3ABN Today - Shelley & JD's “Story" (TDY018033)

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to spend my people Juanes man [Music] lord [Music] hila hard [Music] people [Music] hello and welcome to another three Abyan today program thank you for joining us as you do each and every day so happy for my co-host here miss Yvonne here and we have some guests today that's not really guest their family and their co-workers but for televisions sake we will say they're our guests today that means that we're going to be interviewing them right that's right we're going to find out a lot of information about them but we want to thank you first for your love and your prayers and financial support of 3abn we are dedicated our Commission has been to take this gospel of the kingdom into all the world so we've been literally dedicating our time or talents your gifts whatever you give to 3abn to support us in taking an undiluted three angels messages one that would counteract the counterfeit into all the world but what I know that people like is they like to know who are we supporting who are we working with and so while you may know Shelley and JD Quinn for many years this program we found out because we've done a few of the other co-workers here but we wanted to do something personal they see you preaching or see you on Sabbath school programs and what have you but sometimes we'd like to get back and I think especially the women probably more than the men but they want to get into little details how do you guys meet and tell us you know a lot of this personal information and so why not our viewers love to know the behind the scenes things yeah you know so I think it's good - it's good to share that you know I just have to tell you I'm really excited because I didn't realize this probably been 10 years since I gave my personal testimony or testimony of how we came to 3abn so I drawed it down some kind of just some dates and the years how God developed it I you know that sister white says we had nothing to fear for the future lesson we forget how God has led us in the past and it's just so amazing to revisit this this idea about how God got us here it's interesting when you put it down on paper and then you can see the progression God just had his hand in everything it's just amazing that's right well before we go to that we have some music today and somebody that I really enjoy her music and her talents and her gifts and wonderful Christian lady I think jennifer la mountain and she's going to be singing in your mercy [Music] you're show me your salvation undesirable favor hi [Music] in your murse arrest [Music] [Music] every confidence I find in your mercy temper mercy shown to me [Music] and retention [Music] with your death [Music] in your mercy [Music] yeah man beautiful that was lovely you don't want the things that I feel about Jennifer is that she she worships and she's singing and so she draws you into that whole experience which is which is so different from the performance I mean you know it's it's one to perform a song it's another to minister absolutely and to me Jennifer ministers so thank you Jennifer he's beautiful she has for so many years and just wonderful person and wonderful Christian and so we appreciate her so much now today we have Sheldon JD Quinn and you kind of I'm gonna kind of let you take some of these questions because I know you want to get into personal thing relation JD and I will probably do that well you know the obvious thing to me is you guys have such a wonderful relationship you know whenever I talk to you you're telling me Oh JD and I will praying about this and it's just it's so beautiful have you always been Christian both of you have you always been Christians well we I think that I grew up in a home that believed in Jesus Christ I'm not going to call it a Christian home per se but there was a belief in Jesus Christ I went to a New Testament church so I always loved Jesus but I didn't understand a lot of things because you didn't really get into the Old Testament what's a New Testament or a New Testament church is basically one that kind of feels that the Old Testament is is the old letter that is no longer part are necessary you know they don't understand that 40 percent of the New Testament comes from the right and that is the only scriptures that the the Apostles Jesus when they're talking about scripture they're referring to the Old Testament so if you don't have that understanding of the old I think the New Testament is revealed in the old but the Old Testament is explained in the new test so without that understanding I think you kind of end off you end up skewed in a certain direction what about you JT mine I was raised an Adventist in fact my grandmother they were some of the first Advent that came into Central Texas we have a big cemetery outside of central Texas that have all the old pioneers in that time and so and my grandfather like my brother and my my father and my aunt they both had two of their brother and sister that were buried they're just babies you know but they started the Adventist community and there was an old place called Madge and then we settled in Central Texas around Coleman Texas my grandfather loved the Lord he had his ways of doing things but he loved Jesus my grandmother was a lot quieter and then my aunt my brother my father and my aunt my aunt wasn't about she was the cornerstone of Adventism in Central Texas for many many years and all she prayed she prayed like everybody named James you go through the Jimmy stage go through the Jim stage and finally you grew up and be who you want to be you know but she would always call me James because that was he was a disciple James and he says you know James the Lord loves you he's got his hand on your life when are you gonna turn your life around James get it together good to go I mean you just gave us a hint that you were raised there least and Florence detimore came into at the area in 1956 and my father was reconverted and all of a sudden out of nowhere we then we're going to get a Christian education three of us little hungry birds you know three of us children and so then we maintain two homes we maintain one home in Keene Texas and so yes I went through our schools and yes I said on the back row yes I did sleep through those things by then it really wasn't so much about relationships it was about rules and I don't know I guess everybody has a stubborn side to him it wasn't intentional you know I probably I would guess that this probably hasn't been a day in my life that I haven't prayed prayed earnestly so even it's the times that I really wasn't that active in the church in fact I wasn't involved in the church for no reason I don't even I've studied this and studied this and I have no idea I even evolved way but Satan works in mysterious ways too you know and so I've always been there I just didn't know what I was there for well you know there's and I think it's Luke 15 you know the different parables and one is the lost coin we can be lost in the house I don't sermon that I have about being lost in the house and so we can go through the motions and we can think that we are still Adventists but well we're lost because we're not following Jesus we're just following some of the rules when I first met him he wasn't going to church and I told him if you I'm not gonna date you if you don't go to church so I started going to church with me and it was a Sunday keeping Church and I never knew because when we first married those first few years he was coming to church with me I didn't know that he felt uncomfortable because I didn't know he was an adventist we had never talked about no no no because he'd been out of the church for a number of years and I remember one day asking him what do Adventists believe well I think I slept through all of that so I we we went to it was a school reunion and this is how the devil works I asked somebody that he knew from school what do I've been is believed you know what answer I got mm and with this kind of force we believe you must go to church on Saturday the Sabbath we believe you can't eat pork and shrimp we believe in our prophet Ellen White yeah and I said oh well I believe in the gift of prophecy does she follow the Bible you know what he said oh no she's got so much more to say than the Bible has to say like this I had I would have nothing to do with Advent about these are good guys we just grew up in a time you know whenever is out there and I can't answer for them you know but they are good friends of mine I mean we were buddies we grew up together and but the long and the short of it is I felt Adventism was a cult and so I remember we married in 87 and we lived in Dallas he was going to church with me at a sunday-keeping Church we were going to church I didn't realize what that he was going through this turmoil because it wasn't on the Sabbath and then when we moved from Dallas to Houston then we moved back to his hometown of Coleman and when we were in Coleman the local Adventist Church bought the downlink and you know what only television a downlink television station had and so what happened was all of a sudden now there's only two programs and on TBN that I liked and that was Charles Stanley and Jack Hayford good Bible teachers I didn't like their music it didn't like anything else about that but all of a sudden 3abn he's on this network and I would tell him hey do not watch it if I'd catch him he'd one time he who is watching Dwight and I came downstairs I said you turned that off that's those are cults those are cults you turn that off I don't want that in my house would not watch 3d shame on you Shelli but I was just thinking and what caught my attention was that I is there anybody on there I knew I mean I totally missed out and so he was sneaking and watching it I was just trying to see if there's anybody over the years and everything that so many things have don't there wasn't anybody that I really knew and but let me let me get this part in because I I have to say as I said it's been 10 years since I've given my testimony and I actually sat down I've never done this before because I thought well I wanted to remember the dates and I put down the years and how God led it is so amazing how God got us here and I think you begin to take things for granted when you're in a good rhythm you know what I'm saying in 1995 before you before you go - how you got here I'm still not how did are you gonna are you gonna tell us how you he came back in yeah okay I'll get it started - let him finish it but anyway in 1995 we were living in Houston and JD's so lose business and he went to work with his brother I mean he went to go help him for a couple of weeks and he ended up working there and he called me and said honey we're gonna move to Coleman well I had vertigo and I mean a bad bad case of vertigo it was 24/7 I was spinning like a top I'd been to all the doctors that treated the NASA astronauts and everything and the only thing they came to the conclusion is they have to clip the nerves to my ears and I would be deaf and I said no I'm not ready to go there yet but anyway so I packed up the house we moved to Coleman and I was ended up there a tornado had just hit the farm so I ended up living on the farm with his parents and to help them well I thought was going to be a two-week stay I was there year and a half because my mother-in-law was diagnosed with colon cancer my father-in-law was in early Alzheimer's and then we had a 15 year old niece his brother's daughter that we were also taking care of and they these guys were traveling all the time so here I've got this vertigo and lungs I can't go into that story it's such a fascinating story but God reached down to me at eight months into this and he he spoke to me one day because honestly when you're that sick I wasn't praying very much I couldn't read you couldn't focus and it was all I could do just to function every day and take care of everyone so God impressed upon my heart one day my word is law he said I said before you life and death my word is life do you choose life and he impressed me to get in the scriptures and finally there's promises and praying back to him I did this for two weeks healing promises no faith no faith came and it was like Lord did you really tell me to do this just kind of going through the motion yeah I it was just hard to look up the scriptures but then the the day that I'm saying did you call me to do this he led me into three scriptures isaiah 55:11 that where he says my word will not return to me void but accomplish every purpose for which I sent it Jeremiah 1:12 where he says you've seen correctly I am active and alert watching over my word to perform it and Romans 4:17 that says that God is the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they already were all of a sudden faith came I realized by me claiming God's promises and praying him back to them speaking him over my life that what was happening was I was doing what God did calling things that were not as though they already were returning God's Word to him and he was going to perform it and four months later I was healed he healed me I mean man that's so it was all year though then what happened is I was so excited about this in 96 that I sat down and I wrote this little book called life affirmations from Scripture it was just like a chapter to introduce wide but it was mostly affirmations and I passed I printed off a couple hundred and I just give him out to people mm-hmm these strangers so in 97 I was contacted by someone in Houston hired as a consultant because my background had been in IT and in corporate development and I'd had a corporate life all all those years till we moved to Coleman and I was contacted somebody wanted me to come work as a consultant for a new business it went into a full-time job and when I say full-time I mean four here I'd spent this year so close to the Lord and teaching people about you know speaking his word now all of a sudden I'm in job where I am traveling 26 to 27 days out of the week doing some month well yeah I get felt like out of them and what happened was I we always did these symposiums on the weekend so I didn't get to go to church and I would wrestle with that with God for a while and then I remember one night you know yeah it's like I mean I'm saying I'm saying Oh Lord we need the money this is good money we need the money and it's just for a little time I was making it's amazing how we can rationalize the things we want to do you know we can make it seem as though well God you know you know my heart yes exactly but in 99 this company went kaput I mean they had a trajectory they came out of we we had a great market and came campaign came out of the gate just went straight up but they they made several million their first year but they spent I mean more in the same thing the second year so they weren't watching things and they went kaput and we've been working with CPAs in this company well all of a sudden we've got about a hundred CPAs around the United States who are saying if you will do the same business development seminar that you did for this company for our clients will guarantee you that we'll have a hundred clients I mean if you contract to come to our city hundred clients you can charge them a thousand dollars for two days seminar what's a hundred times a thousand hundred thousand you know by the time you took out everything else we were still looking at maybe making fifty thousand a weekend mm-hmm and we had them lined up everywhere so he's working in that Panhandle and I'm I am I mean we had incorporated we had bought a full wall sized screen I'm working on all of these business development seminars and back then it was all PowerPoint type stuff I didn't have the other and I am feeling lost and lonely and needing to get closer to God so I'm praying and I ask God you know how is it that I can be so close to you that I through your heart breathe and end up in this backslidden condition well it's easy if you're not going to church and you're not you know and and so God taught me how to press into his presence in prayer and he taught me to seek his face and listen for this still small voice and now all of a sudden he's traveling and I'm I'm calling him and saying oh god told me blah blah blah God said this God and one day he said to me honey please don't tell anybody else do you think that God's talking to you because they're gonna thank you crazy and and he said why don't I hear from God you know what I asked him do you listen because he prayed all the time do you remember the first time you listen to what God said to you about the Potter and tell him that story what was important my life because I was wandering and and Shelley was always a spiritual leader that's one thing that attracted me to her and we really weren't church-going people but I knew that there was something special about Shelley because she loved Jesus and I had evolved so far from Jesus and if you're a boy this is getting really naked now but if you're raised in Adventist you always wonder what's on the other side of the mountain because that's where everybody is and so someplace deep within me and I played sports everywhere I was gifted as an athlete so I had to battle all this stuff all the time juggling all these balls but then I met Shelley and it was very important he's kind of like I'm JD well I'm sure if you don't go to church I'm not interested so that kind of put things in perspective real real real quick and you had to make a decision are you worth going to church for mm-hmm and so and so you know I've made a quick decision well I think so because really that's what I'm starving for and I pray daily what did I pray for I have no idea I just do that there's there's roadblocks all day long in all of our lives and I just prayed and I know that he heard me but but I'm still trying to figure out what's going on here so it became evident that Shelley became my hero and our spiritual leader don't everything in any of your home that the wife can't be the spiritual leader that's all that's keeping a lot of families together as the wife is the spiritual leader Shelley was the spiritual leader of our church and I hung on on our home and I hung just you don't every word but I've got to do my own thing too so it's all very complicated but I wanted what Shelley had probably without paying my dues boy that's easy to do I wanted you got it hey why are you so much better than me and he listens to you but he doesn't hear me I mean you're just juggling balls all the time but she had a relationship I could spell relationship but I didn't know whether I wanted to commit because I think down deep inside I was a commitment phobia not just been for the relationships but in life itself so you had to break through that okay and so we did go to church all the time and oh but wait a minute here even as I was sleeping in class Jim Kelly was in our and he was a couple years older I mean he became pastor was he paying attention I wasn't I mean do you see what I'm saying I mean it's just kind of like something making sense here and so anyway as I'm as I'm listening and I keep asking Shelly how do I get that mm-hmm and bless her heart she was just as truth because would be driving places never things she's won a minister I'm going to carry luggage I'm not involved you know I want to be involved but yet I know that I'm not qualified but you have to surrender honey but you just jumped ahead just a little bit let me let me back up because before we start administering what happened is here we've got this whole corporation set up and and we're looking at big bucks right yeah and I am though just empty inside seeking God and he taught me how to present to his presence I really seek his face but he taught me to listen for the still small voice you know where God impresses his thoughts upon your mind and by the way some people have criticized me for saying that and sister white says it is well you know but here's the point as I am now pressing into the presence of the Lord it was hardly any time at all just within a few weeks I knew God was calling me to full-time ministry and so he's still working with his brother and it was in the the year it was it was ninety nine because we were trying to get ready for y2k and it was in December and I went to visit him the last couple of days of December up there where they were working and I just remember this we had to stay at a little motel it was an inn run by some Indians very I mean it's the only thing we could find and it was so funny because it was just a dinky little hotel had a TV up on the wall no remote control well he's got the attention of a hummingbird the attention span of a hummingbird when it comes to TV so here I'm thinking I'm all prepared for y2k and we'd lay down on the bed be watching he said well honey change the channel on jumpin change it honey changed the channel so I was up and down about 15 times in 30 minutes and I looked at him and I said I'm not ready for y2k cuz I can't even stand be without a remote but anyway we had plenty of water and put here everything stacked up like everybody else you know just in case I guess what happened was when when I was praying and God was impressing me he was calling me to full-time ministry he made it clear to me it had to be his decision that it had to be JD's decision mm-hmm I didn't think that there was any way possible JD was going to let go of this new business I really didn't because it had just started yeah we were just getting right launched in January and we had sacrificed a lot to get to that particular point you know and all we could talk about was that that you know I mean I'm still going to church every Sunday and everything you know I mean being good little Christians and but still we're focusing on that and so then I began to sense that we didn't talk about that 24 hours a day we talked about that maybe 12 hours a day I mean I'm exaggerating but so something was happening but I tried I was maintaining my Posse because we were really looking forward to this new chapter in her life yeah it was December the 31st and we're going down the road and this was 1999 and he says to me honey what's wrong with you and and I kind of answered in that little singsong way and I said he said you don't seem as interested in this and I said oh I'm still interested you know kind of and he said Shelly if you could be doing anything in the world what would you want to be doing and I said I wouldn't be out teaching people how to be successful in business I'd be out teaching them how to have a closer relationship with the Lord and you know God had uh when when God I knew God was calling me and he said it had to be his decision I'd asked for a sign so what happened was I'm thinking well God's opening the door and I'm I'm kind of taking it from an indirect approach us honey maybe it doesn't mean that we have to do away I said when he said full-time maybe it's not full-time now maybe we can do our seminars and then you know that will actually support the ministry he looks at me as we're going down the road and he said you do know what God is asking because he had heard from God wife to get back to that story but he said you do know what God is asking and I said yeah I feel like it's full-time now never in a million years did I think he because you know he'd say I thought he was gonna sink we just spent all of this money and all this time putting all this together you know what he said Who am I to argue with God okay so I told him then I said and I asked for sign and God said this time I'll give you one so he says that's the problem with you Christians not that who wasn't one but he said that's the problem with you Christians you're always asking for a sign he said what's gonna happen if doc God doesn't give you a sign I thought well so let me just I want to take you because our time is going so fast let me just take you through a few things and then you can jump into so what happened the next day I drew it was January 1st I drove back home that was on a Saturday on Sunday I spent a couple hours praying and the phone rings and it was a Christian Broadcasting Network asking me to come be they had gotten one of those little copies of the book I'd put out you talk about a sign God didn't waste any time that was 24 hours later I went and then they ended up by inviting me again and again they offered me I was there for eight months they offered me my own program and we were almost finished taping this program and it was going to be on exalting His Word mm-hmm you know what happened they someone called me into the office they wanted me to sign an agreement and this agreement was giving them all copyright to everything and I said well I'll give you copyright to your broadcast I said I'm not trying to but I said I don't want to give you copyright to the book or copy because then I couldn't do it anywhere else long story short we ended up part ways it was very painful after being on the network for eight months it was very painful so now I come back and I'm doing God just opened up I was doing Bible studies weekly Bible studies in five different cities so Monday night I'd be here Tuesday night I'd be there Wednesday night God is teaching me Danny because JD said to me I mean I asked the Lord I said father what do you want me to teach I don't want to go out and teach what youth what I think is important show me and JD said to me one day what are you going to tell my friends about the Sabbath hmm out of nowhere because I mean now we didn't married I don't know how long yep 10 years 12 years probably Sabbath is never she's the spiritual leader Shelly knows the Bible backward and forward I knew where Genesis was I mean I'm exactly but you know what I'm saying she's the spiritual leader and I mean and and she normally was right so what made you say that this day purely Holy Spirit out of nowhere how are you gonna handle the Sabbath issue and Shelly I mean just bless her heart God started me on study of the sanctuary is where he had started me and then when I got to the point where I realized that the book of the law which is out of Deuteronomy it's the the Old Covenant was placed on the in a side pocket at the Ark but God's Ten Commandments were placed inside the yard written on stone man that jumped off the page at me and I did a really deep study on the Old Covenant the New Covenant I learned that the Ten Commandments were still is still effective and and I came down to him one day he was home because all this time he's traveling and I praise God because I had all this time studying but I told him I said honey I've been woefully wrong the Sabbath woefully well it's interesting he brought it up but he wasn't ready yet I started celebrating the Sabbath right away not going to a church but he was kind of he wanted to watch his sports but I mean to this day I could cry like a baby right now okay because this put this in true perspective my my people have been Adventists all their life that doesn't mean that just means they had a label mmm the Advent there was some very dedicated there were some that were lukewarm and your mother became a Methodist again or started and so here Shelley comes down and we were second-floor she came down from the office he says well have I been wrong now this is spiritual leader talking and I'm and what do you mean she says the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week wow what an aha moment in my life because then all of a sudden the spiritual leader of our family came down and told me what I should have known generations ago okay totally missed it and it was kind of like wow and I remember I was sitting in my lazy boy chair and just inside my heart was I didn't know whether to jump up and say hurrah I guess are just cry because then all of a sudden you fool you know number one I'm giving her too much credit myself not enough credit because if I wasn't a fool I'd be studying myself but that really is not who I was at that time at that time all right so let me hear cuz her times already good how did I don't know with the story had you let go of the corporate yes yes I'm in full-time ministry it was really holding our budget okay really was hurting our budget so here I am this is still the year 2000 in full-time ministry and all of a sudden one day is I'm praying guess what the Lord impress upon me I will join you to one who is following running fast after me and you and JD will work shoulder-to-shoulder I wasn't the least bit excited about that I remember sitting there and saying Lord I thought you called me time ministry you're gonna join me to somebody else's ministry it took me a little while and I thought okay if this is what the Lord says it's going to be what's best well now in 2001 in March he he impressed upon me he was going to open the doors for television radio and publishing and I would speak into all the world that's 2001 then in September I was out teaching at these five little different Church the home churches is what they call them had you become an Adventist by this oh no no okay no no I'm a Sabbath celebration that was okay no I'm still thinking Adventists are a cult okay she's thinking that she's the only one that keeps Saturday she's well no and that was teaching me the truth about the state of the Dead he was teaching me the truth about Hell and all of these things just one on one and I do think that why doesn't anybody teach this stuff so here I am in September I was teaching I had been doing a teaching on grace that even obedience was by grace because it's God who works in us to Wieland today good pleasure I came home this is September of 2001 I'm flipping through the channels he's out of town it was like 11:30 at night by the time I'd finished that and visited with everybody and come back I am flipping through the channels and just as it hits 3abn Kenneth Cox says I don't know what everybody's problem is with obedience it's all by faith anyway and it was just I thought well that sounds like I'm teaching obedience by grace through faith so I listened the next day I'd tuned in on purpose and here I had asked his friend that was so misguided mm-hmm water Adventist feel about righteousness by faith and this guy was like what do you mean and so I tuned in and this preacher I think it was probably Doug he used a lot of you know he was talking about righteousness by faith and you know what I thought well it must be not everybody on there is Adventist you know I so now I start watching 3abn and you know what I'm finding out everything that God teaches me is being taught on this network the one thing though that I was begging God for see I grew up in the church I grew up you couldn't read Revelation it was prohibited you know I think I'd read not say it says blessed if you are if you read it so I'm reading this I am begging God to explain revelation to me how do you figure out all of these symbols and I had every book there was on prophecy I mean you name the author I had the books nobody agreed all these sunday-keeping people nobody agreed so I flip it on and it was Steve Wahlberg was doing the Antichrist Chronicles and all of a sudden I realized okay it's Daniel is the key to unlock and everything from the Old Testament is what unlocks revelation so now I am really excited because I'm finding out there's a church that believes what I believe that what God is teaching me but also they've got the truth on the Sabbath so what did I do I drained my measly little seven hundred dollars out of my ministry account sent it to 3abn all right with a letter saying pray for me I think the Lord may be leading me to join the seventh-day Adventist Church they publish the letter you know how you do the nude letters on the local Adventist pastor well he was 30 miles away in Brownwood the Adventist pastor calls 3abn and says hey I need to get this lady's contact information well you have a pretty strict privacy policy he had to he said he had to fax his pastoral credentials he had to prove who he was and say hey she's saying she once join so the long and the short of it he comes to visit me and when he does I'm interviewing him to make sure he talks like you all talk right and I found him his name was Jim pastor Jim graves very godly man so what happened then is that I began going to church regularly in December and pastor grave says what do you want to see for next year what program I support really like for Steve Walberg to come he calls Walberg and calls me back and he says he's booked out for a year no chance that he can be here in 2002 he said well guess what Steve got a cancellation he came in February of 2002 and so I'm just eating it up the pastor makes sure that Steve and his wife and I are sitting at the same table and I didn't know this too much later but Steve had gone to the pastor saying you got to get this woman in the church and pastor graves bless his heart such a godly man he said oh no the Lord has already told me hands off he's bringing her in and I'm I have to fast forward so what happens was this is 2002 right mm-hmm I joined a gym on June the 1st of 2002 I'm watching 3abn today program as I'm getting ready to go teach Sabbath school because we had would have her patent we had it out of order because the pastor was going to different programs but he had me I was teaching and as I am listening how I prayed Friday night Lord if you want me to join this church as me programs as that watch they've not talked about the Holy Spirit and I said I've got to know that if you want me to join this church I've got to know they believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and being led by the spirit so I've got the TV on I'm getting ready to for Sabbath school guess what it's Dennis Smith you were interviewing him it was all on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and I was just like my answer so June the 8th of 2002 I joined the church Steve Wahlberg calls me I went to work with him and he was up in Dallas and I'd go up weekly and work with his ministry he calls me and says were you man our booth at ASI I said what's a si so he's telling me August of 2002 I go to ASI I'm Manning the booth you and I bump into each other and in the hallway and I just I wait I just tell you kind of a little bit what I've just said you made sure Teresa boot interviewed me but then you had me on life that night you know when you interview certain people right and so what happened then is that that is when after that in October d Hildebrand called and said can you come do the New Year's Eve program I said sure so weird this is 2002 December the 31st we drive in and there's snow on the ground and I tell JD honey can you believe that we came in the night before but I said do you realize that God knew from the beginning of time that on and he had it recorded in his heavenly record book that we would be here on this day and he just says wow that's a heavy thought so we did the interview afterwards you all took me back and offered me a job and I was I was scheduled to do some kids time because I'd met Brenda at yeah at the thing too and so I stayed two weeks and and did the kids time and I tried out every department and Danny I'll never forget I had such a sinking feeling I was supposed to meet with you at the end of the two weeks and my heart was here but I didn't feel like God had released me from this call to a word ministry so you call me into your office and said well what do you think and I said Danny I just can't come to a decision I said I did and I before I even got out my struggle you said Shelley we all want you here but he said you said God's given you a special message and he's pressed upon my heart that I can't interrupt his call on your life so I think instead of being joining administration you're gonna be a programmer and sure enough and then that is I did exulting his word and had 17 days to write that book and then we came and did that program then I began volunteering here for the next 18 months or so and we did up closest together I was on some lives with you and then I mean our hearts were here this is that's all I talked about was 3abn in the ministry here so we got the call in December of 2004 offering us both the job and we came here January of 2005 praise the Lord wow great testimony and JD just came around and now JD Quinn is our pastoral director from all of that he missed look how much he's soaked in now he's helping people around the world develop months but she wears numerous hats so yeah we're so thankful that you all came you know and it just goes to prove again that God is supernatural yeah he is the one that's moving the parts I didn't used to it used to really amaze me that I would get a certain call from a certain person that I was supposed to how does God do that how come he didn't get that call he didn't it's because God is in charge that's so please allow God to be in charge of your life submit to him you know I mean I could write the book on surrender today I asked a thousand times Shelley what do I do and she kept saying shady you just have to surrender well I confused surrendering with consent surrender to me mean give up and I just that wasn't part of who I was but I certainly understand giving consent no I love being a harmony was someone else and let me say something God told me that he was going to do a quick work in JD mmm-hmm and I watched it before we came here he really started studying in the word but I watched him in those first six months he just because he was praying God's Word over people that's all he does now he never reads anything but the Bible or biblical material and he has he is such a godly man I am so blessed to be married and he's now the spiritual leader in our home we're thankful that you both are here and from the very first moment I met you at ASI I knew the Lord was gonna have you here at the ministry didn't know how exactly that would work and so that's when we developed a relationship and ask you to come and do things I told Eve we need to get this lady and see what you know just something about it you know and you see it and I had no idea that the Lord was saying you would hook up with other ministry but yet and in my heart I knew that you all would be here what a blessing that you have been for so many years both of you and only eternity will be able to tell when you're in heaven for eternity the people that will come up and say Thank You Shelly thank you JD JD talks with people prays with people around the world yes you too wrote a book that has really impacted it's been so impactful tell us a little bit and Commandments twice removed you don't have it you will give you a copy free and so we we did that in 2004 yes and it's I think 11 million now is it did you get that it's now in Chinese we have that in so many I know and we've seen so many so many people that have really joined the church and accepted Jesus and joined the church because of that book if you don't have yours just tell them Danny and Shelley said we'd give one you can write to us here at 3abn or call us I cannot believe it at our time it's just about all gone what we're going to do is we're going to go to a news break and then we're going to come back for a closing thought oh this this has been an amazing journey how did you come back when did you come back JD well of course the Holy Spirit's working all the time right and I just felt now it's the time so in in March of 2004 I was retreat dumped did I say four I'm at 2003 and wonderful time here again pastor Jim graves who we just fell in love with but what was really amazing Shelley and I have been blessed with having a great relationship from day one I love you honey I love you honey I love you honey and then after we was here probably five or six years and I was maturing in the Lord and Shelley says you know I love you a thousand times more than I ever thought that I could love you because now you are the spiritual leader of the family and so it to the women out there that that they are currently carrying that burden being the spiritual leader of the church because we're the men supposed to be the priests of the family just continue to pray Shelley's prayed every day of her life and and if the Lord can work on they can work on anybody you know it's just God is the god of second chances perhaps the third the fourth the fifth that's the thousands chances you know he's never going to give up on you you should never give up on him yeah I just want to say one thing it is such a privilege to work here and it's such a privilege to be able to speak for God and I'm so honored that God chose us to come here we love y'all and it is absolutely a team and that amazing we've got cold he didn't just call you you know he called JD is very important role what you do right now and I hear everywhere we travel around the world JD Quinn's name comes up probably as often as yours because people say I call JD I called the prayer line I talked with him he's just so kind he just helps me encourages me and so it's the teamwork that what you're doing so we're again we're so thankful for both of you and of course the Yvonne I hear that about you when we travel that you encourage people so we're here today to encourage and so today if you have needs you can call when you call the prayer line you'll know that JD or one of the other folks here we care about you we're praying for you our time is all gone for today but until we see you next time may the Lord richly bless you abundantly more than you could ever ask for things [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 9,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, JD and Shelley Quinn, 3ABN Today program, Testimony
Id: C6cLW9-5fcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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