30 Facts You Didn't Know About American Psycho

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if a dog a little chow or something no Helen is that a raincoat yes it is hey what's up everyone it's Ryan here from the Y and today we're gonna be taking a look at American Psycho if there's one thing you can say about the film it's definitely in a class of its own the way it's able to blend comedy and horror set against the backdrop of materialism and Conformity is still something yet to be replicated over two decades later I guess that explains why the film seemingly all over the internet in recent years along with it of course being so damnable so without further Ado here it is 30 facts you didn't know about American Psycho due to the movie's extremely graphic nature many designer labels were unwilling to let their brands be a part of the film while both Calvin Klein and Comey de garsons are mentioned in the book Klein pulled out at the last second and garcon's refused to let one of their overnight bags be used to haul a corpse so instead the filmmakers opted for Perry Ellis and John Paul gartier respectively the brand taruti is also mentioned several times in the novel but rather than Banning their clothing from the movie entirely they allowed Bateman to wear it just not when he was killing people out of the question [Music] beside Christian Bale's impressive discipline when it came to method acting he was also able to do this he breaks into a sweat at the same time during every take you have to wonder what exactly went through his head to make that happen Patrick you're sweating one of the biggest misconceptions in American Psycho is that Patrick Bateman wears a Rolex and it's no wonder that people might think that as the word itself is mentioned a whopping 26 times in the novel but when it came to putting them in the movie Rolex wasn't having it at least when it came to Patrick Bateman as they allowed every character except him to wear their watches so although what you see here looks very similar to a Rolex datejust 16013 it's in fact a two-tone Seiko 5 SNJ X90 it also explains why this line from the book had to be changed thank you and touch the watch I guess they could have had him say don't touch the Seiko but of course that doesn't have quite the same ring if you thought the name Patrick Bateman sounded familiar that's because it was actually derived from another iconic psycho Norman Bates something I've always loved about American Psycho is the level of depth involved in many of the scenes on your first watch through the whole thing almost feels like a fever dream though upon further viewings you start to notice just how many subtle details there are that really shed light on the many themes present in the film one such Easter egg is found in the second meeting between detective Kimball and Bateman as he's about to leave Kimball pulls out a Huey Lewis CD and says something about how he just picked it up on the way there great but that's all just a diversion from what he's actually doing which is reflecting light from the CD case into Bateman's eye the next question you have to ask yourself is why the hell would he do that and no I don't think he's just trying to be a dick I think instead he's testing Bateman's reflexes according to many studies Psychopaths tend to show autonomic hypo reactivity in response to aversive stimuli compared to non-psychopathic individuals more or less this means that Psychopaths or unconsciously overall less reactive to any kind of unpleasant events and having someone shine a freaking light in your eye is definitely unpleasant most people have an automatic response to move away or cover up their eye however Bateman is Stone Cold and totally unbothered I'm clean I'm not there according to Mary Herron she distinctly remembers two scenes in which bale unexpectedly went off script when he's jump roping he totally improvised the crossover trip and when he's about to kill Paul Allen all the dancing and moonwalking was something that Bale just made up on the spot I think they're Undisputed masterpieces hip to be square in preparation for taking on the role of Patrick Bateman Christian Bale looked himself in the mirror and saw a problem his teeth were far from perfect and that just wouldn't fly if he really wanted to become the ultra superficial narcissistic Bateman in his own words so I thought I like my teeth but I'm not so attached to them that I'm going to ruin this whole movie because I refuse to get them done talk about dedication to his craft or maybe he disfigured this was a good excuse to go get his teeth done almost eight years before the film's release in 2000 David Cronenberg was set to direct American Psycho with Brad Pitt in the lead role but his version was nothing like the American Psycho we know of today as Cronenberg wanted to exclude the restaurant and Nightclub scenes as well as all the violence and for some strange reason it was set to end in a musical number Atop The World Trade Center absolute Madness a sentiment which the author Brett Easton Ella shared and as he was also the screenwriter Ellis simply ignored his demands this obviously upset Cronenberg so he fired Ellis hired a new screenwriter whose draft he hated even more at which point he made his exit from American Psycho for good as Cronenberg made his exit Mary Herron was there to pick up the pieces along with Christian Bale by her side eager to make the film the only issue was Leonardo DiCaprio was keen on playing Patrick Bateman and Lion's gate was more than willing to Shell out 20 million for the most famous actor in the world and for Christian Bale after losing out to DiCaprio in This Boy's Life What's Eating Gilbert Grape and Titanic he must have been having a panic attack when he learned he was gonna lose out on yet another role to the same dude and that's exactly what happened in May 1998 as they announced DiCaprio as Bateman resulting in the firing of Heron for refusing to direct without bail and Oliver Stone was brought in to helm the project what happened next is a bit hazy with some believing it was creative differences which led to the failure of this iteration yet there's also the story of a certain meeting between Gloria Steinem and DiCaprio which seems to have some Merit if you don't know who Steinem is she was a journalist and feminist icon who since the beginning was heavily opposed to the book's adaptation apparently one day she took the Caprio out to a Yankees game and pleaded her case for why he had to leave the film explaining how he just did Titanic which gained him this huge fan base of 13 year old girls and how American Psycho is this movie with the abundance of violence against women who knows if that was actually the reason behind his departure though he did leave the film soon after even weirder is that Gloria Steinem got married to Christian Bale's father later that year so make of that what you will but it could be that she was doing her new steps on a solid [Music] when looking for inspiration on who to model Patrick Bateman after a few names like Ted Bundy Jeffrey Dahmer and maybe even Richard Ramirez must have come across Christian Bale's desk as possible candidates however the person who bail ended up modeling Bateman after wasn't a serial killer at all and was funny enough none other than Tom Cruise the idea came to him one day after watching Cruz on David Letterman where he described him as having a very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes well to be accurate Mary Herron is the one who divulgs this information in 2009 but according to the YouTube channel Don guyler and commenter John Dalton Tom Cruise's only appearance on Letterman prior to 2000 happened in 1988 the viral video you might have seen him laughing took place sometime around o4 this isn't to say I think she's lying but it's highly likely that Heron misremembered it as being The Late Show when it may have been the Rosie O'Donnell show As She interviewed Cruz a week after filming started on American Psycho sorry for bogging you down with all the details but I think you get the point no matter what interview bail was talking about gotta return some video games to add to the sense of confusion around whether or not detective Kimball was on to Bateman Willem Dafoe recorded three different takes for every meeting one in which he didn't suspect Bateman at all your address the American Gardens building West 81st Street nice very nice thanks another where he had his suspicions where did he go to school don't you know this I just wanted to know if you know and also one where he basically knew that Bateman was the murderer Eric really hairy then in post-production they spliced all the different takes together making it very difficult to get a grasp on what he was actually thinking [Music] after DiCaprio left the film to Star on the beach Lionsgate rehired Mary Herron but still refused to sign Christian Bale they first offered the role to Ewan McGregor who turned it down at the request of bail then talks were had with Ben Affleck Matt Damon Edward Norton and Vince Vaughn but they all declined finally Lionsgate relented and agreed to hire Christian Bale on a few conditions one the budget was not to exceed 10 million two they would only pay bail the bare minimum salary of 50 Grand and three they had to hire well-known names in supporting roles hence why you see Willem Dafoe Jared Leto and Reese Witherspoon in terms of the budget they only ended up spending 7 out of the 10 million allotted with the bulk of it going towards licensing many of the films hit songs you like Huey Lewis on the news when Patrick Bateman is leaving the dry cleaners if you slow the video way down he displays his true emotionless face for a brief second in order to get the sex scenes just right Christian Bale and Mary Herron resorted to a very unorthodox strategy they watched porn together now I know that sounds pretty bizarre however it was strictly business and they basically used it as a guide on how to frame shots while still maintaining an R rating Heron said that during those x-rated viewings Bale would sit there and draw numerous stick figures in different sex positions that he thought would work in the film which sounds hilarious I wish we could see his stick figure pornos I mean I guess I'm a pretty sick guy probably the funniest sequence in the movie takes place when all the guys whip out their business cards and lay them on the table it's absolutely ridiculous how much the cards mean to them like they're almost the peak representation of their masculinity and Status within the group and one way The filmmakers Illustrated the symbolism was by playing the sound of a sword being drawn from its sheath every time a card got removed from its holder the funny thing about the cards too is just how terrible they are have you ever noticed they all misspelled Acquisitions and look at Bateman's card he forgot a space between the Ampersand and Pierce which is quite surprising considering his OCD and last one is they don't want to go too deep into all the errors but the text is also off center unsurprisingly prior to release American Psycho was slapped with the prohibitive NC-17 rating unless it toned down one sequence and no they actually didn't have a problem with any of the scenes containing murder they were of course more concerned about sex this means that when Bateman hired the two call girls and they had that little Montage which I'm not going to show any of by the way they were forced to cut out a whole 18 seconds to get that R rating a major theme that punctuates the entirety of American Psycho is uniformity and fitting in and no scene exemplifies this better than when we first meet Paul Allen hello halberstram how the hell are you Alan has mistaken me for this Marcus halberstrom Bateman goes on to explain this is due to both of them having a pension for Valentino suits all of her people's glasses and of course Marcus and I even go to the same Barber although I have a slightly better haircut as you can see all three of these are definitely true but the ironic thing is the same thing can be said for Alan as he also wears the same Valentino suits Oliver people's glasses and even Dawn's the same haircut as the both of them though his is slightly better on the same note When Alan mistakes Bateman from Marcus at the party Marcus Merry Christmas how you been you can see the real Marcus looking around to find out who called his name [Music] because Christian Bale was so dedicated to becoming Patrick Bateman he never socialized on set and also never strayed from his American accent in fact he did such a good job as staying in character that when he arrived at the wrap party and started to speak in his native Welsh accent his co-stars were all absolutely shocked that he wasn't American in the DVD extras director Mary Herron said that during the shower sequence all the women on set gathered to watch Christian Bale wash himself must be nice man you can always be thinner look better Josh Lucas who played Craig McDermott had a pretty astonishing take on Christian Bale's acting during shooting I thought he was terrible I didn't think he was crazy I just thought he was like a bad actor all of us New York actors were looking at him like what the is he doing it was only after seeing the film that he did a complete 180 and now considers Bale one of the greatest actors ever I like to dissect girls did you know I'm utterly insane even though more than half the budget was spent on purchasing music there were still a couple issues that money couldn't solve for one Whitney Houston straight up refused to let them use their performance of The Greatest Love of All so they ended up skirting that problem by using an orchestral Arrangement when it came to Huey Lewis and his song Hit to be square he agreed to license out the song but then two weeks before the movie's release they contact him saying they want to include it on the film's official soundtrack Lewis's concern was that the soundtrack was set to include his song one other and then a bunch of background music and a couple of Bateman's monologues he thought well that's they're essentially just reselling my song along with sounds for the movie so he politely declined at the same time Coke records assuming it was a foregone conclusion had already shipped out a hundred thousand soundtracks to retailers and thus had to recall and destroy all the copies likely out of anger and frustration Coke records president Bob Frank gave a statement blaming the recall on Lewis's objection to the violent nature of the movie obvious lastly a blatant lie as if he actually hated the violence why the hell would he have licensed out the song in the first place upon receiving confirmation from the studio that they had finally chosen him for Patrick Bateman there was just one thing left for Christian Bale to do meet the author of the book Brett Easton Ellis and get a seal of approval Ellis described how the meeting quickly devolved into the most unnerving lunch of his entire life as Christian Bale didn't show up as Christian Bale but rather came totally in character dressed like Patrick Bateman speaking like him and with the same vacant stare you see in the film it all eventually became too much for Ellis to handle and he was forced to ask Bale to cut it out would you like to hear the specials not if you want to keep your spleen foreign used on Paul Allen's business card is called copperplate Gothic and is actually the same font that appears in the title sequence and the credits [Music] oh my God it even has a watermark before American Psycho Christian Bale surprisingly admitted I had never gone to a gym in my life this film marked the first of many physical Transformations that Bale would undergo in his career and he hated every second of it he explained I swear it's true that the bigger muscles get the fewer brain cells you have but I guess that's to be expected from someone who went from never working out a day in their life to immediately hitting the gym for three hours a day every day and similar to how he followed in Bateman's footsteps concerning the workouts Bale also adopted his morning routine for the entirety of filming I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older despite the fact that American Psycho was the rocket fuel that propelled Christian Bale to stardom when he first got offered the role everyone warned him not to take it they cited Anthony Perkins in Psycho saying that once you play a villain like that people simply won't be able to get that image out of their head and it's not like the pushback only came from people who thought they were looking out for his best interest as Bale admitted he received death threats for agreeing to take on such a divisive role yet all this only served to make Bale even more committed and ironically a few years later when Bale was thinking of taking on the role of Bruce Wayne the same thing happened again and people said oh no don't take that you'll be Typecast and you'll never get anything else just goes to show you how far trusting your guts and not listening to other people can take you I have to return some video tapes I understand these next few tidbits don't mean anything and we're totally unintentional but I still found them entertaining nonetheless as you know Christian Bale eventually became Batman and Jared Leto eventually took on the role of the Joker and Bale kills him in American Psycho I know it's stupid but there's also the fact that Christian Bale's timing and aim have seemingly always been pretty damn good and his get up when sitting on the couch also makes an appearance in The Dark Knight Rises final one the American Psycho novel contains two typos wherein Bateman is misspelled as Batman [Music] during the ND sequence of American Psycho a sign on the wall reads this is not an exit as you would have it these are actually the last words of the novel part of what makes this such a great adaptation is that much of the dialogue was taken word for word from the book this is a real beehive of activity however strandless place is hot very hot there is an idea of a Patrick Bateman some kind of abstraction but there is no real me I'm into uh well murders and executions mostly although much of the dialogue was taken word for word from the novel The violence was massively toned down I've honestly only read a couple passages and in comparison it literally makes the film look like a Sunday morning cartoon it's got him killing children descriptions of Mutilation cannibalism necrophilia it's super up and similar to how Bateman describes music or his morning routine the depictions of torture and Gore are just as heavily detailed the book was so bad that it was banned for five years in Germany and in Australia it comes shrink wrapped and is only available if you're 18 or older I can't even imagine what a truly faithful adaptation of the book would look like they'd probably have to invent a new rating for that as you are hopefully unaware a direct to video sequel titled American Psycho 2 was released in 2002 it actually starred Mila Kunis who ends up becoming the new Patrick Bateman after murdering him as a child but the weird thing is the movie was never even supposed to be a sequel in the first place it was originally called the girl who wouldn't die though after seeing some resemblance to American Psycho they thought let's just make a scene where she kills Patrick Bateman and call it a sequel suffice to say it was doomed from the start receiving an impressively bad score of zero percent on Rotten Tomatoes and when a third American Psycho was intoxic being made all Mila Kunis could say was please somebody stop this thank you all for watching I hope you enjoyed it if you did don't forget to leave me a like And subscribe for more content like this alright till next time have a great day everyone [Music]
Channel: The Why
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Id: aN-oDzt5mQk
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Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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