30 YEAR OLD TIMBERLAND BOOTS RESTORED! // Nubuck boots upcycled

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are we rolling yes we are welcome back guys to the train show repair channel as always i'm dan big welcome if you're new and today's video is something i haven't done on the channel for a while we've got a unit job so we've got these classic timberlands now the catch is these are 30 years old really ancient and to be honest they're incredible condition for being that age but we're going to restore them they've got a lot of damage going on but we're going to make them good as new so keep watching see what it's all about [Music] okay so once again big welcome back guys hope you're doing fine so let's talk about the job um and two points so first being when the customer told me how old this boot was this pair obviously a surprise these uh his classic timbers are in such good shape um but also it's gonna make a good restoration video secondly uh it just spurred me on to realize i haven't done a unit on the channel for a while and now a lot of you guys enjoyed to the last ones that i did so let's talk about what we're gonna do so this sole is a composite sole and it's trashed um the midsole and rand is a plastic or one piece unit so the first option we've got is to install a leather midsole which is going to make it that much more comfortable and then we're going to put a new full vibram sole on there the vibram rocker the uppers unfortunately are stained and discolored there's not a hell of a lot we can do it but we certainly make it look better it's nubuck so we do have the option to dye it if we want and of course some nice fresh new laces but uh that's enough waffling let's get started okay guys so first thing we're gonna do is see how easily we can remove this old unit so i'm just gonna apply some heat heat gun to loosen up the factory glue [Applause] freeze [Applause] all right let's have a look okay off like butter a little heat pole there all right so i'll show you and talk to you about the original construction so uh you can see you've got this internal support block now that's how they locate the unit in the factory uh it also creates internal structural support but we don't need that because the new vibram sole we're putting on has its own structural support and it's going to get in the way so we're going to take that off of the belt sander and also roughen up the surface of this old plastic midsole so we've got a rough surface to stick the new leather midsole to i always like to get a nice fresh band on the machine when we're scouring plastics it makes everything stick together better [Music] all right so there's our old soul prepped level and rough it being rough helps the glue just bonds the material better let it grab onto all the little micro fishes now because it's plastic we need to prime it first so the glue will take properly so we've got the renier yellow label rehargle it's not chloroform i promise and we're gonna brush it on i've tried using a spoon but i find brush works much better and once this is on we're gonna give it about 20 minutes to cure a nice trick with this is to apply primer whilst the material is still hot or warm and it is because we just sanded it and makes it appear better and then we can look at gluing all of them i can't speak leather midsole on okay well if you just keep an eye on that for me ron all right my friends so this is the leather midsole that we're putting in now liver comes in thickness is called irons so this is a four iron and just for reference the midsole i normally use is a two irons this is twice thick but i want it that way cause i want this job to be nice robust and chunky just so you know a regular leather sole that we'll put on is typically a 5.5 iron so it's thicker thicker than this nowhere near as thin as a regular midsole i did say we might have some surprises with this job and we have so the insole is completely trashed so we need to replace the insole but also the footbed is trashed also so we've got your primary heel base footbed and then the front portion which goes over the entire length so it's an easy enough fix because the the plastic midsole we've got here is glued directly to the upper that's how the construction of this shoe is and then the footbed is glued to the other side of the upper that wraps around so we're just gonna be able to make a new footbed and then blake stitch through the entire lock to pin it all together right so i've got another piece of leather here for the new footbed and what we're going to do is obviously take an outline but we can't with this because we're missing the front half of the footbed so why don't we just use the old insole now this is just a rough starter then what we have to do is just pop it inside the shoe trim it as we go to make sure it's a perfect fit so we'll see where we're at make sure he's right down there into the front of the shoe almost it's a bit too long on the heel still here but also it's poking out just a little bit too far there and the problem with that is it will push the uppers out once the shoe's all back together so more trimming okay take two how does he go this time front edge back perfect i'm going to treat myself to a new brush today guys all right so now we've got some fresh glue we can do the first glueing job of the video just a dab of glue on the inside so this is on the inside of the uppers and the plastic footbed and then our new footbed so let's get sticky [Music] and then once it's tacky let the footbed meet the boot let's really make sure everything's secured against the upper on the inside and then before we squash everything together obviously the meat and potatoes the midsole one little thing guys remember we're gluing on to plastic the primer's dried so it's good to go with the glue but something that's a little guarantee that things are really going to stick together nice and tight is to use hardener a little trick i got from my friend ash so we're just going to add a tiny bit tiny bit of the hardener mix it in with the glue that's just going to help it really bond with the plastic proper hard and yes if you're wondering it is essential that you have it in a nest cafe mug [Music] i'm wielding a hammer with intent you know let me show some of you guys you know i have my apron on most of the time but because when i'm doing these videos i'm running the shop as well and if i have lunch or if i pop out i'll take my apron off and then when i come back to start shooting again i realize that i'm like ah do i need to put my apron back on are people going to be too freaked out but one minute i'm wearing it and next it's gone but i digress so here's our midsole piping hop ready to go on to be honest this sole's a lot bigger than it needs to be for this boot but it is what it is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh let's get him out of the way this guy's is my swan leg tripod when i need to film difficult angles but anyway there's where we're up to so our midsole is on i put a channel in it ready for the stitching so now we're gonna head out the back here the stitcher and remember we've got to stitch through three layers basically the midsole the original plastic midsole and the new footbed we've put in so let's hit it let's go take you with me everyone back to the stitcher the poor old girl has actually been used as a coat hanger at the minute we actually got this uh cool jacket here that we stitched this patch on for a customer but it's time for stitching now it's handy to do before you do any stitching is to check that there's enough thread in the shuttle let's do just one of our boots i reckon so we better fill it up after we do the first one [Music] so this is hammering the stitching flat on the inside all right ladies and gents here we go so the foundation of our repair is done we've got our new midsole on the footbed in place but now we're going to turn some tension to the uppers just before we get the rubber unit on so because these are really discolored dirty and stained so we're gonna see what magic we can work with these poor old dogs and the first thing we're gonna do is use a suede block or as i like to call a magic square now it's gonna take a lot of elbow grease and a bit of time this job i can tell so i'm just gonna pop a shoe tree in just so we've got a nice solid surface to work against and let's get to it [Music] that'll do actually time for myself guys that's about 15 minutes and to be honest that's about as much as my soul can take that was hard work but how much better does it look already but we're not done we're going to give it a wash with some uh saphir omni dome so omnidame is our best suede shampoo it's detergent so it comes in this nice table glass bottle with a brush i'm going to use a different one you can mix up with water so i've got a little dish of warm water here mix up 50 50 get your solution froth it up with your brush so there we go once you've got your suds going you can start washing your boots this is suede and nubuck so this situation is perfect it does obviously darken it straight away that's just because it's wet you then need to let it air dry for an hour or so this is just a really nice cleaner sphere omnidame i love how you get to give them a good scrub with the suds and the brush because if you want to give it a go um you can get the omni-dome on our online shop drinks dot com i'll pop a link just up here if you want to get your hands on some of that and of course all the other products that we use in the videos okay so let's let that air dry for a minute not a minute an hour and then we'll come back and see what she's looking like now the omnidame also has conditioning properties which i love so that's going to work its magic over the hour as well all right it's been an hour so let's check how our timbers are getting on now they're dry here we are it looks a hell of a lot better already doesn't it it's never going to be perfect because they're so old there's still a few cracks here the problem we've got now is i really like the way this looks now this very light uh nubuck color however if we look we can see here this is the the tongue is discolored so the original we can see was a bit darker suits that's fine though because i want to condition the material because it's very dry so i'm going to use some saphir cream you wouldn't normally put cream on nubuck because it will stain it and darken it a little bit but we want to darken it so we can get about the original so let's see how it goes [Music] now same principle this is extra dark because it's wet right away we're going to have to let it dry for an hour or so again but you guys know i'm a huge fan of the cream universal anyway it's got wonderful conditioning hydrating properties [Music] all righty there we go once again let it dry and see what it comes up with so there we go guys everything's dry and soaked in and i think these look beautiful right now so let's start by getting the outsole on we've got the vibram or vibram however you want to say it rockier in this nice honey color so let's start with the home stretch of this repair so obviously these outsoles are just cemented so we're going to glue it up but what i want to do is do two or even three layers of glue to make sure it really bonds nice and secure [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] right so that is the meat and potatoes of the repair done looking pretty swanky and we just got some finishing touches so remember so the insole was all disintegrated so i've just made new insole two pieces of shoulder leather basically stitched together because it was quite a thick insole that came out yep that feels pretty decent and of course to finish off we need some new two-tone sapphire laces okay so there we are job done [Music] job done with our timberlands and i think they look fantastic i'm pretty sure the customer is going to be thrilled so let's talk about what we did leather midsole vibram outsole of course the footbed reconditioning the uppers and new laces now a lot you guys like to know the price of the jobs customer got these for a steel 120 i didn't factor in the new footbed and the uppers took a little longer than i thought probably should have been more like 160 but 120 this job anyway that is the end of the video really glad you could join me guys hit like if you made it all the way to the end it really helps me with the channel and i don't forget to check out the online store treating surepress.com if you need any shoe care products that we sell here in the shop the next video i've got for you i really wanted to upload this week but i've got to save it till next week but make sure to catch it it's going to be a good one and remember if you're new to the channel subscribe i'm putting out new content all the time and if you're here already hit the notifications bell so you're in the loop every time i upload something new and remember if you want to talk to us about a shoe repair job that you want doing get in touch via the website drinks repair dot com fill out the contact form and we can talk about a job that you need doing but for now that's it i'm out of here thank you so much for joining me again cheers
Channel: Tring Shoe Repairs
Views: 721,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberland, timberland boots restored, 30 year old boots restored, boot repair, shoe repair, nubuck, asmr, cobbler, relaxing, shoe repair video, walking boots, timberland boots cleaning, timberland boots laces style, timberland boots restore, shoe repair machine, shoe repair and restoration, shoe repair cobbler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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