10 Mysterious Things Found Trapped in Ice

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[Music] every day we learn new things about our world new fossils are unearthed new stories come to light that change our perception of history or science over the years scientists have found many things preserved in ice in the frozen tundras of the world many of them are woolly creatures but some others are truly bizarre and boggle the mind there are some mysterious creepy and even incredible things to be found trapped in ice and because of global warming we're rediscovering a lot of them welcome to another episode of forevergreen today we're going to look at the 10 most mysterious bizarre and creepiest things found trapped in ice and make sure you stick around for number one to see the most mysterious 100 million year old mountain range number 10 mammoth brains yep we're coming in strong right at number 10. one of the weirder things discovered in ice is the brains of a woolly mammoth the mummified carcass of the 39 000 year old woolly mammoth was found in 2010 in russia and included a well-preserved brain this is one of the only species of mammoth found so well preserved the mummy mammoth was put into ice storage 93 miles away from the site but it has moved around quite a bit since then it is now on display in moscow latest studies show the mammoth was only a child about six to nine years old this short life cycle is probably why they found it in the first place it likely fell to its death immediately they were able to find the cerebellum located at the back of the brain and even see the white and gray matter of the cerebellum the forebrain was in relatively poor condition when they drilled into the animal's skull they saw that there were still remains of soft tissue while this is the first intact mammoth brain it definitely isn't the first ice age mammal to be uncovered two female woolly mammoths were uncovered in 2007 and 2009 comparing the two scientists found differences in their skeletal structure which can mean evolutionary change number nine the otsy man the otsy man also called the iceman is said to be one of the most famous humans to have been found in ice he is about 5 300 years old and interestingly a genetic ancestor to many people in austria this well-preserved body was recovered from the otzol alps between austria and italy hence his name he is europe's oldest known natural human mummy and is offered an insight into the copper age here's something cool scientists have also found a total of 61 tattoos on his body that's right this is probably the earliest evidence we have of tattoos at first scientists believe it had a spiritual meaning or cultural value but they later found it had a medical purpose we have told you some pretty amazing facts but some less amazing facts that the otsi man had acquired a number of diseases parasitic worms and had heart and arteries among everything he suffered from the most painful were gall bladder stones osteochondrosis and a joint disorder and six divas tattoos marked the areas where he had the most amount of physical deterioration it's a rare insight into understanding the reasons for tattooing in the copper age he also had an arrow in his shoulder when found and it seems he died from a blow to the skull hmm i wonder who he pissed off number eight bloody falls suffice to say we have no idea what's going on in antarctica we hear of some expeditions some labs set up researchers talk about it but quite honestly there's a lot we don't know about an entire continent sitting in the south pole one of the weird things in this place is the blood red stream that flows from the blood falls glacier no it's not really blood it's just iron rich water it's the same element that gives mars its red color located in antarctica's mcmurdo dry valleys the falls pour from taylor glacier the liquid bubbles up from fissures in the glacier's surface scientists were unsure of where the iron came from for a long time but imaging from underneath the glacier revealed a complex network of sub-glacial rivers and a lake filled with brine high in iron this makeup also explains why the water doesn't freeze but flows it looks demonic but in actuality it's just a result of geology oceanography and good old glaciology number seven children of lulia locko [Music] yeah this one isn't interesting as much as it is disturbing in 1999 three mummies were found in the summit of lulia locko a stratovolcano on the argentina chile border one is the body of a teenage girl and the other two are children believed to be around ages six and seven the children were sacrificed in an inca religious ceremony which is believed to have taken place in the year 1500 these children called children of luliaco could have been chosen for sacrifice based on their beauty or if their parents had offered them up it was usually done to ensure a rich harvest under biochemical analysis the teenager's hair yielded a record of what she ate and drank in the last two years of her life it seems these children were selected a year before their sacrifice their hair showed traces of coca and alcohol most likely given to induce altered states associated with the sacred it probably worked on a practical level too to sedate the young children before placing them five feet underground and leaving them to die the freezing temperatures in dry air is likely what helped preserve their bodies so well that's pretty grim you know what let's look at something cool now number six a 25 million year old lake with life in 2012 russian scientists drilled into more than two miles of ice in the frozen landscape of antarctica and they found a lake lake vostok is the continent's biggest sub-glacial lake and yes we know it sounds like something that shouldn't exist how did it not freeze over what's weirder is that the scientists found alien life or at least something like it they found bacteria completely unlike the kind we're familiar with but some have said it's because the drilling fluid tainted the specimens the same team went back in 2015 to drill again and the scientific world still wasn't convinced there was anything odd about the bacteria what did they want for proof a plague they found another mysterious bacteria and still weren't done i guess they really did want a plague so they went back in 2016 they found another lake buried under the antarctic ice sheet similarly isolated like the lake vostok and with potential to harbor life yeah nothing good can come from this let's keep those things buried in ice number 5 siberian ice maiden also called the princess of uukoc the siberian ice main is a mummy of a woman from the 5th century bc and was discovered in 1993 on the ucock plateau close to the border of china the locals call the area second layer of heaven the maiden was representative of the pazera culture which thrived between the 6th and 2nd centuries bc the remains were found undisturbed in a subterranean burial chamber and she was moved to a museum shortly after after some studies researchers have said she was 20 to 30 years old when she died and have suggested breast cancer combined with injuries from a fall as likely reasons for her death but here's something interesting they found tattoos on her too the princess had tattoos covering her arms representing mythological animals like deer and panthers they found the remains of two warriors not far from her and they too had matching symbols it is possible that these tattoos are a sign of status not just in our world but in the after world too number four frozen ice age puppies hunters searching for mammoth tusks were drawn to the riverbank when they saw an ice age puppy snout poking out from under the permafrost its skin fur and internal organs were all intact so it was taken and kept preserved in russia's northeast region of yakutusha this find helps scientists understand and reshape their idea of ice age canines and the origin of domesticated dogs scientists dated the animal to be around 12 460 years old and preliminary studies hinted that these puppies had been butchered and burnt which could point to human intervention in one of the puppies stomach they found twigs and grass so they probably weren't strictly carnivores or they started eating grass when they began to starve of course there is a lot left to uncover about these pups but finding something as rare and delicate as ice age pups is an achievement in itself number three frozen bear and cub scientists in russia found this 39 thousand year old cave bear and its cub in a wall of ice perfectly preserved up until now only bones of cave bears were ever found the permafrost is said to have kept their tissue soft and intact through the years and scientists are optimistic about finding the dna of the extinct animal could it be a contender for de-extinction we don't know yet cave bears were a prehistoric species commonly found in eurasia about three hundred thousand to fifteen thousand years ago finding a whole bear carcass so well preserved with all the internal organs in place is definitely a stroke of luck now before we take a look at number two let's check out today's subscriber pick if you find a mysterious photo online and want us to look into it send it over and we'll investigate today's photo was sent in by a subscriber seems like a gigantic ape we scoured the internet for news reports on a finding similar to this but the largest animals trapped in ice uncovered by scientists is a mammoth and that definitely isn't one sorry buddy that photo isn't real and oh the mammoth isn't actually the largest thing ever uncovered no the largest thing ever uncovered was number two a ten thousand foot mountain range antarctica might have seemed pretty boring probably only up until you heard about the blood falls still the ice sheets that cover much of the land make the place look cold and flat but buried beneath a mile of ice is an entire 100 million year old mountain range in the early 2000s researchers spent time flying over the range covering around 74 000 miles with a ground penetrating radar to collect data and map the mountains they say the range looks like the alps and might be made of a billion year old rock that lifted into peaks between 250 and 100 million years ago to put that in perspective that's when dinosaurs were still roaming the planet given its age it should resemble the appalachians because of erosion but these look as young as ever its erosion stopped once the ice sheets in the continent got large enough no one has yet laid eyes on the mountain the deep valleys and steep ridges are still very much covered by ice but should antarctica ever melt the gambertv mountains as they were named would be the highest peaks in the continent before we check out the most interesting thing ever found trapped in ice we want to issue you a challenge in the next five seconds subscribe to the forevergreen channel and click the bell icon to be notified every time we upload a new video and you'll instantly get that phone call you've been waiting for you know the one go on it works [Music] alright let's look at number one ancient bacteria there are some forms of bacteria trapped in ice that aren't harmful to us but there are others that are downright deadly sometimes they're in the bodies of dead animals like in the case of these reindeer in 2016 thanks to global warming the carcass of a decades-old reindeer started to thaw this led to the immediate deaths of 1200 reindeer nearby and passing of the infection to 15 000 villagers in the area other times the bacteria survives and thrives all on its own these carry diseases ones we have not developed an immunity to because they are so ancient this means as the globe gets hotter more ice will melt causing these diseases that have been trapped for centuries to be released into the world again that's a good enough reason to worry about climate change i think that's it for the top 10 most mysterious things found in which one did you find the most interesting let us know in the comments below
Channel: 4 Ever Green
Views: 2,041,695
Rating: 4.8429604 out of 5
Keywords: 4 ever green, top 10, things found in ice, frozen in ice, found frozen in ice, mysterious things, bizarre things found in ice, strangest things found frozen in ice, Ancient Bacteria, animals found frozen in ice, creepiest things found in ice, unsettling things found in ice, preserved in ice, creepy things found frozen in ice, frozen in time, bizarre things found frozen in ice, mysterious things found, things found in permafrost, mountain under glacier, ancient animals
Id: Bk5wtG5BUvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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