3 Ways We Use Potatoes

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hello welcome to tell us what you made the show where we each make one dish with one common ingredient or theme then we get together compare notes and see if you learn anything this episode inca andrew and i all made different dishes using potato hi everyone hello hi alvin i'm gonna go first so this is what i made i made crispy roast potatoes with candied bacon and a brown butter vinaigrette so this recipe for context is inspired by a recipe that inca's brother actually made for a potluck once it blew me away the first time i had it and this is my interpretation of what i remember my brother made it out to about to eat so i'm throwing a lot of these yukon baby gold potatoes in a pot and just going to boil them until they are fork tender there was a lot of them i had two bags and after that i just boil them until a knife pierces them there's no resistance when poked like me anyways i'm taking these out letting them cool on a tray so the water was salted and as these dry out the salt i think dries out the exterior a little more making the skins extra dry and primed for roasting greatness look at that steam that's nice did you start the water cold i did because i am lazy no i think that's how you're supposed to yeah oh yeah oh it like raises the temperature of the potato more evenly rather than like shocking just the outside i love how andrew just knows now he's made so many potatoes he just knows what is good for the people oh yeah andrew can do all three of our recipes for this yeah andrew's potato king well i didn't know that so i'm glad i did something right and after that this is the candied bacon so this is two entire packs of bacon because i had a lot of potatoes it's i love bacon i love cooking it yeah all this beautiful delicious rendering fat it's beautiful and i'm straining it and saving it over some butter because i think buttered potatoes work i didn't want to do only bacon fat for these potatoes and i think you actually need quite a good amount of fat for this recipe so salt garlic butter and bacon fat into a little pyrex measuring bowl some pepper wow oof this is one of those dishes that i do not want to see being made because i know how good it's going to be but like once you see this that was a shocking visual i don't think i've seen that ever captured on film before that's what they don't show you a stick of butter in a cup with bacon fat being poured on top this is why food tastes good it's true to candy them adding brown sugar my dark brown sugar was very hard so i pounded the crap out of it until it gets nice bubbly and a little bit of water just to deglaze and bring everything together so it's nice and sticky and just beautiful and delicious i love this i love making candy bacon it's one of the best things in the world the candy bacon was my suggestion so oh is it thank you inca for adding that to the recipe i could eat this straight up like this yeah what we don't see is me eating approximately one third of this as i was preparing everything else that should be included in recipe amounts yeah it's like two packs of bacon parentheses you will eat thirty percent one don't worry yeah so now the potatoes are a little more cool to the touch the skin has dried out a little bit i'm using the same measuring cup with all the goodness to sort of crush and smash these potatoes into these round discs gosh the visual is super cool but also like if i was doing this i would totally spill the fat yeah absolutely yeah i just was like i need something heavy to press these potatoes we have a cup filled with what it's gonna be i thought it was pretty efficient so good job alvin now just drizzling this beautiful liquid gold all over these potatoes giving it a nice goodness coat because this is enough for both sides and i'm roasting them in an oven 400 to 425 really hot for quite a long time and well you know on the terms of uh more butter i'm making brown butter one of my favorite things in the world just because i had this brown butter vinaigrette at a restaurant that i loved and i wanted to try to make something similar also because i couldn't find the recipe that inka's brother used into another measuring cup goes some brown butter some nice dijon mustard some lemon juice for that acidity lemon and butter really works well potatoes some salt some pepper and some sage i like sage i think sage and brown butter is a combination oh yeah incredible classic i can this smells this probably smells so good insane i was like oh my god and i after you immersion blend it all the aromatics start to come out everything is becoming ever the whole kitchen smells insane and this like the potatoes are ready and they just like came out of the oven they're just sizzling and beautiful bubbling oh yeah and then it's time to flip this is one of my favorite parts about this oh yes you can see yes yes that is a crust so the other side also gets some time to sear and they go back in and after that's all done the whole process i think i roasted it for over an hour i think it just takes a lot of time to get that crust that glass like that you know when you scrape your fork across it you know you can hear the little tink yeah that's not the sound it means yeah i'm not good at this oh it crispy i can tell it's crew speaker yeah one second keep rolling i want to check which one's at the door if a potato comes through the door i'm gonna lose it oh my package is here yes what are we talking about you're about to do some brushing oh yes this dressing is kind of drizzled everywhere over these big plate of potatoes it's almost like a plated dish because now the candied bacon has to be sprinkled on top sprinkled on top and i chopped some chives on the side for that nice oniony chive flavor and color i think they go well with potatoes and there you have it these are crispy smashed potatoes with candy bacon brown butter vegan bread that looks crazy that's this is like the kind of stuff that you know will be a hit at like a potluck this is all anybody wants to eat it's so shiny and crispy oh i mean i know i love it it's like all of the garnishes of a salad but without the rest of the salad i believe inka you're up next tell us what you made with potatoes okay well i made a sweet potato latte welcome to inca's cafe potato coffee okay no coffee it's like latte is just milk right so it's like a sweet potato milk drink but you could you could add a shot of expression and i thought about it but then i was like okay that's a little too crazy so um but i think it would be good sweet potato is a fairly common ingredient i think in like taiwan korea for like different desserts and like drinks so this is inspired by that i've had it once well i have it a few times before there's this place in new york called take31 they do a sweet potato makgoli it's like a sweet potato rice wine thing that's really good love sweet potato so hopefully you guys will like this too all right you're ready let's do it okay starting off with some really nice sweet potatoes i like these because they're i like the sweetness they have and i also like the color it gives it's a little more like on the yellower side as opposed to orange so i'm just giving them a good rinse i don't know why i shot this i think i just wanted to show that i cleaned them dried them and then i peeled them this is just me prepping my sweet potatoes and then i just cut them up into like you know bite-sized pieces kind of just like chunky pieces didn't really matter because basically what i'm doing is just preparing them to steam and i just steamed them in a rice cooker because that's literally the easiest way to do it i just have to close the lid move to the steam function and boom look at it steamed potatoes which is something i think at our house we eat a lot of we just eat steamed sweet potatoes and so basically once it's soft enough for your chopstick or your stick to push through you're good in my blender i just throw in my potatoes which are now really soft and then i just put in some milk i like to use whole milk and then this is just a splash of maple syrup for sweetness again i'm not going too crazy on it i know some people like using brown sugar or sugar i just wanted to use maple syrup because i feel like it goes well with a sweet potato flavor blend that all up again that was a quite full blender i just realized i use my blender a lot i just blend everything look at that consistency you can see how it's like thicker now thick yeah yeah it looks like luscious yeah a little bit frothy and then i just cooked it again over the the heat kind of like reheating it almost that's basically what i'm doing also if i needed to add any more sugar and things like that this is where i taste tested it and that's it it's done this is sweet potato latte i really like it it's like really rich and creamy and i filled it up almost all the way then i topped it off with some hot milk foam how is the flavor of the sweet potato come through it's really there like you it really does taste like um think of like yeah like steamed sweet potato you really do get that flavor there but it's you know but it's mellowed out a little bit by the milk also like just for toppings i added in on like a sprinkle of cinnamon again goes well with it and topped it off with some more nuts i think there was like pistachio almond and maybe like cashews i feel like you could also do this with yams or orange the ones that you know a lot of people watching might be used to and it would taste amazing yeah i mean if i swapped it for like ube like purple sweet potato they become an ube latte i mean maybe not like potato though i don't know i don't think you want to try it with like actual potato like you know like yukon potatoes but like all other sweet potatoes it's super easy to do it's like such a great i mean now it's like summer i get a spring summer but like for winter it's such a good drink it's like hot chocolate right it's like richer creamier andrew have you tried this before no i've never had anything like this we gotta make sure you try one i'm curious what you would think but it's really good it works it sounds good i mean i i like when savory ingredients are made into sweet things you know bringing over some of that earthy quality of potato perhaps i don't know i'm imagining it and it tastes great in my imagination sweet potato recipe hey that was good that was good i got that that was i missed that one that one right over my head what just happened what just happened somebody you just have to watch the video that was my recipe next up is our potato king andrew who has been on his potato journey for a while tell us what you made this time andrew previously on the channel i made the video where i cooked through 25 pounds of potatoes and tried a lot of recipes for the first time and had a lot of fun making potatoes so for my potato recipe i picked a dish that de-emphasized the potato a little bit and i made a smashed chicken breast with a potato crust and arugula salad and this comes from the chef francis mullman i am so excited okay so for this recipe you are asked to use a skin on piece of chicken breast and normally at the grocery store if you're buying a breast on its own it's either boneless skinless or it's bone in skin on so i bought that one and then just removed the bone here as you can see i'm doing you might have seen my cat's head in the edge of frame there he was not on the table i'm i'm on this elevated cart in the kitchen tables next to it so he was sitting on that watching me he was very curious what i was doing so yeah i took the bone out i cleaned up some of the uh you know there's like a little tendon that's inside the tender of the breast so i was cleaning that up i then took a sheet of wax paper to protect the chicken from my cast iron which i used as a mallet i don't own a uh you know like one of those meat hammer things but the cast iron is good because it's a lot of surface area you can really smoosh it down and you're doing this so that the you know cooking will be a little bit more even throughout the breast because usually it's kind of like a elongated teardrop shape you know it's better at one end thinner of the other so you're evening it out for more even cooking so here's the potato the star of the video what kind of potato is it this is a russet potato one russet potato i like how we all use different kinds of potatoes i also showed off my peeler you know there's there's the peelers where it's kind of like a knife handle and then the peeler is at the end i feel like the one where the blade is perpendicular to the handle is so much easier to use here i got my mandolin and i think i'm dialing in the thickness do a couple of test slices there the recipe asks for paper thin slices of potato so after a couple attempts i get to a thickness that i like and then i jam on through the potato there i got myself that was so brave i you've got to look so tiny i don't know how you i did you can see i'm kind of like i got a little claw hand and i'm just gripping it by the very tip i'm sure one day i'll cut myself and then never do it like that again so here's the smashed breast it's seasoned with salt and pepper and some red pepper flake and then you start layering this potato on overlapping i'm just kind of mimicking how a fish looks yes what does it say yeah so the recipe also suggests using the bottom of a separateable tart pan as your flipping device i thought that i was going to flip it over like this unfortunately the potatoes stuck to it and it was a disaster oh no so instead i just put the parchment back on the top because you know later on when i go outside i need to flip the thing over so i have this outdoor space where i have this grill and uh here's some smoke coming out here's how i start my charcoal it's one of these electric loop things that's the best way to do it i got some argentinian wine because francis mullman is always drinking wine outdoors so i was like you know what i got to feel the moment and do it right channeling the energy yeah nice here i'm just kind of rearranging the coals and blowing on them to make sure that they're evenly ignited as you can see it's a lump charcoal so it's more natural getting more of a wood smoke flavor to it and so that is the cast iron flat top griddle that i got for the purpose of making the cheese crusted burrito if you remember from that video i had to get a larger flat cooking surface so that was also part of the inspiration for doing it this way i was like okay i have this large flat griddle i can take it outside and now recreate this dish the way that it originally occurs in the in the cookbook so now i'm just prepping the salad still outside here and it's pretty basic it's just some red onion some arugula and some tomatoes it's dressed very simply with some olive oil and salt i'm just tossing the arugula with this olive oil that is butter i thought it was interesting that the recipe asks you to use butter the skin of the breast is in my palm and then i peel that parchment off and then i just slap it down on the grill i cover it while it's doing its initial cook so that some of that smoke from the charcoal can wrap around and impart a little more flavor perhaps that was my thinking there and here i am checking out the underside and this whole time i was thinking should i have cut the potatoes a little bit thicker it was very hard to flip but i managed to rescue the sheet of potatoes and so then i just put that on that pie bottom and then put the chicken back on top and then i got it there eventually looks good once the skin side had had an opportunity to cook and become crisp i ended up putting it back on the potato side so that the portions of potato that had slipped out i was able to then get an even brown on all those potatoes i will say i would have been very confused if i saw somebody making this i would not have known what it was yeah and so there's the salad on the side and here i am with my chicken breasts and potato jacket it ended up being a very simple thing overall i feel like you could if you did this with a boneless skinless chicken breast the potato almost acts like a crispy skin right enhance that yeah i almost want to take it skinless and then put potato on both sides mmm i see you know i've also seen people use potato to protect like a piece of fish in the same way as like a little barrier because that's what it's really doing it's kind of serving as a barrier between the direct hot hot heat and the bare meat it was good i know i said i was trying to de-emphasize the potato but while i was eating it i was like i want four times as many potatoes because you know the the fat renders out of the skin a little bit it comes into the potato you have the smoky grill taste as well and then the salad is just very light and peppery you know with like the arugula flavor and whatnot that's that's something i would eat every day for lunch i'm curious to know what else would you have done like because that just like seeing you try to flip it like you know how like it was hard what else would you have done differently that you think would have helped with that i think the potato should have been a little bit thicker the recipe said paper thin but i think if it was a little bit thicker i don't know it was just like a little bit limp as i was flipping it if that makes sense i could also imagine that too thick and it's going to slide around yeah on itself so it's hard to say i think it's super creative like i like the i love the visual of it when you kind of like laid it out it looked really cool i just think the concept of wrapping something with that coating is so fascinating to me like for example the first thing you made like the deboning the chicken what if you had wrapped that entire log in potato you know like i just like a potato right no that's what i'm saying that would be so incredible like i just think there's so many things you could do with this concept that's really cool and i would love to see that i guess now i have to do it now you have to do it yeah so that was my smashed chicken breast with potato crust so that was our potato episode i made crispy smashed potatoes with candied bacon inca made her sweet potato latte andrew made a smashed chicken breast with a potato crust and an arugula salad on the side tell us what you guys make with potatoes leave a comment below about what dish you like to make and if you guys would like to see more of the series think about subscribing all right bye guys bye now goodbye goodbye
Channel: About To Eat
Views: 345,358
Rating: 4.9692264 out of 5
Keywords: Alvin, Andrew, Ilnyckyj, Inga, K_fe, Lam, Tell us what you made, Zhou, about to eat, about to eat alvin, about to eat andrew, about to eat inga and alvin, about to eat inga lam, about to eat potatoes, candied bacon, crispy potatoes, grilled, potato, potato crusted chicken, recipe, roast potatoes, scalloped, smashed, smashed chicken breast, sweet potato, sweet potato latte, tasty, tasty alvin, tasty alvin zhou, tasty inga and alvin, tasty inga lam, ways we use, worth it andrew
Id: 5t9A0_1tvq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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