$300 Turned Into $14M Cleaning Business

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how about we share with you guys how you can start a cleaning business and make two million dollars in three years this is a progress update with austin miller the owner of spruce cleaning who achieved these phenomenal numbers with an investment of only three hundred dollars [Music] in this video we're going to be talking to austin who scaled his business to a hundred and eighteen thousand dollars a month his amazing customer service strategies and his mastery over yelp has given them market control of more than 18 percent here in washington state i would say now more than ever is the best time to start opening business for every thousand we spend we incur 35 000 let's talk about a roadmap to one million dollars give us technical steps of what to do yelp will be there they're going to help you answer any questions you may have while you develop your business today austin will share how you too can start a cleaning business without any background experience what mistakes he made that you guys can learn from how he's looking to scale his business to more than 300 locations by 2025 and how you can leverage yelp to rule the service industry so austin what would that pack be this is where we're getting to a point in our business where it's pay to play why not just go out open your locations run them separately versus the franchise model and in turn we saw a higher booking volume by hundreds which is one of the highest in our in our industry without further ado you guys like this video subscribe to our channel if you haven't already hit that bell so that you don't miss any videos and let's go talk to the man himself he's always working last time we interviewed him it's always working and that's an awesome thing austin how you doing what's going on guys hey let's do a second interview i look forward to it likewise [Music] you guys should check out the first episode we did with austin uh make sure you do that first and austin for those that haven't seen it tell us just a little bit about yourself and anything else you want to add yeah so i'm austin the ceo and owner of spruce cleaning and spruce home inc a parent company for all things clean uh how has spruce been since we first interviewed you it's been good so it was actually a little rocky initially with the whole start of the pandemic but we came up on top with record-breaking revenue conversion rates and more on that note how has your sales and revenue changed so what did you share on that where are you at today and expected for end of this year sales and revenue has grown month after month roughly between 18 and 25 and we plan on continuing to grow that with more ad spend as we go awesome we'll dive into that more tell us about your spruce revenue and profit margins let's just focus on spruce cleaning okay uh spruce cleaning we're averaging between 100 and 115 000 a month uh it fluctuates of course based on the month um but yeah that's our revenue marks sit at 45 okay which is one of the highest in our industry man you know your numbers [Music] on the sales and revenue side austin let's talk a little bit about what contributed to that growth that sustained continued growth we need concrete technical stuff a factor of things so initially we saw that decline so what we did is we invested some of our money into website development ad spend and then optimizing our pages on google facebook yelp instagram et cetera and with that people kind of trusted our our image more less searching i mean i think our time spent on pages went up like 30 or 40 seconds and in turn we saw a higher booking volume by hundreds literally hundreds of bookings per month but you how much more did you started spending time oh our aspen results i think we only increased it by like eighteen hundred dollars on the up alone you did the the statistics behind the eighteen hundred dollars spent on the ad spend and the actual the ad clicked through to our website was insane so you just improved everything online yeah and boosted your money yeah i mean we utilize our platforms that you know you're given you're given your google page you're giving your yelp page just optimized how we use them and how we structure your ads okay and we'll dive into the details you guys about the specifics of what he's talking about later on in the video [Music] for somebody watching this right now who's in cleaning business and wants to reach their first million i want to turn to you so that you can give us those answers what's your personal experience because you only started with 300 bucks right and this is a tricky question because obviously it's going to apply to different people right um don't fall for this scammy people trying to sell you on seo optimization or weird software do it the right way and it's it's the long way i guess is get a website built start reaching out to customers and invest the money you make back into your company you want that to compound so if you make you know 25k profit and you go spend it on a cancun vacation it's not returning anything so you can put half that towards ad spend or optimizing your website rule of thumb is make it better like we are still to this day making our system better and it's just showing that so make it better reinvest and just keep your eye on the prize awesome yeah and uh for those viewers that reached out to you austin from our first episode yeah you love you uh question is how did you help them our viewers with your experience just in a nutshell yeah we had a huge outreach and a lot of customers asked do you have any tips or tricks or things to avoid when starting up your cleaning business cleaning company out in chicago reached out and he needed help with his logo and he wanted me to do a website audit i had a couple minutes free so i went to his website and i looked at his logo sent him an email on what he needs to change two months later he sent me an email saying hey i just made my first 25k in revenue thank you so much and it worked like that it's really that easy it just takes a little bit of navigating and then you can do it that's awesome it's good for other business owners to give back to other business owners and spread them when time permits yeah i have no problem helping but that's busy yeah a little bit so but do reach out do comment below we are very focused on responding to all those comments and providing value in that way what's giving you the best return in terms of building your client base and what's your spend monthly on you know marketing in general so i hate to keep on going back to yelp but yelp is our single-handed driving force for customer acquisition um and right now for every thousand we spend we incur 35 000 dollars but that's just because of our placement so for example we spend huge we only spend 2 hundred dollars a month on ad spend and we make a hundred and ten hundred fifteen thousand dollars and that's our only ad channel yelp we don't use anything else just print advertising none putting postcards on doors nope just yelp with all that we've talked about and that's why we're doing that course right because it works you just need to figure out how to use it that's all that's incredible don't you think it'll be saturated or to too many people on one platform or eat up the business no because there's so many different service industries cleaning is one of 25 to 30. they can still apply the same rules for their market everyone has a need everybody has need to get their power back on everyone needs to get their carpet shampooed right every business needs to use that same platform just figure out how to use it let's talk about a road map to one million dollars give us technical steps of what to do of course so you're going to start with the website don't spend a lot on it going forward and that sounds weird but what i mean is don't hire a firm that's probably gonna charge you 20k when for one you don't need a twenty thousand dollar website for your service based industry especially when you're just starting out plan to upgrade it whether it be bi-monthly or quarterly or annually but make sure you're upgrading it as you go and as you grow after that work on ad spend figure out what channels you want to optimize and use so you're not wasting your money so we don't use facebook we don't use youtube we strictly use again yelp and google others will succeed in other areas for example if you're a pressure washer or a painting company instagram is going to be your funnel it's more visually based cleaning does fall individual but people look for yelp for cleaners not instagram so we don't really use those streams and figure out how much you should be spending don't throw two thousand dollars a month on a spend budget because for one you can't handle that traffic if it does come and two you don't know how you optimize your ads yet you're going to figure that out through trial and tribulation and then scale which everyone tells you scale scale scale figure out a good process on when you should be hiring more help so we typically try to hire four to five new cleaners a week right now if you're just starting out you're probably gonna do once a month and if you can do one consistent cleaner a month for the first six months that six will you know compound a two a month to three but just don't rush it put together a plan and you're gonna see your revenue go up again customer satisfaction goes a long way if you're growing but you're also getting bad reviews you're never gonna hit a million people trust good reputation and as a whole you know people kind of follow what people choose and that goes for anything whether it be rotten tomatoes for movies or yelp for service get those reviews get that presence known so you're you trusted by the mass and that social awareness how would you like to get a hundred new customers in the next 100 days clickfunnels has given away 96 hours of their brick and mortar training for free it features 17 businesses and shows how small businesses are filling their business with dream customers using simple online sales funnels you guys grab it while it's free the link is in the description below [Music] is it a good time to start a cleaning business right now i would say now more than ever is the best time to start opening business regardless even if you don't buy a franchise through spruce and i'm not selling you on one right now they predict by 2025 83 of homeowners in america will have a in-house home cleaner for cleaning services is supposed to be growing by 20 billion dollars annually or 20 sorry 20 annually for a total market cap of 20 billion by 2025 the fastest growing market right now in the country so clearly a pretty cheap business to get into remotely yes it is a very accessible industry right now wow you guys there's more to hear about all kinds of businesses on our newly launched upflip.com podcast so do check that out it's upflip.com forward slash podcast we talk to people like him we dive into more details and it's all for you so that you can optimize your business scale it grow it and be successful go check it out how do you navigate through the pandemic what adjustments did you have to make to you know keep being profitable and keep moving forward right and i would just say be patient be patient with customers and be understanding again it's a pandemic we've never really been through one bring value so you're going to have to cut off a little bit of your profit margin to return that value to your customer they're going to take that a lot better and you're probably going to win more sales and then again just understand people are going to be a little more angry unfortunately especially in the service industry they're going to expect more for a lot less so don't let that go to your head just keep on giving that you know five-star service to every customer and bite your tongue when needed you can still make it through it you're still going to make money but again take that profit down a little bit and return it to the customer give us an example of how you did that we gave well we cut our hourly prices by a little bit okay so we gave more time to the customer so we lost a little bit money but gave more time so we can do a basically a deep clean for everybody instead of just a regular clean so when a customer gets their clean like wow this is what i got for this perfect um so our prices go down they're going to pick us a lot of people's prices never changed so we are still extremely busy as you saw 700 bookings in august as well and there's some people still closing their doors so you know this is business it's not always going to be about profits sometimes it's going to be about survival and you need to figure out when that goes to switch and then make that that change because right now it's survival it's not about profiting it is you need to pay bills right but that's not the you don't want to max out profits you want to survive and that's what we did we change gears to pure survival we keep our lights on we eat and we'll be here when the dependent is over and probably on top you're ambitious goal 300 locations by 2025 what are you doing and how are you focusing in certain areas cities has anyone reached out and what will it cost so obviously we're gonna kind of target metro areas so south dakota or nebraska may not be our first choices so we're really gonna dominate the west coast because that's where we're from okay we're gonna go down south and then circle back up to the east coast and we're gonna really drive a very very aggressive marketing uh plan so it's gonna be a little expensive up front but it's gonna really just push to as many eyes as we possibly can get in front of that our prospective buyers how tell us about that marketing approach if you if you can uh there's literally firms that work with i franchise our franchise group that will take your company and create videos scripts everything you need to sell locations okay so you're just basically writing that check this is where we're getting to a point in our business where it's pay to play very strong pay to play so you need to again sit up or sit down and if you're not willing to write the checks or write the checks and play ball with the big leagues go home yeah no we're at that point where you can certainly do that which is awesome sort of there's still those those risks um you know anybody that spends 110 000 there's risk behind that can we afford to do that and i sometimes thought we could again we're still doing retail so we were really spreading ourselves then and i asked my one of my counselors like should i do both or do one he said you're young do it now okay just do it okay here we are [Music] i wanted to switch gears here a little bit and talk about the difference between a retail based business and service based business what are some challenges between the two let's talk about that a little bit it's completely different you want to talk about learning curve i don't know anything about retail i still don't i'm learning service base is cut and dry you provide a service to a customer at your best possible outcome i'm talking cus customer service is great the price is perfect you do it on time and it looks good done you paid retail you have to have kpis you have to have inventory management you have to have insurance you have to have bars codes that are uh gs1 certified you have to have partnerships shipping times cancel dates distribution distribution yeah thanks for bringing that behemoth of a thing which ice logistics it is insane it's a nice problem to have um but it is so much more detailed and service base is a little more flexible when you get into retail it's it's it's not it's not your game anymore it's their game you're playing ball with them so there's profits there there's definitely profits there uh more than in service this is because you can scale way larger and it's volume based so you know a cleaning service may only want you twice a month whereas a product they're gonna buy your product maybe twice a month you know three times or more of just just one product so yeah there's definitely difference there's definitely money it just depends on how you want to take it austin last time we talked to you you just launched your new product line how much of the product sales is part of your revenue in general and what are the profit margins on them the sales are obviously completely separate as they're two server entities so they don't really contribute to a lot of that monthly revenue you're seeing from swiss clean that's all clean okay since our last video that we did after launching our products we've done about 80k in sales and we just secured a very large partnership with that retail chain that we can't disclose until the you know the t's are crossed and that either dotted what do you expect profit margins to be on those products i can't disclose no yes it's retail unfortunately um more than cleaning so i can say roughly 16. we can do roughly 60. okay spruce is 45 man which is very high in our industry but the way we structure our company we can take home a little more all right let's talk about the process of choosing uh manufacturers supply contracts on the retail side of things how do you connect with those companies uh you know what anything else you want to share i would originally said go to china but now that we have the pandemic uh a free gym for you that our consultant told me a year ago was to keep everything in state the reason why is you're not gonna have to face any of those supply chains issues that everyone else is that are bigger than us so if you're a new product company or someone that's trying to get into products try to source everything in state right now because you're gonna have that that that leverage that let's say clorox or my other big competitor is method they all source from china and they're all screwed right now so i can walk them to a store that we're working with right now but hey i have 20 000 skus i could put on your shelves tomorrow and i'll give you a discount they're not going to vet me any more than they would two years ago they're going to say hey if it's the criteria we'll order to be able to say i have product ready for your store you're saving them because shelves are looking bare and they'll take in the heartbeat so you're you're just in the development of your retail-based business right the products 16 17 squeeze what's your marketing strategy for them currently uh well we have the subscription box so we're going to be working with some very well-known influencers and celebrities with some fun giveaways and interactive models to really kind of showcase cleaning the importance of it and then some very interactive shelf design through our retail partners that we're working with right now so you're reaching out to like celebrities via what uh well source we use a consultant group that works with retail companies uh tlk but they have a large network of celebrities they use in la wow and basically we found them they've been great to us since we started um you pay them and they just introduce your product to like i think they did a cupcake company with kim kardashian uh we can't afford kim so we're not using that herb but uh yeah so we're using some obviously some celebrity endorsements and then working with some really cool influencers that actually clean their homes and it's been a fun time so you're launching a yelp business course to help small business owners uh why branch out into that arena and how do you build such a course let's go back with to the origins of really that idea yeah so it was actually due to uplift uh the amount of outreach i got through our first video was insane so i outreached to yelp and asked hey can we do a course kind of highlighting these things for more than just the people seeing up flip and sponsor it they love the idea yelping's tricky and a lot of other platforms can be tricky especially during a pandemic um so we're just taking a full force getting them kind of cutting out the fat and going straight to how to do the best possible like route to develop your page for your services service industry only unfortunately but to optimize quickly but it's yelp specific it is yelp yelp will be there they're going to help you answer any questions you may have any frustrations and we're hoping we can do a continued course as a support line while you develop your business it's a toy you gotta figure how to use and once you learn how to use it it's a blast it's turnkey once you figure out it's like taking out like turning on a faucet and then turning it off and you don't need anymore so the course is going to be on zoom uh we understand some people may have some threats with being in person so we've made this all on zoom it's gonna be one hour long and it's gonna cover mostly yelp with a little bit of google and what we're gonna kind of help you do is optimize your page with free tools and we're gonna help you optimize it with paid tools and how to budget accordingly so you're not wasting money with those paid tools because i've spent a ton of money making the mistakes that i do not want you guys to make so we're going to have ad spend strategies basically breaking down when you should increase your ad spend and when you shouldn't and where you may want to scale back to figure out what's going on let's spend a little bit time here for our audience what was the process like to start the whole franchising process and then how long did it take so the initial process was can we afford it um because what i was told is it's expensive it's a lot of legal documenting it's system and operations and it just requires a lot of marketing dollars so once we figured that we could afford it the question was who would represent us to do it because there is no way an individual like myself can do that alone um without doing it poorly and i want to do it right because when we do it i want to streamline and just hit the ground running okay um what were your first steps to take them we reached out to i franchise and uh they evaluated our company so they got to see if you're even willing or are you franchisable they said you guys will sell a ton of locations we love your program okay he's like just prepare for a huge hurdle and he's like what are your goal i told him i want to be the number one selling host keeping franchise in the nation ever he laughed he's like i think you guys can do it so if you have the money to franchise and they think your franchise a bowl it's turnkey for them how much so for us to start with 110 000. well okay i got a really good deal on my ftd developments or your legal documents through a consultant i found on upwork and how that worked was he was doing that consulting for our spruce product company and he knows how to do franchise development through his law firm so he got me an insane price literally half off i think i paid 20k for the ftd okay which is originally 45. so we got a way lower but typically for a full franchise is 150k and that does not include marketing spending times how long did it take for you to be almost in all 50 states a year a year okay a whole year of development um and again it's just not operations so they're basically breaking down your entire company to where anybody could read it and do what i spent four years building so it takes time and i get i believe in slow is good not people don't rush anything yeah it was good so it was always good how many product skus do you have currently uh total 16 right now and what's the most popular uh it's definitely gonna be all-purpose cleaner uh just the most versatile product we have on all surfaces and then our disk scrub brush which is so cute oh this one came out of nowhere yeah this one right here actually it's pink box can we take a look yeah of course of course here you open it check it out how much would this uh retail for retail probably at 450. okay so all uh recycled plastics and why do you think this is a hot item just let me ask you do you like touching wet food no in the same place no i don't of course well i don't either you just want to scrub it up before you put it exactly just safety measures precautions of course and then you just throw in your dishwasher you're done gotcha dishes of course not the brush who comes up with this though is it your team a random thing on a night i designed that 11 o'clock at night one take my designer put together the cad design and it was in production a week that was just one of those crazy hit me like that it was out the door so true entrepreneur right here you guys everything he says is value so this is awesome [Music] let's talk about hiring employees especially through the pandemic people don't want to work necessarily right uh it's tough to get them back in retention et cetera how do you find these people which platforms you use and the process of vetting them knowing that they're going to be a good employee this is a tricky question and i think i was probably going to watch this is having the same problem we have right you're going to spend money again you're going to spend more money you're going to have people say they're interested and just not show up we had two people actually not show up today for interviews um so it's a numbers game you're going to have to just do sheer volume so you're going to reach out to 100 people instead of usually getting you know 20 or 25 interests it can probably be eight so just expect that low return but just don't give up on it um i would advise to pick one or two platforms and stick to those when it comes to job hiring don't go through like several others do not do indeed okay don't do indeed guys it's a waste your money how come they're the most expensive and the return we've done a study i think we spent two grand and we got like eight applicants okay eight to ten between it wasn't it was barely over double digits and using zip recruiter and i'm not endorsing zip recruiter this is not an ad just experience just experience you'll get the best return for your money so the money spent returns way more qualified candidates and that's what we're using right now we don't shut down our ads they're always running right now so if you're willing to work we will hire you we need the work it's like a constant waterfall right you never shut that up oh yeah we call it controlling that so that's what that's always trolling to see anyway yeah so it's always running so if you're willing to work we'll hire you any given day so clearly you're being blessed i can say via consultants that you connect with and find the right ones and you spend and invest in them how much have you spent on consultants that have connected you with everybody else my tax account says 38 000. okay in total it's not a scary number no well it can be a scary number for someone that's just starting i get that but i've been here a little longer it's about who you're taking advice from there's people that have been doing it and how i see is i rather invest in building a team of qualified professionals that can help me all sectors um and like legality is huge i wish i would invest in legality earlier but i didn't have the right legal team oh yeah it's huge for trademarking your name so you don't get it sold out underneath your we almost lost spruce when we were franchising someone tried taking it underneath our feet because i didn't trade marks bruce wow so do those concrete things first and yeah it's hire the right people you don't know everything you're never gonna know everything so against all that pride pill reach out to have some help and i think it's important to really see who you're around and i know that's like the typical thing to hear surround yourself with people you want to be like it is 100 true i look up to my advisors and they they respect my decisions and they'll give me sound advice when i need it and that's the advice they've given me has gotten me here so when i when i hit a roadblock they they revise hey you need to do this yeah you guys this is huge i mean this guy started with 300 bucks right and now we're talking an evaluation of close to 14 million of course you know what you're doing but it's the consultants that are helping you get here yeah it's ironic money is less important when you start seeing it develop so i i want people to say money isn't everything so just look at the growth of your company when you're building it that will be a sure sign indicator that you're making more the larger it gets how do you deal with customer disputes as a business owner and does that happen often when they dispute prices you know experiences etc yes it actually has happened way off more often during the pandemic than ever before ways we kind of go about disputes is the customer technically is always right and you want to at least listen to them technically technically there are going to be times where a customer is obviously in the wrong but you cannot lose your temper or lose your head when it comes to that issue find a resolution whether it be a discount or a re-clean or some type of additional package at no cost and see if they can't resolve it there or if they're just not being like understanding just drop it it's better not to feed into the anger or the negativity and you know look at make yourself look bad to other prospective clients or customers when you say drop it is that a full refund thank you so much kind of leave it at the best just don't respond uh give initial response obviously but if it just keeps on going down the rabbit hole just just let it be now those people that complained have ever have and once you've figured it out resolved it have they ever left a possible review yeah you had that yeah uh it sounds like a 70 you know chance they're gonna you know reverse that but they want to show that you care okay they want to make sure that because the business owner isn't just all about money and he wants to see or she uh see the customer with a positive you know experience [Music] all right blitz time 10 seconds uh no more to answer these questions when you have the business idea for spruce what actually clicked for you to make that step and make it happen the opportunity the opportunity yeah pure opportunity market size okay what can't you start your morning without coffee my dog what's your morning routine look like roll out of bed roll downstairs throw on shorts socks slides hit the office looking like mark zuckerberg thanks okay what's been the most uh beneficial business book for you uh hugs mother excuse my language is that the title yeah it teaches about hospitality it's really good there you go okay um what are some mistakes i didn't expect that what are some mistakes that you made uh and what was the process like to correct it i know it's a loaded question but i should have delegated sooner uh my secretary actually forced me to promote her the secretary or else she was quit and that's her that's for her she did that not me so okay listen to people delegate quick what's the best part about being you or an entrepreneur i love my life i love the freedom that i get being an entrepreneur and i also love being able to job create job opportunities for people and kind of just see how big can you take it that's my favorite thing what's your weakness i don't have a free life i need to have more fun okay and what's your strength i work hard harder than most people i know i laser vision little voucher for that what about retention how do you want people on hires yeah how do you reduce your turnover so you should need to work for your employee and that is an orange job i'm her employee she's my boss my secretary is my boss if she's not happy my company does not run we do not profit so how i look at working for all 40 of the people here at screws it is my job to make you happy not the other way around so i wait my i tell every new interview or a new hire hey if you ever have a problem or you're not happy here i need you to let me know because i need to fix it for you so i think customers like that i don't want to say business owners are lazy but they need to put more effort towards making sure everyone wants to listen to their voice like their concerns you know they're going to voice them to you but how are you going to actually fix them or you're just asking to be nice i know i'm making a daily effort to make sure everyone's happy and then pay add frequent pay incentives all right tell me about yours well we already started high in the country so we'd start at 22 an hour still and that's the highest in the country in our industry by seven dollars well um if you prove yourself within the first month europe jumped up to 23. if you start training up to 24 and i think there's only one cleaner there's a 25 right now but for cleaning houses that's still yeah it's not your car it's marginally higher and it shows okay i i voices saw our cleaners just hey i get the job i've done it for years i want to make sure you're getting compensated fairly for some of the work you've got to clean toilet sometimes toilets are not pretty i get it so i think owners need to understand what the job is being asked and does it fairly reflect the value they're getting paid for if you figure that out make sure they're being happy or they're happy they're not leaving let's talk about the difference between why not just go out open your locations run them separately versus the franchise model cost and liability i mean why would you take the effort to go to a different state that you don't know when you could just give someone else the licensing and agreements that they know that hometown and run it for you that's a win-win for anybody so it's a no-brainer to just do franchising it takes a lot off your plate and it allows you to build that brand awareness a cost across the country at a fraction of the price you don't put any that's all franchisee cost you're not paying that they're buying in the user name you're making more money what's the cost 35 000 if you buy into spruce okay again on the median size there are a lot of cleaning companies are higher and there are some that are lower but our support is where we're going to reign supreme i'm bringing all of our cleaners from the field into our offices to be a support hub for all of our franchisee buyers you're going to have the best support than any other company let's talk about just briefly about the evaluation on the company last time we interviewed which was about a year ago we were roughly around 10 million break it down to us i know you've got multiple revenue streams now what are those companies worth right so in total 14 and the reason why is they all have their own separate valuation but spruce inc is the parent company that umbrellas all of them so franchising that accounts for a large portion of our value because when prospective investors see that they see the expansion rate tenfold because we're already registered and licensed in all 50 states or almost all states so when they see that they see expansion efforts streamlined then you have a retail line okay well you already already signed and improved with the big name brand so we have the reputation and the symbolism and branding on our bottles so it just all three of our companies strategically tied together for that purpose is to when we decide to sell or if we ever sell we have that brand power which vertically grows our evaluation we're not just one entity or three with all separate footprints in the home cleaning market whether it be house cleaning service yeah house feed products or house cleaning franchises we're in all three and we perform very well in all three all with a three hundred dollar investment with a box about three four years ago now yep i couldn't pay my parking bill on the street of seattle that's insane [Music] all right you guys we mentioned a hack earlier in the video that austin is going to share with you so austin what would that hack be if you have a google or yelp page you have to upload photos to show your work if you aren't showcasing your work right now you're obviously doing something wrong and start doing that now i recommend four to five photos a week and when you're using your captions yelp let me know that google and yelp use captions as a local seo generator so when you're putting words or writing captions in your photos you make sure you're using keyword terms that relate to your industry we put deep clean or deep house cleaning in all of our photos because that ranks us higher on google and yelp as in like a basically a passive seo generator so yelp allows you to add a page deal and how their formula works in their algorithm is they see that user purchase that deal and then when they leave you a review it sticks because the system recognizes they actually went to your page it recognizes they left the review they put the two together that they use their service they don't have to do any guess and check and that has been confirmed by yelp corporate so it does work i know there's more but you guys just take those two execute on them and your business will grow you agree basically [Music] by how much did you improve or increase your profit spend or not profit spend marketing spent on yelp and a few other platforms we doubled it until you doubled it we doubled it and i actually have a yeah and we actually have a dedicated person here um that sits to interviews or sits through hires posts job postings reviews interviews uh puts them through the onboarding process and then we have cleaners dedicated to training so we've the pandemic has restructured how we onboard people and it's like an assembly line you start there you get through you're done in a week you're cleaning by yourself in a week and we've i think added 20 cleaners in the last two months yeah so i mean just go full force and put together you know whether it be just you and your two-man team working longer days and i say that because you're gonna have to um but anyone that's watching this video already knows what's required to succeed and then they're willing to put the work in as it is but just put more plans together and don't take no for an answer [Music] i mean is it just you or three four things you could say that really contributed to you getting to this point um so i do want to shout out jackie behind me she is my secretary technically but my hey without her this would not be here um she's been with with you for quite some time it's almost since the beginning she actually was a cleaner when we first started okay um so she basically runs spruce cleaning as of now uh brian who is my confidant he's my right hand man for everything when it comes to figuring out logistic issues um and then obviously the team here at spruce we all put a lot on the table and i think it's because they trust what we're doing and we're selling on the fact that we're not cleaning forever you know work hard right now we're going to hire to work within offices or be a part of the franchise sales team there's there's room for growth for everybody and i i'm not trying to sell them on a pipe dream i want people to do better and we want the medium income to be higher here that sounds and people love that and that's why we're succeeding it's a team-based effort and i just want to reiterate team don't be a boss embossing people around have a little bit humility and let's be told what to do from your own staff because you're not perfect and once you get that controlled we've grown so fast and i think that's important that's awesome awesome yeah i mean i've heard business owners contribute more success to themselves and it's awesome that it's all about the team and it's not about me i'm going to play that right now it's not even partially about me i just make small bigger decisions day to day they do all the hard heavy lifting and i i recognize that daily all the entrepreneurs watching this three pieces of advice in general again make sure your customers are happy make sure your staff is even happier because they're the ones doing the work for you making you the money second always strive to better your platform regardless if it is your systems and operations your website how you talk to your customers write scripts out make sure they're perfect third slow i reiterated this so many times stop rushing for something you're gonna make money if you do it right uh money isn't always everything but if you're gonna you know do it do it right take the time to learn it and make sure the experience that you're giving is perfect from start to finish yeah awesome this has been great i really enjoyed it even more than the first time thank you again it's our pleasure i hope you guys really enjoyed this what an incredible businessman gave you a ton of advice and just for full transparency we love you a ton sometimes we get paid for our videos sometimes we don't this one happens to be where we got paid just a little bit i hope you enjoyed this video lots of awesome business advice if you haven't already like the video subscribe to our channel and hit that bell button so that you don't miss any of our videos thank you so much for watching you guys take care
Channel: UpFlip
Views: 409,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaning business, how to start a cleaning business, cleaning business start up, starting a cleaning business, cleaning company, cleaning service business, house cleaning business, how to start cleaning business, start a cleaning business, commercial cleaning business, carpet cleaning business, starting cleaning business, cleaning service, how to start a cleaning company, how to start your own cleaning business, start cleaning business, upflip
Id: E53eEcGXhSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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