Homemade Pizza Sauce! Cook dinner with me!

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hey friends welcome back to acre homestead my name is becky and today we are going to be making a whole lot of pizza sauce i just went out into the garden and harvested a ton of tomatoes we've got tomatoes and basil and garlic and just a beautiful array of gorgeousness and it is early it's actually not as early as i would like it's about 10 30 and i need to head to the gym normally i go to the gym at like six in the morning with my husband this morning but he decided not to go to the gym so we slept in so i figured what i need to do is i need to get this pizza sauce going before i head to the gym and then when i come back hopefully it will be cooked down enough and we can get it canned up together we are going to follow the recipe from the ball complete book of home preservation this is the most complete guide to canning so if you're new to canning i'd recommend you go get this book i will leave it down in the description box below if you're interested my mom gave me this book when i told her i wanted to get into canning and it's the only candy cookbook i've ever needed so what we're going to do first is i do a very hands-off very easy approach when it comes to making my tomato sauce and pizza sauce i had a couple frozen tomatoes because they were about to go bad and i wasn't going to have time this was a couple weeks ago to get to them so i threw them in here what i'm going to do is i don't do anything special all i do is just core my tomatoes and i throw them into a roaster pot i make almost all my tomato sauce in a roaster pan this is super easy to do it this way i might not even cut them in half i might cut them in half sometimes i don't even core them last year was the first year i can pizza sauce i always can my tomatoes just as tomato sauce so i could do whatever i wanted with them but i have found that when you then want to make a quick meal you then have to make your tomato sauce into pizza sauce so last year i finally broke down and decided to canned pizza sauce never looked back i won't ever go a year again without canning pizza sauce the flavor is fantastic and it's just really good i did want to mention that i also got out some pizza dough from the freezer i made this pizza dough in the last freezer meal video i did if you want to watch that it'll be up here and down in the description box after you finish this video but i'm going to show you how i'm going to use this tonight i'm actually going to cook pizza with this pizza sauce we're making for making pizza sauce we might as well have some pizza for dinner tonight and having frozen pizza dough in your freezer is just an easy way to have homemade pizza really regularly along with home canned pizza sauce so all i did with that pizza dough is i took it out of the freezer and i put it in the refrigerator and i'm going to let it thaw in the refrigerator and then we're going to have some fantastic pizza tonight last time i cooked pizza with you guys i completely burnt it so we're gonna see if i can redeem myself today the recipe for that frozen pizza dough is actually on my blog scratchpantry.com so if you want to check out just the recipe it will be on scratchpantry.com now that i have some tomatoes in here i'm turning on the roaster to about 300 degrees if you haven't canned tomato sauce in a roaster pan before this is a game changer i used to make all my tomato products on the stove and i would have two dutch ovens going i would and it was just so much more work i had to do it in batches i went ahead and broke down and bought myself one of these 20 two quart roaster pans i actually have two of them so i might need to get the second one out depending on how many tomatoes i have here and it's just been a game changer it makes canning so much easier sometimes there's a little bit of a blemish on a tomato when you grow heirloom varieties and i just cut that off it's not a big deal you don't need to cut it off but i do only if they're big i have some basil that i just harvested this morning and i'm going to throw that in here as well i just can't believe i grew these tomatoes it's only my second year gardening and if i can do it you guys can do it seriously i just cannot believe that this is something that i did i mean it's not perfect but it's perfect to me i can't tell you what varieties of tomatoes these are they are honestly a little bit of everything i have everything documented what i grew out there and there's definitely varieties that i'm going to grow next year that i'm not going to grow this year and i'm probably going to reduce the amount of varieties i think i probably have like 40 different varieties out there and that's way too many getting the last of the basil in here some roma tomatoes i have one jalapeno i think i'm just gonna throw this in here this isn't in the recipe but i'm gonna throw one jalapeno in here actually two because i harvested two then i also harvested a ton of parsley we're gonna get a bunch of this in here too i'm gonna peel a ton of garlic now so i went ahead and put three heads of garlic in here i'm not worried about chopping or anything yet because i'm gonna blend them at the end so we'll just deal with that then i am gonna deviate from the recipe a little bit and add some red wine this is not in the recipe and when you're first learning to can follow your recipe to the tea but i've done this long enough that i'm comfortable adding this this is actually going to acidify my product and when you're water bathing you want acidic products so i'm comfortable adding some red wine so i just threw some in there i can see that i can add quite a bit more in here when my tomatoes are ripe as they're coming in i don't do anything to them i throw them into the freezer hole they don't freeze or burn or anything and we are going to add some more tomatoes in here [Applause] now i'm going to put the lid on this and i'm going to let this go for a few hours i'm going to head to the gym i'm gonna go to my p.o box i'm gonna run a bunch of errands when i come back we're gonna start the next step on this pizza sauce i just got home from the gym and this is exactly what it looked like when i got home we're gonna give it a good stir i'm gonna leave the lid off now and i'm going to let it just continue to cook down without the lid on i got distracted by these peppers i bought i bought 40 pounds of peppers from a local farm that i buy my peppers from every year these are organic peppers and i get them for two dollars a pound and they're just stunning and i had three big boxes like this to take care of so what i'm doing i do this every year is i chop and dice up peppers and i throw them in the freezer so i'll have some that are going to be diced like this and some that are going to be sliced like this and i preserve them up and they cook up really well you don't want to eat them fresh obviously like thaw and then eat them you want to cook them in something but this is a great way to get organic peppers for a really great price this is how i like to cut them to make my life a lot easier i'm going to do some and dices and some in slices i guess so you want to cut the top off this is how you cut a pepper anytime and then you cut the bottom off and now you have this beautiful flat surface this is what gets turned into the dices so i turn these into the cubes that go into this bag and then i turn this part into the slices and i turn it this way so i can see where the actual seed part is and then i just slice down like this trying to trim the rib out now i have these really nice flat pieces that are really square and i can cut them into slices and if i wanted to cut these into dices i could and they would make a really nice uniform dice but these are going to be my sticks in the years past when i've done this i usually put my peppers in ziploc bags freezer bags but this year i'm trying to do something a little bit better i'm trying to keep them a little fresher i'm using a food saver by the end of the year usually there is a little bit of frost on them when i would use a a gallon freezer bag and so i'm doing it this way to try to prevent a little bit of that i'm going to put about the equivalent of what we have eaten one dinner in one of these bags and so i'm doing quartz because when you do a food saver you can't pre-seal it really that well once you've opened it and this is about how many i'm putting in one bag i'm putting this many in one bag because this is about two peppers two and a half peppers and this is what we'd probably eat when i make one dinner same with the dices [Applause] [Music] i got five bags oh hi gizmo of the chopped peppers and i got five bags of the sliced peppers i don't go through the sliced peppers as much and these ones are all in quart size and i ran out of quart size so i put some in gallon size and i got three of these which this one actually had the equivalent of three of the quart size so maybe when i do like a big freezer cooking day and i need chopped peppers i'll use this this took me a total of about an hour and a half but the awesome thing about it is when i go to cook these they're already chopped ready to go and i'm actually gonna save myself a big step when it comes to cooking so i'm always glad to have these in the freezer i supported a local farmer 100 organic and i'm excited about this i've showered and i'm feeling much better so let's get on to the next step with this pizza sauce i've got my clean jars there i've got my canner heating up it's actually boiling so i just turned it down you can see how thick this sauce is getting and i haven't even blended it up yet so i'm thrilled with that i wanted to add a few more seasonings i have some home grown oregano here i also wanted to add a little bit more or maybe a lot more basil i have some homemade seasoned salt here if you want the recipe for this homemade season salt it will be linked down in the description box below it is on scratchpantry.com i have some cheese grated here for our pizza and then i'm going to add a little bit of brown sugar now we are going to use one of my absolute favorite kitchen appliances and it is a hand blender i can tomato products for i think like four or five years before i find maybe six years before i finally broke down and bought one of these and this is the biggest time saver you will have in the kitchen we're just gonna hand blend this whole thing up the reason this is faster and easier is the way i used to do it is take it from here put it in a blender and it was just took it was just a mess so this is way easier just to do it right in here but we need to give it a taste before we bundle it i think it can use a little bit more salt new spoon there we go remember this is 22 quarts so that might look like a lot of salt but this is a lot of pizza sauce so i'm canning in pints today the reason i like to can my pizza sauce and pints because that makes two pizzas perfectly for us i'm adding one tablespoon of lemon juice into each one of these jars now we're going to fill the jars and we're going to leave a quarter inch of headspace i'm going to wipe the rim of each one of these jars we're going to put a canning lid on put a ring on it and stick it in the canner it's time to get these jars in the canner they are pretty hot to the touch we have our canner full of jars we're gonna put the lid on it i'm going to turn the heat back up once this comes to a rolling boil we're going to set the timer for 35 minutes while this is going i am going to go ahead and get the pizza made i just have some parchment paper that i spread a little bit of olive oil on and i'm going to put a little bit of cornmeal down just for prevent stickage that might have been a little too much i'm just gonna start pressing it out a little bit i have the oven preheated to 425 degrees homegrown walla walla onions here i'm gonna put some of these peppers i cut up earlier peppers onions and sausage are my husband and i's favorite pizza combination we don't always have that it usually is just whatever vegetables we have on hand is what gets thrown on pizza but i happen to have that today so that's what we're having we have some home cooked sausage here i cooked this actually the same day i cooked the or made the pizza dough i should say in that last freezer cooking video and now those just get put in a 425 degree oven until cooked as you can see i did get a second canner out because i have so much more pizza sauce and i kind of was anticipating which is awesome so i want to just have that out so i can have two going at once oh we had an explosion darn it this is my second jar this year to bust open if you're a canner it's bound to happen but that's why you try to want to get your jars at the same temperature when they're going in the canner and you want to make sure that when you look at your jars there's no nicks or cracks or anything in them but it happens shoot so that has been boiling for 35 minutes so i turn the stove off and i'm going to get more jars in it once it sits for five minutes i'll take the jars out and we'll get the new jars in i did not break it i didn't put the ring on it that is annoying shoot oh well oh well pizzas are done and those look perfect no burning this time well friends i just emptied and reloaded this canner this canner has about 15 minutes left and these jars here are out here cooling we got 35 pints of pizza sauce which is pretty awesome that means we can make pizza 35 times this year with home-grown pizza sauce everything in that jar i think except for the salt and the wine is homegrown so that's pretty exciting if you guys enjoyed this video hanging out with me as we made pizza sauce and we made dinner together i greatly appreciate a thumbs up if you're new around here consider subscribing i love to make videos like this where we can and cook and do all the things in the kitchen and out in the garden it's just so fun having you guys around here so consider subscribing if you're new there will be videos that will pop up here if you want to go watch those don't forget i will link all the canyon equipment down in the description box and all my recipes can be found on scratchpantry.com i hope you guys are having a fantastic day and i'll see you next time bye guys
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 233,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acre Homestead, Water Bath Canning, Canning, pizza Sauce, Homemade pizza, Homemade pizza sauce
Id: zfF9QzcbUlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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