3AC Dr. Eric Walsh - Poisoning The Remnant

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[Music] happy sabbath to all the members of the churches that are involved in the power to live in abundant health uh series that will be going on in next several sabbaths and i am honored and privileged to uh take the front of the line and and and start this off this sabbath um with you all um and i am really humbled at the opportunity to share and to be a part of this great event um and i thank you for the invite and i am looking forward to the time we'll spend together now for divine service and this afternoon at 3 p.m when we'll be able to do some question and answer and get a little bit deeper into some of the things we'll talk about now let's get right into god's word um we're going to go to the book of proverbs chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verses 1 through 3 which says when thou sittest to eat with a ruler consider diligently what is before you and put a knife to your throat if you be a man given to appetite be not desirous of his dainties for they are deceitful meat be not desirous of his dainties for they are deceitful meat our message this sabbath is entitled poisoning the remnant poisoning the remnant let's pray father god we thank you for this opportunity to study a word to go through these uh lessons around health that we'll talk about today right now lord i ask that you make me just a nail on the wall a rusty sorry nail lord but upon that nail lord i ask that you hang a portrait of jesus christ let me not be seen or heard lord instead we want to hear a word from the throne room of grace this is our prayer in jesus name amen we're going to go to the book of daniel and we'll go through the story quickly you all know the story and i won't get into it from a deep uh biblical analysis but just to set the stage for some of the other things that we are going to talk about in daniel chapter one um nebuchadnezzar has now um completed his first raid of jerusalem and taken with him some of the young nobles and princes including daniel and the three hebrew boys this was in the third year of jehoiakim king of judah that nebuchadnezzar king of babylon came into jerusalem and besieged it the lord gave jehoiakim king of judah into his hand with part of the vessels of the house of god when he carried it into the land of shinar to the house of his god and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god the king spake unto ash fanaz the master of his eunuchs that he should bring certain of the children of israel and of the king's seed and of the prince's children in whom was no blemish but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and cunning in knowledge and understanding science and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the chaldeans i won't get too deep into this but nebuchadnezzar's approach to world domination was that he would take of the next generation of leaders train them to be chaldeans the chaldeans babylonians and once he did that he could send them back to rule their own country uh as they served him this was his goal at least in part or his plan here he wanted to learn to speak the language of the babylonians and as we'll see to eat the food and learn the customs of the babylonians verse 5 and the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat and of the wine which he drinks this is the actual food from off the quote unquote king's table so nourishing them for three years and at the end thereof they might stand before the king now i would imagine that as this was going on daniel and the three hebrew boys were quite stressed out we'll talk more about stress and i won't get too deep into it here but what stress does is stress causes our body to go into a serious reaction the key mediator of this is a hormone called cortisol and of course along with this comes adrenaline and the fight-or-flight response that we've all learned about but what happens inside the body is that this cortisol as it acts on fat tissue causes the fat cells to begin to break down and release free fatty acids this causes you to become resistant to insulin and if that term sounds familiar it's because insulin risk resistance is the hallmark of diabetes but it doesn't just do that it goes into the muscle cells it causes the protein in the muscles to get broken down decreases um insulin signaling so there's less receptors to to get the insulin to bring energy into the muscles and so you get even further insulin resistance but here's the kicker in the liver it does two things this diagram only shows one it causes the liver to make sugar for energy while at the same time um as it does this it can actually cause more free fatty acids to be released so stress is literally the platform upon which disease is like diabetes and one that you've also probably heard about metabolic syndrome rests this is why it is not enough to have a good diet you must also have that eighth um law of health you must have trust in god because if you don't trust god and you're always uh anxious and stressed you'll still get sick in fact what we say here is that stressed spelled backwards is desserts not only will you get sick but all of a sudden the foods that seem to make you feel better foods we now call comfort foods will be you'll have less ability to to avoid them because they will actually feel better in the reward pathways of your brain if you are stressed out because it'll feel like you're getting the cheap calorie energy that you're in desperate need of at the time this is why solomon warned and i am sure daniel and the three hebrew boys were aware this is why solomon warned in proverbs 23 1-3 that when you sit with a ruler like nebuchadnezzar consider diligently what is before you and put a knife to your throat if you're a man given to appetite do not be desirous of his dainties for they are deceitful meat they'll make you feel better think you're better when actually you're worse off and the question is does the king of babylon do this today if we are living in the last days we talk about spiritual babylon well here's a here's a billboard from mcdonald's it says crafted for your craving there's a desire to control your appetite for profit but in order to do this as we're talking about the food that the babylonian king of our day had to prepare has to be designed for you to get addicted it has to be crafted for your craving well what else does the king of babylon do ellie since the 1950s till now he's massively increased the portion size serving size a hamburger in 1950 was only 3.9 ounces it's 12 ounces now a soda was 7 ounces so does 42 ounces now and sometimes even bigger and you see french fries went from 2.4 to 6.7 ounces so one thing is there's a lot more food being served and consumed but the delicacies are based on the triad this evil triad of salt sugar and fat and i won't have time to get deep into all of these this morning but i want you to get that it is the way that these foods are designed and put together that causes the addictive nature of the standard american diet one that is being exported around the world i see it in jamaica i've seen it in africa i've seen it in asia these foods are being shipped all over the globe and the sad the standard american diet the sad is now causing the diseases of america and the west to be found in other parts of the world why because the new york times says there is ex they comment here in this article the extraordinary science of addictive junk food isn't that powerful the extraordinary science of addictive junk food how do they do this well they study what is called the bliss point they find out exactly where the right amount of salt is what this graph is or sugar or whatever it is so that you get the most pleasure at that point and that's how they design the food and there's it gets fancy they can look at how the brain functions they can do some pretty impressive things but what they begin to do is even make food that has what they call vanishing caloric density like cheetos and hot cheetos and takis and stuff like that you know the food that crunches when you stuff like cheetos you bite it and it crunches or cheese doodles you bite it and it crunches and then it melts in your mouth it becomes like a paste so when it hits your stomach your brain is saying i heard a crunch like a cucumber or an apple but where's all the nutrients where's all the fiber where's all uh we got to eat more we got to eat more vanishing caloric density the food is designed to be weapons of mass destruction here the the the um the tobacco industry got in trouble because the tobacco industry said um you know our product is not addictive it doesn't cause disease and they busted them when they found all the secret uh papers that show that it did but the food industry much of which has been bought out over time or merged or or mingled in with the food industry with the tobacco industry the food industry never hid the truth they said bet you can't eat just one they said once you pop you can't stop the food companies explored our biological preferences of the reward pathway in the brain under the guidance of a neurotransmitter called dopamine which is the pleasure hormone in our brain which is why cocaine makes people high it is released with food and can be manipulated to make some foods give you more pleasure than others new york times again um and this one um over consumption of fast food triggers addiction like neural addictive responses in the brain making it harder to trigger the release of dopamine so they push so that you have to eat more and more and more and more to get the pleasure out of the food um and it is it is very powerful but how do they do this well how do they get you there well if you look at this the food industry spends about two billion dollars a year marketing to children the fast food industry spends more than five million dollars every day marketing unhealthy food to children and nearly all 98 of food advertisement viewed by children are for products that are high in fat uh sugar or sodium most of it not 79 is low in fiber one study found that when children were exposed to television content with food advertising they consumed 45 percent more food than children exposed to content with non-food advertising this is the power of the television i can't get into that now it moves you from one brain wave brainwave which gives you more attentiveness and focus to lower brainwaves um where you're more likely to just receive the information when as you're in like a kind of a napping daydreaming kind of state when you watch television and so the kids would eat more if they were given more commercials like this but here's where it gets interesting each day african-american children see twice as many calories advertised in fast food commercials as white children you say oh how is that possible well there's two ways one studies have said for a long time african-american children watch more television so you're going to get more exposure but also the programs that african-american children watch are also targeted with more fast food junk food commercials joel furman uh based out of new jersey a physician joe furman md dr fuhrman is um a plant-based physician who's been around a long time giving talks lectures and he has a lines of products and stuff but he says this in his book eat to live it's one of the best statements i've ever read on the way that the king of babylon has taken captive the world when it comes to food from the from these food industries it says the modern food and drug industry has converted a significant portion of the world's people to a new religion a massive cult of pleasure seekers who consume coffee cigarettes soft drinks candy chocolate alcohol processed foods fast foods and concentrated dairy fat cheese in a self-indulgent orgy of destructive behavior when the inevitable results of such bad habits appear pain suffering sickness and disease the addicted cult members drag themselves to physicians and demand drugs to alleviate their pain mask their symptoms and cure their diseases these revelers become so drunk on their addictive behavior and the accompanying addictive thinking that they can no longer tell the difference between health and healthcare in america we've been crying for healthcare reform but nobody's really asked how do we get america healthy so from when they were children um you know ronald reagan was the one who made ketchup a vegetable and you can see from the school lunch programs historically the food has been very devoid of nutrients um very high in fat and salt and sugar you think of pizza pizza is in many things i've read pizza is the most addictive food you can eat and if what is in it well the dough is basically white flour which turns into sugar there's tons of cheese right and cheese is full of fat and salt and then of course you throw the meat on top um and the sauce is also sometimes has a ton of sugar in it and it's so it's it's a it's a medley of all these things and this is what children are fed so children are trained just like they were trying to change train daniel and the three hebrew boys to be babylonians we from a child we're trained to eat mac and cheese and and pizzas and things like this that have very little nutrient value but are very almost habit-forming in that you can crave the foods an example of this is government cheese this is president ronald reagan holding it up after they figured out a way to take the waste products from milk production the fat that was left over that they couldn't use probably from processes like skimming of the milk and make it into blocks of cheese that they then turned around and took taxpayer dollars paid the farmers for this what would have been thrown away like waste food um and turn it into blocks that then the taxpayer funded to give these blocks of cheese to poor people in white rural america and black and brown inner cities on indian reservations all over the world even when i was in guam people in guam said they used to get it as well cheese is one of the most uh um unhealthy foods we can actually eat cheese is so addictive one doctor calls it dairy crack and this is from neil bernard's book the cheese trap this is a i should say it's an article on the book the cheese trap um which i recommend it really points out that cheese even has in it a substance case of morphons that are related to like heroin and and morphine it's very low but there's there's some opiate effect that actually can stimulate the brain and it's one of the reasons why people tell you it's easier to give up meat than to give up cheese that a lot of people say but it's cheese can be very difficult for a lot of people to give up because it has a lot of properties everything from the salt and the fat to these casomorphons that actually work to keep you trapped and of course if you're eating a block of cholesterol salt and saturated fat it's definitely not gonna be good for your heart when i was growing up a lot of adventists wouldn't eat meat but they ate cheese on everything and i remember one pastor that i loved very dearly when we would go to burger king and i wasn't vegetarian at the time and i'd get a whopper or whatever he would order they didn't have veggie whoppers back then he'd order a whopper with extra cheese with no meat with no beef patty and later on he actually got pretty sick and actually ultimately it was a heart attack that he died of so cheese all by itself is a bad food it may be one of the most unhealthy things you can eat if this was put on the table before daniel daniel would have said nope i'm not eating that stuff and we in these last days we need clarity of mind have to think like that so there are facts that we should avoid i won't say that but this is what the bible says about fat leviticus 27 23-25 it says speak to the people of israel saying you shall eat no fat of ox or sheep or goat verse 25 for every person who eats of the fat of an animal of which a food offering may be made to the lord shall be cut off from his people so you're not supposed to eat the fat of the animal because the fat as we uh as you start to look at it is the fats the saturated fat when it gets down deep in our gut that actually damages the gut microbiome and allows toxins to cross the gut barrier and go enter the bloodstream and then those toxins can cross the blood-brain barrier and actually uh cause inflammation in the brain as we're gonna talk about in a second and actually cause things like brain fog and may even contribute to the development of dementia directly through the toxins but also because they clog arteries a lot of people wind up with what we call multi-infarct dementia little tiny strokes in the brain over years that ultimately coalesce to cause dementia and loss of cognitive function our brains our minds must be protected some people say well i'll eat fish some fish has more cholesterol than pork some fishes do some types of fish um but there's a lot of mercury in the fish if you get it from the ocean um you can get your omega-3 fatty acids people say i need omega-3s you can get them from elsewhere but they're often very polluted not just uh mercury but pcbs for example as the as the poisons bio accumulate when you eat seafood right so the little tiny fish eats a little tiny piece of mercury the bigger fish is eat all of those little fish but so that bigger fish gets a lot of the mercury and then the fish that eats that fish gets even more up the chain it goes until we eat the fish and what we now know um is that they've actually classified um as group one carcinogens processed meats like salami um which includes bacon sausages hot dogs i was just reading something i said if you if you every time you eat a hot dog you take like 36 minutes off your life wow and so they've classified these things as class 1 carcinogens and this speaks that speaks to their ability to to cause cancer but it doesn't speak to their ability to cause heart disease and strokes and other problems like that of course in the next group the group 2a and let me say this group one uh uh carcinogens um are the same as like the the cancer-causing effect of cigarettes but group 2a says it says they they probably cause cancer and in that group is pork beef and lamb talking about the table of babylon many of us grew up eating lots and lots of eggs and what we found is we're finding through the studies that it eggs increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by 19 colon cancer by nearly five times and you're hearing more and more young people are having serious problems with colon cancer one of the most famous was chadwick chadwick boseman um and i don't know how he ate so i'm not speaking to his situation but i know when i used to go to the gym there were a lot of young men who used to just down raw eggs to try and get protein to get super strong um or to you know eat boiled eggs and stuff like that but it actually increased the risk of cancer diabetes we talked about we'll talk a little bit about how fat cause it helps cause diabetes and lethal prostate cancer by 81 and black men in specific are most likely to have really serious prostate uh cancer problems uh jamaican men also are very high up and probably for you know related to the african-american um risks um why this happens but one of the things that we know is that um prostate cancer is increased and not just prostate cancer but deadly prostate cancer is increased with the consumption of eggs and so we also know that when you eat fat one of the things that it does is it actually increases the appetite so when you eat kentucky fried chicken and it's all greasy and slimy and fatty it actually increases the appetite so rather than turning down your appetite it increases it um and it does something else we want people often want to ask about um diabetes and how people get diabetes we think it's from eating sugar sugar is a strong contributor but not for the reason we think fat is what does it when fat jams up this lock and keep this is where the insulin receptor is insulin plugs in on this is the cell here insulin plugs in and this receptor is if it's jammed up with fat insulin can't do its job its job is to go in here turn this lock and this gate this glucose channel opens and the sugar goes into the cell if this is a muscle cell the muscle will then burn the sugar as energy or store it as glycogen and you are in good shape but if this is clogged up because of fat then the sugar stays out here and you have high blood sugar high glucose blood glucose level that's how diabetes happens but it's not just eating fat i'll just throw this in there sugar does it too because when you eat sugar it goes the table sugar sucrose which is named a million different things and hidden in food names like fructose and high fructose corn syrup and other things like that um when it gets when it gets in even honey and some of the things people think are healthy when it gets in there it gets into your liver your liver actually in the way it it biochemically processes the sugar it actually releases fatty acids itself and causes insulin resistance so sugar so here's the kicker the american diet combines sugar with fat right that's what a donut basically is sugar and fat and i could go on and on all the foods that are like that french fries are basically sugar and fat you take a white potato and deep fry it so this is why diabetes is such a scourge because a lot of people don't know you got to cut the processed sugars out you got to cut out the fats even the oils which maybe we'll talk about that this afternoon so what happens well insulin resistance once you get insulin resistance is it resistance it messes with your appetite and it causes something called leptin resistance once you're leptin if fat cells make leptin to tell your body that you're full that your fat cells have enough once that is broken you don't your appetite no longer works and you'll just keep eating and a problem that happens when you especially when you keep eating all these fats is that fatty acid mediated hypothalamic inflammation is real and this is one article that i read on it and what it basically is telling us is these saturated fats as i said earlier cause this these toxins that empty the brain and inflame the brain and the brain then no longer works right and so inflamed inflammation linked with alzheimer's and reduced cognition and something we now call brain fog it also um long for alzheimer's sufferers brain inflammation ignites a neuron killing forest fire and what we now know is that it is inflammation that is our enemy and even in this covet pandemic it's inflammation through a cytokine storm that the virus causes but if you're already in a state where you're already inflamed because you're eating processed foods junk foods fast foods meat dairy sugars oils and your body's already inflamed and you get covered now you go into a hyperinflammatory state that's one reason why in america covet is doing the number that it's doing is because we all live stressed which causes inflammation and we all most of us many of us at least eat a high inflammatory causing diet but it's not just that the other thing that does it is marijuana so wild marijuana is legal in new york massachusetts connecticut and everyone is saying how harmless it is this study i think this was done at one of the hospitals in greece long-term uses of marijuana gradually become worse at learning and remembering things a new study suggests and if you've been around people who smoke marijuana for a long time this probably is not a very big surprise but there are also some other foods that can cause brain fog i just want to bring this in there too because we're talking about the poisoning of the remnant if being a christian in the last days is about having critical thinking skills and being able to think clearly we are warned to be sober and to be vigilant that's the warning that comes to us we know that it is the frontal lobe but we'll talk about that this afternoon more it is the frontal lobe of the brain where salvation and the thinking and the choices choose christ this is the like the most holy if your body is a temple your frontal lobe is the most holy place so the devil wants to get at your frontal lobe and so all that we're talking about as hell as important to be healthy and have longevity what is most important is spiritual clarity and here this is what daniel and the three hebrew boys gained this it's not to me it's not a um a coincidence that daniel decides to eat right and he is the one given all of these amazing uh prophecies in the book of daniel and has an ability to um understand prophecies and dreams but msg in salad dressings and pre-cooked meals the the the um the free glutamic acid which is the g and msg becomes glutamate glutamate is a neurotransmitter um and when you get too much glutamate um uh you it depletes glutathione and other antioxidants and so it changes the way the blood brain works and if the brain does not have the ability to scavenge and get rid of uh free radicals which is what happens then there is constant damage in the brain so you eat msg that's something used to preserve food and that can happen artificial sweeteners like aspartame that break down into products like aspartic acid phenylalanine and methanol these all excite the brain cells and then kill them methanol itself becomes formaldehydes which is a toxin and poison that we use to actually preserve dead bodies so what we eat does matter um on a lot of different levels daniel 1 and verse 6 now among these were the children of judah daniel hanon michelle and azariah unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names and it tells you all their new names the bible says in verse 8 but daniel proposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with a portion of the king's meat nor the wine which he drank therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself he said listen you're not going to poison me we are not to be defiled if our body is the temple then literally our digestive system is like that brazen laver at the beginning of the sanctuary the largest piece of furniture and no unclean thing could be put on it so nothing that would destroy us should come in us why because food that fogs the brain has spiritual consequences and has spiritual consequences isaiah 1 and verse 18 says come let us reason together says the lord though your sins be a scarlet they shall be white as snow though they be like crimson they shall be as wool if you can't reason if you can't think straight if you're intoxicated you can miss out on salvation obviously i didn't talk about alcohol but clearly alcohol alcohol one increases appetite i have a slide on that skip but it also inflames the brain and causes cognitive decline and once you start to step back and look at what the impact is on a lifestyle where you're in front of screens on your phone on your ipad on your computer on your tv all the time messing with your brain and then um not exercising like we used to not being out in the air like we used to and then you look at what we're eating it's food-like substances it's not even real food anymore it doesn't come from the ground it comes from a factory and all of the impact that this has on how we function it is no no um surprise that so many are going to be deceived in the last days satan is programming their minds to turn off he wants to poison the remnant now god had brought daniel into favor and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs the prince of the eunuch said to daniel i fear my lord the king who's appointed your meat and drink why should i see your faces worse like than all the other children of your sort in other words all the rest of the guys who came from israel or from all the other captured lands then shall you make me endanger my head to the king if i mess up and you guys look terrible he's going to kill me daniel said to melzar and i'll skip to the next verse here prove your servants i beseech thee 10 days let them give us pulse to eat and water to drink then let our countenances be looked upon before thee and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat and as thou seest deal with thy servants so he consented to them in this matter and proved them 10 days a day basically daniel sets up a scientific study let us be given this food and you give everybody else the rest and at the end evaluate who looks different and at the end of the 10 days their countenances appeared fair and fatter healthier in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat then melzar took away the portion of their meat and the wine which they should drink and it gave them pulse and the word for pulse actually can translate to the word like to lentils and look at what lentils are good for they help control diabetes manage weight sprouted lentils aid the muscle and generation of a muscle generation in the body right that's injured not not raw eggs but sprouted lentils will be better to eat helps optimal brain functioning there's a lot more i could say here full of vitamins minerals helps to fight cancer but it definitely helps you think better clears the mind blueberries enhance brain flow here's a great one so if you want your mind to work better if your children are in school blueberries actually help improve memory in older adults so if you eat blueberries which are rich in antioxidants they can actually help to correct things that are wrong in the brain and blueberries may boost brain function for kids look at this study and what they found is that when you give the kids blueberries and i've talked about this before in my other talk zero cups one cups two cups the kids who got two cups of blueberries equivalent before going to school perform better diet impacts us that directly the studies are beginning to show it and if diet can affect how you think and how you learn can clearly and definitely affect salvation for you because you've got to be able to choose it may not be salvific in and of itself but not having a clear mind or if you intentionally are destroying yourself with a poor diet then you have a problem here's what ellen white says she says through the fidelity to the through the fidelity to the principles of temperance shown by the hebrew youth god is speaking to the youth of today is need of men who like daniel will do and dare for the cause of right pure hearts strong hands fearless courage are needed for the warfare between vice and virtue calls for ceaseless vigilance to every soul satan comes with temptation in many alluring forms on the point of indulgence of appetite the body is a most important medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the upbuilding of character hence it is the adversary of souls hence it is that the adversary of souls directs his temptations to the enfeebling and degrading of the physical powers his success here often means the surrender of the whole being to evil the tendencies of the physical nature unless under the dominion of a higher power will surely work ruin and death in the last days again our goal is to develop and have the character of christ to gain victory over sin as he works in the sanctuary to cleanse it in heaven each of our hearts should be cleansed the body is to be brought into subjection to the higher powers of being the passions to be controlled by the will which is itself to be under the control of god the kingly power of reason sanctified by divine grace is to bear sway in the life intellectual power physical stamina and the length of life depend upon immutable laws through obedience to these laws man may stand conqueror of himself conqueror of his own inclinations conqueror of principalities and powers of the rulers of darkness of this world and of spiritual wickedness in high places ephesians 6 12 if you want to win the victory in spiritual warfare it is it's it's it's critical that we pray but it is also critical that we eat the kind of food have the kind of diet uh bring our appetites under control so that we can fight the spiritual warfare with the clearest of minds daniel 1 17 and as for these four children god gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom and daniel and it had understanding in all visions and dreams now at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in then the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before nebuchadnezzar the king communed with them and among them all was found none like daniel hananiah mishael and azariah therefore stood there before the king and in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them he found them 10 times better than all the magicians and the astrologers that were in his all his realm daniel continued even unto the first year of king cyrus and this tells you that a few things happen one the way that they took a stand on lifestyle and living in diet exercise water consumption all these things as they as they agreed with god on these things they were smarter they were 10 times better than everyone else and verse 21 is to tell you that daniel was granted as well a very long life he lived through nebuchadnezzar's reign through his son's reign through his grandson's reign all the way into three kings into the next empire ellen white says this in no other way satan come with his temptations to fall in humankind as successfully as through appetite it is necessary to maintain a living connection with heaven seeking as often as did daniel three times a day for divine grace to resist appetite and passion wrestling with appetite and passion unaided by divine power will be unsuccessful but make christ your stronghold and the language of your soul will be in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us romans 8 37 said the apostle paul i keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a castaway first corinthians 9 and verse 27 and the word cast away there in the greek is adakemas it means to be disqualified paul says i do not want to have run this race i do not want to have done all these things that i'm being that god has asked me to do i don't want to have done all of that and when the final analysis i am disqualified satan wants to poison the remnant he wants us to to go slack i've heard pastors mock our health message from the pulpit laugh about the burgers they eat and and and all the other things adventists who who are wine connoisseurs now what you watch is as we walk away from the truth on the health message it isn't long often before we walk away other truths the world is following what we should have followed the world is going more whole food more plant-based i speak on programs and specials all the time of people who are who are who are not christian at all never read the bible but they've understood that this way is the best way to eat and it's a shock that in our own churches we would rather often eat the food from off of the king of babylon's table even though we have the message that says come out of her my people come out of babylon and yes this is a tough subject we'll talk more about it this afternoon but it is incredible that we are still arguing sometimes over this subject the scriptures state it the spirit of prophecy supported and the science now sees it don't let don't let them poison you you are among the remnant let's do what god says do step by step little by little let's move in the direction that christ would have us move in it's our prayer let us pray i should say father god we thank you for this opportunity to study a word and to look at these issues so many so deep lord so many things that we're exposed to to um that are damaging to our bodies in this modern world of prophets and of greed not just the greed of individuals but corporate greed father god we have been called like daniel and the three hebrew boys to make a stand that asphalt is of the world that we will not eat off the king's table help us father god to eat the way you have prescribed for us to do to live that way to trust in you most importantly we've got to turn our over our trust to you believe that you can give us victory as paul says lord when i am weak then am i strong yes some of us have weaknesses but if we lean on you jesus our weaknesses will become strengths bless us to this end we pray in jesus name amen you
Channel: Three Angels SDA Church
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Id: PwIsqOJ8YWc
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Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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