30 Must-watch Shonen Anime From 2000 To 2024 That You Can't Miss!

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shown him the type of anime that probably brought the most people into this Rabbit Hole so much so that a lot of people clueless about anime might think that that's all the medium offers while that's a big mistake on their part I do think that even if we were to look at just Anime for the shown in demographic you'll find a whole spectrum of genres and themes to like there's just so much the world of Shonen has to offer and my job for today's video is to share what I think are 30 of the best ones the current century has given us just keep in mind I'm not going to be including any romance anime in this since I plan to make a whole different video for that number 30 is World trigger World trigger may seem to be a curious way to open our list of top shown in anime well it feels great to feature some underrated goodies once in a while once World trigger got the makes it special I'd say it's the battles and the World building world World trigger takes place in a very interesting setting with a lot of things to make you eager to know more pair that with an interesting set of characters and battles which emphasize strategy instead of the usual PowerUp spamming you see in Shonen and you have yourself a unique experience in Shonen parts of the anime's first season are admittedly quite slow to get through which I feel contributed to its lack of popularity along with the same season taking up over 70 episodes it's not hard for me to see why its current status is as an underrated gem stick with World trigger though and the reward makes the journey worth it next up at 29 is spy family if you thought that Shonen was all about the action and all the laughs then you'd be sorely mistaken not that those elements are absent in one of the latest big hits the industry has given us but spy family adds a really wholesome familiar touch to the whole thing a story story about a badass pretend family filled with Secrets has the ingredients for an over-the-top comedy but there's this heartwarming feeling of home that it emphasizes over a lot of its shown and peers I think that that's the extra touch that makes this show stand out in a world where everyone's very intent on giving us spectacle in the form of animation and fights in a world where you get more action the louder and more outrageous you are there's something attractive in an anime that's supposed to be so crazy yeah comforting 28 on the list is Black Clover speaking of loud and proud that's the immediate first impression anyone would get of Black Clover I got to be honest ARA as a main character is pretty annoying early on and I wouldn't blame anyone who got dissuaded from continuing because of him fast forward a few more acts however and I'd say that I didn't regret sticking with Black Clover not one bit sure the anime as a Shen isn't anything too special if you've seen a lot of long running battle series but it still got some pretty hype fights down the line and a whole lot of badass moments Black Clover may not seem too impressive in hindsight now that we've been exposed to more anime that pushed the limits in terms of fight animation and height battles but back in the mid-20s seeing the return of the long running battle show and was pretty cool if you prefer the spicier side of show and however you can give food Wars a shot ah a name that I haven't heard in a while food Wars doesn't exactly have the most Stellar reputation in 2024 but at this point in time it's a legitimately compelling anime cooking anime isn't as common but add some major ingredients like engaging characters tense arcs and cooking battles and of course the fan service it's always been known for and you've got one of the hot upand cominging showen in the 20110 food Wars had a thing going for it and it understandably burst into the scene quite early on some arks that give the heart pumping shown and feel along with a dash of rather heavy fan service and characters that you can't help but root for serve as an epic recipe to make this a good choice to pick up do take note of the warnings with the sexual content though first spawns anime Finds Its way to number 26 on the list hajim may know IO IO has pretty much been the poster chard for boxing anime there's not a lot of boxing anime in the first place and IO has easily established a legacy for itself building primarily upon high stakes matches and character moments that more than embody what people love about Combat Sports too much the drama the story lines behind each match and the sequences that unfold in every Showdown now that's what makes these anime so fun to watch and follow that's not to say that none of the other anime related to boxing or Combat Sports Falls Way short in those elements relative to IO still credit where credit's due IO has endured for this long and captured so many hearts and it more than deserves it let's take a look back at some Classics for number 25 Doro Doro is a triumphant example of a remake done right it's captured the Dark Fantasy aspects and the underdog story elements that made the original so special and given them the touchup that it oh so deserves we're talking about some big moments recreated with modern production values and a non-nonsense approach to adapting a story Doro is an anime that doesn't have a lot of lull in its two core run despite being a rather character Centric work as a story it's a pretty simple one that holds itself spectacularly well thanks to the great art unique Aesthetics and great progression if you want to see a remake that has in lots of ways outdone the dated original dororo might be a jam how about throwing an unex ected title on the list for number 24 mariati the Patriot now here's a show I didn't really hear anyone talk about even back when it was airing moranti the Patriot comfortably sat in its Niche territory understandable given what was in the chart that season little did people know that a season headlined by jiujitsu Kaizen and Hau season was this rated gem that looks to introduce anime fans to Sherlock Holmes while shedding new light on the literary classic it's a quite edgy and thrilling game of cat and mouse with fans having compared it to death note at times now if you're a fan of Sherlock Holmes this anime is a must-watch otherwise feel free to still give it a shot especially if you have a think for Crime fiction stories the battles of wits will keep your eyes glued to the screen for over 20 episodes of good stuff L's Paradise is in at number 23 [Music] hell's Paradise is a show that I had high expectations for going into its season I thought that it had what it takes to be a breakout hip it's got a dark atmosphere the intense Shonen fight sequences and a group of characters who shine in their ways it didn't quite become the mainstream hit that I thought it would be but it did give us a pretty damn good action adventure title the anime looking beautiful is one way I can describe it and it really depicted what you'd want from a perilous Adventure in a of Terror so to speak looking back I think that hell's Paradise is a victim of overly high expectations after all everyone's super high on mappa after their work with jiu-jitsu Kaizen chainsaw man and Attack on Titan but don't let that discourage you hell's Paradise is still one hell of a Thrill Ride at number 22 is my hero Academia for the better part of the late 2010s my hero Academia served as the face of mainstream Shonen it had everything you'd expect and want from an action show for impressionable youth with an overall uplifting tone and a colorful cast of characters it differentiates itself from a number of its contemporaries that have started veering towards cynicism coming out right when superhero fever was heading to its climax was also a nice move and throughout multiple Seasons my hero Academia has sent its fans through a whole roller coaster of emotions my hero Academia feels feels like one of the most basic Shonen in the modern era on the flip side though it's got a lot of content in the form of anime seasons and movies plus a long run in the foreseeable future and it's pretty easy to get into a really good choice for a beginner [Music] Shonen right next at number 21 we take a look at Blue lock [Music] [Applause] and just like that we have a sport hellbent on subverting all the trends we've come to associate with Shonen out with the power of friendship thing as blue lock is all about one message humans can be selfish in their goals and at times they have to unleash the darkness within them in their road to be the very best that might seem like a dramatic and hamfisted way of selling the theme but that's precisely the premise that sets blue lock apart from the typical Sports Anime and it does make for a very interesting look to get people to watch this overall blue lock is interesting in the ways it showcases its characters I really like how the anime entwines character development with some of the more grounded aspects of sports psychology especially the parts we don't tend to shine the spotlight on how about a thrilling mystery to shake things up a bit promise Neverland is number 20 [Music] and quite fittingly we escalate further into the dark and Bleak side of Shonen with promised Neverland the year 2019 was off to a good start thanks to this show which quickly exploded into the mainstream something that you don't often see for horror and psychological anime promise Neverland wasted no time captivating people with its Mastery of unorthodox horror it's something that many have praised after all it used atmosphere to keep people on the edge of their seats no need for cheap jump scares overly violent scenes or super scary monsters when the Ambient sound and Camera framing are enough to get you on the edge of your seat along with a mystery and characters you can't help but root for promis Neverland is the complete package for a rather Niche genre of shm 2019 however truly belonged to Demon Slayer a number 19th entry did anyone see this one coming when Demon Slayer started airing in April of 2019 I didn't really think too much of it I knew it would be a really fun watch but I didn't expect it to take over the anime world like it did the moment that episode aired then it became the Talk of the Town and easily broke through the so-called Normie barrier Suddenly It's everyone's favorite anime in the anime of the decade I think that's partly warranted however because what Demon Slayer seeks to provide it does with so much competence it gives us a story that's simple to follow but very engaging and it doesn't overstate welcome with the entire anime adaptation gearing towards the finale in the present the visuals and the fight scenes are where it's at however and those are simply Paradigm changing Demon Slayer helped usher in a new era of spectacle spearheaded by Insane effects and animation and I got to tip my hat off to that 18th may come as a surprise to you it's Astra lost in space space survival drama may not be the genre that people think of when mentioning shown in anime but I'd like to introduce you to this underrated 2019 show what Astro Lost in Space does so well is how it draws out the emotions and feelings that you'd associate with the story about drifting from planet to planet in space you'd get to know these main characters well and relate to them as they battle through harsh conditions in their bit to get home the visuals are likewise pretty good and if you're a gamer and fond of sci-fi survival games with a focus on adventure and exploration you'll feel right at home with this anime what isn't Nisha underrated is our 17th anime on the list chainsaw man in a lot of ways chainsaw man epitomizes what I think is the general vibe that the public response to these days with action anime a dark theme that's not afraid to show the rather deranged side of humanity plus you got the violent and high octane fights depicted in all of its uncensored Glory chainsaw man is a show that's not afraid to show the Carnage and the degeneracy in its full bore and throw those things aside some undeniably amazing visuals to have one of the biggest hits in recent memory on one hand chainsaw man's hard leaning towards being R-rated and the more uncomfortable aspects for those not well-versed in the fandom means that it will never be as mainstream as things like Demon Slayer but on the other hand it does give a very specific Niche that it can call its own we close in on the halfway mark now with guro no Bas skip a fun game I had a decade ago was asking anime fans for an example of basketball anime the answer whether it be slam dun or guro will easily give away their age on a related note it just shows how much of a landmark guro has has been in the World of Sports Anime in the 2010s three seasons multiple movies and Side Stories along with another show that we be featuring soon it served as the face of Sports Anime in its era guro is all about the flashiness the Epic anime logic scenes depicted in the basketball games does this make for a realistic show not really but that's not exactly the point when its main goal is to Dazzle fans and get them in awe all the while providing some ample character drama that helps push its already charismatic and lovable group of characters it's an entertaining watch whether you like basketball or not the game are nothing short of thrilling if you can place your expectations right and that's the halfway point of our video you liking this video so far then go hit that like button and help the video do well on YouTube we still have a pretty long way to go so make sure to sit tight and enjoy the rest of the ride number 15 we have hi you and here's the other face of Sports Anime in the 2010s if basketball isn't your thing maybe volleyball is and that's what hued here for in a lot of ways the two were compared against each other back in the day and for good reason both are sports shows that aim to provide some similar treats for our Sports loving anime fans both have the Shonen Staples in terms of plot and character growth where hiq shines though is in its plot with its taking its time and showing the growth of our characters and team it does make for a much more immersive watch if you're here for the drama and the development as opposed to the flashier more thrilling matches that guro provides both Sports Anime great can be watched as compliments to each other they offer similar things with a slightly different Focus for anime fans out there don't silly we move on from the 2010s and into the 2020s with this number 14 entry summertime render it's the year 2024 season anime fans have experienced plenty of time Loop Centric anime from Stein's gate rezero Moka Tokyo Revengers and the like all employ the loop element in their ways not sure how hot of a take this is but sumertime render for me did it the best there was an unsettling air on the whole thing from the get-go and fans just can't help but work alongside the characters in helping solve the secret behind the murderers in impending doomsday this kept people's minds turning for the first half of the show then I love how the anime did a genre shift towards battle shown and in the middle for an exciting finish once the Mysteries have been dealt with it's time for the humans to fight back the battle of wits incorpor ated with time Loops as the anime headed towards the home stretch was truly a highlight for me at Lucky 13 is [Music] MGI for me in the 2010s margi epitomizes what an adventure anime should be I didn't know that this show which started out being about exploring Dungeons and looking for magic artifacts would end up giving me one of the more complete experiences I could ask for in a show name it's got no shortage of action and interesting Powers but what sets it apart from its contemporaries at the time was how it emphasizes its worlds its vast world really let the fans see a varied spectrum of cultures and philosophies and along with the political aspects that are entwined with the spiritual Adventure it was a great anime that I'd readily recommend to anyone at the time even in the present Mari remains a good watch the story is incomplete unfortunately with only lasting two seasons and having read the Manga however I'm glad that we got the best parts of the series [Music] animated 12th on the list is Dr Stone what's happening and if you liked exploring the world aspect of margi you'll be in for a treat with Dr Sto incorporating science a little bit of action and the Wonder exploring a whole wide world for Discovery are the things that epitomize Dr Stone in my opinion there's always something new and interesting for you to uncover in this anime as it takes you through many different Frontiers Dr Stone may not be the most hype or have something so noteworthy in terms of visuals one thing I give it props for is its consistency it keeps you interested while slowly building up to both the end game of the Ark and the overarching Mystery in his [Music] story at number 11 is the king of comedy himself gint there's no beating Gintama in the realm of anime comedy so much so that the over-the-top comedy and parody has overshadowed a lot of what makes Gintama great which is its epic tale of ancient Japan Gintama once you move past the comedy has drama that really hits hard especially once you get to understand the main characters more and what they've all been through it also has a whole lot of epic moments that can put some of it shown in contemporaries to shame Gintama had a long run at top the anime world and that's thanks to how it masterfully integrates all of its elements into the complete package you've got the action the drama and comedy and it all results in a winner that's even more than the sum of its parts JoJo kicks off our road to the top [Music] 10 soon on the topic of comedy and over-the-top Anime I find it fitting for Jojo to be the next in line when it comes to Jojo in it storyed run of so many seasons and parts one thing remains constant throughout it showcases some insane creativity both in its characters and the powers they have there's nothing off limits with Jojo and how Wild it is it's r with references but in a slightly different flavor than how Gintama does it and it has no restraint in just um how crazy the whole thing is and just like Gintama underneath all the fluff and craziness lies a long and very gripping story that spans Generations sticking with it will be one of the best decisions you've ever made bleach comes in at number nine bleach will always have a place in my heart for how it helped me push deep into the anime fandom it had this kind of cool stylish Edge that you just don't see that often for Shen shows back in the 2000s Middle School me thought it was the coolest thing ever due to being a showen that has more mature characters an overall Vibe that's more serious and an Outlook that's less on the nose with optimism it took several years for me to realize that there's so much to unpack from Bleach once you look past the call fights it's quite strong in terms of themes and every major character has an underlying philosophy behind the way his or her story unfolds having none of that in your face as much as the typical Shonen Fair made me appreciate bleach more As I Grew Older or maybe it's just recently biased due to how amazing of a return Thousand-Year blood War has been either way bleacher spent the 2000s rocking the anime world for a reason and you might love it if you're one of the newer fans introduced to the medium through Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen or Demon Slayer son free Ren doesn't look like a show in an anime at first glance but it is and it's one of the best ones to come out in the past year if there's one thing that can be free Ren's claim to fame it's how it pushes you to hit that pause button on your hectic daily life stop for a while sit down and reflect on the journey you've had so far it's when you can start noticing the important things often lost in the hustle and bustle of Our Lives or salary men or students freein isn't something that can provide screenshots or clips of flashy effects that make Twitter or should I say x go wild nor is it something that makes you rush over to your friends to talk about something so hype what it provides is a very Nuance take on the fantasy genre and for those those who prefer such stories then this anime is a godsend add that to the god tier production values in the anime adaptation and it's super easy to see why freen quickly became the Talk of the Town ever since it started airing this kind of relaxed introspective experience lets you reflect upon the beauty of the world and how we live our lives this isn't something you'll get every [Music] day FMA Brotherhood is in seventh place I find it interesting that when I started out watching margi FMA Brotherhood is one of the comparisons I've been given in a lot of ways it's true a lot of what I praise margi for such as the vast world and emphasis on various philosophies and worldviews all apply to FMA Brotherhood but everything's done a bit better in this one and the show really goes all the way with how it Dives deeply into its characters their Dynamics with one another and how their World Views clash and support each each other FM Brotherhood does feel like one of the more mature Shonen out there with how it handles its themes and how it's devoid of fan service all while being grounded or not trying to be too dark or edgy it's one of the best choices to get you started in the anime World in sixth place we have One [Music] Piece One Piece has been around for over two decades already with a run that long you'd expect things to Peter off and just start dragging out against all the odds though the adventurers of the straw hats remain so engaging to watch and that's a testament to how great one piece is specifically its world that allows for infinite possibilities despite looking like you've seen it all one piece continues to surprise you with the twists and turns it takes for each Arc a really cool thing is that one piece has likewise evolved with the times in this era where anime fans are more enthralled with the eye popping animation from EO table shows and the like one piece has likewise upped its game in terms of depicting some of the most important fights in the recent arcs one piece may not be something you'd reasonably catch up on episode by episode but getting yourself up to speed by watching old highlight seems like a good way to start your journey with this one following that is Naruto at number five there's no denying Naruto is the anime of the 2000s if we're talking influence and Legacy it was a cultural phenomenon much like Demon Slayer was as we entered the current decade and I dare say Naruto was even bigger in some aspects a lot of that has to do with how cool and novel the idea of Supernatural battle anime was in those days add to that a frankly endearing cast of characters an Underdog Story That's decently done and long arcs filled with more and more intriguing enemies and powers and you have this phenomenon that swept through the globe in the 2000s to be fair I think that a lot of Naruto has aged well to this day the character writing may be a bit hit or miss looking back but when it comes to the awesome moments the cool or dramatic ones that will really leave a mark in your memories Naruto always hits a home run in those and it's just fitting to have jiujitsu Kaizen come in at number four welcome to the present era in a lot of ways if you're like jiujitsu Kaizen is the culmination of over two decades worth of Supernatural battle series taking some of the awesome parts of each and putting them together to create the perfect product to take over the anime World these days you do need to stand out and it does so with astounding fight scenes all while peppering the newer generation of anime fans with some awesome character work the relationship between Yuji and sukuna is something 2000s kids would have seen before but the way Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen made it work still makes it pretty fresh especially to the newer more impressionable generation of fans jiujitsu Kaizen has pretty pretty much all you want out of a battle show end involving the supernatural it also helps that even it can get messy at times and it still doesn't have the level of graphic violence that might tune people out nor does it have the awkward fan service that a lot of the boys anime from the 2000s to the 2010s are full of it truly is an unexpected hit a perfect getaway for those looking into Supernatural battle anime but if all the fightings tired you out number three has none of that after all the Battle of brains reign supreme in Death Note when I first encountered Death Note in the 2000s the whole thing felt revolutionary the whole premise was easy to grasp even for a young middle schooler like me at the time I never thought that anime could be a means of such strong social commentary back then but death note proved me wrong sure there are aspects of the show that can feel juvenile be fitting for its Target demographic but its overall themes about criminal justice and morality still hit hard to this day a really credit Death Note for leading me to enjoy other pieces of media like the Persona games and psychop pass due to their thematic similarities overall I think the Death Note is one of the shows that we should revisit once in a while thanks to how its themes have become even more relevant it truly showcased anime's potential to be socially relevant and that's something that I'll always like about this show my number two pick is Hunter Hunter there are so many things that I can praise about Hunter Hunter whether it be the original version or the 2011 one the plot's great and so is the very creative way the characters and Powers were crafted it also showed some great versatility in moving the plot from the hunter exams to the zalic family drama to what many considered to be one of the best anime arcs of this day chimira ants from Adventure to gripping questions about one's purpose Hunter Hunter has no shortage of that Hunter Hunter served as an important pillar of Shonen back in the '90s and it came back to do the same in the 2010s truly a remarkable example of an action adventure series done right are you surprised that attack on Titan finds itself at the very top of the list many people still don't know that attack on Titan is actually a shownin anime it just doesn't look the part especially when put alongside say my hero Academia but that doesn't change how few can lay claim to what Attack on Titan has done when it burst into the scene back in the early 2010s such a phenomenon was unprecedented it broke barriers between season anime fans in the everyday Joe earlier than Demon Slayer did and it showed fans a side of anime that they really didn't expect to see it didn't rely on the usual anime tropes and maintained its darker more grounded atmosphere throwing everyone off guard and grabbing their attention then it used that momentum to Pivot from the gruesome War for Humanity survival to more intricate philosophical aspects leading to the culmination of the series there's a lot to like about Attack on Titan and there's a lot to remember it for if we add in the cultural footprint that it left behind there's no doubt that it's arguably one of the best shown entitles that we've got this Century you think that attack on Titan deserves its spot on top of this list tell me what you think in the comment section feel free to also throw in some Shonen hits you feel deserve more love thanks for watching and I hope that you had fun counting down those 30 shown and titles with us I look forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: ViniiTube
Views: 62,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, top 10 anime, viniitube, anime tops, anime, Top 30 Best Shonen Anime of This Century [2000 - 2024], best anime, best anime to watch, best shounen anime of all time, best shounen anime, best shounen anime to watch, anime recommendations, anime recommendations 2024, action anime recommendations
Id: 4UsLWvQ8DMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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