Fusion 360 Live - Creating Wire Baskets with Fusion 360

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hello everyone and welcome to another fusion 360 live my name is brad talas i'm from autodesk and today's topic we're going to be talking about how to create wire baskets like this one here actually this came in from a customer and he was saying you know what's the best way to create wire baskets so i've actually come up with three different ways and we're going to start from the very very basic um all the way to a little bit more advanced making it more realistic um so uh unfortunately my sidekick angelo is on vacation this week so i'm doing this solo um so we'll see how that goes if you have any questions what i'm gonna ask is that maybe you put like three question marks at the beginning of your question um that way if i have time i'll scroll through the chat at the very end and if there's any questions in there i know a lot of people say hey how's it going and all that kind of stuff i'll try and scan for those questions i also have a bunch of people online that might be able to answer the question for me so if you're one of those people please feel free to jump in and answer any of the questions that come through i'll owe you for that so let's dive right in um okay so actually um this what you see on the screen this is a real world example i actually have one here and so i use that to create this model and what i'm going to do is like i said i'm going to break this down into three different examples the first one is where you're actually going to use the rendering environment and materials to simulate a wire mesh so this is not the best solution for actually creating one of these but if you're doing you know rendering or something like that where you need to have a basket or something similar i'll show you these methods so i'm going to just start out with a basic primitive so i'm going to use the box primitive and i'll just start here and let's just make this maybe like um a 6x3 or something like that so i'm going to type in 6x3 and then hit enter so it's doing the the length of 6 the width of three and i can do it like at the height of three also so i'm just gonna start with a basic primitive like so now i want it to be rounded on the corners so i'm gonna go ahead and fill up the corners let's just do maybe a half inch probably look good on here so i'm just going to go ahead and select those corners and then i'll do the same thing along the bottom now if you don't know that little trick that i just did i'm just going to right click and drag straight up and it's going to repeat the last command that i did in fact if i right mouse click you'll see this little dialog right here and you'll see this little black line this is what we call a gesture and you'll notice that if i go straight up it's going to repeat the last command which was the fill up command so a cool little shortcut so after you know i've already done a fill it and i'm just going to right click and drag straight up it puts me back into that phillip command so hopefully you all know that neat little tip okay so here's my basic shape now what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit a for appearance okay so under here you can see under the modify menu there's the appearance and the shortcut key is a so we're just going to change the appearance now i want to go into let's go into the metal into here oops and then i'm going to go into the brass now you'll notice in here there's a bunch of different materials like brass knurled and so if i drag that on there you're gonna see it sort of simulates this knurled texture or you know polished brass etc well if i keep scrolling down you're gonna see there's like brass mesh holes wire etc okay so for example if i go to this hexagonal mesh and drag it on there you're gonna see that it looks like this hexagonal mesh and you can see through it you can see these edges kind of behind okay so this is the little trick that we're going to use in fact i'm going to go to this wire small i'm going to drag that on there and you'll notice that we get this little wire type mesh okay now obviously a little too small so i'm going to go back into my appearance here and i'm just going to get rid of the ones that i don't need so that's i don't need that guy so i'm going to edit this mesh and you can see right here is a scale and if i start to click up you can see that we can scale this i'm going to go until it looks pretty good let's just go maybe like up to let's just do 90. okay now you're probably going ah this looks kind of weird we're going to get to this okay and again like i said this is a representation we're going to get to actual modeling wires here in just a moment okay so i now have this and you can notice it almost looks like it's a woven mesh and we're going to come back to that here in just a second but you'll also notice that it's going across the top and that is not what i want so here's another neat little trick right here in the search window i'm going to search for air and it'll go through and search all of the materials and it found air you can kind of think of air as an empty or blank material and instead of assigning it to the whole body i'm going to assign it to a face so i'm going to drag that to that top face and you'll see that we no longer you know see that mesh across the top okay so let's just do a quick render so you can kind of see what this looks like by using this particular material okay so now i'm in my render workspace i'll just hit quick render and you're gonna see that it's gonna look like a basket now it doesn't look great we're gonna fix that here in just a moment but notice that you can see through the material and that's kind of the key thing this is a real fast way of generating a complex design and i'll show you some examples of this here in just a moment okay now we notice a couple weird things we notice all these little things sticking up at the top we've got some weirdness going on in the corners and all that kind of stuff so we can fix that by using this texture map controls i'll go ahead and click on the box here and you'll notice that it's set to automatic well i'm going to change it to box because that's kind of what we're creating right so i'm going to switch it to box and you'll notice instantly it looks better and what it's basically doing is it's it's allowing us to edit in kind of a box type format so i can edit that face there i could bring this face over here and so you can kind of see i can tweak with you know if i have a weird corner right here i could you know bring this over a little bit until that looks nicer i could bring this over a little bit until that looks good something like that same thing with the top originally we had these you know little sticks that were sticking up so i'm going to drag this up until we're kind of across the top like so and then you'll notice when i render this we're going to get a nicer result it's going to look more realistic and it's going to look like an actual basket for example okay and then in this case it's a woven basket okay so i'm not going to let it render too long you get the idea just by using the texture map i was able to kind of fix what this looks like and a prime example of this is i mean if for example let's say you're designing you know shelving or something like that and you want to have a bunch of these objects in here a bunch of these baskets you can literally start with a cube or you know in this case kind of a rectangular cube so we can you know copy the number of baskets that we need something like so let's just do maybe two in the in that direction um and then when i go to render this so imagine those being in shelves and all kind of stuff we go to render it's going to look you know like actual baskets really quickly so a very very fast way of doing that and that's why i wanted to show this particular process okay now you might say well that's cool how else could you use this so i'm going to stop here and show you for example this is a microphone that i did a long time ago in fact i'm actually talking to you through this microphone um so that's what what you're actually hearing me through so let me change this real quick if you look at the mesh you'll notice you know the this mesh right here i didn't model that that's actually using that basket material that i just showed you in you know in a smaller scale and i also changed it to be more metallic and so it actually looks like you know the wire mesh that's inside the microphone it's literally just a solid there's there's nothing in there okay here's another example this is from one of my customers so the colorado department of transportation they use fusion 360. and this is what they call a tool crib they have these in some of their shops and they make them themselves they save a ton of money making it themselves and they wanted to show what it was going to look like realistically and if i zoom up you'll notice there's this this diamond plate mesh or whatever you want to call it and all it is it's just a it's a solid you can see it right here it's just a solid body in fact if i were to you know remove that material from there me just add let me just add this guy it's just a solid plate there's nothing they just modeled a solid plate then they just drag that material onto it and then when they you know want to show you know some of the other shops or whatever what their what they're making they can actually put this i mean check this out this is actually kind of cool let me go into here let's do an environment you know they can actually put it in a shop and show what it would look like you know in the corner of the shop or something like that and then when they render that it's going to look through it and they'll actually see through and see the background through that mesh then again i'm not going to spend a lot of time rendering this but you kind of get the idea instead of physically modeling all of those little diamonds that would have taken forever they're just using a a rendered material so cool little trick okay so that's the first example the next example i want to do is this parametric basket and here we're actually going to physically start creating some wires and we might want to change the underlying design and have it update so that's what we're going to show next okay so i'm going to start kind of the exact same way i'm going to start with that box primitive okay you can kind of think of this as like almost like an envelope of our design so let's do um in this case let's make it like eight inches by four inches um by four i think so this is kind of the starting shape i want to start with i also want to have it like tapered or angled so i'm going to add some draft so i'm going to come into the draft it's asking for the pole direction so what i think of this is like um what are the edges that are going to get hinged so i'm going to click on that face there now it's asking for the faces and if i click on this face here you can kind of see it's going to hinge on that face that i clicked on originally so it's kind of a cool cool little trick i'm going to go ahead and select those four other edges or faces i should say and let's just do maybe like an 8 degrees of draft so i'm kind of defining the shape of my basket i'll also go ahead and add some fillets on the corners i'll make these fillets a little bit bigger than the last one i'll right click and drag straight up to repeat that last command and let's just make this guy i don't know like 3 8 or something like that so 0.375 so there's kind of my basic shape um of my basket in fact i'm going to expand this guy open and i'm just going to call that starting 13 shape okay okay now i want to keep things symmetric and if i turn on my origin you'll notice my origins kind of over here in the corner and now that i've added draft and all that kind of stuff these planes aren't going to help me very much so i'm going to create a mid plane under the construct menu i'm going to do mid plane i'll click that face there and that face there and you can see that it put a construction plane right through the middle i've shown this before but if if you haven't seen it you can actually change the size of your construction plane just by getting near the corner you can grab these corners and make it any size you want so just another tip if you didn't know that one and then i'm going to go ahead and sketch on this plane so i just select it right mouse click and say create sketch and this piece of paper is slicing right through the middle of this starting shape now i want to grab the shape of this and you've seen me use the project command quite often well there's another command inside the project menu called intersect and this is actually really cool because what it allows you to do is i'm going to just click on the body and notice like i'm way over here you can kind of see the preview it's going to create a sketch of where the body's intersecting this piece of paper so i'm just going to go ahead and click on that body i'll say okay and if we turn that off you can see it basically took an intersection of it all the way around now i don't need this top line so i'm going to click on it and say delete and now you can kind of see what we're doing here we have this path that we're going to use to create some of our wires and it's going to follow this shape okay okay so i'm done with my sketch we're going to use a cool command called the pipe command so i could draw a profile you know i'd have to put a plane on a path i could draw a circle i could sweep that along there but this pipe command it's asking for a path all i have to do is get near that path and you can see it's selecting the whole thing and then it's asking for the distance and that's a ratio from zero to one so we want it to go the whole distance it's a circular section you can see you can do different shapes and then it's asking the section size is basically the diameter okay so in this case i'm going to do 0.125 we could make it hollow if we wanted it to be hollow in this case obviously it's not and instead of cutting i want to make this a new body so i'm going to say new body will say okay and now you can see we have a piece of wire that basically follows our starting shape okay now let's go ahead and pattern this guy so i'm going to do a rectangular pattern what's the body that's that one there what's the direction i'm just going to tell it to go you know left and right and you can see as i start to drag it kind of gives me a preview well i want it to go in both directions so i'm going to come in here and say symmetric and now you can see that it's going to go in both directions and that's why we did that mid plane to start out with i can go ahead and increase the quantity okay you can kind of see how that's starting to increase the quantity and then it's also asking for the extent well i'm going to say let's go to this point right here you can see it's going to kind of snap to that point and as i increase the number they're going to that corner basically so let's do 9 because if i did 8 we'd have you know one less on one side so i'm going to go to 9 and say okay and now you can see we have a bunch of wires that follow the particular shape i also want to do a wire that goes around the top so i'm going to go ahead and say pipe i'll click that top edge there and let's make this a little bit larger in diameter let's just make this a point two and again i'm to say new body okay and if i turn off my starting shape we're starting to see how we're kind of building this in okay the next thing we're going to do is it's kind of hard to see this end piece just kind of hangs down right here okay and it doesn't really follow the body so that's what we're going to do next we're still going to use the the underlying starting shape to do this in fact just to clean things up i'm going to go ahead and combine all of these wires together so let's just make that our target what's the tool bodies i'm just going to draw a selection box that crosses over them we're gonna join those together watch what happens over here when i say okay they're all joined into one body now okay okay so now let's work on the ends so i'm going to create a sketch on this angled side face i'm going to say create sketch okay actually let me turn that guy off sorry and then i'm going to project this angled face i want to grab some information from there now i'm going to kind of mock up what i want that wire to look like so i'm going to just start to draw a basic shape something like this i'm going to purposely make it look kind of weird just so you kind of see what's going on so i'm just going to draw something like so and then i want to fill it these corners so i'm going to come into the fillet command i'll click on that corner and according to my measurements it's 0.7 for the fillets okay then i'm going to put these points where they need to be now some of you might be going yelling through the screen well hey you projected that face already why are you creating this extra geometry well the pipe command is going to follow this path and i want to be able to give you just a second here i want to be able to have these fillets here but because this is projected geometry it won't let me fill it that reference projected geometry so we're basically using the projected geometry to help us out okay and this will make more sense once you see what's going on here so i want to put this corner up here so i'm going to use the coincident constraint so i'm going to say that point is coincident with that point okay then i might come in here and say this point is coincident with that point and now you can see let me drag this around a little bit you can kind of see what's going on if i if i move some of these points you can see how it's keeping those tangent it's keeping those coincident and i want to have this line always follow that line so i'm going to say co-linear i don't use this constraint all that often but it's useful in this example so i'm going to say collinear and i want that line to stay collinear with that line you can see how it brought it over i want that line to stay collinear so in line with this now why am i doing this well when we go to change our parameters i want this wire to grow with it and again you'll see this here in just a second i'll say co-linear with that guy there we can see that the lines changed color which means they're constrained and i'll go ahead and finish my sketch i know that seemed like a couple steps but basically what we did there with a lot of me talking is we created a sketch on this side face this angled face we grabbed information from that face and then we drew a quick sketch that's using the information from this starting shape and this will again make more sense here in just a moment so now i have a sketch that i can create a pipe on okay now let me show you what i was talking about earlier if i had only clicked on my projected geometry you'll notice i get these tight corners and i can't fill it those corners but by kind of tracing over it i now get a shape that looks like this and i get just the edges that i want we'll make those the correct size i'll make these a new body i'll say okay let's turn on our other body there and we can see that that wire is now at the same angle as they the angle of our starting shape okay and we used information from that so this is awesome okay so let's go ahead and instead of recreating that let's mirror this so i'm going to say mirror i don't want to mirror faces i want to mirror bodies i'll click on that angled body and then what's our mirror plane well if i click on mirror plane you'll notice nothing shows up except for my origin well that's because if i expand open my construction folder that plane is turned off so if i turn that on it's still there so i can go ahead and click on it i'll say okay i'll turn that guy back off so it's not in our way and then just like before i'll combine these wires all into one okay in fact i could even rename this let's call it basket okay the the next thing i want to do is create these little loopy things so again going to use a sketch to do that i'll turn on my starting shape i'll go to the back of the model here and create a sketch so once again i'm using the starting shape to help me create these wires okay let's go ahead and just draw some geometry here i want that to be one inch in diameter i'm just going to draw a quick rectangle here and i might actually catch yeah so i'm going to you'll notice i'm going to catch kind of the center of this pipe right here so i'm just going to come down like so i'm just kind of mocking things up right now i know i want that edge to be touching that circle i want that edge to be touching that circle so now they're coincident with each other in fact i could even come in here and let's trim those guys away let's create a curved fillet right here 0.2 again just kind of using some dimensions i i captured from modeling this earlier okay and then i want to position where this needs to be so now i'll just throw some dimensions on here so i know from here to the edge of this pipe right here that's going to be two and a half inches so i'm going to type in 2.5 and you can see how it slid over and now it's more centered in between these guys and then i know the height from here to here is supposed to be one inch okay now you'll notice some of my geometry turned black some of it is still unconstrained and if i grab on it i can kind of see what's going on there okay that's kind of weird so i want to define the width of this rectangle to be 0.4 but again notice what my sketch did it's kind of weird right so how would i fix this well another cool trick i want the center of this line this horizontal line down here be perfectly in line with that guy so i'm actually going to draw a line from the center of that line to that point right there okay i don't want it to be an object line so i'm going to change it to a construction line and then i'm going to hit horizontal vertical and it forces that line to become vertical and because it's caught to the center of this line down here it lines that up with that it's a really kind of a quick way to bring things into symmetry if you want to think of it that way and now we can see that it's fully constrained so i'm happy with that i'll finish my sketch we'll create a pipe what's the path i'll go ahead and click on this now you'll notice that it's actually going horizontal that's fine in this case i could turn off chain selection and that'll actually let me click one segment at a time so i could you know continue adding these segments like so and then not have it go across so that's one way to do that i also don't want to cut i want to join but be careful with this because notice it might actually join with the starting shape so i'm going to turn off starting shape so the only thing it can join to is the basket because that's the only thing that's displayed right now and um i'm not sure i think this is going to be a larger diameter it's 0.2 in this case so you can kind of see how that thickens up and if i say okay that is all part of the basket so i just created this little loop now they kind of weld this thing on so i'm going to simulate that i'm just going to create a quick fill it on these edges of let's just do point one and you can kind of see how it's going to create this nice looking fill it onto this top edge right here i'll say okay and i now have one of these hanging loops on our basket well again instead of creating it over again we'll use the mirror command so i'll come in here and say mirror now instead of bodies because this is all one body now i'm going to change this to features i love mirroring features and i want to mirror the pipe feature and the fillet feature so you can see i can actually select both of those from my timeline and it's doing the pipe and the phillips at the same time what's my mirror plane i'll just turn that guy back on real quick and i'll say okay and we now have the two hanging loops so pretty quickly we were able to model something like this parametrically and this is where the fun part happens okay so we've designed this basket now we want to make some changes to it so let's go all the way back to the very beginning so i'm going to edit this primitive here and instead of four inches in width let's make it three and you're going to see that it's going to change in width i'll say okay and check out what happened it's now narrower in this direction okay let's take it to the next level we've changed the width let's change the height let's make that maybe like eight for example i'll say okay and now we have this wire basket that's taller maybe we don't want as much draft on it so let's go to the draft feature and instead of like eight degrees let's just do maybe like one degree of draft and there we go so by spending a little bit of time to begin with kind of creating this and making it parametric we can now make a bunch of different shapes using these primitives so let's just go back let's go make make it like three for example let's say okay and now we have a little soap dish or something like that and then just for fun let's jump over into the render workspace we kind of see what this thing is going to look like we could add a material to it if we wanted to um you know so if i come in here and say a for appearance you know we could make it um let's do old brass just for fun drag that on there and it's going to look like you know old textured brass for example it's pitted or whatever okay hopefully you found that example kind of cool um you know we actually created wires uh we made it so we can parametrically change it and the next thing we're going to do is like how would you manufacture this so i'm going to kind of hopefully we can see this on the screen so you can see these wires are actually inside this bigger wire so obviously they welded or whatever the smaller wires to this bigger wire and we didn't do that in this example i basically made the wires kind of go into the bigger piece okay so this next example we're gonna do this again similarly but we're gonna spend a little more time making sure that this thing is manufacturable in this third example i'm actually going to use the form command so this create form kind of we're going to do sort of similar but you're going to see the power behind this so i'm going to start with again a primitive now this is our t-spline environment so i'm going to go ahead and create a form this time it does let me um pick a center rectangle which is actually pretty cool so i want um let's do the the length of this let's just make it eight um the width let's make it a little bit wider let's make it five and then oops darn it i did that did that too fast let me do that again sorry we'll go here let me do this i'm gonna say length is eight let's do the width of five okay and then the height i think i'm going to make five also and you can see it looks kind of pillowy i don't know if there's a better term for that i'm going to be using these lines to help me with my design so i'm actually going to add more of these lines by grabbing this little slider you can see there's a plus and a minus so i'm just kind of dragging left or right and it allows me to add more detail so in this example i'm going to do probably like maybe like seven lines in this direction and i want more in this direction so i'm going to kind of rotate and grab this guy and let's just do you know you can see you could add multiple ones in here but let's just do maybe three just to kind of keep things a little simple here and then same thing for the height i'm going to grab this slider here and i can add let's just do maybe 6 in this case so you can kind of see it's starting to look more like a square box but it's giving me a lot of lines that we're going to use i also want to make sure that this is symmetric so i'm going to come in here and set my symmetry to mirror i'm going to turn on my length and my width now i don't know if this is 100 necessary but it does help speed things up i'll go ahead and say okay and i now have this weird looking sliced piece of loaf of bread basically okay i'm going to do the exact same thing where i want to angle the faces so i'm going to look at the top draw box and it selects all of those faces now you'll notice because i have my mirror symmetry turned on it's selected all those faces over there also then i'm going to edit the form now i'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about t-splines and form editing like that this is you know used a lot for like doing surfacing type stuff organic shapes like hair dryers and stuff like that but we're going to use this to help us out now i want to rotate these faces so i'm going to click on this transform rotate i'm just going to start to drag and you can see that it's going to rotate all of those faces and let's just do oh probably again let's just do maybe like eight degrees of draft i'll say okay and then i'll do the same thing over here let's draw a selection box around those guys i'll edit the form and let's just rotate those about eight degrees and now i've kind of got this tapered block now i don't need the top so let's look at it from the front i'm just going to draw a box around the top faces like so and then hit the delete key on my keyboard and notice what it did it kind of opened it up and now it's starting to look a little bit more like a basket right well what's neat about this is it's giving us a lot of lines and points and stuff to catch to okay so if i expand this guy open i can see the name now what i'm going to do is i want to have some wires run like on the inside of these wires here and then i want maybe um these wires here running on the outside and this again will make more sense as we move forward but i'm going to rename this body i'm just going to call it mid for now and then we're going to use a command under modify called thicken okay now what this does it's asking for the t-spline body i'm going to click on it and then i can type in a distance so let's just do maybe like point one because that the diameter of my wire is going to be 0.1 so i need to make sure i'm doing this exact so i'm telling it go point one and notice it says thicken type is sharp i'm just going to go ahead and say okay and you can see what it did it took that and it thickened it 0.1 in that direction and it created the sharp edge okay so let me do that again i'll say thicken do the 0.1 instead of sharp i'm going to say soft i'll say ok and now you can kind of see it's like like a soft plastic rolled over kind of edge okay and then lastly the one that we're going to use is no edge and watch what this does it actually creates a second body so there's no faces in between these two in fact and that went to the outer so i'm going to rename that guy outer okay then i'll do the same thing again i'll come in here and say thicken this guy we're gonna go in the negative direction no edge i'll say okay and now we have one called inner okay so i basically have three little meshes i've got the the inner the mid and the outer okay okay so let's focus just on the inner stuff so i'm going to turn off mid and outer so we're just looking at the inner body in form there is a pipe command okay so i'm going to go ahead and say pipe has gives us a lots of options now i'm going to click on this edge and notice again it kind of chains that whole edge so i'm going to click on that and i get a really weird result don't worry about that i'm going to change the diameter so i want these to be remember we talked about our wires being 0.1 so i'm going to type in 0.1 and it's going to create a pipe on these two in fact i'll do both at the same time those two lines basically now you'll notice it says display mode box or smooth i'm going to change it to smooth in fact let me zoom up here a little bit so you can see there's kind of box mode and then i'm going to change it to smooth mode and notice that the the pipe is right on this edge okay and because we've offset 0.1 that's going to help us out you'll see that here in just a second now the only bad thing is that these are open these are like surfaces so i'm going to go to my end types and it says end type is open i'm going to change these to square and you'll see that it kind of rounds them over and it's going to make these into a solid body check this out when i say okay okay and i can turn let me turn that guy off here is that and wait i'm not going to do it yet but when i say finished form these are going to turn into solid bodies because they're capped at both ends okay okay so we just did that with the inner profiles now we're going to start creating some other wires so around the mid so i'm going to turn off inner i'm going to turn on mid and exact same process i'm going to say pipe it's asking um for the paths now i'm going to go all the way to the top so i'm going to grab all of these lines here and it doesn't matter you know where i click it's grabbing those whole loops okay i want to make sure it's set to 0.1 which it is i'll say smooth display you'll see they turn smooth now in this case i don't have to worry about the end type because they're closed they're actually you know touching each other they're fully closed so i'm going to go ahead and say okay and i just created all the wires going around that way now let's turn this off and take a look at what happened here because we did those offsets you can see how this wire is touching this wire here like they're being welded together and they're not intersecting each other they're not cutting through each other okay so then finally we'll do the the outer wires okay exact same process pipe what are the wires i'm going to go ahead and select these toolpaths or i should just say these paths okay um want to make sure it's 0.1 display mode is smooth in this case i do want to make sure that the end types are squared off you can see how they nice that looks and you can already see how these are gonna be like right up against those other wires i'll say okay and we've just created all of the wires basically for this basket now check this out i'm going to say finish form i'm done creating the this organic form i'm going to say finish and it's going to look kind of weird it's going to turn on all of my parts and all that kind of stuff you're like whoa what happened here well let's expand open the bodies and you're going to see a bunch of bodies and then you're going to see some surfaces well these are those original you know the mid the outer the inner so let's go ahead and turn those guys off we don't need those but notice how these now look you know they don't have all those little tiny segments they're all basically one body actually they're a whole bunch of individual bodies i should say and i could combine them together so let's just make maybe the top be the the target i'll just draw a selection window across all the rest of them and we're gonna join all those together i'll say okay and you'll see it'll go from a bunch of different bodies to one body and we can say basket okay so this is a manufacturable um basket now i could have done the same thing with with this guy here if i had spent more time you know offsetting and stuff like that the drawback with this guy is it's not parametric i can't very easily go back and make changes i could i could edit this form but it's not going to be as easy it it really won't be parametric whereas this process where we where we you know told it to be parametric we didn't use free form or anything like that this allows me to make changes and so that's why i wanted to show you the three different methods for creating these kind of baskets and and again just for fun we'll jump into render i'll add a quick material onto here let's do aluminum satin and um i like to do so you can kind of see the shininess there i like to go into my scene and add in one of these for example let's just do like plaza one of these hdri images and it's going to reflect into these materials so you'll see it takes longer to calculate but it's going to create a much more realistic representation so that the sky from the plaza is reflecting kind of in the tops of the wires and then you can kind of see the in fact if i go here and say environment you can actually see what's reflecting in the metal so we got can some dark stuff down here some light stuff up up above okay so there we go hopefully um this gives you guys some ideas i showed wire baskets but i also showed some other examples you know with like the microphone with the tool crib or whatever using rendering materials but you could create vases that you know are made out of wire um pretty much anything that you could use the pipe command either in you know regular modeling or in the uh form modeling gives you lots of flexibility so i'm going to take a look at the chat real quick and see um if there's any questions uh hopefully they were getting answered let me scroll through here um usually i have a sidekick um so let's see not very many questions okay i see blaze is on there hey blaze um okay so somebody asked how do you physically make the basket so that's what i showed i think that was early on um somebody also asked why not do a new body in this situation so that's a great question probably when i was doing like this one here you could create new bodies and then join them together or combine them together or you could just do the join command already in the command that you're in like when you're doing the the sweep or an extrude it gives you the ability to do like a join or cut or whatever okay um let me see if there's any other questions i appreciate the people adding in the question marks that makes it easier okay it looks like um that was about it for questions i'm gonna have to go through a little slower pace so i'm gonna thank everybody that was helping out with the questions today we're all big family so i appreciate that um hope to see you on a future live stream and remember with fusion 360 you can make anything thank you you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 9,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lKDxygCsO8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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