30 New Modeling Tools in Blender in just 7 Minutes - BB Tools Add-On

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hello guys today I'll show you these 31 new modeling Tools in blender in just 7 minutes all these tools are part of the BB tools add-on which you can get from the link in the description and also the first 50 people to use my discount code which is Splender bash will get a 30% discount so once you install this add-on in edit mode you'll get this menu from where you can access all these tools so let's run these bad boys down one by one starting with array linear tool creates seven set copies out of selected geometry along a given direction and you can either set the space in between each copy or set the total distance between the first and the last copy array radial tool similarly to the previous one creates several set copies along a given Arc or spiral with each Copy being offset from the previous by total or spacing distance or by total or spacing angle move the center point add screw and align the rotation to your liking the bend tool bends geometry over a given axis works a lot like the simple deform modifier in Bend mode but with more options and a userfriendly gizmo the mirror tool mirrors the selected mesh along its local X Y and Z AIS passing through a point you can set here in the options the screw tool takes a selected mesh profile to create a helix like shape it works more or less like the screw modifier with the option to set the axis the angle the center of rotation and more the solidify tool takes the selected surface of any mesh and adds thickness to it it works a lot like the solidifi modifier but with more options the stretch deform tool stretches the selected geometry along the specified axis with a positive factor the deform mesh looks like rubber pulled from both sides it gets longer along the deform axis wider at the borders and thinner at the origin the taper tool linearly scales the selected geometry along the specified axis the scaling of the vertices depends on their distance from the origin of the object the maximum scaling occurs at the vertices that are furthest from the local origin and no scaling occurs in the plane of the origin The Twist tool rotates the selected mesh around X Y or Z axis each vertix along the deform axis is rotated around the object's origin vertices that are fed away from the origin have maximum rotation while vertices in the same plane as the origin are not rot and here you can also set the limits the VF frame tool creates tubes or meat around edges of selected geometry it has two modes standard and cadik mode cadik mode will create tubes from edges and spheres around vertices while standard mode would create blob like meat there is a setting to set its Precision the bridge tool allows you to connect two open or closed mesh Loops by creating a bridge between them because of geometry node tools limitations you you need to select only one of these two loops and all the rest of the unselected geometry will be treated as the other loop the curv deform tool deforms a mesh geometry along a mesh path just like with the previous tool you need to select only the mesh geometry and all the rest of the unselected geometry will be treated as the mesh path additional options are fit curve length rotation offsetting the geometry From the Path and offsetting the start or end of the path the extrude edges with Loop Cuts tool allows you to extrude edges in any given Direction and create up to maximum of 10 Loop Cuts in the extruded geometer the extrude faces with Loop Cuts tool similar to the previous one allows you to extrude faces in any given Direction and create up to maximum of 10 Loop Cuts in the extruder geometry the extruder along path tool just like we've already seen before you need to select only the mesh profile you want to extrude and all the rest of the unselected geometry will be treated as the mesh poline path activate the tool and it will extrude the profile around the mesh path following the curves natural tilt you can rotate and offset the profile to your liking the upright extruder tool selection here works like the previous tool so select only the mesh profile you want to extrude activate the tool and it will extrude the profile and keep the profile upright which is extremely important for building roads ramps or paths the inser tool allows you to take the currently selected faces and create an inser of them with adjustable thickness and depth it has an individual faces inser mode and unlike blender's default inser tool this one allows negative inset the offset tool simply allows you to create an offset of single or multiple faces or polar lines there is no to in blender out of the box that lets you do this fill curve tool allows you to create a face from multiple mesh opened or closed Loops regardless of the orientation of the faces normal the polarine extender tool allows you to extend the polarine by adding a vertx at the end or at the beginning of the Polar line but keeps the direction of the tangent from where it was extended the shear tool allows you to manipulate geometry by shearing shearing is a form of movement where parallel surfaces move past one another the busier from points tool creates a busier curve from vertices or Point cloud and then converts it to a polar line but gives you the option to control the resolution the circle tool creates a mesh Circle or section of a circle and places it in the place of selected vertices the ellipse tool creates a mesh ellipse or a section of that ellipse and places it in the place of the selected vertices the grid 3D tool creates a 3D grid of points you can set its size the number of vertices on each axis and randomize the vertices is position with the option to still stay inside the given size of the grid the grid hexagon tool creates hexagon tiling on the XY plane you can set the total size as well as the size of the hexagon you can force straight edges and force regular hexagons and you can even offset them like this the grid triangle tool creates triangle tiling on the XY plane it allows you to do the same thing as the hexagon grid but this time with triangles the quad tool simply creates a quad from four vertices that you can set in the parameter options here the quad sphere tool creates a sphere but with quad topology you can set the size of the sphere the number of vertices on each axis as well as use this factor to shift the shape between a sphere and a cube the shape from two polar lines tool just like we've already seen before you need to select only one polarine and all the rest of the unselected geometry will be treated as the other one activate the tool and it will create a 3D shape extruding the first polarine along the other one you can set a different resolution and edit the curves positioning after the transformation The Tubes toool creates tubes from curves blender out of the box creates tubes from Curves in a very bad way deforming the thickness of the tube based on the angle between two edges this tool corrects this behavior and you can set the resolution and the size of the tube and with this we've reached the end that's all of them if you're still unsure about purchasing this s on check out the full manual Link in the description and that is it for this video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Blender Bash
Views: 3,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BB Tools, add-on for Blender, Blender, Addon, Blender Add-on, architecture, blender house, blender building, modeling, 3d modeling, inset, offset, tools, blender tools
Id: i9wsyKA5mpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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