How Fishermen Catch And Process Billions Of Tuna - Tuna Processing Factory

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you can never find a tuna standing still in the  ocean because if they stop they will die they can   live up to 40 years and can be sold for twice  the price of the latest Rolls-Royce Phantom so   how do fishermen catch and process them and how  much profit do they make from these expensive fish many tuna species are found all over  the world's oceans but the most impressive   are skipjack and blin tuna each using different  fishing methods skipjack tuna are the smallest   but most abundant accounting for 70% of the total  chuna catch in the Pacific Ocean they often move   in large schools near the surface so Pur scening  is the most common fishing method for large tuna   Industries such as the Philippines catching  skipjack tuna takes several days as there is   a lot to prepare tons of ice and other supplies  are transported to the Mother Ship about 11h   hour boat ride away on the next day the fishermen  prepare the fishing grounds the goal is to gather   as many fish as possible in one area so floating  objects like coconut leaves are often used because   fish naturally congregate in what they perceive  as shelters buoys are anchored in place on the   seabed with ropes hundreds of meters long a  diver also has to go down to check the ropes   this is a very laborious teamwork process and  if the ropes get tangled it will take another   hour the Captain Marks all locations with GPS  then they repair the nets for the rest of the   day to prepare for the the big catch tomorrow  the main fishing day starts early and takes   about 3 hours to do first the fishermen lower  a large net into the water creating a vertical   wall that encloses the fishing ground prepared  yesterday colored water and a canoe are used   to confuse the fish then they pull it back to  trap the fish in a Tiner area now a smaller net   called aail is used to scoop up the fish in  the large net it can open at the bottom and   release the harvested fish into the ice waterer  boxes there are several boxes on board each can   contain up to 27,000 L of fish in 2022 the  Philippines is estimated to have harvested   484 million pounds of skipjack tuna using this  method the mother ship will repeat this entire   fishing process in another area to catch more  fish meanwhile a smaller boat will bring some   of the harvested fish ashore freshness  determines the selling price of skipjack   tuna so ice is constantly added in addition to  the pane fishing method the ancient technique   of catching skipjack tuna with rods and lines  is now also used industrially flocks of birds   gathering on the surface are a good sign that  there is a school of fish there and this is how   fishermen have located tuna for centuries Bait  fish are scattered around the boat to attract   skipjack tuna the boat sprays water behind it to  trick skipjack tuna into thinking smaller fish   are being chased this method may seem like  a lot of work to catch just a few fish but   22,000 lb of skipjack tuna can be harvested in  just 15 minutes with a crew of about 15 to 30   fishermen this technique also reduces by catch sea  creatures caught by accident since fishermen only   go after fish near the surface it doesn't hurt  the animals that live deep down in the ocean once   a Shore the skipjack tuna are weighed and sold  to fishmongers at local markets each small fish   weighs about 7 oz and buyer's minimum purchase  is a 30 lb box but most of the fish caught are   sold to Thailand the world's largest Cann tuna  industry for around $11,800 to $2,000 per 2,000 in 2023 at the factory skipjack tuna are washed  with cold water then they are placed in a tray   and steamed the steaming temperature will vary  depending on the size and number of fish once   done they are left to dry and cool down workers  then manually remove the skin head red meat and   bones depending on the order specifications which  dictate the proportion and type of cut the worker   will cut large to make large pieces and small  to make shredded tuna flakes the meat is now   put into cans by machine but the worker still has  to weigh it again to make sure each can is equal   then vegetable oil Brine and sometimes flavorings  are added after that the tuna can is sealed shut   rinsed and stacked together to go to the heat  sterilizer once sterilized the tuna can is cooled   before moving on to labeling and packaging within  a a week in 2023 the total export value of canned   seafood products from Thailand reached nearly  $2 billion with 1.6 billion coming from can chuna in contrast to skipjack tuna bluefin tuna is  the largest and most expensive tuna species this   giant 525 lb BlueAnt tuna was sold for nearly  $800,000 on the first business day of 2024   in Japan that's roughly $11,500 per pound these  BlueAnt tuna can cross the Atlantic Ocean in just   1 month and they are commercially caught primarily  using trolling this method involves Towing around   lures or B with fishing rods placed in rod holders  and using the boat's speed to catch them it sounds   simple but controlling the enormous power of this  giant fish is not easy heavyduty rods reels with   robust drag systems and braided fishing lines with  minimal stretch are crucial in controlling the   tuna's runs and preventing snaap lines one of the  key factors in trolling is choosing the fishing   location experienced fishermen nowadays use  sonar technology that can easily help them locate   schools of fish at different depths the boat  maintains a steady speed usually between 7 and   10 knots while the trolling lines are deployed at  the back a sudden pull on a line breaks the quiet   tension the fishermen must simultaneously reel  in the line and allow controlled runs to avoid Lo   using the fish after over 4 hours the fisherman  can finally bring the blue fin tuna closer to   the boat the intense run can heat up the blue fin  tuna's body so much that it can burn its own flesh   from the inside this reduces the meat quality  significantly but a practice called swimming the   fish can prevent this the fisherman will secure  the fish alongside the boat then cut its GE   s to facilitate faster blood release and remove  lactic acid buildup from the muscles once the fish   dies and cools down the fishermen bring it aboard  and preserve it with a lot of ice for commercially   caught BlueAnt tuna in the US each is carefully  tagged and measured to report to Fisheries   authorities then it's gutted and the flesh is  assessed based on color texture and fat content   within a few days this particular fish was a  giant weighing a hefty 845 lb and stretching   10 ft long but it only got sold for $3.50 a  pound which is much less than some smaller   tuners this is because the fish wasn't fatty  enough typically smaller tuna cores under   350 are sold to Japan for a higher price  but fishermen have to cover the shipping   costs because of rising costs in 2024 most us  blue and tuna are sold domestically Japan is   the world's largest consumer of blue and tuna  because they love it in sashimi and sushi the   first stop for these fish here is at Famous  auction markets like toyosu Market skilled   tuna buyers use their knowledge of how tuna are  built to maximize yield and maintain the quality   of each cut the most prized bluin tuna cuts are  those with high fat content like the extra fatty   belly Toro and the fatty belly ororo these are  meticulously cut and used in the most expensive   dishes the Japanese processing method strives  for minimal waste even Parts like the head and   Bone bones of the blue and tuna are used to  create flavorful broths or other specialty dishes hello my friends during the winter  holidays this is a good time to consider   a table full of haroney oyster dishes  oysters have held an important place on   our dinner tables for centuries but have  you ever been curious about their origin   in today's video we learn how American fishermen  produce millions of pounds of oysters each year in 2023 the United States will produce  45.3 million pound of oysters worth about   $221 million oysters are typically produced in  one of three different ways natural managed and   farmed natural oysters grow and reproduce without  human intervention and are generally available for   harvesting by anyone with the appropriate  license in contrast managed oysters are   monitored by Harvesters who periodically scrape  the layers to reduce aggregation for farmed   oysters fishermen often use traditional methods  they transport immature oysters to artificial   beds where they continue to grow in many parts of  the world oysters are grown on lines or in tanks   and this method is now being adopted in some  regions of the United States in eastern North   America oyster farming efforts began a century ago  to restore overh harvested oyster beds and improve   yields oysters spawn in the summer when the water  warms this is the beginning of the oyster farming   cycle where fishermen will collect microscopic  larv they provide a place for young oysters to   settle and grow specifically these oysters  were purchased from fish Island hatcheries   and carefully managed in a nursery environment the  nursery is the intermediate stage for oysters to   grow from 0.5 in to nearly 1 in at this time they  will be introduced to Farms live in open water and   they will grow to Market size when they reach 1.5  in fishermen will transfer them to bags to fatten   them up for the winter raise livestock but do not  need to provide food that's right oysters are that   kind of livestock they can develop on their own  without needing too much support from humans in   fact once past the lavel stage oysters do not need  to be fed because they filter food from the water column in recent years bottom cages have become  a popular solution in the oyster farming industry   oysters live on pieces of shell that are finally  ground in the nursery before being put into cages   after that the cages are submerged in water at  rented locations at the river mouth for rearing   iCal multi- cages allow Farmers to grow more  oysters additionally oyster farming provides   valuable estu and habitat for juvenile fish and  invertebrates oyster farms have transformed flat   unattractive estu in habitats into more complex  habitats at the same time it invites commercially   and ecologically important species to forage and  seek Refuge in Alaska oysters grow in cold water   with abundant Plankton so highquality oysters  are available year around cold water also reduces   bacterial contamination prolongs storage time and  ensures safety when eating raw oysters however   because they cannot reproduce either naturally or  in the wild or farmed Alaska oysters are imported   as seed from hatcheries on the Pacific coast these  cages contain more than 30 million oysters these   tiny oysters are very difficult to maintain they  need constant care or the entire oyster crop could   be wiped out the best conditions for oyers to  grow are between 60 and 80° a before oysters spawn   farmers will control the temperature in the water  tank to prepare them for the best environment when   oysters spawn the they release eggs and sperm  directly into the water after being put into the   tank they turn into lari about 1 billion oysters  are born in these tanks each year after placing   baby oysters in Nets fishermen will anchor them  in the ocean or on the beach here oysters feed   by filtering naturally occurring plon in the  water during this period Farmers also regularly   monitor the weather because if there is too much  rain it will dilute the salinity in the water and   affect the oysters depending on the type of cage  fishermen have a way to allocate the number of   oysters accordingly oyster Farmers with many years  of experience often redistribute the number of   oysters in the cage when the oysters reach average  size they want to reduce the quantity so they can   achieve high quality before they reach the market  by removing oysters from high density cages about   85 to 90 oysters per cage then the farmer divides  it equally among three different cages the oysters   return to the cages with more space to move and  grow better as the cold gray dusk begins to creep   across the calm River fishermen are trying  to remove the layer of sand around the oyster   shed shs and return them to the Sea they believe  that the cleaner they keep them the more water   will flow into that shell it takes about 18 to 36  months for oysters to grow to Market size after 6   months the cage is removed from the water and the  oysters are taken to the production facility here   machines will sort them by size those that meet  standards are exported to the market while the   remaining small oysters will be released into the  sea potential sits for oyster farms need to have   good Tides so that food can be easily transported  to the site and waste discharged into the ocean   of course oyster farms must be close to Seafood  distribution markets weaving along the icebergs   the boat entered the oyster farming area they  pulled the oysters out in the 70s agree cold the   harvesting process was harsh but also filled with  pride because they kept the area supplied during   the winter Farmers quickly brought the oysters  to Market so that when people ate the oysters   they would feel a little taste of the main Coast  similar to Maine in arashan Bay oyster farming is   a part of daily life for locals oyster farmers  will take you to their oyster beds to flip the   bag of oysters then release them into the water  or harvest them sounds easy right but in reality   this work is quite difficult oyster Farmers  have to spend hours underwater rotating the   oyster cages manually some oyster Farmers have  used technology to do this effectively this idea   also allows Farmers to harvest more easily they  just stand on the boat and open each cage one by one after Decades of processed oysters eating  fresh oysters in the Shell is increasingly   popular like wine oysters are famous for taking on  the characteristics of the surrounding climate so   that's great if you live in New England and love  oysters New England oysters grow from cold fertile   Waters which gives them a particularly Pleasant  um field Flavor now let's go on a journey to catch   these natural oysters at about 5:30 when it was  not yet Dawn he set off deciding to follow the   GPS to look for oyster beds to exploit similar  to a gentle warmup before the sun even appeared   he harvested the first batch of oysters the work  went on continuously until about 12 12:00 he drove   the boat back and sold them interestingly oysters  cannot move not a jot they float down the stream   cling to rocks and stay there for life if all goes  well the oyster has a rich flavor conveying the   crisp fresh saltiness of its pristine environment  in addition to being delicious and nutritious   oysters also play a role in maintaining healthy  e EOS systems they filter their food removing   particles and pollutants such as excess nitrogen  from the waters where they live additionally   because oyster lvy survived by clinging to  hard surfaces oysters also help rebuild coral reefs the sun was setting and he steered  his boat in a slow Circle in San Antonio Bay   before Harvest fishermen began pulling up traps  chopping small blocks of oysters with axes and   sorting them right on the boat they make most  of their money in a year by harvesting oyster   reefs in April the oyster season ends with  exciting activities it was the last week of   the fishing season and they needed to move faster  getting bigger holes of oysters in 2023 the state   allowed each oyster boat to haul about 50 bags  or crates per day they must Implement that quota   to protect markets and resources unlike oyster  farming oyster fishing is based on luck natural   oysters will also not have the same appearance  and size as farmed oysters but in return oysters   grown in a natural environment bring a different  flavor at the same time fishermen do not have to   spend huge costs on raising livestock once the  oysters are harvested it's a Race Against Time   to get them safely to Consumers quality oysters  are washed tagged with ordering information and   canned besides fishermen will add ice and place  them in the cooler for about 2 hours to meet FDA   guidelines trucks will transport them to stores  and Distributors across the United States finally   they appear on on the dinner table like this  and you can pay 40 cents to enjoy each oyster
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 91,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, harvesting, fishing, catching, tuna fishing, tuna catching, fishermen, fisherman, american fishing, fishing documentary, #tony98discovery
Id: uvXn2WhMT5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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