How To Start A 7-Figure Coffee Business

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do you want to start your own coffee cart or coffee shop and build it into a business with more than 40 employees well david shomer became a legend when he opened a coffee cart espresso vivace here in seattle on broadway in 1988 in this episode we'll find out how david scaled his business to amazing heights without having any prior experience in the coffee industry he authored multiple articles published a book and is also world renowned for turning espresso into a culinary art yes to succeed in this business you've got a roast what's the most profitable and what's the challenge of running multiple locations for you we're going to give you a full tutorial on what it's like to roast coffee from a to z this is a sampling roaster all the decisions are made right here which made espresso vivace a legend in seattle today david's going to share how a complete newbie like you can start an espresso business what mistakes he made that you should avoid and how you can scale your business to incredible heights like he did what was your budget to get that started that's the important message for you folks how are you using social media and what are you spending on that wow i want that how many pounds can this thing roast per minute per hour how's that measured so their temperature control all the way to the coffee is perfect and that's the holy grail all right you guys without further ado like this video subscribe to our channel and hit that bell so that you don't miss any of our videos and we're actually standing here we're going to dive in and go meet david schumer this is their roastery for espresso vivace here in seattle we're gonna give you an inside look on what all that looks like hi guys hello david hey come on in good to meet you yeah the sun's out what's with that it's seattle awesome let's dive into it sure you guys we're here with the co-founder and creator of espresso vivace david chomin thank you for joining us hey sure thanks for coming so tell us where we're at and give us a quick tour well we're at a 5 000 square foot roasting room right here in seattle i want to give you a tour of it show you green bean storage where we roast and bag the coffee in there it's quite loud in there we're actually underway it's a working day let's take a look here's green bean storage and i've got an army of people to keep this organized as you can imagine it get out of hand it's just nuts so we've got beans from all over the world here vivace mostly focuses on ethiopia india and then we have some amazing things coming out of mexican micro lots okay so let's go to roasting so this is all fresh beans yeah these are all bindings and that's cups lids okay we have three high volume stores and we've got to keep them fed so you don't only roast here you store the inventory for all the three stores that's right everything's here everything goes on right okay eventually it might all be roasting if this keeps going like this yeah that'll be awesome okay david let's start with your story your background how you ended up starting espresso vivace well it goes all the way back to being four years old i kid you not i walked with my mother to the anp on wallingford and 45th and there was a big red machine and she turned on the machine and the coffee's grinding and i'm smelling this smell and imagining what it could taste like i'm like this has to be the best thing in the world you know it's all wrapped up with my images of what adulthood could be the mystery so i started a coffee business in 88 with the idea to capture that fragrance in a cup using the espresso method wonderful so you had no background experience in coffee other than enjoying this no no i was a metrologist a precision measurement specialist with boeing i'm a classical flute player i mean i want to do something that was precision but that was also beautiful to me so i found both of those in the espresso method and had a couple trips to italy to refine my understanding of it and i realized there was nothing in the world about how to make this so i had a little bit of writing skill um and i produced a book and video courses in 95 to teach the world how to make this as a culinary art and we'll share more about that with our audience later [Music] we're gonna go show you the actual location or one of the locations for espresso vivace david's there waiting for us we're gonna give you the inside look about how coffee's made and continue asking some of these great questions so come with us guys don't mind my dirty jeep all right busy seattle espresso vivace just across the street right there let's go take you guys inside so we're in front of one of your shops here right brick's location it looks beautiful oh thanks let's go back to the early 90s in your first shop first coffee cart right what was your budget to get that started and what was the most significant cost of part of that building the car richard sorensen built this a handmade cart it was about uh ten thousand dollars and then another five for the machine actually okay at that time so you're in a in a at 15 000 yeah that's no longer the case what would it cost these days oh the machine that we're using is 23 thousand dollars you know the uh it's it's called the machinima nuova seaman le t3 technology yeah and it's worth it i mean they've done everything um that i ever researched or asked for and they've even gone beyond it so their temperature control all the way to the coffee is perfect and that's the the holy grail but is that part of the card or the cards would be extra extra yeah well so yeah if you wanted to start today it'd be 40. okay there you go guys 40 grand it started card thanks to inflation right yeah yeah [Music] what did you do to advertise to build customer base uh that's very important for our viewers okay uh and is there anything that just didn't work or just didn't result in anything after you spent money on advertising or yeah etc advertising print advertising did nothing and one thing about the uh be an authority to go back to that is you can get some local interviews some local coverage but what matters is getting the coffee into their hands and and their taste so go out on the street okay go out on the street with little macchiato or cortados and just give them out that's what works you get out on the street dress nice we just have these really classy vests and little bow ties downtown and we'd go out and we'd just say try this coffee and then not only do they taste it and if they're a discerning person they're like wow i want that but then they're slightly obligated they have this little tickle of no i should they were awful nice they give me a coffee you guys before we continue on david has an incredible hack for you later on in the video so make sure you keep watching and the sponsor of this video has an amazing offer for our viewers so stay tuned we'll have more details for you later what's the biggest expense in operating the store yeah wages is the biggest biggest expense but i'd have to say that purchasing the equipment and paying the lease on the facility is pretty expensive and maintaining the equipment mechanical equipment by nature it throws lots of curves at you it breaks all the time so let's talk about green beans though what does that cost we stood in your warehouse um you know with with many bags behind us what would those bags cost the ethiopian herrara that i was getting is about 475 a pound and that's important that farmers need to make money right i want to pay more for green because my customers are happy to pay and the farmers work harder than americans are ever even thought of working and they need good prices so i pay a premium and i'm happy to do so about 475 for ethiopian hurrah [Music] we're going to give you a full tutorial on what it's like to roast coffee from a to z so david walk us through the beach the mini processor and so on start out right here this coffee which looks kind of yellow is indian monsoon malabar and it has been soaked on uh a deck on in water in the monsoon rains in india and re-dried and it has the highest caramelized sugar content of any coffee in the world wow when you roast this it's a my yard reaction it produces caramelized sugar heat um flavonoids and uh carbon dioxide okay let's let's go through what what this bean will actually happen to it when we roast it so right here what what's this called this is a sampling roaster all the decisions are made right here um it's a brz ii made by provac indestructible german engineering so i've been roasting on this since 1990 with almost no maintenance and so i'll roast 100 gram batches and i go ahead and cup them and find out which coffees i want to use but it all happens right here on this machine okay so we go from this machine you've perfected your roast right come on over here so we got so these beans are weighed out and they've got a basically a vacuum for beans it's a vacuum loader to put them up in the roaster they go right here so they come up from there right here then they're in the roaster and they come out like this how many pounds or if that's the right question how many pounds can this thing roast per minute per hour how is that measured this is um about 60 pounds every 15 minutes wow 60 pounds every 50. so it's four times six 240 pounds an hour how much would you do in a day on this machine 1200 maybe wow i'm dying to know your profit margins and your revenue of course so in total your business what's the revenue this year that you expect and profit margins can you break it down to us between retail sales of the roasted beans versus your coffee i can tell you that my coffee bars are my biggest customer for roasted coffee and they're bringing in 70 percent of our annual totals wow okay about 30 comes from our roasting progress or our roasting program and that that's the only thing i can grow when i send that pouch to somebody that's discerning they tell their friend like i said they love to spread the word on a great coffee they discover so i can grow that for years and and i would like that to be the future of vivace because retail is so intense you can lose locations you're training all the time things break all the time i would like to have um more roasting and less retail shops in the future switch that to 70 30 or 70 roasted yeah that would be great yeah let's talk briefly about how important great signs are for coffee shops i mean you have a wonderful looking sign thanks i love it yeah you've got to show professionalism i mean it's all good to be diy and an artist with a business but you've got to show professionalism you've got to have a nice looking sign that's always clean never let your signage be dirty where do you get them do you get them online do you source them locally what do they cost on average do you recall yeah i think it's about maybe a thousand bucks for that sign or something maybe 500 but we had a branding team that worked with us and developed this new logo but it's important and it's important that it's absolutely pristine clean gotcha okay never dirty signage no the sign looks great and i also wanted to mention to you guys our sponsor is two day banners they will take care of all your signage and banner needs they have great customer service they they have great ratings and for our viewers check this out they're going to give you a 10 discount so all the details are in the description below make sure you take a minute to check it out [Music] this is where it cools as well yeah this is the cooling bit then it goes into a d stoner a d stoner what does that mean there's stones in the coffee yeah there's always stones in coffee so it goes up here and the stones come out down here can we look at the stones yeah [Music] is it an actual stone david or you just refer to it as a stone oh they're actual stones [Music] oh wow so that these are rocks and stuff we've found in the coffee over the years wow that's incredible okay i don't know what those are you actually have rocks right in there yeah then it goes into the way and fill machine and it's bagged up and you've got these nice custom bags right here man take one yeah so this is where it ends up these bags are fully compostable nice that's that's very environmentally friendly and you just chuck it anywhere you want okay and then they just drop down there automatically yeah how many how many bags do you go through a day oh let's see estimate oh 500 maybe something like that wow that's a good number yeah about 500 because they're for retail bars and shipping okay when did you start roasting year month just out of curiosity what kind of space do you need to get started for those who are just getting started equipment and any advantages between doing it yourself or just buying it at the local roaster down the street yes to succeed in this business you've got to roast the prices you're going to pay wholesale coffee are really going to make it very difficult for you to succeed in the coffee shop business so in 1991 i realized that plus i wanted to be able to control the flavors more so for me it's always been the art can i make the fresh roasted coffee tastes like it smells in the cup what does that fresh roasted coffee have in it so i was chasing the art and years later i looked back and i realized well our bottom line from paying you know 12 bucks a pound for coffee down was was was reduced way down but so that cost advantage comes with difficulties to roast um i started out with the roasteria vivace it had a roaster in it the dust and noise and was just intolerable in the in the retail environment so you do need some space you need high pressure natural gas it's technical but um trust me if you want to get established as a coffee business um and you're paying someone else for their coffee it's it's going to be not a success you have to be a roaster but you started within your local shop so people who are just getting into the business don't need to go out and rent a 5 000 square foot shop oh no you could get a little um get a dietrich like i think they have a five kilogram now a shop roaster get a small roaster that you can run in the store and that gives you authenticity and excitement but as soon as you're roasting any significant quantities you're going to realize it doesn't match the store yeah it's it's too dirty and noisy and and takes up too much space is it seasonal do you have slow months busy months tell us more about that i made a joke earlier that it's a culinary art with drugs in it and you're going to find out they're going to come the regulars will be here every day one of the best things about an established coffee business is it's so regular you don't have this huge fluctuations so you can staff and you can enjoy a nice regular life but of course bad storms it's going to be when it first hits business drops off but interestingly enough when it first gets sunny business drops off so any weather change to business drops off but it's pretty steady year-round but if you take the averages pretty yeah it's pretty great because they gotta have their coffee okay you guys if you want more actionable tips tricks advice from business owners like david check out our podcast forward slash podcast do it [Music] what would be i would say the biggest mistake that you've made what was what did you learn from that experience what was it share that with us please well my hubris and ego were infinite in 1989 and i really feel i could succeed anywhere so i went downtown in the financial district and i set a guy out he counted 14 000 people a day walking by this corner the bank said you can put a cart there what i discovered they were not discerning people they just simply didn't care coffee was caffeine for them and i learned some hard lessons i got out of there i could not build loyalty one day they'd be saying this is the best thing i ever had they'd cruise by with the starbucks the next day or stuart brothers which is a thing then yeah and so i couldn't build loyalty the loyalty was built when i was in urban neighborhoods where you have people of all walks of life that are you can find real discerning people so go to urban areas oh absolutely the location of coffee shop must be urban urban areas that are dense with condominiums and apartments things like that sure there's going to be competition all over but you want that they go in there and they go you know okay and then they try yours and they go omg what's going on here and so don't worry about competition you want to go in right next to starbucks in the densest neighborhood you can find okay even though the lease will be high so there are numbers the numbers will rule that but okay yeah well there you go guys yeah please please show us some support by liking this video we greatly appreciate that thank you [Music] show our audience the must-have equipment for this coffee shop and really any other coffee shop and walk us through the brand how much it costs yeah because you go with low end for good coffee and yeah things like that the espresso machine is critical as is the grinder so the nuevo seminelli t3 technology is what i like because i've taken the group head and put a heating element in that can you show us up closer to us yeah sure and if you put your fingers here it's heated to the coffee temperature all the way to the coffee so it's very stable temperature which is the holy grail on making gourmet espresso how much is this this is i think i think i'd have to check but between 18 and 20 22 000 for a three group okay nuoba semenelli t3 and they also have them in different look called the black eagle which i'm jealous i want one they're so beautiful what else is the most uh important in terms of equipment you got fridges beverage air is a brand okay what do they range just per unit you think i think they're like no i think they're only six or seven hundred but okay again i haven't bought a refrigerator in my entire life it's it's always i just trust geneva and the managers and they do a great job you've got the grinders too yes about that yeah well the grinder is the nice zero it's a home grinder what do they cost uh these are only 650 yeah but they're unavailable if they make one capable of gourmet espresso in other words employing all my improvements and this is a big subject okay they sell out instantly they can't keep up with demand worldwide they cannot keep up so business idea for you guys yeah figure that out yeah if you want to build a gourmet grinder that's the ultimate business idea what do you mean by gourmet branded i really want to know oh there's so many attributes the powder has to get to the portafilter without the fine particles migrating from static the grinder cannot heat up it cannot have ground coffee trapped in it these are the principal things it's got to have a conical burr turning at 300 rpm are you asleep yet i am that's like for you guys yeah it's very technical at my website espresso my blog covers this okay as my new book does too [Music] how are you using social media what platforms and you know what are you spending on that we're using instagram and facebook and i have a social media coordinator but what they love is they love the nitty-gritty like if i'm tearing down a grinder in order to modify it and they show me with tools and crap all over they love that that's what they like and also i have a a channel of my own within instagram it's called pink sleeves productions and that's the best latte art i pour every morning for my wife who has a nightgown with pink sleeves so that's how you got it yeah just it's a fun thing so they like to see what i'm doing on equipment they'd like to see what personnel are doing baristi they have a favorite baristy they want to know the single origin for the sunday we have a different bean every sunday that we offer and teal my one of my trusted managers and also our social media coordinator he gets big hits when he he runs details on the new coffee are you spending anything on advertising no we're not so we don't spend a penny you don't spend ever it's all word of mouth because that is the best quality growth i mean even if advertising worked which is not my experience and you get a bubble like a groupon thing and you get a bubble of people a huge bubble and they displace your regulars like oh hell i'm not going to wait in a 20-minute line then they go away to the next thing right but if you have word of mouth growth you own them forever because their friend told them they taste either the whole being they receive at home or beverages we make them they're like oh my god that's the best thing i've ever had that slow steady growth wins the raise let's talk about the advantages of starting a coffee cart sure versus starting a full-blown coffee shop well the cash i had about 10 000 so i was able to build a cart and get a machine and get it on the street for about 10 or 11 000 startup costs and april 18th 2 o'clock p.m 1988. much less than a coffee shop yeah oh a lot less no the cart was a good way to get people introduced to my coffee we were a carton until 1992 that's wow three years that's wonderful wait that's four years i knew that hope you guys take note and get started that way much less costly yeah yeah we were lean and mean i mean we just didn't have a lot of resources we didn't want to take out any loans so um okay and we wanted to just establish a word of mouth reputation making coffee on the street like i said it's funny they asked me if i had hot dogs for the first time four months where's the bus what time does it come and i just kept patiently making that coffee do you have particular farms for where you get green beans and what does the sourcing process look like i have regional brokers they'll specialize in a certain area i've got an ethiopian specialist i now have a mexican micro lot specialist as well as of course indian malabar specialist that's joe suma and they bring me the best indian malabar and they have for years and years and years so i recommend that and the next step is use sample roast i sample roast every week crops from around the world that's how i discovered that mexico was getting so good so um i put them on that sample roaster i showed you a little time and i do 200 grams and i i cup them and i decide which beans to use okay uh you mentioned a couple names of brokers do you mind sharing them with us can people use them all around the nation or are they atlas brokers was started by craig holt he's moved on but they're fantastic okay joe nice for indian um i've got um well of course it's it's best lisler i think is the big european broker which brings me coffees from all over the world ethiopia all over the place they're a huge european green bean broker so that's three i can think of the name right off thank you we appreciate that yeah that's good value and uh you guys we've done other videos on coffee shops coffee industries make sure you check it out they're a lot of fun as well let's talk about how many employees you have how much you pay them any tips and advice on how you train your baristas and all those important aspects well of course wages have been set by the state of washington uh 1679 right now for the um untipped uh wage per hour which gives them a chance to uh you know pay rent but what happens is that people love the vache and so they tip pretty well okay but 16.79 an hour has tied our hands we can no longer reward people with higher and higher salaries as they advance in the company so as we live and speak right now that's a challenge i have of trying to figure out how to reward excellence when they've driven the base wage so high do you have health benefits how do you train them any particular process training is a way of life here they start out with a interview with all of us and the second interview is an hour with me on the espresso machine okay okay hands-on yeah hands-on and then after that they're training with tracy and me continuously for the first month or two and then they're monthly and they're quarterly for the rest of their careers so i have managers that have been with me 22 years and they still train with me training is a way of life here now how do you retain them right and and reduce the turnover um well turnover is a function of larger economic forces so we've always had very low turnover our average you know our managers have been here 20 years uh our long-running barista has been here 22 years but we find that um the job itself if you're an artist and you have something on the side and then you're making coffee for your living that person's going to stay a long time so there's no quick and easy answer but the job is fascinating we treat them well we're very organized business entity payroll schedules everything is quite regular for them because of my partners i i can't emphasize enough that if you have an artistic temperament you need partners around you to handle all the mundane billions of details running a business in the past couple years we've seen supply chain disruptions you know with the pandemic yeah the how does that affect the coffee industry and are you concerned about rising costs how are you going to deal with it any tips advice there well that's a multi-layered question first of all is the supplies issue my uh shipper darren who's been with me 17 years and wow he is like a year ahead as soon as we saw things were getting flaky with cobit we're a year ahead on essential supplies especially green coffee the second part of that question being um how do i account for the cost it's not my nature to be able to delve into massive amounts of numbers my original co-founder and business partner geneva sullivan runs the entire numerical taxation payroll inventory part of this business and that's the important message for you folks is that again know your strengths and use them i cannot force myself to grind through accounting and taxes uh you need that person so um yeah she we know the cost of goods sold to a tenth of a penny and we review this almost weekly okay and but we set prices at the bar annually and same thing with whole bean we we do set annually so there'll be a while where it's lean for us and then we have to adjust and but in general the customers have gone right along with us we have never seen a decrease from a justified price increase we've never seen a decrease in customer volume or appreciation from a justified price increase [Music] how important are coffee shop locations tell us about how you chose this one and the others coffee shop location is very important there's an old saying location location location oh my god yes you must be if you're going to do quality you must be in a dense urban neighborhood where they can try you and tell their friends if you have a big marketing budget hey seatac airport public market tourist area but if you're focused on quality as your method of doing business you have to have an urban neighborhood everybody what if i live in a small town and it doesn't really have an urban area uh don't do it i would never open a coffee shop in a small town drive-throughs they tend to be good no it's horrible business just a dog business okay yeah no it's good yeah coming from that perspective carts are also a dog business you need to know it they're horrible uh you need an indoor store okay what makes espresso vivace stand out what do you guys do differently whether it's roasting whether it's service what what can you highlight well it's two things it's the northern italian roast when i was in italy i discovered that milano and right around that region had the very sweetest coffee and the famous ely cafe of triasse when i met them they said hey our northern italian roast they call normale this is like normal and what i learned from further experimentation and roasting work was that you can capture the caramelized sugar now roasting is a my yard reaction it means that it produces caramelized sugar heat it's exothermic if i don't turn off my um you know dump my beans and and force cool and they light on fire even if i turn off my gas it's very exothermic it produces flavonoids hundreds of them which are all very delicate the first answer is that the roast is unique i've tuned it to where i capture all the caramelized sugar and origin flavors an ethiopian should have a chocolate umami up front and a blueberry finish i capture those um simultaneously and drop the roast right there but all that wonderfulness takes an enormous technique and equipment to bring it to the customer as the espresso method so it's the focused and fidelity on the beauty of the coffee which made espresso vivace a legend in seattle and as far as my book has traveled which is from new zealand and australia through taiwan and japan um that i've helped people all over this world that's wonderful yeah not just seattle that you guys know from you're known yeah yeah because it's amazing i'm acknowledged for having having done that and you know the parade has passed me by there's all kinds of new and current things but those that actually know and struggle with espresso they know my work [Music] well it's time with david david we got 10 seconds no more to answer these questions the first one is from mahad what are your plans for the next five to ten years mahad i want to sell whole bean coffee all over the united states okay this one's from gump happens what made you think about starting your own business how long have you been thinking about it and what finally made you take that jump i wasn't making any money playing the flute and i discovered an art with drugs in it okay okay what could be better this is from this is from actress thank you if you had to start a new business in a different field david what would it be and why i would be a consultant for environmental economics okay this one's from ah this is good thank you for submitting it simple question um why are you better than your competition focus and effort and diligence okay a couple more this is from adrian walker thanks for submitting your question best part of being a business owner the best part of being a business owner if there's a stupid policy i made it but there isn't okay uh this is from corrupt will you marry me corrupt i don't know that's david's already married thank you sorry and uh last but not least um melanie marine i like when you all ask about books they recommend so i found some books what's your favorite non-business book i'm reading a lot of barry eisler right now he does uh assassination books with his characters john rain who kills without any evidence there you go you guys [Music] how many locations do you have in total right now uh three retail spots three two okay and what's the most profitable and what's the challenge of running multiple locations for you well this bricks location is the most profitable place okay it costs about uh 750 000 to build one of these uh with the marble bar and everything you'll see yeah they're expensive okay so the key is to something as chaotic as a high volume coffee bar to have a manager dedicated but right now my street bar does not have a dedicated manager that's down the street it's a sidewalk bar but my two uh i call them grand bars because when i was in italy uh something over a thousand square feet with a curb marble it's a grand bar and so i have two grand bars uh here and then across from rei on yale street and they are dedicated managers focused on them what are some challenges with three locations what would you highlight as far as a challenge you know in terms of running it being a business owner et cetera oh without a doubt the personnel is always the number one challenge in in running a business okay so what we do because and i mentioned that being an authority doesn't help you on retail sales but it does help you attract people so i have applicants coming to me that target espresso vivaci because of what i've developed so that actually is a big benefit for knowing your business real well you attract a person that that wants to do something beautiful because it is a culinary art so personnel is the hardest my reputation helps let's talk about what's next for espresso vivace what do you want to do in the next three to four years and focus on what i'm focusing on is selling whole bean coffee retail throughout the united states because what happens is again it's word of mouth so they get this coffee and if they're discerning and good at making coffee they go well my god i gotta tell my friends and so it's very slow steady growth and i can roast probably three times the amount that i'm doing now and without one compromise on quality at all why roast rather than open up more locations in seattle washington you name it yeah more locations it means more training and so i'm training as hard as i can i do have a training department but we have 40 baristi and our standards are are very high so i am limited to the number of priests that i can be sure will make the coffee to our standards so i'm limited by personnel and i'm happy with that i can walk everywhere and i'm a little bit like i say i'm not a real good business person i'm an artist that is in business with good partners so um i do not get in a car i don't drive anywhere and uh i can walk to all my stores so again my strength is my weakness it's you're going to come back to that with me a lot that my compulsion to do something beautiful limits me on how much money i'm going to make but it focuses on an intensely good experience for the customer so that's we're a little bit different in our business philosophy we don't want to be big we want to be the absolute best what would be your three to four pieces of advice when it comes to chain supply uh in this industry well i do have a good uh warehouse manager that stays ahead on cups lids all those things but those are domestic the real problem is green bean coffee from ethiopia india other places like that traveling on the ocean so i recommend multiple brokers i have four brokers i've been working with for years these are people that secure coffee they give me a sample i roast it i say yes they ship well now the delays are incredible so tom kilty saved our ass on these uh sadamo from ethiopia because my container is stuck outside of l.a and he's come in with 30 bags he had in oakland so i've diversified on the number of brokers that can save us on green bean that's the only way we're getting through got it okay more than one broker it's definitely a good idea a very good idea okay you started with no knowledge and no experience in the coffee industry there are a lot of people out there thinking the same do they need experience what kind of experience what can you tell our viewers about that yes definitely because you got to avoid some of the mistakes i made i survived and i can say i surround myself with really good partners but um yes you need some experience to crack this business this is uh what 2021. this is a very mature industry in the u.s right now in 88 it was still kind of a novelty that's true okay and and today what would your advice be where would i go you know to three different sources to learn to gain knowledge anything comes to mind um since i'm not doing that i i have no idea but i do recommend you find some good consultants uh the scaa is the kiss of death ignore everything they say but find someone that's successful and see if they're a consultant to uh what what does that stand for seo especially coffee association of america okay yeah note that from an expert yeah they're renowned absolutely toxic in regards to espresso okay so earlier we mentioned that we'll have a hack for you from david david this is the time to share a hack a couple hacks to our audience that'll help them in this industry really presentation of latte art if you're starting a coffee shop you master that latte art and people go oh my god this is great so mastering latte art would be the great trick to let them know right up front your gourmet can i follow up on that and say how do you get to being mastered at that do you train well or what's the secret to getting there i have training materials um i have we're going to get some books and art literature from you today this is the original tape on how to pour latte art there's lots of things in the world right now this is 1994. and right now the latte art has gotten if i may a lot better what is this now this is the book this is my pattern i poured this the one i tried to pour you this is a caved heart and um espresso perfection shows you the shot and the and the latte art so last practice yeah the hook to really let them know it's special people are visual it takes them two or three times to taste it to know well that's really better but visually they're like i'm coming back let's talk about challenges you're a business owner what would be the biggest challenge right now and how has that changed since early 90s well right now we're encoded and so the biggest challenge is that they're paying them so much unemployment nobody wants to work there you go so that's it that is a challenge so yeah finding people in this environment again it goes back to the the authority thing that i've published books and videos since 1994 and that want to perfect the art they apply so i haven't seen it but a lot of my friends run in restaurants like oh my god half my cooks quit it's a terrible environment it's a cheese sauce yeah it goes back and forth sometimes the employees rule that's a and sometimes the employers rule it's it's it's it's a seesaw that goes back and forth so right now it's tough to get people and as always getting the right people is the biggest challenge well david this has been incredible thank you so much for the interview we i've learned a lot and thank you my pleasure as well no it was a blast man thanks for coming by thank you well that's a wrap for espresso ivaci with owner and co-founder david i hope you guys took out a ton of things that you can execute in your world in your industry we appreciate your time please like subscribe hit that bell so that you don't miss any videos and thank you so much for watching
Channel: UpFlip
Views: 205,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffee shop, coffee business, opening a coffee shop, coffee shop business, starting a coffee shop business, how to start a coffee shop business, coffee trailer, how to open a coffee shop, starting a coffee shop, coffee stand, coffee truck, opening a cafe, drive thru coffee shop, coffee cart business, coffee shop business plan, coffee shops, owning a coffee shop, coffee trailer business, mobile coffee shop, tips for opening a coffee shop, opening a coffee shop steps, upflip
Id: BzVgpmu6clQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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