3ABN Today Cooking - "Taco Explosion" by Melody Prettyman Caviness (TDYC18029)

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I want to spend my people wanna spend [Music] hila hard that on us man [Music] people [Music] hello and welcome to another 3abn today cooking program I'm Jason Bradley and I'm so excited to be in the kitchen today with melody cabinets she if you've been to any of our camp meetings you've probably had the privilege and opportunity to taste her delicious meals and if you haven't been well you got to make sure that you join us I'm so glad that you're allowing me to be here with you and taste test all of this wonderful food we'll be making are you my glutton for punishment is gonna be good well I hope so I hope so yes yes so now I called you melody cabinets but a lot of people know you as melody pretty in cabinets that's right and so what's the funny story behind why you want to be just called melody cabinet well you know I've been married for almost three years now to my wonderful husband Rendell Covina's and he has joined in the ministry together it's a combined ministry now God is so good and as we've been traveling around and we book our seminars they always come up to my husband and say welcome Mr prettiman and he's such a sweet soul he would never say anything bad so I thought you know it's time that people realized that I am melody cavernous now prettiman was my name before but now it's melody cabinet that's how they kind of automatically gave him your last name yeah and that's not too fair for yeah and I'm so proud to have that man's name praise amen amen so how long have you been cooking Oh most of my life my life my father was a chef he cooked for the officers in the Navy oh and then when he was out of the Navy he opened up his restaurants and as a little girl my father taught me how to cook because I loved cooking to me it's the therapy I mean it's it's a art and so I was always following his footsteps so he taught me everything he knew and out of five children I'm the only one who really got into the kitchen and made it a career for many years Wow so how how old roughly were you when you got started you said at a young probably as early as seven eight years old I always making spaghetti for the family spaghetti was my specialty then and I made it for the family probably at the age of ten years old where I would cook the meal for the entire family yeah loved it loved it now I didn't always you know I left and went into the corporate world for several years and of course my cuisine is not what it is today because I cooked meats and everything as fat as you possibly could get it so things have changed I've evolved so now we have healthier alternative much healthier okay well see you've you've cooked for a very long time I'd like to think that I would eat for a very long time I love to eat I love food I love tasting food eating food that's my passion and you can't tell it some of us you know we you know it's different for me now I met my look I'm not at my lowest weight but totally I am down a hund over a hundred pounds so I fought obesity severe obesity for years almost up to the point of close to 300 pounds so you have to understand I have come a long way and I battle you know my weight so I have to be very strict on my food it doesn't take me long to gain weight you know especially I have celiac disease and I have Hashimoto's is a thyroid disease but I would not go back to any of the foods and the way I used to eat because of the way I feel because I'm disease-free you know I I don't take Maddie I'm in my 60s I don't take medication and I feel really good for my age so did you find that the cure was in food absolutely Wow expected when it's a lifestyle disease there is no cure that medicine can give you it has to come from the nutrition the food that we get and so that's the education we don't have to give up good tasting food we just have to learn how to cook differently well you look good and I'm sure Randall would say the same thing well yeah I he better so let's go over what we're going to be making - sure let's do first we're gonna make what a taco explosion well that's that is the theme is our taco an explosion and we're starting out with a taco pasta casserole nice okay taco seasoning people buy a lot of this at the store and I've made a better version and our baked tortilla chips no fat no fat taco nacho supreme yummy taco soup this is a new one a lot of these are new recipes lemon yogurt parfait and my favorite dandy blend delight I'm excited to taste I'm looking forward to seeing where we get started but let's let's go to the recipe yes this is our first recipe this is the taco pasta casserole first you're going to have one large onion diced three cloves of garlic and that's minced 1 small jalapeno diced fine 1/3 cup of water 1 cup of fresh or frozen corn of your choice there 1 cup of black beans rinsed and drained 4 cups of cooked whole grain macaroni 1 and 1/2 cup of hydrated Butler taco crumbles 1 cup of mild salsa 2 cups of cheesy sauce and 1 can of diced tomatoes mmm sounds like we have some delicious and yummy we've already got something going on the stove you know I did for time sake you know I like to get my onions and here comes all this steam up here a little hydrated I like and sometimes to even Brown a little bit on the bottom and that gets everything started so right in here is our onions our minced garlic and our jalapeno if you can't handle jalapeno I love poblanos poblanos have that taste of Hell opinion but not the heat yes a little Maya it's milder yes but it does give that flavor without the kick basically so that's and I live in Texas now we like heat oh yeah well we kick it up there a little bit I used to live in Texas did you really want Dallas valentyn well you know where Alvarado King is there oh yeah that's where I live Southwestern University yeah and I'm going to check just I'm gonna turn this up a little bit okay now from this point because we have saved time probably about eight ten minutes nice we've already got a our onions are transparent so this is where I can add the rest of my ingredients okay and the first is I'm going to add corn you can add this however you like but I like to put my vegetables mostly in first nice so there's our corn the taste of corn yes me too and our black beans I'm not saying you have to always use black beans if you want to use a different type of being go for it I think black beans look really good and I like the flavor of them now here is my pasta okay now this pasta is actually a gluten-free brand so you can do a whole grain rice gluten-free and I bought this at Costco they have a very good variety there and it really holds up that's a problem with gluten-free is finding something that holds up yes and not being hungry in the next exactly exactly now this is a taco crumble this is something that Butler soy curls puts out what I like about this it already has the seasoning in it you just hydrate it like one bag with one and a half cups of water if you put two that's fine just let it simmer down to where there's no water and this is what you come with it's already seasoned I also like it because it's non-gmo and it is not defatted and that's hard to find it is very hard to find and when you taste this you're gonna taste that flavor that it puts in there it is wonderful I'm looking forward to it so this is a meal like the old remember the old kind of Hamburger Helper well this does the same thing it's all quick see I keep a lot of these products precooked in my refrigerator like cheesy sauce my macaroni rice I always have that available so when I come home I can grab it real quick so it's kind of like meal prepping yes it is yeah that's crucial throughout the week you got to go to work you got all this things and salsa now if you want more salsa you just knock yourself out turn up the heat turn it up if you want a real spicy like a habanero uh-huh whatever you want everybody has different tastes so basically that's up to you got you how much heat you want that's looking good smelling good dad no it's pretty we eat with our eyes if it doesn't look good we're not gonna taste that's the truth and here's my if it doesn't taste good I can't eat it you know I gotta have flavor I can't sacrifice flavor no you can't now one thing you'll notice I did not add salt and you might think oh that's not gonna taste very well well I've got salt in the items that we're cooking with okay so I don't want to over salt yeah I've really watched myself I suffered from high blood pressure for years so you know along with eating healthier I kind of cut down on my salt mm-hmm but I still like the flavor so yeah it has some salt it's not just what we used to put in there no don't want bland food no no no that's right the worst thing we can do is cook with what I call anemic food where it doesn't have any color to it and there's no flavor who would want to change a go to healthier diet so we want to also not only to taste good but we want to I appeal it absolutely does that look appealing to your eyes it does it looks like it I should taste it yes very soon now the good thing about this you could serve it just like this or you could pop it in the oven let it go heat up some more in the oven cover it with more cheese sauce if you wanted to you can cover it with actually like a tofutti sour cream or your favorite sour cream some green onions whatever you want to put in there just do it and and I'm telling you this one pan is probably only gonna serve four people five at the moon oh yeah you're gonna love it Oh so I'm gonna let you see if you like it oh yeah let me say that blessing real quick all right I'm gonna give you a napkin there hmm now the longer this sits and simmers as flavorful I've got the kick from the jalapeno okay got the black beans in there the crumbles and the corn it's very good now it just needs to set there and all those flavors meld together because the longer it cooks on low the better it's going to taste that flavors just all gonna blend together and it's gonna be so delicious that'll win oh yeah sit down and eat it up all right well what are we gonna make next I think next on our menu is the taco seasoning taco seasoning okay and what goes seasoning the ingredients are one tablespoon of chili powder one and a half teaspoon of ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon of paprika 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon of onion powder 1/4 teaspoon of oregano 1/4 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes and 1/4 teaspoon of cornstarch or corn flour and you can salt that to taste oh nice this is gonna be a very flavorful seasoning it is this is my taco seasoning and the reason why I make my own taco seasoning is a lot of them out there have silicon in them they also have msg and are just full of sodium so the sodium balance is way too high so this is one of those recipes where you can adjust the sodium yourself if you don't want it in there don't put it in but if you want some salt in there and I only use either Celtic sea salt real salt or Himalayan those are the only salts I use because they have the mineral base in them them okay so melody your fancy I am how do we start well what I did here is I put my paprika okay I put my garlic powder I put my cumin and my chili powder all together here let's hold it so our viewers can see so you have your paprika mm-hmm and chili chili powder garlic garlic thank you much I'm human okay and then I'm gonna pour it in here be I'm also going to add the remaining ingredients now honestly I rarely ever make this recipe too small when I make it I usually do like 10 times that amount and I have it all the time I put in a plastic container or I put it in a glass jar something to keep that so anytime I want taco seasoning I have it nice here is my onion powder okay my pepper flakes it just depends on the person how hot they want it and that's the regular pepper flakes we use like when we're eating pizza I got you heythere's I've got a good vegan pizza recipe really yes I do have cookbooks too don't I I do simply yummy is the cookbook I've had out for several years now and I'm working on two additional cookbooks this is my salt you notice how pink it is yeah pink Himalayan okay now why is why pink Himalayan well this is a salt that the way it is mine the way they this salt is it has the color of course is different but it has I think the Himalayan has 82 trace minerals we need minerals and our soil is so depleted even even when you eat organic they're they're so concerned about making sure there's non-organic you know in it that they deplete the soil and they don't give enough mineral base to the soil so I like to buy salts if we're going to use them with less sodium and more mineral okay and by eating a salt like this whenever you do eat the sodium it because it's less of it it also disperses better with a mineral base because that's how we were really meant to eat our salt with the minerals not just you know white salt and you'll go to the store sometimes and you'll see it says sea salt and trust me there's no minerals in that so you've got to be very careful like I said I the Celtic the Himalayan or the real salt are my favorites sometimes I feel like you go to the grocery store and they just slap organic on and just call it a day yeah there was this really really neat video out there like a year ago that talked about this and it's called subliminal advertising and they are so good at this stuff you know it can have just as much fat in it as as the regular and they put new and improved healthy you got to watch that and I tell people please read your labels that's so important you know turn that package over and read what's in it I say if you can't pronounce it you don't know how to spell it it's one of those things you don't run just run my mom used to say that you know when I was a kid and we would go to the grocery store I knew that if my mom picked something up like I'd say mom I want this cereal or I want this ice cream or I want this whatever it was and I knew that if she picked it up and she looked at the label your inch I wasn't good I was at a grocery store one time in Mount Vernon Ohio and there is this this gentleman with two children he probably had no business being that the story was probably picking up for his wife and had the two kids and and they were getting candy and they were they kept saying dad we want seven we had we want some and and he's like no you're not going to eat that junk they had two loaves of white bread two gallons of chocolate milk and two cereals that had more sugar than the candy on the shelf and I said they're like why not anyway we have to read our labels we are so responsible for the food that we put in this body I know that since I cleaned up my diet that I have so much better discernment I can hear that still small voice where before I I just couldn't yeah you know it's really helped what are we gonna make next next we are going to make my version of corn chips okay now some people might not like this but hey you'll get used to it and I think we're going to go to the recipe our bait tortilla chips have the only ingredient is between twenty and thirty corn tortillas that's it that's it you know I love good tortilla chips but I've never made them I always buy them so do we start with this recipe well I did not make the tortilla I do make tortillas because my good friend Julia Mallory and she's my Mexican sister okay she showed me how to make tortillas but because they're fresh and there's so moussed if you was to make them into chips we tried it just pull your teeth out because i do not use the oil I do not deep-fry so basically all you have to have for this recipe is your tortilla and you would just put parchment paper down anything you want to and you lay these out and you put them in the oven 325 350 degrees until they start browning and then you would take these out of the oven and let them cool do not put them in plastic don't do anything like that because if you do they're going to come out really chewy okay but what I did not have in the recipe that I wanted to show you because I always say go outside the box make it your own recipe s I have some fresh-squeezed lemon juice right here okay and this is onion powder and I'm gonna take the onion powder some of my taco seasoning and some onion powder now you can put salt in here if you want to so you had garlic powder first garlic powder okay so garlic powder onion powder then onion now I did not put any salt in here if you want to put salt in here you can okay if you wanted a barbecue flavor you could do that if you want a ranch you can make it around make this chip anything you want to make it nice but you don't have three or four different fats in here and especially a non essential fat but all you do is just put your chips in there and hydrate them just a little bit we want that flavor okay and then you just put it on your pan and cook that now this is going to cook a little longer uh-huh see some of the residue there from the taco seasoning that's what's going to happen some people might sprinkle a little salt over the top you might put a little bit more taco whatever you want make it your own so you can do that you know just because I might eat it and just plain because I still have weight to lose and I'm still very cautious I try not in my diet at home I eat absolutely no oil oh I don't fry with oil I don't put it in any of my foods I don't use any of the Adventist margarine so I don't need any of that either use avocado as my fat coconut as my fabric Oh nuts and seeds that's my fat at home so I want it to be as natural as I possibly can get it so that's how simple bake it till they're done and actually I put some in the oven okay and let's get those here so when they're done is you have their see the color of them mm-hmm and they're crispy okay and they're little they're little chewier than what you would get at the ones at the store because they have been saturated and all that fat and deep-fried at a high high temperature so I don't want to do that and I can make bags of these and we travel my husband and I and I make my hummus and this is what we've got here celery sticks carrot sticks whatever but we have guilt-free chips to eat so this would make for a good like road trip snack yeah or something on the airplane if you can get food through I don't know if you so much by vehicle we bought our vehicle last year in September and I think we are at our one-year anniversary we have almost 40,000 miles Center Wow yeah that goes well all right well what what's the next recipe this next recipe is our taco nacho supreme mmm we love nachos in our house and the ingredients are 20 corn tortillas cut in angles 1 and 1/2 cup of hydrated Butler taco crumbles one cup of daya cheddar Jed's or one at vegan of your choice one cup of sliced black olives 1/2 cup of hot cheesy sauce 1 cup of shredded romaine lettuce one cup of diced fresh tomatoes 1/2 cup of diced green onions 1/2 cup of mild salsa and one avocado diced I'll tell you what I'm excited about this dish you like tacos oh yeah that's a good thing today's taco I love it I love it how so now when would you normally make this oh my husband could eat this every day I mean this is a snack this is a meal mm-hmm like I said I keep condiments like this in my refrigerator all the time okay so if we're out and we're running late we're coming home when we're hungry I don't spend 30 40 minutes getting a meal together it also helps to keep us from eating out which that's the worst type of food that you can do a lot of times because of what they they restaurants they cook geared towards your taste buds not towards your body and health so I try to eat as much as I can at home when we're there so I keep this there for any time football season yes baseball whatever the occasion friends pop in quit perfect and I'm sure it saves money because going out to eat is not cheap nowadays at all so how do we how do we start this well okay I start with my chips okay okay so I'm gonna put my chips in if I was at home I would have a pan you know I'd bake this in the oven I'm not at home and for the sake of TV you know we're gonna do it just a little bit different okay these again are my hydrated Butler taco crumbles now I just want you to taste that Jason okay you're gonna see the flavor all I do is add water mmm it already has its flavor in there yeah it tastes like it's already been seasoned it is it is it's it's seasoned with taco and I love this product because it's good for you too so I'm gonna put a little meat because you know people that go to restaurants they like meat on their top their nachos yes so I'm gonna put my taco on there and then what I'm going to do is I am going to add some of my daily cheese okay so I normally want this to melt so I would put this into the oven and let this just go to town all right I would put probably let's do some olives okay okay right here this is where I'd stop throw it in the oven and then bring it out and add my toppings to it okay okay so fast-forward pretend like it's done that because I don't have the time for that yeah so at this point what would you like on your nacho tacos well I'd like a little bit of lettuce okay some tomatoes a little or a lot nice model you like tomatoes of tomatoes okay and you know when you go into a restaurant and you buy any kind of meaty talk taco like nachos meaty Portobello whatever it is hmm you're gonna pay $10 oh yeah at least for it oh yeah yes what about green onions you're like I love onion okay let's put some onions that is perfect oh oh mercy they didn't make a bad onion I told my husband we got married I said no I hope you like onions he loves everything yeah and that's a good thing because if he kisses me he doesn't have to worry about onion breath cuz he has it to you there you go I was gonna say how do you guys communicate after you eat some onions do you text each other no no we just dig right in okay nothing just scares us so here now this is what I would do and then I would also add salsa mm-hm to my recipe now I would kick it up probably has something like a habanero I would put love my jalapeno so I would put jalapenos on the top of this well Texas spice oh you better believe it and then avvocato for somebody who wants avvocato just put a little bit of that but look at this Jason look how beautiful this is yeah it doesn't matter if you're vegan or if you're vegetarian you're meat-eater you're gonna love this yes yes well you know what I think I might I might love that we passed me one of those for court yeah I'll probably break one of these chips yes and try and let's see he's going a little lettuce action and get a tomato tomatoes are good because they have what like like a mm-hmm yes good for men especially I want to see if you get that ooh mom made that mmm feeling right there on the back of your tongue amazing isn't it now picture that all hot melted together you can even layer that like put your chips down put some of the meat filling or meatless filling and cheese cheesy sauce olives put more chips on and you can layer it up that way you can put a really good avocado sauce on here you make up different sauces make it your own you know it might be my recipe here but make it your recipe now what you want to I would eat that a lot okay so this is your poll yeah anybody else needs to touch that so okay so we've got this it's so flavorful you've got the spice I'd like some jalapenos in there too because I like I would like it's missing jalapeno for me I want more heat this also is good though the cheese is actually pretty good too and I like that cheese sauce the scallions you know this is a new recipe that's come out I don't have it out he's coming in a book but this is one I don't even add a thickener with it I use my potatoes as my Fichtner so believe it or not there's potatoes in this giving it a thicker consistency mmm nice yes delicious what gives it its color I use a roasted red pepper it's my favorite thing to use as a jarred roasted red pepper I have used the fresh red peppers but the roasting of it you know get a fresh red pepper put it in the oven roast it it just gives us such a better flavor when you roast that pepper and it gives it the color some people use annatto seeds I just prefer using what God created in our plans well I'll tell you what we need to keep this somewhere close we need to keep this close but what are we gonna make next next we are gonna make our taco soup okay taco soup what's in that okay the ingredients are two cups of diced onions 1/3 cup of diced poblano pepper 1 cup of water to saute 2 cups of hydrated Butler taco crumbles 2 cups of frozen corn 4 to 5 cups of diced canned tomatoes 2 cans of dark red kidney beans and I use the liquid with that a 1 cup of water or brine from the canned olives 1 can of chopped mild green chilies that's the 7 ounce can and a 1/2 cup of chopped green onions and corn chips and for the topping we're going to use a 1/2 cup or 6 ounces of tofutti sour cream third cup of diced fresh dill 2 teaspoons of onion powder a tablespoon of granulated garlic 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and a dash of salt which is optional nice looking at our counter space here and I'm amazed at all the colors in there too and we have what's cooking right now well I like I say I always start by sauteing my onions and this has my peppers in there my poblano and I'm just trying to get them transparent so we can add the other ingredients this is something that I really want to to get to a certain place before I start adding my other and goods so that's what is really good well onions my dad owned his restaurants he should put onions on his grill and whenever people come by they'd smell those onions and come into this restaurant yeah so where do we start with all of this well there's two components okay and I just this you when you taste this if you don't have that it's just that added flavor that I absolutely love so since we're already hydrated or or should I say cooked sauteed a little bit of these I'm able to put my other ingredients in here okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to add those taco crumbles that you tasted earlier yeah did you expect him to have that much flavor you know honestly no I didn't expect them to have that much flavor especially since we didn't add nothing and I love that because that's one of those products that you can buy that's already prepackaged you don't have to do anything to and so I love that and then we're going to add our tomatoes yummy oh look at the colors I mean it's already popping oh yes and I'm just gonna incorporate this a little bit yeah that is colorful smelling wonderful oh you a vicious you wait and I'm gonna add my olives my reserve just a few years this is my car my kidney beans now I like the dark red and I am keeping the liquid in these kidney beans okay okay so again you don't see me adding a bunch of salt mm-hmm so I do have some salt in some of the food here so I don't want to add the salt to it and in addition and why do you want to keep the liquid in the kidney beans I I need extra liquid and I'll tell you kidney beans are sweet they have a sweeter taste to them and I want a little bit of sweetness with this heating okay okay nice these are the green chilies I love green chilies I like that and then this is a row tell the original okay you can use whatever you want to you can put salsa in there if you want to it does not matter but I like the the Rotel in Texas you can find Rotel even in the dollar store I mean it's just everywhere Wow I'm the dollar store - oh you can see it everywhere it's just like in Vegas everywhere you go there's slot machine well in Texas there's always some kind of spicy Mexican product and Rotel is one of them that's right and then I'm gonna put some green onions in here and then what I'm gonna do with this Jason is I'm going to put my lid on it because I've kind of made stood all in there together okay and I'm gonna let this saute a little bit why you put together the sauce it's gonna go in this soup would you like something to mix it with sure okay I have this great big we might be here anyway and what you're doing here is this is the tofutti sour cream right there now you can use whatever sour cream you want some people might have their own recipe I do i I show this because a lot of your stores now carry this your Publix when you're down in Florida Alabama Georgia Kroger sells it I've seen it in Albertsons so it's beginning to yes Texas first yeah you're gonna fit yes you yes you're going to put all of that in that dish and basically what you're going to do is you're just going to add the ingredients so there you've got your tofutti sour cream your lemon juice so we'll take that fresh fresh lemon juice mm-hmm I won't buy lemon juice in the jar just not gonna happen with me no you gotta have a fresh breath fresh is always better at you okay and now let me wipe this down here all right is this now what is this right that's garlic garlic powder lots of garlic so I'm wanting to what what my flavor I'm looking for here is like a ranch okay okay so I'm wanting a little bit of a ranch flavor here believe it or not in the south even in the north they use a lot of ranch with their Mexican food fresh dill fresh dill perhaps smell mm-hmm okay that great yes pour that in there okay and then what do we have here that is onion powder okay so some onion powder in there and you said we could add a little salt yes add however you know there's not too much there that's probably not even half it's probably half a teaspoon of salt so you can add your salt to that recipe let's live a little let's live a little actually smile you could even put you could even put how opinion with this - oh nice spice put some spice in it that's right okay so I guess I could use this with at least that one will work I don't even think I really could use it but I'm thinking all right you definitely took me but a chair yes all right let's try not to make obvious try not to get this stuff on his suit yeah right what a champ kicks in a suit anyway right I guess I just had the suit on you know I don't like things that are too cumbersome for me so I don't like the long sleeves I've caught my sleeves on fire before so I mostly always see me in three-quarter length sleeves when I'm cooking that's where my scars my battle scars where I get burned all the time yeah it's coming together it is coming together all right you have something stuck in there and if you can't get it out let's go ahead and use the spoon and try to work through some of that teamwork there you go yeah and that was the garlic powder that was on top yes all right now when you taste this mm-hmm you're gonna be glad you did this you don't have to use this with this recipe I mean it's up to you but man does it taste good and it just adds that flavor that really I think it just ties it in and pulls it together nice well I'm ready you ready okay now this this is what I suggest do you don't have to do it okay but I get a few corn chips in the bottom of my bowl okay okay and then I am going to get a ladle here is that not just that it looks good smelling good and I like to cook this slow you know for the sake of time you know it's going a little bit faster but I do like to cook this a little slower incorporate those flavors all together much better but I think it's mixed up enough that you'll be able to taste this so I'm going to give you a spoon nice get some of that sauce in with it oh yeah and then Jason if you'll take that spoon and get you a dollop to put on the top certainly will now for me I would add a few of olives for it some of my diced onions green onions and a little bit of the day on the top and to me that would just be a perfect eye appealing dish for somebody that would even children who might not like vegetables I mean you can't deny when it looks good you just want to eat it oh yeah I'll add a little bit of this here some scallions here look how it changes this look so beautiful yes and now it's time for the taste that's right oh this is gonna be hot it's great isn't it I love it and as it sets it actually has more flavor yeah so it's gonna you know all those flavors are just gonna marry together and just pop in your mouth a little chopped jalapeno on top of that come on oh that's delicious yeah was good - isn't it wonderful on there when you get some of that in with that flavor that's really really good what's our next recipe our next recipe is going to be our lemon yogurt parfait and for the ingredients you will need 1 cup of granola of your choice 2 cups of plain unsweetened soy or coconut yogurt 1 teaspoon of living flavoring 2 packets of stevia and one cup of fresh fruit blueberries or raspberries any fruit of your choice you know I'm really excited about this because I used to love yogurt as a kid so I didn't do it with so many toppings and all of that but I'm excited to dig you can't I I don't like the sweetened yogurts there's a lot of vegan yogurts on the market now but they there's so much sugar in them so it's hard to find one unsweetened plain or unsweetened vanilla but I have found a couple silk has some there are some almond yogurts out there coconut yogurts and they're really pretty tasty and this one I really like this is a vanilla see the vanilla bean in there but now it doesn't have the sweet taste that we need to it so I've got two things here that I like to use for sweetener this is a pure monk fruit okay have you tried monk fruit yet never oh mercy is it good now I'm only gonna give you just just that much to put on your tongue and it's because it's that concentrated it is actually nothing more than monk fruit dried that's pretty good and it keeps coming doesn't it it does it doesn't stop there that's good it is good so I'm going to put for this much I'm probably that's all I'm gonna put really yeah that'll sweeten the holes that'll sweeten the whole thing and I have stevia there I've used stevia a lot you've got to be really careful this is where they get you with their advertising they'll say 100% organic this 100% organic that and it's a hundred percent organic all right but there's sugar there's dextrose all these meanings of sugar in there that you don't want so I'm very cautious and I found this one on the internet on Amazon and I ordered it in and I was surprised because it made me think of juicy fruit when I was a kid I remember that that's awesome so what are you what are this is my lemon extract that we were talking about okay and I also like to use fresh lemon zest okay if you're doing an orange flavor put orange flavoring in it orange zest I mean you can make this any flavor you want to I just really like the flavor of lemon it's fresh bright taste along with fruit I think it really goes together well smells amazing so that's all I did you can taste this if you want to okay I don't think I used no no which one did you use I didn't use this one okay all right try this one because we got planning to try that and see what you think hopefully I mixed it well enough does it have a sweet enough taste should we add a little more mmm that's pretty tasty isn't it that's perfect okay that is perfect now what I like to do and here I have an almond honey granola you could put whatever you want on it doesn't matter blueberry there's so many different brands out there varieties also you can make your own okay I make my own granola when I'm at home and so I first like to start out with a little bit and I'll let you make yours while I make mine sounds like a plan I'm gonna put this boy busy okay so put yours in there first okay and then I'll go scoot it over towards you a little bit there so we can share and then I'm going to scoop in some of my yogurt okay right okay and then I'm gonna add some berries and I'll keep the spoons in there so you can reuse them and I like to make sure my berries stay a little more to the side that way you can see them okay so there's a method to it yeah there is always a mess to my insanity I think and then I'm gonna put a little bit more of the granola how much yogurt did you not a lot okay it's yours you can put whatever you want to in there you say you put the fruit off to the side I always like you know you can just see it that way okay some of these yummy blueberries see I'm trying to stick with your presentation method here I don't know home doing no you're doing great don't you get to eat that so what does it matter that's true too it's all going in the same place all right oops one last one I'll pick that one up don't trip on it that's all right all right some blueberries oh no I needed the yogurt first say yeah I'm messing up the way you could put whatever you want on it I mean you can layer it once you can layer three times it doesn't matter all right and I'm all about presentation so yeah I'm trying to keep up see see I'm gonna put a little dollop of that Oh way to you waiting your tribes do you remember saying man this is really good I'm gonna be a vegan before long yeah all right I think I'm just gonna jump in I haven't even put any do you want to try this I'll put a little oh you're going when she oh you love that that's a coconut whipped topping if you like coconut there you go there we go now if you want a little bit more of the granola whatever if not you just dig in that is how simple that is now you can also layer this in a pan so say you have a large pan you can put your granola down you're topping on you can serve it that way and just spoon it out or you can put in an individual dishes like this like your parfait dishes so you tell me if it's any good I think it's a little full of what was you ate taco soup good that's very good light airy it's just a winner for dessert or something I like it in the spring summertime the best nice well it's perfect right now what are we making next next we're gonna make the dandy blend drink you are going to love this for the ingredients you're going to need a heaping tablespoon of dandy blend powder 1 teaspoon of carob powder 1 packet of stevia or a dropper of the toffee flavor chocolate whichever one you want a cup of almond milk and 1 cup of boiling water so now we have the dandy blend delight now believe it or not this is dandelion root really and this is made into a beverage drink like coffee and what's wonderful about this beverage coffee here if somebody is trying to eliminate or reduce caffeine out of the their diet they don't want to drink coffee anymore this will actually help is like an herb - 50 percent faster to lose that craving of caffeine Wow so it has you know two components here even more I use it in baking when I'm baking something with carob it actually gives the chocolaty flavor a richer flavor and I use it in my drinks but what we're going to do right now is we are going to make a hot dandy blend delight drink now when I go to my seminars and I am doing this drink I've had actually people come to the next seminar bringing containers hoping there's some left over so they can take it home mmm so it has been one of the favorite things in my seminars that I serve even with the food they like the food and all but they love the dandy blend this is carob powder okay and the red carob before and I want it like a little chocolatey taste here okay and the reason why I'm heating this is because carob powder seems to be a little Oh what is that word I'm looking for hang on gritty okay it's a little gritty so when I mix it with hot water it takes that grittiness away and just leaves me my flavor gotcha so I've got my carob flavoring and my dandy blend okay this nandi blend is instant so you can use it in cold water I just do this when I mix the carob now if I'm wanting a hot dandy blend dream I am going to pour some of this hope I don't spill it that is smells good and then on this one I am going to do the toffee sweet leaf stevia okay stevia is my go-to I usually do one dropper but it's getting low okay then I add my milk which I usually use the almond milk mm-hmm this kind of gives it like a creamy gives at that creamy mocha people say Melanie I bet she'd pay a fortune for that at Starbucks this is a hot one now I'm hoping I got my ratio right for you there since I'm making it in bulk but I'm gonna let you try that and see what you think of that mr. Jason all right here you know if it's a little rich guess what we can add water we can add some of the almond milk to it that's good is that good is it too rich does it no it's just right okay now for the liquid or the ice drink I'm going to pour in my milk and then I'm going to add my dandy bland nice so you have the ice dandy blend I have the ice so during that hot summer day and I mean we drink these all the time I did the calorie on this and a large cup I'm talking 16-ounce cup of this is approximately 60 calories now you do health seminars - I do nice everything that I've had so far has been absolutely delicious I like it iced tea I love it I can't I can't believe our time is almost up but I want people to know how to get in contact with you so we're gonna we're gonna put up your contact information right now all right if you would like to invite melody to hold one of our health events in your area she would love to hear from you find out more about her plant-based cooking health seminars as well as her amazing cookbooks call her at seven four zero three nine eight six four nine one at seven four zero three nine eight six four nine one or write to her at your healthy helper post office box five two one Alvarado Texas seven six zero zero nine [Music] while we made a lot of well you made a lot of cool today and everything was delicious thank you so much and you're welcome thank you so much what why don't you go around and tell us what we what we made well the first dish that we did was my taco pasta casserole okay and just a really good warm desert or dish to use anytime the second recipe that we did was our own homemade taco seasoning without all the ingredients that we don't want and then third we made just tortilla chips and I'm allergic to wheat so it's just a corn tortilla chip that we baked in the oven and next we did our taco nacho supreme and that's where we took everything like you do with nachos and mixed it together and of course our taco soup with our deal topping on top which is really good and then our lemony granola which we do in a parfait mm-hmm and then last but not least for sure as our dim dandy blend delight nd blend delight yes yes and that was delicious I loved the parfait I loved the soup I it was all very good you know we have to give glory to God because we all have talents and God is giving me the ability I feel like to cook good healthy foods and so I want to use that talent to serve him to the best of my ability amen yes well you're definitely talented and gifted with with preparing these delicious vegan meals for sure and the good thing is you can eat the stuff year-round and it's healthy for you it is healthy you notice there was no will in any of my preparation yes and very little sodium so I try to cook as best as I can with those ingredients well thank you so much thank you Jay joining me in the kitchen today thank you thank you for joining us make sure you get in your kitchen and experiment with some healthy alternatives [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 5,549
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Vegan Cooking, Vegan Recipes, Plant-based Recipes, Healthy Recipes, Melody Prettyman Caviness, Jason Bradley, Vegan Taco Theme
Id: BOedDLNbxcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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