Every Time The Thundermans Say "Superhero"! | Nickelodeon

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you know what maybe training with Dad will be great Thunderman is the greatest superhero ever was the greatest superhero ever maybe it's been crushing it as a superhero and all I've been doing for months is writing in this Chronicle which we all know is a diary and for what that Hero Test was easy what' you get for the last one Circle or triangle nitroglycerin I'll go get our scores hope I did well being a superhero is all I've ever wanted I'm sure you did great oh no hands are triangle for every question so how' I do you did great a 97 that makes me a hero Mastermind how' you do a 22 yeses let's just forget these tests ever happened no way hey I'm ready to be a superhero to the park my score was the low one that means I'll never be a superhero thanks to Max I don't think any of us will be looks like kville is about to lose its new superhero did I just teleport funo baby [Music] away Billy that means you have laser eyes it doesn't matter I'm not a superhero here take him back it doesn't work that way what Billy help me no Billy here just a boy who's not a superhero Billy you saved me who cares if you're not a mastermind you're the bravest superhero I know thanks go go guys go come on orb orb got to find the orb Max Alison I'm sorry for being a jerk earlier I still really like you but I get if dating a superhero is too weird and sorry that was the easiest way to shut you up yes wow glad you liked it I can't believe my baby's finally a superhero it's too bad we have to put you in superbill in prison for helping out dark ma'am what you should have seen your face you're like come up let's go call the hero League take credit for all of this good luck finding a hero with all those Powers hly he means us we're finally going to be superheroes laser girl reporting for Duty and call me the rapid gentleman how about kid quick kid quick guys are you sure about this hey you guys gave up being superheroes so we could live a normal life but maybe being a family of superheroes is our normal life thanks for helping me figure out a new superhero catchphrase how about you just got saved to the max nice I think it's great oh you like it that's off the list B we need to get those points to get back in the running for the Z Force we only have two days left where are we going to find a young soup we can train a mentor you know there are two talented soups in this house who' be happy to help you uh sorry guys it's called the L Z's not the old and retired Z's fact they're not talking about themselves actually you are not talking about yourselves we meant Billy and Nora we've Ed their superhero training and they are doing great I'm sure either one of them would love to be your little Z as would your mother all right here we go back anyway I want Thunderman to be the face of our new fall line oh Lin I mean I'm flattered but you know I'm retired as a superhero oh but you've been the face of so many products that's a good point we'll have a whole team of superheroes to fight her off now remember the number one superhero rule saving lives comes before family and friends like if link is a superhero he's going to be way too busy and way too far away you were a great boyfriend link now you're going to be a great superhero I only brought it home so Phoebe could start her next level of superhero training wait for real I thought Thunder training started next year hero University is offering an early admissions test if you Ace it you could be a full soup before Max can grow a mustach hey Max stach is coming in your early admissions test is in a week wait a week that's so soon if you don't know your superhero vehicle inside and out you'll fail you don't want to fail do you of course not that's Max's thing what are we worried about pH is going to save us yeah she's going to be the best super hero ever she's saying she wants to blow off being a superhero I'm not saying I want to blow off being a superhero wait that message also said Superheroes never take days off oh no what if we've been following the wrong direct order just breathe nerd no Max I think the zforce wants us to prove to them that we know a true superhero never takes a vacation day I I think we're supposed to be saving people my plan is kangaroos Max give me my phone back let me put an end to this I can't Phoebe why not because I want us to figure this out ourselves we're superheroes we should be able to fix this but they no butts butts are for quitters and sitters hey we're back since Chloe's been having so many superhero girl spurts we got her some new clothes at the mall dad I fought king crab now I'm just fighting to stay awake that's baby steps honey remember this is all about learning to balance between being a superhero and ballet Your Love of ponies ponies or Nora sorry there's a lot of girls in this house now yum free orange juice for everyone it's like your hiddenville other superhero Captain backfire I want to crush this town not provided with part of a balanced breakfast this lonely loser pasted mom's face in the cover of the superhero magazine no Max I think that's real I think this is all real mom is an amazing superhero and some random kid knows more about her than we do shocked to see me come on Mom tell us one superhero story tell me about it triple grounded I am a superhero dang it congratulations you actually found a sound more annoying than your voice it's Patrol time teammate we're trying to join the most elite superhero group in the world and the zforce does not sleep in now as lifemates and superhero Partners we know a lot about building a successful team no Colosso we're superheroes okay there's no story you could tell that would frighten us yeah I'm a superhero now should be able to save my own butt can you stop saying butt no my friend Christine from metroburg got her superhero cape and had a cape ceremony look oh Christine looks so cute in her superhero cave she says thanks oh her parents must be so proud not that we aren't proud of what you've been doing hashtagging shopping yoloing oh you've been crushing it all right I suppose if I had chosen to focus more on superhero training then I'd be getting my cap by now too do what I do tie a blanket around your neck and say [Applause] we we it's also the size of his brain these are special capes Billy the hero League Awards them to you yeah it's part of becoming a full superhero you also get access to weapons and then later you get your hero name and a super villain to beat up I hope I get Max you can't handle all this evil I want a superhero cave me too one without dad's nacho stains it's never too early to start you just got to earn it through lots of training and showing admirable superhero Behavior oh like catching someone when they fall Billy fall backwards okay I can't go now if mom and dad found out I went to that party they would never let me accept a superhero cape somebody's got cape on the brain well she's not the only one let's go check on her Junior superhero yeah you said surviving the Night by ourselves is the first step in getting our superhero capes roughing it I'm really excited about you getting this cape baby what oh let me guess your excitement is because you want access to the superhero weapons absolutely here's a list Nora Super President kick butt is is here and has ordered you two inside Super President kbo is here yeah right she's here because Max is getting his superhero cape you're a pathetic Max what are you doing I am not a superhero a he's got Cape Fear don't worry honey it happens to all of us come on put your cape on for mommy no look I'm really sorry I lied it's just that I really want my superhero but I also want to be out there dancing on rooftops you've been on more than one rooftop I got this it's okay sweetie I mean part of being a superhero is juggling your hero life with your regular life well hter not you still can't wear your super suit to preschool why not everyone knows we're superheroes yeah everything's different now like last week Max was an evil villain now he's a superhero we just stole my bacon and then I flipped him with my DK that's superhero for telekinesis then I blasted him with my freeze breath and that Superhero for freeze breath hey come back it is a new moisturizer and I'm just as good a superhero as Phoebe whoa let's not get to carry away I've been training my whole life to be a superhero while you've been trying to be a super villain that was a phas try to tell you guys no one listen to me you seriously don't think I'm as good as you oh how do I put this no ma being a superhero isn't just about Powers it's about training experience seriously what moisturizer are you using you are just glowing Bye Mom and Dad taking max out on patrol to teach him how to be a superhero I know how to be a superhero now does anyone have a spare Cape I shrank mine in the wash oh my gosh I can't believe I'm being contented for a lot of the zforce I know it's amazing what's the zforce they're the most elite El superheroes in the hero League they get the assignments no one else can handle they're who the superheroes call when they need saving oh like that time Dad got his cape stck on the Statue of Liberty this is Phoebe's moment I'm throwing this away without touching it is this because I bugged your pits because it was no picnic for me either no Colosso it's because I am a superhero now Fe thinks you're a super zero everybody does all right your turn please don't mess this up I won't hey I'm a superhero remember besides how bad could this Daisy be it's crazy daisy but Dad it only makes sense for the greatest superhero who ever lived to become the hero league president I wouldn't go that far so phebs ready to admit I'm as good a superhero as you I think you're off to a great start you saved some smelly hikers and a clumsy baby can't believe we're going to be the only kids in school whose parents aren't coming a career day that's because if they talk about being superheroes they might give away that they're superheroes tonight will be way cool my dad's a firefighter and Chase his mom's a doctor what do your parents do Billy um they're retired it's a fancy word for lazy so they just sit around all day where our parents are out saving the world my dad saves things like what a spot on the couch for your mom cool Parents Club my dad is way cooler than yours he's a superhero Billy wait are you serious yeah he can fly and he's super strong and he has a really tight uniform that he used to look great to him wow hear that guys we're going to be a real superhero guys what's going on we've been waiting outside for half an hour Billy you want to tell them that you signed out up for career day as a superhero no thank you so who's up for Sloppy Joe's this guy hey did you not hear what they just said Joe's sloppy career day you told everybody I'm a superhero bil you know your dad can't show up here as thunder man I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen so so if you're not going to spank him I got this I can't wait to see what job dad's pretending to have he said it's going to be better than a superhero I hope so Morgan's looking extra judgy tonight so in other words you're a bus driver in the sky huh what do you think I'm an alligator wrestler now your class won't care that I'm not a superhero yeah cuz they'll think you're the less cool version of that guy should have known Billy was lying his dad's not a superhero oh hey plumbers are the superheroes of Waste Management we plunge the clogs of evil and we flush the pipes of Injustice no school for a week your dad really is a superhero I told you thanks Dad the boy is clearly delusional we are not superheroes it's okay ray not to brag but this is a kind of a superhero Thing no no it's not it no no it's not it can't be you're going have to hold it in hold it in I can't hold it in you can't have a superhero baby at a non-s superhero hospital I know well I guess we'll just have to have it here at the house who's going to deliver it you are I am kids superheroes need a 12-hour recharge nap after giving birth so let's give your mom some priv if you keep eating like this you're going to have your first superhero growth spurt today behold my superhero training Dojo that's weird cuz Dad calls this the yard it's actually the location for our level one training oh now today we'll be battling the hedges and imprisoning the leaves here are your weapons cool giant scissors can't wait to run with these babies and we're switching are they just gotten tools ah maybe to the untrained eye but to an advanced superhero they what I said earlier you do want to be an advanced superhero don't you I do me too good we haven't been doing superhero training we've just been doing her chores what then this soup Fu belt is a lie Phoebe is this true no I was helping them we were doing superhero training you made us clean dad's toilet I plunged away my innocence if president kickbutt catches you back in hiddenville you'll lose your powers and then you'll never be a superhero I'm willing to take that risk I'm not letting hiddenville down a second time you want to stay here that's on you Max wait I'm going with you what good is being a superhero if you're not going to protect the people you care about just share the fish who have thought a child of superheroes could become a super villain oh right it's me I'm sorry I doubted you you actually are a pretty good superhero thanks means a lot what are you doing following the superhero code if you hear a citizen scream you must intervene what is your beef with Thunderman and electrc they're amazing superheroes you're what's the word crazy pants he was going to use the volcano to spread Mal vexium throughout the Earth's atmosphere leaving every superhero and super villain in the world powerless except himself I'm being hard on you because you are a superhero and grades or no grades superheroes don't take the easy way out Max not this time I'm a superhero and superheroes always rise to the challenge because that's what superheroes do when they have a team they pull through for their team not think you would know anything about that really superhero if you hadn't been so anxious to hang with Winnie you'd still be in Sarah's group and their dragon would be fine but you ruined their dragon I was only in Sarah's group because you ditched them typical Max wasn't my fault model since 2005 this act of yours is getting really old you're not lazy looking for an easy egg you're afraid isn't that why you became a super villain cuz you were afraid you couldn't be a better superhero than me did you ever try not even dignifying that with a response because I am lazy and because you're holding a big knife you guys we're doing all the work yep well at least now we know it takes three superheroes to take care of the house four Max you're a superhero okay how are you supposed to fight criminals when they can smell you coming a mile away okay I am still super check out my heat breath we told you guys you weren't ready and we believe you now we just wanted to show you we're mature superheroes not little kids well mature Heroes understand that they don't know everything if you want to fight crime take one step at a time you are on fire cut back on cardio start focusing on the glutes Max a superhero's job isn't just to save people right to help people save themselves so that's what we're going to do for Gideon okay but Gideon powers can be dangerous okay you should leave that stuff to the real superheroes I guess you're right come on time for our weekly superhero training there's been a huge mistake we're actually superheroes and don't belong here yeah I discovered different peppers do different things to my heat breath my parents say the peppers will mess up my Powers but I say they'll make me a more awesome superhero whoa you invited a family of nons superheroes to our house then why Max why why all this super villain stuff you're in a family of superheroes exactly how else am I going to stand out look at you I've always been so great at being good everyone thinks you're going to be like one of the best superheroes ever one day really no gloating we're on me now don't worry about us we're superheroes we look out for each other try it and I'll Kebab you turn him back to normal hey you said if I revived him I can feed him whatever I want and superheroes always keep their word oh curse my Cod of Ethics oh no we're busted she's going to see the tapes and find out we're superheroes I knew this wouldn't work look it worked I never had a doubt Max I I gave you my word and superheroes always keep their word thank you but I also want that AEG oh here's the catch maybe I should quit being a superhero and focus on Guam tell us where you put all our stuff I can't believe that two of the best superheroes in the world couldn't find their own Furniture under their noses and in the garage that was incredible you kids are amazing true superheroes thanks St Max I know you don't like the hero word but I was wrong to think you couldn't handle yourself you can I'm sorry
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 56,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, ytao_tm, superhero, thundermans, thundermans superheroes, superpowers, every superhero ever, nick superhero, phoebe thunderman, chloe thunderman, max thunderman, nora thunderman, billy thunderman
Id: O8DXzphX85g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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