonna have to be like Simon asuri nyan who is willing to pick up the cross and walk with Jesus the Bible lets us know there are hints in the Bible that Simon's sons become Christians Rufus and I believe it's this other son's name was Alexander they become Christians and even in Romans it also he seems to point that idea that his wife becomes a Christian that in fact Simon becomes a follower of Christ he is not there by default when Jerusalem was destroyed yet the women who are crying for Jesus like some of us cry every week there are praise and worship service crying for Jesus are not ready when he comes this is the last great warning stop playing with God take him seriously this virus was sent as a warning a man cannot be trusted will you trust the Living God you call on him and accept him as your Lord and Savior let us pray father God we thank you Lord for this opportunity to study your word we thank you Father for you are better to us than we are to ourselves father God you turn Jesus as he was walking to Calvary turn and sympathize at the women crying Lord tonight there are people crying we need to know that you still sympathize with them but you also still give the warning the warning is that this world is not our home and if there is a return of that same lamb that went to slaughter that day you'll come back as a king as a conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah we'll come to receive a zone but I prayed at all who hear this would be ready when Jesus returns as our prayer in Jesus is precious and Holy Name Amen hi my name is Darrell I hope you enjoyed the program today we'd like to offer you a free gift it's a book called path to peace do you have stress in your life do you have guilt in your life do you know someone that does well then why not order this free book path to peace and enjoy it I'm sure you'll be blessed by it thank you
Channel: Three Angels SDA Church
Views: 1,205
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9zW_1y5O5-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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