Can Rescuers Save 2 Snakes Stuck In The Weirdest Ways?! | Dodo Kids | Rescued!

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(hissing) “It's really stuck on there.” This snake is in trouble! And so is this one, but I can only handle one animal rescue at a time, people. He was just minding his own business, exploring this basement, and then accidentally slithered over a piece of cardboard covered in glue. And now his whole body is stuck to it and itself and everything, really. Even his face is stuck, which makes it hard to breathe and impossible to catch food, but Brandon, a professional wildlife rescuer, came to help just in time. By the way, if you see a snake in trouble, do not try to rescue the snake by yourself. Have a grown-up call someone like Brandon. But how is Brandon going to get him out of that gooey mess? He needs to move fast, but he doesn't want to hurt him. If he's not careful, he could pull off the snake’s scales by accident. Come on, Brandon, think of something! The clock's ticking. Aha! It looks like he's got an idea: dish soap and warm water. That's what I'd do if I had my glue on my hands. That's it. Get that soap all over. Be gentle, but be quick. I think this sticky guy needs a name. Let’s see... I'm going to call you.... Sticky Pete! He's working on the snake’s face now, so he has to be extra careful. He doesn't want Sticky Pete to get nervous and bite him. But surprisingly, this snake is being super calm. He must realize Brandon is trying to help. The soap is working pretty well, but there's still some cardboard on him that's not coming off. Brandon needs to try something else. Something like... scissors?! Those look pretty sharp, but I'm sure Brandon’s done this before, right? After lots of snip-snip-snipping, the cardboard is finally off, and Sticky Pete just wants to go back to the woods, but this isn't over yet. “He's looking a lot better now.” “Looks like he's able to close his jaw.” “Still have a lot of work to do releasing the rest of this.” Brandon has to make sure he gets all the glue off Sticky Pete or else if he goes right back to the woods, he'll get a whole bunch of dirt and leaves stuck to him. So that means more soap, more water and baby oil! This is getting serious. “This isn’t gonna hurt you, buddy. I’m sorry.” More peeling. How much glue was in that trap? I think Sticky Pete’s running outta patience. Look at that face. That is not the face of a happy snake. He's like... OK, OK, OK. We can take a little break. Feeling better? Then let's get back to work. Now, Brandon’s checking his mouth for glue. Say, “Ah!” Ahhhhhh! (sighing) We’ve been at this for hours. What's the news, Brandon? “We got most of the glue off of him.” “Got a little bit more to go.” That doesn't look like a little bit. Just one more speck and... he's done! “All right, this guy’s looking pretty nice.” Now, that is the face of a happy snake. And after a few days of rest, to make sure he was OK, it's time to take him home. “The rest of the glue board that's still a little bit stuck on there will naturally wear off in time, is no longer sticky, so he doesn't have to worry about it getting stuck to anything.” “So, we're going to go ahead and put him back into the wild now.” Look, he's waving goodbye.... with his butt?! Which does kinda make sense considering he, y’know, doesn't have arms. Bye, Sticky Pete! And thank you, Brandon! Now, let's go save that other snake. This wiggling tail belongs to a snake! A snake who needs help because he's stuck in a utility hole cover. Luckily, someone called in a pro, Bruce, the snake rescuer. But even Bruce had never seen anything like this. The snake's back half was above ground, which meant the other half was down there. This poor little guy was totally stuck, trapped in a dark hole, alone, and probably feeling really scared. But Bruce didn't waste any time. He lifted the heavy iron cover and brought the snake into the light. The snake was probably so relieved to be out of that hole, but really frightened too. After all, he was still stuck, and a scared snake might try to bite. So Bruce had to be careful. Luckily, his new friend turned out to be a harmless, nonvenomous gopher snake. So even though he still needed to be cautious around this wild animal, it was one less thing he had to worry about. But he still had no idea how he was gonna get the snake unstuck. Bruce tried gently pushing the snake and gently pulling the snake. No good. He wouldn't budge. Meanwhile, the snake kept trying to slither away, but he couldn't move an inch. The snake's belly looked a little swollen, which probably wasn't helping. And to make things even worse, the solid iron cover was really heavy. Bruce was having trouble holding it up while he worked to get the snake loose. He didn't want to accidentally drop it and hurt the snake even more. He wished he had two sets of hands... and his wish came true, sorta, because another person happened to walk by. Bruce asked them if they would hold the cover for him while he focused on freeing the snake. And even though that person was a teeny bit afraid of snakes... OK, they were actually pretty afraid, but they still helped! Sometimes all it takes is a couple of fingers to be a hero. With both hands now free, Bruce got right back to work. The snake was probably still feeling scared, but he stayed calm. It was almost like he knew these people were trying to help. He didn't want to make their job harder by getting defensive. But even if the snake was beginning to feel safer, Bruce was growing more worried. He desperately wanted to help this snake, but nothing he tried was working. Just when Bruce was starting to think this rescue was impossible, more people stopped to help, and they brought something super useful. Baby oil. The perfect tool to unstick snakes. They squirted baby oil all over the snake's belly. Then they started wiggling. Slowly. Slowly. Come on. They wiggled for what felt like forever, until finally... the snake was free! Bruce was so happy, and so was the snake. It had taken the rescuers over an hour to pull the snake free. And after Bruce cleaned off the oil and made sure the snake was OK, it was time for the best part of any snake rescue: a safe release back into the wild. After a final goodbye kiss, of course. As he glided out of Bruce's hands, the snake thought about his rescuers, strangers who had come together when he needed them the most and pulled off an incredible rescue.
Channel: Dodo Kids
Views: 1,181,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodo kids, the dodo kids, dodokids, the dodo, dodo, animals, cute animals, animal rescues, kids and animals, rescue animals, animal songs, animal videos, animal videos for kids, animals for kids, animals for children, funny animal videos, videos for kids, funny animals, for kids, animals for toddlers, for toddlers
Id: ZtJukzjvB08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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