30 Minutes Of Teeny, Adorable Fuzzballs | Dodo Kids | Animal Videos For Kids

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[Music] remember when we first met you Francis all you wanted to do was hide under your blanket and you were so little too little for your age you were nearly a month old but you looked like a newborn baby see Francis newborn Francis newborn you should have been twice this size we knew right away you were going to make a special family so happy one day but before you could be adopted we needed to help you get big the first few days we stayed close by so you would feel safe and once you did you stopped being shy in fact you thought you were ready for your Forever family and you were going to do whatever it took to prove it you tried showing off by going down the stairs but you'd always get stuck at the bottom no worries mom to the rescue oh I think come on you'll be climbing those stairs in no time Francis don't give up in the meantime we made sure you got the food you needed to keep growing starting with little nibbles which soon turned into big bites that's a big piece of kibble Francis and you found other ways to show us you were getting bigger like making friends big friends and little friends and grooming totally AC it wait wait are you cleaning your teeth or brushing your fur oh goodness this is not how a toothbrush Works Francis and you kept growing you got stronger and bigger until nothing could stand in your way not even stairs come on FR let's go come on last one come on you can do it look how much you've grown Francis you're nearly 4 months old now and you weigh almost 3 lb which is big enough for something really special are you you ready you're going to your forever home let's do this I Now Pronounce You Francis [Applause] adopted you and your new family are going to be so happy together and we're happy for you too Francis you transformed from a tiny timid kitten into a brave spunky cat with the biggest heart there's no stopping you now Francis because you're big this little one is a wild koala but he's not where a wild koala should be koalas live in eucalyptus trees in the forests of Australia but wildfires took away this koala's home and now he has nowhere to go and he isn't feeling well at all so when he saw two campers coming close [Music] sir he walked right up to them it must have been scary to come close to people he didn't know but this was a very brave koala right away the two could see he needed help why else would he have come so close they decided to become his [Music] Rescuers the new rescuer wanted to find him some food to eat and eventually bring him to an animal hospital that meant they'd need to put the koala into their car they picked him up as gently as they could he didn't seem to love it but he was too tired to complain with the koala in the back seat they drove out of the burned Forest stopping at the first green tree for a koala snack he must have been so hungry because he spent the rest of the ride eating The Rescuers knew they had to get the koala to a vet who could help him but when they arrived at the hospital it was closed they weren't sure what to do so they decided to bring him to their campsite site and come back the next day but would the koala stay with them the whole night he was a wild koala after all they brought the koala to a little tree right next to their campsite they gave him some leaves to eat and made a promise to see him in the [Music] morning when they came back to the tree the next day the koala had climbed down he still seemed like he wasn't feeling well but he was maybe a little hopeful too because his Rescuers were back and this time they were going to find a vet no matter what they placed him back in their car and drove him right to the animal hospital he seemed like he knew he was finally going going to be safe when they got to the Animal Hospital it was open everybody was so happy they said goodbye to their new friend and gave him to the veterinarians Hank when you were born you were the tiniest kitten in your litter you weighed half as much as you were supposed to you were so small you could f in a pocket it was pretty cute but pretty scary too we loved you so much and we were worried about you you made such tiny little meow you couldn't even open your eyes yet but you wanted all eyes on you you were going to be such a wild spunky cat someday you just needed some extra special care to get big most kittens need a little help to stay warm but because of your tiny size you needed to be wrapped in a blanket all the time you went everywhere with us it was the only way we could be sure you were feeling good you were always snuggling with your toys and socks looking for someone to love and someone who might love you we'd find you a best friend soon enough but you needed to get bigger first that meant you had to eat but you were too tiny to get food from your mom so it was up to us to feed you every 2 hours you were one hungry kitty little by little all that eating started to show finally bigger than a pocket and moving all on your own pretty soon you didn't need a blanket anymore more but we still wrapped you in a towel sometimes it was just too cute to resist now that you were strong enough you wanted to see everything meowing up a storm you were finally ready to make friends the only problem was your sister poppy wasn't quite ready to meet you she was a little grumpy at first she would hiss at you and she didn't want to be touched but even though she seemed upset poppy never left your side we could tell she loved you very [Music] much and once she realized you wanted to play she taught you all her favorite moves which could get a little rough but you would play just as hard as her poppy also showed you how to be a ninja kitten the student has become the master soon you didn't even need another cat to have playtime because you invented a new sport called uh let's say wiggle gymnastics which was pretty exhausting apparently you'd wiggle then you'd Zonk and get up ready to wiggle again it took a lot of blankets and a lot of bottles but you're finally the wild spunky cat we always knew you could be you might not need to be carried around anymore but you always find a spot on our shoulder or snuggled in our arms because even though you're big now you'll always be our tiny Hank who be out to say hey look at me please introductions are happening grat the mouse was about to meet her new brother oh here he comes it's happening it's happening but there was just one little problem Greta the mouse was afraid of mice no really it's true maybe it's because Greta had never met or even seen another mouse before Greta probably didn't know that she was a mouse because Greta was raised by her human mom Alex who rescued her from a very unusual place the couch one day Alex just found baby Greta tucked into the cushions all alone with no family and no Nest to go back to hey sweetie Alex wasn't quite sure how to be a mouse mom and Greta couldn't teach her but they figured it out together things like how to feed a baby mouse the trick is small brushes dipped in Formula it's a very messy business I got to reload it next up how to build a nest Alex built Greta an amazing home with the finest shredded paper and plenty of spinning things which are not as easy as they look yep Greta and Alex made a pretty good family and it was just the two of them but Alex knew something was missing because mice are supposed to live with other mice which meant Greta needed another mouse to live with so Alex decided to adopt another rescued mouse named yellow remember the mouse from the beginning of the story that was yellow Greta's mom insisted that they get to know each other but Greta didn't really want anyone else in the nest Greta's Nest the one Alex built for her with her favorite paper scraps and her best spinny thingy Greta was like I don't know anything about this new guy so she decided she would watch his every move very closely I'm watching you buddy she watched the way yellow nibbled his food which seemed kind of familiar to Greta and the way yellow climbed around the nest the same way Greta could and the way yellow seemed to love head rubs Greta really liked those head rubs too wait a second was yellow just like her he was and being around someone like herself wasn't scary it was actually kind of nice and then one day Alex saw something amazing Greta and yellow were snuggled up together Greta wasn't afraid of mice anymore after that the two of them became really close Greta especially likes to give her brother head rubs and maybe borrow a snack it just goes to show that sometimes when you're feeling a little nervous or scared all it takes is a closer look to realize what you might be missing out on like finding a best friend a are you giving us a posum hug when we first rescued you you were so tiny as small as a thumb you and your siblings you were barely opening your eyes as we carefully weigh you to make sure you were growing because you'd need to get much bigger before we could bring you back to the wild but it wasn't like we could just give you food in a bowl you were so young you didn't know how to eat on your own so we had to use the tiniest tube in the world careful careful baby posum food go a are you holding on to it because it's so tasty all of that eating was starting to pay off because soon you were big enough to open your eyes and almost ready to walk this was your favorite time of day and ours too because it meant you were getting bigger and growing lots of fur no more tube feeding for you you were ready to try eating by yourselves there it is come on stick your nose in it it's all right to get messy okay that's better you were getting right in there looking good in those food beards but getting possums ready to go isn't only about helping them get big we also had to help you learn how to do all the things wild possums do and that's when your possum instincts started kicking in because one thing a baby posum loves to do is get a piggyback ride or is that a possum back ride oh that's the wall turning and the other thing possums love to do explore what's under here what about here oh hello you were curious about everything and your curiosity was starting to get a bit too big for your home so we brought you out to the pum outdoor Training Center here you could get used to the sounds and smells of outside and start foraging for your own food then one day you four possums were ready for the biggest day of your [Music] lives we gave you a little treat for the ride hey you have your own treat in the car it was like you could tell something huge was happening when we got to the woods we sat you down and eating something we were so proud watch watching you sniff your way into the forest we knew we'd miss holding you in our arms you were so tiny when we first found you but you had learned how to be big smart possums and we were so happy you were going back to where you belonged sometimes it felt like tiny Luna was the saddest puppy in the world she had trouble moving around and she'd shake a lot she didn't want anyone to come near her okay I know I know okay okay calm down calm down sit down sit down before Luna's Rescuers could find her a forever home they needed to help her grow stronger and learn to walk but not only that they also had to cheer her up she'd been alone for so long and she didn't know how to trust anyone but slowly she started to warm up to her Rescuers until one day day Luna did something amazing Luna started walking all by herself she would fall all the time but she always got back up she wouldn't stop trying and soon she got really good at it Luna's Rescuers were shocked to see her tail was finally wagging then one day Luna's Rescuers saw this her walking turned into running Luna finally found something she loved to do look at that happy tail go running made Luna feel so good pretty soon she was the fastest pup on the Block and she was ready to make friends who were as big as she felt inside she was like nice to meet you Mega duck H maybe friends who are more like real animals but if she wanted someone who had as much energy as her she'd need another puppy luckily Luna's Rescuers had just the puppy friend in mind Zeus at first they weren't sure Luna and Zeus would get along Zeus was a trillion times bigger than Luna and Luna could get scared some sometimes but as soon as they saw each other they were like magnets and it's a good thing Luna learned to love running because it was her basic training for playtime with Zeus sometimes Zeus would forget how big he was oh my god Zeus don't roll over okay but he always knew how to be gentle with tiny Luna and sometimes it seemed like she had more strength than Zeus all of that time spent playing with such a big dog gave Luna some new ideas like sneaking up on her foster mom and saying look at me hey look are you looking excuse me look at me and showing off her boxing skills of course Luna showed her foster mom a lot of love too with her patient best friend by her side Luna was finally happy [Music] and it wasn't long before she got the best news ever she was going to a forever home at first Luna wasn't sure about the strange new place but she had learned how to be fearless and soon she fit right in at her new home when Luna was Tiny she was too scared to do anything at all until she learned how to be herself with the help of the biggest best friend nope not that best friend this one now her home is filled with lots of that wild Luna energy and of course lots and lots of love you are so small are those your brothers and sisters they are very Wiggly you're so tiny you have to drink milk from a paintbrush good morning little one did you enjoy your breakfast you're way too little to be on your own but you want to go home don't you don't worry little buddy we'll get you there we just need you to be big enough first then we can set you free one day old how did you get to be so small I know you're going to grow bigger but I wish you could stay this size forever look at that little nose sniffing the [Music] world I think I'll call you happy 2 days old happy is trying very hard to open his eyes oh my goodness you can do do it buddy you can do it [Music] oh here's the paintbrush again time for another snack with those tiny teeth there you go there you [Music] go 5 days old does somebody need to go to the salon I think they do you're the tiniest big mess I've ever seen look how handsome 8 days old your first steps hi buddy what are you doing are you climbing the mountain oh my goodness that was going to jump ah good one that's a good one 9 days old somebody's growing big and [Music] strong now you're cleaning your face all by yourself and your tiny little ears are starting to stick up and so is your funny hair time to check on your brothers and sisters oh tickle [Music] time 13 days old let's see if you're big enough to go home almost just a few more days now 16 days old look at how much cute I can fit into one hand you're eating by yourself 25 days old I'm going to miss you guys oh my goodness look at how grown up you are you're almost ready to be on your own huh I think it's time it's a big day for these little mice he's going to smell for a little bit first ehy okay [Music] come on happy you can do it come on I know it looks a little different smells a little different but it's where you're meant to [Music] be that's it welcome to the world oh no come on get out there where you going come on out everybody yeah see you're doing it can you believe you used to be so small you had to drink from a paintbrush and now you're all grown up welcome to the world little buddies Roman the dog has a lot of energy maybe a little too much energy so when Roman's mom Jessica brought home sugar the rescue bunny bunny Jessica was a little nervous bunnies like sugar need patience they're kind of fragile and Roman isn't the best with fragile if Roman and sugar were going to be friends Roman needed to learn how to be calm he had to control his Zoomies for Roman and sugar to eventually become friends Jessica knew they had to take it slow to start she decided to introduce them to each other with sugar still in a crate safe from any possible zoomi Outburst but to Jessica's surprise Roman wasn't being his rambunctious self he was chill good boy that's it Roman steady steady Jessica was relieved to see Roman behaving but she still wanted to make sure Roman was going to be on his best behavior around sugar and she needed to know sugar was totally comfortable around Roman that meant waiting for the bunny flop ah yes the bunny flop the number one way of knowing a bunny rabbit is 100% comfortable when rabbits are in a comfy happy mood they'll flop onto the ground with their legs sprawled out so if Roman kept behaving around sugar then the bunny flop should show up in no time after that first successful crepe meeting Jessica decided to let sugar have some more freedom to explore and sugar loved everything she saw sugar was like oh my gosh this food is delicious I just adore these hardwood floors Jessica but as she was exploring sugar suddenly came face to face with the giant fluffy zoomi machine known as Roman uh-oh what if Roman gets the Zoomies but once again to Jessica's surprise Roman was being so calm and gentle around sugar it was like Roman thought that sugar was his fluffy little mini me and from the looks of Roman's big goofy smile he was loving his new bunny friend but was sugar Jessica still hadn't seen any sort of bunny flop sugar was sniffing and exploring the giant fluff Ball but that was it what are you waiting for sugar give this fluffy Papa flop but shortly after their face-to-face encounter the most amazing thing happened as Roman was taking a nap sugar came over and sat herself right next to him and look look she's doing it she's doing the thing the bunny flop Jessica finally knew for sure that Sugar felt completely comfortable around Roman and Roman was being the goodest of boys to Sugar from that moment on sugar and Roman were the fluffiest bunny doggy duo in the world and sugar could not get enough of her new pal Roman he actually became her favorite in the house she says excuse me she says excuse me Roman loved taking care of sugar and sugar loved all the attention Roman was giving her she says she wants to play with you to Jessica's surprise Roman has never once gotten the Zoomies around his his fluffy friend and thanks to Roman's gentle nature sugar feels totally comfortable in her new home now these two are total besties and it just goes to show that every bunny needs a fluffy pup to snuggle with you're going to be okay little fox some Rescuers got an emergency call and came right away water had gotten into this baby Fox's home and washed her out of it and she's not feeling so good is that a cough poor thing don't worry little fox we're going to help you get back to the wild but first we need to get you feeling all better you need food and rest just like all babies and also a name I think we'll call you butter [Music] after just 2 weeks wo I think butter is feeling better she's definitely more comfortable maybe a little too comfortable I think butter might be ready to get back into the wild go on a butter seems really scary scared even though she's feeling a lot better butter doesn't know how to live in the wild and we can't show her how what if we got her a friend a fox friend but where are we going to find one of those hold on we're getting another rescue call about another baby fox just like butter toffee first we'll let toffee rest and make sure she's okay then we'll introduce her to butter slowly look at those Wiggles now we have to see if they're ready to me here we go I've never seen butter this excited look butter is following toffee and acting like a fox they're both learning how to be wild [Music] together but are they ready to go back look butter is leaving the pen and so is toffee [Music] butter is smelling the grass and the trees and running all over the place she's not scared anymore we're going to miss butter so much but she'll be happier in the wild and I bet she'll come back and visit sometimes it's hard to believe she used to be so little [Music] but we helped her feel better and toffee helped her learn to be wild and now she's finally home [Music] Doo kids help the kittens find the Subscribe button
Channel: Dodo Kids
Views: 1,017,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodo kids, the dodo kids, dodokids, the dodo, dodo, animals, cute animals, animal rescues, kids and animals, rescue animals, animal songs, animal videos, animal videos for kids, animals for kids, animals for children, funny animal videos, videos for kids, funny animals, for kids, animals for toddlers, for toddlers, kittens, cat, koala, mouse, mice, gato, perro, dog, puppy, opossum, bunny, rabbit, baby animal, chien, Gǒu, kutta, billee, compilation, half an hour
Id: T-KtI17V1L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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