3ABN Today Live - The Christian Perspective on Same-Sex Marriage (TL017520)

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I want to spend my love Mandie broken people I wanna spend my three moving Lord let my word he loved heart that I want to spend my [Music] I wanna spend by mending broken people [Music] hello and welcome to another 3abn today live my name is ca murray and allow me once again to thank you for sharing just a little of your no doubt busy day with us thank you for your love your prayers your support of this ministry for lo these 32 plus years we've joined together we have partnered together to lift up the mighty and matchless name of Jesus and to take his gospel to the ends of the earth also thank you from the bottom of our hearts and when we say that those are not just words that come from our lips they come straight from our hearts because we realize that we could not do what we are called to do without your partnership so we are thankful to the Lord and we are thankful for you I'm in the company of my friend of so many many years don't say Oh a [Laughter] long time dear friends but not old friends okay we're on good is so great to be here well I guess dips I'll say that well the way back in 1980 that's why you say 86 yeah she's alright yeah over the South Bay see okay it's great to be here now and let's introduce the rest assembly our founder and friend and president of the ministry mr. Danny Shelton good to be here oh it's great to be here I'm not used to this particular seat so you know I don't know how I will act so we'll see here tonight and there's a little different perspective but I like what I'm seeing hopefully will behave yourself I'll try probably the best no promises but I'll try my best we were in New York recently and have a chance to chauffeur mr. Shelton all over the city of New York oh it was great to be a better Murray's a good driver because he can come with inches just like when you're in London those taxi drivers yeah you're as good as the taxi drivers we've been in and out of traffic and Mike it seemed like there were you were inches in between vehicles but you made it all the way through and took us to the churches yeah wrote us back to safely so thank you for is the Lord sometimes it's pretty tight tight answering yes you know you have to drive like you don't care you do not like you care for my back you drive like you don't care enough stay away from you in the middle of faith which not maybe very familiar to us um we come to know and love mr. Mike Carducci he of coming out ministry yes ha ha ha we're going to talk a little bit about that because you're here for a special special purpose something special to talk about and then on the endless or certainly not least the lady Shelly Quinlan here lovely to see you feels like we've been on camera today all day together we spent every program for the last four days what kind of programs our Sabbath school panel oh well we get great responses on that poker at homers and we really love this helps us a lot so it's very spiritual very uplifting it is fun to do as Shelly will will attest but it is work it's not an easy for them to do that's for programs a day one our study deeply into Word of God and try to condense all you studied into 10 minutes per segment and that's a lot of work but it's fun it is fun in this quarter the third quarter is going to be on the gospel in Galatians it's all about righteousness by faith and salvation by faith in Christ alone so it is all wonderful it is wonderful but in front of thirteen degrees this is a very special 3abn I guess we could call this 3abn today live world view because we're going to be taking out a look at a lot of things that we're doing that are affecting the church that are affecting the world and I like the idea Yvonne did everyone again we can sort of pull the mass back not not so much behind the scenes on 3abn but our view of the world the Bible view of the world the church's view of the world we are called to be salt and light in the world and sometimes we have to address and redress things that we see in the world and give the gospel a certain sound so true you know there's so much going on in the world right now and we have been called to counteract the counterfeit and that's what we're going to be doing tonight because there is just this tendency to kind of go along to get along the 3abn doesn't do that and Danny Shelton doesn't do that so this is this is really to focus on what's going on in the world and how it either corresponds or contradicts principle and that's what we're going to be dealing with very some very heavy and yet necessary information because nobody's doing it nobody wants to touch it it's a hot potato and we'll talk more about it but nobody wants to touch it but praise the Lord the Lord has laid on Danny's heart to to deal with these issues and and that he does yeah the Bible hasn't joined us to speak the truth in love but in love speak the truth that's right you know and and and that's what we're we're attempting to do one of the things we'll talk about is a new book that mrs. Shelton has been blessed to write we're going to talk about that then Mike here is here for a very special reading because we see what we could call a clear and present danger in the world no we've got to redress Shelley's got some special things to talk about so this is the program that you want to give ear to because we're going to cover a lot of subjects or in cover a lot of things each in its own way very pertinent very important for spiritual life works for spiritual growth for your view of the world for what God is trying to do for with to and through us all and we need to be on the same page serving the same God doing what we can to lift up the name of Jesus and sometimes that means swimming upstream going against what may be the prevailing norms but as long as you're on the Lord side God +1 is a majority so you need not fear amen amen amen amen so let's talk Danny about this book that you've written because I've had an opportunity to read it more than once she's my editor she and Bobby Davis Shelley did the first chapter and then anybody with I see a came while ago and said I think I see something here's the manuscript we'll take this down to about a five and a half by eight and a half size and so it's going to be similar to the size of the Ten Commandments twice-removed book but we call it spiritual vigilantes now where did that name come from well you know I don't know it popped up it popped up as I began to focus on some things I was watching as most of us here in America for sure and much I guess the world in the last couple years as we started heading towards elections of a new president then you have this side versus that side and I was so amazed that Christians get in the middle of all this political stuff and say well I'm a Democrat and some going from the same church whether you're Adventist Baptist Pentecostal saying well I'm Catholic I'm Republican I'm Democrat and I was amazed first of all and you and I spent a lot of time talking about that Yvonne and see a Shelly all of us is you know how do we get in the middle and wrap myself to say okay I'm wrapped up I'm a Democrat or I'm a Republican somebody said what party you belong to I said part of the Jesus party that's the only one whom last you know right best parties are going to go away but but we can't what I see is the devil is a house divided against itself cannot stand right and so the devil has come into the church into the Christian Church and has people because now with social media it's amazing people that you never hear from before are getting on arguing and I've heard Christians even some of the same denomination myself others but literally arguing and having word battles on things like Facebook and Twitter and all the social media that anybody can read the public can read and I'm like what is wrong with these folk you know this one loves this this press you know candidate this one loves this one and we vote for this one and if you vote for that one you know you shouldn't vote for this and I was amazed by all of that and so I begin to look at the current events and then when you look at the issues being represented and I thought about when I was a child and some of you I know Mike you're not that age and and some of the rest of us pretend we're not but when with you up we grew up when I grew up there was I Love Lucy and Leave It to Beaver on television and so yeah that was my that was my age oh okay alright but but now you look at modern family and all these things that talk about homosexual lifestyles and they they're so liberal that that our young people even within our Christian schools our academies and her universities are this is what went through Facebook and social media are being bombarded that all these things are ok and so as I began to look at these things I said you know what it's amazing to me how quickly about probably and may have been 30 or 40 years ago Joe Cruz wrote a book called creeping compromise today we would have to say rapid compromise oh yes because it's literally by leaps and bounds and but as I began to see what's happening with you know for so many years we have seven to having as Christians we teach you keep all the commandments and so but I'm finding out that we always say the one that says remember people forget but what I'm finding out is there's other ones people forget and and I haven't I mean I'm talking about any denomination including my own including some of the others that I mentioned there are people for instance who are saying we think same-sex marriage is okay and there's nothing wrong with it abortion is okay there's nothing wrong with it people say oh that's a political topic you shouldn't talk about it no it isn't it's a biblical topic and so we can talk about those things because to me we have Ten Commandments we didn't get to pick and choose and so for us at seven some of us seven to having us Christians then we're teaching the world you you have to keep all ten but there's some of us who say well you know I think same-sex marriage or you know abortion these things some of these other candidates I vote for them because I don't like what the other candidates do and so my thing is two wrongs don't make a right if you don't like what either of them do don't go vote for them because it's like you're endorsing what they do but I got to thinking about it what a physical vigilante is a vigilante is someone who takes the law into their own hands because you say for whatever we and sometimes sometimes it's even people that wear a badge that say you know what these these criminals these thugs they keep getting away with these crimes and they're out here getting drugs to our kids and and they're not getting the right sentencing they take the law into their own hands and actually become judge jury and executioner CA and sometimes kill these people that's a vigilante and it occurred to me at what is their spiritual vigilantes and sometimes that's even religious leaders who will change try to change the law of God and become judge during executioner basically set themself in place of God to say you know what well this commandment that doesn't apply anymore this commandment doesn't really mean what you think it means this is it's different now so spiritual vigilante is anyone any individual or groups can be religious be secular any group that places themselves above the spiritual law of God and tries to teach others to do so you know Danny it's interesting that that title is reflective of the times originally the the vigilance was a person in ancient Roman times who was who was assigned to just keep watch over the city they watch for fires they watch the runaway slaves they kept while the city was sleeping the vigil as' just kept watched over the city but it has it has more the idea to know that it's someone who wants to take things into their own hands and change that so it's an apt title because you have people now who's sort of trying to take it on themselves and try to make changes that the Bible never endorsed it and never puts its signature to it you know you brought up something Danny a few minutes ago about social media and its impact and what we're seeing in society is that that people are grouping themselves together based on their opinions of what's politically correct and all of this and it's it's just kind of overwhelming because what we've seen is this whole transition from focusing on biblical principles to being dominated by your cultural perspective and so what happens is if you are if you're black then you know you you tend to because most blacks are not Republicans most blacks are Democrats so you're going to take on that platform well as a Christian I don't agree with abortion but I like this candidate better than the other one so I'm going to vote for them or I am NOT for same-sex marriage but I like that candidate better so I'm going to go and then it just what ends up happening is culture Trump's your Christianity yes and that's what that's what we see a lot that culture Trump's your Christianity and you have to ask yourself Who am i first what am I am i first black or my first a Christian and it's a tough tough question and these are some of the you touch on the whole idea of same-sex marriage and abortion in the book you explore how social media has impacted you know society and all that it's a critical thing nobody else is really talking about how culture and social media and all that plays such an important part in your perspective and and it's like we just kind of overcome by because we don't want to rock that boat we don't want to rock the boat so I'm not going to offend you Mike I'm not going to I'm not gonna say anything I'm not going to tell you the truth about how I feel about same-sex marriage because I might hurt your feelings you know we've developed and I see Mike it's popular culture but it's popular culture based on a consumer mindset we it's like what appeals to to my consumer mentality I'll go to the church it doesn't have to be the right church but the preacher is good and the music is good and I consume that so that's what I'm going to go this candidate speaks to me doesn't really matter what his platform I'm a consumer so rather than the principle driven were consumer driven and of course with the Internet and with with media you can always find a pool of people who will reinforce your and your mindset so if you think this way oh there's a lot of people that would line up behind you so that reinforces your mindset so we throw away principle as you well enunciated in favor of a consumer mindset and that consumerism weaves it way into every part of our lives even to the church we pick and the doctrinal package that we follow I think that there's many inroads that I don't think it's just one day you know you just all of a sudden throw your your convictions to the wind I think that we're bombarded by media and you brought that up a little bit earlier Danny even in a in the 60s we were being programmed to accept certain things and I I think it was so subtle kind of like the frog in the pot but all of a sudden we were inundated with gay characters on television and and then what they start doing is they start showing Christians as kind of their kind of off or their socially inept and so now we don't want to be perceived as a socially inept Christian so we have to kind of tuck in our values and I think that slowly we learn to do that and we've all been loathed by the media to accept that Christianity is really kind of has been or a hated group or basically ineffective mmhmm yeah one of the things and while one of the reasons we're glad that you came here tonight and we have a number of things to talk about and the book goes into so we don't want to be accused of harping on one thing or the other but something that's so important that we want to talk about it is what do you do and we and we kind of title the program that you know what is the Christian perspective on same-sex marriage and so tonight is what you said I found myself last week we were in New York and you know as a seventh-day Adventist I've talked about the Sabbath and we need to bring up the papacy we need to bring up you know the mark of the beast would go through revelation you know any of those attacking God's law we do it and do it openly and but I found myself being a little hesitant and I said why am i hesitant when I am talking to a group of fellow believers about a subject like same-sex marriage or abortion and those things are kind of taboo we don't know quite how to deal with them because people say and what's out there now is you know this is such a huge issue and that now it's almost popular to come out you look at hosts of television programs I mean many of those whether it's news whether you watch in whatever channel the host of programs that all glorify this and make it normal or natural and that it's okay so our young people of course or getting as we said they're getting a constantly you know constantly to them but really what brought this to my attention was how do we deal with it we're all sinners know is same-sex marriage or homosexuality is that a worse sin than someone who's an adulterer no is that any worse than being a thief no is it in worse than just being a gossiper no other words sin and sin the Bible definition for sin is what it spends a little transgression of what law okay or the breaking of God's law so so anything that breaks God's law that's considered sin so we have ten commandments that God gave us the the first four are our duties to God and our last six are our duties to man and yet the United States of America a lot of people think that we're a Christian nation I always did I say oh we're a Christian nation actually were not but our founding fathers and we go into this a lot of detail and I did a lot of homework this time and studied a lot I'm not saying always doing everything a right or say but I want to make sure what I said was right because I see this thing is being such a huge issue not only within our church but to Christian Church in general but the founding fathers chose to take the the last six commandments our duties to man and really adopt those as part of our Constitution of the United States of America adultery is has always been since the beginning was a sin adultery was a crime in 1718 until recently in some states on the books it still is adultery but what we're having now is the the issue coming up is that well same-sex marriage is not really or homosexuality is not wrong according to the Bible and so we always say well look here's all of these scriptures I talked to someone last week watch someone who is a pastor who just said a few weeks ago I'm bisexual so I'm coming out as bisexual but homosexuality is not really talked about saying Sodom Gomorrah that's just about pride and arrogancy you know pride and arrogance they go through all these things and say that's really just about when you know they castrated young men and use them you know over and over the rest of their lives so so what's wrong when the Bible talks about homosexuality is the rape and incest pedophilia these type of things that's wrong but if two people love each other then that's okay but the inroads and here's what the big picture let me give you that and I'll let shell in some Mike and some of the rest of you but the big picture is this to me if we accept this coming into our churches as Christian churches number one that homosexuality or same-sex marriage is acceptable before God now as I said earlier we all have sinned we all sin but when we openly rebel against God's law that sin transgression of the soul sin is rebellion to purposely say I know what the law is but I don't care or I'm going to live my life the way I want to right so the big picture of this is to me Evon would be coming this having this come into the church and people accepting because I'm seeing it our churches all the other Christian churches is this the law of God is made of non effect hmm because when this comes in but what's different about this and the other ones if a person I've explained this before if a person Shelley comes to your church and says look I'm a you know kleptomania I steal my father I come from a family of thieves my father stole my grandfather but I really want to be your treasure could you would you guys vote me in to be your treasure Mike what would they show me what would they probably say no and then am I going to get offended and say well wait a minute I you know I come from a line this is it's not really I was kind of born that way or let's say my mother was an alcoholic or a drug addict and so I was born with the drug addiction but later in life I give my life to Jesus but I come to your church and say you know what I still do drugs or I'm an alcoholic but I want to be you know I want to be your choir director what are you going to say to me I don't why not why can't it be because it's considered sin right it's considered against God's laws and transgression against God's law so let's say that I just say you know what I'm a I'm a I'm a gossiper I'll admit it I like to talk about people I mean but my family all does it a lot of people in the church do it but I want to be assistant to the pastor where I have all his records in this conversation I know what's going on what are you going to say to me know now sounds like I'm exaggerating but but I'm going somewhere with this you're going to say no I can go down every one of these Commandments and the church will have no problem in saying well I'm sorry we can't elect you to be in a position of leadership now we want you to come to church we want to love years off and we want to you know be a good example to you but you're not going to take part as far as being a leader in this church because it's a bad example the only one that they say yes to is I'm a homosexual and already I know of churches who have hired openly gay homosexuals who say but I was born that way that's my natural tendency and I can't help it and so it's same-sex marriage is law of the land now thanks to the last administration it's law of the land and so I should be able to be a choir director in your church or the organist or some of the pastor's are saying I'm that way and they're actually coming out we've been talked about coming out ministries but when we do that there's so much emotion involved well we don't want to offend these people but we didn't care to offend them when it came to standing up for drugs or alcohol or tobacco or I'd say look I want to be Sabbath school teacher now I don't really believe in the Sabbath I think you can go to church any day you want but I really want to be part of your Sabbath school teacher Church what are you going to tell me no you're going to say no and I'm going to say well wait a minute why not that's offensive to me I I really feel like any days you know people say what is wrong with him but when I come to you and say I'm openly gay everybody says we jump back into oh we better not and they have the support you mentioned on it well ago what happened is and this is this is Satan it says it's possible he would deceive the very elect in this to me is amazing Yvonne and you really helped me with this the n-double-a-cp when they the gay community connected and got the support of the Indian and double-a-c-p what happened is they took same-sex marriage from a moral issue to a civil issue am i right because now we don't talk about it being a moral issue everybody as a CLU well what happened is it made homosexuality a minority status Isis right yeah yeah and so homosexual marriage came after that you know Danny one of the things that you were saying and talking about you know in churches is we've got you know so many people hiring openly gay people in the church and I think part of the reason is is we've gone so long without talking about the issue that that many people don't even know what to do about the issue and so we we continue to be fearful about addressing an issue that we could do in a loving and compassionate way that doesn't compromise but because we're so afraid of the issue we've got people all over the spectrum not knowing what to do and say well I'll just love them and I'll give them a instead of being this condemnatory christian that you're being infiltrated through the media that is so wrong so I think that your book is really beneficial because what I was really impressed with then he and I'll be honest for a heterosexual man to to address the issue that doesn't come across as almost indifferent to the issue what I saw was a lot of compassion that didn't compromise but instead saw that alright well I don't have that issue and I don't struggle with that but I know what struggle is and you really address that and I like that you threw yourself under the bus as far as knowing that we all struggle with something and it recognized it hey you know homosexuality doesn't have to be this this thing out there in the stratosphere that we've made it for so many decades but put it back in the pot with with struggle and then automatically it starts to take on on it doesn't have as much steam or or movement I don't think once we realize that hey we're all in this together and you know your issue may not be mine but we have them and I think that that's really that comes across really nicely in your book and I appreciate it praise the Lord now we're going to let you call in later on if you choose right maybe questions the second I will try to get to some of those but what I'd like to do if you don't mind Mike I'd like you to address this Mike ministry is coming out ministries and you know used to say oh he came out of the closet I guess that's where I don't know where that term come from I guess I'm hiding and you come out suddenly now you tell everybody Danny Jesus said it first he said coming out of darkness Oh in Marmara yeah that's where it comes from there yeah yeah we had it for it okay I loved it but I want you to talk about your for instance when you were growing up you were a child because people in fact I talked to someone today he said I didn't know - just a few months ago that people are born with a tendency I thought it was just a choice but you didn't decide at four or five six seven eight ten years old I think I want to be gay is that right so I don't know if you're born with it or not I don't know if there's anything that actually can you know that can scientifically go one way or the other but I want to talk about you individually because now from where you are your position did you just purposely say I think I want to be gay or did you have that tendency that that you said this is kind of really what I want to be I'm attracted wow it's a pleasure to be able to talk about this because at 40 years old when I came back to God I wanted to know how this happened I wanted to know why at my earliest thoughts that I I knew I was different I didn't know what it was and it wasn't sexualized for me but because of the rejection of my father who was abusive or unavailable for me I started patterning after my mother and defensive detachment happens in boys and girls even sometimes before their conscious so all of a sudden at 3 and 4 years old I like playing with dolls I didn't like playing with trucks I didn't like sports I liked doing the things that my mother and my sisters did so my my patterns became a feminine so then when I started school the boys made it very obvious that hey this guy's got some issues calling me names so the one thing that I needed was I needed masculine affirmation I needed to know that I was acceptable as a male and so the only acceptance that I found was in cross-dressing with my sisters and my mom and and the kids that pushed me away with their name-calling what that did is that that made the Gulf even deeper of this inability to connect with men so it became sexualized at puberty so I never thought that I was gay I didn't even have those attractions I was never molested so none of that sexuality was awakened in me until puberty but again feeling inadequate as a male I thought that the only solution was to be a female and I remember praying to God and asking him that he would turn me into a little girl and I would wake up the next morning and it would all be settled that followed me until I was 20 years old and what was so shocking is that at 20 years old it wasn't like I had this this miracle from God and now I'm satisfied with my male parts it was when I went into gay culture I found that masculinity was much more valuable than femininity and what I really needed was the affirmation of men if I couldn't get it in a legitimate way from my dad and the kids in school then doesn't it make sense that I might seek it any way that I could get that satisfaction so at 20 years old I finally is satisfied with my male parts realizing oh wow I'm glad I didn't have a sex change but until I was 20 years old I would have absolutely had that sex change had it been available for me at the time so at 40 years old coming back into Church culture you know after 20 years of living in gay culture it was really difficult because not only was I getting rejection from from the gay community I was getting rejection still from the church that I came into and even my my clients that would come in you know they were saying Mike you know you're gay that's just who you are so it was really difficult at times were you in a hairdresser yeah so my clients would come in I was in business with my my lover and so my boyfriend actually took me to they they the priest at the gate Church and she sat down and she showed me all those verses gave me all of those um explanations for it was basically in hospitality the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah and I looked at her and as simple as I was and I didn't care what the Bible said really I I was really responding to an invitation from Christ but I looked at her and his desperate as I was to hang on to my boyfriend I I thought that's ridiculous that doesn't even make sense I've even changed the fact that I am still struggling with a lot of confusion that I wasn't getting answers in our church or our denomination so I put the responsibility on God not knowing where else to turn and what was so beautiful as the Lord started to show me that there was science to back up some of what had happened to me and then the Bible came in and started to affirm the science that I was discovering as well and God himself personally revealed some of that to me and as shocked as you might be I'm just as shocked to think that I'm sitting here you know with this wonderful panel and talking about my savior when just a few years ago I had a dinner party celebrating Ellen DeGeneres coming out on a television show so made a transformation not as amazing yeah you know I I was just thinking to your earlier comment about media and what's in the book we see programs I'm going to just it's okay to name a program is it okay like Modern Family and and I understand that this is exceptionally well cast program and people say that it's so funny you know it's just fun and I've talked with Christians who watch this what they don't realize I always say Satan when he when he is trying to pass off sin he doesn't put it in a paper brown paper bag and make it look ugly what he will do is put it in shiny foil paper with nice satin ribbon and what he hands you it's nothing more than gift-wrapped garbage but there is something that people don't realize people who watch this kind of thing and think oh well it's okay because it's just fun or people who approve of a lifestyle by putting someone into a church leadership position or the or the lady that you saw at the gate Church and you said what does she say that does it make sense and just quickly read nothing in Romans chapter 1 Paul what the what these people are doing is exchanging a truth okay for a lie and he says God gave them up to their uncleanness in the lust of their heart to dishonor their bodies among themselves who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and he goes on and he's talking about their vile passions women exchanging the natural use for what is against nature likewise also men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust for one another men with men committing what is shameful and he goes on to the point this is a summary of it all he's saying to us that you who know the righteous judgment of God knowing that the righteous judgment of God that those who practice such things are deserving of death not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them so our watching and clapping our hands over something that we think is funny and entertaining we're actually approving of the practice our promoting someone to a position of authority actually you know it's not like so I you said when someone comes into the church we want to love them and I'm sorry you felt rejection because what we try to do we have someone who comes to our church actually and we try to make him feel so loved and we you know do everything to let him know that he's got child but at the same point in time we're not going to put him in a leadership position because thinking oh we're going to change it if we loving always in leadership because then we're approving of the practice and we confuse young minds you know I'm sometimes I'm like a a couple things come to mind you have to show fruit of your ministry before you are placed into ministry but I just read I've spent some time on online assessment just to see what type of the culture was saying on the internet that there is a revisionist doctrine of that whole passage II read Mike you alluded to that there's a revisionist doctrine of Sodom and Gomorrha that they what they've done is they've taken clear Bible passages and tried to blow smoke over the mustard where I could put it they're saying that Sodom Gomorrah was not that that homosexuality the problem was in hospital in hospitality but enough or Richard yeah Jude is very very very good but but but what I'm saying is that if you want to find something to buttress your mindset no matter how pervert or how twisted you you can go to the Internet and find reams of things that will reinforce your position which is why the internet is not the Word of God the Bible is the Word of God and so you cannot take your make your doctrinal premise just from being inside you've got to stay with the Word of God and you got to pray before you read the Word of God because you can go to India and get all kinds of things that will reinforce and make you more confused than you are even when you begin one of the things that I love about what you did with the book is that you consistently build your case so to speak from the word so it's not what Danny thinks it's what does the word of God say and that is really important because we need to know how what is going on in society as it pertains to the Word of God and so that's one of the things that's really good you actually logically build your position the biblical position within the book and it in it it's so helpful because it's very logical and I think that anybody who reads this has to understand that has to see that this comes from the word this is coming from the word you know it was funny because as I started to read the book I thought wow he's he's coming right out of the blocks with it you know talking about abortion homosexuality transgenderism and then all of a sudden you start bringing it around to the law and then to the seven that I go really that's a stretch you know where's he going with this but as it started to unfold even for me and talking about even the Sabbath as the as the cornerstone and the cornerstone that holds everything else up wow I really saw how you take out one of those laws even the one that God says remember and bam you've lost everything and you have no grounding at all and the sad reality is is those of us who still hold on to the Sabbath truth how sad that we're being influenced by the world and we're letting go of some of the principles and causing our own I don't know what you call it double ition from inside can I ask you a question like how did you you you began coming back to the church how did you finally after talking with this female pastor of the gay Church and she's trying to do revision how did you wake up to the truth and actually come out of that darkness into the Lord's light ah I was like the Lord the Lord doesn't drag me kicking and screaming but it was close I was I'd like to say that it was just being you know over the head and I was you know ready to start dating women and all of that but there was so much history that really had to be addressed and and how wonderful that God didn't just give it to me in a plate and say well here's your garbage might deal with it he gave me what I could handle at a time that I could handle it and I thought maybe I needed to be baptizing and I thought maybe I needed to be anointed again you know I didn't come up out of the water straight ready to date mate and procreate so I mean I thought that I'd done something wrong and I think that we do a lot of people a disservice when you get baptized and we think well you've got the 28 fundamentals you know beyond it away but men rule absolutely life that's really when it started beginning for me I was still in a relationship the pastor would not have baptized me had he known that but as I was beginning this journey now all of a sudden I'm reading in the Word of God that he's saying that that homosexual practice is an abomination and I'm thinking how could you be so loving and then tell me that my relationship isn't right this is like the best thing that ever happened to me so as I was desperately trying to hang on to my relationship but as I was experiencing Jesus Christ what was incredible is I can't even tell you how or why but as I was experiencing Christ I started to realize when I had to make a decision I needed Christ more than I needed that boyfriend and as that was moving I I couldn't do it on my own so I said God if you want me out of that relationship you're going to have to do it yourself I'm digging in my heels and the Lord I think said I'll get right on that a few weeks later my boyfriend broke up with me but but what was so beautiful is that for everything that I felt that I was giving up whether it was physically the things that I had indulged in for years that that I didn't even think we're changeable as I just started emptying out myself and and learning to trust Jesus Christ and I think that it's a fair statement to say that that takes time any relationship takes time but as I really started to realize that he was more faithful to me that I was to him Wow I started to realize that I could trust him with more and more of my heart and with more issues in my life and socially it wasn't you know an instantaneous thing but I praise God that he hung in there no man I just think about what Jesus told Nicodemus you have to be born again to see the kingdom of God then he said you have to be born again to enter country and I think that when you're born again you can't you start seeing through new eyes because the Holy Spirit is helping you understand and you see the truth first and then God empowers you by his spirit to enter it so that's what's so beautiful is God you were born again and I you didn't realize it but when you did go under the water you buried your past you may not have you know you came up and you may not have changed right away as far as God is concerned your past was buried and he was putting you on a new path thank you you know I think in looking and listening to your story it reaffirms what the Bible says and we were talking about this just in Sabbath school this week the call for you for anyone in sin is not to stop doing this in the call is to love Jesus or failure and then Jesus lives out his life through you and the stopping of sin is a product of a relationship with Jesus because if there is no relationship you have no strength to stop doing so see a God was saying he didn't say stop being gay because he knew I couldn't change my attractions I certainly couldn't change the history in the memory he just said stop resisting me mm-hmm and I was reading they didn't know him yes but as I learned to trust him more and resisted him less then it was easier to give up these things that were religious broken cisterns and he started to bring in John Paul doesn't say to Romans I beseech you that you stop being gay thank you I beseech you to present your bodies a living sacrifice okay and that living sacrifice will take care of the gay issue the straight person wants to chase women issue they'll turn absolutely any issue that the remedy is the same present your bodies to Jesus and then Jesus works in you for you with you to you through you to stop with that same pattern I just have to say this that when I think my new favorite scripture is Roman excuse me Hebrews 7 22 God just open this up to me I've been I've been studying the covenants of presenting the covenants for years and I had an experience in February when I was out at the central California conference where I presented it and it was so fascinating to see people's reaction to really start seeing about the covenants of but I didn't know this script I mean I didn't make it didn't hit me until just recently and listen to this it's talking about Jesus and he says by so much more Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant and then it goes on to say he's therefore because he's the surety he is able to say those to the uttermost who come to him you know what this means I looked it up he is the guarantor he is the surety from God to us that among all of God's promises are ours yes in a minute yeah but guess what else when we say that we're saved by grace alone by faith in Jesus Christ he is the surety to God that we are going to be faithful to the Covenant because he's going to work in us too willing to do his good pleasure he's going to finish the good work he begins at his mouth so that's what happened to you you couldn't do it in your own strength but the surety your guarantor showed up and he's working again isn't that a great you know you're going to start with preaching in a second and we're so happy for your book that got impressed you Danny to do that because I did a little study on uttermost which which means it if you parse it out anytime anyplace anywhere any person anyhow by any means every person any every time every place in any place in any manner by any means necessary so it's all consonants in that word uttermost Wow that that includes any sin problem that exists there's nothing you can bring that Christ hasn't seen before and there's nothing you can bring that Christ has not cured before and so there's nothing new under heaven Solomon says he's dealt with this before and he dealt with it successfully so you said there's nothing that he hasn't cured before and could that be part of the issue that we're really seeing is that there's so much sexual brokenness that I found in this ministry in the last six years you know we talk about our stories and coming up ministries but we have so many people coming forward that never struggled with homosexual attraction but they struggle with pornography addiction or sexual addiction from the pastor's on down and is part of the issue is that are we really sure that geez as can heal every sin condition and I think that if you're not getting victory in your life and why wouldn't you be soft around the idea that hey you know let the let the gay guy bring his boyfriend in you know because I'm not getting any victory so he may as well just join us - hmm I think that there's I think that there's a lot of truth in that that we're just not seeing the power of God manifested and I think that's just because we're not surrendering I mean you know the whole thing is to come to him and no I mean anytime we try to work out our own salvation without his power we're going to fail every single solitary time and so many people we know obedience is important but it would be because it is the pathway to God's blessing but obedience is only by his power it's by grace you can't obey even by yourself and when you try to think that you can do something to save yourself guess what God's going to show you nope the salvation belongs to God but once you get to that point of just you know our responsibility day by day and I'm sure for you at least for me it's still a day-by-day surrender for you as a day-by-day surrender about every five minutes so you and I understand what you're saying because I've been there too and instilled it but the whole point is the reason people aren't seeing victory because they're there they just haven't said okay Lord salvation belongs to you I give up and we live in me work in me yeah you know that I've written several books and co-written Shelley and I wrote the Ten Commandments twice-removed there's over 10 million of them in print this is the first time that I've written a book see normally I'm writing for those that are not Christians or those outside the church because I want to present and we look at it and sometimes in our own little world is wait a minute no matter what church you go to if you're Christian you know you believe in the commandments even though you may say all the old laws nailed to the cross we deal with all that in this - is the old law nailed to the cross if so then why is it still wrong to steal and kill and all of these things of course the you know the writing of the ordinance was nailed to the cross but it's the first time I've been impressed to write a book that to church members you know even our church as well as evangelicals as well as non-christians as well as virtually everyone because what I've seen this is not as I said creeping into the church it's coming in I mean full full barrels it's coming in from every way there was a survey that of college Christian college of the students and 49% of those said we don't see anything wrong with same-sex marriage Christian college and so I don't even want to say which ones it is what denomination but you can take a guess that that's shocking to me that forty nine percent of our young people because if we believe that and that's what the burden that I really have if that is acceptable then the Sabbath's not important same way with abortion we can talk about abortion for a bit we since it became law of the land Roe vs. Wade in 1973 we don't hear much about it in churches anymore that's well it's legal it's legal on this earth but it's not legal in the sight of God there are some states did you know that five minutes before a baby is born it's okay to abort it five minutes after you're accused of murder if five minutes before if someone kills this woman and the baby is charged with double homicide now how can that be that seems very inconsistent if they're not really looking at it as a human being as a child so abortion it's amazing to me that people can support political candidates or churches who say well I think abortion is it's up to the woman's choice you know well then it's about choice why don't I get a choice say if I want to go slap somebody I can't if I feel like you know doing whatever I can it's the choice I should have a choice to be myself but this is choice over someone else's life the most defenseless human beings on earth are the unborn babies yet we as a Christian Church say very little about it why do we not say anything about our silence I talk about the silence of Christians is just as as damaging as those who are out there say say pro-choice but when we're silent about it we're accessories to the fact that over 60 million of the figures right and look them up babies since that time have been killed 60 million and I'm accessory to that if I don't stand up and say that's not right now does this mean I think I'm perfect knowing I'm glad you got that point because I really prayed and struggled in this everything I wrote I put myself in that I'm no different I know that Mike your background you live Gear's homosexuality as a homosexual I'm no different half cent of my life and guess what you're no different you have sin in your life so I don't have a right to judge Mike I do not say oh well look guess what I'm not that way so I'm okay I can't do that I love Mike even when he was a homosexual if I known you it's my job my responsibility and my privilege to love a fellow human being and to try to introduce them to Jesus that can give us victory over our problems I have problems there are different kinds in his so in writing this it's no way does it say I'm perfect or I don't I keep all the commandments you don't it's not a finger pointing thing it's an issue that says this is destroying the Church of God the devil as I mentioned earlier the Bible says if it were possible to see the very elect starting with this young generation when our young people in our schools and our academies and in in our colleges believe that same-sex marriage and abortion should be a choice the woman's choice if you want abort you can or not is not biblical so we have to take that stand but people for years have said well you know you got to be careful with that and my thing is now maybe it's because I'm so old getting sold is why do I have to be careful about it if it's tan it's sin and so I'm not judging individual people but if we're going to keep the commandments let's keep them if we're not less just do what we want now we were in New York CA and bond and I and Tim and Irma we were there this last week one of the pastors told us they would get this this is hard to believe there was a inter interfaith meetings of numerous religious groups I don't know if there's a few hundred it lasted for several days about five days interfaith meetings that sounds good New York said is huge eight million people whatever bring all these different religions together let's have meetings for five days you know what he said and I have been as pastor went to see what was going on in the five days all the meetings there was never one prayer set hmm you know why they was afraid they would offend someone else's religion so no one would even pray for their food you heard me right no one would even pray for their food because they're worried about see it's political correctness and I talked about that in this book quite a bit political correctness we've chosen political correctness over God's law and when you do that we end up in run in this case national run I go over all the country's numerous countries Cambodia whether it's Russia I go down the line Romanian countries I've been to in communism when they threw out God they ended up in national ruin and so what happens when you trample on on same-sex on the marriage the marriage commandment God only instituted two things at creation instituted the Sabbath and instituted marriage one man and one woman and any marriage outside that is not a real union it's not blessed by God so when we as a nation make it law of the land we slap God in the face so we're going down it's a downhill spiral and it's getting worse and worse and worse and worse and we've got a minute to happen this so we want you to call in your questions or comments hopefully but for the end of the next hour then we've got a lot more information that we want to give you but I'm sorry you were getting ready to I just you mentioned political correctness I'd like for you and maybe we'll have to do it when we come back to unpack that a little force because and you mentioned the silence of millions why are we so silent yeah absolutely you know I think it's it's more than just political correctness I think it's just fear it just just fear afraid to stand up for the Lord you saw the the lower thirds our telephone number six one eight six two seven four six five one six one eight six two seven four six five one Live Li ve at 3abn dot TV if I'm sure we've stirred something in your heart you want to weigh in on this we'd be glad to take them in the second half we're coming down to the end of a very spirited first half this is a subject these are subjects that occasion much Prayer much thought standing up for the Lord sometimes swimming upstream but as Danny well in tones this is time for the church to take a stand it's not a time to sit on the fence or to be weak in any way about who we are who's we are and what we believe and if they stay tuned when you get back we'll tell you how you can get this book absolutely free of charge all right we'll be back two minutes and two seconds we'll be back we hope to see you then [Music] and we are back to 3abn today live and this has been a very very special sitting together and if you missed the first hour as a good friend of mine used to say I feel sorry for you because we have had a very spirited and spiritual discussion bond on some of the things that we see are encroaching in the church some of the things that the church is facing some of the things that this ministry is facing and some of the things that we feel God is calling us to do to plant a flag as we're in the kingdom of the enemy and raise of a standard for Jesus Christ I'm in a company of dr. Yvonne Lewis and mr. Danny Shelton a founder president and friend my card each card card Suchi I said get that right got a dude from New York yeah yeah he of coming out ministry and the lady Shelly Clint a good family discussion yeah and and we must admit our ears are perked a little bit because we see some things that we think need to be spoken of spoken of passionately spoken of in love but it makes no sense to put your head in the spiritual sand you got to come up and speak a truth for the Lord in love and I think we've emphasized that Danny over and over again you got to tell the truth but you've got to tell the truth and love but in love you got to tell the truth yes and there's no way to get around that that is our mandate as we were called to be salt and light in a dark world and Danny's written this book spiritual vigilantes and we were talking about political correctness really tell us the impact that political correctness has had on society well absolutely in America and around the world let's go back to we talked about Mike growing up with Leave It to Beaver and you know now ended up with modern family and all of that what happened for those of you old enough now I was teenager in the 60s I graduated high school in 1969 I don't mind telling you that I'm thankful that I'm still here and somewhat of sound mind so far thank the Lord for the health to be here but in the 60s we had a great our culture movement that the hippies so some of you will know about the hippies the motto was if it feel good if it feels good do it you know the right and wrong went out the window about the same time you're getting involved in the Vietnam War so you have the protesters for that then the young man a young preacher came along named Martin Luther King jr. so dr. Martin Luther King comes on so now you have civil rights going on unrest going on because here are black soldiers fought and died in our wars but to come home and can't even drink in the same fountain with with some someone that's white in color so you have all this unfairness going on and you so this causes for race relations so when dr. King stands up and starts to get a following you've got this going on then all of a sudden a young man comes along in the 50s and 60s Elvis Presley you got the BB King's and you have you know you went from being Crosby in Perry Como to all of a sudden the Beatles and all of these things look what a the the social climate in the late 60s with all of these things hitting us all at once and then they coming out of the closet was a group of homosexuals and openly talking about it and having marches and I can remember being shocked at all of these things what is this world coming to my dad used to say I'm telling you if the Lord doesn't come right away he's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah for because the sin is getting so bad but that attack things begin to change and so as society began to change in this socially we can no longer put right is right and wrong is wrong because it was substituted with if it feels good do it and commercials would people get on television which we would have been ashamed to do it and say this is all about me I'm worried I'm taking care of me and everything begin to focus on me myself out and people proud of it right you remember that oh you're not old enough right okay no jellies well all of you are really I think so we see all of this happening but what happens now we have Watergate and we have all of a sudden are we go through this assassination with John F Kennedy and now we get into the Nixon era politics going great everything is falling apart it looks like America's crumbling to its knees so you had about this time you've got the Jerry Falwell the moral majority got Billy Graham you got all of these folks coming in you know and in Christianity you know Billy Graham could go draw 50,000 people because people for the first time they were content after the world war two is baby boomers and finally the 50s were pretty nice and early 60s but all of a sudden when all of these things came people found themselves having to make decisions they've met drugs came in brought in the the communes of the hippies as we mentioned earlier all of these things begin to happen that's life-changing for us so the devil hit us all at once so for the last four to five generations it's now on a steamroll once something goes down a hill is it's pretty hard to stop it so what happens now is to politicians so politicians now I'm sorry but I'm going to tell the truth we've been telling the truth about everything else but a politician seems to go with the wind doesn't go with the Bible so a politician we've seen it over and over and over so whatever the people want if I'm a politician I'm running I'm going to lean with whoever the majority so I can get an office so many of our politicians that I used to thought had scruples had now I'm not saying all of them are that way I'm sure there's a lot of good politicians so let me put that in people with integrity and and still with with values but I'm going to take and talk openly about this in 2008 Barack Obama then-senator Barack Obama was interviewed and he said that marriage they asked him how he believed and it's all in the book a documentary I have the the interview in the book how he felt about same-sex marriage and he said I believe in the union of one man and one woman because get this God is in the mix that's the biblical version that was Barack Obama 2012 when he became president he won in 2008 and 2012 he ran again but this movement of the gay movement had grown so strongly he's interviewed again and then he says well I've come to realize and this is all documented that it really is just long as two people love each other and that's all that really matters because that's the way the wind was blowing so much so that he put into office a person named Kevin Jennings look up Kevin Jennings and I put a little bit about him in here Kevin Jennings was a head of the largest gay and lesbian gay movement in America and he was put into office to in his position was to stop bullying so that's the name of to stop bullying several hundreds of millions of dollars to budget Kevin Jennings brags about it it's public notice over the next several years he started over 3,500 between 3,500 and 4,000 gay and lesbian clubs starting with seventh grade going through high school and telling young people you should experience he's written a number of books like five or six books and there's things I'm hesitant even talk about fisting other things if you too old don't know what that is you go look it up I'm not going to talk to you about it tonight but I've learned about some of the stuff myself so he has he's encouraging young people to and in these clubs gay and lesbian the the people teaching them at the the schools encourage young people to experiment with homosexual relationships now this is sponsored by the government mine your tax dollars so Hillary Clinton she was interviewed I think even in 2012 I have to go back and look at this but 2010 11 and 12 how does she feel about marriage should same-sex marriage and she said I believe that same that marriage is between one man and one woman I believe the biblical view but yet then after 2012 and 13 and then she ran on same-sex marriage and she and president than Barack Obama championed same-sex marriage to become all the land but guess what I didn't vote on it did you vote on it dinner you get a vote to say why not Yvonne why didn't we get to vote it was determined by the Supreme Court the Supreme Court so it was it was deemed a federal rather than a local and state why because they knew on a local level that local politicians would be ran out of office just now with transgender bathrooms if they want to do that at a federal level I'll guarantee you because I know if you're like me you don't want your your daughter your granddaughter in there and some guy comes in and says hey I feel like I'm a woman today some man it might be a predator so I want to use this bathroom and I understand places like Target let them do that and just say well I feel like I'm a woman today or I want to use this I guarantee on a local level your local city mayor if he was with promoting that he wouldn't be mayor of most cities I know it wouldn't be in my area but at a federal level we don't have a choice see they can bypass the people and that's what's happening so that's the kind of stuff I've documented to put in here that people we didn't get a choice because this was all done purposely because the majority of people do not want and I'll guarantee you if you walked into churches anywhere on a Sabbath morning or Sunday morning you walk in and say how many of you think we should have transgender you know bathrooms or let transgenders go into any bathroom they want very few people would raise their hand and support it but we're quiet about it we're silent about it because we don't want to offend anybody John Romo Kang is a neighbor mine just down the street and we're so worried about offending people because being politically correct and that's what the politicians are so worried about you asked me back to the politically correct let's do what gets me in office so if this the way the wind is blowing I'm suddenly I've changed my I do totally flip-flops because these candidate and others if Republicans do it too so I'm not a Democrat I'm not a Republican I'm independent I guess if that's what you want to call it am independent of either party so that's why I feel like I couldn't talk about this without somebody saying oh he's a Republican no I may agree with some of the things the Republicans stand for and I may agree with some of the things the Democrats stand for but I'm not going to align with either party but let's say that John Lowe McCain's house is on fire because people say well you have to be careful you don't want offend somebody's two o'clock in the morning I look out the window and I say John and Angie's house is burning down I'm going to call them start down I say oh wait a minute it's two o'clock in the morning during bed I I'm not going to call I'm here to all offend them now is that what we would do no are you going to call what would you do you can call them because it's much more important so if I would call them over something physical why won't I do the same on spiritual things it's life and death and and missing out on heaven for eternity so the I write about this the silence of Christians and here we're responsible for much of this we are responsible because political correctness we don't want to say anything somebody comes in they tried it someone told me that I know said we went to Target and the guy said I course I'm not going to go into women's bathroom it wasn't even dressed as a woman wasn't even dry addresses the man and said to the guy where's your bathrooms they said Oh down go here okay uh well I want to use the woman's restroom today I feel like I'm a woman and the guy said oh okay well going down there was no stopping that two years ago five years ago security come and throw you out twenty years ago there to put you in a wagon and sent you off to a mental institution or to jail right but what's happened political correctness has taken over not only the country but taken over the church because we're worried about offending somebody and I decided you know what we're only here so many years of our life and I see and I love this church that I'm a part of and I'm going to stand up and say you know what I don't want to be counted when I face the Lord why didn't you you had this information you had a mouthpiece to speak but you were afraid offending people you'll talk about the Sabbath but you won't talk about abortion you won't talk about same-sex marriage and again I do it in love because I think we're all in the same boat no sinners and in better shape than the other thing we're all sinners in need of a savior I can't point a finger at you you shouldn't be pointing finger at me but we can call sin what it is and say look as a nation when we individuals there's always been been people who live together I say and pretend to be a family but when the United States government makes it law the land that is a slap in the face to God Almighty so Danny it's interesting being in this ministry now for the last six years there is a real balancing act you know how is it that you cry allowed him and spare not but at the same time protect innocent people that are either unaware or don't have the means or or understanding of what change really looks like and so it's been a really difficult process for us at coming-out ministries to learn how it is that we tell the truth without you know losing compassion so when I think about the transgender issue there are so many definitions now for transgenderism a person can be labeled a transgender even if somebody as feminine as you know dr. Lewis and being a female if she feels that she's a male inside whether she's on hormones and has not had any surgeries she still considered transgender and so that's how confusing is we have over 50 different it is over 50 different labels for non-binary non gender-specific you have now mix its it's a cross between maybe on Tuesday I feel like dressing as a woman Thursday as a man so I don't want to be called mr. or miss I'd be called mix so there's so much confusion going on even with the transgender issue but I think was really difficult is how is it that we can still love a person and create an environment where they can find that healing there is something different we have to word things differently and we do have to be careful but we cannot spare not what the truth is because like you said where we're allowing people to come into church while they're there their houses are burning down and we're just loving them and that's not enough well no absolutely you know what weapons do we have all we have is love and truth that's all we got we don't have anything else you have to tell the truth and you have to tell another remember there's a book that came out years ago called creeping compromise well creeping compromise is not leaping comp yeah you know we're not we're not creeping anymore it is leaping and there was another book I recall whatever happens happened to sin we are afraid and this is political correctness to call sin sin that's right we call it disease or you know we all kind of fancy names but it's just sin and unless you label something as sin then you have no no handle to deal with it you got to be able to call sin by sin right name the the number one medication I'm told that is prescribed in the United States in the Western world is lipitor lipitor is for cholesterol excess cholesterol now there are those whose bodies produced less cholesterol but for the most part lipitor is a lifestyle it's a cure for bad lifestyle you're eating a lot of meat you know you so lipitor assumes that you're not going to change your ways hmm so we're just going to give you this to let you feel good and what you're doing still eat all the beef and all the fat and all the bacon and all you want and take lipitor you'll be fine and that's the mindset that the world and to some extent the churches and you're not going to change your ways so what we need to do is accommodate mm-hmm don't try to overcome don't try to change don't try to grow take lipitor mm-hmm and you'll be fine you're a teacher how you eat not changing anything just take lipitor and it's emblematic of the society in which we find ourselves in if you don't call it sin then you have no reason to change that's right but once you call it sin now we've gotta decide are we going to follow Jesus and I say this not be done I'll just get off my soapbox hmm everybody has asked a question in their Christian walk how much does Jesus mean to me sooner or later in your walk you have to ask and answer that question or you will cease to grow if he means everything to you then you sell out everything to have him and nothing is more important than Jesus and once you once you once you make that decision a lot of these questions tend to answer themselves you put Jesus first then if that's not like Jesus then that's got to go if that's not like Jesus then that's got to go but if you're iffy about who Jesus is well then these questions loom large because you have not decided how much Jesus means to you right what are you trying to achieve with this book what is your your purpose in writing the book my purpose in writing the book is to get truth to a lost and dying world we in our own little box sometimes whether it's Baptist Church or Adventist Church we have what we believe is truth and we stick with that and we get so focused on one issue in our case it's seventh-day Sabbath all of our books are written about it and it's very important because it's part of the law of God while at the same time coming in we're not even aware of it or all of the things that Satan is coming through our young people because of the media blast to them I'm going to say because that's what it is it's blasting Adam but it's changing that our youth to say well same-sex marriage is okay abortion is okay and as I said earlier by doing that what we're actually saying is that then if we accept that then there's no use in saying the Sabbath is important does that make sense to some of you who who are realized people watching from all different denominations but you on the other hand maybe you believe some of you go to different churches you believe same-sex marriage is wrong because it's one of the commandments you're violating of the adultery that abortion the fifth commandment you you believe they're sorry the abortion is wrong and so now you say well but the Sabbath isn't important you know I believe in these this book is going to make you stop and think about it can we pick and choose or all of these importance there's a reason God said remember so the book is written for all of us because I see it within our church as I said I see pastors who are asking their conference presidents and I've talked to them can we do same-sex marriages now that is law of the land now who would have ever thought the pastor would be doing it there are colleges and universities and academies they should he and his group should be speaking amen continually but some of these colleges and universities won't let them on campus because it's too hot of an issue to talk about well if we can't talk about them in our own universities and in academies where can we talk about it why 3abn for now so the goal is is truth because if the devil doesn't get you one way he's going to get you another way and I want to see that's the reason I've talked to some folk in the last few days and I said what I'd love to do is to be able to make this an evangelistic book that can get out to everybody who wants one anybody who's willing to pass them out and normally we say let's go out on the streets and the highways and byways let's do that after we make sure every family in our church has a copy of the book and all our young people every school in America Christian school should have this book for each of the students from grade school the academies the colleges because we have to understand what is happening how the church is eroding from the bottom it's like termites are eating at the bottom while we all sitting up here and while we're getting the gospel to the world and we're being consumed underneath that's my burden so my burden is so what we've done that we have raised and we're going to ask you if you want to donate to 3abn we can just put evangelistic book whatever you do we will purchase these books and they're not much more than I mean they're bet we're using the best with Dwight Hall from remnant publication the best covers that look well the best paper everything so that when people look at it they don't say oh that's a cheap book it's going to be and yet it's not much more than I didn't fifty cents or fifty five cents or whatever a piece that it's going to be so almost for every dollar you give that buys like two books to be given away so we're asking for groups of people in churches we did this with the 10 commandments twice removed and millions of books went out so right now we have tonight someone called me and said because I gave this to several people the responses varied I give them samples and said what do you all think about this the response is varied one of them said look aren't you tired of being a I'm going to use the first letter H you figure out the next three raiser and H you know what razor because it seems like for 30 years in ministry you're always on the cutting edge you're always doing something that's very saying stuff that's controversial you and three a B and you're always out there you talk about the Sabbath you talk about the you know the change of the Sabbath by the papers you do all of these things and I said that no I just whatever the truth is we do it to someone called and said I will donate as matching funds one hundred thousand dollars that's going to MIT that's going to buy something like I didn't figured up 175 thousand books raised that way then to you absolutely free your church or your group will send you five hundred up to a thousand if you promise that you all you have to do is pay for the shipping now remnant publications in Michigan will ship out they will dropship so it's gone straight from remnant to you so if you want some of these books you're willing to read them you're willing to share them with your church members not just those outside the church but we want every family inside the church have the opportunity to read this book because this is life and death for the future of our church and I believe it and I believe God called me to do this I never dreamed about Yvan writing a book on this subject doing so much study for this last year and so much going through people read and say wow that's not like some of your other books well now Shelly she's a study in the ten commandments twice removed she did a great job but this took I had to really know what I would look at all the facts and so we we've done it and I said this is destroying Christian churches so Adventist churches Baptist churches Pentecostal churches Catholic Church you name it it's affecting you and your church if you don't think so you're living in a bubble so if you would you call her number you email us at 3abn whatever they've got what up to we'll put up an email address if you want some of these books and you're willing and you promise basically we're going to make sure that our church will get groups of people together we'll pass these out we'll send these to you absolutely free it's going to be just a few weeks they're actually going to press starting Monday so it's going to take a couple weeks to get enough and it kept meeting Dwight Hall is going to be here and hopefully going to have about 10 or 12,000 of the books here with him and we have some groups we were in New York this week CA and we met a group Yvonne I think you interviewed them yeah and they go out on Sabbath because New York's hard to reach not everybody can get 3abn or Christian networks they can through Verizon if they have it in the cities or if you have a Roku or my SDA or whatever but one of the things that's so effective and we had a number of people come up to us and say we joined a church through 3abn your writing where was that where was it was a Manhattan it was rocks brought right in the Bronx that said we became and one of the things they do there's a group of people that go on Sabbath passing out books Shelly they said they passed out over 5,000 of the Ten Commandment twice removed books in that city and many cities that's the best way to reach them so if we want to show that at the time I think we have this says the go to mail room at 3abn org if you would like to order also if you would like maybe you can't get out and do it yourself but you say I can send $100 that'll buy nearly two hundred books or I can send a thousand dollars some of you can do more than that so if you want to go into this we're gonna you're going to hear more about it next week I think Dwight Hall is going to be here to get really more specifics about it but if you agree and you don't want to be one of the silent I talked about the millions of silent people that we need to stand up this is something you can do we're going to ask you to consider whatever the Lord impresses you to do to send to 3abn and say evangelistic outreach because we with God's help we're going to get millions of these out to the public in our own church as well as the public because all through is Jesus and salvation we offer people the only answer for this world's problems today that's the Lord Jesus Christ we make sure that's part of it we're not here just talking about these these are some of the subjects but I've tried and with the help of those who are helping me put this together to try to speak to people when you read this book that my goal is you'll want to draw closer to the Lord Jesus Christ right and that we want to go to that video right now look at the video okay some of us from the 3bn family are here at the Bronx in the Bronx at the Grand Concourse temples and Evans church and I was talking to one of the young ladies here actually two of them and they gave their testimony this is wonderful this wonderful team here is being spearheaded by these two ladies Mae and martini tell us a bit about your team and what you do okay with a controversy team NYC's and of course all of us here together and what we do every month we take a borough in New York City and we give out the break controversy book we give out certain books we give up even the Ten Commandments twice removed we give out all the books to people because we want to um you know win souls for the kingdom so we were inspired a flame was sparked in us because we had a crusade with the full rudder Christopher Hudson and he gives out books and so from since then we've been given out books on a personal basis but then we met up after the crusade and we said why don't we get together as a team so we can spread out and give our books throughout this New York City because energy white so the New York City is a place where we need to you know in these last days so we've been inspired by the Lord and we have so many testimonies provided these books for us we don't have money but we get into books for free I mean God has been answering our prayers so we just you know want to just keep spreading God's Word amen amen and God has been working wonders wonderfully in our lives many times we say where are we going to get the money where we're going to get the finance what God show us that when he opens the way we have to walk by faith and this is why he's showing us that if you obey me and you do what what my will is I will open up the floodgates of heaven we don't have anything but we've been working ever since we the Lord has put us together and never has he left us isolated with no books we've always had books to give out to those who are in need of it and the blessing some of them they ask for prayer some of them aren't ears and they're just they just feel so blessed when we hand them a free book some of them can't believe it like you sure that's free and we're like yes it's free please we don't want your offering it's free because we are passionate about saving souls out here in New York City as you know it's a population of over 8 million people the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few so please pray for us that this group here may multiply for the Lord you know I I when you mention about have your purpose and the purpose and your focus you know it's a true thing and because this is Mother's Day you know mothers play a big role in the children's life I'm a determined person I never give up ever since I came to this country my purpose would never give up they have to be another way it has to be some other way and we heard about the certain books that the gentleman died is left books with his widow and she got in touch with a young man named Mark and tell him to get rid of these books for her and Mark was handing out those books for churches and they've been given a donation and when we got went to it all the books were gone but I was determined people never give up all that they have they always hold back a little bit and I was determined and when my daughter I had her head down and said marks they're all the books were gone I said mark us to have some books so I called him and I said mark just a fear of Mike I said just a few or what you got can we get some please and he said all right come and we went up to Peekskill and we got about seven boxes some at 60 some at 100 and because of that we became friends and when they were praying to get some books one day they give out all the books they had and they said were we going to get books from and they said well let's pray and five minutes above between five to ten minutes she went upstairs my daughter may and the marks Mike's wife my son is mark that's what Mike's wife called and said you know what may we got some books and you all need books and they went up there and they got about 60 boxes free and even before he gave the books he said before I give you these books I want to talk to your mother Anna spoke to me and I Adam laughing and giggling on the phone you say all right MA doesn't put me onto your daughter me they got the books they got the book and he told me I like your mom she's on but that'll game it's fire they are it was so great to meet them because I love meeting people who they watch 3abn they love what you know what the Lord is doing through the network and they also love giving out these books so they may had said to me we need some books where can we get some books and it's just amazing because Danny had written this book and this book there it's so excited about taking this book to New York just get this flooding New York with these books and when they found out they could get them for free and we may was just over just a little group we'll get thousands out they will get down there and I thought this is a good idea for churches to form give away book club yes you know if you're kind of on the sidelines you want to sort of dip your toe in the water former club and give away books this book is a great way to start and you can get them then I think this is a great idea to have people sort of prepay and then others can just order just pay for the shipping you can get a supply and you'll your promise is that we will give them out what I want to save in a closet right I want them in the back room somewhere they're not going to do too good there if they have to be in the hands of the people who can read to me and do less but we do have a couple weeks to get matching funds so person said if you can raise a hundred thousand I'll do it so we're going to count on you all as the Holy Spirit impresses whether it's five dollars or five thousand or ten thousand whatever it is if the Lord is impressing you you let us know here at 3abn in fact tonight if you want to call if you want to books the numbers up there six one eight six two seven four six five one or if you you want to make a donation either way you can contact us so email mail room at 3abn o RG so whether you want the book and you want us to send you some they'll take your name and address it's going to be a little bit for we can get them to you if you want to make a donation they can take that down and let us know about it - that's a big help to us yes exciting it is and we really need for people to step up to the plate and say okay I'd like to sponsor my church you know there you go because this way we can get the books get them out and it's kind of like it's kind of like what we do with the blessings on the go these are evangelistic tools this is not just oh this is not just a book you can sit and read this this is a very thought-provoking book I have not read anything recently that was this thought-provoking Dania and I'm not saying it to just compliment you it's what God has done through you and so this made me really think and I think it's going to make every reader really think where am I where do I stand with my Christianity hmm and so I were not immuned our church is not immuned your local church you're not immune to the devil coming in and literally I was in Cambodia with McNeil is's several years ago and it was a church and it's made out of bamboo and we were sitting in the church mic and there was I don't know if it held several hundreds of people and I kept hearing noises like it sounded like a microphone that was you know but it was just kept when they didn't have microphones so I'm in this bamboo church and I'm here and finally I say to garland McNeil I said say what is that noise he said you know what that is I said no that's why I asked you to question he and I go back and forth you know I don't know he said that's the termites eating the church down about every six months they'd have to build a new church that's where they come up with the idea of one day churches out of Steel thank you so much needless is Maranatha all the folks that are involved in that but the same thing is happening right now your local church my local church all of you watching the termites are at literally at the foundation getting ready to literally eat your church up and there's going to be no church as we know it today give this five more years and if we don't this truth to our young people you might as well forget that's right Church because we're just going to be like the world and that's why it's so important so we want you giving these away this time to church members first because our people need to be aware and I could give you instance after instance of people you would never dream in high positions in the church that are coming out saying one man said I'm resigning my sons transgender and I agree with it and speaking that we have some few questions that maybe Mike could answer on this subject CA why don't we do those right now very quickly Shelly um this watcher wants you to restate the scripture that you read from in Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 that would be verses 24 through 32 already Mike I guess we can we can give this one to you a grandfather wants to know should he attend his granddaughter's gay wedding you know for a long time I didn't think that it really mattered and I thought well if it was an opportunity to really reach out to granddaughter and to affirm that you love her but it wasn't until my colleague Ron Woolsey who's a pastor really explained it that it actually settled it in my mind that he says you know weddings marriage is a sacred institution that was established in the Garden of Eden before there was sin and he said that your attendance at a wedding is basically saying that you're in support of that and so even if I don't agree with it um you know he uses the example of the Hebrews at the plain of Dura and they could have knelt down and prayed to their own God but instead they stood to to solidify their their stance about you know that this was wrong and so he he made sense that to go to a son's wedding a gay wedding would actually in my opinion be a compromise of the institution that God established yes it's a holy and sanctified institution to go there when it's when it's totally in opposition is like we support it there was a great there was a great thing that was added to that though that you know instead of going to the wedding you know lavish you know your grandson with love make sure that he knows or the daughter a granddaughter yes yeah you know take opportunities to affirm her and to let her know that she's loved you know don't just you know in you know say there's no way I go to your wedding or that kind of thing because again that's the very delicate balance however that you can show compassion without compromising yeah if we only loved perfect people none of us would love or be loved right know we're to love everybody okay and so this is just good news that we have that there's a way out there's victory over sin when we come in the name of the Lord and my burden is that our churches understand what's happening before it's too late and say why didn't somebody tell me that's why we're doing this we thank Lydia in Atlanta just flashed up living Lane a donation for the book come on our well said you know Bible Time Lord when you went to someone's house to eat with them to break a meal with them it was it indicated total acceptance of them eating was it meant a little more than it does now and and and when you when you attend things like that you are making a statement that could be misconstrued so thank you Mike for that I had one thing because I heard when you were saying about lavishing the love I heard a story of parents whose daughter was getting married and and they didn't it was a gay marriage so what they did was they went out and they spent the week before wedding with her and got to know her partner and it took them out to dinner they did not go to the wedding but then they stayed afterwards they let her know they loved her but and but they did not they showed that they did not prove the marriage yeah that because somebody doesn't agree with us or biblically differ from us that's no excuse not to love them yes your own family your friends we still love we you know that's our duty our privilege our responsibility you know love people but we just can't support something if it's not biblically not cutting off communication of Nell's you and you're just making a statement all right in that same vein mark I guess we should skew this one to you as a church should we hire homosexuals for our musicians it's a big issue and I've actually seen it in a few churches there are actually choirs that have openly practicing gay members in their choirs that actually go around to different churches and present however one of the things that was really convicted about was that music is worship and when you allow people who are actively or openly gay in a musical presentation at the church I believe that that is a leadership type of situation and in my humble opinion I don't think that it's right yeah I agree with you it's not to say that the musician that as a homosexual background but if we're trying it's like an adulterer if we're trying we confess to God long as we're not openly doing it or practicing you know God forgives our sins and so while there's many many people musicians extremely gifted a lot of those have that tendency but as long as they're serving the Lord the best they know how that's fine I saw a video of him in one of the churches where they invited a gay and lesbian choir not even Christian choir but invited them to one of the churches to put on a Christmas program to me I mean I still think I'm too old to be shocked but I guess I'm not I'm like wait a minute this is in church so you're having all of these folk who they call it the gay and lesbian choir group and you invite them to your church to put on a sacred program about the birth of Christ what does that say to the young people in the church it's okay you know shame on the pastor who would do something like that but you do it because so many are doing it because they want to be politically correct because the wind is blowing and you don't want to offend anybody but it's time that we have to let them know the house is on fire but I think that there are some innocent people really struggling to know what your parameters are absolutely and I love again pastor Ron from our ministry he talks about how membership is a sacred calling and you wouldn't allow somebody in a hospital that's sick to perform surgery on somebody else who's sick and so you know membership is really reserved for those that that have expressed a the fact that they're following the Bible and the principles of the Bible and so if they're not there they're still are welcome in the church they belong in the church fellowship absolutely fellowship is is so powerful and that's where they need to be affirmed and so okay we've studied these out and and and maybe the gay couple they they're like you know what we're not there and that's okay keep coming to Sabbath school bring your children because now we have gay couples that are actually coming into the churches with their children and so we still have an obligation to them they still belong there but they're just not ready for membership mmm good Sandra and yet said I just notice that thank you for your donations also and also those of you just joining us or whatever maybe you haven't or you haven't called yet if you want to call us here you can call us or you can email us also mail room at 3abn if you want to order some of these books are absolutely free if it's a church and you're promised to pass out even 500 to a thousand we'll send them to you all you have to pay for is just the shipping so we need both we need what we need people to call in to donate to sponsor these books to be taken into the communities and then we need for people to be willing to take the books yes into the community and let people know too and in your churches we need this in the church yes what you're saying Danny and it's really true the church will implode you know we're from the inside if we don't really take these things into consideration so we have to read this book get to know the get the information that's an L and someone sent a comment wow what an awesome book cover we'll get some that can't media so that's great that's great that's great yeah I didn't come up with it I'm not that sharp did yes is great Jenna I want to just read em Phasis here we've got someone here Thank You Danny so very much I was raised at Ventus and 3abn brought me back to the Lord praise art about three ago a vehicle never got tires the idea went when you and Shelley did tell - Christ twice removed that was a little more evangelistic this is for inside and outside and I'm not yeah this is a sort of blue vandalizing in the church outside the church as well because it's really needed and Yvonne said the word implode we live in our bubble and we think everything's okay we go Sabbath morning the same songs the same you know sermons the same Sabbath School teachers everything seems the same but we're not aware of what's happening with our young people then how they're being indoctrinated even in our academies and universities and what is happening with the change when 49 percent of these young people surveyed say same-sex marriage you have no church five years from now ten years from now whether you're Baptist or seven to evidence you don't have the church it stands on principles the Bible in the Bible only it's just eroded and it's gone that's one of the main purpose sometimes you don't know until it's too late of the church I grew up in the church had to move out and I asked the pastor why did you leave the building he said the only reason this church is still standing is because the termites are holding hands Oh Church I've gotten so rotten and that the inspector said you got to get out of this building because you think it's sound it is not it's getting ready to come down so we have to keep our eyes open the cost of being a Christian is vigilance is gone you can't sleep you cannot slumber listen to this hi Danny and team may we in trinidad and tobago a request 20,000 of your books oh wow Lord you're gonna if you're going to give them out right you know what normally I wouldn't say yes but I think I know who that probably is they have passed out a leaner than the thousands of these 10 commandments so I'm going to say yes to that because I know you will do it I've seen you do it and I've seen the groups with banners and everything else going up and down I've been there so the answer that one will be yes so we Lord door rumbling extreme director yes so we need we need for people to join hands and really stand up and sponsor taking 20,000 books into Turnitin tobago I mean we need to do that also we need to put up in a moment your contact information coming out ministry because there are so many people who have questions about the the gay culture and the redemption that can be had as a result of linking with Jesus Christ that's really it you probably know though email address offhand maybe they can put it up if you do I do it coming out ministries dot o RG yeah and we have your dryer here there we go how many out ministry so RG that that's easy enough to do it and we encourage you to go to them because we're very impressed and thank you for coming here tonight thank you for him we see that there's victory no matter what it is a man I've ever sent in your life God can bring you out of that and the idea is what you're doing now is sharing that love and that victory with with people who are a lot of people confused a lot of people disillusioned and you guys bring them hope and and truth and wonderful minute amen one other comment was thank you for your bold stand on this topic if it wasn't for your strong voice for such a time as this there would be silence in the church mm-hmm oh praise the Lord jelly can I ask you to prepare to close in prayer I've got a letter here we're not going to read because this kind of thing evokes very strong emotions and and there are people upset of course the devil is upset we're not trying to offend anyone we're trying to do is lift up the name of Jesus and price calls for standards so before we leave Shelly if you prepare to have a pair so that we can keep this thing bathed in prayer the book the project all the things we've been talking about tonight Joe just while you were talking we just saw that Joe just gave a thousand dollar donations thank you pray to the Lord wonderful now Shelly we got a couple minutes tell us about camp meeting that's only a cup of we want to see you here for camp meeting absolutely we do a camp meeting is June the 7th Wednesday through a Sabbath June the 10th and it begins at 7 o'clock well actually I shouldn't say that cau and I have more than one sermon to write better because we've got to get our get evangelism in our cell you are a member of the go evangelism team there were a lot of ECAM yes you can you're welcome to attend our seminars that are going to be starting Wednesday afternoon we've got Donnell McCain CA Murray and I will be doing seminars that afternoon for the go advantage without list the focus and let me just run down that really one only gotta be order of their appearance there's Nathan Renner CA Murray John Dinsey went leaf it's Kenny Shelton Shelly Quinn Jay Rosario went was doing another one Steve Wahlberg mark Howard James Rafferty ed Reed Doug Batchelor John Lowe McCain and and then there's James and Duggan's in the ED and Steve are all doing a second ones hell and then you're going to do our Sabbath worship but we've got such wonderful topics this overall theme is exposing the counterfeit and we are going to touch on things to counterfeit those exactly em exactly this is going to be anything read up again June 7 June the 7th through June the 10th and we want you to come because if you can't make it will forgive you and you can watch it on TV you won't want to you won't want to miss this we're going to be broadcasting live all day through it starts Wednesday evening we'll start broadcasting live and all day Thursday Friday and Saturday and then we'll be rebroadcasting but I'll tell you what coming and hearing and sharing the fellowship coming and just you really sense the anointing when you're here are we ready to pray yes I think we better pray right and I just want to I'm going to say this and I hope this could its end even but something the Lord showed me many years ago I was offended at something that someone did to me and the Lord told me that the Spirit of offense is the spirit of pride and you can't be offended unless your pride is in the way this is why Jesus never took offense at men because he had no pride because being offended the choice yes and I didn't want to say that we as I know Danny's heart and certainly we don't want to our point your point is not in hurting you know it is to bring darkness to a light place so that you can come out of darkness and into God's Allah's light let's pray Heavenly Father we come in the name of Jesus and the word we thank you so much for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for your Holy Spirit and for your word and we thank you that we're saved by grace and none of us can earn our salvation but father we thank you that your word gives us a clear path to show us your will and to show us your way and in the way of happiness father and we ask in the name of Jesus father for any viewer that may have been upset by what was spoken tonight on the program Lord I pray that your Holy Spirit will minister just wake them up in the middle of the night and and that they'll call on you and that your Holy Spirit will minister to them I pray that they will seek you for the right answer and father we ask in the name of Jesus that you would save the Church of Jesus Christ in the body of Christ Lord we don't want termites in the foundation so please lord help us to wake up before it's too late I thank you for calling Danny to write this book thank you for this opportunity Lord to give the book away and we just ask for your blessing on the distribution of this but it can go out like that leaves of autumn yes we thank you in Jesus name Amen amen you know see a lot of the folk there's folk upset about it you know and like a lot of the lesbian gay groups I know they're upset they'll hate it but hey they have a right to say what they want and we have a right to believe what we want and why should we be silent when they're not I mean I don't say that disrespectfully but hey we all have a right let's speak while we can amen amen our time is fast lift into eternity allow me long closing to wish you both Grace and peace to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we'll see you again soon good night and God bless [Music] you [Music] Hey [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 21,415
Rating: 4.7178421 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Danny Shelton, yt:quality=high, Commandments, Gay, Adventist, Ten Commandments, Homosexual lifestyle, 3ABN News, Same-sex, same-sex marriage, marriage
Id: zdXX3EKjuOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 55sec (6895 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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