32 Player Smash! - Ultimate Smash And Stuff 9

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[Music] colon Arnold it's showtime [Music] [Music] [Music] Mario we're Gail at the ball get into evil hands out of my way before Akira practically Bend you a dude wow [Music] what can I do you for oh no truly we are doomed I wish oh I wish that all act more children get fully paid college tuitions yeah here you go that was surprisingly wholesome yeah lock mites the real villains are the universities were overcharging for the basic human rights that is knowledge can't go for out [Music] what a blimey good fat boys here I go [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you know I gotta say my back is feeling a lot of wonderfulness I know my ankle feels great [Music] wait for my wow you're so cool [Music] Martin is the nice guy that is until I make my wish and in fact become a very nice guy now [Music] get off of him no one beats up the Croc how did he know yeah My Heroes except for us [Music] come on okay come on whatever let me through dang how am I supposed to fight brawl Mario are you okay of course never better we cannot let anyone evil get the master ball we really could use all the help we could get I don't need to hear this you don't need me no one does and I definitely don't need you yeah once I get the master ball everything will be fine everything will be fine you should love me again you'll see some some chillers ah ah my brains ah yeah well ah not that damn pink fellow hi no oh don't worry everybody I won't eat it I already know what it Tasties like oh thank goodness you should all be ashamed everyone has been so so mean to each other lately all for this ball and it doesn't even take it taste that good I thinks I know just how to make it so much better while hello everybody waka waka Pac-Man I wish everyone was a me here what the heck does that even mean how should I know you look like an Eevee who evolved into a basketball okay Gonzo wait what me I'm a miserable what's going on somebody won't save my mustache is this what a Jigglypuff feels like I definitely did not think my head was going to get any bigger today oh what the look is that still fat I think we look kinda cute I've never been so ugly in my life I don't feel that much differently now honestly okay but if I'm gonna still be fat can I at least have my golden belly back hold on a moment what were we even fighting about yeah yeah how did this whole thing even I don't is it about tacos because if it's not about tacos why are we even here it must have been bananas honest I never even ate food oh that looks kinda tasty I wanna eat it [Music] well I tried [Music] Wow real news hello my fellow balls it's Amy Wario reporting live from what appears to be are inevitable Dome who know mass destruction could look so beautiful but first the entire universe has turned into Kirby more on this we have Isabella live on the scene where it all started no actually it's not about to be an immense balls from the look of it compared to the automatables I'm quite handsome I gotta be honest I I know what's going on anymore and now now back to the Giant's death orb flirting in the sky little baby through Lane tells me it all started from a super power Luigi uh yeah that's right um this Luigi guy came down and uh he had abs like you wouldn't believe but anyway he comes around and he beats the crud and I mean the crud out of Dr Mario that's hilarious no it was terrible oh yeah I guess then Luigi just stopped and let him go really yep right after he sent it up and created that giant Negative Zone thing it's definitely growing too and let's hope it stops soon otherwise we will all surely die eight balls eat your balls [Music] excuse me okay I Fly Away Now tasty why can't I do you for Pac-Man I wish the Galaxy returned to normal that's much better look I have my knees again oh thank goodness the princess never saw me that way I got my belly back oh wait jeez I can't imagine living another second looking like that okay I'ma take that personally got it uh hey uh what do you think will happen if that giant the basketball touches us I'm pretty sure it will just blast you back horribly if it keeps getting bigger it could throw the whole planet off course and then we'll all be dead maybe it's actually a giant power up granting unlimited magic to anyone who claims that what I doubt that oh yeah that's kind of the opposite of magenta float in the balls you would know oh no it is a feeling I have in fact I am certain of it you all just watch me I believe if I was wrong I got it hands up thanks Falco this is getting bad don't you ever hurt my Amigos over here past the ball get that stupid kangaroo boys DK crew hold them off [Music] that was totally poggers there Sarah [Music] get it why can't I do you more ah I'm sorry I don't really speak Spanish I happen to speak Pokemon oh really sure I see it makes perfect sense to me he wishes I was back to being myself hey that's not what he said oh before the monkey wished his wish oh what a nice guy no hey down stubborn boy not good I feel it I feel the ultimate power and now there will be nothing to stop me [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I finally made into the Super Smash Bros Universe I can't wait to see what Adventures await [Music] no what he just got here is he coming back no I reckon out he's dead Divine Justice can wait another day yeah forget about this I gotta make like a composer get out of here A wise choice for such inferior beings follow the last Fighters you'll ever hurt what could you possibly do to stop me GA man not much alone but together we're finally Gonna Take You Down [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: ThePandaBrothers
Views: 193,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash, stuff, nintendo, samus, metroid, dread, ultimate, megaman, machinima, comedy, funny, fail, kazuya, banjo, mario, kingkrool, sora, dlc, terry, inkling, joker, pyra, mythra, pacman, masterball, smashandstuff
Id: pqJQvqkf2J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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