30 Biggest Animals Ever Captured !

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some animals are huge but that doesn't mean they're easy to find in fact many of the giant animals you're about to see have very little information oh my god that's because they like hiding way too much that's why we compiled some of the freakiest and weird looking creatures for you so make sure you subscribe and hit that little bell icon for guaranteed safety from these massive creatures here are 30 of the largest animals ever caught on camera giant lion [Music] some people are born daredevils and don't ever shy away from danger just like this man who has been so used to being around lions that when he had to encounter a whopping 660 pound lion even if he's used to them imagine being near a lion almost as big as you you never know when these beasts might get angry huge swan when it comes to swans they're notorious for attacking whenever they like but when this huge one approached a woman just adoring swan chicks she thought it was best to run for her life than to admire nature's wonders not just that just look at how angry it is too manta ray gentle giants usually live in the sea and this poor manta ray got stuck in a net it would have died if it weren't for the beachgoers who helped the ray get back into the water considering its size it took about six people to lift it up and push it back into the water what a rescue giant snail [Music] a gardener's worst nightmare is snails but that's probably because they never knew about giant african snails moreover they're actually illegal in some places they were so annoying and unwanted that the us government spent a million dollars just to eradicate them they're not too dangerous but if you're squeamish seeing this gooey creature would easily scare you big fish [Music] this sunfish probably makes you think of an elegant and easy flowing fish but you'd be wrong they're actually humongous creatures and go through the most extreme size growth of any vertebrate these divers had the uh pleasure of meeting this open mouth and vertical fin fish they look like little toys in front of the fish just another reason to stay out of the ocean brown bear [Music] some giant animals are seen by accident while others are stars take brody the bear for example this kodiak bear was born huge when he was just 8 weeks old he weighs almost 10 pounds he was on the cover of national geographic magazine moreover he also got to spend a day with muhammad ali and also got to travel the world can you believe a giant bear is living our dream life muhammad ali giant otters [Music] regular otters are very cute in fact they even hold hands when they swim but giant otters are a whole different breed remember the caimans we told you about well this family of otters defeated a huge one in a gruesome fight if they can fight this monster imagine what they can do to humans to top it all off they have amazing teamwork skills making them all the deadlier giant spider [Music] goliath bird eater that's the name of this spider if that doesn't tell you how this spider is then let us tell you this creepy crawler has an 11 inch leg span and a deadly venom in it that kills the organs of its victims this one right here gobbles down an unsuspecting lizard to satisfy its hunger you can see how it hunts in action now [Music] black caiman crocodiles are scary enough on their own but you haven't seen their cousin on steroids we present to you the black caiman a couple of tourists found a gigantic 13-foot cayman resting underwater they weren't tepid enough to go into the water and disturb it so they used a selfie stick to film underwater the largest one ever caught was about 20 feet long but this one is an incredible runner-up too [Music] giant centipede four legs are fine because that could be a puppy right but anything more than that spiders beetles and well giant centipedes of our beloved amazon this guy is just letting it walk all over him but does he know that they have sharp claws in their head filled with venom that can paralyze a human in seconds coconut crab coconut crabs are the largest land dwelling crustaceans on earth and this is just plain proof other than size they're also very fast but don't worry they're not too keen on human flesh they look like coconuts no wonder their claws are so thick they like coconuts no wonder their claws are so thick the only thing you should be worried about is their cannibalistic instincts sometimes they'll eat their own discarded limbs or their own kind all to survive tortoise if this tortoise wasn't moving you'd mistake it for a big boulder this is another one of nature's gentle giants however unfortunately only a few of them are alive today a few centuries ago there were hundreds of thousands but now only a saddening 15 are left a fully grown tortoise can grow up to six feet long and almost a thousand pounds imagine having to carry them giant green anaconda [Music] can you bolt through the water like usain unfortunately this giant green anaconda can when we say giant we mean 30 feet in length and 550 pounds other than that they have a bite force of 400 psi enough to crush a jaguar into mush just look at how it was lurking around in the water in there they're invincible if you ever encounter one run to land because that's where they're weak that is if they don't already have you in a chokehold full the pleasures of city life are that you don't have to deal with pesky animals unless you live near this couple who are crazy enough to keep this jaw-dropping 1600 pound and cole watusi bull as a pet they're known for their huge horns that can be used to stab a person right in the stomach but only if you don't train them well moose [Applause] moose are huge animals and we knew that but just how big they are is what the internet did not know until they saw this video a man was driving in anchorage in alaska and saw this huge moose walking in the middle of the road to put things into perspective look at how titan-like it looks when a car passes by big jake largest horse the average size of a belgian horse is about 68 inches but one of them broke all expectations and jumped to a whopping 82 inches big jake became famous all over the world in 2010 after he was crowned with the tallest horse in the world by guinness world record despite its huge size the horse is still elegant as ever now this honorable horse lives in retirement probably munching on the best day out here in poynette wisconsin before we move on here's a quick challenge for you if you can leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and turn on the notifications in less than 5 seconds you will have 10 years of amazing luck hurry up and try it it actually works huge pig there are very few people that find pigs cute or even petable but once you look at this huge gross looking pig you won't look at them the same way this pig was eaten by the farmer chen chang-sung who raised him this one weighed a whopping 2 118 pounds the reason this pig was so fat isn't that it's some sort of genetic disorder he was just really lazy he'd eat and just nap shoe bill stork the first thought that comes to anyone's head when they look at this bird is wow that's an ugly bird let's go beyond looks here it's apparently five feet tall with a wingspan of six and a half feet it has a weird death stare that'll scare you right off but the worst of all is its huge beak that acts as a deadly spear huge sheep when some animals are left alone they thrive not sheila the sheep though this sheep ran away for a year or two until someone discovered it on the side of the road that's when the original owner saw sheila in her 48 pound wool coat the farmer thought it would break the world record however he miscalculated a little but still what a weird phenomenon big harpy eagle a bald eagle is very well known after all it's the national bird of the u.s but the lesser-known cousin is the harpy eagle this giant beast was caught by two farmers after kept munching and gobbling down on their livestock they're the largest eagles in the world with 5-inch long claws so obviously they have a big appetite when they're hungry they can prey on species as big as monkeys sloths and even deer have you ever thought a bird could do that bald eagle there's no way we talk about the big harpy eagle without talking about its cousin known for its bright white plumage brown body and hooked yellow beak the bald eagle is most often seen swooping low and catching a fish with its powerful claws but we don't see often is it hunting squirrels or rabbits and cities this big guy was caught on tape munching down its catch right in front of this building in brooklyn new york look how calm it is going about its business not minding the onlookers a bald eagle's wings measure about two meters or seven feet that's more than the height of an average 17 year old boy wonder how long this eagle's wings measure goliath frog [Music] giant isn't a word you'd use to describe a frog but with the goliath frog things are what they used to be imagine finding one of these in your room i totally freak out they look like something you get if a witch transformed a prince into a frog i wouldn't want to kiss one of them to find out though they are the largest frog species in the world you can find one of these in african countries like cameroon where mr andy j frogman kaufman got his and aims to breed the largest one on the planet this one is probably way too domesticated the poor lad can pick up a worm lying right in front of him you could keep these critters as pets because they don't make those annoying mating sounds other frogs make kane carso what would you do if you were standing next to a 110 pound drool dripping dog well unlike you and many others this kid is patting the dog on its back lucky for me it's their family dog and king corso seem to be good with kids check out how big the dog's head is compared to the kids if i ever come across one of those i'll keep a safe distance [Music] tibetan mastiff [Music] think king carso are big wait till i introduce you to its competitor the tibetan mastiffs this guy has even outgrown its cage it looks like a man putting on a scooby-doo costume when standing on their hind legs they could be as tall as a full grown man imagine pissing its owner off and then running into this bare looking tibetan mastiff okay stop imagining it's gonna be horrible what if you had to walk one of these dogs and it sees a squirrel or something it likes it then becomes a case of who is walking who on the bright side they are lovely dogs and make a great cuddle buddy largest pig since we're talking about giant domestic animals let's introduce you to the thirteen hundred pound pig named tickle me elmo three this pig was the winner at a pig wang championship in indiana the pig weighs as much as an indie car unfortunately tickle me elmo lost the following contest to another hog that weighed in at a little over 1300 pounds but it might just be time for him to retire to its farm and eat all the ground corn it can find largest bat [Music] with wings as wide as the stretch of both arms claws that are well adapted for clinging and a face that looks that of a dog we humans are lucky that the rumors that bats suck human blood are false the flying foxes as they are called are bats that feed mainly in fruits and plant leaves the largest wingspan recorded was 1.7 meters a true fact about them however is that they are the only mammals that have a true flight let's just hope for our sakes these bats don't keep evolving to a stage while they'll need to live up to their rumored menaces largest lizards what if we woke up and all the common lizards we have somehow transformed into these enormous ravenous poison drooling monsters we would have a lizard armageddon on our hands luckily for us these lizards are endemic to an island in indonesia with a bite force of about 600 psi they could reduce a goat to mush the largest ever recorded was 10 feet long and weighed 366 pounds to think that they'd eat something as big as a buffalo you'd agree that humans are on the menu their tails also serve as a defense mechanism that hits as hard as a baseball bat leatherback a turtle to make all these people look small it has to be humongous look at how slowly it uses its flippers to carry its half a ton body as it makes it to the sea check out how small this man measures lying next to it they are expert divers but on land they are quite vulnerable and extremely slow they have the capacity to grow up to 2000 pounds depending on how old they are largest crocodile lapu lapu the biggest crocodile from cebu philistines look at how gigantic this beast is it is so huge it could swallow a man whole lapulapu may be big but he isn't the biggest recognized croc in the world the record for the largest crocodile in captivity is held by cassius the 5.48 meters long croc that lives in marineland melanesia australia it weighs close to a ton and is one of the most fearsome of today's species largest tiger if they were to be a tiger to dwarf the siberian tiger it had to be the gondon tiger from a place that seems to have the largest of species endemic in it indonesia they weigh about 300 kilograms to 350 kilograms 600 pounds to 770 pounds twice the weight of an average siberian tiger they existed in the sunderland region of indonesia during the police diocese epic with the gondon tiger now extinct we are left with our current champion the siberian tiger that's a wrap for 20 of the largest animals ever caught on camera which one of these freaked you out the most let us know in the comments below make sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to forevergreen for more mind-blowing videos like this see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: 4 Ever Green
Views: 2,741,421
Rating: 4.851759 out of 5
Keywords: 4 ever green, top 10, huge, animals, large, big, largest animals on the planet, Largest Animals, biggest animals, biggest animals ever caught, Giant lion, Huge swan, Manta ray, Giant Snail, Big fish, Brown bear, Giant Otters, Giant spider, Black Caiman, Giant centipede, Coconut crab, Tortoise, Giant green anaconda, Bull, Moose, Big Jake, Huge pig, Shoebill stork, Huge Sheep, Big Harpy Eagle, Bald Eagle, Goliath Frog, Cane Carso, Tibetan Mastiff, Largest Pig, largest dogs
Id: XoFA8OeA_38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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