STOP Canning Tomatoes-- Do THIS Instead!

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[Music] oh boy that one's okay so when tomato season comes it's all hands on deck and tomatoes are actually pretty easy to preserve but they can be a little bit time consuming and tomato sauce takes up a lot of room in your pantry so in today's video i'm going to show you a really cool way that you can preserve your tomatoes and all the nutrients without a ton of space or heating up your kitchen okay so for years canning tomato sauce has been my go-to way to preserve all of my garden tomatoes and i still am going to do that quite a bit but it takes up a lot of room it's a lot of work so i recently did a podcast interview on my old-fashioned on-purpose podcast with darcy from the purposeful pantry and she told me about making powders we're basically you dehydrate your fruits or vegetables turn them into a powder and use those in all sorts of different ways and i have been obsessed with the idea ever since so i've been making mushroom powder and pepper powder and now we're on to tomato powder and the really cool thing about this is that you can take a whole bunch of tomatoes condense them down into a very concentrated powder and use it for all sorts of things you can turn it into paste or sauce or add it to soups or stews or skillet meals so you're gonna love this trick i'm gonna show you today okay so i have a assortment of my garden tomatoes here i have some cherry tomatoes and some bigger ones a paste style tomato like aroma or a san marzano would be great for this or you could just use whatever you have at your farmer's market or your garden or the grocery store so i'm gonna wash a few of these guys whoops and then i will just slice them doesn't have to be perfect but we do want you know fairly uniform pieces so they all dry at about the same rate and you don't have some that are super brittle and some that are still squishy i'm going to put these on my dehydrator trays and you could also do this in an oven if you don't have a dehydrator machine it's just going to be a little bit different might take a little bit longer just want to make sure your oven temperature is as low as it can go another thing you can do is to take the skins of tomatoes and dehydrate those into powder so if you peel your tomatoes by blanching or hot water or whatever before you can them you don't have to throw the skins away you can turn it into another useful item i don't do well with tedious food preservation so anything that doesn't require a bunch of peeling skinning seeding or a bunch of crazy detailed chopping those are always my favorite methods yeah that one is a store tomato i bought that before my garden ones were ready and you can sure see a difference i usually like to grow mostly paste style tomatoes like of san marzano or amish paste are my favorite just because i do so much sauce making it just is more efficient than getting the big slicers but really you can make sauce or powder or paste out of almost any tomato variety even random cherry tomatoes or any sort of heirloom doesn't have to be super specific okay now it's time to go to the dehydrator put those in okay and then we're gonna go about 135 um as far as oops how to set it come on buddy there we go okay so we're gonna dehydrate these at about 135 degrees fahrenheit but of course i have some already done youtube magic so thankfully you won't have to wait eight hours to see what the next step is so i'll go ahead and turn this on and i said eight hours it's probably really going to depend on how juicy your tomatoes are how thick you slice them just watch them you want them to be brittle let me get one off here you want them to be to be brittle and a little leathery we don't want them to have any sort of moisture left that's really going to affect the powdering process so that's what we're aiming for nice and crispy so figuring out how to use this thing okay stop okay here we go oh you may notice this is a different dehydrator than the excalibur i usually use i still have my excalibur it's a great machine but i've been playing with this sedona model from tri best and i really like it because it's less plasticky i have the stainless steel trays and it does a really good job so at this point if you wanted you could just honestly leave the tomatoes like this i do this sometimes the kids actually really like these as snacks and you can kind of use them as sun-dried tomatoes in different recipes but today is obviously all about the powders so let's get that going so to get this into powder form you're going to need a blender of some sort you could also use like a little coffee grinder or i think like a nutri bullet or a ninja type of blender i think it's what it's called a smaller one those work too but we need to grind these up very finely so i'm gonna toss them all in here okay so i got all those off finally and i have a few others that i dehydrated the other day and i've been saving them up so i think i'm gonna do this in two different batches so i have enough room for all the tomatoes to do their thing okay here we go [Applause] okay i've got some tomato fumes very tomatoey okay so grab a spoon all right there it is so you can see there's a few granules that are a little bit bigger so you can either sift those out and blend them again or just kind of leave it in there and call it good i'm just going to leave it in there save a step [Music] i really think a high-powered blender of some sort's going to be better for this i mean i haven't tried this in a cheaper blender but you know sometimes those cheaper ones stuff kind of gets stuck on the bottom so if you have a high powered blender this is a great way to put it to use so you know if you can see this the color of this batch is a lot darker than the other one so these are a different variety of tomato i had growing in the greenhouse so just a little more of that red tone to them but it shouldn't matter at all i'm just going to mix it all together so this is several dehydrator loads worth of tomatoes into one little tiny pint jar that's pretty cool so there's a whole lot of ways you can use your new tomato powder but the thing i am most excited to do with it is to make tomato paste because i never seem to have those little cans when i need them and even when i do i use a few tablespoons of the can and then it ends up getting moldy and so this is going to be a really good way to have tomato paste on demand and here's how you're going to do that so just take your powder and you're going to reconstitute it with water so two parts powder to one part water so in this little bowl i have uh two tablespoons of water and i'm gonna add four tablespoons of my tomato powder try to do without spilling i mean i don't care who you are that's pretty cool you could also do the same thing to make tomato sauce you would just want your ratios to be one part tomato powder to six parts of water for a light a slightly more ruddy consistency you could use this for pizza sauce or for marinara or really whatever you can imagine so have fun with this technique i am pretty geeked out over it we've really been enjoying the mushroom powder on popcorn and i added this pepper powder to a sloppy joe mix the other day it was super good really flavorful so the sky is the limit and if you'd like some more tips on how to preserve tomatoes without a lot of fuss check out this video for my fast freezer tip for putting up tomatoes for later
Channel: Jill Winger - Old Fashioned on Purpose
Views: 255,353
Rating: 4.9297066 out of 5
Keywords: STOP Canning Tomatoes, Do THIS Instead!, canning tomatoes, preserving tomatoes, how to can tomatoes, EASIEST way to preserve your tomatoes, home canning, food preservation, tomato paste, living traditions homestead, food storage, the prairie homestead, homesteading, jill winger, jill winger pickles, jill winger bread recipe, jill winger the prairie homestead, how to, tomato sauce, pressure canning
Id: zDTiAHqlDx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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