30 Minute Revolution | Optimize Your Tomato Sauce Processing Days

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all right guys just got done weighing the tomatoes and today is a big tomato processing day i'm gonna bring you guys with me on this journey and i think i did separate videos on both last year but i'm just trying to approach it differently this year with respect to making my herbed seasoned tomato sauces which is my mexican tomato sauce and my cajun tomato sauce and my spaghetti sauce so i'm going to see if i can't just approach it differently and we're adding a new ingredient to our sauce today and i thought i'd share it with you guys so i'm going to be referencing probably two different recipes throughout the process but maybe it'll give you some ideas on ways that you can make your processing go just a little bit more efficiently and then also extending your um harvest so let's get going okay so i have right at 27ish pounds of tomatoes that have been frozen that i thought in this kitchen sink overnight and probably another 15 pounds of fresh tomatoes back there that uh wash up and add to this but i thought i'd take the opportunity while i'm doing these to show you guys why i freeze my tomatoes and it's no joke when i say how easy it is to slip the skins so let me bring you guys down show you they kind of just the tomatoes punch out of the skins and so think about it right you are um what do you do with my compost bowl you guys see it oh it's right here i put it in the wrong jar um so think about this guys when you're um [Music] if you have space i guess i would say you know and you're all your tomatoes aren't coming in all at once and you have space in your freezer i do not i'm not having to run two different pots on my stove a cooling pot and a blanching pot to break the skins they literally i all i do is wash them and pop um take the stems off look and the tomato skins just tomatoes literally just slide right out of the skins after being frozen it's a beautiful thing and then i just come through and cut the tops off core them as necessary so some of these still aren't quite thawed out they're still kind of frozen so that's cool because i'll get to show you what i do in that case because not always do i remember rachel set out your tomatoes before you're going to process them so in the case where some of them are still frozen i'll show you what i do so that's a good example where there was some scarring on the tomato and i just slip it out and cut that away so let me get all the ones that are thawed slipped and put into my roaster and then i'll bring you back for the ones that aren't thawed and show you what i do okay that is about all i'm gonna fit that are thawed not fit but that's all that actually got thawed overnight crazy so what i do is i just throw the oh there's one um the ones that aren't thawed right in my roaster and then i just walk in here and check them from time to time and as they're thawing i um come in and slip the skins and cut the cores out i don't know for me just handling handling these tomatoes goes a lot faster just doing one step process right into the pot then having a bunch of pots on the stove and blanching and then cooling and it's just a little faster for me last year we dehydrated our skins for the first time ever and found that we actually used it quite a bit so we'll be doing that again this year we're almost out all right my last bag of frozen tomatoes is going in and i've been able to slip a few more skins the ones that were at the bottom of the bag so um what i'm going to do next is wash up some of my fresh tomatoes and i'll just throw them same in the pot for when i have as i have room and as those skins burst i can come in here and slip them the same so it's kind of just i guess an idea for you guys to do a one-stop tomato peeling you don't have to get all those pots and pans out and do that oven or you know boiling shock you have the option of freezing your tomatoes for a quick skin slip or um just putting them in your roaster and as the skins burst um slip them and then you don't have to deal with more dishes because anyone knows that when you're canning you're making a big enough mess as it is you don't need more dishes to deal with at the end of the day and uh that's kind of one of the things i love about using my roaster is otherwise i'd have probably three or four pots going on the stove and i think actually one of these probably this year i'm gonna ask for another roaster for christmas um because i could definitely at times have two roasters going i've got that much i'm processing in a day already guys my rooster is full to the brim i can't fit anymore i probably have about a little less than five pounds of tomatoes left in my box that i may add as these cook down it just depends how it goes because i still have to come back and add about i would say 7 cups of onions and around two cups of bell peppers to this after i saute them so i don't want to get myself to a situation where i can't add my next ingredients so while this is cooking down we're going to go ahead and i'm going to talk through how i'm going to be processing oh my gosh i forgot guys the secret ingredient of today is my leftover zucchini so this has been sitting in some salt water i need to rinse and drain this and i need to fit this in here this is probably one two three four a little over four cups of onions or of zucchini um i think i wish i'll tell you what i wish i wish i could make my spaghetti sauces like i did my salsa and that two-thirds of the mixture was zucchini and a third of the mixture was tomatoes because you know zucchini will take on whatever flavor you cook it with and i think it's a great idea to extend my tomato sauces but i used most of this for my pineapple zucchini yesterday so we are going to mix this when i puree it you're never even going to know zucchini was in here let me get this rinsed i don't have room to add it now but as it cooks down i'll add it i'm just gonna see if i can make it work probably gonna get a little overflowy for a minute okay so now we're going to chat about the how i'm use gonna make a base today and make four different things no three different things so i've got my spaghetti sauce recipe i'm bouncing that off the ball book and this is the ball complete book of home preserving page 358 if you have that book herbed seasoned tomatoes i did these last year and i did it separately from processing my spaghetti sauce and i thought as i was prepping for today how can i do it all together there's probably what i'm going to do is actually what i know i'm going to do i'm going to go ahead and saute down my onions bell pepper and garlic so the spice blends and the herb seasoned tomatoes all call for garlic and two of them um call for onion so i will um actually all of them i think call for onion so my spaghetti sauce calls for onion the mexican spice blend calls for onion and the cajun spice blend calls for onion now they call for um onion flakes but i'll have sauteed onion so it's going to be the same they all call for garlic too so i'm going to just saute this up together as if i was making my spaghetti sauce and put that in my base then what i'm going to do is i'm going to individually mix the individual seasonings in bulk for my mexican spice blend and my cajun spice spice blend and sorry maya um all the herbs that go with my spaghetti sauce which if you follow just the ball book and don't follow my spaghetti sauce it has an italian spice blend in there then you take i think it's two teaspoons two and a quarter teaspoons i think per what does it say per pint um if you're jarring up in pints i'm going to be jarring up in quartz so i will use um four and a half teaspoons of my spice blends per container and i think that's going to be good i'll also be adding my tomato paste like i always do just so i don't have to cook down my tomatoes quite as much and there's one funny thing i have to do today these are all the cayenne peppers i grew last year and i need to make some cayenne powder because i'm all out that's going to be interesting i actually might ask todd to do that for me outside so i don't kill myself so i don't know how much just to let you know how much i'm gonna go into details of making the spice blends i think that's gonna be really time consuming um if you're interested in the recipe i'll make sure to note it there's not going to be a link that you can click on because it's coming out of a book i'll also put a link and maybe an icard to my spaghetti sauce video that i did last year i've already done one round of that so this is going to be another round as well as the mexican and cajun spices so we'll see if we can't get probably six quarts of each today and um yeah we'll see where we land so that's what i'm doing now i'm gonna go ahead and start sauteing these up um and i won't add these till the tomatoes are all peeled once the tomatoes are all peeled that basil go in there along with the tomato paste um and my spaghetti sauce calls for things like um i always add a couple tablespoons of brown sugar it just um kicks that acidic flavor down worcestershire sauce which will be fine in my other bases and liquid aminos so those are just some things that i will also be adding that come out of my spaghetti sauce recipe so that's kind of the plan so i also wanted to um encourage you to think about this too i was flipping through other things i want to make this year and one of those being stewed tomatoes so once i cooked these down and added that to my tomato base i could already jar off some of that for stewed tomatoes so there's lots of ways where you can just get a good base recipe going and just build from there in one batch of canning and cooking so i will see you guys later at some point in the day and catch you up with where i am hate that while you're in here i have a task if you want to help what would that be something i'm really scared to do i need you to take these and make cayenne powder for me like in the little ninja thing i was thinking use my coffee grinder i don't think the ninja thing is it doesn't work to get it powdered enough oh we're kind all right you've been busting too that we're out of cayenne powder is this what like made your hands burn for like two days no that was chili's not these but i think you need to wear goggles and a mask when you do it okay i mean this that's the warning like because when you lift that off it's all going to be like powder that one and he's much safer about things than i am you know another thing that i'm super excited about is this is the first year i've never had to buy bell peppers for my preserving i'm growing so many bell peppers this year that we're able to chop them as they come in and bag them up and freeze them and i always have bell peppers on hand when i need them it's so exciting i'm so glad that i added that to my staples garden this year because it's definitely a staple that we use in this house and one more thing self-sufficiency [Applause] peppers are done didn't get me so far so we had a jar like this two minutes in the vitamix turned it into powder well i am out of room and i do want to go ahead and finish all those tomatoes off today so i'm actually what i did was part off um half maybe a little less than half of the onions and green peppers i left in the pot the rest are waiting to be added to the roaster so now i need to scoop a good amount of this out and put it in my pot so let's see if rachel can do that like i said been just working these tomato skins as they rupture and um what else have i done since i last oh geez since i last talked to you guys i um got the salt added the sugar added and something else oh the liquid aminos and worcestershire sauce has been added okay that's about all i'm going to fit but that makes room now that i can get my green peppers and onions added in here in the last of the tomatoes another good story for you i used to think that you had to use all good like sauce tomatoes for making sauce so i would if i didn't have enough roma tomatoes i would go and buy more roma or plum style tomatoes at the farmer's market and last year was the first year i've mentioned this several times i grew in my enough of my own tomatoes to do everything i needed salsa spaghetti sauce everything and i was able to do that because i used everything that i had slicer tomatoes like these um my aromas are amish paste whatever i grew and all my cherry tomatoes and i found that just the awesome variety of everything makes for just a really deep rich robust flavor it's not bland it's not overly acidic it the sweet of the cherry with the acidic of the slicers the meatiness of the paste tomatoes it all works out really really well so don't be shy to use everything that you have on hand to really extend everything and you get beautiful colors out of it too so i think what my other tip to you so i've shared lots of tips today on just how i manage processing all my tomatoes without going through a lot of extra steps and then the last tip that i will share with you when i shared this in last year's video is don't feel like you've got to strain um of course you can if you want to but i don't don't feel like you've got a food meal your tomatoes strain off the water content out of them i will show you what my tip to you is invest in some tomato paste that's your one investment outside of your homestead i buy these in cases and then to my 18 quart roaster i'll add six tomato paste to that as soon as i get all my skins off and everything um and then i puree it up and it takes like no time till it's the right sauce consistency instead of cooking down cooking down cooking down and ultimately wasting off a lot of your good tomato juice so just use a thickener like tomato paste and it will really extend your harvest another thing i wish i had like i said was if i had more zucchini i could really make this go far because what i'll do is after all of this is cooked down and i will blend it all up with my stick blender my immersion blender and you will never see zucchini that had been added to it you wouldn't know zucchini is a very neutral food that is going to take on the flavor of whatever you cook it with seasonings that you add to it so oh let me show you what else i did i got my seasonings made so here is my italian herb seasoning cajun seasoning and mexican seasoning so to a quart i will add what did i say like two um no what did it say for each pint use two and a quarter teaspoons for that's for the italian for the mexican it says two and a half for the cajun it says two so i'll just double that because i'm going to do all the shin core jars and if i have anything left i'll just jar it up and we'll have ready to go seasoning mix for cooking so i got my pot behind me there it's not really an extra dirty dish because i had to saute the onions and green peppers in it anyway so might as well take advantage of the extra room so probably the next time you guys will see me back will be when i add the tomato paste and i immersion blend everything all right guys we are about ready to wrap this up i did add the tomato paste forgot to turn on the camera so to the quart pot i added two two or three cans i can't remember and i added six cans to my big roaster and then i put bay leaves in there and they it's been simmering for about an hour all the skins are off all that good stuff so i'm just gonna take my immersion blender blend all this yumminess together then we'll head over to the roaster do that one i'll see where it is if i think i need to cook it down a little bit more i will if not we'll get to jarring it up it looks like good sauce nice i can usually tell if my sauce is ready if i can draw on top of it and no water pools that's kind of like my check and i'm able to draw and leave little lines no water is pulling on top this pots ready [Music] okay this one can stand to cook down just a little bit more not too much though so while this one is going we will get the other pot jarred up and i can at least close out this video and show you the process of adding the herbs to your jars if you want to do this process so you can get multiple things going at one time all right we're ready to jar up so no different than any other tomato sauce following balls guidelines two tablespoons of lemon juice or you could use citric acid it's just a different measurement if you're using citric acid so i'm adding two tablespoons to each jar now the fun part let's add let's see cajun italian mexican so we'll do two of each so for the what was this one again mexican we're going to do two two tables or two teaspoons per pint so we're going to do two teaspoons four teaspoons per quart for the italian it was four and a half for the cajun we'll go with three that and then we just label it in half inch of head space [Applause] since i'm doing three different varieties i'm going to write on the jar lids before i put them in the can or what they are so this one is mexican and i'm sure i'm gonna get asked so i might as well tell you now how do i use mexican tomatoes they're mostly my chili base so when i make chili this is my face tomato sauce for making chili and for these cajun tomatoes you can um like i like to just do a quick shrimp shrimp pot or chicken throw it in a pot dump my tomato base on there and serve it over rice really yummy so that's how we'll use our cajun tomatoes mostly but you could make like a spicy pasta like a cajun style pasta would be good now those tomatoes oh geez that light okay sorry about that those tomatoes behind me will still cook for maybe another 45 minutes or so so i'm gonna go ahead and get these started canning i did label all the jars cajun mexican and spaghetti sauce because that's what it is and i'm gonna put them in the water bath canner and you have to can these for 40 minutes so a little bit longer than your typical water bath canning recipe but that's okay so i think i'll wrap it up here maybe i'll end with an end clip of just total how much did i get but hopefully that gives you guys a really awesome idea on how you can do big batch processing and get multiple different products so right at the beginning before i pureed up those tomatoes i could have dumped off non-spiced or non-herbed and had stewed tomatoes i've got spaghetti sauce now my mexican tomatoes my cajun tomato sauce so i think that's how i'll continue to do my big batch processing i really like it it's going to go make everything go further for me and don't forget the tip about adding zucchini in there to just really stretch your harvest what else was i going to say oh links to the actual recipes so what you're going to find in the description is the link to when i made spaghetti sauce last year i'm following the exact same instructions we love it tata's basically grew up in an italian household so he's a pretty darn good judge and he likes it and i will also list the ball book where the herbed blended tomatoes come from oh and a lesson learned so shake your jars before you dump them the especially with this method with putting your spices in at the bottom they tend to stay there and settle and the first couple times i used jars all my spices were still at the bottom so just give your jars a big shake before you dump them into your pot thanks guys for watching i'll be canning for the rest of the evening talk to you guys later just pulled out the last batch i ended up with 16 quarts and nine pints of flavored tomato sauces i got two i left just plain because i ran out of my spice mix i have one two three four five six seven eight mexican style two four six eight italian style and two four six eight cajun so i'm really happy with this i love the way it worked out it was super easy and hopefully you guys just get some inspiration going there in your brain on how you can just simplify your canning process and make the most of your harvest and have a lot of different varieties on your shelves so i've got quick and easy chili wonderful italian dishes ready and some yummy cajun dishes shrimp creole some italian or um cajun pasta i'm just really really excited so these will sit here now on this counter for 24 hours tomorrow i will load up my pantry and you guys i still have so many tomatoes out there in the garden still growing so i think i'd like to try tomato soup this year for the first time i love tomato soup in the winter tomato soup and a grilled cheese nothing's better nothing says comfort like that so i think i'd like to try a tomato soup if you have any comments or questions leave them down below and i'll be sure to get back to you thanks guys for watching
Channel: That 1870's Homestead
Views: 202,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michigan, homestead, farming, organic, farmhouse, preserving tomatoes, preserving tomatoes from the garden, preserving tomatoes in mason jars, tomato sauce canning recipe easy, tomato sauce canning recipe ball, how to remove skins from tomatoes for canning, long term food storage pantry, long term food storage ideas, food freedom videos, grow your own food for a year, ball canning recipes, tomato processing at home, best homesteading channel on youtube, how to make tomato sauce
Id: _CFit3bKJlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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