3 Days in Taipei on a Budget πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡Ό TAIWAN

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foreign [Music] we just got to Taipei Taiwan and we have four nope 3.75 days here and we can't wait to explore all the night markets explore all the neighborhoods and eat all the street food it's super early in the morning we just landed we got through immigration okay we didn't need a visa we got some cash from the ATM we got on the airport Wi-Fi and got our esim and then we topped up our train cards and made it all the way here at the shiman ding which is where we're staying for the next few nights we've got our standard budget here as well as everywhere else it's a hundred dollars per day so 400 down there it's a little bit too early second so we dropped off our bags of course made a stop at 7-Eleven but now it's time for some real Taiwanese breakfast because I am hungry tell me what's up we are very busy ordering some breakfast lots of good stuff again this feels like a piece for four people but I'm excited okay we're at this awesome breakfast place called and it has all the amazing Taiwanese breakfast foods we've got probably enough to feed four but there's only two of us but we couldn't help ourselves it's our first meal here in Taipei the classic Excel being the hotel Josh's favorite oatmeal being Chad then a whole order of the xiaolong Bao that we unnecessarily needed some Savory soy milk which is my favorite and then also an ice cold sweet soy milk all of this was about 300 MTD so about 10 bucks whenever we stay at Lisa's mom's place this is what her and her off make for me every morning so the Tanya being the part around the outside here is this wonderful Savory flaky a little bit chewy but crispy on the outside bread I've never actually had it with chicken inside it for breakfast but it's a really nice addition I think it's one of the most perfect breakfast foods that could exist there's also Savory soy milk and I know it sounds it looks kind of weird but it's actually my most favorite they put a little bit of bread or the Chinese donut in there and it's a little bit vinegary and savory very nostalgic for me because it's something that yeah we grew up having all the time at home in the morning okay so it's like 11 A.M and she's been digging the area that we're staying in and Taipei is already coming to life there's so much going on here and it felt like it just went from like totally asleep to totally awake in a 10 minute period and the thing that I didn't expect that I'm really excited about is just how much street food and how much delicious smells and generally we're not suckers from places with big long lines but this place does like pan fried Boba I've never tried that before and that sounds really cool [Music] perfectly soft and [Music] there you go oh that happened so quickly it's like released it okay one more time we were just walking down the street and we saw a map of people and it turns out Jeremy Lin is right in this bookstore [Applause] that was cool and he was speaking Chinese which is really doubly cool okay so it is officially that time of day like two three p.m where it is just too hot to be outside so we're gonna go find air conditioning in one of the tallest buildings in the world [Music] I love the public transportation here it's so convenient and easy to use all we need to do is just pick up these little easy train cards here and then we can hop on the MRT take them all over the city you can even use these apparently for the e-bikes found all throughout Taipei [Music] yeah so we made it into Taipei 101 which is this huge 101 floor building here in Taipei it's super iconic today Taipei Skyline right now it's mostly a fancy shopping mall and food center we're not really here for that because we're on a budget but we are here to see the observatory and the huge Golden Ball that keeps It ultimately because we saved a bunch of money on breakfast this morning I think we're gonna go up to the top of this thing it's kind of expensive it's like 20 per person but I think if you're in Taipei this is just one of the iconic things that you kind of Gotta Do everyone's very excited here we're about to go on a super fast elevator and there's a model of how it works in front of it and it looks terrifying and I'm very excited [Music] it's so cool to be this high and see a 360 view of Taipei you start to realize how massive the city really is and also they have definitely turned this spot into Instagram heaven okay I'll peel my legs up [Music] I'm gonna be a little Bill Nye the Science Guy here for a second so just bear with me this is one of the coolest things I have ever seen this is this thing right here and I know objectively it just looks like a giant ball and that's exactly what it is but what it does do is it holds up a 101 story building against Earthquakes and typhoons and super high winds and this is huge 660 ton 15 foot across Golden Ball that's just strapped to the top of the building and then whichever way the building moves this thing moves in the opposite direction and then pulls the building back to Center so that way it's always basically right on center and not falling over all the time I think it's pretty cool that being said another rough here I honestly can't say that this thing's worth of like coming up here to see this I mean you can see a picture of that and you just did a second ago of twenty dollars per person to come up here and it doesn't help that the Sky Deck was also closed today [Music] foreign I've been craving this for a long time now like months and plus this is taiwan's number one Fried Chicken number one [Music] thank you oh [Music] boy oh my gosh I think it's massive they could barely fit in the bag it smells so good it's like fresh and hot it is freaking hot in here and the powder is like a mixture of the Sichuan peppers that are just they numb your mouth the chicken is so juicy it's crunchy on the outside oh and then I already feel my tongue lighting up and getting numb it's a whole experience and I can't explain it but I love it so much smell as soon as you smell Taiwanese Fried Chicken you know you're in Taiwan is any of this stuff healthy not even remote is it all delicious unfathomable like so good spicy and hot let's get some air conditioning [Music] okay we're up ready to go and I realized that I had never actually shown you the hotel room so behold it's pretty budget it's 55 a night which was uh around the cheapest we could find in Sherman ding this is one of the more expensive areas of Taipei but it has a bed and a bathroom and no window it just actually not that bad because you know it makes the room super dark so I can sleep really well right now we're heading up to fun pool fun pool it's time to do my favorite thing in Taipei go to the night markets let's go [Music] we just made it to a little fun pool which is a massive clothing Market here in Taipei it seems pretty calm right now and actually there are a lot more women's clothing than I thought there was going to be don't know if I'm gonna find anything in Lisa's size but it is fun to look let's see what we can find [Music] holy cow this place has a ton of vendors selling all kinds of clothes if you're looking to do some shopping maybe some haggling and not being able to try things on this is definitely your theme this place though isn't really for us so we're gonna head somewhere else someplace that is definitely our scene [Music] [Laughter] that's what this guy just told me right back there I'm trying my best I'm getting closer every time this is definitely my favorite Night Market in all of Taipei they're just so much food there's so many like games to play along the way it just smells so good there's so much variety and there's also a wonderful friendly people who are trying to teach me Chinese oh I've already seen like 10 things that I want so I think my strategy here is I'm gonna do the sweet sandwich it's gonna have sweet stuff first Savory stuff in the middle finish up with sweet at the end so we are looking for oh what is this firstness [Music] [Applause] oh weak sauce [Music] one last bet for all the Marvels literally [Applause] [Music] I really didn't think I was gonna win that I genuinely I was expecting that to be the end of this segment no way [Laughter] that was super fun we were there for way longer than we expected it was just a blast playing that thing and we kept winning okay food food that's what we're here for [Music] Crispy Donuts that's exactly what I was waiting for the Taipei weight loss plan is now in full effect oh yeah this is a croissant and a donut and a baby is that already a thing a krona Corona absolutely delicious like 75 cents not too sweet actually you know normally when you get a donut you expect to just be like punched in the face with the sweetness so this was kind of like a like a gentle slap to the face of sweetness just the right amount tender it's loving it's delicious wow I got a spicy fish bowl it's really hot that's really good it's super Savory like five spice with white pepper and it's spicy marinated for a really long time I know not everybody's a fan but I love it okay time for savory it's a soy sauce and one okay so these are fresh like they just just finished them 10 seconds ago pork dumplings hand fried steamed as well just yeah my face is on fire it's so good and So Fresh So Fresh when we first came in here it was so overwhelming there's like so many different smells so many different foods that I've never seen before and at first I definitely felt a little bit intimidated there's just so many different options but I really have no idea how any of this works but just walked up to the first couple of stands in here gave them some money and they just gave me all of this delicious food and also everybody's been super nice so far about like explaining as best they can what the food is because there's a lot of the stuff that I've never seen before coming from Wisconsin I mean basically all we had was meat potatoes corn on the cob and cheese curds so anything outside of that range is kind of new hold on I'm going back in I can't believe how long this night market is we haven't even gone to the other side it feels like five city blocks we've reached the other end time to go around foreign [Music] balls these are Michelin rated mochi balls I think and inside is like Sesame and sugar and outside I think is coated with also maybe peanut [Music] oh [Music] yeah okay so we're at a place called Kitty kidney wings I think these are the cheapest beers that I found anywhere in Taipei so far these are 90 each it's right next to the real Market it's like added this is absolutely perfect it's like the best place to just stop over after walking just sweating the entire time it's perfect we closed down ralpha today is day two of our stay here in Taipei and we're trying to bike almost halfway around the city of Taipei my uncle told me about this really amazing bike path along the water and this really cool Bike Share system that you can use but first we need to fuel up with some plural fun which is one of my favorite meals to eat any time of the day here [Music] it's super fast okay you have a lot of food do pork rice and it's really really Savory and soft for that plate of vegetables because we're healthy egg all of this cost 250 NTD which at the time of this video is like seven eight dollars so the first time Lisa's mom offered me turnip cake I was kind of like what I didn't think you could make a cake out of a turnip and I was thinking more like the cake that I had been used to having was just like this giant fluffy super sweet thick okay it almost tastes like those fried potatoes that you sometimes get at restaurants where they like boil the potatoes first and then smash them real flat and then they fry both sides of them I think it's one of the more perfect breakfast foods that you're gonna have I love how unpretentious simple these dining spaces are just plastic spools plastic tables border quick no fapping about no fanciness it's awesome [Music] shooting is always popping there's so much going on no matter what time of day or night it feels like so the game plan for today is we're gonna start a bike ride kind of on the south side of Taipei City and then finish the night to the night market a bunch of hours from now first we just gotta get to the start point we're in gangwan and the only reason that I wanted to come all the way down here to start our bike trip is because this 7-Eleven right here serves draft beer a convenience store with draft beer look at this in a convenience store I think this thing means that we get beer which is very exciting wow Taiwan figured it out they have everything we've got a grocery store they got a coffee shop they have a place that you can pay your bills you can even pay your mortgage here self-improvement books entire Cosmetics section and now draft beer we did it it did it what a refreshing way to start our afternoon bike trip you could in theory if you have a local Taiwanese number tap on and use it on and off but since we don't have Taiwanese local numbers we chose a single rental option which just means that you sign up using your email you add a payment card like a credit card hopefully one without a foreign transaction fee they do take like a 3000 NTD deposit but they refund the amount after you're done with the bike ride we signed up while we were at the 7-Eleven over there we're gonna see if it works I think you just scan your QR code and you start locked that one time or what we got one bike I think the key is that we need to like connect to Wi-Fi here we can't use our data SIM card and then we gotta scan it through I think if I wanted to do a bike trip here I would definitely get like a local Taiwan phone number from a local SIM card we were literally standing there for an hour to just try to get a bicycle but but none of that matters now because we're on our bike trip it has to be gone [Music] absolutely Blown Away by how awesome the bike pass and just how great these parks are and how far they go like when you see images of Taipei online all that you see are these like big crazy night markets in the absolutely insane Bright Lights of the city and just so many people everywhere but there's an entire other side of it I had no idea existed [Music] [Music] [Music] Bridge we made it to back to the bike path and there's this awesome speed skating great wow they're so good Temple area very busy we're trying to find bike parking foreign this is just like right in the middle of a crazy busy Market there's food just fully surrounding this place and then there's this right in the middle of it that was really cool and really beautiful that's very much like a temple that people are actually using to pray so we just didn't want to film too much in there but it was really cool one thing that I was really curious about is I saw these people with like little pieces of wood and they would like drop the wood on the ground and then look around and then like really inspect the angles that the wood drop as though they were like looking for a sign out of it I thought it was really interesting if anyone out there knows what that's about and like the meaning behind it I'd be really interested to know [Music] [Music] yeah this is definitely one of my most favorite Parts about Taiwan and Taipei in general every Alleyway every street has food vendors just waiting for you to pick up everything I don't actually know the name of it it's a battered pastry that's filled with different kinds of fillings they had red bean custard and also a Savory option this one's a turnip filled pastry two of these cost 35 NTD which is like a dollar we just made it to the 228 peace Memorial Park it's so green and Lush and beautiful here it's very peaceful [Music] thank you so we're here at Liberty Square and we walked all the way here from February 28th in Memorial Park and there's like the National Theater and this gigantic Monument to Chiang Kai-shek and it's a weird feeling being here as an adult like I've been to all of these places before as a kid and even as a college student reading the history like the timeline of the events that happened here in Taiwan like the massacre of 20 000 Taiwanese people happened when my mom was born and she immigrated to the U.S 20 or so years later and we never never talked about any of it makes me sad and regretful that I never thought to ask and it makes me want to ask her how it felt to live here at this time and what it felt like to leave I think it's easy to forget that our parents had this entire life before us that we just never think to ask about we just never know about my dad's no longer here he's not from Taiwan but there are lots of questions that I have that I never asked him and I wish I had I don't want to make that same mistake with my mom Taiwan is an incredibly beautiful remarkable country today is the first day that I actually feel like it it's really hit home that there's more to Taiwan than just what meets the eye safe condition down there [Music] this place is absolutely packed kind of like crammy into whichever seats fit because this place is just super full all the time it smells so good in here so the only thing they offered us when we got in here was either small Lodge beef noodles and then either thin or thick beef noodles so we just got both we got uh we got two smalls one of the thin ones I'm looking around I'm getting super hungry [Music] about the thin noodles I got the thick noodles [Music] yeah there's a lot of condiments spicy this one or original original okay this is actually really hard to eat without splashing everywhere these noodles are those white ones are very very wisely this is so good there's so much for the three dollars that we smelled so so good those Taiwanese beef noodles there are just to die for basically everyone in there was ordering the thick wide noodles uh we both agreed after trying them both that we like the thin noodles better but up to you something that I loved about that place is just how focused on the food experience it is they're not trying to impress you with like a fancy restaurant that has like cool tables or like a nice view or anything like that it is just about the noodle soup that's the only thing and I love that specific focus on just doing one thing and doing one thing really really really well now there's only one right thing to do at the end of a day in Taipei before you go to bed and that's go to a Night Market [Music] so we just got to shooting yesterday night market I know we already had a pretty big late lunch slash early dinner but I feel like in Taipei it's just the right thing to do to have a second dinner or a fourth meal thank you give me this guy give me that guy it doesn't even try to hide it it's just like straight up lets it go [Music] I wish I could transmit smell to you that I think is such an important part of this experience it smells both good and bad and interesting and familiar all at the same time [Music] wow these looked really good they were just some kind of fresh made pastries they're like literally rolling them out and pounding them there I got the black Stephanie Josh got the just sugar and the black sesame inside do not be alarmed it is so so good it's like the taste of almond butter and sesame it's a little gritty but that's the draw of it [Music] so this one's quite a bit different than Rao huh yeah wow good job this is quite a bit different from Rojo in that it's not just like one straight line the entirety of the time you're going right this entire neighborhood is all Sheila knife Park it's exciting and just incredibly overwhelming and wonderful [Music] oh yeah this is exactly what I was looking for grilled meat maybe the simple stuff the good stuff this is the perfect snack because you eat it and objectively it's not healthy rightly there's tons of sauce on it it's like a slice of bacon but you eat it and you get a little crunch of the vegetables you're like I'm being healthy today I found finally oyster omelette [Music] a big old oysters fried up in an egg and vegetables it's nostalgic for me and you can't really get it anywhere else look at that it's gooey and weird but I love it tomorrow we have a really early morning and a long day so we're gonna finish this up and head home successful second day [Music] I just apparently made it there are a lot of people day trip baby that's what we're doing today we're diying a trip all the way out to shifen and up to geofen we saw these pre-packaged tours they were like 40 to 50 dollars per person for a day trip that goes up to the exact same places but then we just found that you could take trains out here for like six dollars per person round trip all the way out here and back which is more our style and definitely more on budget we just got on the train here at create fun and that's the station that you need to remember you can take a train all the way to shipment or you can take a train all the way to Jill hunt either way that's your like this is like your home base station okay this train ride is incredible [Music] what are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow holy cow I've read a lot of things that said that shufen was super touristy but I love it we're tourists and it's incredibly beautiful there's like mountains and bridges and the train being so close to the shop makes the experience that much more cool [Music] spicy a barbecue chicken wing stuffed with fried rice and it's spicy yeah of course I'm gonna buy this time to get messy that's even got a little handle the best part of waking up it's chicken wing stuff with fried rice oh wow there are a lot of spices on here and I am loving it I've never had anything like this this is so good [Music] I don't actually know what this is called in Chinese but it's like a burrito wrap with peanut Flakes and ice cream it's a popular dessert here what do you think this is super good I'm a big fan of like peanut buttery tasting things did we need dessert at 11 in the morning no did we get it anyway definitely [Music] this town ended up being way cooler than I thought it would be like when I saw the tours coming here draw a different tour companies how kind of overpriced was where I thought this was just going to be an absolute tourist trap and honestly it is a little bit of a tourist trap right but not in a bad way it just feels like there's a lot of exciting things to do here and it's just stunningly beautiful and there's lots of hiking we're gonna do in a second but first i'm going to send one of these balloons up okay they're setting it up and I think we get to draw our paint or calligraphy on it it's 2 years [Music] we paint the red and the other side first with the calligraphy pens I said be careful because it gets on you and then when we're done he'll switch sides and we can do the other two sides each of the colors represent different I guess things are wishes that you want to send red represents safety and health I believe that's legible this orange part is relationship and marriage this is for us and for our kitty that we miss a lot behold my artwork I definitely have the handwriting of like a four-year-old I think that's as good as it got okay so this is career in business and the thing that we've always wanted to do more than anything with this channel is help people travel more that's that's all that we've ever wanted to do and the thing we've always wanted to do was give away a trip around the world and hopefully we can reach the level of success here that we can give back to all of you who watch this and give away a trip to somebody and that's I just really want that to happen I'll consider this entire channel of success if we can just change one person's life with a real trip I don't know my dad always used to say Be Your Own Boss and I didn't understand what that meant until this last couple of years for me it didn't mean like be a manager it just meant let's live the life that you really wanted to live and be generous of your time and your money so that's our hope for our business I don't know you might not agree with the life that we chose but I can keep being proud I think he'd try to understand it and I oh it's filling up already oh that's so cool okay just don't move later when I count all three I need you to let go at the same time okay now please eyes on the lantern ready one two three let it go that was so fun and John at the Yang shop it was like right when you first get off the train it's on the right hand side he was super friendly I surprisingly got emotional doing that but lighting the lantern I thought oh it'd be just a fun experience here and it and it really is fun but it's like a sweet little thing too it's a nice thing to like think about and actually write down what you hope for whether it's for you or for other people and yeah I'm a little emotional it was nice [Music] all of a sudden I just heard people saying hurry the train I'm just gonna explore the rest of this town and then we're going to cross the bridge and I think there's a giant beautiful waterfall just like a 10 minute walk up the road [Music] thank you I can't get over how green and Lush this entire place is it's so so beautiful I'm really really glad that we got out of the city [Music] [Applause] gotta be getting close they're grilling meat up here I can hear the waterfall a little bit I think once you get past all the good food this is all just like touristy gift shop stuff I'm starting to hear the waterfall though that's really loud this is incredibly beautiful really loud the waterfall is really really full I think gonna rain definitely helps let's see if we can get through the photography lines wow wow I'm really really impressed there's a lot of different beautiful trails that go through the entirety of this park there's a lot of levels to look at this thing at but if you go all the way down this is the best one okay time to head back to the train station the trains only come like once an hour so you really gotta gotta make sure you make it when they get here [Music] it seems like most people are staying at the upper decks which is totally beautiful but if you have it in you and you're willing to climb and go down some slippery Cobblestone steps I think the first levels are the best [Music] [Music] a big fan of the simple things in life like me down a grill [Music] it feels like there's like 10 times as many people now that we're into the afternoon it's like 3 30 right now I honestly wish we'd gotten an earlier start to today it's just a much different experience when it's so busy Train's here time to go and we get to go through the street the old Street I love sure fun sure fun sure fun that's what it is I love sugar funds hour is here we need to take the train back to great fun and then take a bus to jail fun [Music] we had to run for the next bus of course but we made it just a 15 minute bus ride and then we'll get to gently [Music] is Struggle Bus City [Music] so we're on the jio fun old Street which is essentially just this incredible basically Night Market where it's an all-day Market there's food there's so many souvenirs and they're all these tiny little Alleyways every now and then if you peek to the right or to the left you'll get this incredible view of the water we're here till sunset so that we get to see geofun at night okay so we got our takeaway beer we got our snacks now we just need a place to enjoy it at I think we found one [Music] so oh that's good this takeout beer that you can get from that Cafe tea house that overlook this view right here costs 150 NTD in with a restaurant 80 half off if you take it away you get the same view just right here you don't get to be out in nature this is awesome this right here is without a doubt my favorite Taiwanese snack and it is just this sweet flaky incredibly buttery snack it's filled with this like pineapple gel or Jam I'm not sure exactly what it is delicious Okay so we've been walking for like an hour now we've probably gotten lost like 10 times on the way here honestly I'm not sure exactly where we are in this old Street area or how to get back to the bus station but it doesn't really matter because every couple blocks is another spectacular view it's not really a wrong place to go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there's so many fun stalls here everybody's so nice oh my God that's great it's not a Savory or as weird of a texture as I was expecting [Music] it smells like food those are so cool and also extremely expensive Tea House [Applause] that's nice we ordered a bunch of buns and a bunch of steam dumplings and I'm super hungry basically we've been eating only sweet stuff you've been watching this whole time we've been it's been all sweet snowball so it's time for some real food it's like a warm dumpling hug in my mouth thank you smooth [Music] this place really comes alive at night I mean it's just so beautiful these Red Lanterns everywhere the shops are really starting to close because it's so late and everybody's trying to hop on a bus so we're just trying to get our place on a bus so we can make it back home too yeah what a perfect day we're gonna try to catch a ride back home [Music] yep as predicted the bus was very very full uh so we're gonna take a taxi to the train station and Hope to the human thing [Music] okay just a little over an hour later and we are back in shimending it's a Saturday night so everything is happening here tonight we're on the lookout for some good street food after that long train ride oh man it's just packed up I'm gonna get it green onion pancake crave something Savory I think it comes with eggs too um which has some spicy thoughts it's stuff that makes your numb that man was super friendly hard working like making these from scratch is not easy and he did it so delicately and beautifully but I've never had a tongue on being like that that is amazing so good perfect night snack that was so good okay there is one thing that I've been wanting to do in shiman dings since the day we got here thank you nice pretty fun that was cool that was the perfect thing to end the night with all right we're heading back to the hotel now it's like a hundred thousand dollars worth of cameras all pointing at one bird I think I wonder if we can get a glimpse of it must be good okay so I think there's like a little hole in the tree and everybody's here is just waiting for whatever thing lives in the tree to come out of the hole so they can take a picture of it the excitement has been helpful there's tension there's attention [Music] I don't know what it is it's green red blue it Rose I asked them what what what kind of bird was it not really expecting to know anything about birds here but they said oh sun which I think means five color Birds I'm just gonna look it up so it is it's a five-colored bird and it has five colors and it's native to Taiwan but normally it's like really high up in elevation it makes its nest really high up so maybe that's why people are so oh they're cool I've never done any like bird watching and bird photography but that was like weirdly exciting like everyone was standing there like nobody was breathing it was like and then they came out and I was like seeing a celebrity and the people there were super nice we asked them a bunch of questions about like what kind of bird is this how does this whole thing work wow look at the size of your camera and they were just really excited to share their passion we just got here to ran soy milk we just ordered a bunch of food all for 140 NTD from the I.E here is so amazed she just the empty here is so nice she just she welcomed Us in and she grabbed all her food and she was like here here go sit down have a nice seat it's really hot welcome to Taiwan so cute do you remember what any of this is yeah so we got the tongue Bing we got the green onion pancakes this one has egg in it got the turnip cake one of my favorite things Chinese donut yes please we got two different kinds of dumpling I think she said that this was like a soup one with pork [Music] we've got a ludicrous amount of food for like five dollars and the people were really nice I love this place [Music] you have too many coins so we're topping up our IC card our yo-yo card it's pretty easy to do and it gets rid of your points [Music] [Music] thinking about our trip to the observatory a little more and why we didn't feel like it was worth it I feel like it's got the same problem as going up in the Eiffel Tower does where you don't actually want to like have the view from the Eiffel Tower to the rest of the city you want somewhere really pretty on a really high hill where you can see the Eiffel Tower and the rest of the city and I think that's exactly what we were missing from there so that's what we're gonna go do right now we're gonna go hike up Elephant Mountain and go get that beautiful view got really windy and it might rain but I think it adds to the coolness of this hike right now we also found a stall this nice lovely woman who is selling out of her car just a beer and then ice water [Music] what do you think you gotta earn it but this is I think the best view type A that you can get [Music] so today is the last of our 3.75 days in Taipei this was an awesome trip we had a great time here I mean this is obviously the perfect way to end it I think I think one of my favorite things was in shifa when we did the balloon thing the hot air balloon release that was I don't know it was kind of cheesy touristy thing to do there but I had a lot of fun with that and just thinking through all of like the wishes for the next year for the next couple of months was really nice all of the people it's always the people for me the people that we've met along the way especially the locals here who are super friendly and helpful I don't know this trip was like an unexpected great trip even though my family is from Taiwan I feel like because I grew up outside of Taiwan I never connected with it as much coming back and being able to see some of our family and visit some of the important sites here and understand it as an adult really helped me connect a lot more with the culture the things we would have done differently not staying shimending I think we would have stayed pretty much anywhere else and how did you feel about a hundred dollars per day from the two of us I think the hundred dollars per day budget worked out almost perfectly here which was actually really exciting to not be over budget for the first time and like one day we bought like every single food item in Taiwan we went to the night markets and we still incredible we're just over a hundred dollars yeah it was it was great overall I feel like like 0.75 days was a good amount of time in Taipei yeah do you think so I mean obviously it always feels fast right like you always feel like you want to see more but I think that's the exact frame of mind you want to be in when you're leaving a place it's not that you're like exhausted over that you saw everything but that you'd want to come back and you'd want to see a little bit more overall really great trip but one last thing to do I know it has a not so pleasant smell but I think it tastes great it's crispy and softened inside and savory [Music] outside of the smell that's actually pretty good see you next time [Music]
Channel: Lisa and Josh
Views: 248,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, adventure, lisa and josh, josh and lisa, lisa josh, josh lisa
Id: wvGkmY-HbHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 35sec (3215 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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