Cook30 for Kids: Mini Taco Pizzas -10

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[Music] welcome to cook 34 kids I'm chef Jeremy Dixon from the revive cafes in Auckland New Zealand and today I'm going to show you how you can make a delicious healthy quick meal in your very own home kitchen on cook 34 kids were using healthy whole grain ingredients God wants to have lots of energy and vitality in our lives so we can do amazing things so make sure you eat healthy and avoid junk food and use ingredients what we're going to be using today we have three very special gifts today we have Lachlan and Lily from Chicago and welcome to Tony from China great to have you here guys so to start with we're going to ask these guys some questions so you can get to know them a little better so we'll start with Tony so what is your favorite subject at school well so angel I really enjoy saying science yeah it was like savory that's great and the more we look at science and more we see and how amazing God has created us don't we yeah Lily your favorite subject I personally like art and kini awesome for excellence do you do ardency at the same time I know favorite time okay cool and lock on what's your favorite for some reason it's math math math is a great subject I love math it was great that's awesome so what's the square root of 64 8 odd wasn't that quick whoa oh it's excellent and he wasn't even repaired for that either ok second question so Tony what's your favorite animal a leg Brooklyn raccoon excellent that's cool and we all have animals I'm not a dog you have a dog no we're about to get one for sure you're just a wishing one for sure really yeah for my birthday my parents said we should get a dog all that said could you want to run for a while haven't you yeah it's great and look I'm what's your favorite animal probably a cheetah a cheetah yeah why is that because they're so fast wow that magnificent animals that's great alrighty let's get cooking what is on the menu today well it looks like we have many taco pizzas with refried beans lima guacamole and detail roasty and for drink we have fruit smoothie who sounds really good okay let's get cooking before we do though one thing that's really important and restaurant and cafe land is something called prep so basically you don't just turn up in the restaurant kitchen expecting to make a meal and chickens you want to prepare and think ahead the day before even actually even for example on a Thursday at my cafe is we planned a menu for the next week starting Monday so you can order an ingredients everything's prepped and get things ready for Monday we want to cook them so a lot of planning is really important and same in your home kitchen too so got a clear work surface we've got a pan here we've got some trays out chopping board sharp knife ingredients Ivan's on great attitude ready to go yeah let's get cooking so the first thing I'm going to do is we're gonna make some potato rosti so taters can take a long time and the other stuffs that want to do this really quickly so I mean it's who of you working on this hello if I'm Lillian Lachlan for grabbing guys in my Beach and what one of you is going to chop the potatoes into half like this and we want to chop them into little little pieces like that so they're really really small see that yeah so you're gonna get going on it Lily okay and when you do the knife makes you sliding the knife through like that that makes it easier to go through as well so we're sliding we're looking as we're going if using sharp knives at home it's a great skill to have and really important to have to use sharp knives but make sure you appearance to help you out because they can be very dangerous so when you first start just do that there's one there one for Lily and Lachlan if you can do some as well and you get that underway how do you top so fast just experience I think I'm just got to keep keep focus on it so there's a little roasting there so the ovens are hot and ready to go because no man can take time out to kind of warm up by itself but having it done beforehand will really help us with our meals we have a little bit different but that's okay cool yet so just keep just as small as you possibly can lovely leave those lovely little little things here so we're going to put some parts from taper down squeeze me tiny so if you can rip off some sheets of us and put it on those suits on one of those trays by using parchment paper just makes cleaning up easier this chance to the same sticking and so it's really useful so while that's going I'm going to get to the onions side so we're going to cook our own refried bean mixture so you can buy these in cans but it's much nicer when you get your own your own one give me every night to hear great chef Jeremy yes I don't think we have in a half there be enough fish you can put over that way if it'll be like that it was fine like then I just look more than any better be fine thanks grassing okay okay yep and how long have you been cooking I've been talking for probably around about when I started my restaurant about twelve years ago and I've said many times many many many hours in the kitchen I don't see much time in the kitchen now but them yes I'll be probably twelve years and just so developing all the recipes as I've gone long so it's really fun being involved the best thing I like about my job is I actually cook healthy food so people have to deal well and have energy and vitality rather than you know having getting sick all the junk food that's around so I'm just chopping an onion here really finely I'm just going to put it in this pan here going to put a bit of olive oil and keep you want to put a tablespoon of olive oil in there honey and we're just going to get these onions started perfect so if I get you to get one of those all put a spoon it's like cutting there so we're going to use one of it one this is one mess of onion so I'm going to use part a method one or one small red onion so team give that a bit of a scare chef Jeremy yes why is it better to be a vegetarians and to eat meat for some questions so fidget here it is a much healthier way to be and if you a believe if you need vegetarian food and avoid yo junk food and meat products that you've probably 1820 years to your life there's officers around confirm there so you know meat and and can be a very as a source of disease in your body so eating vegetarian is very healthy healthy way to be so give it given if you're not they just here give it a try for a couple of month and see how much better you feel just like the real candy yes so I we're also a cherien yes but I was wondering some ways to get protein it's a great question area the protein comes from many many things and that we using here especially these beans for example beans today have got a lot of protein in them give them some tofu from nuts from seed it's actually very easy to get get protein on a vegetarian diet ok so that's a great question so just going to get some garlic until yes so you guys can put the potato on top of that gum that paper there okay chef Laramie yes so what made you interested in close I just liked food and like health enjoyed enjoyed having healthy food and how I felt so much better so thought I'd share it with the world so good I Tony can you um get this and give us a big squeeze and put the garlic in there check out how strong you point it down put it down to the end could go and get go give me the eye you're going Gilley got it get go yes wonderful the good squeeze of the garlic we're putting our skin in and all there it's great to stir that around that's done well done I'll get a little bit out people talk to me look here we go nice one the garlic there so we're just going to spray this with some some olive oil spray to get a little bit on there okay and this will just help it to I think it was bubble roast without some this doesn't offend me and why did I give it a mix around yes was probably a great way to put oil on you know it's got much of oil on but it goes on very easily okay I'm just going to put some salt on as well we're going to put on a bit about pretty about half a teaspoon and a little bit of turmeric to make it go nice and yellow just get a loving little color and here we go the tumeric you don't need much very very well but you do it six lick the garlic on there excellent get a bit of a stir around like that give it a mix around believe it take probably around about 20 minutes in the oven because they're nice and Sunday should hopefully you know work like a nice to look nice and quickly here we go so close in the net job is done great chef Jeremy yes what's your favorite kind of food like Asian pie I love Thai food actually actually I thought all foods I love the flavor than Thai food you've got all that lemongrass and ginger and just wonderful flavor that's really really good ok so if you can give a quick wipe there so Tony hope you'd open these cans here give you a can opener so we're basically making our own refried beans today so if you can just see an open I've used a can opener before others here we go give it a good press together get the other way turn the other way let's jumped out of that point yes sir here to give it a good squeeze over it oh you know you're good to go look at the finite so basically put it in the air give it a good squeeze hold it tight and then this excellent do you go so it's going to pop into both of those into their pan and drain them out as well that'd be good yes Jeremy you've got your ferrets space my favorite spice aisle me doesn't raisins probably probably close powder so it's such a lovely aromatic kind of space do you think because come from closed you grind it up and you can buy it it takes you this one here somewhere looks like this just closed powder it's got a really really lovely smell that Oh smell it Tony Wow so close a really lovely spice so what are we up to now so we better make some guacamole oh yeah that's critical so we get some good some avocados here so I'm lolly if I'll get you two just to see if you can create get the avocado as nests out of us just get rid of the stone for you we go like that I just get these stones out and you can get that underway I'll get a bowl here anyway yes you need to remove the water in England yes the explain those on the face just put your hands over it don't cut yourself and lochley probably help undo this one here okay let's get the water out there's brain over think and then you've just got the beans left look at this that wonderful day wipeout so you know sizzling away wonderfully so we want to basically Vasiliev things now so while that's cooking Sonja if I can get a machinist so basically get the submission you just give them a good mess around we want to make them into refried beans so just keep just keep mashing there I'll get you a normal fork as well I'm not sure when you'll find easier but just kind of use a combination of those two run to mesh it make your own refried bean effect so we're cooking it and matching at the same time how's that for saving time Lachlan runny some lines so we're making a guacamole with some lime juice and limes are a fantastic fantastic gun actually Saheb so we'll just chop them in half and if you can drizzle the lime juice Internet them that popper that Lily's putting in the avocado so can't afford avocado and yet you forget a card on there heck I'll get another Fork as well just steal it from the table and you can start messing it up together there so let's block ammo is just avocados lime juice and a little bit of salt so I'm about quarter teaspoon of salt Chef Jeremy yep so if we didn't have limes at home could we use lemons and stay lemons will be great as well the lemons and limes are pretty much interchangeable it's just there were different different flavors so just whatever you think is this do you hope it tastes like I know look one of those look one of those okay well they like a really fair by themselves are they let's go throwing the rubbish from there yeah yeah yes good idea that's brilliant and we're also going to use some for the base of our little mini pigs we're going to use these wholemeal sort tortillas so I'm just going to lay them out in this tray I'm going to put them in the oven just for a couple of minutes just to basically just warm up some except just a little spray of oil on and clear don't burn so again we're not we are playing a very little amount of oil on when using this all sprays so we'll put their benefits just done ready to go on the shortly Chef Jeremy safe groceries now yep so crush them as hard as you can so that's the next thing so give them the push down with that fork me what we doing some good crushing here look at that that's looking fantastic so that clear so where where did your are the recipe ideas come from I'll just make much you've just sort of often go through the supermarket and find a new fresh vegetable or something I think what's going to go with this so it's just about mixing and adding different flavors so chef Gerry who tell you how to cook well my chefs I work with really probably the main thing here that's the my mother's a really good cook as well the great questions guys so let's have a look at the squatter Molly's underway so it's underway we need some Tomatoes so we have some tomatoes from the refrigerator so litleo it you to cut these up we've got some some red tomatoes and some yellow Somalis so if you can just um just chop them up really finely yep so just kind of cut like that keep your fingers don't want to cut your finger you know I might just start for us probably it probably the little knife I think it's going to work with it okay so try new this one here and try to slice through like that so finally again usually the knife do the work like that how did you get to become so good at cutting things I'm just pregnant or you can learn through anything so just start with a knife just start slowly so you can do those ones as well you right the other knife yep cool just makes you slide the knife through it it's brilliant so if you've just joined us on cook 34 kids we are cooking up a storm in the kitchen with Tony Lachlan and Lily what's on the menu today guys well looks like we have many taco pizzas with refined beans Lanois cannoli and potato rosti and for green we have Bruce smoothie we are making excellent progress on a meal here the potato roses are in the oven the refried beans are done we've chopped up most the visuals made the guacamole we are you guys are an amazing speedy courage in a job in a cafe okay news and we're clear to be trained you guys to make an awesome team so we just got these little worm guys here so we're just going to put them in the oven we've got we spray the door before we're just going to give them around about probably two minutes just to kind of just go from there kind of not uncooked steak but just just to just kind of fresh them up and make a little bit kind of slightly crisp but still soft but just warm so they're making very good and we actually represent on this lovely wooden chopping board so we're going to receive these little pieces so this is excellent we don't need some lettuce so I've got some leaders here so yeah BA can I look at that this may be a good private he'd try the try the guacamole it's really important when you're cooking to try it as you go and see what it's like mm-hmm it's like creamy love is now done on your face Lily how did that get here awesome so yeah that's really nice and creamed they'll go really well we'll start we'll put in these on the side don't want to give you the finisher you next so go just going to slice them bleep us up just because we can we want something fresh so just got them just some standard kind of iceberg lettuce because it's so full of iceberg lettuce I'm not sure that's what we call it back in New Zealand anyway so just going to just give us some really just a little bit of a chopped up so it's really fine just going to sit on our does we take the tacos and your knowledge room your tomatoes the color and this always gets of color and when you're using Tomatoes it's great you can get different color ones they're reading the I use both often use both it just gives correct color because color is the number one thing you want to do when you're cooking so awesome so those are probably I'm actually just warmed up this all we need the ovens really hot so those will be just warmed up enough to use and I think we've got everything ready to start assembling oh yeah look at that so just going to lay them out like that and start making a mini pizza smells delicious it's great so I'm Tony can you go to the fridge and get the cilantro out of there so I'm going to use some carrots and cilantro as well just get this hot pan over here at the way and always do now I start of semi-think slept and I love keeping a heads and the a paper towel like this it just keeps them nice and fresh what makes Serbs go really bad in the refrigerators if you put them in the refrigerator in the main section where there's lots of cool very dry air going and they dry out very very quickly so that's why we do that so Tonioli is topless if you like to see them so your chopping skills so that's what he called us in China chomp at Sochi on TAC yeah well well you haven't met it's great just give it a slice or probably YUM so here's probably the cleanest one to use but just just slice it through just just roughly so probably about that far apart wonderful excellent thank you probably bit more fine so go through a few bit few more time through here and just kind of make a little bit more finer brilliant excellent chopping skills looks great looks good so let's start layering up these big pizzas yeah so I'll show you the first one and then you guys can take it so Lily you can do the first layer with a stuffed hat a refried beans that we've made ourselves so basically is going to do a base like that and just spread it out are the beans instead of cheese yes I just like a nice protein base to the bottom so it's number one fit so you can be in charge of it Lily okay and then we're going to put on some guacamole yeah and you can be in charge of that Lachlan okay and then we're going to put on the veggies we're going to put on some some leaders first just a little bit we don't overcrowd it like that and then some tomato and some cilantro looks amazing so you can be in charge back Tony so if you guys need to production ongoing for Lily up the first one you can get around and I'm just pull it back a bit so you can reach it you can start doing that brilliant I shall give you handy that's probably the hardest one Lily so okay we'll turn the gas off I don't need to cook anymore so I'll plop it on there and you can move it out so don't go over the edges you kind of want to have it there all nice and natural okay if it doesn't need to be perfect and then you guys can reach over and see can land on the other bus you go it can be difficult as you can see we've got some great flavors here great themes make a great color whoa sorry then booing is away nope there you go you can spread it out are like twister yeah so here I really probably are from a senior Tony you might find it easier to kind of jump come over here and do it from here and you can reach over so try and mound it so kind of you're going for height and try and drop it on Lachlan so it kind of blends and a big kind of a clump okay so you know all this wonderful flavor here that this is going to taste really really delicious all these avocado beans tomatoes cilantro lime juice I mean it's just going to be a flavor explosion in your mouth you're looking forward to eating it yeah yeah very cool excellent so a bit more there looking good you like it good presentation since a presentation makes you a really important part of eating so take your time so we're layering stuff and clumps we're going for height so we're kind of trying to be tied in the way we do it and but still rustic at the same time so it's never perfect but when you kind of finish with the herbs and that the colors of the tomatoes on top it looks really really really really yummy and really good to eat you guys are doing amazing thank you Tony - now I'm gonna get a start on the smoothie okay actually I might Lily now you'll finish your stuff hope you help me out can you grow some fresh strawberries from the refrigerator on the best ones you've got here and we're going to make a fresh fruit smoothie full of just fruit so it will make things really really yummy great so you've got some of those pretty constant strawberries if you can grab some oranges from the fruit bowl around the front how many today grab two oranges okay I might just grab a fresh chopping board here because all other chopping boards are getting very um very very pretty with other stuff I hope you can see this so just chop up this so if you can over the strawberries if you can just and pop them in the blender but just rip off the distort okay so a little bit of stalk in the s5 I just get most of it off running out of knives here have to clean this one skis means how's it going they're looking great yeah so I'm just going to chop these oranges up and the oranges will be a really will basically become orange juice so pulpy orange juice so we're not going to add any milk or anything to the smoothie it's just going to be a hundred percent fruit Lachlan can you go in the freezer and there should be some frozen cherries in there as well so it's really nice to be Anton frozen bananas actually okay I did that all of this probably Hoffman's if everyone about teens or more okay Tim big strawberries to oranges and look at this guy's he's an amazing that's looking beautiful looks very colorful so look at people got these lovely pizzas here we go just destroy the mouse they're kind of evenly spaced you know what I'll do Chinese I'll basically we'll finish with the you kind of want to finish with the tomato on top there and the final bit of the cilantro in the primary yeah if you want to put them probably about a quart of that bag into the blender okay and we'll finish with the final thing of the Pheebs on top looking at filibuster savvy go some lovely taco pieces subs the teacher is normally very unhealthy food but you know we've got lots of you know really yummy health ingredients here and also to finish it's another garnishing tip winners finish you kind of want to garnish the board as well so you can actually put stuff around it like that and it'll actually look pretty as well so not just the food make sure the thing you're doing on so it's great if since I'm sharing any chef eating bananas on top of the freezer okay actually frozen some bananas and frozen banana add a really nice creaminess to smoothies so that's what we've done here so we're going to get ready to blend this up very very shortly lovely so just we here we get some bananas especially the right ones I just put them in the freezer like that they'll probably last in there probably a month and just see they're really normally it only lasts a couple of weeks I'll do they okay really Dean Oh Dave you they start to go Brown don't know first time you frozen frozen bananas make a really lovely smoothie kind of a texture so putting about two small bananas on there and let's go gleans put a lid on Lily and push the go the other way first the bleed and push the high button high hip this car every [Applause] [Music] a bit of a crease down so you want the oranges at the bottom to turn into juice orange juice to start with here we go [Music] [Applause] well but again [Applause] Giancana [Music] stories are done and take it off and we just pour into these glasses and a meal is done Wow yeah me and then that's a very nice fruit smoothie and then the oven our Roasters will be ready all you do is put them on a plate and we are ready to eat and do you have in just 30 minutes these delicious taco pizzas well of good guys yeah I think we're going to try them can you say grace for us Tony yes you Jesus thank you for we can beat up you here and peace passes bless us and press the foot weed in your name amen amen okay go grace grab it guys just grab it like a almost like a taco you can eat it with your hands and just put it in your mouth and see what it tastes like mm-hmm free hum what do you think Lily amazing that's right it's money I'll try the smoothie smoothie is really free mm-hmm I just saw just it takes like flavors a there you go get your sashes that's great well thanks coming guys did you learn lots of new skills today yeah fantastic so yeah as you can see what the roast is there as well in 30 minutes you can put together a lovely easy delicious meal thank you for joining us and we look forward to seeing you Nick home on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: 3ABN Kids Network
Views: 10,848
Rating: 4.7171717 out of 5
Keywords: Brenda Walsh, 3ABN, 3ABN Kids Network, Children's Programming, Christian Programming, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Cook30, Cook:30, Jeremy Dixon, Kids Recipes, Cooking with Kids, Chef Jeremy Dixon, Lilly Jackson, Lachlan Jackson & Tony Cheo, Mini Taco Pizzas
Id: jJxydIN3IzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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