Every Time Henry Returns in the Dangerverse! | Nickelodeon

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[music playing] [music playing] [music playing] [music playing] [music playing] [music playing] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey. What happened? You must have blown a fuse because you were rocking so hard. - [unintelligible] - It happens. Makes sense. So, how come you keep ignoring those calls from your boss? I'm trying to focus on... other things. So why did you answer your friend's? Cause I was trying to make you jealous. Did it work? Maybe. Henry, we gotta bounce. Uh, yeah. No, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now. Sorry. - Let's go. - No, no, no. Don't, don't. Don't do this right now, man. No, no, no. Also, hi, how are you? That's how normal people greet each other. Okay. I forgive you. I'm gonna go. No, you're not gonna go here, you're gonna go somewhere else. I was in the middle of something. Hey, I don't have time- I don't have time for this! Fine! Hey. - Henry. - Ray. [laughing] [sighing] Too busy to take my calls? [groaning] I was on a date. Oh, but you weren't when Bose called. - That's interesting. - Oh, my God. Are we- Are we really going to do this right? - Oh, what are we doing? - You do this every time. What do I do? It's called healthy communications. Oh, yeah, let's talk about healthy communications. Should we stop them? I think this is just what they do. I hate when you get like this. I can't even talk to you. Oh, you can't? You can't talk to me, alright. You always do this. Hey. - Hey. - Good to see you. Stop being ridiculous. [music playing] This is great. I love this. - I love you. - What? I said I can't wait for round two. <i> Round two: Tango. Time to get close.</i> [music playing] Should we? I didn't travel halfway across the world to not beat the tango level on Prance Prance Revolution with you. [music playing] [music playing] [alarm blaring] [music playing] [groaning] How'd it go? - It went great. - We broke up a fight. With our faces! Wasn't all bad. Got my nails did. Even had time to squeeze in a pedi. - Nice. - Pretty. That call wrecked me. I'm going to throw up and lay down. Just drying my toes. No, no, no, don't talk to me while you're out. But your fire bees are attacking a honey store. [overlapping chatter] Yeah, caller said some murder bears are heading up there too, so... hustle up. [groaning] We just got our cheese steamed. Can't you settle a honey fight between fire bees and murder bears? What do you say, partner? Hard pass, my guy, we got a big lift coming up. Sorry, kids, buzz off. [groaning] [music playing] [chuckles] Okay, now that the lift is over are you sure you guys don't wanna come help us? You're superheroes, quit your bellyaching. It's what you get paid for. You got paid?! Down the tube. Look, I'm going out tonight, okay? And there's nobody on this planet, eh, this galaxy that's gonna stop me. Did somebody call for a Rayby sitter? - Henry? - What's up, my guy? Hey, buddy, what are you doing here? My God. Look at your hair. It's grown out. Henry can't be my baby sitter. Don't worry, dude, I'm not going to actually sit on you. Told ya. - Hey, wait, wait, wait. - Make sure he doesn't leave. - Now, hold- hang on. - He won't. And make sure Schwoz doesn't help him escape. What is going on here? See ya. And make sure to eat your broccoli. I'm the [unintelligible] Alright, why don't we start by cleaning up all these blocks and then it's homework time. This mess is not mine. This is Schwoz who did this. And you can drop the whole babysitter act. Okay? They're gone. This isn't an act, my guy. I took an oath to Danger Force to not let you leave. And make sure you eat all your broccoli. - Oh, you took an oath for that? - I absolutely did. - It took a broccoli oath? - It's a thing. - That people do. - Oh, that's a thing? How come I've never heard of it, huh? Oh, yeah, Alexander Einstein? Don't you mean Albert Einstein? - I know what his name is. - Really? Look, I'm going to the Beaten Dungeon. All right? There's no way my former sidekick - is gonna stop me. Okay? - Ooh. Okay. [thudding] [groaning] Oh, I'm going to report you to the babysitter's union. Alright, let's blow and go. Alright. Oh, dude, where's your mask? Oh. We, uh, we actually don't wear masks in Dystopia. - What? - Yeah, I don't know, I just think we're kind of, uh, beyond that. Actually, that's extremely irresponsible. Mask wearing saves lives. Well, you're in Swellview now, so, you're putting something on your face. No, no, no, no, no. You always do this, man. [arguing] Just put 'em on. Just put 'em on. Just put 'em on. There ya go. Okay, have fun. Bye-bye. - We'll be here. - Get out. You wanna call it? Up the tube. [beeping] Ooh. We go down the tube now. Down the tube. AWOL. Perfect. I need your help. But I need your help. [both] I got tied to this stupid chair. [both] No way. You too? Whoa. This is still going. Listen. You've got to get down to the Beatin' Dungeon. Captain Man and the rest of Danger Force are in the middle of a dangerous avalanche. Dr. Dandruff? Guy's worse than Sweaty Eddie. He's there, too. We gotta go. Lean in and I'll teleport us over. [grunting] I got help. You brought another guy tied to a chair. Nope. I brought Henry tied to a chair. Well, who the heck is Henry? What's up, dude? I'm Henry. I'm the babysitter. And I'm about to lay waste to the lot of you. [laughing] - Honey... - What's so funny? I don't think you'll be laying waste to anyone. [laughing] Ow! My penny. [grunting] Look out! [thudding] Told ya. [unintelligible], nice. [grunting] Okay, break your chairs. [thudding] [thudding] [grunting] You saw the lady, break your chairs. [thudding] Oh, I liked those chairs. [grunting] Uh, hey, guys! [unintelligible] here! [grunting] [grunting] I could really use some help from my sidekicks! Come on, at least set it back up for me! [grunting] [screaming] Oh, hey. [screaming] [screaming] I'll get him. Please don't hurt me. Wow, I did not think that would work. Thanks for the lift. Just try to stay on-- [screaming] Hey, buddy. Hang on, Kid. [screaming] [screaming] Is that all ya got?! [grunting] [grunting] Great move. Thanks. [screaming] [screaming] You better... pick up my... calls! [screaming] [screaming] [grunting] You think this will work? It's got a reverse button. [grunting] [laughing] [grunting] [grunting] [Captain Man] Oh, come on! [grunting] Let him go, Twitler. We said, "Let him go." [grunting] This is probably gonna hurt. [screaming] [grunting] Hey, stranger. Thought you were in Dystopia. Yeah, when'd you get here? Uh, about four h- [screaming] Seriously? That's like louder than her, dude. Right? Wait! Bring it all back. What, I miss it? - Yeah. - A little bit. You looked cool though. Hey, get down here, dummy. We got Jeff in pain, a beatin' stick, pocket candy, and the Dolly, Dolly, Dolly song. Uh, Man, I would love to beat me some Jeff, but I am on a date right now. Dude, you gotta stop calling it a date when we hang out. We're grabbing lunch, what would you call it? Call it grabbing lunch. Like I said I am on a date with Henry and I will be unreachable. [thudding, honking] You just throw away your phone? I always like to keep a spare. [grunting] Guess I'm just built different. [shrieking] It's pitch black out, dude. Yeah, looks like someone forgot to pay the power bill, huh? No, no, no, no. It always goes dark before Blackout shows up. This guy can turn off the lights? - Oh, I'm so scared. - Why you laughing? What else does he do, unplug your amp when you're playing guitar? As I say that I realize Schwoz might've done that on purpose. That little beast. I should never have come here. I'm sorry for putting you in danger, dude. Ah, relax. This loser doesn't even have a weapon. Okay, I'm taking that home after we're done with this guy. We're gonna die, dude. Wait, wait, wait. I'm trying to think of opening quip. Oh, okay, how about knock, knock? Typically, you'd say, "Who's there?" Look, I'm the one you want. Okay, eat my soul. Do whatever you want to the [unintelligible], just don't hurt my friend. [groaning] Too high. How did you miss the floor, AWOL? At least we're here. We could've been in another country. Ungrateful. Do you even know how to play Chess? Nope, nobody does. Oh, hey, buddy. - Hey. - Oh, thanks so much, pal. Yeah, no problem. You guys still have to tinkle? - No, not anymore. - Nah, I'm dry. Now. Okay. Now, listen, uh... [clearing throat] you both, uh, clearly need some help and, I need money. Tiny Ray beat you in Chess again, huh? I'm down big. Who's Tiny Ray? Plus my girlfriend's ex bought her a $9,000 handbag. - Been there. - Currently there. Who's Tiny Ray though? Okay, well listen. If I help you get Locator Link One from Danger Force, will you guys give me a taste of that sweet, sweet reward money? - I don't see why not. - Shoot yeah, man. Now, listen, I have a plan I think you both will love. Okay. Now first thing, do either of you know the lyrics to<i> Running Up That Hill</i> by Kate Bush? - Hold, please. - One second. "I just teleported you guys on top of a mountain. Sincerely, Miles." What could that mean? It's gotta be some kinda code. Yeah, definitely a code. Schwoz, can you decode codes? Yeah, let me just tinkle first. Sure. [screaming] [screaming] See ya around, [unintelligible] He's looking for his head. [clamoring] Ah, I miss this. Down the tube. [music playing]
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 304,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, jace norman, henry hart, henry danger, henry returns, henry comes back, back to school, danger force, dangerverse, captain man, ytao_hd, kid danger and captain man, henry danger behind the scenes, henry danger theme song, henry danger piper, jace returns, silly moments, kid danger movie, captain man and kid danger, henry danger edits
Id: xgXS30GphUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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