Chinese Farmers Raise Hundreds Of Millions Of Lion Head Goose - Farming Documentary

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hello my friends when you think of geese  what is the first thing that comes to your   mind a type of noisy poultry for grass  with its unique fatty flavor or this   fragrant roast Goose but have you ever  thought of a goose as a lawn mowing tool   you heard right that's how Chinese Farmers  think about lion headed geese in today's   video we will explore how Chinese farmers  raise hundreds of millions of lion headed [Music] geese lion headed Goose farms in China  are often located in rural areas with access to   large bodies of water because geese need ample  space to swim these Farms are often managed by   small traditional livestock Farmers many people  will never forget the feeling of seeing a goose   with a lion head for the first time because this  Goose's head is very large on its face there is   a tumor like a lion's head the special point is  that the size of this tumor will be proportional   to the age of the goose lion headed goose native  to guon Province China this is one of the largest   geese species in the world and weighs three times  more than normal geese related statistics show   that the average weight of lion headed geese  is 35 I to 47 I the highest can reach 65 I not   only that lion headed geese scare other geese  because of their Strong attacking attributes   they are considered the King of geese and have  outstanding advantages that normal geese cannot   match compared to regular geese the superiority  of Lin headed geese is not only reflected in   white and price the meat quality of the lion  headed goose is also very delicious and very   popular locally normally Goose meat has a slightly  fishy taste however lion head Goose meat does not   have this drawback it is moderately soft and  chewy in addition to being rich in protein and   low in fat it is also rich in nutrients and  has many types of amino acids that are good   for the body because lion headed geese also have  good medicinal value they are a leading product   in the dietary therapy of traditional Chinese  medicine in addition lion head goose feathers   are also a highquality material to make down  jackets which have an extremely good warming   effect Farmers with many years of experience say  that the growth rate of geese is influenced by   genetic factors so choosing healthy parents and  good breeding procedures can improve the growth   rate and meat quality of geese Farmers often go to  seed Farms to see their quality and their living   environment before deciding to buy after many  years of observing their growth process Farmers   realized that lion headed geese have breeding  activities that occur in the fall and winter   for short periods of time in contrast reproductive  activity occurring in spring and summer will have   a longer period due to seasonal breeding the lion  headed Goose breed has low egg productivity an   average of 25 to 30 eggs per year and such low  fertility seriously hinders the development of   local industry until now the lion headed goose is  the best Goose breed raised by the Chinese however   the number of Farmers willing to raise this type  of geese is very limited why do you think people   are afraid to raise lion headed geese that bring  High economic benefits because input and output   are not proportional besides the profit level is  not attractive or safe Farmers actually discovered   the price advantage of lion headed geese but the  difficulties encountered in the breeding process   completely overwhelmed its advantages the growth  cycle of lion headed geese usually lasts from 3   to 4 months during this time the geese will grow  from goslings to adults suitable for Slaughter   compared to other poultry species although the  lion headed Goose grows very quickly its growth   cycle is very long during their entire growth  cycle they will consume a lot of food every   day however the problem lies in finding food  compared to normal geese the foraging ability   of lion headed geese is very poor therefore they  basically rely entirely on food provided by humans   if raised in small quantities Farmers feel it  is not cost [Music] effective although there   are very few people raising lion headed geese  the overall market for l L headed geese in China   is still very good according to data provided by  the China livestock Association and the food and   agriculture organization of the world China is  the country with the largest production of lion   headed geese the volume of Slaughter and livestock  production accounts for 93.3% of the world's total   output here lion headed geese are often raised on  a large scale now and can create great economic   benefits some Farmers believe that raising lion  geese is a risky way to get rich but worth a try   these are the new members of the farm they are 3  to 5 day old goslings they are learning to adapt   to everything before starting their grazing life  because Lane headed geese have high requirements   for Habitat especially in this weak early stage  the environment is suitable for them to survive   in places with high temperatures temperatures  that are too low will slow their growth or   develop other diseases Farmers also encounter many  problems when raising lion headed geese including   their aggressive nature lion headed geese are  species with a strong sense of territory when   outside creatures enter their territory geese  will be alert and quick Counterattack when   danger strikes because of this characteristic  farmers are sometimes attacked by them during contact the purpose of people raising lion headed  geese is not to lay eggs because the lion headed   Goose's egg lay period is very short at most 2  to 4 years and it loses its ability to reproduce   after the fifth year however they still rely on  those eggs to to supplement their breeding stock   because the cost of buying breeding geese is  quite high before entering the incubation stage   the important step is to choose the egg size  uniform shape and without any signs of damage   farmers will gently wipe the eggs to remove any  dirt or contaminants that could affect their   development the process of incubating eggs with an  incubator is strictly controlled with temperature   and humidity creating a warm environment for  eggs to develop the stable temperature is   usually around 99 to 100° F Farmers often use  high-intensity light to observe the internal   development of eggs this way they can detect  any abnormalities or health problems in them   early after about a month the eggs will hatch  into goslings like this similar to purchased   breeds they continue to be warmed by lamps in  the barn until the goslings adapt to the natural environment now we will come to the problem  I mentioned at the beginning of the video   These geese are likened to a grass cutting machine  because they can eat the roots of plants including   the roots as a natural green food source for them  taking advantage of this feature Farmers often   graze geese in Orchard areas so that lion headed  geese help farmers clear weeds you can see the   area where the lion geese pass through has almost  been cleared of grass this not only maximizes   economic efficiency on the same land area but the  tree canopy also helps the lion headed geese have   a place to hide from the Sun geese are species  that have the ability to gain weight very quickly   after only 10 to 11 weeks of rearing the body mass  has increased about 45 times compared to the body   weight at hatching Farmers said that using normal  food geese still grow well however if geese are   raised with mixed food the growth rate of geese  will be much faster that's why they created this   mixed feed which is a blend of greens corn and  brown in fact farmers do not need to prepare   mixed food that is too smooth puree this group  of lion headed geese can completely eat all this   food in one morning in addition to eating and  drinking swimming is also considered an important   part of the Natural Life of lion headed geese  with many benefits that help them clean their   feathers regulate body temperature and maintain  muscles Farmers let them swim to relieve stress   and search for different natural food sources  geese can simultaneously search for different   natural food sources they found that compared  to geese raised in cages geese raised in this   natural way had better results this Behavior helps  them maintain a balanced diet providing water and   fiber at the same time they express their Natural  Instincts and comfort in their living environment on this Farm the lion headed geese  have reached maturity and are ready   for Slaughter after checking the weight  and health status the geese are loaded   onto the truck by the farmer adult  lion headed geese will be sold at   markets or restaurants in the area the lion  headed goose is the star of this restaurant   because its meat texture and flavor can  please everyone including picky guests from Tiny geese like these under the care of  farmers they gradually grow until they grow   up like this this is really a long journey  this development is also the result of the   efforts of farmers at the end of our journey  to discover how Chinese Farmers rais millions   of lion headed geese we see that farmers  not only choose to raise lion headed geese   not only for profit but also to create an  appearance new for the traditional livestock [Music] industry the Sun Peaks out from  behind the trees Ducks roam the fields   this is a familiar scene in Duck raising  countries in Asia but how did ducks in   the field like this appear on your plate  in today's video we follow the farmers   to find the answer at the same time  learn how farmers raise millions of ducks while in developed countries like Russia  France and Canada ducks are raised in closed   cage systems most ducks in developing countries  are raised in the traditional way compared to   chickens ducks are more difficult to keep in  cages because they are dirtier than chickens   and need access to water the ideal life for  ducks is to graze in Fields they will have   plenty of space to roam explore new fields and  spacious water areas so the duck's body also has   features adapted to living in and near water with  webbed feet a waterproof plumage and down to keep   warm in Winter ducks have several advantages  over other poultry species especially their   resistance to disease they are hearty excellent  forages and easy to raise especially in Wetlands   where they tend to congregate in herds you can  see that the warehouse holds quite a few bags   of food all to meet the huge consumption needs  of the Ducks every day he needs to bring about   three to five bags of food to the fields for them  like this one disadvantage of ducks when raised   and fed a balanced diet is the high amount of  food wasted because their beak is shaped like   a shovel this leads to less efficient use of  their food because they have no way to eat all   of the food provided this explains why their  meat and eggs are more expensive than chicken   however ducks have an advantage in that they  can have very satisfactory yields even when the   food quality is not the best therefore besides  animal feed ducks will be taken to the fields   in the morning to get food during the harvest  season and return home in the afternoon after   about 29 days these eggs will hatch at this time  the facility owner will select healthy breeds for   the breeder at this Farm one day old ducks are  delivered weekly and they are kept warm for up   to 14 days with heat lamps fed with food besides  they are vaccinated to prevent poultry diseases   after careful raising and Care in the barn healthy  ducklings begin to get used to new foods here they   will get used to the environment with water and  solar temperature finally the ducklings will be   transported by Farmers to the fields to begin the  process of grazing and foraging in the natural environment in Southeast Asian countries  native ducks have been commonly raised for   centuries for meat or eggs in Indonesia and  the Philippines alone ducks are mainly raised   for eggs not for meat duck meat is consumed  mainly by the Chinese Hong Kong Japanese and   Korean communities and most of it is imported  from Asia about 40% of duck meat Imports go to   these three countries meanwhile Singapore  is the largest importer of live ducks for   processing about 30 million USD per year another  important byproduct is fertilizer which has high   economic value whether sold by Farmers or apply  directly to crops feathers can also be sold in   mixed Livestock systems other products such as  eggshells can be used as feed for other farm   animals duck farming is an important sector of  the poultry industry in Indonesia Thailand and   Vietnam this is a form of permanent duck farming  they are allowed to graze around the village and   are protected at night near The Village's  house in the village meanwhile with mobile   farming like this Ducks will be moved between  areas where rice has just been harvested they   can stay there for 1 to 2 days looking for food  in rice growing countries synergies between duck   and rice production can be seen widely grazed  ducks act as natural Predators against insects   and snails the role of ducks as predators and  producers of natural fertilizers contributes to   higher yields integrating Ducks into rice farming  has also helped Farmers cope with the impacts of   climate change while also limiting the use of  pesticides therefore most Farmers have chosen   this technique so that the rice produced can  be sold at a higher price in addition Farmers   often combine duck farming with fish farming to  bring sustainable development to small farmers   some Farmers say ducklings can destroy young  crops not only that when the crops begin to   bear fruit it is also time to chase Ducks away  to avoid them from destroying them although no   duck will lay eggs every day most Ducks will lay  all winter long without needing any supplemental   lighting you can expect about 250 to 325 eggs  per year from these ducks Farmers also closely   monitor them during the breeding process to avoid  egg loss because they can lay eggs here or right   in the field there is no specific schedule or  location farmers can only observe search and   try to harvest the entire crop after harvesting  the eggs will be sold to Traders and production   Facility Owners right in the field like this dogs  will be companions to farmers during the grazing   process regardless of the terrain it tries to stay  close to the Ducks to protect them at the end of   the day before putting the Ducks back on the truck  farmers will check the number again in case the   Ducks get stuck like this in the rice fields a  normal organic rice Farm will require a lot of   Labor to kill weeds and maintain soil Health but  the natural movement of ducts will help irate and   strengthen the soil the reduction in human effort  facilitated by this process allows Farmers to   diversify their production base and potentially  generate price premiums from attractive food markets in Thailand some Farmers have chosen to  switch to the barbery duck breed introduced by   the royal family due to its unique meat quality  besides the year- round availability of barbery   duck products is the key to convincing  customers each barbery duck can weigh up   to 8 I so it takes about 65 to8 85 days to  grow while other duck breeds need about 45   days this means fewer production Cycles however  the price of barbery duck is higher at 3.21 USD   kg a Farmer's Day on a duck farm in northern  Mexico often starts very early the first job   of the day is to check if the Ducks are healthy  check all the feeders and cover them with straw   besides he also adjust the temperature so  that the Ducks feel comfortable when the   outside temperature increases the end of the day  is cleaning up to ensure hygiene is maintained at   a standard level on the farm at 6 or 7 weeks  old Ducks raised for meat can be sent to the   slaughter house here ducks are cleaned preserved  and sold as packaged products they are consumed   in the domestic Market through retailers and  restaurants about 68% of nads raise only one   flock per year 18% raise two flocks in a year  depending on the breed and purpose of raising   Ducks the number of workers involved ranges from  1 to 7 depending on the herd's size breeders often   live in tents with their families to cook and  store additional food for the [Music] Ducks you   see not only is it hard to care for duck  Farmers have to bear many health risks   due to long-term exposure to ammonia and dust  from manure feed feathers and other particles   farmers are likely to suffer from chronic  bronchitis asthma runny nose and eye irritation
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 65,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, goose farm, geese farm, lion head goose, documentary, farming documentary, harvesting, farmers, farm life, #tony98discovery
Id: nc1f8n-Sihg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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