Britain’s Biggest Addiction: Men's Health Expert Layla Gordon

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I just wondering if you were going to put the Lela Gordon podcast on YouTube changed my life how did you become a men's health expert a Snickers bar for example has 27 G of free sugar in it it has 27 g of sugar that's disgusting it is so it's a drug it's addictive and it's eight times more addictive than cocaine heart attack diabetes obesity cancer this is like insanity 850,000 people in the UK walking around with diabetes that don't even know they've got it everyone in the country could understand it on a real simple level why is there no education on this Lea welcome to the show thanks for having me Dodge yeah very much looking forward to this is a different one for us but I'm very much looking forward to this one let's roll the way back where did you grow up and how did you become a men's health expert yeah so interestingly um take it right back to the the mid-70s really my mother moved to the Middle East she moved to Africa to work and that's where she met my father and my father was an entrepreneur himself he he owned and ran a big farm by the banks of the River Nile believe it or not um so yeah so they got married my father and he passed away and we'll talk about that we'll touch on that um who's Sudanese so he's from the country just below Egypt and so he's from Sudan yeah okay so this is the country just below Egypt and he didn't want the local life uh he wanted something different he was an entrepreneur he had drive he had spirit and so he built this Farm by the banks of the River Nile um and this is where I grew up this is where I spent the first five years of my life um in this Oasis it was a beautiful place people wanted to visit it all the time um we had um cattle and staff and we used to obviously grow all our vegetables and everything was organic as you could imagine there was not a bit of f food in sight it was all homegrown and amazing food and that's where like I say I spent the first five years of my life um and I wasn't exposed to anything other than um just fresh produce and living on a farm and um like I said had animals so I know you had a a pet monkey you're the only other person I've met that also had a pet monkey you have a pet monkey as well pet monkey of course I qu I lived in a p and I had a pet monkey that's a bit odd isn't it a bit odd I actually lived on a farm and it was called no problem it was a problem um and so you know the thing is that um we we moved we we came back to the country when I was five um and my father really struggled with that he sold his business he sold what he had really put his heart and soul his passion his life into and the the sale didn't go too well um and I I really saw from a young age also what stress business stress and you know business life for for a man can really be like and and the impact that had it had on his health and I saw his health decline from from a young age um and and he really didn't ever get over um what happened with the sell of of his farm and the fact it didn't go very well um and unfortunately he passed away he passed away before the age of 65 how old were you when he passed I was 22 okay um and so yeah it was a really difficult time obviously but you know living on the farm I think I just built this Inner Strength so if you can imagine living on a farm by the bank of the River Nile you've got you you had to be strong to survive every day was a brush with death I'm told because there were scorpions there were snakes there was water there was heat there was sandstorms it it was an amazing existence but I think it gave me that real inner strength and that real Drive um and when my father passed away actually I um the the job that I had at the time went it closed it went under that the company I was working for shut down a week after my father passed away at the of 22 and um obviously that was one of the hardest times of my life but I was offered a job at Microsoft um the week after and I again that inner strength that drive really came through um and I was working for Microsoft throughout most of my 20s so quite early you know to be working in a job like that traveling the world you know met Bill Gates had a fantastic time during the you know the top boom um and so that was my sort of early career but at behind all of this I was always interested in health and nutrition I was always searching for ways you know living in London it was it was hard to find healthy food to be healthy you know living a fast-paced life having a career like that um it was difficult and so I always it was my passion it was my hobby on the side really was health and nutrition and I think the two areas really from that was a living on a farm when I was young um and really what I saw and what I was exposed to and how my my early years were and then also um seeing my father's Health decline um and just seeing from a young age the impact um that stress and poor diet you know smoking alcohol Etc can really have to someone's body um and one one in um five men dies before the age of 65 and unfortunately my father was one of those men and I think that really is where my love and my passion for health um really shines through my Clinic because as you say I focus on men's health and when someone comes into my clinic who is a man who is struggling with their health I can see it I can empathize with it um and I can really help them do you know when someone walks in by the look on their face if they're healthy or not yeah most definitely you you can see it you can see it in someone's skin in their vibrancy and their whole demeanor um a lot of people can come across um as quite um sort of anxious I see quite a lot of ADHD um in my clinic which is quite for me it's quite easy to spot and there's a big link between gut health and brain health which I'm sure we'll come on to and how we're going to talk about how sugar and and processed food really you know feeds in and drives that Perpetual this is a really powerful subject that is being spoke about more but there are so many people high percentage of the population still don't have a clue about sugar and gut health and the processed foods that are going into their body and then wondering why everyone's getting ill at the moment and it's getting worse and worse and worse as we know y hi guys just giving you the quick heads up we've just launched a new VIP membership on patreon this gives you exclusive episode behind the scenes footes never seen before VIP Community chat and early access to all episodes if you love what we do for the sake of a cheeky pint a month Fiverr a month come and support the channel it allows us to grow even bigger just to break down what actually is gut health would you say um so we've got you know three levels so we've got diet which is what eat it's it's what goes into your mouth and then we've got nutrition nutrition is how the food gets absorbed in your digestive system so that's that gut lining layer um and then we've got your metabolism that's what goes on inside the cell you know we're talking insulin for example so gut health is really everything that happens on that one cell thick lining it's so crucial it's so important 70% of your immune system lives in your gut and there's a reason for that it's because it has to assess every single thing you're putting in your mouth um the immune system has to make sure is this safe or not and unfortunately a lot of the time at the moment it's not food it's a food likee substance that we're eating and this is causing a Cascade of um chronic disease around the body it's systemic inflammation yeah well as we know it's an epidemic in the UK well worldwide is sugar yeah so if we're talking about the amount of sugar that goes in someone's body and they don't even realize it's actually they're saying that sugar is more addictive than cocaine they reckon it's eight times more addictive than cocaine it's a drug how mad it's a full-on drug that the government are allowing people to have and it be legal Y how mad is that like I I look in I Think Jesus Christ I walk I walk down the supermarket I reckon 90% of the food is filled with sugar that's correct it is and the problem is sugar so it is sugar so if we take it back a step in the 1960 the sugar industry paid scientists to misinterpret the link between sugar and fat and to portray fat as the issue for heart disease so this is why suddenly around the 1960s 7s they just stripped all all the all the fat out low fat this low fat the other and what you have to put it in you have to put sugar in its place you have to put additives to make it tasty to make it tasty so then that has caused the epidemic of obesity diabetes heart disease is it really was this this Keystone study that was done that was funded by the sugar industry which has caused the decades worth of critical health problems that we're now faced with and it's not getting any better it's only getting worse because sugar like you say is very very addictive and we can talk about different types of sugar and the fact that you know we've got glucose so glucose is an essential part of life we we cannot function without glucose that's fair so for the listener Give an example where is glucose found glucose is is found in plants it's a cellular function of plants so the plant will will take energy from the Sun and the soil and it will it will make glucose so that's what you're going to get in carbohydrates is mainly glucose um and to a certain extent you'll have fructose which is another type of sugar in natural fruits but this is packaged up in in the the peel in the Pips in the shells the problem is we've taken fructose we've turned it into high fructose corn syrup and we have pumped it in to food like substances ultrapress foods and fructose is like 100 times more addictive than glucose okay so it it it has a dopaminergic effect so it's it's the dopamine pathway is being damaged by the fructose jeez so basically the dopamine hit when you get exercise when you exercise you get a dopamine hit and endorphin the sugars giving people a dopamine hit as well but what we're finding is that people who are eating more and drinking more sugar are getting that insulin Spike MH then when you've got the insulin spike your body is just craving more and more sugar and more and more carbohydrates ex you're not getting full up exactly and that's where I guess the knock on effect of people becoming obese and fatter and fatter and fatter because they're not feeling full exactly okay so there was a study that came out in 2019 that showed that Ultra processed foods cuse people to eat ovat by 500 calories per day because they are nutrient poor and calorie dense and they are addictive so the fructose for example yes it's dopamine but it actually slows down or stops the dopamine pathway so it's like that you want more it's like you know the um the fruit machine craing the craving it's a deficit so you it's an addiction yeah it is it's a full-on addiction but the the the it's interesting you talk about addiction I I'll chat to Lad go oh you got alcohol addiction you got drug addiction you got sex addiction you've got food addiction no one ever talks about sugar MH because sugar is hidden everywhere and as we know like sugars in pasta sauces sugars in Red Bull sugars in everything you see there's sugar in there I got a chicken the other day and I'm very high on my as you know I'm high on on good food and good nutrition I got chicken the other day one plain chicken one other chicken brown sugar coated in brown sugar coated in dextr what MH and your normal bod would not know they just think it's a chicken yeah but you're putting more sugar into your body without even realizing yeah so it's cheap and it sells and it's tasty and you can sell more of it and the marketing companies the big food companies are making obviously a lot of money out of this you know it's it's cheap to to mass produce and it's the marketing as well so the worry for me is the young children you know the younger the age um the more easy it is to brainwash them I think that's where maybe my eyes were really alert to this at my young age because um like I say I wasn't brainwashed by marketing for the first five years of my life um and I see a difference between my daughter and my son so my son's a bit younger he's 11 my daughter's 13 and I think something's gone on you know I think there's been a real ramping up even more so in the last few years of the marketing towards young people because of social media because of social media and it's more you know in your face and it's being very very cleverly marketed to a certain age bracket you know Prime for example we can obviously talk about some of these things that have really become you know super um addictive and uh you know Priceless almost to people but was interesting you're saying there like we were market to in the 80s right yeah Mars Bar Mars a day helps you work rest and play and you got all your milk and then they pour sugar in and we all thought milk sugar it's good for you yeah no one had a Scooby I remember no one had a clue I remember my old man in the 80s go yeah there's two quid Dodge go down to the Corner Shop there and we get 10 bars of chocolate we'll eat 10 bars of chocolate but five each yes because no one knew but at least where we're at the moment we've got the internet to teach people but I think the I think the a high percentage of people still don't have a clue what they are putting in their bodies and what it is doing to their bodies what is doing to their gut and what is doing to their brain yes now if you're putting sugar into your body without even realizing what it is you're having a Coke can a can of Coke it's got 40 gram of sugar M your normal B doesn't realize as a parent if you're giving that to your kid you're giving him 10 teaspoons too much 10 teaspoons much in a drink that poor kid doesn't know yeah yeah it's abuse it could be seen as abuse really no one really it can be seen as abuse giv and it's acceptable and it shouldn't be acceptable so the so the sugar industry they they played this story and so you know fat was the problem and then we all got obese and you know diabetes there's there's a huge huge increase in diabetes there's 4.3 million people with diabetes there's 850,000 people in the UK walking around with diabetes that don't even know they've got it is that right so there's 4 million people who know they got type two diabetes type two diabetes and there's just under a million that don't know they've got it no all of these things are silent you don't know you don't know if your blood sugar is disregulated you don't know if you've got cardiovascular disease until it's too late unfortunately cancer these are all silent chronic diseases that are just you know silently sweeping the the country and it's been done like I say a lot of the the research and the marketing has been skewed and and yes so then we realize Sugar's a big issue and in the last maybe year or two we've realized actually it's Ultra processed foods because by default they're going to contain what you're talking about these high loads of sugar so it's the ultr processed foods so just let's just break down there's a few really good topics here Ultra processed foods in my eyes here is then when you've got a packet of ham and you look at the back and there's 10 ingredients on there with words that I can't even pronounce exactly cuz no one's got a clue what these words are these are these are all hidden stuff that no one's got a clue about yes and this is stemms from sugar being pumped into meat as well yes oh yes so so you've got the Nova scale which is four scales of food so you've got not processed slightly processed mly processed and Ultra processed so the Nova scale four that's what we use as nutritionist to identify and the problem is that ultr processed food is very high in sugar very high in salt very high in saturated fat and very high in usually e numbers additives preservatives it's not even food it's been made in a lab it's been made in a factory it's it's the biggest threat to our health is ultr processed deal so if I went into Supermarket how do I know if something's processed versus ultr processed are there any signs on the phone because they've brought signs in now you know You' got your green your Amber and your red you know if it's high in sugar it'll be red danger be careful or whatever so it's giving it's helping people in some way how do you know if something's Ultra processed it's really hard to tell actually the mark the The Branding the packaging can be very deceiving and like you say the different colors and the way that they will say 100 grams per whatever of you know it's very confusing to to break it down and for people to actually know whether it's it's healthy or not and the packaging the the the wording seems to be getting smaller I don't know it's it's underneath to really you know you have to really dig in to see it um and it's being presented in a way that is very very confusing for people um so there is an app that I use which we can talk about in a bit and I've I've started using that recently and I'd like you know more people to know about this app what's the name of the app it's called yaka how do you spell that um y UK k okay there are others out there there's one called Think Dirty there's quite a few apps that can do this but I find that yucka is a really really that's a barcode you barcode it it comes up and tells you at scale of 1 to 100 this is brutal Don't Go Near it don't eat it don't drink it and this is okay and this is good for you yeah exactly exactly so that's one way that we can start to tell um because really like you know you go into the shops and apparently we are all consuming up to 50% of our food from Ultra processed foods and if you go into a standard Corner Shop or a petrol station I think that what's on the shelves is more like 80 90 plus when you're queuing up paying for your Petr and youve got Temptation left Temptation right biscuits crisps chocolates the the the the everything is just sugar it's everywhere so how related is sugar to cancer so it is very related um it's not a type one carogen the who has said there are other what do you mean by that one type Cen cancer causing okay so if we're going to talk what's cancer causing the who has said that Al who the who Health Organization has said that alcohol is a type one carcinogen processed meat is a type one carogen so bacon sausage ham that's a fact sugar does many other things to the body which may ultimately increase cancer so it increases inflammation blood sugar balance is disregulated um it it disrupts the gut microbiome it impacts your mental health um it's just a metabolic disaster basically and when you have a metabolic disaster you're more likely to unfortunately for your body to not be able to see cancer let's sh say so it's an indirect um cause but there's something called a metabolic syndrome I don't know if you've heard of metabolic syndrome U metabolic syndrome is a is a list of things so metabolic syndrome is when someone has high blood pressure high BMA High B what's BMA BMI is B body mass index and what just to break down body mass index what is that well it's not a great marker to be honest with you because it's confusing it's confusing so it's your weight and your height so if you're a bodybuilder obviously it's going to be skewed agree or you are obese mhm but you're six' you can kind of get away with it on this BMI thing BMI but you could be obese and 5' 7 it it look brutal exctly so it's still the standard we need to move on from that but in terms of metabolic syndrome they're still using BMI as a marker for weight so high blood pressure high BMI high blood glucose which we can come on to high triglycerides which are a type of fat in the blood High bad cholesterol and low good cholesterol all from all from well this is this is a metabolic disaster that comes from eating too much sugar so there's no wi Sugar's the enemy like sugar should be taken out of your diet immediately because there is no positives whatsoever in sugar and if you have three out of five of the things I just listed you have metabolic syndrome and you're in trouble how many people do we think are walking around with metabolic must be lows very high percentage and you don't know it's funny isn't it you're an age like you hit an age and you see some of your pals you haven't seen in a while and we we'll meet somewh like Jesus Christ what's he been eating for the last 6 months do you know what I mean you can see that there you can see that he's having a bottle of white wine on a Tuesday night you can see that he's munching on crisps and munching on stuff because you can't get that bloated eating clean good food right yeah no definitely not fuon bloat so when you see someone bloated and and their belly gets bigger and bigger and bigger you mentioned a minute ago like 500 calories per day they're eating probably more than they should do over a week that's three and a half thousand calories that's one pound yeah one pound of body fat have you ever seen a pound of body fat the yellow bubly horrible thing versus a pound of muscle exact it's disgusting yeah it's literally disgusting yeah yeah so how do men how do they realize that what's going on in their body they could be in serious trouble because on the outside they're Funtime Frankie they go down the pub they meet their mates they play a bit of tiny bit of sport here in there they're a good laughter but deep down they realizing that their belly's growing that their their gut is telling them something it's telling their mind that you're not in a good place what's the right thing for these guys to do do you think yeah I mean like you say you know it's all fun times you know go out have some drinks and you know the beer belly starts to creep on and maybe your mates might make a bit of a joke out of it oh mate you know got a bit of a beer belly now it's it's not taken seriously enough okay so when you've got that beer belly when you've got that bloating when you've got that subcutanous fat that's sitting around your belly you have most likely got visceral fat visceral fat is clinging to your organs and it's suffocating them so the fat is clinging to your organs yeah and then squeezing them squeez which will then cause heart disease all sorts liver problems yeah so you're going to feel crap aren't you you're going to feel sluggish brain fog maybe depressed lack of energy you an anxiety Focus yeah everything you you can't you know walk around like that forever and actually not feel unwell inside so you physically you're going to look at it and then emotionally and mentally you're going to feel it and it's what point someone says okay I think I need to maybe get checked and that this is quite often where people will come to me or they might go to the private doctors that I work with or to the NHS first and that's obviously the first quar of call if you're not feeling right things don't feel right go and get checked go and get your work done and unfortunately you'd be surprised the number of guys that I see in their 30s who are pre-diabetic wow who have high liver enzymes who have high cholesterol so just explain cholesterol let's keep this simple cholesterol is blocking up of your archeries is that the blood flow flow going through your archeries yeah so I do a lot with the cardiovascular system because it's you know it's the number one biggest killer worldwide is cardiovascular disease that's actually what my father died of he died of sudden heart failure um so it's obviously close to my to my heart um and I can see it and I'm very empathetic and I can see that this is a big big big issue because I see it time and time again in my clinic so um weirdly enough sugar increases fat in the bloodstream and cholesterol so again Sugar's at the root of all this again right so Sugar's in the root of that and Sugar's the passing the root of cancer as well but it's sugar yeah sugar is the thing drives the changes in these fats in your blood so triglycerides come from sugar okay so it turns into fat stores in your body and then it turns into what we call the bad cholesterol so again the problem is also to do with inflammation inflammation is a huge huge problem again sugar is inflammatory it inflames your vascular lining yeah and then Along Comes the fat the cholesterol and it thinks it's doing the right thing by patching up the on the lining um but then over time that's going to build up that's what you don't want you don't want this cholesterol building up in your arteries because then ultimately unfortunately you may have a blockage and then you have a heart attack yes Jesus Christ okay so how that's that's this is this is anyone listening any Lads out there listening this is real yeah it is this is real and how many Lads are there that we all know who are big lumps and we all take the Mickey out of them and they must go away going I don't look good in a pair of box of shorts or look in the mirror I don't look good but the addiction of the sugar which is eight times more addictive than the Coca if they use cocaine or someone used cocaine how do they get out of that cycle that's an interesting one so physically and mentally you need to break the cycle but it's how how we work initially so we've talked about the physical side obviously you know starting by getting checked and etc etc we come on to that but mentally let's talk about how you can break that psychological neurological pathway because basically ultimately it's your your brain of logic and reason has been hijacked by your lower brain your primitive brain what we call the monkey mind it's been hijacked and it's been hijacked by the marketing companies by the fast food companies and so that when you walk into your favorite off license your fast food place what wherever is you go the neurological Pathways keep solidifying so that you just keep walking down to that same place to get that same food to get that same it so it's about trying to break that habit and you just have to become aware become self-aware you know it's it's not unmanly to take a look inside you know yourself and sort of re-evaluate and maybe make some changes it's okay to sort of say it's it's not okay I'm I'm not feeling okay I know I need to make some changes and I'm going to start one day at a time it doesn't have to be drastic it can just be you know changing one thing yeah one small thing don't booze Monday to Friday at home for example take or or in your house make sure there's no biscuits and crisps in there you clear them out yeah that's your first step that's the first step so the petrol station that's closest to my house has changed to um a different brand now it's Asda and I've noticed that as you walk to the checkout they now have um packets of nuts and seeds and help like real food actual food so yeah the rest of the store is full of crap yeah but at least they trying to do something so what about when you go into the store just try to change up what you would normally have maybe you would normally when you go and get your petrol pick up a a Snickers bar pick up some some a bag of nuts and seeds I know it doesn't sound very manly they lovely though but it's Lov protein good fat nice like we both eat clean right we're 9010 i' would say every a little once a week but how nice is it eating clean foods and having your taste buds there there's no sugar in your body your taste bud go to a whole new level yeah you know like you can eat clean meat from The Butchers you can eat beautiful uh apples and tangerines and grapes and all your berries and your blue I'm addicted to blueberries blueberries and so much beautiful food out there but I think we're so drilled in a way that the marketing companies just drill it into you must have that there's Temptation everywhere yes you know Temptation every angle I also think like like even like young kids my little boy he he's 10 goes It goes in the super he looks at the back of the packets of stuff and realizes what sugar levels it is and D which trying to teach him this because I never got taught this you never got taught we never got taught this as kids and if we can pass that down that's a nice gift to give to make them aware MH I'm just I'm just I'm just in in shock really like when you look at your circle of friends around the country and whatever and you realize that as we're getting older you can see the ones that haven't changed their diet or movement or getting more exercise or eating cleaner there's going to be a point where like you mentioned heart disease there's going to be a point where they might have a jolt yeah that wake up c yeah do they have to instead of waiting for that to happen are you suggesting that they go and get themselves checked out and get a blood test is that what you're saying yeah 100% so what I do is preventative Healthcare so I'm all about root causes and prevention and you know that for me is incredible you know to be in that space so I love working with younger children and young adults like imagine you know moving that dial for a young adult you know 18 to 21 if you could just move that dial slightly the trajectory of their health and their life but also for for young guys in their 30s 100% you know I work a lot with people getting blood tests done so other tests that I run as well but generally like I say working with the private doctors I do um people will have the test done and then they'll come to see me and I will help help them to interpret that test okay give me an example say have a bloke who's in their 20s parted all through his 20s yeah clubs bars restaurants not carrying 30s he's still carrying on of boozing and you're wondering and he's one sort of that 37 year old or 43 year old 4 and they get into their 40s they're like I've been smashing I've been smashing the granny out this for the last 20 odd years on substance alcohol crap food not good sleep they would come to you and get a test how long would it be until they get the results back and can you tell straight away whether in that bloodstream whether they are diabetic yeah type two yeah so the Bloods get done um at the Dorset private GP Clinic where I'm the nutritionist there uh takes two three days they get sent to myself the person will meet with me and I will go through the results with them so obviously I'll look and I'll be able to see straight away we're looking red blood cells white blood cells liver enzymes is a is a big problem blood glucose and uh cholesterol so the lipid panel that we call it and then we're looking other things minerals kidney function proteins in the blood hormones it's 58 biomarkers is that right and it's cost you a few hundred cred who cares you want to know and then you know but you'd be surprised the number of people that are heading towards pre or are pre-diabetic um this is anything that's um 42 or over is pre-diabetic and a lot of people are heading in that direction 42 of those 58 things that tick the Box the brackets for um blood glucose so your hba1c is the amount of glucose in your blood from the previous 120 days of your red blood cell and the marker for anything that's pre-diabetic is 42 or over okay so we're looking at that mainly we're also looking at liver enzymes so like you're talking about alcohol consumption when you consume alcohol you consume sugar it overburdens your liver so your liver cannot cope with that amount of glucose and alcohol in your liver so what happens is then the enzymes spill out into your blood so then you get raised liver enzymes and you'd be surprised again the number of people have raised liver enzymes I mean it's fairly if you catch it quick enough you know cut the alcohol cut the sugar start eating clean your liver does a fantastic job of regenerating itself but if you've been smashing it for 20 odd years or 10 years or even 25 years your liver is going to be a mess right yes although the liver does it does work wonders regenerates every six weeks but if you're not giving it breathing space no no not good not good not good for your your metabolism so the m one of the main issues that we're going to talk about with sugar is insulin yeah so Sugar's not the is the is the problem but then further in that pathway people talk about going low carb you know cutting out sugar what you really want to do is stop spiking your insulin so much because the insulin is the thing that pulls the sugar out of your your blood into your cells and it what it does is it actually pulls the insulin into fat storage that's where it's going it's going to fat and that could be done time and time and time again if you're eating the wrong kinds of food and in the end a you become insulin resistant which is where you get pre-diabetes and B this fat that's being stored can create estrogen and estrogen can decrease your testosterone and testosterone when it's low can further increase the fat and the estrogen and the inflammation so it's this whole kind of male you that you're problem what happens what happens to a male estrogen starts happening what happens what happens their sex life well not great not great no they can't get it they can't can't so yeah erectile dysfunction is a big problem that's to do with the endothelial lining that's to do with inflammation and blood sugar again blood that's how it's linked that's the link sugar needs Cho out of the whole world right it does my God I can link everything back the issue with sugar I want to step back a couple of bits there Lila this is really interesting by the way I'm loving this I want to go back a little bit further and then go back to the bit where we spoke about sugar what happens when sugar when there's too much insulin spike your insulin's constantly spiked because of the sugar yes what doeses that that Doe to your mental health your mental state your mind health yes so if you do not have a balanced diet so if you're eating things that are just purely high in sugar and there's nothing to package Up the sugar so there's no fiber there's no roughage there's no real food as in terms of fiber as in fiber being the roughage of the food the stalks the plants the seeds so like an apple yeah the Apple got the skin that fiber that's crucially important and we can come on to talking about how important that is for gut health but if you don't have that and you're eating these food like substances yeah the ultr processed foods with full of fructose that's just slamming into your bloodstream the insulin has to quickly shuttle and so you get this huge spike in insulin and it will pull it in and go to the the fat storage and you've got that happening time and time and time again so this is going to cause in the short term it's going to make you have brain frog and low energy so that's why people have that slump in the afternoon so it might make you feel good for the first five but I don't know about you but if I was handed a piece of cake or something sugary I feel really rubbish about 10 minutes afterwards I always need to have a little lie down but that's the problem people are getting these afternoon slumps and then they're reaching for more more because it's the craving if you have what I've noticed if you have more sugar you're craving more sugar and you can't get full yeah you go for a a bag of biscuits you go for a you could be in the cupboard you be in the fridge looking for more and more and more mhm yeah wow tell me what diabetes is like everyone uses this word diabetes let's keep this really simple how can we simplify what diabetes if you have got a man come in in his 40s yeah he's massively overweight he's got a waistline of 37 in up to 40 did I think it's over 40 in they say of your waistline that's obese yeah something along those lines yeah these come to you here and what's your warning to someone that if you are confirmed that you've got type 2 diab diabetes what does that actually mean yeah so again this this is something that can happen over years you know it's not like that the shortterm sugar hits that we just spoke about then cause this chronic issue with blood sugar which can cause type 2 diabetes so if you can imagine day after day week after week month after month year after year the insulin is doing this thing into the cells and in the end the cells just get fed up and they're like I've had enough of this and they just shut off and become insulin resistant is what it's called so then you get this increase in blood sugar because the insulin is no longer working and that's what causes the diabetes you don't want sugar in your blood it's very very toxic but what is diabetes if someone said well I'm now diabetic what do they have to do what's the what's the headache why why doesn't why do people not want to have diabetes because you can't function properly with your insulin levels you have to then have medication to help you have to actually inject insulin in to yourself to do the job because you're insulin resistant so then you have to be on medication to help with to get the blood sugar out into your cells to function properly oh so becomes a proper bull Lake basically of going right hold on minute we got to stop I need to inject myself cuz I yeah okay and also it's the leading cause of cardiovascular disease you can even lose your limbs from having diabetes there m there are loads of complications with diabetes not not just the blood sugar it's it's a leading cause of death so you want to avoid that where possible so anyone listening out there if they are overweight and they're di because a lot of people I also notice as well Lea I got friends who go and see you know a PT and the PT say oh send me your diet for the week cuz they M you overweight no one ever tells the truth yeah no one ever tells the truth of they diet for the oh yeah I had um avocados in the morning I had chicken at night and had a few carrots and uh yeah I had a glass of wine on the Friday and they'll just give the week what they what that person wants to hear yeah knowing they're being recorded knowing they're being recorded yeah yeah but actually the truth is if they were to say oh you want to cook my want to cook my kids dinner they got half a pizza a couple of slices of that and there some chicken nuggets had some of that went down the PB had three pints of my pal and a bag of chis and my P some nuts on the side so I was Ming the ready salted nuts that is the little extras so it's okay to have dessert once in a while just don't have it for breakfast lunch and dinner and a lot of people are having dessert for breakfast lunch and dinner you know cereal has as much sugar as a as a piece of cake or or a couple of you know massive cookies or or these drinks that we'll come on to so you could quite easily be having what we would call a treat a dessert for your breakfast lunch and dinner and then you know like we're talking about pre-diabetes or diabetes just going back to what we were saying um it's it's not too late you know if if you do find that your blood sugar is is becoming dangerously High um but they wouldn't know the normal B wouldn't know you wouldn't go I would't go oh my blood sugar's dangerously high at the moment I'm just living life but I know that I'm getting a belly and the belly there's something going on inside me and you're getting a belly on you that that's the trigger point if you're getting a belly to realize that something has you you've got to go and see someone and get a blood test or you have okay all men should do it and like I said being a a men's health expert you know talking about testosterone and men's hormones you know there's a lot of talk obviously and rightly so about women's hormones you know and the menopause for example and that that's really front of mind and that's right but we're not talking about men and men's hormones and you know you guys have hormones we've all got the same hormones we've all got estrogen progesterone you know testosterone we just use them differently obviously in different ways so men have what we call more of a 24-hour cycle um with your hormones they just regenerate but from the age of 30 to 35 men's testosterone slowly starts to decline that's a natural C of aging and with this slow decline in testosterone comes slight um weight gain muscle loss possibly depression hair loss trouble with sleeping and this men aren't putting two and two together and thinking actually you know my hormones are are declining and my diet's got a lot to to play into this as we've spoken about the fact that sugar decreases you know increases fat which decreases testosterone increases estrogen and how is my lifestyle playing a part in this accelerated decline in the issues with my hormones and from a lifestyle perspective there's a lot that people can do to um reverse a lot of what we've just spoken about and also what you mentioned there when you are overweight and you're eaing crap food you look so much older it's aging Sugar's aging it's aging there's no wind there's out of this whatever is there apart from taking sugar out of your diet and reducing your alcohol intake yeah so alcohol class one carcinogen okay so it's Ethan ethanol is a is a poison yes so we've got ethanol and we've got fructose that we spoke about earlier these are the two biggest issues and what they do without getting too scientific we talked about metabolism being in the cell so ethanol and fructose will downregulate your energy production so then you want more or you need more energy so it's not again directly increasing your calorie intake and your consumption of fatty sugary you know harmful calorific foods but it is it's playing a role in that um you know it's making you want to seek More calorific Foods because it's impacting your metabolism yeah um and you know ethanol is a poison so it will come into your body is ethanol in alcohol did you say it's alcohol that's what alcohol is it is it is alcohol alcohol it it's a poison so it come into your body and your liver will say okay this guy is eating sugar bit of fat bit of protein e ethanol it's a poison I need to get rid of that before I get rid of anything else because I'm being poisoned so the body the liver will have to get rid of that first so that you're not poisoning yourself to death therefore you're not dealing with all the other food calories so if you're bang if you're banging lots of alcohol each week and terrible food you need to take one of them out the system for a month and then go they took alcoh out my system for a month let my body see what's happened to my body and then you can start playing around with other stuff because no one's going to go in from day one who's majority of people are clueless in terms of what's they're putting in their body you don't know like the amount of sugar and d d d is your suggestion for a middle-age 35 to 45 year old who has a poor diet is your suggestion what would your suggestion be yeah so it it depends on the person and so like I say I work with lots of different types of people I like to assess what what that person is like when I'm when I'm personally working with someone because you get different personality types some people you can say something to them and they they're not ready to hear it or they they won't hear it or they won't do it some people have different personality types where you tell them to do something that's it they'll do it black and white you know you know the type of person um but generally I'm a nutritional therapist you know it's my it's the therapy is in my title you know that's how I like to work with people so I'm not looking at calories in calories out but I am looking at you know educating that person supporting that person and helping them to make small measurable changes so what can we do what small steps can we make maybe take two or make two or three changes in the diet small things so what what can we do in terms of like we spoke about the nuts and the seeds and the berries that you like that you talked about can you add them can you replace them with something else that you're mindless maybe snacking on in the evening or when you go to the shops and you're grabbing that thing can we change it for this even with alcohol I know it's a it's a tricky topic to say remove it completely but for a starter can we say okay if you're drinking JD and full fat Coke can we change it to something else initially and try to slowly but surely you know move things in the right direction because you know life is life and it's difficult to exclude all of these things 100% talking about Ultra processed foods you know they we are going to come into contact them there's no doubt that we are going to consume them but the research says that if we're consuming no more than maybe 7 to 10% of these Foods per day then they may not have these Health implications that we've spoken about give me an example of you going into a supermarket and identifying ultr processed food so Ultra processed foods are um high in calories they are low in nutrients they've been made in a factory they've got chemicals and additives they've had the goodness stripped out of them they're very low in fiber they don't contain any of the healthful brain giving gut loving nutrients they're in a package so they're probably in plastic they have a long shelf life and that in itself can cause chemicals to seep from the food which can cause cancer Jesus it's not food in a packet basically in your Supermarket pretty much that packaging where you've got like you say with children like a picture of like a happy bunny with a smiley face it sums up with like a splash of milk that's fake yeah there's nothing about that food that's got anything to do with a happy bunny and a splash of milk yeah but we're being brainwashed and we're just like oh yeah oh yeah we go to McDonald's they got all the coloring things and you got a Happy Meal for the kids of all the Happy Meal Happy Meal unhappy meal you know what I mean and actually you break that down it's full of crap it's full of rubbish and crap in there I went I took my boy to a party the other day and at the end of The Party The the mom had the 20 kids there and giving out all the bags and all the and I was like no he's all right yeah and it was just in the bag was just lollies and sweets and sweets and sugar and sugar and sugar and I was kind of I was kind of I was cool with doing that and my boy was cool with it as well he's like no I don't want it Dad but I kind of got a little bit of a nose turn like why you not having my bag of right sugar yeah do you know I mean it's like it's like you're the odd one out but I said no I don't want it I'm I'm he's had enough today do you know what I mean it's Yeah you mentioned that to me Doge I think it's great you know that your children have woken up to it at such a young age as well and I think that's where I've woken up to obviously because I when we moved to this country I remember sitting in McDonald's and eating a burger and just looking at the Burger thinking I was 5 years old thinking this isn't for me um but it's an it's a very emotive subject and it really is difficult it really does get people very divided very divided it's like you've got dealers everywhere your mom and dad is a dealer your granddad's a dealer your aunt sugar dealers your Auntie's giving you sugar as a kid your cousin your uncles and aunties are giving you that it's like there's dealers everywhere and everywhere we walk there is sugar everywhere everywhere imagine if that was yeah illegal yeah it should be illegal it should be yeah yeah but it's not because it's not because alcohol isn't as well you know if we called it ethanol and you could see on the packaging what was really in it you'd think twice about it wouldn't you someone passed you like four pints of um you know a poison like and said there you go drink the four pints of poison you wouldn't do it would you on that note I've just brought this today I want to show you I bought this pot of sugar M and because I was blown away like when you look what's actually in for example a Coke can and I'm just going to I'm just going to do something here right I got a teas I got a teaspoon if you're listening or if you're watching there's a teaspoon here and there's 4 g of sugar in a teaspoon yeah now in a Coke can there's 40 g of sugar so if as an as a parent if you're giving your kid a Fanta or a Coke or a seven up this is exactly what you're giving them mhm one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine 10 wow that's 10 teaspoons of sugar mixed with a black drink that the kid doesn't know no so so if you pass that to someone's child and said there you go have that you wouldn't the parent would if you mix that with water and made it a bit dark as a parent you'd go you're not giving that to my kid exactly because the marketing so good and it's been drilled in everyone's head that Coca-Cola is meant this amazing thing that's disgusting it is it is it's actually disgusting imine that yeah so you shouldn't be consuming any more than 30 G of free sugar as an adult per day or 19 grams for children so a Snickers bar for example has 27 grams of free sugar in it it has 27 grams of sugar yes so if you pop to the shops and get you know get pick up get some petrol uh and go oh just I'm feeling a bit I'm having that afternoon slump because I've had my cereal for breakfast I'll go and uh Snickers yeah that that's your daily sugar intake gone so that's okay so each teaspoon is four gr y 4 8 12 16 20 24 and a little bit less cuz it's 27 yeah that's it and that's in the Snickers yeah Jesus Christ this is Bonkers it is Bonkers this is M and it's so easy to do that like you see how it's so easy to do that time and time again what to grab something on the Move grab it yeah you know so you you could be way way overdoing your sugar consumption easily on a daily basis um because it's everywhere as well because it's in front of us we can't get away from it do you know what scares me most is like if you want to go and buy ham you're going and buy ham yeah if you haven't got a clue you think it's ham yeah but you look at the back there's like 10 ingredients 11 ingredients in ham I just thought ham was ham ham of the bone it's ham isn't it it's been pumped with all sorts so it lasts longer and what you're saying is that going into your body is causing the increase in cancer yes 100% process Meats a type one carcinogen okay so it's high in sugar it's high in nitrates sorry so it's high in nitrates and it's the way it's been processed so it's been it's been sort of hosed off the bone and remodeled together so it's been put back together um with other things msfi additives it's so far from what it was and I know I I do believe that you shop in a good butchers I talking to my butcher yesterday Webster butcher I think you know we're lucky I must say and I must point out that we're very lucky I think where we live I have access to a butcher down the road there's a bakery up the road waitrose is 10 minutes away most people unfortunately live in what is called a food desert okay so a food desert is where they do not have access to fresh fruit fresh vegetables meat off the bone you can I I think you can find it if you want it you can it's harder but do you think that a high percentage of the population don't understand nutrition like this is a conversation we're trying to keep this as simple as possible I know you've gone into detail which is great but if we just really go on down a level and try to simplify it that everyone in the country could understand it on a real simple level why is there no education on this well it doesn't it's it's of no one's interest to educate and actually if you look at what's in in the uh the schools it's it's just as bad yeah because uh the big food companies in America and possibly in the UK have gone into schools and said well it's okay we'll take on that role of feeding the nation's children and actually what children are eating in F Foods in schools is fast food it's just fast food as well and we it's easy it's cheap it's all cost driv Che it comes down to cheap comes so if you think you can have a bowl of cereal in the morning you'll giving your kid a bowl of frosties or a bowl of something if you look at the back and see how high the sugar levels are but it's cheap it's quick it's cheap it's easy and the kids go on on loving this but they're getting addicted to it they're even realizing yeah because they've got no guidance from the parents because the parents don't know yeah this is like a this is like a a full and we're all busy everyone's busy you know it's down to business ease ease of access and price I think price point and those three things you know it's very easy to kind of tap in and make sure that you know it's easy and it's cheap and it's do you believe in do you believe like it's interesting when you see people and you go oh that's the dad and that's the son or that's the mom that's the daughter and you can see the same shape yeah do you believe in like these people say oh yeah they're just big boned or do you believe that it's what you're put in your body to make how your body looks right now yeah it's interesting there's a study that was done with twins I don't know if you've seen that one so the guy Danny DeVito and Arie I love that film no not that one um yeah there was the study that was done with twins out Kings College London right so the guy um that wrote ultr process people I don't know if you've come across that but Chris vanan he's a he's a doctor um so he's a twin so the studies were done on him and other Twins and it they fed them different foods so you think these these people are genetically the same if you feed one Ultra processed food and you feed the other you know plant-based food clean Mediterranean diet you can start to track quite quickly what's happening to their bodies on on a metabolic level their fat their protein their energy their cholesterol their blood sugar so yeah going back to what you're saying it's it's it's you know that nature nurture thing is very true whatever you put in your mouth is going to replicate how your body looks 100% and how your mind looks and feels yeah yeah yeah so the gut the gut health is just huge I don't know if so on on on the gut so for example you eat or drink something it goes down through and your gut system yeah it goes around like this how easy is it for someone's gut to get blocked so I see a lot of guys with we talk about the whole gut the digestive system and what I see a lot with guys is um an issue with heartburn or stomach acid yeah so we're talking about how the mo the food moves down so obviously you ingest the food and it goes into the top part of your stomach your stomach is where you've got the stomach acid and that first starts to break down the food and then it goes into the small intestine and that's where you start to absorb the food and then your large intestin is where your gut bacteria is and this is where all the magic happens with the fiber and the gut health side of things now top down you need stomach acid you need the stomach acid to break down your food properly but what I see especially with a lot of guys is heartburn but heartburn is actually low stomach acid weirdly enough because stress and poor diet can decrease your stomach acid and you need this to break down your food and if it just sits there it's going to regurgitate a bit so you're going to get this heartburn feeling and this really is what starts this Cascade of problems because then you're not breaking down your food properly so you're not getting your nutrients in so that middle part that small intestine you're not absorbing all the nutrients you need for full health to function and be productive um and then if you're eating crap food is going down to the the large intestine and you need to feed your gut bacteria with fiber yeah so fiber real food the real Mediterranean diet all those nutrients and that fiber is so crucial for the trillions of gut bacter IIA that are waiting there we're we're just the host to these trillions of species and what they do is they produce um they're called short chain fatty acids that help to protect our colon from cancer for example they produce certain vitamins and nutrients for us and it even transports to our brain so there's messages that go up to our brain that can make us feel either depressed or good but it's interesting right if you eat clean and eat well it makes you happy it does it's all it makes you feel good it makes your skin feel good it makes you alive it makes you have Wicked conversations it makes you want to go and play more sport it makes you want to feel good about yourself make better decisions better decisions better life decision more present for your children get more out of Life be more successful it all comes down to what you're eating so if you eat crap food basically it feeds the bad bugs in the gut bacteria and they set off a chain of what's called in inflammation basically and this inflammation travels up to the brain so there's something called sickness Behavior so just trying to explain it sort of quite simply sickness behavior is an ancient mechanism so when you in the past we lived in caves if there was a virus or a bacteria that came into the herd um sickness behavior is where the immune system would activate inflammation up to the brain to make you feel depressed and antisocial so that you would Retreat to the cave and therefore not infect the heard yeah so that's what's happening when your body is onslaught with things like toxins and bacteria so that's the same ancient mechanism that's happening when we're ingesting poison so poisoning your body with wine yeah and spirits and booze poisoning your body with high fatty foods and high sugar on top of that that's not going to make you feel good whatsoever because you'll have a terrible hangover and you feel like your life's not in a good Place yeah you've got a job that you're under pressure with which bringing stress on top of that as well mhm and then you feel depressed and you go and do it all again yeah so it's this cycle because the the I believe the feelings that you get from eating these foods and living this way can make you feel your brain feel more depressed more anxious more brain fog um you know Less in control and you can't you feel like you can't cope you feel like you can't cope so you turn back to doing it again so it's a cycle repeat repeat repeat but what you're saying is if you carry on that and you've been doing that for since the age of 18 through your 20s getting into your 30s mid-30s 4 it's going to be a point where something's going to stop whether you're going to have a mini heart attack or whether you're going to get diabetes yeah or lots of other stuff could be different ways but if you go back to the young adult vaping nicotine alcohol high sugar this causes this inflammation in the gut lining which can cause the brain to change its function at that young age so you can become more wired for depression and this can lead to this cycle of the uh addiction should we say and the and the pressure you're putting on your heart with all this bad food and bad booze and the stress of work or the stress of a you have ra or whatever it may [Music] be and if you're using cocaine on top of that yeah putting pressure on your heart again masses my God yeah so yeah coca I know we keep talking about cocaine with the sugar thing because the addiction but as we know in the country cocaine's rif as is sugar so if you're an if you're a you're doing all of that and then on the weekend you're banging cocaine up your ho at the same time the knock on effect is going to be really not good it's just a recipe for absolute disaster disaster yeah okay completely do you think there's a link between all of this male depression and then the horrible word that we know of men taking their own lives yeah it's one in five is it one in five men so suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 50 in this country in the 40s yeah in yeah yeah I mean that's just staggering isn't it so heart disease overall biggest killer one in five men dying before the age of 65 and suicide being the number one killer under the age of is it 40 or or so there's obviously a huge issue going on here men don't live as long as women you don't unfortunately you live 4.5 years less than women that's nearly half a decade well I'm having a challenge with that I'm not having that you'll be fine you'll be fine Dodge I know I know about you you're in great shape you got great diet you're one of the lucky ones who's who's enlightened to this you know but we're all paying what we call a long longevity tax you know we're taking years off our lives by eating and living this way way and unfortunately men I think have it harder than women and this these are the stats you know that that you know the the data has revealed all of this that men don't live as long is that because they carry more stress you think it's definitely to stress so on this on this note here as well if you do not exercise as well you're not using your cardiovascular system to get the blood flowing around mhm to get the toxins out to pump your heart to feel better to to move your body and it's interesting like if you're not if you're not clued up in the world and majority don't know what's going on inside but if we knew and we could see what was going on it' probably make people go Jesus Christ I need to stop yeah if you could see it so with smoking I mean we've we've done a good job in the last 10 years to sort of change that you know but it wasn't putting the tax it wasn't raising the price of cigarettes that did it um and in a way it was those images I think that went on the back of packets and then I think the final thing was really people's um being enlightened to how much money the that was being made from the companies that were selling this stuff um and and I think sugar is going to be the next big thing hopefully people will we need a wakeup call how we do it I'm not too sure but we obviously need to have this wake up call like you say you can't see blood glucose issue you can't see the cherol you you can't see your liver but the knock on effect for this Lola is that people are then getting ill and go into Hospital which is causing pressure on our hospitals if you go and visit someone at the hospital there's a machine there which just got all sugar choices of crisps and sweets and it's insane this is like insanity the cycle yeah so a lot of my clients wear a blood glucose monitor I don't what what's that so it's a little um patch a little plastic monitor that you can attach to your arm so you attach it to your arm it just has a little kind of needle that goes under the subcutaneous layer of your skin and it measures your blood glucose for two weeks you attach it to your phone so it's an app so you can actually see your blood glucose okay you keep an eye on it for two weeks now imagine if the NHS or somehow you know we were all able to wear a blood 50 Quid wear a blood glucose once for two weeks track your blood sugar and then you'd be able to see a little bit what's happening inside your body so you're having that cereal in the morning hang on a sec check your phone oh my God my blood glue coas has gone sped this isn't good maybe I should make that little change maybe instead of that cereal or maybe I'll have it with some some nuts and some seeds and some fruit or something like that see what that does hang on now the blood sugar is not so bad and imagine making that small change over years how much of a positive impact that could have from just doing that one thing which is wearing a blood glucose monitor for two weeks which will ultimately like you're saying prevent the number of people ending up in hospital yeah so God it's a vicious circle isn't it yeah it's awful yeah should we look at some of this food yeah I'm intrigued yeah that's I think what was what trying to say here is the hidden sugars are in pasta sauces the hidden sugars are in bread the hidden sugars are in things that are everywhere so anyone listening out there I know you and I bit geek on the old nutrition front of it but just have a look at the back of every packet you're looking just see just see the sugar content and it's confusing by the well because it'll say 10 gr of sugar and 100 Mil of that drink but that drink might be 500 mil so then you got to times it by five goes actually 50 gram of sugar in there yeah you some you got do some math but it's worth you it's worth understanding these masks just to concentrate on the sugar don't worry about all the other complicated stuff concentrated on the sugar stuff that one teaspoon is four grams four G exactly and if you're banging in 40 gam of something that's 10 teaspoons you just wouldn't choose to do that you wouldn't choose to drink that and mix it with water or in a bar or chocolate yeah yeah PL yeah cuz like we say it's a drug it's addictive it's a fullon drug all these metabolic disasters for chronic health and it's eight times more addictive than cocaine yeah and people who use cocaine think it's really addictive but cocaine is expensive so people can wean themselves off cocaine because of the expense where a gram of cocaine I don't know how much of gram is these days but 50 60 70 80 quid versus a gram of sugar at. Penny people can actually go well I'm going to get that way I'm not yeah yeah yeah but interestingly if the price of eggs goes up the consumption goes down if the price of sugar goes up it doesn't make any difference wow is that right that's how addictive it is people will pay yeah for it that's not going to make a difference it's everywhere it's everywhere let's have a look at grab that grab that what have you brought in here pepperami I went yeah pepperami so I I've got this yaka rat with me right so I went into the shop and I just thought I'm not going to overthink it I'm just going to pick up a few things um that catch my eyes I think oh hang on a sec so this one I thought right pick this up this is Prill so again you know 20 g of protein no added sugar fat free you might be in a rush on your lunch break and think TI all the boxes ticks all the boxes protein's going to fill me up doesn't look like it's got any sugar in it only 188 calories so this was the first one that I did so I scan it on the yaka app see what comes up so this one I was shocked it's not out of 100 so it's just no there's nothing good about this at all so that basically comes up as a red flare on your app by basically saying yeah this is brutal don't gowhere near it so reason being it contains six additives three of them are hazardous so it contains um who's allowing this this is this is bugging me now who's allowing to put hazardous stuff into drinks and allowed to be on our shelves to I know hurt our nation but it's not the thing it's allowed because it's not the one additive that's causing the problem it's the cumulative effect isn't it so that one additive might not be hazardous the one time you have it but it's the hundreds or the thousands of times that you're exposed to all this stuff so e339 sodium phosphate e95 aify k e955 sucos type of sugar yeah if you could see that on there you wouldn't yeah you wouldn't buy it would you well you wouldn't buy it if it was kept simple on the front by going red flag red flag red flag but if but as a company and you're that company you would then have to change your ingredients cuz you don't want red flags on the front yeah but then it won't have the shelf life it won't have the price point yeah you won't be able to sell it for to make your margin because these additives are what's keeping it on the shelves and keeping it tasty as well so the sugar is obviously what's making people go back for more and just be be wise you know use the app check the packaging think twice make some small changes doesn't have to be drastic doesn't have to be an overnight massive change just be aware just be aware be aware that if you're carry on the way you are and you realize you haven't got a good diet and you're not exercising D be aware that one day something may happen to you yes and that may be a heart attack that may be yeah well a heart attack diabetes obesity cancer these are the silent hseen that are coming and they are here and we need to address it wow Lea this has been an absolute pleasure yeah thanks for having me on really enjoyed it it's a wicked chat thank you so much just before we finish where can people find you so it's I'm Lea Gordon nutrition so my website's Lea gordon. but I'm massively on Instagram Lea Gordon nutrition on Facebook as well pretty much everywhere so easy to find lovely yeah Lea loved it thanks for having you're a superstar nice one thank you for your knowledge yes thank you good stuff hi guys I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did can you do us a favor and subscribe to the channel it's totally free and it massively helps our show Cheers guys w
Channel: Dodge Woodall
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Keywords: DodgeWoodall, DodgePodcast, JamesEnglish, ShaunAtwood, EventfulLives, EventfulLivesPodcast, DodgeWoodallPodcast, Podcast, Entrepreneur, Documentary, Crime, CrimeDrama, CriminalUnderworld, TrueCrime, Boxing, LifeIsGoodPodcast, DetectivePodcast, Criminals, TysonFury, EddieHearn, MentalHealth, Football, TNTSports, SkySports, BoxingSocial, GaryNeville, PremierLeague, CrimePodcast, TrueGeordie, KrayTwins, LondonGangsters, BritishGangsters, MichaelBisping, SAS, SpecialForces, Commandos, sugar, nutrition, diet, health, menshealth
Id: p6z9Vu7GxaA
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Length: 70min 2sec (4202 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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