36 Amazing Facts About EVERY Character in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

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[Music] pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl are here by the time you're watching this they're either already out or just a few days away and that is certainly an occasion worth celebrating to do so i thought it would be fun to cover a cool fact about every character in the game so that's exactly what we're gonna do today as long as they don't make some random new character to put in the game which seems unlikely considering how faithful the remake is this will cover every distinct character that you will meet in brilliant diamond and shining pearl with distinct meaning every character that has their own unique design there's technically a couple characters that just use generic npc sprites for their appearance but i decided to set the bar at just the ones who actually have a unique design so with that said let's get right into it which wouldn't even be possible without the support of today's amazing sponsor baksu if you've ever wanted to jump into japanese culture or any new culture really or just even be able to try some awesomely unique new treats then i highly recommend baksu since receiving these boxes myself they've become a staple of my daily snackage and the fact that everything is so different and new but also tastes amazing makes simply having a snack way more fun than it has any right to be with the holidays coming up it also makes a great gift for anyone in your life who enjoys japanese culture or you know just likes really delicious treats anyone who signs up for a subscription by december 31st is also going to be automatically entered to win a three pair of tickets to japan and boxu will be giving this away to 5 lucky subscribers so use my code and link in the description to become eligible to win the giveaway by subscribing to boxu and you'll also get 10 off your subscription while you're at it don't miss out on this unique opportunity either for you or as a gift and a big thank you to boxu for supporting the channel okay so let's begin with the very first characters that you meet which is yourself lucas is the male player character in these games and he has an interesting fact concerning his name that connects very heavily to the remakes his japanese name is koki which translates to brilliance and he also goes by the name diamond in the manga and uses it as a default name in the games so brilliant diamond is low-key just named after lucas which is actually pretty cool speaking of names dawn has an interesting fact about her name as well as she actually has the same name as an evolutionary stone in both english and japanese in english she shares her name with the dawn stone and in japanese she shares it with the shiny stone which is known as the light stone and dawn's japanese name is hikari which means light believe it or not barry is actually the strongest rival that we've ever seen in pokemon so far this is because in pokemon platinum his starter can get as strong as level 85 in your various rematches with him which is the highest level any rival character has had their pokemon at to this point and it's also the second highest that any npc in general has had their pokemon outside of a battle facility only being outmatched by red's level 88 pikachu in heartgold and soul silver which technically makes barry one of the strongest pokemon trainers of all time another set of characters you meet in sinnoh are known as the stat trainers these are characters who accompany you throughout various parts of the game and who all specialize in training their pokemon in a certain stat one of these characters is cheryl who you meet in eterna forest as a pretty goofy addition to her character cheryl's name is actually derived from cereal yep you heard me right cereal this refers to the actual cereal grain though that breakfast cereal gets its name from since all the stat trainers derive their names from various kinds of grain mira is another one of these stat trainers and she can be found in wayward cave if you look closely at her she actually has a fairly strange looking design with her hair being in a loop on one side but being in a simple straight ponytail or pigtail on the other side since it's so distinctive it's vaguely possible that this design element could have to do with meera's name she gets her japanese name from the korean word for wheat which when written out appears as a character with some vague similarities tamira's hairstyle having an open square on one side just like her hair loopy and having a straight line on the other just like her ponytail on the other side of her head riley is another one of the more iconic stat trainers as he is another one that you're basically guaranteed to meet during your adventure at iron island riley is noteworthy for having a lucario as his signature pokemon and for basically being the game counterpart to sir aaron from the lucario and the mystery of mew movie but what's arguably most curious about him is that he wears a necklace that has the exact same symbol on it as the one that growled on of all pokemon has on its arm there is no connection that we know of anyway between riley and groudon so what could this mean is it just a coincidence or could it have bigger implications it's hard to say but it's certainly something that's worth taking note of next up is marley who you can meet at victory road and a very interesting thing about her is that her japanese name which is mai is the english name of her ancestor in pokemon legends arceus buck is the next stat trainer and you encounter him at stark mountain our fact for him actually comes from the anime as he debuted in the anime in the episode titled bucking the treasure trend an episode that's all about him looking for a treasure that's supposedly hidden somewhere in a place called dandelion island this all sounds pretty standard for the anime so far but the ironic or possibly even intentional thing about this is that the english dub of the anime aired this episode on the birthday of robert louis stevenson who is the author of the very classic and iconic book treasure island which not only had a lot to do with how pirates are depicted in pop culture and also included iconic characters such as long john silver but it also was all about a treasure being located on an island exactly like the anime episode involving buck moving along from the stat trainers professor rowan actually has a similar situation to marley who we previously mentioned as his japanese name is nana kamado which is the name of the japanese rowan tree and is also where rowan's ancestor captain kamado gets his name in legends arceus now we begin with cino's gym leaders starting first with rourke now if nothing else rourke does have one interesting thing to his name as he is the son of byron who is another gym leader in sinnoh in japanese both of these characters get their names from the names of various gourds which is interesting because they're actually not the only parent son gym leader duo to have names that both come from gourds as this is also the case with gordy and his mom melanie in sword and shield the next gym leader gardenia mentions in the games how she's not really a fan of ghost type pokemon and shudders to think about how she'd feel about a potential grass ghost type pokemon if one ever existed at the time in the original gen 4 games there were no grass ghost types but now there are since generation 6 introduced phantump and pumpkaboo and generation 7 introduced dell mize it'll be interesting to see if this is updated in the remakes to account for these pokemon or maybe if this utterance was even a potential sign of things to come in future generations maylene is the next gym leader you'd see in sinnoh if you were playing diamond and pearl anyway and she reveals an interesting trend of sorts with the senno gym leaders this is because she actually has a lot of similarities with karina from kalos as not only are both female and are fighting type gym leaders they're also both the third gym leaders for their respective regions and they both use a lucario as their ace this is not the only sino gym leader with parallels to other gym leaders however we already mentioned rourke and byron's similarities with gordy and melanie but there's also rorke himself being a rock type gym leader who is first in the lineup just like brock and roxanne before him there's also candice who's a nice type gym leader and seventh in the lineup just like price from jodo and bryson from univa and there's volkner and jasmine from johto who both operate in cities with lighthouses and who have to be brought back to their gym from a lighthouse in order to battle them after meleen you would next encounter crasher wake and crasher wake is unique because he is the only gym leader currently that doesn't actually use his real name instead going by his stage name since he's a wrestler this is slightly more apparent in japanese where his name is maximum mask fantina the ghost type gym leader of sinnoh seems to be somewhat suspicious as she actually uses a pokemon that normally would be impossible to use at the pokemon world tournament in black and white 2 in one of the tournaments she actually uses an origin form giratina this is already impressive enough on its own but what's really interesting here is that this giratina is not holding a griseous orb meaning that it shouldn't be able to be in its origin form since it's also outside of the distortion world who knows maybe fantina is a little more powerful of a trainer than we actually thought for byron who's already been mentioned we have another anime fact as in the anime byron is voiced by dan green who is a legendary anime voice actor who's also voiced many different characters such as yugi and yami yugi from yu-gi-oh knuckles from sonic x and even professor birch from the hohen arc of the anime as well candace is someone who we also mentioned briefly and she also has more to her name as well because in the original diamond and pearl all of the pokemon that candice used were ones that have gender differences something that we'll have to see if it is maintained in the faithful brilliant and shining remakes in diamond and pearl specifically people like to call out volkner for having a team that isn't really befitting of an electric type gym leader as he not only has a normal type in ambipom but even a water type in artillery many people have wondered why volkner would possibly have such random unfitting pokemon but it actually makes a lot of sense with his character because both of these pokemon have ties to johto with octillary being a johto pokemon and ambipom evolving from one and vulchner also has a distinct connection with jasmine one of jodo's gym leaders as not only do they have many similarities but jasmine actually appears in sunnyshore city where vulchner is located so these pokemon while seeming out of place were likely meant as an allusion to this connection now we come to the elite four starting first with aaron aaron actually makes a reference to another video game with his name as both aaron and fellow elite 4 member lucian share their names with the main characters of lunar nights a ds game that released around the same time as pokemon diamond and pearl bertha the next elite four member is also noteworthy due to fans noticing a distinct resemblance between her and agatha of the kanto elite four despite not amounting to anything in the games it seems like this was intentional as not only does chantal mention this in pokemon black and white too but the names of the characters are intentionally very similar particularly the japanese names where agatha's is kikuko and berthas is kikuno this makes it seem an awful like something more is indeed going on between these characters but as of today nothing about this has been officially revealed flint is the third member of sinnoh's elite four and he has a pretty cool fact to his name as well flint uses a mag mortar in pokemon platinum and it is the only pokemon used by an elite four member to use seals on its pokeball which create the custom release animations the same is also true for the previously mentioned volkner whose electavire also uses seals and is the only gym leader pokemon to do so these two pokemon are also counterparts to each other as well and overall this is a pretty cool reference to how these two characters are also close friends in the games for our fact on lucian it's actually possible that we may have met his grandpa as in diamond and pearl you can find a man on route 228 who says he has a grandson who likes to read and has a bunch of books on esp which fits lucian's description perfectly interestingly in pokemon platinum on this same route we also meet cyrus's grandpa showing that this route is the place to be if you want to talk to the grandparents of some of the game's main characters now we come to cynthia the champion of the entire sinnoh region in pokemon platinum cynthia can be encountered at the villa in the resort area and when talking about her home she says quote even the region is a secret this implies that cynthia could possibly live somewhere else other than sinnoh and very possibly this could be a hint at pokemon black and white this is because we see cynthia in those games at a villa of her own in andala town and while we know she doesn't live there because she mentions that it's her friend's place it is consistent with what she mentioned in pokemon platinum and with platinum being released later on in its generation when hints toward the next generation typically come it's very possible that this was the intention with this line of dialogue moving on from the pokemon league a neat fact about cyrus the leader of team galactic is that he is the first evil team leader to have his age confirmed in pokemon platinum looker mentions that cyrus is 27 years old which is pretty interesting because it's probably a lot younger than most people thought cyrus was and that is also right around the same age as a lot of people in the pokemon community currently including myself so basically we started out as kids playing these games and were now literally as old as the villains that's just wonderful looking at cyrus's admins mars is pretty much named mars to some degree in all the different languages of the games this includes italian where she's named martes after the italian word for mars marte however martes is also the spanish word for tuesday meaning that technically speaking her name is also tuesday which is pretty hilarious now here's an extremely valuable and mind-blowing fact about the next team galactic admin jupiter at the very least it's fairly coincidental that jupiter is named after the gas-based planet jupiter and her signature pokemon is scun tank who is all about gas i mean it even farts in its cry so maybe this is just a coincidence if nothing else but it's a pretty funny one if i do say so myself the third team galactic admin is saturn and saturn has the interesting distinction of having been repeatedly mistaken for a girl he's been mentioned as a girl in the manga before and on japan's pokemon sunday show and he even has a feminine voice in the japanese version of the anime he's also one of just a few trainers in the games to have a pokemon with a 50 50 gender ratio be the opposite gender to himself further adding to this odd confusion finally charon is a galactic admin exclusive to pokemon platinum so i guess maybe he might not appear in the remakes but i wasn't exactly going to leave him out of this either charon is the only galactic admin who you don't battle at all in the games and this might actually have something to do with his name in japanese charon is known as pluto the planet that infamously was demoted and no longer considered a true planet back in 2006 the same year that diamond and pearl released given that the rest of the admins are all named after planets and you battle all of them not battling charon during the game might be a reference to his name and the fact that pluto was deemed to be no longer a true planet right around this time and for the record pluto is totally a planet so just leave it alone one of the more minor characters that is still unique enough to be a part of this video is bibi she doesn't technically have a unique design but she has a unique name and a unique role so i'm gonna allow it bibi is the pc system administrator for the sinnoh region following in the footsteps of bill and others before her in the japanese version of the games bibi speaks in a kansai dialect just like bill which might mean also just like bill that bibi is actually from the johto region since johto is based on the kansai region of japan another minor character in this same category is johanna the player's mom since she has her own name and role in the story even we can include her as a character and one interesting thing about her is that she originally had a different name in japanese her name is ayako but according to some early concept sketches of her for the anime her name was originally going to be amiko instead next up we come to the iconic looker another platinum exclusive character despite being compared heavily to doctor who it's very likely that looker is actually inspired by koichi zenigata a detective from the manga series lupin iii just like looker koichi is also a member of the international police and has a very similar look to looker as well additionally the lupine iii manga was also in circulation around the time that many of game freak's staff members were younger children meaning that it's also at least a decently likely source of inspiration and finally we come to the frontier brains most of these are platinum exclusive but like looker and charon i kinda can't not include them either even if they don't end up appearing in the remakes so with that said our first frontier brain is palmer as the father to barry we know that palmer is from twin leaf town and as such this makes palmer the only frontier brain whose home town is currently known next up is thornton and thornton actually has a lot of odd similarities with chairman rose believe it or not first off there's the names as thornton comes from thorn and you know every rose has its thorn also they are both responsible for various inventions and they specialize in steel type pokemon while thornton uses random rental pokemon in the games he does use a bronzong as his ace pokemon in pokemon masters with all those similarities thorton would have definitely made a great admin under chairman rose for his macro cosmos organization very interestingly arcade star dahlia is one of the very few characters who essentially has the same name across all different languages a trait that is typically only reserved for very important main characters like red for instance or very important pokemon like pikachu and some of the legendaries for our fact on daryk it's actually been confirmed that he has an ancestor character in legends arceus like some of the other sinnoh characters as you can see an npc in jubalife village who bears a striking resemblance to him the same can also be said for charon as well speaking of daric though he actually battles in the place of caitlyn who is the true frontier brain as you may know as well she is also one of the elite four members in univa making her the only character so far who has been both a frontier brain and an elite four member a fact which easily makes her one of the strongest trainers of all time and one of the most underrated as well and last but not least we have argenta strangely enough argenta's name is kate in japanese which could have obviously just been carried over to english but was localized instead for some reason in pretty much all languages argenta gets her name from the plumbed cox comb plant which is a funny name and given its purple coloration likely inspired her hair color as well while not necessarily a factor in the name magenta also fits into her design and name perfectly as well as it is very similar to her name and is reflective of the color of the plant that she gets her name from and that was one fact about every single character in pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl now since i made this video before the games came out did i miss a new character that was randomly added be sure to let me know in the comments below along with your thoughts on all of these facts and leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed i'll be back with another video very soon and until then as always thank you all so much for watching i love you all very much and i will smell you guys later [Music] you
Channel: HoopsandHipHop
Views: 84,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl, pokemon bdsp, pokemon bdsp trailer, pokemon bdsp gameplay, pokemon bdsp leaks, pokemon bdsp walkthrough, pokemon facts, pokemon trivia, pokemon diamond and pearl, pokemon platinum, cynthia pokemon, looker pokemon, cyrus pokemon, sinnoh pokemon, pokemon bdsp secrets, pokemon legends arceus, nintendo, nintendo switch, hoopsandhiphop
Id: qorFdQbPGZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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