300 Cage Fights, Nightmare Jordan Marriage & Lee Murray: Alex Reid

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I've had over 300 fights I lost count around 300 300 um did you ever fight Lee Murray yeah I did that was a proper fight he was getting really tired so we got disqualified so they gave me the win and then right at the time CS gas was throwing the ring my corner said really get out of here I jumped out of the ring got hit over there with a chair and I just ran what were you doing in your 20s a lot of sex I'm almost disgusted when did you first find drugs oh drugs call her Jordan or did you call her k i to say KP so I met her and I started to attract negative attention she actually split up me live on U I'm a celebrity get me out of an agent he said this is what you got to do to get on in the business this is something I haven't ever talked about all right Alex welcome to the show mate Dodge it's a pleasure yeah why are you called Dodge number of reasons go on my old man and we're curing the same name and from a young kid I've always been Dodger Dodger Dodge it's an unusual name but it's one you remember absolutely you won't forget that so I'm here at eventful lives and I couldn't remember what it was I was like it's Dodge's podcast I've be telling on Dodge's podcast no it's eventful life quity I I don't know if I've had an eventful life I think you have and that's why you're here anyway let's roll all the way back where did you grow up and how did you go from cage fighter to marrying one of the most famous women in the UK at the time Katy Price o you know before we come on I should have said oh do we have to you've come straight out with it oh my God it's a curse I'm going to have I shouldn't say curse I shouldn't say curse um all right I'm born and breed from alop I heard of alop yes of course near Guilford a br Army yep and um Guilford you know Guilford I went to Gilford School of acting did you um I had a couple of nightclubs there years ago really which ones Cinderellas Cinderellas I was a bouncer there where are you oh my god what years uh how old are you uh same age as you roughly 32 yeah 37 for Life me mate 37 for life but we uh we had Cinder and remember the one down the bottom called the drink Mich Harper I had my I was just weird I was just thinking about this morning I had my oh God I had my stack do there I am I used to be at bouncer there as well did you I'm friendly with Michelle yeah nice fell and then I used to work it's funny having a bloke a bloke that's got a girl's name that was the first that was the first bloke I'd ever met who got had a girl's name Michelle I do you know what talking about the whole pronoun which is all trendy now I think we you know what I'm alluding to I was way ahead of the curve on that with all of the the crossdressing thing but um man that's nothing new with the old crossdressing but you go you got like you look at top UFC fighters yeah um and I I used to like it naming really tough badasses with like a bit of a a feminite name yeah because it me you've got to be a badass like one of the best fighters in the world Frank Trigg but his nickname was Frank twinkle toes trig it's Trigger or Dodge princess it's good it's good it is good do you remember you remember up the club do you remember up the club at the top we had I had that about five five years I had a Monday and a Thursday there at the top of the club we ended up we ended up the Dorman were after us right we end up water bombing the dormund me and my best mate cuz we had the club down the road we're trying to Nick all their customers from there we end up water bombing and they come down I did the same thing and they then they come down in a van open up the van and they had the fire extinguishers with all L all kicked off this was like 2004 I think three Bojangles did you do that one Bojangles were in the middle Club wasn't it no I never Bojangles I we had there for about five years on each club we had that every single week Cinderella I actually um Dean had Dean that's it I'm friendly with Dean Dean's lovely and Gio yeah Gio god wow South African isn't that funny that is fun so where are you from well I live down here in Bournemouth now so where you driv Guilford yeah well I I had 12 night clubs all around the country every week wow for 10 years yeah so I'll take the door money they take the bar money I'd go to clubs that were weren't open midweek Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday super Club an yeah every single week they I open up super clubs with 2,000 people in they were empty I said give us that club let I'll pack it out every week I'll take the door money and take the bar money see you I got that because you told me earlier on you do a events and you well you got um festivals yeah so for all of my people who are watching who are you what are you all about M this is my podcast my interview you I'm sure you T this a thousand times but I didn't know about the festivals I didn't know you did what I know we got a festival that's been coming into our 17th year but 12 Festival you have to be careful like I I might you might ask me some questions for legal reasons I might have to be genuinely I'm not saying that I'm actually being serious I've been in enough Court hearings over saying the wrong thing at the wrong time you you after a while this is getting painful I'm not going to say that anymore so are you allowed to talk about sex drugs and rock and roll mate we're free mate this is eventful Liv podcast are you nocturnal I've been nocturnal my life grew up living above pubs in London and night night life yeah I was in clubs at age of 10 years old 11 12 next door we had a club next door you know so what I'm interested in all that time when you you're quite an astute businessman you I imagine youve very successful and you're doing this now yeah but this isn't mainly for profit this is cuz it's fun I love it I found my no pass I've always been curious as since being a kid when you're growing up above po boozers yeah with a lot of villains downstairs a lot of naughty people a lot of successful people a lot of entrepreneurs everyone's wheeling and dealing old man was a bodybuilder back in the day and he was slinging people out and having tear ups and then he was first one to bring bouncers to the to the to the pub to protect the pub you know we we lived in a mad house we lived in a two- bed flat upstairs with a [ __ ] two Budgy regards a pet monkey two El asan a do BL this is madness yeah like God dogs and whatever you downstairs but were you on edge I didn't know any different but you so you're born I me born in boozers and then my my my granddad had off licenses outside we're all West H fans everyone's from East London my dad's from wam is it isn't that crazy and he he um you asked me a question a dad born uh World War II yeah um uh in war from sto moved around West Ham area boxed for West Ham joined the army in Al the shop became a parat trer did he um met mom um I'm the youngest of six are you youngest of six and I boys uh three boys three girls okay and I say paratrooper because I became a paratrooper I didn't even know my dad my dad was a pacifist he was a hippie yeah full of art he's grown up with books culture creative extremely creative and he could build anything he built all the the houses down the road where my parents have their house he's not here well he's here right now in spirit but um he I I was in Loft about Attic in about 12 years old and I was playing with he and Action Man all that sort of stuff and I saw pictures of my dad in a uniform I'm like what he in a in a military uniform M what's this dad's in a uniform oh yeah used to be a paratrooper what's a paratrooper didn't know anything about that stuff and all of a sudden from my hero being Luke Sky Koh man my dad was like cuz he was strong silent type but he was a badass he was Army boxing champion fought in Wars I'm like wow so that that's the my that was my ultimate role model so what was your route then as a kid what were you like at school um I was always in detention yeah I got suspended a few times but I was also really good the teachers couldn't understand it because I I'd be very creative and very keen and a good boy but extremely naughty I was like devil and angel yeah so join the we the most interesting people I I do crave boredom yep it would be nice do you like boredom um I don't really know what it is no okay what about you I like I love people and that's why I'm doing a podcast I guess I grew up if you're a kid growing up in a boozer yeah seeing stuff you should not be seeing as a kid but I KN no different I loved it I loved it but I was always around adults so you're seeing people wheeling and dealing you're thinking I want to wheel how do I earn money how do I you you're curious about everything you're seeing everything you know you're working ways how to earn money the whole time because that's what it was like in the ' 80s did you have love I had lots of love and although cuz some people uh what I call fudy duddy um judgmental so that's you're seeing things you shouldn't be done shouldn't be seeing you shouldn't be subjected to that at a young age I I understand that in our PC can't say this can't say that society and within reason but if you you're like a successful man you seem like a very kind person is that necessarily do you look you're subjected to things that you probably shouldn't see but if you've got the love and the protection is that a bad thing well I've got a lot of love I got a lot of love for my dad and my mom a lot of love but they weren't you know my old man's from East London my mom's from Manchester my mom's a Playboy bunny in the casinos when all the Arabs were coming in and getting all the big tips my dad was a cuper my mom was a cier then they boozers I had a lot I had a lot of love but there was no there was no boundaries it was like I was staying up 11:00 at night hanging around the Dorman the Dorman were taking me to clubs at 10 11 1200 and bring me back 3 4 in the morning Street wise really StreetWise you get bullied did I yeah no cuz you you CU you're you're really StreetWise you were probably the coolest kid yeah I was up yeah I was I was a leader I was a leader at school I was good at sport but I was rubbish in the classroom like you say huh can you follow no no if someone's got a better idea than you that right we're in a burning building right and he haven't quite got the answer and some was like right let's go out that way we going like could you follow yeah if I believed him so that's that's if I believed him yeah if I believed in that person he knows more than I think well you know the roote out there 100% look me in the eye tell me you tell me get out of this Burning Fire you definitely yeah I'm mean it's like you've intered a lot of military people right and it doesn't matter what rank you are you're a unit and I'm an ex paratrooper So like um it doesn't matter if you're the general if if the Tom or a private has said look he knows something that's going to save the the general will listen to the private and the private actually leads for that well in anything being curious doesn't make you judgmental and I've been curious all my life and I'm not I'm not judgmental on anyone or anything and that's like a little superpower being curious and I don't think it's used enough out there Curiosity is a superpower because it opens doors it creates new opportunities it it's it's a I I hear you and that's when you saw how was like school and stuff um I was extremely curious to the point and I've just I only just discovered a couple years ago I have autism and my inquisitive mind ask so many questions and that's got me in so much trouble oh it has got you in trouble is it big trouble and I'm like why why who how when why I'm same and it's and and I don't I mean I've not been diagnosed I've Just Seen um I had did the test at the doctors ADHD ADHD where I came up like top on every single one I've not been diagnosed that but it would make sense is kind of they balance each other out in a weird ADHD is what attention deficit disorder right I haven't been tested for anything but if that's meant to be somewhere I've definitely got it but who cares who cares ADHD do you know why I say that because when I'm interested in something I'm all in if I'm not interested in something I'm not so that's a TENS deficit right as well look because any athlete who's who's um obsessive to be the best has some some I would say that they're right on the Spectrum yeah and I tell you why why does it matter it doesn't matter but the only reason I did is curiosity yeah but again City but it made someone tell me it answer it made a lot of things make sense and it's caused arguments as well my misses she you never did that until you knew you had this I bet you're milking it now AR you I said yes I did yes I'm oh God the misses yeah are you married I married kids I've got a beautiful wife and I got a lovely little boy how old he's 10 10 he's 10 and I've been with my missing now 20 years so this is what I find interesting um I'm a such a different person I have four children I have a same woman uh I have a dolly with uh A lady called Chantel um she's 11 and I have three children with my current fiance Nicola manash um she's a social media influencer and she I've got twin boys eight months and a gorgeous little Anastasia who's two and a half you have to now from and I've experienced a lot of sex drugs and rock and roll in every way but now it's all about longevity yeah we've got to be here I want to be young and Fit I mean like even putting my shoes on do you when you put your shoes you seem I I'll check out your body in a long antic way you can't help it as a soldier you're like susing everybody out why you smiling why you laughing Dylan I know he's fit isn't he but you like I shake your hand how you doing I'm like okay just you looking for danger zone um going off on a tangent what was iing I don't know mate but it's a good conversation how did you get into fighting being buly bulled being bullied and um being grown up on superheroes wanted to be like um you know I also I was in the you were an ' 80s kid I was born in the 70s I was born in the 70s but you know all those action films rbo Bruce Lee John Claude yeah I want to be like that I want to be they everyone was masculine and you want to learn how to fight what have you ever done any martial arts not really no have I had any fights fighting yeah I was a rugby player So you you're getting into legalized fights yeah on the pitch and stuff but not not really no martial arts or anything no that's what I was going to say I remember what I was going to say you're you sure you're fit I said I was checking your body out like you're no he's he he trains he's he's healthy yeah um I have absolutely abused my body I'm not talking about with the drugs I mean but you're in good Nick as well 100% internally you say when I've abused my body I don't mean uh with drugs I mean with the the obsessiveness of being the best you wear things down you know you any Elite level athlete but not only that athlete but in business you have to be obsessed to be huge success you got to live and breathe it 100% people say I've never had a job in my life yeah always been entrepreneur since the age of 10 up to up to now creating businesses creating Brands you have to be obsessed people think oh yeah I work for someone and the cool thing now is to become an entrepreneur everyone wants become an entrepreneur thinking oh I'll Be My Own Boss make my own decision mate you'll be working 24/7 7 days we as know that and you can't switch off yeah I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes right well this morning 4:00 in the morning I had Eureka right and I started writing stuff down and I'm like but I knew I'm going to be shattered because I've got come this podcast I've got some other stuff to do I've got a whole busy day of things but when you've got the eure moment you've got to get it out yeah um your fit why was I saying that I can't think well it come back again we've gone up again like anything though if I'm doing business with someone and they're in good Nick I know they've got discipline I know they I know they'd be bang on the ball and sharp it gives you that bit of edge I think what I was going to say you're you're around the same age um do you you grunt and Gran have you got aches and pains not as many as you because you've been fighting all your life when you when you put your shoes on do you sit down or do you can you put them on standing up I like to sit down that's how we're getting old isn't it do you do you make that okay no cuz I try to not make any noises because of that because I remember my granddad used to make noise I think M you're getting old what are you doing I know so I make a point of not making any noises that's very good and it's um be careful what you say it goes out and comes back in here well your word is your word your word is your wand yeah so you got to be uh Muhammad Ali I am the greatest you got you got to do that self hypnosis all the time how many fights have you had not street fights I'm talking fights in a street fights less than a handful four yeah they're ugly I'm a pacif I detest violence I left the Army because I want to kill people which is weird because I wanted to start join to be the baddest killer on the planet that's cuz I'm insecure I've had over 300 fights I lost count around 300 300 um around 50 professional 3 250 amateur um and i' I've tried to count it and I'm bump into people and I'm like do you know we had a fight did we oh and then they showed me a video oh that's a good one wasn't it what was your choice as a kid growing up was it Kung Fu was it karate was it Judo was it boxing was it kickboxing what was the one that you warm to more um kickboxing kickboxing I started off on Kung Fu Bruce Lee love Bruce Lee yeah and and I you know I've actually I'd love to I'd absolutely love everything to do martial arts I made a TV show um about 10 years ago I was a bit longer than that now went around the world looking at all different martial arts it was and I was getting paid for it I was like this is great this is amazing yeah was absolutely wonderful did you ever fight Lee Murray yeah I did that was a proper fight we was like I was in acting school wasn't that crazy I'd um had a break I wasn't really training because I was trying to be a darling a thespian and um Paul acting student needed some money this fight it was an unlicensed show it was where was that was in The eping Forest Country Club um and I didn't know who I was fighting it was just turn up and um oh yeah he's the same way and I knew Lee Mar he's had his first fight was quite scary but I was a season professional I had loads of fights even though I wasn't really training properly because I was at acting school I was just thinking about getting 400 quid is that 400 quid I was a lot of money to me in 2000 was it two 2000 yeah who who won that fight between you and Lee I won that fight although there's going to be um I tell you what happened and I just I literally just I'm going to put this out on YouTube in the next few days or I'll put it out soon I watched the fight and I can see it's going to say I've cheated because it was in a ring so it this was hybrid rules as well back in the day when the rule system wasn't quite there like what it is today Nevada State athletic commission um where you can't I mean I fought in cages back then where you could hold the cage and stamp on someone's head it was like that that there a very safe ruling system now so um I held the ropes well I didn't hold the ropes because it was on the ropes it punched me back and I'd wrap my arms around and he' Tred to take me down he got so frustrated um and he kept he did Puff out he was he was a few kilos heavier to me and and he was a a lightly and I'm not trying to be disrespectful cuz he's we became he did my corner after this fight became good friends he's um he was definitely on juice and Juice this was before he um really understood the whole game juice is great for a quick street fight but in a long and I'm a I'm a like a marathon runner when it comes to fighting it's like um just keep going he's going to Puff you out so he kept he kept PFF he kept turning his back and he got a warning and then U it was a brutal fight with smashing a living granny out of each other um I was all bushed up and bruised and then uh he tried to take me down again and I had my hands like this on the ropes and he he just stopped and turned his back and I carried on went to fight and he walked off and it like well look I I'll post a video you can make your own mind up you know people can say I being dirty but there wasn't wasn't a rolling system where you can't not do that it was before though he can hold the cage I wasn't actually holding but so he was getting really tired till we got disqualified so they gave me the win and then a RI time I mean like CS gas was throwing the ring because a Right started my corner said Ry get out of here I jumped out of the ring got hit over the with a chair by his the the wage massive and I just ran and I got more hurt running to my changing room and I'm running through all these chairs deck chairs and I'm like who who is it who's Phil Phil Phil Mitchell what's his name he was there yeah knocked him down I didn't mean to because I I was I just mob after me and I'm like this is and I've got my change if he comes in out I'm going to hit him with this boxing glove he said he was going to kill me I was like oh yeah so I mean he was a scary opponent yeah he was a good fighter he was very good I really and he became really close after that it's funny I mean two weeks later we met at another show and he I mean and we it was not like it never happened I was like that was I like I really like Lee yeah and he he he was really good he um I don't believe you ever picked up you had one fight in the UFC against um jge Rivera and he beat him and he beat him quick I don't think he even picked up his paycheck did he not he making a few quid back then in some precarious way it's another story would you fight Lee when he comes out of prison from Morocco no no well Never Say Never the money's right pay-per-view I mean when I like him and so I find that difficult but I mean saying that if there's money the right money yeah you know yeah there's big money I mean he's old but I think he's he's going to be scary where he's where I've had a soft life he's had a tough life hasn't he yeah um do you know when he's going to be coming out I don't I don't I mean yeah um yeah look show me the money yeah it's um it's it's very different because I am a very different personality I say multiple personalities I'm a scaredy cat yeah but you also know you can flick a switch when you need to and it it's and there's something quite empowering on that it's really weird because I feel soft I feel insecure it's why I train so much I train all the time even when I'm bashed and I train in I've started to join my local Rifle Club because you know I'm scared about everything that's going on have you ever fought Mike bisbing I sparred Mike bisin um I went down to the wolf lab back in the day I was I'm really good friends with um Rico Rodriguez ex UFC heavyweight champion of the world and he was the head coach at wol slair but but he's Michael this was before Michael was in the UFC oh no he was in the UFC actually um um and we used to fight on the same um cage rage and he was a l heavyweight he was a weight above me and cage rage was the third biggest show in the world it was it was a joint one and two was UFC and pride they kept going two or one one and two and number three was cage R we had all the best champions in the world and Mike went on from that to did the AL with fighter yeah won that this kill kills me the that when he won the armor fighter I was also selected uh to go to The Ultimate Fighter but I was a big p i was a big ticket seller for cage Rage Cage rage had just been bought out by elitec who were at war with the UFC they would not Release Me David Donnell great guy from cage R bought cage R he he give me blessing to go he owned kge but his hands were tied by lexe so when I was in my Prime I couldn't go at what age was your Prime 30 31 yeah and the following day there's another time and then so um I'll talk about it u i then fought another cage rage and I got through I got selected to go to The Ultimate Fighter and I was fighting deiro Matsui uh a very famous Pride fighter he's fought all of the best fights in the world and it was it was voted one of the best fights in the history of MMA and he he I what I call I started to fight with a vagina on my eye it's a very crude thing to say and I please that but literally my eye was already open I shouldn't have pass the medical I I hid I put a beanie on my hat as I had the medical and the reason why I wanted to have this fight is because Dana White was watching this so I wanted him to see how great I was and he um I superglued it with and in the change room and they gave me loads of adrenaline the fight was Unreal and I I won uh no the fight was a draw and I said to Dana Dana said look I'd love to have you um come over to The Ultimate Fighter but the thing is if the Nevada state afflect commission pass you I'll refund your ticket but I'm not going to pay for your ticket cuz you he didn't say you got a vagina but I had a gaping war wound here yeah and I couldn't fight so gutted so when you were saying you got bullied how old are you when you're getting bullied at school early around 10 11 I noticed I wasn't very fit I was getting a bit chubby and I got getting a bit bullied for being chubby and also cuz I didn't shut up I asked all the questions that well I wasn't a cool kid so I I was the baby of the family you when you were mix you were mixing with a lot older people right all older people so in that in that regard I had that benefit as well because you become more cultured yeah more sophisticated but then at the same time you I didn't know how to relate to the younger kids and I would ask stupid questions but they weren't stupid questions but when you're not cool not cool questions and i' i' still ask it yeah and you were never bullied never no are are you passionate have you did you ever see bullying yeah of course there was bullying everywhere it was like the norm yeah look and there bullying going on the streets when you're growing up in boozers and you're seeing tear UPS you're seeing police raids coming in you're seeing the doorman knocking people out and then there was bullying everywhere mentally mental bullying and physical bullying but back then it wasn't kind of seen as that's just what life was like in the 80s and 90s right yeah well it still is yeah it still is I mean now we've got all these fancy names for it and we started off about the whole why does it matter with the whole autism I'm with you I don't have a don't need a label to justify why what is autism yeah ex is where everybody's on the Spectrum basically it's that's a good question what is it what is it it's you got a different sense of reality but asn't everybody yeah so I mean everybody's on the Spectrum it's like at what level are you you got very high functioning autistic people you got people who can't comprehend don't know how to explain but they could be extremely intelligent in their own way yeah look at Elon Musk Einstein Elon Musk locks himself in his Factory and for days on in and builds [ __ ] why did you go and get tested for autism that's an interesting question because I I had a friend who I did didn't have the interest to do it but I had a friend who has an autistic child um and I become I he saw how I reacted with his children and I I I get on better with kids than I do with adults and I always like kids will just come to and it's like uh and he's like I think you're autistic I said no and he said look I'll pay for you to have a test because I'm just so interested so I did p p out curiosity yeah I wasn't there was no burning desire this is the reason why I've had this problem and like you know I was never I was I felt misunderstood at school yeah and I was always getting in trouble when for things I shouldn't have been getting in trouble so it made sense how I look at the world in a different way why I've asked I see I see things in a much different way but you know what um dyslexic is they read the letters almost back to front and I I look at the whole thing in almost back to front m I'm like H and it it it allows me that forgiveness of myself because you become very judgmental I'm not good enough I'm not good enough well you could you're not judgmental if you're curious like judgmental goes out the window for me because I'm not judging anyone because you're curious just like where'd you grow up how did you do that when was that it opens up so many doors and it's a nice conversation because you're talking about someone you know we asking someone else questions so I've got the mix of that and the judgmental okay judgmental on yourself absolutely I've not liked myself I felt like I was um not good enough why um insecurity from where though you got a nice family right yeah you got nice brothers and sisters and I grew up nice mom and dad I mean my brother my brother up a bit we used we used to fight all the time he was four years older was beating the crap out of me um so I wanted to be tough wanted to be tough and i' it was it was kind of a good thing because it did make me tough extremely tough but it made me insecure he was a captain of the football team got straight A's and all the subjects got all the girls he was cool and I'm like huh and I felt like the run of the litter yeah I don't know why they is cuz I had love but I struggled I wasn't academic you were or weren't weren't okay not academic at all I really struggled I could work hard so that was I guess it's that insecurity it's why I I took to fighting because it was some where I could excel in without the the the Judgment of others almost you're celebrated hang on I'm pretty good at this yeah and do you know what I was searching for it was love yeah because I was I didn't feel accepted and it wasn't love from other people it's love in myself yeah that's why I have understanding more about myself I've allowed to forgive myself and like you a plonker come on stop being stop being a plonker and you know you're a good guy you know you're not feel worthy and I I'm fascinated by athletes especially Fighters um combat athletes who are in the the same sort of mindset and I see they can be really can be the best fighter on the planet one minute and then in a heartbeat not not because of their ability because of their mind yeah so why I find psychology so important and not just fighting in any in life in acting yeah of course you know I've been on fire I'm like yeah I'm really good at this done public thoughts and talk in front of 20,000 people and have them all you know like yeah that's great and then another day I'm like I what to do what's going on what's where's this where's that Alex Reed turned um disappeared hi guys just giving you the quick heads up we've just launched a new VIP membership on patreon this gives you exclusive episodes behind the scenes footes never seen before VIP Community chat and early access to all episodes if you love what we do for the sake of a cheeky pint a month fivr a month come and support the channel allows us to grow even bigger is there two sides to Alex Reed no just Alex Reed is is what it is was there more [Laughter] sides okay we there is there is multiple personality how many how many Alex reeds are there do you reckon there's only one Alex Reed no but I'm talking for you you know what I'm Alexander Reed the um the thespian Zing yeah and um sometimes I I go my rounce pronunciation my RP goes yes let's hear your telephone voice sir tell me about in your 20s what were you doing in your 20s a lot of sex it was was it oh God I'm almost disgusted when did you first find drugs oh drugs I do you know I wasn't didn't really have it around me which was a very good thing and obviously it's around everywhere as you become it's R yeah and I'm like I think I I did a line of coke when I was 18 I thought that's not very great I think the guy who sold it to me it was it was cut it up and so I didn't really bother with that then I did another line of coke about two years later and was like wow this stuff's good yeah it wasn't really I mean it's dangerous because it is good and well it's it's not because it it destroys your body it does it destroys so much more of you nothing good comes out of it there it does for about an hour a few hours but that the price you pay um were you fully focused on your training you fully focus on your fighting is that what you wanted to be in your 20s that that's that was my Saving Grace from drugs I was more EXC um addicted to being successful yeah and what I could accomplish rather than that as as much as that was fun once in a while yeah I mean what about you I mean I I this is about you I know I saw but I tell you what I asked said you did a podcast the other day with two guys from my beefa and the the tagline was 28 grams of coke in a day I'm like Brandon block and Danny gold I'm like yeah wow that's a lot of that's a lot that's a lot that's blown up on the internet theod I can Madness that headline 28 G of Co day I'm like gosh blind me yeah so tell me in your 20s was you what were you doing were you trying to earn a pound note fighting were you trying to make it why didn't you make it were you Jing you a little bit too early for the MMA scene the UFC scene 100% 100% I just um I coach some kids now um I love it absolutely love it I'm not as able as I used to be because there's a few challenges physically things have been bent twisted and broken but um I say I wish I could coach myself screw mcoin McGregor because I've got the personality and the car Charisma and had the ability but I just um I always F injured um and I came into it a little bit too late what year did you come into it I after my first professional fight in 1998 and how old were you roughly then that 24 years ago 2 26 years ago 22 21 yeah okay 21 22 um yeah um and you say professional fight like how much we you uh no it Wass probably £150 okay but you say professional fights you turn pro but what were you doing on the side then bouncing working in nightclubs okay um I was a film extra so let's so I left the Army in 98 yeah how long you in the Army for five years did you enjoy the Army love hate okay the whole bit about funny apparently in a paratroop I'm scared of heights don't like being shouted at don't like planes that's not going to help is it I hate shut my eyes every time i' be like I'm tough though I'm really tough I'm a bad red on green on go I remember once cuz you go um you're on the back of the plane you go port side starboard side yeah left left left you have to go if you go out together Splat yeah and I shut my eyes and I ran past the door and the RAF guy great re you [ __ ] idiot and pulled me and threw me out and I nearly hit the guy on the other side of the door that would have killed us yeah and all I've got on the way down was you're [ __ ] dead raid I landed I saw a guy running from that direction or a guy running that direction yeah were you fighting in the Army as well no was there any bullying for you in there not really I mean you're there's such camaraderie in the Paris you're like um you don't that you have to be a such a Jo conjoined unit if there's any weakness you're not a good unit you know so everyone there I mean there's constant bullying but between everybody but it's not there no one's singled out yeah I mean your best mate dies and you you take the piss out of him I'm like that's not nice but just the way it is did you go on tour at all no no tours okay you there for five years so uh let's get this right um I I would be considered a plastic paratrooper I was ta okay um territorial Army although I did something called an S Type where I was connected to a I'd go in all the time I was like pretty much my full-time job and I was really Keen to go and do to go and do War yeah and I'm like hold on a minute I started done understanding what the world's all about with that inquisitive mind following the money tree the profiting understand understanding why all the wars have created and who's profiting who's funding it and like what's who's benefit from this hang on these are my brothers and sisters and I learned that from my dad actually he he was in in Cyprus in 1956 fighting the yoka terrorists he said one minute of fight the next minute they're my allies yeah it makes you think it's you know old men or young men in suits you know profiting at the expense of other people who aren't as educated we got to go and fight for your country and it's it makes me scary now what would happen I still I'm anti-war but I still believe in a warrior class needs def defend Society agree as much as we there there's still some nasty people who don't who want their their way of life over our way of life and it's very scary what's going on now when um and right out now we've got a almost Lord kitner your country new jeel yeah sort of thing going on I'm like who's going to fight for this country yeah what what you fight for well we go we need to stay here and fight for our ability to survive and I don't want fighting I'm getting all trying not to get political because I have friends from every religious denomination and I just think it's it's fruitless and sad you know wrong is wrong and I've had fights with my own family over this which is really sad yeah I'm trying to talk around it about the singling out and which tricky you can kind of understand of course of course Jew Christian Muslim Hindu you know I don't get involved mate I'll stay in My Lan yeah I don't watch the newse I don't want anything I don't want anything NE coming in and that's that's brilliant and it's it works for me if I if something I ear my wife will tell me or my best pal will tell me and that that is a very that's a good way to stay happy and successful well definitely happy yeah the only thing is when you if if I tell you all right I know you don't want to know that but believe it or not if there's this all these bad guys are coming over to come and come around your house and kill you I'd want to know and like it's not going to happen now if it's going to happen in a couple of weeks right and like just take it or leave it it's going to well I'll react to that of course you know if you know about Ras rular activating system you don't think about something but if I say about red Ferraris now I think see start seeing them you I don't want to invade my mind with any any NE and the the secret I've seen to happiness is not having more positive thoughts cuz this Law of Attraction which is great I am believe it and it's happen that's happened for me it's having less negative thoughts agree and not more positive less negative and I I've got such negative thoughts have you it's sad it's it's turmoil in my head you seem like you seem like a really calm nice humble human being and if and and if I'm sitting here now I think you'd be sitting there with your little man on your shoulder giving you negative thought lot it's a continual battle it's a battle every day every day what sort the give me exam what sort of thought well and I think about what you just said I thought why do I look at the news I seeing now evidence which is of horrible things which are happening I had an argument with an ex but why do you want to watch that because they're just telling you what they want to feed you yeah true why do you want to even know what's going on trying to be careful here which is difficult um I'm scared for family I'm scared of being attacked you know when I'm seeing attacks happen yeah a lot and with you're seeing people you know being attacked uh you're going to have a different emphasis on it you're oh to be a bit weary here yeah I i' um done Jiu-Jitsu for years and I talked to the guys and the gym and they it's they do it for sport I said that's all very good doing for sport I don't do it for sport I do it for life and death it's it's nice to come here and be creative and work out which is great but the reason why I'm doing this rather than actually being in the gym or playing table tennis or squash or football is because I want to some real world skills which will defend me and my family in a crisis of need but I think by me even acknowledging that maybe I'm attracting that into my life Maybe you know the film um Empire Strikes Back Yoda Luke scar only taking to the cave what you want to face he takes his lightsaber so he faces Darth Vader with his Lifesaver I wonder if I'm always preparing for war guess what I'm going to get I'm going to attract it also that little man on your shoulder there one thing my mom always talking to a young kid is to be aware of your subconscious mind and if you think about that being aware of your subconscious mind means you'll be aware of your thoughts that are going on when you're doing everyday life they reckon you think 60,000 thoughts a day now if you're aware of your subconscious mind again that little man on your shoulder who's talking to you all the time if you're aware of that and you're in control of your emotions it puts a lot of things in perspective and puts a lot of things you know you're aware of that that's just a little man talking to you you can put that to bed but and I and I hear you and don't be wrong some people have got some serious things going you can't just put it to bed but you are aware of him and I I do have that 50% of the time which is great but I need it I I can't I don't think you can have it 100% but you I'd like to have it 70 80 yeah um you married yeah mate how long actually married how long you been with her 20 years 20 years I'm she's amazing and I have the most amazing partner myself but the only people who can really get in my head and me up on my mother and my partner I don't know if it's like for you not roll not don't roll me up I'm really tight of my old man me and him like that if he talks to me and says something I can listen my wife talks to me and says something I'll listen but they roll me because we will get on beautifully well there's no Ang there's no a don't give me a headache you know um so I that's that's that's that's great only have you've never had I'm sure you've had arguments I can't well that's good we just we we're so different we that's why we get on so well you know yeah I'm sure she's beautiful she's from she's from from Wales in the countryside I've grew up in chaos nuttiness and we've met and it works yeah opposit Opposites Attract right yeah yeah yeah but we're so similar in the same ways as well now she's next International Sports woman and Sport we both went to lfra sports University our world has been sporting brought us together I guess so while are you doing the sport going off on a tangent and you were you still doing the club stuff yeah yeah is that a j depos well the club stuff for me from that 10e period I I threw 1,500 parties in clubs from Manchester to Birmingham Leicester Brighton London the the there are 12 parties every week at Peak you know so we' take the door money and the club would take the bar money so it was a beautiful business model but what I mean is where do you have time to be fit and healthy yeah it was different no you know what I hear that cuz I was on the road you doing 30,000 miles a year hotels clubs 3 in the morning would you train yeah yeah but not like I train now because when you're waking up at 1:00 in the afternoon after going to bed at 4 you're knackered yeah so actually for a 10 year period I was in club seven days a week maybe six days a week hang on back in the day when you could smoke in clubs as well course do you remember was it boy Castle record Breakers yeah record he died didn't he from um and didn't smoke from lung cancer but that that that was part of why clubs went downhill then yeah you know because all of a sudden everyone smoking [ __ ] all of a sudden you had to go outside and smoke a [ __ ] and then the clubs were stink of everyone's just Bo and everything else of it the [ __ ] used to cover it all up do you remember those days sticky carpets yeah think of sick it was the next day you went in the club when it was EMP that's when it pen and in that's when it was another level I um I went to um I went to Charles Bronson's wedding to did you Paula she's not here now when was this um few years ago um he's we wrote it was a fan of mine when I when I was in Big Brother and he used to write to me so he's a very interesting man yeah he's very polite pleasant so I became became a fan a friend a friend so I went to to his wedding he wasn't there he was by by video link and um I'm sat at the bar having a drink talking to someone trying to do a cotney accent and some you're not Cockney it was um uh I one of the Richardson or the Addam daughters and I was like all right okay didn't really you win don't arue I mean what is it like going to Charles Bronson's wedding when he's not there weird yeah I mean it it I just it's just it was kind of car crash but I it was so car crash it just like curiosity got the better of me where was it where's he in prison where's he is he Bel Marsh Bel Marsh that where where uh where is that London no it's not Bel Marsh no it was um it's up north okay I can't remember he's probably I think he's done every prison yeah yeah this was a few years ago um so you just you you you mentioned that how did he get in contact with you um um he probably wrote to my management company okay and they um just passed it on then we got each up numbers I should go and visit him one day yeah that'd be fun I think he should have been let out I agree I agree when you've got the people we have got in yeah when who the people who been let out for much worse things yeah and I wonder if it's for his own safety in some respects no I I don't think for his own safety he's he's institutionalized now is he what' you reckon well he's definitely he's been inside what I mean nearby 50 he's going to be institutionalized but would he where would he go I I I I had this I did this in he seems like a nice bloke who just another Geer off the street but he's been turned made into something that I I said on was gmtv I said i' cuz they asked called me on to talk about it said I'd let them live next door to me yeah I'd feel okay I mean obviously I just we just add on who do we have on the other day George shipon George Shipton who was Bel Marsh 12 years prison officer who become really close with uh Charlie Bronson what did he say he speaks very highly of him he said we were he said as he said he was the they were called the Charlie Angels there was certain prison officers who really enjoyed being around Charlie and Charlie enjoyed just like he was just like he was a normal GE you give him respect he give you respect how life should be right and he it probably bring a lot of good things out to the real world because that's what he knows when I saw the uh the media and what you call not New Media what you call the old media like I thought how they denigrated him and like he killed someone he's dangerous I'm like he's never killed anyone yeah and I thought how they of thousands of people in the streets at the moment 100 times worse than than you know when did when was it when you you mentioned there you become a face celebrity did when was it when you got that celebrity status I touched it I had a touch of it in around 2003 I mean I'd done lots of big fights um so I was kind of known in my my own circuit but it was minor then I had a touch of it when I after acting school I left acting school 2002 to 2003 I was in Hol Oaks that's a first little taste of oh wow look at me this is quite fun this is this is cool although I was I still insecure um but it was nice and then I that's there was lots of sex at that time but there wasn't actually CU I was insecure then I sort of like after year of being out of poio I I don't it Reed you're a good guy what's going on why didn't you sort yourself out and then I just started being more confident um yeah and where was it when was it when you got invited and how did you get invited to get on Celebrity Big Brother that's interesting that's about to come out isn't it CBR big brother that they've just ITV had just bought it so say that again it just it ITV have just bought um Celebrity Big Brother okay cuz it was Channel 4 then it went to Channel 5 the mall uh is still in Demar yes um I um i' worked Sterling to in the acting and um presenting I just I just garnered my own TV show Alex read the fight of my life where I went around the world with Bravo um and then just at the same time as I did that and that was like um I was going to be a presenter try checking out different martial arts just around the same time um I met um my first wife which is who ktie ktie do you call her Jordan or do you call her Katie uh I just say KP okay KP KP so I met her um where did you meet her Facebook Facebook my mate who she wanted to make pet rre jealous cuz I used to watch UFC so she got up the cage fight my mate was training her in a in a in a gym in Brighton so I met her that that was just the way I'm talking about it I find it difficult because every I mention a name it just goes he's only talking about her again I'm just but I mean she is she's been of quite a integral part of my life you know and some so let's let's mention it um life just went crazy it's like I was on an LSD wasn't taking LSD but the whole world went different I was like this is surreal I mean I was everywhere everywhere I was like um I was you know and I started to attract negative attention unfortunately because of her negativity um she she actually split up me live on U I'm a celebrity get me out of it when I'd flown over to welcome over the bridge and I'm like wow okay it was voted one of the most 100 um cringy celebrity moments in the history of they do those things on channel yeah number one I won I won great for that so you got together with her in 2010 did you say via Facebook 2009 201 and were you a bit like Star Struck around her at all she she was one of the main faces in the UK at time not at all didn't really I mean I I was aware of her and my previous girlfriend used to buy a magazine so I remember the okay and I why she in this yeah I thought why' you follow this and I'm like then my mate said do you fancy coming out I going in I thought I thought yeah she sounds like fun she' be a bit of fun um interesting open-minded we can my kind of person H got that wrong so we went out and we HD it off yeah you it was great it was all exciting watch a good laugh out drinking partying yeah that's what it was it's you know um she splits out with me because how long you going out she thought I was going to do a story uh about two years and you got married yeah and then so when she splits up me that was big big news cuz she was massive news every she still is to suay unless she's really waning now which is I try to avoid the association which is unfortunate um and then big brother comes out so uh I'm a SBS around November Big Brothers in January back then and they um I was everywhere and they they said oh we'd like to have you on so I did and I was really hated going I was 4ed to one ODS to win um I was booed I was shouted out and Tomato's thrown at me going in and then I didn't even want to go in but I had like a mind man who helped me with all my fights to train me to be the best and he said look I think you need to go in to show people the real you because this isn't fair and um I did I I did I showed them where I was I got the highest vote in history of big brother and you won I did 66% of the vote 20 million qu and that's nice that was nice cuz I felt I felt for a while or felt secure felt like people Lov me and I'm like but you got to love yourself yeah and I didn't happiness comes from within right yeah I mean I've learned to love myself 100% And that's that's where how much did you get paid for going to celebrity big was it Mega I remember uh uh I think it was 120k Happy Days yeah that's not bad well I didn't spend 90 of that 90 of that I so I gave I've got my commission 20% to the manager and then what I left over that's not a mega amount I get I spend it all on a ring did you what made you how long you g out of for to think I want to marry Katie Price six months yeah that's not enough time and what made you think you want to marry young Dam and full of yeah yeah I mean it was all sparkly and exciting and and you know in hindsight know what love really is now yeah um I mean you've been with your Ms for 20 years how long how long were you together before you got married uh five years five years yeah and that's a good enough well you get to know you get to know the proper person you get to live with them you understand them you get what they like my abits though you know you get to learn I love um Nicola my beyon now I've been there for 10 years and we're engaged but I've not um we're not married and I initially I didn't want to give her half of everything which was debt you know I've worked because I've been in a lot of Court hearings there's been a lot of let's rewind yeah I want to rewind I want to know this bit bit here you you meet K you're with her 6 months you get married where did you get married Vegas you joking me on a quick on a quick in come out of Big Brother um and I was like and she was like she'd split of me just before but she was there to greet me and she said oh let's get married Okay and like so my my shot I'm not saying this with um angst because I've let that but I mean there's no there's no viciousness here but my uh actually what happened my my moment to shine was over shun by all of the um Katy Price Fiasco because um I was boted and she told me to not sign I had all these agents and managers who had all deals had 2.2 million on the table in deals well you did personally post post Big Brother with my management who who had actually organized it and not to do with her the guys who got me the TV show before that as well the my own TV show before that so I had success in my own right but the the thing is and I you know I've done my own I've built up I've been in the media longer than she has but she's Cast car crash show it's it's she's everywhere yeah um it just under it shattered me so like who's Alex Reed he's always Katy Price is X so the first thing you said K PR oh God okay so all right so I um you must have taken for it what it was yeah cuz you must have there must have been plus points of K PR CU deals would have been more on the table because again if you turn up make sure you bring ktie with you no no not at all the reverse I was just about to go in a um start in a BBC drama yeah on um the BBC and I've been you know just a I was it was like 100 people down to three people I might still might not got it but then when the headlines come out I think that was Katie they just the BBC just didn't want to know okay I was like sorry they they just so had it downside as well oh massive I mean being associated got roll on roll [Music] on seven years later after I was eight years later after I was with her and I've not been I've not with her um I'm just about to do a 50 Grand BMW commercial and again um they I'd been in for free auditions to see the BMW because they love me and then it all went quiet and finally agent what's uh Mar what's going Alexander have you not seen the papers what what's going on God okay she's done some horrible headline where think of the worst porn you can imagine it and then times it by a million that's what I had to enoy with Alex Reed I'm like I'm like minute what's so it's it's for a family brand like BMW and I just I can't keep going on so I started legal proceedings to stop the slander and it you know we'll talk about that bit more later but um what was she actually like when you first met her did you is it someone completely different to what it what she turned into once she was married with you yeah no I don't think so I just didn't see it it was sparkly and new and like I said it's like I wasn't I was so new to this whole world although I'd experienced some celebrity in Hol HS but not to this level yeah there's levels I me there literally every I was on the red carpet of meeting like so proper A-list Stars almost regularly like every other day and it's like it's like oh it's it's beyond surreal and you're everywhere you go everybody knows you and knows your stuff before you know it it's literally funny enough I'm in the papers we spoke today I haven't even read it I'm in the Sun at the moment there's an article literally just come out um but and normally that would happen all the time so I'd be doing an interview or something and I'm like you you'll know more information than me about what's been said and I was I was split up with live on air on TV say that well she split up with you live why why why when why what how do you split up with someone live on air because I had um she thought I was doing a story why were you still going out with her yeah that I was going over to proposed to her I'm like I'd already proposed to her like live on it but I'd already proposed to her like two months before so hey hey I don't know sounded like Madness mate oh no it really it really was I was mad I was madly in love because I wasn't in love I was mad yeah and knowing what love is ultimately the whole relationship finished because I became boring and I and because I start I stopped wanting to see I saw the facade of fakeness surrounding that whole world and I didn't like it I said I don't I said I wish you weren't famous then we could have a proper relationship cuz then I started to realize it wasn't a nice world and then I what it what was it like what we talking 2010 11 12 here aren't we 2009 to 2012 what was it like going into being a cage fighter and then all of a sudden having a bit of Celebrity Status within that world it wasn't a bit it was very it was ridiculous it was like I mean catastrophic no but in that world like the cage fighting world I'm saying you had your status in there I'm talking about but then when all of a sudden you enter this world and you're at every opening of every show you're what's that feeling like knowing the Press are handing you have you got cars chasing you taking photographs just give me all the time give me an understanding what it was like all the time every single day everywhere everywhere give me an example and like you're um I was like just let them have the picture um and it's like because that how she makes money she didn't want to give them any any um exclusives yeah she don't want to get the picture and I remember so occasionally she would do set Pat shops and I did them as well and like when I come up big brother I picked her up and carried her in my arms and I'm like I didn't saw a penny of that not that wasn't that it wasn't about that but that picture went everywhere and I'm like oh so if if she's making money great it's no problem but doesn't want to give a freebie away and I kind of get it it's your business you know he's like why are you going to give the fre pictures away that's that's basically what it is you're you're you're robbing from me by taking the pictures because the pictures was worth money back then it's not like that now the whole industry has changed and also you you become boring if you keep doing the same thing all the time how many times can you fall out of a bar and wear a tight dress and your boobs fall out or or do something crazy so you got to start making it more and more shockable more car crash because people get bored I mean I I used to look at um and think I don't look at her anymore just if my name's mentioned of course I do because I have to do damage control that's the thing I would um talking about looking at negative headlines if you're in the paper I'll be intrigued would you look at would you look at them if I was in the paper yeah we do this right and I say something if I go if I release someone at gun pad I talked about yeah we get the paper in in a millisecond but this conversation yeah if I said some things would you would you you be looking it wouldn't you yeah I would and would you read the comments yeah I would have you people have you had you have you done press and media before yeah so you've had comment section yeah people talked about you yeah have they said nasty things no touch would and the thing is you can only go on really where we're at now it being on YouTube leave loads and loads of comments and before we started YouTube a year ago people be careful YouTube be careful it's been really really nice the comments have been really nice and you know but again again you don't know what's around the corner in this world and the world you're in but if you were to say oh we would have a conversation about something and then you're going to read I would read the first few comments and if you're think oh like if if you had a load of NE or something think oh s that I don't need to read that correct I don't want it I don't want it in my mind and I am sticks stones may make break break my bones but names will always hurt me that's that's how it feels uh you you learn initially when you're and I've had other friends who have experienced a little bit of celebrity and they they get the same thing they say how' you deal with it I can't stand it at first I want to fight everybody they're saying such horrible things and but you're also a lot younger then yeah yeah you're also early 30s right more testosterone yeah but then after a hundred times of fighting everybody you're like it's draining I can't do this anymore this and also then it starts then it would be like there'd be 900 99 nasty uh great comments and one bad comment you focus on the one bad comment and you you start to realize that and then now I don't look at the comments oh I do if I'm doing a campaign or something or about to release a brand in mother care I need to be comment to your feedback yeah you need to know yeah it's like you I'm sure you you you want the comments about you want you want the bad comments not you don't want the bad comments but you need to know if someone's not happy that your product your events are absolutely of course but it when it's personal constructive feedback to improve a business or something you you need to wear all this so dodg is events a bloody brilliant he's just a c n don't he's you know he's bit too short he's not he's not sensible he's not clever enough don't like Dodges um right okay now that happens like 100 times yeah okay some of it seeps in yeah and like and it doesn't out and so you I don't read that you know yeah I used to well I don't I don't get that anymore thank goodness but initially you I did get that yeah then it's that must be hard to deal with it is and I see how how would you react how would you react would you say to how we going to deal with that did you feel manipulated at all in the relationship um yeah yeah that's why that's why the relationship ended because I sto did you fight back I stopped capitulating no I just not physically not physically but fight back so I ain't doing that no exactly I did that I got tired of being The Whipping Boy yeah you know and then then the same thing happened in the second relationship I had with another famous person yes what happened what happened with with uh Katy Price and yourself with like the sex tape or sex she put something out there with a sex tape or what was going on there yeah yeah it's very unfortunate listen I'm not embarrassed um uh or ashamed um of things I've done because I've not done anything immoral but it's sorry I am embarrassed that's that's I'm not ashamed I'm embarrassed of look if you if we stand here naked now and flop our dudah out it's it's not the right thing to do there's there's eut and I have children we have children and we have it's not going to be good for your brand so that's very damaging to my brand this is what I was talking about I started legal proceedings in 2017 because of um salacious media it just so happens that um a year later six months later cuz Court proceedings went on for like four or five years six months later she shared a video on Big Brother's bit on the side an audience of 40 of sex footage that I've never seen wasn't aware of that's Revenge PA and I'm like it's it's all it's all having a joke and everyone I've had all these jokes and I'm like I can laugh I'm next parat I can have laugh but when it's it's affecting you as a brand and your ability to put food on the table for your children it becomes very serious and it's it's and it's the jokes are like all right okay this is funny now but it's it's not funny at all and it's if you're taking the Li and it's done I think it's done purp well it was done purposely to try and destroy me financially physically spiritually and mentally so I have to for my own children and my friends and family I have to make a stand yeah did you both know that you were being filmed having sex that's what I just said no and she was a witness um in a court hearing and she sh she shared she said told the judge she had evidence of my sexual depravity I'm like okay what is it okay what you talking about oh she's got a video is she all right well I seen a video then okay so the recessed court and we went back um back backstage not backstage back to a court a room on the side to go watch this video and she showed me this video on her phone she took of took of us while while I we were having sex and I'm like I can't believe you've done that wow I yeah and that's what you get if you mess with me I'm like you're saying it's in front of your lawyer and your solicitor I can't believe it I'm and at the time I was fighting another hearing I was fighting another case which I can't talk about um yeah and she said she threatened me and in front of my lawyer and solicitor and I said to them can't we do you that's bad we got too much going on with this other case at the moment that's another case and then at the time lots of money money bags these hearings they cost money and um why you why you're fighting in hearings this I run a foundation I'll talk about it now I run the Bob Reed Foundation Bob Reed was my father loving man who loves children he um I formed the foundation to look after parents going through the family courts so um yeah cuz it's a absolutely organization that's say that I've just said it uh child maintenance service there's a bigger Scandal coming out now than the post office Scandal long story short I'll talk about it more there's so much complicit at every level from social servfaces CFC uh child maintenance service the family courts all the way up to government officials bar barrs judges magistrates um and it's going to be exposed it can't not be exposed it's there's too many whistleblowers is coming out there's too many stories there's five to seven people dying every day directly related to what's going on so I'm very passionate about that um well I'm fighting all these cases and then I'm I'm presented with this this um this video and I'm so I'm fighting like all these different battles on different fronts which is why I have stress problem it's not surprising I have I have PTSD and I don't ever I've not been diagnosed with that but I'm self diagnosed by when you're getting FL flbs and you read about it and you understand I've got every single symptom understandably I'm like I do all the good stuff to combat that that's why I look at stuff now and maybe I shouldn't it become I become reactionary I don't need cocaine or or caffeine because I'm like this all the time I need things to calm me down you ever had that you ever been attacked on multiple fronts no no and it's it's listen number fighter I've had over 300 fights I've mixed with some very scary people at points I was like I felt Invincible really Invincible in fact in fact the most peaceful place in the world when all this was going on and I wasn't training like I was a professional um I had three fights from the from around 20 14 to 2015 because I was going so much stress I had three fights just to take me away from stress yeah you know it was the most peaceful place cuz didn't have the media attacking me didn't have judges attacking me I didn't have the all I had to worry about was this guy trying to kill me that was that was relieving isn't that [Music] weird yeah and it was it was a different thing I wasn't in there to be the best I mean I Jo I wanted to fight to be the UFC middleweight champion of the world and we talk about Michael pisman I'm friendly with um I wanted to be the champion was I so motivated I was focused on my goal and then look you get sidetracked by all these psychological demons continually battling you taking you away from what what's important and to you and you I mean it's I it's important to pay the bills yeah put food on the table but it's so you know I I want to go and do what I want to do in my life and Achieve things greatness but when you're being continually attacked having to fight all these different silly things you know not concentrating on going out and getting jobs and being creative you know going to visit lawyers going through sifting through thousands of emails and legal work and it's um this isn't what life's all about and it's sad that's why it sounds painful it's extremely and and to see the pain of my parents and my loved ones who love me so much and I'm just got to be be happy yeah I am happy I'm really happy I'm faking it I'm faking it you know listen I am happy now I really am I mean I've still got my stresses and strains um my children are ju depos absolutely adore them but there's days when I just wish I wasn't a dad for a couple of nights young kids yeah you're like I want to know that period there you're saying like these sex revenge porn how many many years did that go on for it still is what from from 2012 when you split up to now like 12 years later I still get threatened now threatened by I've got three different police investigations going on as we speak ess6 Hampshire on you Manchester police Manchester Essex and I've had sever different police forces involved um for what uh being threats I get I get threatened all the time no that's that's true I don't get threatened all the time I have had a a considerable amount of threats I've only had one this year right at the beginning of the year um get phone calls so I've had um tracers on the phone calls and sometimes it's hoaxes and stuff and listen I'm the next storm and the next paratrooper yeah I'm going to kill you you're in trouble like yeah okay right you get all that yeah you know that's a load of rubbish but you still you you still doesn't matter if it's a load of rubbish still take it seriously it's going to jolt you isn't it yeah like okay all right if someone's calling you up and they're talking specifically intimate things that only people privy to the inate things that that's that's different and I've had that a lot I mean I was blackmailed in 201 13 around the time of the other case I was talking about earlier where Katie um uh shared that video to my lawyers Madness I was blackmailed at the same time another case it's um yeah give an example that black male oh they um K it's laptop went missing a week before this court case on that laptop was a sex dossier of lots of different people Peter Andre myself um and I I remember seeing this uh coming in one day and the when I was with her and the the kids were at the table and they're playing with the laptop and I po this vide what the I saw a an image of like I ran over and slammed it shot what are you doing what's going I went what's go I went absolutely crazy delete this at once how come you took and I saw there was just me there was other people on there and she promised me it had gone deleted you know I wasn't priv to that conversation and that was that was year that was when I was with her and then so a few years a couple of years later when I was in court and I saw this video it was a different it was a different video I hadn't seen she filmed us doing she filmed us filmed us all the time and I wasn't aware I was not aware I was like I this things I don't that's not something I'm as much as I'm an extrovert I don't want that stuff out there especially not when I've got children and and literally being threatened on TV shows like this morning gmtv loose swimming literally directly threatening me saying I should better shut up or that's going to come out I'm like H it was just before 2015 which is when the revenge porn laws come out as I said I'm not it's not that's I'm not ashamed I'm not ashamed but I'm embarrassed yeah you don't want that for your children or your mom and dad seeing that or your friends and family yeah there's only so much piss take you can have right yeah but then it gets deeper and deeper with the whole public know him yeah how did you deal with that um felt suicidal yeah yeah it's horrendous I as I told you I went to what my um f safe is training um I trained trained like a demon it's escapism you know um I took fights when I wasn't shouldn't have taken fights not not to be the best just to be numb did some drugs not not Mega amount because I never really thought that was the I Have sensible enough to think oh this is this will numb me up and this will make me feel good and like this is stupid I was sensible enough to do that I don't think it's sensible to get in the cage without really being ready and fight a badass cuz the level of guys I was fighting a absolute kill you know but it was an adrenaline streak to take me away from the and for for the period of six weeks I could be focused on I train a bit but not like I used to train I mean like I wasn't going to the gym to be the best I was just going to the gym to be distracted yeah and focused yeah to not think about something you say you had Suicidal Thoughts what sort of thoughts were they I think I've talked about this a lot I mean mean um I've had therapy in the past for suicide I've never wanted to not not be U actually do it but to I think it's quite common for people to think when some when everyone suffers pain at some point in their life and you think wish I wasn't here this is when you get pain that bad and you don't know how to handle it you just it's a quite a common have you ever had that feeling you got something it just you're not going to act on it but you you you contemplate oh want to be here this is be steier I'll reincarnate into another body and start again and do it all over or if that's one of your belief patter or I just rather not be here right now you ever F that no never no so I it is quite common yeah for a lot of men I've had a lot of people on the we had 200 episodes now on the podcast is is a common theme here and it's something that's not spoken about and that's why yeah we've got a wonderful platform where people can speak about is to help others by you speaking up will help thousands of others listening I have I've I'm going to talk about some things in a minute we're going to get bit heavy but um well we're getting heavy now the spiritual thing um it's it become more and more common and someone who I I started this off about um being positive and negative is better to have get rid of negative thoughts than to have more positive thoughts to be successful and I understand there's always going to be negativity I was as bullied as a kid I felt insecure that's my mindset so I understand myself and it's really weird I can be the alpha male in the room like get anyone and then next in a in a millisec I can be like a dweeb so insecure I'm like what the hell is going on and I's say multiple personalities it really is um I haven't been diagnosed with that you but I think we all have different personalities you're someone different to kids then you are to your wife or maybe not you're someone if you're in a in a courtroom you're going to be different to the judge or the police officer than you are to your mat's down the P course we put on a and gresses darling do we yeah know um do you actually have a telephone voice no you don't no do you well I don't know it all depends who you're speaking to you so you do guess no I guess I guess but you just mentioned I speaking to the queen I would want to pronounce my teas there you go why because that's the right thing to do if it's the if it's the king so you so you are you're trying to be better I would want to pronounce my teas yes yes and say Yes instead of yeah yeah it would it would make you trigger a few things for sure see as an actor as a darling you um it that's extremely cathartic and I I imagine as you said this is extremely cathartic cuz you you're going through emotions yeah I've done a lot lot of this done a lot of studying into my soul especially when I'm trying to become a character I find acting so cathartic so I love it I love it pretending to be different people and trying to understand their problems and emotions because by doing that you have you understand yourself yeah um so when you say pretending to be different people what about all the cross dressing is that something you've done since a kid or cross it was happy it was making you happy happy dressing um when did that come about oh cross um have you ever crossdressed no mate never no you say it like that said no mate you said like it's not a big deal to me it's not a big deal to you but I've if it was a big deal to you it would be a big deal to me if I if my if I was saw me wearing ey heels and a pair of knickers or whatever that's just not my bag it's very funny it but it might be your bag and you that's your thing and you love it not my bag it's not my bag I've done that I mean it's was fun so were you taking the piss or was it genuinely like I want to dress up like a girl a woman no I didn't I don't see he's like make it it's like a it's interesting the emphasis we're putting on it it's it's okay all I'm saying is there's not a problem with it because every rugby player I know 50% rugby players even at our Festival they crossdressing it just it's just to the norm yeah yeah yeah but so when everyone's on the smash you know yeah the smash that smash is on the P oh is that something else on the oh could be it could be a smash just getting the smash getting the lingo um um yeah it's fun it's like it's not like um I'm not the best looking girl yeah you know it was fun that's all were you doing it was it fancy dress or was it no I'm going out dressing like this um bit of both yeah when I went look when I did it at home it was um it was I wanted to experiment what it was like to feel like something different as an actor um I'd put on capes and walk around the house like a Roman yes I'm a Roman and then as a get I played it as a kid I did I'd put on my sister's knickers and put on a I'm like oh I wanted to feel what uh like a chameleon yeah like what it was like to feel like and and clothes um really do they alter you you know if you put on a smart suit I got a suit on different in a track suit and I got a haircut yesterday shaved you know you you're clean shaving if you're all scruffy you feel different yeah agree and that's simply is someone who's experimenting But I me I don't have any Fascination to want to do that all the time it's just there something it was interesting at the time if I wanted to do it again I'll do it again yeah I've not I don't have a desire to be a woman um this is why I find interesting in it more for fun I just said I just said it's I my fun is experimenting being inquisitive asking questions so now the fact you've said that you you are I I see you're I'm not a psychologist but just not being an amateur psychologist you your your demeanor the second I said if I put a dress on you no you you went instantly went masculine so my point is that would be it's so anti you because you feel like it's wrong and and I know it's not I know it's not wrong psychologically or or uh it's not wrong in society but for you for for you for me it's a nogo why is that because I don't dress up was a b i don't dress up as a woman and I wear high heel if we were going to play an acting role and if it if it was a fancy dress AC cross AC cross dress i' find that very difficult as well okay that's what yeah but that's just me and the wife been brought up I guess why you've been brought up what who are you m this is about you no but who are you this this is about me but this is who are you cuz by me understanding you you can understand me this but I do understand you wanting to do that but it's just not for me but I've also seen growing up in the Rugby World where you got six' five a prime example I'll give you an example bourma sevens Festival yeah 2021 good mate of mine Harry come Harry redneck came down to the festival he's never been to a sport of Music Festival before in his life he's in the v VIP 30,000 people BLS are coming in 6' 7 6'8 Mass just with Budgy Smugglers Beering hand yeah flipflops other guys coming in who are wearing women's clothes that's the rugby mentality of getting on the beers and having a laugh and not caring not giving a [ __ ] you know so I I kind of get it but your question to me would you dress as a one I know no but but you wouldn't it's not but what I think what I'm trying to get you to understand is understand me because it's so alien to you it just feels wrong it's like but it's not so alien cuz I've seen it for years is no but for you for you to do it in the Rugby World big masculine men dressing up as women or wearing funny clothes and not caring running around naked and that um shock Factor like left the building for me I so I don't feel the need I did do it for a bit of fun in that respect and that was and it was like and as an actor um wanting to experience other emotions and what's this like what's this like I mean I I want to feel every kind of emotion out there so I can be a better actor yeah better better better better better speaking to the queen yes but it's funny I mean uh people go on about the crossdresser there we go again oh I mean I kind of regret it I I went out you must look back and think what was I doing yeah I yes or no Okay the reason why I say uh yes is because I've got so much crap for it I don't I'm not a crossdress I'm the worst Crosser at the moment at one point that was the most famous crossdresser transvesti in the world for a for a for a brief few period I'm like how did this happen I did it I did it to say [ __ ] you like who does it and I remember s been in a magazine um around the 10 12 years ago and and I'm like you they're talking about crossdressing I said what does it matter people are dying all over the world and you're worried about what color knickers I'm wearing I'm like this is madness I kind of I was trying to do it to say [ __ ] you well it's like doesn't matter and like and I and you're right it doesn't matter people can be whoever they want to be and I thought well did it but you did it in an era where it wasn't spoken abouta you were like the Pioneer and I said I enjoy it why not and I do enjoy it was great I mean do you still dress up as a woman now I haven't dressed up for years how many years one about 10 minutes no um well like I said um since I've been since I've been a dad again yeah which is um Anastasia's two and a half how old are you when you first tried it this is something I haven't ever talked about do I talk about this I know you want it all right 18 17 18 I say this because it's it's not nice I wasn't but it was it was conjured have you heard of the me too no that green of ptro you know what I'm talking about me too um it's the film World Casting Couch an agent an actor an acting agent and he um he said this is how you got to get on the world this is how it works and I'm like I'm open-minded because I'm like I've never tried it I'm like I wasn't even really fascinated by it but I was like okay right might be all right and it wasn't W bam straight away it was it was I was I was 18 I was a kid and this acting agent um I won't say his name yet I might do later and he he said this is what you got to do to get on in the business so and I was okay I thought I could do almost saw it like a James Bond mission and I literally was trying to justify in my head um justifi cuz I didn't feel comfortable doing it and I felt caded um I uh I like I was a secret agent and I'd have to do this to get to get to to make get the mission to win the mission so I had sex with my agent and it's like yeah I was used completely used U not the it wasn't you it wasn't wasn't that terrible but it wasn't that terrible physically but psychologically it was horrendous yeah yeah cuz you know just when you're when you're um what's the word when you're doing something out of your comfort zone you know but was like all bells and whistles I often wonder the whole crossdressing thing was like after that was that me trying to make it all right was that mean trying to make it okay you know why I did it to be so like because I would defend I was a soldier because I believe in Great Britain you know we we can be what we want to be even if I don't agree with you within reason and that goes a little bit different now what's going on in the world there's certain things I do believe that we have to stop but um I will fight for your right to be what you want to be and that's you know in our free Society freethinking so yeah wow yeah it was it's um it wasn't pleasant it wasn't psychologically yeah but how how was that for you psychologically after that for how many years was that playing on your mind um well I I don't I I kind of must have suppressed it because although um I don't want to talk about it I I I I feel comfortable enough now in myself to admit things like that because it's something very um very personal it's very and it's like you know you don't want to say those sort of things it's like it's when you've been taken advantage of that must be the hardest part been used I was a paratrooper at the same time the [ __ ] what's going on one minute I'm alha M next minute I'm doing this right why why we why what were you thinking because I wanted to be the best I wanted to be an actor and I'm being fed I mean I might have been 18 which is legal and everything but I'm a kid I'm a baby who I've been told all the right things to like to be a movie star and to be you know an actor and a model and you you you're just vulnerable now going backwards I talked about the autism it explains a lot okay because I've been so vulnerable I've listened to the wrong people so many times I've been to prison how long you in prison for four weeks okay no time um penville okay that was that was a and do you know what I saw in there people need more love yeah when I see real criminals and I'm not talking about and I've mixed with real criminals I mean really sort of Breaking Bad style and vir terrorists and you know when I was on my search to be the tough guy and all I wanted was acceptance for myself I've mixed with all these bad people I mixed with real people but I'm not talking about them um who actually in many respects were actually more moral than the real criminals I'm talking about which is the government officials the people who are ruling our country the ruling Elites um I was almost woke before woke happened and then I've I've turned back I've become anti-woke now I used to believe in you know I left the Army because I want to kill people and I see like you know these rich men in suits are creating all the war that's why I left the Army and I you know the whole the the corruption which goes on in our society why I formed the Bob re Foundation to help CH uh parents and families going through child separation in a profiting organization which encourages parental alienation which is causing five to seven suicides every day which is destroying our so our society when you've got soldiers more worried about child maintenance service and fighting the Taliban when you got firemen being pulled off the grandi towers cuz they can't operate properly those the why is this happening because these are the real criminals in our government in our society profiting and I'm like it's the ju depose when I'm in prison and I'm seeing someone who's inside and they're only inside because they don't have money if they had money they' you know and I I know a lot about that yeah there's a certain person who's um G there again I've gone back to her who's who's managed to get off of everything so many times what's so in your court cases with her how many court case you had with Jordan I don't know roughly 10 20 20 yeah different court cases yeah hearings hearings notaa not cases hearings blood 20 hearings so yeah separate hearings what what regarding what revenge porn uh that was the main one the divorce um yeah yeah so you you it's it's mate it sounds draining there it's really draining and and how much money have you personally spent on lawyers and all of this like half a mill the sad thing is the sad thing is um it affects everyone around me yeah and it affects me because I'm the I'm the example I want to be The Shining Light to inspire people I I and I need to be vibrating and powerful and I'm not because well I am but like I said I have the the the battle of the Angel and the devil one minute I'm POS it next minute and it's a continual battle and I pray this is where I'm going to get heavy now I pray and I literally do pray properly pray um I prayed to God this morning because there was something going on in my life something stressful and I was like really wor I was up at 4:00 in the morning with something that's gone on I'm going to say um and I opened up the emails and then I something it was my prayer was answered I like that was good that so I've turned I've turned to God andless just someone who's asked a lot of questions listen I've always I was born I was um in a Christian family and look I'm I wouldn't consume consider myself an evangelist or a happy clap of Jesus but someone who's done a lot of research a lot asking a lot of questions been around the world looking at every single religion I've done all the aesa stuff and I've done witch doctor stuff and I've experimented with medicines you you can call them um drugs but medicines in a in a med medicinal way to try and open up realities and try and understand what it's all about I've done meditations I've done lots of Hard taiy Chong breathing which put puts you into different states long story short one of the reason I haven't been doing much of this it's not I've completely turn my back on Celebrity but because I get bored of talking about her yeah and crossdressing and right um I don't mind talking about it now because I'm I'm going to be doing a lot more interviews and things I've got I've got a speaking toour good for you um I've got a lot to talk about um positive things yeah as I said I Mentor young people I'm training mostly I'm a badass ninja killer even though I'm a bit more battle warn these days I can still talk and I can influence people I tell I love to coach Fighters not so much on the moves but how to think yeah how to think that's so important do you know on a scale of 1 to 10 when you're fighting knowing how to think you're shrewd yeah yeah have to be I haven't been too much love that's that's I wasn't the killer yeah but I've had to learn to be a killer yeah because it's a game yeah it's a game yeah Alex I've really enjoyed this episode do you say that to everybody no no no I don't are you going to come and wear a dress for me now how quickly you want me to answer that no I haven't w a dress for years but I put one on for you sounds you know what I've I've really enjoyed it you know what I like about you're a really kind soul for a fighter and a killer and everything you're about in that world of 300 fights youve just got yourself caught up in stuff the li like the lights and whatever you and but you're in a really nice place now or lot better place than you were which is lovely yes so I wish you I wish got purpose I've got things to live for I've got I mean that's just to end on the whole suicide thing I mean you might think about that but there's no way I've got children that love me and I love myself you got four beautiful kids I have yeah and I've got me yeah I've got a lovely Ms yeah I wish you all the best and it's nice to me and and this Law of Attraction and you start meeting people like likeminded people so thank you sir you're a gentleman and thank you yeah thank you mate I've enjoyed that proba enjoyed it maybe a part two we can let people if people want part two they can leave comments below can and maybe we do part two and we let out a few of the bits you told me you can't say on here yeah well I I I do plan one day yeah talking about it I'm just it's all about timing timing let's save it with legals and we got enough legals around you Nick so let's leave it for now if people want a part two if they got this far yeah we'll uh we'll do it sir yeah you're a good man cheers Alex hi guys I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did can you do us a favor and subscribe to the channel it's totally free and it massively helps our show Cheers [Music] guys
Channel: Dodge Woodall
Views: 83,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j2eLUGk1VDw
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Length: 106min 49sec (6409 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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