Bengaluru Benne Dosa blew my mind! Incredible butter lover's dosa šŸ‡®šŸ‡³

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Welcome to the state of Karnataka! We are in the capital city- Bengaluru or Bangalore I think both are okay to say And we're here to eat breakfast And we're going to Taaza Thindi- Now- Why did I go here? Because it has over 34,000 Reviews on Google! And it's a weekend, So I think it's going to be busy And I am correct! Look at this up here Taaza Thindi- Oh my gosh! It is packed in here! Can yā€™all see this? I don't even know if we can get in... I don't know how we're going to- I don't. This is going to be impossible. I have no clue how to order or what to do- We're just gonna get in here For being this busy... This restaurant is incredibly quiet! Can I ask you a question? How do you order here? You get in line there? Okay Do you recommend dosa, vada, idli? Masala dosa? Okay- Okay. Perfect Thank you, sir! Is the type of dosa here- Is it like a benne dosa? Or is it like a... Just a masala dosa? Butter- Butter with masala- Okay. Thank you, brother What's your name? Ahmed! Thank you so much, brother! Max! Oh the vada looks so good, though! I- I gotta try fried vada- I think... It looks so good. Oh, I've I've heard it's like, melt-in-your-mouth Oh, so here it is- You can actually get- Tea, coffee... And then the menu here. I like that they have the English So nice for me that the English is here Because I do not Speak the local language Heck, I donā€™t even speak hindi! Oh thank you! Thank you sir Good morning! Can I do an Idli and a Vada? 1 idli, and 1 vada And 1 coffee Thank you! So, yeah. Here are my orders So I take this and I go give the token So I got a token for coffee- Token for idli and vada Notice how clean it is back here? I mean, it is actually So sanitary- You see people using gloves- You don't see any spillage anywhere- Even though there's like- Some coconut- I'm gonna- I guess coconut chutney Just flying everywhere Theyā€™re comfortably working in the back Bring this stuff here. And here's mine! Got it for like, two seconds! Is anybody sitting here? Oh thank you! I saw the bike helmets I didn't know if somebody claimed the seat or not... Oh okay! I was like- Maybe somebody took the seat- I dunno XD Okay, we'll get the coffee later! Letā€™s eat! What is that one? Karna- Karnataka Uh huh Khara bhath Oh, nice. I'll have the- That's okay. Spicy is okay! And then you also got the same as me- The vada and the idli! Ok Now I usually eat this stuff with my hands- But since we gotta vlog and do it... We'll have to use the spoon So we're gonna get that Idli broken up in there Try it out! Dang, that's a really good idli! One bite alone, though- You realize why it has over 34,000 reviews on Google... And holds a 4.6 rating That is incredibly delicious! Now vada- You gotta eat vada with the hand- Look how, that is beautifully fried! Oh my gosh, that's like one of the best Fried vada I've seen That vada, is just melt in your mouth! I can't even describe the light Airy texture it has And this intensified crunch I mean, thick as well. It's fried deep- Super crunchy Fragrant Beautifully done! Well you can still see the mustard seed in there But to me, this is just the perfect texture! But to me, this is just the PERFECT texture! But to me, this is just the PERFECT TEXTURE! Taste so much better with your hands too One bite with the spoon I just couldn't do it Like I know I gotta vlog and stuff It's harder to vlog When you eat with your hands But It's just not worth- Missing the opportunity to eat with your hands He's got four coming and it'd be our turn So you see he just- He brings out that coffee right here- And then he's got that milk that's been here- Simmering and developing flavor That he's going for in there! Boom Thank you! So there's actually the sugar You can put in if you want I prefer mine no sugar And look at this. A whole chutney counter! And there's something else I wanna show yā€™all I told you, this place is incredibly clean- So one thing I want to show- Is they like to show it as well! So they have, like- World class dishwashing and sterilizing unit I mean, it is super clean in here... Delicious- And youā€™ll realize why there's so many Reviews of happy customers! And this is hot XD Oh... That is absolutely delicious- It don't need any sugar for me- But actually, that coffee Is so dark and chocolatey And the milk that heā€™s been simmering down Evaporating that water off... intensifying that flavor. It's almost like heā€™s adding cream to it... Woah I had a Bangalore Coffee this morning in my hotel But this makes that one look like It tastes like water! Oh All right, let's find the correct bin Looks like coffee bins here... That's a must try place for sure! But I didn't get the dosa because There's somewhere else I wanna eat for dosa And it's just up this way Baliga Diagnostic Straight 250 meters 250 meters, left side No, you're welcome! Bye bye! I helped somebody with directions Give me my local card! I am amazing!!! I actually got to help somebody with directions XD That's hilarious Well, here's the diagnostic that lady was looking for So I'm hoping she found it! She probably beat me by a long shot So I hope she's already inside Yeah, that's me brother. Perfect Ah thank you brother- What's your name? Rakshit- Nice to meet you, brother! Do you know uhm Is this place good? The Dosa of Davangere Yeah. Is it good? Yeah- Have you had it before? Good? Okay- I want to try the Benne Dosa Okay. Perfect. Oh, do you mind? Oh thank you so much, brother! Okay I'm ready! USA, brother... Oh, thank you so much Hey, free ride Arkansas! Are you from, Bangalore? Oh, nice! Okay, benne masala dosa Do you want to try? You full? Hey, man I appreciate your ride, brother. Thank you! Bye! All right well, we're here! Next spot- Dose of Dose of Davan- Davan- Davangere! DAvangere! DAVANgere! DAVANGEre! DAVANGERE! Something like that... Let's go try Benne dosa. Oh, here. Butter dosa. Butter masala dosa. Butter open dosa. And here they cook I- I think these are the Benne dosa here Hello, sir! Namaste Oh, Benne dosa? So he's got the Benne dosa And he's cooking it by wood right here Can I do a butter masala? One And then a small water This is a Benne dosa? Uh Is it- Ehh benne masala- Masala butter dosa? Okay One- Yeah, yeah- Is the Is there masala butter- Is that a benne dosa? Oh, okay. Perfect. One- Yeah perfect Thank you, brother Rs 80 only? Okay Okay. 90 plus ten. Okay. There's 100 Thank you! Oh, look how much runnier the batter is So like, usually when you do dosa- It's- I feel like it's a little thicker than this This is almost going up like uhh American pancake You get the bubbles kind of forming in the holes- Butter. That's the butter! Is it Amul butter or? Ah nice Man, you are fast! Do you take this? Okay- I almost threw mine away XD Look at that- That butter's melted already There goes on the masala paste Oh, yeah. More butter! This is full butter! This is butter on both sides! Ah aloo! Okay- We got the potato here ā€œAh, alooā€ Max... That's Hindi -_- Oh my gosh- And actually like, he's just using a teeny tiny spatula I don't know how he like Picks it up and works so well With just like, this teeny tiny Look at that! It's just like, effortless for him! Yes. This is mine! So let's see what we get here Coconut chutney Yes- And then here comes the red chili Beautiful Thank you! Thank you! The famous- Bangalore Benne dosa! Okay, So I did not eat The Masala dosa at Thaaza Thindi Because I want to try The Benne Benne dosa here So Benne Dosa just pretty much means like Butter dosa in itself- I think that's why I was confusing ā€˜em so much, But that's why he just- Like ample- Amount of butter all over it And you can see it's soaked into it It almost looks like an American pancake With just like syrup, thatā€™s soaked into it But itā€™s actually the butter- And you eat it with the chutneys And got some potato on the inside as well... Yeah- It feels nice and crispy on the edges- But it does have a thicker texture to it- Kinda like an Uttapam- Which should be like a little bit thicker as well- But let's break into this and try it- I'm going to keep the hands theme going here I'm going to go no uhm Potato right at the beginning Because I just want to try- Look at that my hands are so oily already I mean... This was a butter lover's dream! Like, I think of my breakfast back in America I have like, toasted butter And here these locals get a beautiful dosa with masala And potato And chutney with their butter... Doesn't seem fair, does it? XD Saturated to the full with butter The way that it's browned The butter has almost become a little bit nutty I love that there's still this crunch- This crispy texture Almost like- A jalebi The way this has this crunch to it But then it also has this burst Of butter in your mouth! Wow! And that masala mixture Is nice and spicy- It wakes you up from all the butter- Why is nobody talking about this? To me this is- One of the top three- Definitely the top three dosas I would ever order Okay, so I got some potato in here. I'm just gonna smash it a little bit Spread out that potato Scoop it out Beautiful! Got some potato- Some onion here- That coconut chutney is gorgeous! You can see- The the the... Actual coconut meat in there Theyā€™ve kept it really, really thick This is a thick, chunky coconut chutney! Just when I think I know Indian food Y'all throw me for a curve like this- I- I hope I live to be 200 years old Because itā€™s probably gonna take me That long to figure out Everything about Indian food! Y'all know We a big boy! We got a lot of exploring to do! We got to fuel up and get ready to go! So that means no Benne dosa Left behind Okay- Just met a lovely- family from Bangalore And they gave me some recommendations! I mean, they are really good! So I kind of changed my plans for today- I was going to go somewhere, but Who knows better than the locals- So I'm going to kind of change up my plans for today It's still going to be a full day of eating Still gonna be eating a lot But it definitely- Got my wheels turning on what I need to do- So- So we're going to keep moving on and- We got new plans! I got splashed :( Are you driving the rickshaw? Are you driving? Okay- Let me get money ATM Let me go ATM, I come back to you Okay Hold on I'll be right back Okay, so I missed it- I walked by there like- ā€œHello. How are you?ā€ They maybe the smiliest rickshaw I saw- eugheugeeh Rickshaw people I've seen! So- Let's grab some money- And I want to take them Where's the ATM? So there's supposed to be ATMs like, right here... Uhh thereā€™s like, no ATMs here so... Back to our rickshaw- uncles And see if they'll take me to an ATM. Closed. Closed! Closed. ATM closed. Can you- Can take me go ATM? Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye Okay. Oh, man. Oh, man. That's that Bangalore traffic... It is crazy here. It's like you all are playing like Chicken fighting, right? It's like ā€œArrgh do I go first?ā€ ā€œYou go firstā€ ā€œRAAA!!!ā€ Itā€™s XD It's really like I call it like chicken fighting Oh ATM, okay! Okay. Wait me two seconds Okay Uh huh Okay- Let's grab some cash No work No... Oh, itā€™s so hard sometimes... I know there's only a few banks That work... But actually, here in Bangalore- I don't know for certain. So we'll just have to use One of the best scientific tools I know- Trial and error! And you could do it by meter if you wanted to. But- We're- I'm just gonna keep going around because I trust the man. But if you're worried, you could always Do it by meter like Mumbai Uhh, Chennai has it They have it here- I think al- I think I'm almost anywhere besides Delhi Ah okay! Okay- Uh oh Shukriya Oh Yes, one second Round 2 Yesss We have cash! Okay. Now we can go where we need to go! It worked Can we go uhmm I don't know... Can you take me here? You know this? Okay, I will do. I will do... Okay. Will tell you Okay... Straight. And then left. Yes. I like this dude a lot. To the big road. Big road. Take left Uh huh big All the way! Okay, okay- Damn You know, you made it in life When you have somebody just to help you Pull out your driveway! Right here is okay Okay- Can stop here Yeah. Just over there is good Perfect. Okay! How many rupees? 150 Okay Ah yeah- Okay- Here. How about 1000? Is that okay? Yes! Thank you so much uncle Yes. thank you so much. What's your name? As-salamu alaykum Shukriya uncle Bye-bye Have a good day! Oh, the man gave me a kiss. He made my day. And so- I wanted to give him a nice little tip. So you can't see the sign. But actually today they serve at 8 a.m.. And theyā€™re serving at 5:30pm So before I go in- I want to feel a little more respectful. I dunno. I mean I'm wearing shorts... So I'm going to go find a lungi- I think itā€™s what they call ā€˜em Or maybe like a sarang I want to get that Be little more respectful And we'll come back at 5:30pm When they serve the meal Check out this cane juice Look, he's back up in here Press it- Iā€™ve- Don't think I've ever seen a sugarcane juice- This clean before And they've got different flavors you can get They got, like, Lemon, Ginger, Mint, Chaat Masala, Salt and Pepper Letā€™s give this a try Hello sir! :D Nice smile :D Hello Can I do one Lemon? Look at it- Cold? Cold Cold Cold is okay Look how clean this is So, Even this talks about stainless steel It's clean It's easy to clean All these flavors, And then it goes Look It's chopped It's staying in the fridge There's no dust around here I said this may be the cleanest Actual sugar cane stall I've ever seen One is 20 rupees? 20? 20, 20 Okay, perfect Hah I like the little tap there Thank you Thank you You can keep 100 It's okay He wonā€™t take my change Thank you sir! Man, it is- Oh okay I get more too Hold on Let me drink this real quick :O That is- So good! I love that little bit of lemon in there Perfect Okay XD And then you get the free refill right there as well Only 20 rupees I mean, I can't tell you- How clean this is And what's cool is if he ask you If you want it cold or not, And itā€™s not because he adds ice, It's because he keeps- The sugarcane in the fridge So when he presses it, It's already cold Right there Sometimes sugracane Can be too sweet That little touch of lemon The sour Oh, that was good I literally hopped off of my rickshaw and said, ā€œYou know what?ā€ I'll walk ten more minutes to my next location Because I saw this stall and I had to come try it And I just saw the sugarcane from far away I said, ā€œOh my goshā€, This is Some good Lookinā€™ Sugarcane stall Let's help him keep it clean and let's figure out where to throw our trash Actually waiting here I- I had a change of mind I gotta get another one Oup As soon as I was like, I'll get a repeat Like everybody came for it :O XD When they asked for warm Heā€™s got like BIG STICKS back there He has to poke it in, stop it, cut it, and then push it through Oh Thank you! We got a fresh cup here It became uhhh Sugarcane oā€™clock at this place Oh I mean you can find a lot of sugarcane- in countries, But you rarely can find sugarcane that good I would have been disappointed If I went and bought two cups ā€˜Cause honeslty you should buy, Some bottles to go Cleanest, Most delicious sugarcane youā€™ll find Lots of flavors Dust bin There it is Oh, what a cool little dust bin Look at this It's made for the cups Oooo Cleanest sugarcane- man- in all of India, Maybe most countries Okay, here's the next place I want to go Like this old Bangalore shop I think we walk in here to do our order I don't know... They have some things that looked like I have not ordered yet I don't know what to call them Namaste Do I place the order here or do I need to go up here? Oh first floor Go up Service Perfect, thank you so much Welcome Stairs This way or this way? This way Okay XD They got the kitchen area here And we'll go upstairs Ah This is why they told me to go up ā€œAC dining areaā€ I guess they thought I need the- the AC Namaste Namaste sir How are you? Iā€™m fine sir Can I sit outside, to see the view? Perfect, thank you! Oh, they got more of like, the kitchen in here, But we'll go outside because check this out Blocked that way XD They're taking photo I will go this way XD :D So we'll go outside this way Hello! Push through here Ahh Look how nice this is You get the fan, and you can just sit here and check out the road Okay Can I picked the one dirty XD There's no English here, so I have to find a picture of what I want What is this one called? Evening time Okay Evening time Uh, what time? 3- 3:30PM 3:30PM You have this one? Oh, okay Maybe I should come back and try Afternoon lunch is there Oh okay Maybe I'll come back and try XD Where should- Executive combo is uh Try both Okay So itā€™s the Flavoured Rice, Curd Rice, Ambode Sakkarai Ponggal Ahh <i>(inaudible)</i> is there Okay <i>(local language)</i> is there Two types of flavor of your choice Okay Mm <i>Majjige Huli Combo </i>is there <i>Ambode </i>is there <i>(inaudivble) </i>is there Ahh and the pongal is here Do you like Do you like this one, or do you like this one? Huh? Which do you like? Ahh E- Executive combo is- But donā€™t have this one? This one? No way Okay, do you- Maybe I'll come back I do this one Ah, okay okay Okay So Iā€™ll come- I'll come see you at 3:00PM Okay Perfect 3:30PM Ah, 3:30PM Okay So evening have And it's called? <i>Adukale?</i> <i>Adukale Adai Dose</i> Okay Perfect Thank you so much I'll come back and try Okay All right We need to explore more Yeah, I want to try that one XD Thank you sir You're welcome See you at 3:30PM Ha Ha Ha 3:30PM come back I will Will you be here? Ah yeah, okay Okay What's your name? Lakshmi Lakshmi Max I will see you at 3:30PM See you :D XD I'm coming back at 3:30PM Okay sir, no problem Okay Thank you, thank you Yes, will do Sir, what is your name? Max Max Yes Perfect See you at 3:30PM Super name Hahaha No no no no XD Okay, So let's come back at 3:30PM Because I want to try that one You can see it here Looks so cool I want to try it You didnā€™t try anything? No, Iā€™m gonna come back at 3:30PM Yeah okay, no worries I thought now So Yeah- I'll come back at 3:30PM to try Okay, whatā€™s your name? Thank you Max Max Your name? Karthik Karthik Nice to meet you See you at 3:30PM I guess we can keep going Namaste Do you have Lungi here? These are the Lungi <i>(local language)</i> Thank you Namaste sir Do you have Lungi? Ah, he means Lungi here Can I? I like that That color The Pink and Blue Yeah Towel Towel? Can I- Oh, I can not That's towel XD I tried, cannot do that one Ahh I like this green It's a nice color I kind of like this, too Looks like fresh and light Uh, can I try this one? RS 485 Okay, RS 485 That's okay, but Can you put on? Okay Iā€™ll pay and then we put on XD Yeah, itā€™s okay hahaha No, itā€™s okay- I have 5, I have 5 I know I have 5 rupee in here somewhere 5 rupee XD All right See if we can figure out how to get this on Cause I actually wanna to wear it now Oh itā€™s a beautiful, beautiful, Lungi here I can put up over, Shorter this way Double Oh double Single, single Oh just go single Oh itā€™s still double Ahhh Now bigger So now I can do Yes You have to help me here Okay, so I take this one goes around Ah here So you gotta pull Ahhaaa So now you can just kind of pull it like this And just kind of repeat the process Pull T-shirt out Ohh Too many Dosa Adjust your Oh adjust Okay, adjust This is okay Feel good Perfect Thank you You can keep the bag Thank you Okay <i>(inaudible)</i> Okay Can pull for tight? Okay Thank you Okay Got my Lungi here About 500 rupees Not bad Not bad price That's probably what <i>(counting)</i> Probably like $4 For our Lungi, but we're looking good Now I feel like okay to go to the temple Sometimes I feel weird going to temples and stuff when I'm like- in shorts I feel better, just like covering up and just wearing I don't know if it's traditional, but just something where I feel like I'm being a little more respectful Check it out <i>Anikar Textiles</i> very nice Okay Had to turn my camera off for a second and put everything down I finally get my Lungi where it fits and I can walk Ahhh It feels so much better I need to figure out how to wear my Lungi like that And then we're going to <i>Vidyarthi Bhavan</i> Since 1943 I do believe This is the OLDEST restaurant in Bangalore But no matter what I thought- <i>Taaza Thindi </i>was popular This place has over 50,000 Reviews Umm Another place itā€™s famous for, its dosa and its coffee So They open again at 2:30PM It's about 2:00PM right now, and you can already see people lining up So Definitely come here Uhh If you come here on a weekend, be prepared to wait, but From everything I've read, The wait is worth it I clearly did not get in line correctly XD Howā€™s it look behind me? A lot of people? It was more like... Not as like- I thought it's gonna be a lot more chaotic than that It's pretty chill And now it's up to you to find a seat Something small I feel bad for uh taking up space Oh, look at this I mean, it goes back for a while, but I think I almost, almost missed it One Okay Okay if I sit here? Thank you All right Now here he comes in Enjoy your meal XD You too So they kinda They do have some people kinda directing you, helping you sit Uhh kind of help- fill in the tables as much as possible You use to see some people kind of like running, trying to get to their table But look at this place It's such a nice atmosphere, actually very, very cool and refreshing There are more item Oh there are? But they're famous for the masala dosa, right? Are you gonna get the masala dosa? Okay, I think I'll follow you XD I like here because thereā€™s a lot of people that wanna eat, and Just maybe a little hurry-hurry, but It's still quiet, respectful, and Nobodyā€™s really pushing or shoving They're just, You know, working to- move up a space Oh and it's gonna get tight I think somebody's going to sit next to me For sure <i>Masala Dosa</i> And I think that was the order taken Thatā€™s all I need to order Where are you from? Sorry? Where are you from? USA <i>(inaudible)</i> Hm? <i>(inaudible)</i> Yeah, yeah Where else have you been here? I came to try the dosa here in Bangalore in Bangalore Yeah Youā€™ve been in any other place in India, like- Yeah, yeah So I've been Mumbai Delhi, Kolkata, Indore Uh Hyderabad Lucknow Uh Chennai Yeah? Iā€™m from Chennai Are you from Chennai? Ah you had the <i>Ratna Cafe</i> Huh? The <i>Ratna Cafe</i>? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah They have the <i>Sambar </i>and <i>Idli</i> Very nice right? Have you been here before? First time Me too Because uh Chennai is far away right This is a different state for us we need to travel um- It is Yeah Karnataka Youā€™re in Tamil Nadu, Huh? Little- Youā€™re a little different That's Tamil Nadu Here we have Karnataka Yeah, yeah, yeah, a little different Have you travelled um Uh, you came in today, yesterday? Iā€™m a solo traveller Ah, you just woke up? Wow I came yesterday Your name please Oh Daily Max Now I kinda want the <i>Idli Vada</i> hehe XD :D Oh, is that like, uh Karnataka style <i>Sambar </i>right? It looks so different from Chennai Sambar Yeah Chennai Sambar like very THICK right? Yeah Yeah It has Dal- Ah itā€™s the Dal in it This is little more <i>(inaudible)</i> Iā€™m seeing this for the first time Weā€™re experiencing it together Yeah Nice, nice Oh, and here's what they're famous for How they carry the <i>Dosa </i>out I think he can carry, like, 20 on one arm That is so many So I do believe Yeah It comes with some potato mixture right there Oh, no masala though Oh And you can smell that butter coming from it Kinda looks like the <i>Benne Dosa</i> I had before It's kind of cool how they just come and give you a ton of coconut chutney to go with it Now, this is still scalding hot But listen to this Beautiful crunch Itā€™s hot Hot Very hot XD :D I cannot touch I'm going to actually do it, like, he did and open it up a little bit here Hmm Maybe I can just try a little bit here just scoop just a little bit Oh, get to try it out Finally Wow It's very similar to the Benne Dosa I had earlier, which is just saturated with butter But this Has an unbelievable Crunch to it I mean, I canā€™t believe it's that thick and still that crunchy It is soaked, butter crust That crunchiness Pretty addicting Mmm Mmm Okay spoon? I'm okay, thank you Oop, I got one anyways :D Okay Got the other thing Got to go for here, which is, uh Coffee Too hot Look at that nice foam on the top But You gotta cool it off Play a little coffee waala Still hot So you can actually pour in here, in here, And just go back and forth and kind of cool it off Itā€™s nice It's not as good as the one in uh <i>Taaza Thindi</i> but It's still nice Chocolaty, Not too sweet I mean, they do not like wait or waste time or anything in here Uh, RS 97 RS 70 for the dosa and I can't believe it's really that cheap Itā€™s pretty impressive um, and the Coffee/Tea is RS 22, which is about right, because it's probably a full glass All right, so I think we'll go up here to the front to pay Front Actually, after the first wave is not bad at all You just kind of ā€˜till a seat opens up You go in Look, there's not many people out here Namaskar sir Thank you So it's really not a bad wait you just get in line, kind of wait for your turn And they do have a takeaway If you'd rather just get a takeaway and move it on out Now I do want to talk about a little bit I'm a little embarrassed because I am the foreigner there, But The chutney was really different for me The chutney Almost tasted like it had like, <i>Dal</i> and it didn't taste like a true coconut chutney to me It was It was very interesting and the yellow color just makes me feel like it was- <i>Dal </i>or thereā€™s something different about it It also have this like creamy umami texture that Iā€™ve had from like... well, <i>Dal</i> So, I don't know, I maybe wrong It's a little different The Dosa is definitely different I think I do like these like thicker ones that are just SO CRUNCHY AND BUTTERY But man, They fill you up pretty good My- My Lungi is fitting a little tight right now, So XD :D I maybe need to walk just off a little bit and we look for the next adventure! Hello, hello It's 3:30PM XD :D Hello How are you? Oh It's kind of hard to walk upstairs in a <i>Lungi</i> I didnā€™t realize that Hello I'm back XD :D I'm going to look outside Oh hello, sir Come Welcome, sir Thank you Oh, we got a little single person table here I will definitely do this Special meals Oh, this is the special meals? All right, here's a special Do you have umm... Are you doing this one? Ah <i>Paddu</i> Yeah <i>Paddu</i> It will take some time Some more time Is it okay if I just sit? Yeah Okay Perfect I'll just sit and wait Yeah Hi, good to see you again Yeah Thank you so much Okay, so While I was waitinā€™ They didnā€™t want me to wait too long without anything So they brought me a Chaas here Which is the buttermilk Should be salty You can see the cilantro in there Chaas-tastic! Curry leaves, Mustard, Green chilli, Cilantro Okay, so I came here I ordered the <i>Paddu</i> The <i>Paddu </i>is what I want to try it But they also told me you need to have the <i>Tambuli</i> I think it's from Karnataka, But I don't know exactly what it is I think it's another, Buttermilk dish And you can have different varieties, But this one's- A green one I think I've seen pictures online where they're like, ā€œWhy?ā€ ā€œCan I get something thatā€™s kinda orangeā€ Letā€™s try a sip though Whoa It's actually really Holy- That's so spicy I was not expecting that much heat It does taste like a a cultured, thick buttermilk But in that, A ton of heat, Curry again with the curry leaves, the onions, the mustard seed I don't know what gives it that green color But there is a lot of chili heat coming from it No wonder this drink is used as an appetizer It is so spicy Yeah, I feel like I need something to eat after that I need something to, Take the- The heat off my mouth <i>Paddu</i> Thank you! Oh so we got the <i>Paddu </i>here So I wanted to get this because, It kinda looked like <i>Takoyaki</i> from Japan to me, now, What came first the <i>Paddu </i>the <i>Takoyaki?</i> I don't know But definitely, Japan is more famous for having Balls of- Uh, batter fried up like this So for my understanding, <i>Paddu </i>right here is actually made from leftover dosa batter You can tell they've added some ingredients to it I can see some I do believe it is cilantro hanging out there, but Letā€™s break one of these open Oh Yeah, look at that inside I would say it looks like A <i>Hushpuppy,</i> which is a corn batter fried up But I do believe this is just gonna be with uh, like a dosa batter, and they fry it up the same way Now, the only thing is, when I eat <i>Hushpuppy,</i> I don't get Two delicious Chutneys to have With it I think just kinda like, almost soak it in here again Little red, Little green And you try it out Ohhh Mmm It is just like a <i>Corn Fritter</i> or what I would call a <i>Hushpuppy</i> It's light and airy on the inside, beautifully fried and crunchy on the outside I mean, it's my first one, so I have nothing to compare it to But I do have a really hard time believing they get much better than this Oh And maybe they use old dosa batter, but to me, like, I feel like a little fermentation and the dosa batter would be beautiful with this greasy, fried, crunchy, <i>Paddu</i> I can't get over that texture You see that that purple onion in there Some of it's sweat down Some of it's caramelized The cilantro Oh hoho Itā€™s really the texture with this though Underrated right there That is something I could eat very very very often Just bring the napkins <i>Paddu</i> uh <i>Tambuli</i> Ah, <i>Tambuli, Tambuli</i> I can pro- Compliment from the house No, it's okay Uh, You gave me the <i>Chaas</i> So let me pay for the <i>Tambuli</i> No, no issues Both are compliment Ah haha Thank you sir You wanna try coffee? Umm I'm okay I've had many today Because we make the roasted uh beans from <i>(inaudible)</i> Ah, you make ā€˜em here? Yeah Then let me buy it If I buy it, I'll try it Yeah okay, no issue Okay, perfect Have a seat Okay, perfect Have a seat Okay Let me pay- Okay, I will try XD Weā€™re not leaving yet So this is where they do the coffee Coffee here? Yes Umm Thereā€™s no more seats though Can I drink coffee downstairs? Yeah, no problem Because, nowhere to sit hahaha Okay, okay, no problem XD :D I'll pay, and I'll take coffee downstairs 60 rupees Thank you! Thank you sir Thank you! Where are you from? Hm? USA Thank you Iā€™ll- Thank you sir Oh thank you! Man They didnā€™t let me pay for the coffee Oh my gosh I tried I was like, ā€œI'll pay for the coffeeā€ ā€œif I can drink itā€ Theyā€™re like, ā€œSureā€ Then they didn't charge me Let's just take this place over here Hello sir Is it okay here? You need to clean? You can clean I'll move over here So they want me to try the coffee But I had to stand up I'm always getting full here This is like coffee number like, five today Oh, yeah Nice and hot They said, they actually roast it here So Should be nice and dark It's really good coffee It's as good as uh, Taaza Thindi this morninā€™ Thank you Oh Thank you Have you tried coffee? Oh I already drink- I drink I drink already Okay :D Yeah Perfect Okay Run Run, before they figure out what I did There's this guy selling this fruit Which I don't know what it is I thought it was a coconut when I was far away, but I don't think it is. I'm kind of curious what this is... Looking like- Cut it out What- Do you know what this is? It's Ice Apple Ice Apple Aisapa? XD Yeah. And do you just, like- Eat the fruit outside of it? Inside yeah In or- Sorry, the fruit on the inside? Yeah- Okay... How much is it for one? Rs 50 Rs 50 Rs 50 Okay. Nice! I wanna try one. I thought it was like a coconut When I was so far away But I was like- <i>That's a strange </i> <i>looking coconut</i> Yeah- I kinda does right? XD It actually looks like mangosteen If you've ever seen The mangosteen fruit- It's like a huge variety of that The way it's got that purple to it... For Rs 50 I gotta try Bangalore's special fruit... So- We gotta get this one Just one- Yes. One, please. Oh, that's the lil fruit He like Cut out and pop it out Can I Can I uh- I can pay for yours since you helped me out No, no It's Rs 50 It's only Rs 50 for that, right? Yeah Yeah let me take care of y'all... No itā€™s ok, itā€™s fine... You sure? Yeah Okay... I would never know if it wasn't for y'all, though Check this out. How he cuts it. Enjoy your meal. Bye! Bye bye! It's so cool how he cuts it It looks like You gotta be super careful It'd be so easy just to pop this open! Oh, no. *Inaudible Thank you! He's gonna let me try even before I bite *Local language *Local language Okay *Local language Actually We have to remove this on it You have to remove this part? Yah This part is really hard So *Inaudible Okay, so just eat the like Watery part here Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah I would have eaten the whole thing. No not the whole thing XD Remove this, then you can taste Okay. Thank you! Wow Bye! Bye bye! Nice to meet you! Thank you. Nice meet Wow. They saved me I was gonna look like an idiot. So now I gotta peel this. I definitely want to get this and uhh Pay him! Okay, this is gonna actually look kind of dumb Because I can't peel it I'm vlogging XD But I'm just gonna kind of, like- Put it in my face ;) Ohhh Mmm! It's actually nice and watery- Kind of like a coconut! A touch of sweetness! It's almost- Have you ever had like a water coconut Like a nipa palm fruit Very similar to that Except this is nice and soft And just kinda bursts like a jelly! It's just nice Watery, and gelatinous Super interesting! Woah Excuse me? Hmm? Daily Max? Thatā€™s me! Hi! That is me XD Hello. How are you? I'm trying some local fruit! Have you had this one? Yea- You liked it? It's actually nice- Yeah! It's actually nice It's actually very nice and refreshing! That's nice to- Are yā€™all going to- What are you doing today? Itā€™s Saturday! We are just shopping Shopping! You came to shop! What are you shopping for? Like- We have a festival coming up next week Uh huh Ugadi, we call it Ugadi Okay- We have that festival coming on next week Oh festival So youā€™re shopping for clothes for the festival? Yes, yes, yes Okay, nice! Uh what was your names? *Inaudible *Inaudible *Inaudible *Inaudible Iā€™m Max! (Yeah bro they already know you!) Hi! Nice to meet yā€™all We know you- That's why- I saw you Yeah- Thatā€™s what I figured XD We thought it was someone else So we started searching on Youtube Ah it was nice to meet yā€™all Yeah- Nice to meet you! Yeah... Nice to meet you! Yeah Thank you for saying hey Hi! Yeah. *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* Are yā€™all Are y'all from Bangalore? Yes Yes from Bangalore Okay nice *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* *BEEEEEP!!!* Okay nice Can we take a photo? Of course, lezzdoit! Thank you! Okay, how does it look? Thank you- Thank you so much! Does it look good? Thank you! Okay. Thank you. Enjoy Bangalore Enjoy there- I will sure am Thank yā€™all so much Bye-bye! Letā€™s buy him- Letā€™s pay for his fruit before we run off! Look, there's so many people from Bangalore. They're not from Bangalore. They have to learn how to eat it too! Oh thank you, thank you- Thank you! We got another piece here! So 3 pieces actually You will get 3! Get 3 pieces for Rs 50 Oh 3 piece for 50- That's how it works. Okay, that's how it works... Okay! I gave 100 and I was like, man he keeps He keeps giving me pieces! XD Now I know, 3 for Rs 50! And you just peel like this Yeah, yeah, They just taught me how to do it! You make it up all the water will burst... Yeah, it bursts! Had to put the camera down And do one correctly here Got it peeled And then you can pop in your mouth. So this is when it gets refreshing! Ice apple Oh, really? Ice apple! In english we call it ice apple And I have no clue! First time I've seen Boss boss boss It's okay. It's for you No. It's okay. 3 piece! I'm full. You can have the hundred. I'm okay. I'm full Thank you, thank you No no, it's okay Thank you, thank you You're from Bangalore? No, I'm from Tamil Nadu Oh, nice! Are you from Chennai? Coimbatore! Okay. Nice! Nice area! Thank you so much, brother. Yeah! I'm a little sticky. Yeah! Take care Have a good one. Maaan I can't even like- I was just like you know, Take my Rs 100, whatever like... You get 3 pieces But I only had room for 2 Sorry, I'm Iā€™m just kind of feeling speechless Because the people have just been So overwhelmingly helpful And just loving to me! So- Definitely feeling special here in Bangalore It's opened up. So let's go Drop our shoes off And we'll head in here- And I'm going to ask somebody to kinda Help me out and- Figure my way around this! So actually, just right here to the left of it. It's a place where you can put your sandals You just come in here. And you can find a spot. Let's go. 473 And I'm going to take my hat off Because I always feel like wearing your hat inside. Is a little disrespectful. Oh my gosh The thing- The guy Cleaned my head with Went into my hat And before we wash our feet- I just want to show you all how beautiful it is Look at this temple Absolutely gorgeous! Roll up my lungi here You give your feet a nice wash Oh, wrong way! Okay. And now we're clean and ready to go! Alright, so I actually asked a young man for some help- So he's going to show us how to go into the temple And how we can make a donation- And- And show you kind of what all this temple has To offer! So yeah. Pretty cool. So we got pretty cool access. We're actually not in the temple, but we're still outside of it even when you go up. So- I would probably think, like You just come into the temple right away Byou have gods you can pray to out here, but the temple is actually more like on the inside. But we can actually make a video of the puja here, Which is going to happen soon Alright. So I just got back to the temple And man, a lot of people are so nice here Because it's kind of intimidating to me- To go into a temple because Because I don't wanna be disrespectful- But... But I got told that I can be here. I can sit But at the puja, I think I'm pronouncing it correctly... We're going to get the video. So itā€™s gonna be some music I do believe like a display. So I'm going to sit and watch that and enjoy it. I got to go inside, Got to pray to the gods Got to make my donation to the temple And to the gods themself So yeah, I'm feeling good I'm excited to be here. Just hang out. I mean, Iā€™m ngl to you and say I know what's going on... But itā€™s still cool to get in here and just watch And observe And see a different culture, and a different religion! So if I had to guess, Theyā€™ll take a lap around the temple And they'll come back... Now, since we're not going where the gods are I can actually follow because I have a camera So we'll go outside Come on, weā€™re gonna follow Oh! Actually going under this part at night Itā€™s very beautiful The way itā€™s lit! So prayers are going out. Not only that, But I do believe they are about to make A round about the... temple And it's kind of interesting- This truckā€™s got the lighting system! There goes the generator Man- Yā€™know, sometimes you just don't have to know things To come to a new country And experience it- I've been in temples before, But I've never actually got to see a service like that Thank you so much to The family this morning for recommending this temple Glad I got to go to it- Glad I just had a place where You get to feel safe and feel like you can give back to the people, to the gods that people believe in this country So thank you so much to the people of Bangalore. I just want to finish off a little eating tour or something a little bit different. You know I eat a lot, but And the end of the day- I wouldnā€™t mind adding in other stuff and you know, having a little bit of religion and experiencing things like that. it's very fun. So glad I got to give back. Glad I get to see it Even if You know- you don't have to know everything and just pique that curiosity and get you thinking about it. So- Special. Everybody in there took care of me. Everybody was super happy to have me there. And Super grateful and welcoming to let me film. So that was fun. That was a good first day in Bangalore Set the bar high, but we got We got a lot more time here So we're going to keep going. I will catch y'all At the next one! Peace!
Channel: Daily Max
Views: 638,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gfDWQ-BShgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 58sec (3118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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