3 Worst Cars Only Stupid People Daily Drive

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you might think a bmw is a good car to buy yes they are packed full of modern technology but that's the reason i tell people not to buy these bmws because under the hood are layers and layers of technology and as you can see the hood struts don't even work anymore those are broken so we'll get our plastic stick out yeah old technology for new technology let's take this bmw as an example and a pretty much a sterling example of the high technology and the problems they have this is the 2008 335 i it is all the bells and whistles it's a straight six cylinder engine but it puts out 300 horsepower using technology it's an inline six common old design it has two turbochargers on it to make it have power and if they go bad and bad they do the turbochargers are over three thousand dollars apiece over two thousand dollars labor so you're looking at over eight grand if they go bad now the original owner of this car paid forty five thousand dollars up for this thing and my customer bought it for thirteen five and it had like forty thousand miles on it so you think oh what a deal well the price alone tells you it's not a deal before he met me he said scotty i thought i was getting a deal but then every time i take it it's a thousand dollars for this two thousand dollars for that now yes they are maintenance heavy vehicles it costs a lot of money to maintain anybody who actually knows how to work on these has to have some extremely sophisticated equipment that cost a ton of money and as far as i'm concerned a lot of it has to do with the overuse of plastics in these things one of the first companies use plastic for just about everything with these bmws it doesn't matter the mileage age destroys the plastics heat of the engine under the hood the stuff cracks and comes apart if you ever have to work on one of these when it gets to be older this one's 12 years old now you got to be really careful working around the engine because you can easily start snapping off plastic parts they're so brittle and then when you find these little plastic parts cost 300 500 some of them well over a thousand dollars when you include labor because you got to take half the car apart to get to them these things on the tourists are getting oil leaks around the oil filter you might think oh no big deal they're just gaskets in there well some of these things it's over a thousand dollars labor taking all the crap off to get to the stupid gasket now in the case of this particular one it's here because it's not shifting right now i have equipment for this stuff and as you can see we're now in the transmission you can check variables shifting you can check solenoids you can see what the adaptation values are even find all the code numbers so you can look it up if perhaps there's a recall for your particular vehicle most guys that have this equipment they're paying a ton for the stuff you're going to pay a ton to have your car worked on and a lot of guys won't even touch it they'll say take it to the dealer and you know what they charge at the dealer now in this case i did a lot of testing dove it around so as you can see there's a lot of data that needs to be looked at while the car is being driven i was able to do a bunch of actuation tests to see if the solenoid valves are working right and what kind of data is in it and unfortunately in the case of this one there were no error codes for the transmission the data was all relatively normal so i thought well i know how these things are i took a sample of the transmission fluid now it's a sealed transmission so even that was a pain in the butt there's no dip stick i had to go under open up some stuff and take a sample and i took it to a good friend of mine who analyzes oil he said that there was too much metal in the oil meaning parts of the transmission were starting to wear out it hasn't yet tripped any codes and the adaptations so far are normal for a 12 year old bmw but this tells me transmission's starting to wear out oil analysis is a great tool for seeing what kind of a shape a vehicle is in both engine transmission differential whatever when it's analyzed by somebody who knows what they're talking about they're going to find it out and you can know ahead of time it's a good predictor so in this case the occasional miss shift and stuff hey that's a sign of internal wear when i checked those solenoids driving around would activate them they were all working and there weren't any coats or any of them going bad starting to wear out now for this particular once 12 years old bmw offers what they call a fully remanufactured factory transmission it's about 6 500 and with labor at least at the bmw dealer that's pretty close to what the two turbos cost to go seven thousand something dollars you buy a beautiful looking car like this used you are playing with dynamite you never know what's gonna blow and when it's gonna go yes the germans put an interesting technology these lower profile tires they really handle well but being lower profile guess what in the city these things are destroyed the rims get destroyed all that stuff cost a small fortune when it goes out now that technology is fine at the racetrack because racetracks are pretty smooth they go really fast they make them well they're smooth they don't have giant potholes in them curbs that you're gonna smash into in this particular model being a beautiful convertible there are convertible modes there's a module for the convertible top fault codes you can even read the data stream of the convertible system we are talking uber uber rocket science technology even on a convertible top system for this thing now maybe you just love the technology one of these things if you really love it and have to have it take scotty's advice lease one don't buy it if you feel you can afford the lease payments you're not gonna have to repair the thing you have to worry about all that stuff something breaks they generally don't break that fast if you look at their insanely low resale value i mean this thing was well over forty thousand dollars new and when it had forty thousand miles it went for thirteen five the reason behind that low resale value and if you would have bought it new and then sold it to somebody with forty thousand miles and lost thirty something thousand dollars on the deal you'd have wished hey i should have leased that thing i shouldn't have bought it now i do have to say i have customs with bmws that are totally happy with the cars but most of them are doctors lawyers they lease the vehicle under a business scenario where it's pre-tax money so they don't have to pay tax on some of their salary or the business itself is leasing it and they're getting the car for free what do they care when their doctors and lawyers have tons of money and two it's a business write-off but if you're counting your pennies and you're thinking about why one of these things used my advice is just keep saying to yourself endless money pit endless money pit endless money pit auto mechanic friend years ago met an auto parts store one day and he said hey look at this great deal i got on his bmw for one of my customers he didn't want me to fix it anymore so he sold it to me at a really good price well the problem with my friend there was he mainly worked on american cars he didn't know that much about bmws i saw him about a year later and i said how's that bmw working out for he said that plastic piece of crap i got rid of it last month i couldn't stand it anymore all the plastic stuff kept breaking the parts cost a fortune i'll never buy another one of those and this is a mechanic granted he worked mainly on american cars he liked to look at a bmw convertible and thought oh what a cool car but in the long run not so cool and if you're thinking about getting a diesel bmw here in the united states realize hardly anybody knows how to work on the things and of course the parts cost a small fortune but they are probably the most complex diesel systems out there when i get them in here invariably after i scan it tell the customer well here's what we're going to start with they say ah i'm just going to get rid of the thing i'm sick of this car anyways now yes they are beautiful cars but sometimes beauty can be deceiving 2008 mercedes-benz slk 55 amg v8 engine although it's really dirty today what kind of shape is it in customer wants to know he said it for three years hasn't put any money in it yet is it worth putting more money into it or it's time to say bye bye now it is a fast little sports car but because of the weight and the power he gets about 13 miles a gallon in the city 19 on a highway so it's pretty much a gas hog for a tiny little car so out comes a serious scan tool plug it in as you can see it's no different than any other car you just find a plug now it's on you can see the lights are glowing we'll just turn the key on so the idiot lights are on and it's not running i'll go to mercedes automatically search you can get all kinds of information here we can tell here it's not a fake amg sometimes guys stick badges on but by the serial number this is an actual amg we'll do a system scan and away it goes and while we're waiting for the skin i mean it's the typical mercedes even though it's uh 08 and somewhat older there are switches buttons all kinds of controls here here we have the adjustments here the convertible but it's metal it's a true two-seater now when you look at the dash we can see it says it's got 78 000 miles on it you can see on the data on the top 78 096 miles no one's cheated on a speedometer on this one like people often will so this is the real mileage 12 years old so he got 78 000 miles that's a good sign scan didn't find anything wrong now it's going through a health report to see if there's any codes on anything unlike many other cars and mercedes have various steps and various levels of analytics if some clown at an auto parts store plugs a machine in this thing it says oh no it's fine there's no trouble codes that doesn't mean anything that's the tip of the iceberg there's various levels that you need these fancy machines for to really analyze one of these cars see there's red things coming up now they're all green on the other test but now there's things we're gonna look at okay let's check it out we got a lot of reds three four five six seven eight 16 26 36 37 38 4 45 48 50. so it's got 53 codes going on here let's see if any of them are serious we got problems with electronic stability program that's typical on these control module not identified can't communication is faulty that the electronic ignition switch has an under voltage the roof has voltage problem the overhead control panel can reception the controller area network that's the computer wiring system problem with the mirror automatically dimming control units supply is too low control panel faults switches closed supply voltage is too low we're getting that a lot so there's obviously some type of electrical short where it's not getting enough power short circuits and some of the lighting then there's 10 for the sam that's the signal acquisition mode then the audio system has five things i see that all the time and these audio gateway they're so complicated door module has a little problem electronic seat adjust with memory has problems convenience automatic air conditioning fan temperature sensor problem supply voltage is low but all these other ones here they're normal now what does all that say well that says it's a typical mercedes that's 12 years old it has electronic flaws so let's start it up look at some of the live data there's so much debt on these things make your head spin test engine and idle speed and here's the data it's all pretty normal nothing weird now we'll check the values at idle speed see if anything's oddball here everything's pretty normal big advantage of these machines the fancy ones like this they're color coded if there is a fault it's going to be different color it's not going to be that blue i can see that right away that they're within specs but i can look at them individually too and analyze them with what i know i don't trust the machines all the time now i do know the sound of the hood and i read up your little chrome want to turn the wheel power steering pumps groaning a little which is kind of typical on these as they age if it's not low on fluid these things often grown a little bit if you're an absolute fanatic you replace the pump but i've seen them go years and years and they whine steer fine who cares a little bit further to data signal from the cam's okay everything so far is pretty good for a vehicle of its age so let's go under the hood check that out we're all the window down so we don't get locked out we close the door that's an important thing and we'll check under the hood well we need a rub that doesn't work no hydraulics cost a fortune this costs 50 cents so stick one in your trunk there nice and solid now let's take a look under here hello look at the power steering fluid over here it's full of fluid it's not leaking so it drowns a little who cares it works fine i spent all that money on something that still works perfectly fine now as we look around other than this bird feather there must have been a cat around here somewhere it's a pretty decent shape there's no major leaks or anything front looks pretty clean there's no cracked plastic parts and being wrecked and smacked up now the headlights have a little fade on them that's typical you can polish them off if you want no it's fashion you don't get a two-seater to haul people around there's no backseat you want a cute little two-seater to toy around with for that kind of money if you don't pile the mileage on can actually be a decent toy to fool around with it's worth putting brakes on it and eventually it's going to need struts on it it rides a little bit sloppy but it's nothing outrageous now let's check the undercarriage pretty clean got those fancy tires on it no i'm not a fan of these low profile tires because they have a tendency of riding a little bit rough they handle great but they ride a little rough and they cost a fortune when they finally go out a galadan wagon or mercedes g wagon now they've been making these things for a long time since 1979. people used to import them to the united states and germany because they didn't sell them here but they had sold them here and strangely enough from 2013 to 2015 they actually made 69 pickup versions of the thing now they technically call them suvs now but galadenvegan really means terrain car hey it's all-wheel drive it's set to go through some serious terrain now the original list price but the g550 was well over a hundred thousand dollars they're expensive vehicles there's no down net but look you get the chrome spare tire cover there it is you want easy access to the back well doesn't get much easier than this you can climb right in like everything else the seats fold back if you want and this baby is tall he got a lot of height in this thing now the original g wagons were handmade by magnus stare in austria and guess what they still are now it's got a big v8 engine we take some of this plastic crap out of the way fully loaded one is over 66 hundred pounds this is over a three ton vehicle with all this power and all this weight the combined rating 13 miles a gallon you're lucky if you get 10 in one of these things in town you do not buy these things for gas mileage now this one was recently purchased used the fourth owner of this vehicle they come they go if we look at the odometer got almost 148 000 miles on it and it sold for less than 20 of its original list price which is totally logical with any mercedes but especially with these they don't sell that many of them between three and four thousand a year the parts aren't cheap so mercedes are not cheap on a lower production model they tend to be even more expensive now this particular one from what the new owner tells me came from new york state doesn't surprise me i can see the corrosion now this is just superficial rust but when we go further down even the structural bolts they're starting to show some rust on them and we go to the other side hey we can see the abs system's got quite a bit of corrosion there down here and the lines coming off the brakemaster cylinder you can see they're really getting corroded that's why if you're buying a used g wagon or really any other car it's a better idea to do the opposite of this vehicle you don't want to buy a vehicle that started out in new york state and ended up in texas you would want to buy a vehicle that started out in texas and then you imported it to new york state that's a smarter move but on the positive side of this whole thing look everything's still metal even in 2012 there's a bunch of plastic crap all these parts are made out of metal the oil cooler everything's made out of metal it's not plastic even the oil filter that's hiding in here that cap comes off the cap is plastic on all the new cars not on this it's still metal the austrians have put this thing together hey they did build a solid vehicle there's no arguing that and when we go underneath this is one solid vehicle you can see it doesn't have modern cv joints it's got the old-fashioned ones made out of steel these things are solid and of course when we go to the back side it's a big solid rear end these are hefty vehicles but again since i lived in new york state check this out some of these components on the frame and stuff hey they're rotting away they got some rust on them that kind of amazes me about the germans their internet corrosion stuff it isn't what it should be my mother lives in buffalo she's got a toyota corolla six years older than this doesn't have any of that rust on it they actually did the rust proofing better than the germans did so if you're looking at a used german car you really gotta check for rust really they just don't do the corrosion inhibitors in the past at least companies like toyota and honda did that don't have the resting problem and now comes the real test the electronics test got the old scan tool hooked up we're gonna see what's really inside this thing i think it'd be alphabetical but it's not there mercedes is first figure that one out we'll do a little diagnosis here it's gonna take a while because there's a lot of stuff that these things scan as you can see it's only nine percent done now well it's getting there it's at 93 percent so far it's found a lot of codes we're going to count them up when it's done lots of fall codes so we're going to count them all five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 41 42 43 44 45 separate trouble codes now granted some of them are related to each other but this is typical when i get any of these german cars when they get to be the age of this thing they're going to have problems up the wazoo some of them you'll live with and some of them you can't live with i'm going to look at a few of the more serious ones here such as the electronic transmission control it's got a code for the voltage on the terminals low can communication with other control modules is impossible meaning there's a problem with either the wiring or the computer modules to the transmission the electronic stabilization which is a big deal has problems signal is implausible or lost steering angle sensor is now these are big tall vehicles they put all that stuff in them so they don't tip over well this system obviously is not working right it costs a fortune to repair these things you have to realize you're buying one of these old things a lot of those systems aren't going to work correctly anymore it has a problem with a signal activation module and it's got all kinds of problems with the wiring for the beams realize on this thing even the headlights are controlled by computers these things just will drive you nuts if you want a perfect car eleven taxis like me the automatic air conditioning has problems too and that's a big deal here so you have to realize buying any used mercedes is a big gamble to begin with but one of these g wagons you are looking at an electronic rat's nest as they age just to take a perfect example i showed you some corrosion on the vehicle all that wiring has wiring connectors on it you get a little bit of corrosion on any of those wires it'll start giving weird feedback to the computer and you can get a lot of codes like that so if you want a vehicle that's perfectly operating you would spend the same amount of money paid for the car in order to fix all those things so realize if you're gonna buy a g-wagon especially used one you can't have it to impress people about how rich you are because you'll probably be spending a bunch of your money fixing it if you keep it for years and put some serious mileage on them these are not cheap to repair or maintain vehicles so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that bell [Music] you
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 328,786
Rating: 4.8547549 out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, bad cars, bad cars not to buy, bad cars to buy, car advice, car brand, car brands, car buying, cars you should stay away from, terrible cars, worse, worst, worst cars, worst cars to buy, worst cars to own, 3 worst cars only stupid people buy, worst used cars, worst used car, used cars, used car, bad used cars, daily driver, daily drive, cars not to daily drive
Id: Tks2STmtyeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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