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I take my job on YouTube here pretty seriously and my job is to teach you guys how to clean like a pro and you might not know this but I have a cleaning company I started it in 2006 and over the years I've researched studied practice I've learned a lot from other people and of course I've trained hundreds of people and taught them how to clean too so here on YouTube I always love sharing with you guys those little Pro tips and secrets that have helped me build a company and of course clean better because clearly I had no idea how to clean before I started this company so in this video I want to share with you my seven favorite pro cleaning tips just a quick reminder if you haven't done so already to subscribe to the clean Myspace Channel and give this video a thumbs up because I'm just asking you to the first tip is cleaning from the top to the bottom and from the left to the right and you're going to do this simultaneously when I first started cleaning I was going all over over the place I was sort of like the Tasmanian devil and I wasn't getting everything done and I was spending so much more time I was forgetting things it was kind of ludicrous so when I learned about this top to bottom left to right business and I started implementing it I really noticed a change and if you don't clean this way now you should totally give it a try and it's really easy to do when I say clean top to bottom the reason I suggest that is because dust and dirt falls from the top to the bottom so when you're wiping something obviously you're going to have Schmutz fall from the top to the bottom so you wouldn't want to clean your counter first only to clean your cupboard and then have all the crumbs from the cupboard fall onto your clean counter never do that again whoever would want to clean a surface twice and when I clean I always wipe everything onto the floor cuz I know I'm cleaning the floor last now when it comes to working your way from left to right or right to left you pick just be consistent it means that you're never going to skip a spot so that way I know every corner every section of the room is going to be cleaned because I'm working in this consistent Manner and that way when you're cleaning you always know you have a pattern you commit it to memory and you get everything done very efficiently and effectively so when I first started my cleaning company I did not follow this information and I would just continue to run back and forth to a kitchen and really it was in my best interest to get the cleaning done as quickly as possible so that I could move on to the next client or just give myself a break but either way when I finally decided to start doing this I would take all of the products to the center of the space that I was cleaning in that moment so that way I wasn't running back and forth it is a big waste of time and guys I used to time myself and it made a big difference so the next time you're going to clean a particular room or space in your home get all of the products and tools that you need ahead of time you can just think about it quickly get everything in the center or a very easily accessible space within that area or room and then get to your cleaning before I start started my cleaning company and I would watch cleaning commercials this is what you would see and you know what that's not real life guys that is not the way it works because when I was doing my cleaning company and I did that and wiped I was like Hello this product doesn't work so what I learned by reading the instructions on the back of the product great idea is that you're actually supposed to let a product dwell or sit for a certain period of time and that has two main effects the first one is that the product will clean something it just needs time to do its work so sort of like hair dye you can't just dump hair dye on your hair and then wash it off and expect to have a new color it's got to sit it's got to do its thing so it's the same thing with a cleaning product so with a product spray it on a Surface let it sit the product will then be able to do its thing then you can wipe it off and you'll get those great results and that goes for DIY products as well as store-bought products now the second reason it's important to do this is because if the product has a disinfecting property to it the product's going to need between 5 and 10 minutes to actually kill that bacteria so if you're using the product apply it let it sit there for a few minutes then wipe it off that way you're getting the clean that you want and the disinfecting that you need start with the safest most gentle product and work your way up only if you need to and this is especially prudent for people with children pets asthma or allergies I find a lot of people will just go under their kitchen sink or wherever their little cleaning stash is and they grab whatever product or the super powerful product just to clean that thing that they think is so dirty the truth is your house is probably a lot less dirty than you probably think it is so that's good news and gentle products can often accomplish a lot of cleaning so you don't need such a strong product however if you're in a situation where let's say you have a really greasy surface or someone got super sick on the bathroom floor in that case you do want to use the stronger more powerful product but in most cases the DIY recipes that we talk about or gentle environmentally friendly products are really efficient and good and safe free to use to get that cleaning done when you have a business you always have these defining moments where little things happen to you that will forever affect the future of your business so in my case there was this one time where this lady called me after her cleaning she was very nice but she wasn't happy and she said look the kitchen counter at first glance looks really nice but I've noticed some standing on the kitchen counter and she had a white counter quite like I do and I was like excuse me I cleaned that kitchen counter myself for like 10 minutes what are you talking about now clearly I didn't say that to her on the phone I was very pleasant but anyway as it turns out she kind of crouched down and looked at the counter and noticed that something was missed under her microwave I was devastated but after that I implemented what what I know Now call the eye level test and what that is is crouching down to eye level of the surface that you've just cleaned to have a glance at it and see if anything else pops out at you now when I train my staff I always tell them okay this is the eye level test now I want you to go to our kitchen island area and I want you to crouch down and have a look at it eye level and they do that and they're all horrified and I make sure it's really dirty that day so that they really get a good idea of how important that eye level test is because when you come up and you look at something straight down doesn't always look dirty but when you crouch down and look at it at eye level you get a whole other story so when you're cleaning step up your game and Crouch down check out that surface at eye level and then there's the famous s pattern and I'd like to say that I brought the S pattern to the world via this YouTube channel and via my book the S pattern is a really interesting thing when I first started cleaning I was doing the circles because because that's what I thought you were supposed to do you know like you see your mom do it or you see someone do it on TV and you just think yeah obviously that's the way you do it it's not the way that you clean so when I learned about the S pattern it completely changed my results and I'm going to tell you why when you clean a surface like this you're taking a clean cloth and a fairly dirty surface you're wiping clean clean clean clean clean dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty and then you keep doing it again so now you're taking your dirty cloth and you're putting it right back on that clean surface so you're getting streaks you're getting marks you're working way harder than you need to and you're not getting the results that you desire instead if you use What's called the S pattern which is when you start at the top right hand corner of a surface you swipe all the way to the left and then you Zig and you zag back down to the chatus dancing as I'm doing this guys it's so funny cuz he's doing the S pattern with me it's quite funny the S pattern really does change the way that you clean you get less streaks you're working really about half as hard as you would if you were doing it this way and you're getting great results so the next time you clean instead of breaking out this old circular business try the S pattern and watch how much quicker and better your cleaning becomes this is a trick that I learned from home stagers many years ago because when I used to clean at the beginning I wasn't quite sure how to make things look tidy and half of cleaning especially when you're cleaning professionally is making something look tidy so even if you've spent like an hour cleaning something so there's no dust or bacteria left on that surface it could still look messy if items are scattered so this parallel perpendicular business is actually really helpful it makes any surface looks super tidy and clean and pleasing to the eye so not only do you now have a clean surface you also have a tidy surface so your space looks super clean here's what you need to do find your items pile them up de clutter them whatever it is and line everything up to the edge of the surface that the item is sitting on either in a parallel fashion to the edge or a perpendicular fashion to the edge and that way you've got these nice clean straight angles and that's very pleasing to the eye and it looks clean all of these tips were taken from my book which is also conveniently called clean my space so if you haven't done so already you can pick up your own copy and you can learn pretty much my entire method about how I clean you guys know I hate cleaning so I pretty much tell you how to clean without spending all of your time doing it especially if you're someone like me who would rather be doing pretty much anything else than clean now these books are available at all fine retailers you can also get them online Amazon Indigo Books A Million Barnes & Noble all of the I'm trying to remember everybody but all the book sellers pretty much picked up this book in North America you can also get an audible version or an audiobook version that I narrated and in fact I just realized I was wearing this shirt on the first day that I did that narration so kind of a funny little connection there and you can even get an e-reader copy as well so go and find it uh put links for you down below and for those of you guys who have gotten the book if you could go on Amazon or whatever book seller you got it from and leave the book a review I would greatly appreciate that you guys have no idea how important Amazon reviews are for books unless you're JK Rowling and you wrote Harry Potter Amazon reviews make a big difference for an author so if you guys could do that for me I would greately appreciate it I'd love to know in the comments down below what is your favorite cleaning tip that you've learned from clean Myspace so often you guys will write things like the S pattern changed my life or I love these DIY cleaners like I love hearing these things from you guys so definitely let me know how we've inspired you to change the way that you clean in the comments down below here are couple of other videos I think you're going to love and if you want to learn more about the book you can click this button right over here there's a button down there that lets me know you care so click it if you liked this video and click this button right here to subscribe and begin your journey to a cleaner life thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Clean My Space
Views: 6,043,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean my space, melissa maker, cleaning, cleanmyspace, cleaning tips, cleaning habits, cleaning routine, cleaning products, microfiber, cleaning hacks, how to clean, cleaning expert, my cleaning routine, how to clean a kitchen, how to clean a room, how to clean your house, best cleaning tips, expert cleaning tips, professional cleaning tips, preofessional cleaning routine
Id: -C-ic2H24OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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